FEC Presentation (ENG)

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FEC Fé e Cooperação



FEC FUNDAÇÃO FÉ E COOPERAÇÃO FEC – Fundação Fé e Cooperação (the Faith and Cooperation Foundation) was set up in 1990, within the scope of the celebrations in Portugal (held between 1990 and 2000) to mark five centuries of the Catholic Church’s missionary activities. FEC at a later stage gave support to development projects in Portuguese-speaking countries, giving continuity to the relationship between communities and churches. Today, FEC is a broad platform for coordination and cooperation between the Catholic Church in Portugal and the churches in Portuguese-speaking countries, bringing together bishops, dioceses, parishes, missionary institutions, volunteers, communities and civil society working on cooperation in development, education for development and social advocacy. As a Catholic organisation, FEC sees Faith as the inspiration behind its interven-

INDEX FEC | 2 Mission | 2 Vision | 3 Values | 3 Principles | 3

tion, and an instrument which enables communication, dialogue and bringing people and communities closer together. FEC has an unflinching respect for all creeds, religions and cultures, and at the core of its action are the values of the Gospels and the principles of the Catholic Social Teaching. FEC’s work can be summed up in the word COOPERATION. Through cooperation, in the form of solid partnerships, networking and the sharing of competencies, responsibilities and learning, FEC plays a role in bringing about greater social justice and a greater involvement of everyone in the building of a fairer society. FEC is aware of the importance of bringing in all social players in sustainable development. Therefore FEC sees cooperation as a way to social inclusion and institutional diversity, encouraging active citizenship, participation and solidarity.

MISSION Institutional Capacity Building | 6

Awareness raising and social advocacy | 10

Advocacy and the Creation of Technical Instruments | 7

Resources | 11

Fields of action | 3

Innovation and Development | 8

Cooperation for Development | 4

Education for Development | 9

FEC is a member of | 11 Main financing sources | 11 FEC Partnerships | 12 Contacts | 13

Inspired by the Gospel and by Catholic Social Teaching our mission is: To promote integral human development through cooperation and solidarity between people, communities and Churches, Our mission is the foundation of our dayto-day work, together with our partners.

Facing a growing number of demands and opportunities in a vast array of areas, we want our mission to be an instrument for discernment and decision-making. At the end of the day, FEC’s mission is the rock on which it is built and the reason for its existence.


VISION Building a new humanity where each and every one of us can live with dignity and justice. Our vision inspires us, it spurs us on and it brings us together with one common objective. We know that we live in a particular framework, both locally and globally. It is complex and full of challenges, but we believe in a process of social construction and transformation where each one of us can move step by step towards the place

FIELDS OF ACTION that we all have a right to be. Our society is in a state of constant flux as it evolves, but we believe that each and every one of us can create his or her own future, be the builder of and play a part in a fairer society. Our investment is in mobilising people, communities, institutions and resources; and we believe in networks, initiatives, integrated projects and innovative ideas, leading to a society that is profoundly human.

FEC carries out its mission in two fields: Cooperation for Development Building solid and durable partnerships that ensure the sustainability of the action taken.

Education for Development and Social Advocacy Mobilising Portuguese society by raising awareness of the need for social justice and sustainable development.

VALUES Dignity

Subsidiarity and Participation

We believe in the intrinsic dignity of each and every human being, regardless of gender, ethnic origin, religious or political beliefs or the social strata they come from.

We believe that each and every human being should be an agent of change and that civil society should act in the common interest.

Social Justice

Global Solidarity and Citizenship

We believe that each and every human being should have his or her basic needs provided and that the share of common goods and resources can become a reality.

We believe that what is needed is a growing co-responsibility between citizens, translating into solidarity, social mobilization and new ways of living.

PRINCIPLES Partnerships and Networks

Professionalism and Transparency

We believe that only through joint work in a partnership and as a network can we travel along the path of development.

We believe that being in the service of the poorest demands professionalism and transparency.

Sustainability We believe that economic, social and environmental responsibility is indispensable to ensure a common future.


COOPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT ANGOLA EDUCATION “It is also lovely to know how to write your name and get a letter from your relatives when they are far away. With time I also want to help my children with their schoolwork. As it is, I feel ashamed that I can’t help.” Antónia Ancedo, 38, Trainee from the Agostinho Neto Community

Primary Education Between 2004 and 2006, the dioceses of Huambo, Lubango and Malanje worked with FEC to improve the quality of teaching in Angola. Rising to this challenge meant putting various programmes into place for teachers and heads of primary schools, through the Programme of Support for Primary Education in Angola.

