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If you’re interested in composting but don’t know where to begin, you’re not alone. Thankfully, living in St. Louis means you have a variety of options for composting available at home.

Ways to Compost


PERENNIAL CITY | Perennial City composting serves St. Louis city and parts of the county by offering subscription services for weekly or biweekly home compost pickup. Your scraps become someone else’s treasure: Perennial City delivers them to Helt Bros. Farm in Illinois to feed heritage breed hens and nourish the soil. A full list of pricing and areas served is available at compost.perennial.city.

NEW EARTH FARM’S COMPOST STL | New Earth Farm in Old North St. Louis offers weekly and biweekly compost pickup for customers who subscribe to its Compost STL program, and it returns a bucket of compost to your door twice a year for you to use as fertilizer for your own garden soil. In addition to residential pickup, Compost STL offers compost drop-off and services for events or commercial customers. Learn more at compoststl.com.

DIY COMPOSTING | Consider DIY composting, which will provide you with an alternative to trashing your scraps and give you fresh nutrients to feed your soil. Resources abound for se ing up your composting bin outdoors, provided you have a li le space on your property to dedicate to it. If you’re low on outdoor space (or have none at all) consider alternatives like bokashi composting, which uses fermentation, or vermicomposting, which uses worms to transform your scraps into something your garden will love.

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