feat registration

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FEAT of southern Nevada Resource Fair Registration – Sunday November 20th from 11-2pm at O’Callaghan Park (95/Horizon Ridge) Resource fair participants must be set up by 10:45am Company/Organization Name

________________________________________________________________ Contact Name

________________________________________________________________ Title

E-Mail (required)

________________________________________________________________ Address

________________________________________________________________ City State Zip _____________________________________________________________________________ Phone #

(____)_________________________________ �Resource Fair Booth $50.00 Describe kid-friendly activity: ________________________________________________________________ �We would like to donate item/items for the Chinese auction Please Describe: ________________________________________________________________ Payment: Check: Please make payable to FEAT of southern Nevada Check #_________ Credit Card �Visa �MasterCard � American Express Credit Card# _______________________________CID#_______ Exp. Date ______/______ Billing zip code____________________ Name on Card__________________________________________ Signature______________________________________________ Please note all registrations and activities are subject to approval. Please send completed registration form to the attention of Jennifer Strobel at: 732-9310 (fax) or Jennifer@featsonv.org (email).

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