Literacy training and civic education in 2009, the Diocese of Luena challenged FEC to support its work on literacy to youngsters and adults in the province of Moxico. With the project Education in Motion (2008-2012), we monitored 172 classes in literacy training encompassing around 4,400 youngsters and adults, bringing in 3,427 people to community meetings and awareness raising sessions in citizenship and human rights; we put together and published manuals and brochures; and we took 20 suitcases full of reading and other didactic material to 9 schools and 2 literacy centres. With the project Sustainable Education (20102012), we gave training to 29 people in architectural techniques and better construction with traditional materials. The Diocese of Luena continued on its own with these activities.

HEALTH Health for mothers and children | 2009 – 2014. Health checks for mothers and children in the health centres of the Catholic Church in Angola, involving the collection of data on Catholic health units, health centres and hospitals across the country and the creation of an online data base with geo-references. The first phase of this project won 2nd prize in

good practices in social responsibility from SinAse, in the category of social work, awarded in 2012. | 2012 – 2014. FORVIDA – empowerment of human resources in the health field in Angola. We focused on bolstering the technical skills of 150 nurses and midwives and 75 managers of 75 health

centres in the provinces of Luanda, Benguela, Huambo and Bié and in the culture of coordination and sharing between the

public health and Catholic sub-systems in Angola.

GUINÉ – BISSAU EDUCATION “Training was very important in my life, because through this training I changed the way I fitted in with my children and related to them, helping parents to be part of their children’s lives. We are not only educating the children (...), we are also educating the parents, getting them to learn what children really need. (...) The parents now know what is meant by children’s rights.” Tuquinha Nhaga, trainee

reference to teaching methods, the legal situation, management, administration and communications.

Integrated Education Since 2000 FEC has been working in education, having been invited by the Portuguese government and the Catholic Church in Guiné-Bissau. On 14 January 2001, FEC began to work with teachers and school managers in nursery schools in three regions: Bafatá, Oio and Cacheu.

Pre-school Education and employability | 2009 – 2014. Bambaram di Mindjer – Enhancing skills among women and capacity building in children’s education. Since 2008 the Diocese of Bissau, Caritas in Guiné-Bissau and FEC have been working to give the children of Guiné-Bissau a better chance of an education. We trained and monitored 12 private and community kindergartens in school management in the administrative and teaching fields; we developed the dynamics of teaching and we acquired materials for 1,700 children between the ages of 3 to 6. We ensured that at least 55% of the girls could go to kindergarten; and we gave advice to the teaching team and the management on the professional course for nursery teachers with

| 2012 – 2016. Integrated Education Programme. After various project cycles (2001 – 2012), we brought together the partners, financiers and communities to work across the country in nursery education, junior school and secondary education, in school management and administration, with education professionals, communities and political decision makers to highlight the fact that education was a way of fighting poverty. We trained and monitored 600 «mamés» (mothers) and nursery teachers, 1,800 junior school teachers, 600 teachers in secondary education, 500 school managers and management committees; we carried out awareness-raising sessions for 303 parents, community leaders and


State bodies to integrate children in preschool classes and the transition to junior education (protection/rights, education, health, water and sanitation); we created and fostered kitchen gardens at schools; we created a portfolio of local trainers in nursery education, junior education, secondary teaching and management and administration of schools; and we built local community structures for the education of the young.

Rights and Inclusive Education | 2012 – 2015. Bambaran di Mininu – National Observatory for Children’s Rights in Guiné-Bissau. Having the right to be a person is a victory, above all when you are «knee-high» to an adult. In 2011, the Caritas organisation in Guiné-Bissau challenged FEC to support

the reinforcing of a national identification network, to accompany and articulate families and communities where children’s rights were being violated. The aim is to work with the Children’s Hospital in Bôr, the national network of 24 Centres for Undernourishment and the Bambaran Home for Children to boost basic health care, to ensure nutritional guidelines and to give shelter to children who have been subject to violence. The work is being carried out in conjunction with the Institute for Women and Children run by the State of Guinea. Around 40% of the children in the Bambaran Home have special educational needs. FEC is at the moment putting together proposals for the creation of an inclusive kindergarten which will take children both with and without special educational needs.

MOZAMBIQUE HEALTH Since 2009, FEC has been working on health through education, focusing on reinforced coordination with local partners Health for mothers and children and education for health | 2010 – 2012. Maternidade Sem Risco (Risk-free maternity), based on houses for mothers (Casas das Mães) in Gabú and Bafatá, run by the branch of Caritas in Guiné-Bissau, with visits to villages aimed at improving access to health care for young mothers and infants and access

to care in the struggle against HIV/AIDS, malaria and other illnesses found widely in Guiné-Bissau.

| 2011 – 2013. Community based processes for development in fragile states – a pilot scheme in Guiné-Bissau. FEC, VIDA and the Faculty of Medicine of Porto University worked together to combat neglected transmissible diseases in the region of Cacheu, focusing on health, education and research.

FEC has been supporting partners in Mozambique since 2000 and has had a local office there since 2011. We offer what we

have to partners: skills, the ability to analyse data and to pick out opportunities.

EDUCATION, HEALTH AND RURAL DEVELOPMENT Since 2000, FEC has been bolstering the work of partners in education and health through models conceived for action in education and health and, in an integrated way, in the search for financing for new actions, and in the integration of volunteers and human resources. | 2013 – 2015. RUFARO – An integrated project to reduce poverty in the Dondo region in the province of Sofala. The

Mozambique foundation FLVIDA began to work with FEC in 2010, the challenge being to galvanise rural development activities among families in Dondo. The partnership came up with a sustainable model for making agro-forestry a profitable enterprise, covering also health care for around 66 families in the Dondo neighbourhood, totalling 439 adults and 200 children, with an impact on 370 families in a region with a population of 2,461.



INSTITUTIONAL CAPACITY BUILDING Since the very beginning, our purpose in working with partner countries has targeted the reinforcement of skills in or-

ganisations, both by carrying out projects which are exclusively focused on this area or through projects that are transversal.

ORGANISATIONAL CONSULTANCY AND MANAGEMENT OF PROJECT CYCLES ANGOLA “Among the interesting things, which I see as important, one of the first and foremost is the relationship that is built. A sense of trust between institutions. This would be an attested fact that we could replicate for other partners that Caritas works with. The straightforward approach and the transparency in the way activities are undertaken are exemplary.” Eusébio Guengo – Deputy Director of Caritas Angola

2011 – 2012. Projecto Twendela Kumwe (which means “We travel the road together” in the Umbundo language) is a project with nationwide scope in terms of institutional capacity building with Caritas Angola in areas of strategic planning, human resources management, financial control and communication.

We have been monitoring the way proposals are put together since 2005, along with raising funds and following through on projects in close cooperation with financiers and partners in technical areas. In 2011, we organised Training in account-

ing and finance with the adaptation and implementation of financial management tools, in partnership with Caritas Guiné-Bissau and the Project Committee of the Dioceses of Bissau and Bafatá.

MOZAMBIQUE | 2000 – 2003. The first steps were taken in 2000 on a three-year project covering various countries. The aim was to enhance the quality of broadcasting and the network tasks of the Catholic radios in Portuguese-speaking countries. In this context, Mozambique saw a three-year development of capacity building activities in a number of Catholic community radios, the aim being to build a national association of Catholic radios.

| 2012 - 2014. Fund-raising for setting up the Maputo unit of the Mozambique Universidade Católica. | 2011 – 2015. Institutional capacity building for the Fundação Moçambicana FLVida through the definition of financial and administrative procedures, logistics, agriculture and forestry techniques, and training and tutoring for staff at the organisation.

MONITORING AND EVALUATING PROJECTS From the very start, we monitored and evaluated projects in the fields of health, education/training, food security and human rights in Angola (2003), Guiné-Bissau

(2002) and Mozambique (2011). We worked with specialists on the basis of partnership or services rendered. 6


ADVOCA CY ANDTHE CREATION OF TECHNICAL INSTRUMENTS PARTICIPATION IN WORKING GROUPS ANGOLA From 2010 - Comissão Episcopal da Saúde da Conferência Episcopal de Angola e São Tomé (The Episcopal Health Committee of the Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé). In 2013 – Monitoring the routine of multidisciplinary activities in maternal and infant health - the responsibility of the

Angolan Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation. From 2013 - Comité Técnico de Acompanhamento das Mortes Maternas e Infantis (The specialist committee to monitor death in childbirth and infant mortality) – the responsibility of the Angolan Ministry of Health.

GUINÉ-BISSAU From 2011 - Grupo Técnico de Apoio as Reformas Sectoriais Educativas (Support group for sectoral reforms in education) – the responsibility of the Guiné-Bissau Ministry of Education. In 2011 - Atelier sobre a Pequena Infância

(Workshop on early childhood) – the responsibility of the Guiné-Bissau Ministry of Education and UNICEF. From 2010 - Grupo Local de Educação – the responsibility of the Guiné-Bissau Ministry of Education.

2013 – Putting together training programmes, teaching materials and in-house texts for courses in on-going training in care for mothers and young children’s health destined for nurses, midwives and managers, in collaboration with the Escola Superior de Enfermagem São Francisco das Misericórdias (the St.

Francis of Divine Mercies Upper School for Nursing) Caritas Angola and the Angolan Ministry of Health. 2013 – Start on putting together a Policy Paper on Good Practices in On-going Training of RHS in Angola.

GUINÉ-BISSAU 2013 – Technical assistance in an assessment of the quality of literacy courses developed by the NGO TESE in the project Rede de Escolas Luz Bin (The Luz Bin Network of Schools). 2012 - Policy Paper - A arma da esperança na Guiné-Bissau: Educação Para Todos. Contributos da Igreja Católica 2005-2007 (The weapon of hope in Guiné-Bissau: Education for All. Contributions from the Catholic Church 2005-2007). 2011 – Production of Orientações Curriculares para a Educação de Infância – Formação integral da criança até entrada no ensino básico (Guidelines for Early Learning – Integral Training for the child up to entry into junior school)

– the responsibility of the Guiné-Bissau Ministry of Education, in collaboration with UNICEF, INDE, PASEG, Portuguese Cooperation and FEC. Desde 2008 - Production of study plans and programmes for a course for Nursery School teachers (at BA degree level – bacharelato para licenciatura), in collaboration with the Comissão Interdiocesana de Educação e Ensino (Interdiocese Committee for Education and Teaching), the Congregação das Servas de Nossa Senhora de Fátima (The Congregation of the Handmaids of Our Lady of Fatima) and the Escola Superior de Educação Maria Ulrich (Maria Ulrich Upper School of Education).


INNOVATION AND DEVELOPMENT REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE In FEC we believe in the 3Rs in terms of project development. We think of tools to Reduce the time that cases take; we learn through the good and not so good experiences (ours and others’) so we can

Reuse the most relevant. The next stage is to Recycle everything. FEC ideas put into practice in:

ANGOLA Development and implementation of the portal GeoCooperação – an online data base with geo-referencing with a range of information on the health centres in the network of the Catholic Church in Angola, in collaboration with Caritas Angola and the consultancies Positive Benefits and Ambisig.

Support for publication of the book “Arquitetura de Terra no Moxico” (Architecture made from earth in Moxico). This brings together on the improvement to architectural and construction techniques using traditional materials, in collaboration with the Diocese of Luena and the architect Maurício Ganduglia.

GUINÉ-BISSAU Creation and implementation of the IRSS System | Identificação, Recolha de Dados, Sinalização e Sensibilização (Identification, Collection of Data, Signage and Awareness Raising) targeting children who are victims of violence in Guiné-Bissau, in collaboration with Caritas Guiné-Bissau and the Centre for Research in Studies of Children from the Universidade do Minho (Minho University). Creation of models for assessment of progress for teachers (Reading Ability Index), nursery school teachers (Reading Ability Index), trainers (Training Ability Index) and head teachers of schools (Management and School Administration Ability Index). These stemmed from the

need to create tools that didn’t exist in Guiné-Bissau. FEC put together a comparative index to show the development of skills acquisition by teachers in training.

Creation of a line of texts for those working in education in Portuguese as an official language, with illustrations and contextualised examples from various continents. Creation of models and educational infrastructures in isolated and disadvantaged areas: libraries of varying sizes for isolated areas (“Djemberens” – community structures in typical local architecture, designed for very young children); Jardim

Inclusivo (Inclusive garden), both motivated by the advent of a number children with special educational needs, some with serious deficiencies, in a task undertaken together with the Casa Bambaran, managed by the Congregação Maria-

nitas (Marian Congregation), with wide experience in Latin America and with the Centre for Research in Studies of Children from the Universidade do Minho (Minho University). 8

EDUCATION FOR DEVELOPMENT PORTUGAL NETWORK OF VOLUNTEER MISSIONARIES «In fact, the experience of being part of the volunteer missionaries is in itself the start of a personal and community-based path that is life transforming. Nothing in the life of a volunteer missionary will be the same as it was before the Mission (…) Everything changes, and the field of action opens up on a global scale.» Pedro Neto, Volunteer and holder of a post of responsibility at ORBIS

The first Portuguese volunteer missionaries left in 1989. They were part of two Catholic organisations. In 1997 FEC began to work in the training of volunteers and, in 2002, the organisation was invited to coordinate the REDE DE VOLUNTARIADO MISSIONÁRIO NETWORK OF VOLUNTEER MISSIONARIES), focusing on activities aimed at sharing experiences, joint training and giving public focus to the work and activities of the 60 member organisations, in a climate of communion of causes and the fostering of common interests. Every year, FEC trains around 100 volunteers. Since 1989, around 5,000 people have taken part in this dynamic operation.

THE FAITH AND DEVELOPMENT NETWORK «Putting Catholic Social Teaching into practice in this sector is highly relevant. (…) The simple fact is that the Faith and Development Network is filling a space that was empty, and started working from there, and that in itself is positive.» P. Manuel Morujão sj, Secretary of the Portuguese Episcopal Conference

In 2009, the United Nations Millennium Campaign in Portugal (Associação Objetivo 2015) invited FEC to work on

raising awareness and mobilising the Church in Portugal as to the issues of global development, and this led to the creation of the Faith and Development Network. From the starting point of the aims of the Millennium campaign and the framework after 2015, and in the light of the principles of Catholic Social Teaching, the Network set out its objective – to reach out for global justice and sustainable development through reflexion in/ action from/mobilisation of Christian communities.

CAPACITY BUILDING AMONG TEACHERS Since 2011, FEC has been giving a boost to the project Move-te pela Mudança (Get moving through change), working with teachers of the subject “Moral and Religious Catholic Education” with the aim of raising awareness and mobilising youngsters to understand the need to

change and get involved in the process, and they themselves to mobilise the communities where they live, in pursuit of life styles and development models that represent more humanity, more solidarity and greater sustainability. 9

AWARENESS RAISING AND SOCIAL ADVOCACY «This Town Council will continue to strive with FEC to raise awareness among the local community of the importance of education for development, solidarity and the exercise of active citizenship.»

CIDSE – the European Network of Catholic Development Agencies, a specialist in social advocacy.

Rosário Meneses, Câmara Municipal Santa Maria da Feira

| 2014 – 2015. aTerra – Políticas Globais e Estratégias Locais para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável (Global Policies and Local Strategies for Sustainable Development). We promote sustainable development through the interconnection between global policies and the reality of people and land, working on global challenges and fostering sustainable life styles.

Decentralised cooperation | 2007 – 2011. Projeto Enlaces (Linking). Our work involved raising awareness, capacity building and mobilising multi-sector teams in 8 Portuguese municipalities, through developing skills in 90 people working in Education for the Development of decentralised entities.

Food sovereignty | 2014 – 2016. Semear Portugal, Semear Angola (Seeding Portugal, Seding Angola). We raised awareness and mobilised sectoral players with a view to the joint implementation of measures that promote universal food sovereignty and sustainable ways of life, putting the reality of life in Portugal and Angola side by side. Our partner on the project was

Sustainable development

Social advocacy | With CIDSE and its members we challenge governments, companies, churches and international organisations to adopt policies and behaviour that promote human rights, social justice and sustainable development. The issues we regard as priorities for consideration are the financing of development; food; climate justice; business and human rights; a new paradigm for development. 10

RESOURCES FEC produces teaching and didactic material geared to raising awareness on social justice and sustainable development and it has put together Teaching Guidelines for those who teach the subject Moral and Religious Catholic Education. This work reinforces the theme of education for global citizenship in a school context, along with the interconnection of the community and the school. In 2012, it published the study Voluntariado: Missão e Dádiva (Volunteering: Mission and Gift) which sets out a raft

of important information and considerations on how the volunteer missionary concept has been developing over recent decades, along with recommendations which could underpin its future progress. This is a scientifically grounded contribution to the discussion on the different kinds of life and experiences of the volunteer, above all the international volunteer inspired by religion – the volunteer missionary.

Camões – Instituto da Cooperação e da Língua (Camões - Institute of Cooperation and Languages)

FEC IS A MEMBER OF AEFJN – Africa Europe Faith and Justice Network

Portuguese Episcopal Conference, Episcopal Committee for Missions)

CIDSE – European Network of Catholic Agencies for Development

Comissão Episcopal da Saúde da Conferência Episcopal de Angola e São Tomé (The Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé, Episcopal Committee for Health)

The Portuguese NGDO Platform Confederação Portuguesa de Voluntariado (Portuguese Federation of Volunteers) Comissão Episcopal das Missões, da Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa (The



Câmaras Municipais de Cascais e Santa Maria da Feira (City councils of Cascais and Santa Maria da Feira) Comissão Europeia (European Commission) Conferência Episcopal Italiana (Italian Episcopal Conference)

Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian Millennium Angola Obras Missionárias Pontifícias (Vatican Missionary Works) Programa Cidadania Ativa, EEA Grants (Active Citizenship Programme, EEA Grants) Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Lisboa UNICEF

Conferência Episcopal Portuguesa (Portuguese Episcopal Conference) 11


Archdiocese of Luanda Archdiocese of Huambo Caritas Angola Centro Materno-Infantil Nossa Senhora da Graça (The Nossa Senhora da Graça Centre for Mothers and Young Children) CEAST, Conferência Episcopal de Angola e São Tomé (The Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé) The diocese of Benguela The diocese of Kuíto

INDE, Instituto Nacional para o Desenvolvimento da Educação (The National Institute for the Development of Education) ADPP, Ajuda de Desenvolvimento de Povo para Povo, ONGD (the NGOD Humana - People to People)


Archdiocese of Nampula, Fundação Lusalite Vida, ONGD Universidade Católica de Moçambique (The Catholic University of Mozambique)

The diocese of Luena Ministério da Saúde de Angola (The Angolan Ministry of Health)



Cáritas Guiné-Bissau Casas das Mães (House for Mothers) – Gabú and Bafatá Comissão Interdiocesana de Educação e Ensino da Guiné-Bissau (The Guiné-Bissau Interdiocese Committee for Education and Teaching) The diocese of Bissau The diocese of Bafatá Ministério da Educação da Guiné-Bissau (The Guiné-Bissau Ministry of Education) PLAN Guiné-Bissau

Associação de Pedagogia Infantil da Escola Superior de Educação de Infância Maria Ulrich (the Maria Ulrich Children’s Learning Association of the Higher School for Primary Education) CIRP, Conferência dos Institutos Religiosos de Portugal (the Conference of Religious Institutes in Portugal) Escola Superior de Educação de Paula Frassinetti (the Paula Frassinetti Higher School of Education) Escola Superior de Enfermagem São Francisco das Misericórdias (the St. Francis of the Divine Mercies Higher School for Nursing)

Fundação Gonçalo da Silveira (the Gonçalo da Silveira Foundation) IMAG – Institutos Missionários AdGentes (the AdGentes Missionary Institutes) Ministério da Saúde de Portugal (the Portuguese Ministry of Health) Rede de Voluntariado Missionário (the Voluneer Missionaries Network) Secretariados Diocesanos de Educação Cristã (the Diocesan Secretariat for Education) Universidade Católica Portuguesa (the Portuguese Catholic University) Universidade do Minho (Minho University) VIDA, Voluntariado Internacional para o Desenvolvimento Africano, ONGD (the International Volunteer Service for African Development)


CESAL, NGDO, Spain CIDSE, Rede Europeia de Agências Católicas para o Desenvolvimento (the European Catholic Agency for Development) DISOP, NGDO, Belgium


CONTACTS www.fecongd.org | geral@fecongd.org PORTUGAL

Quinta do Cabeço, Porta D 1885 - 076 Moscavide - Portugal T: +351 218 861 710 / 55 478 F: +351 218 861 708 GUINÉ-BISSAU

Instalações da Cáritas da Guiné-Bissau Avenida dos Combatentes da Liberdade da Pátria, CP 1001 ANGOLA

Rua 21 de Janeiro, Bairro Rocha Pinto, Morro da Luz, Luanda – Angola T: +244 929461761 MOÇAMBIQUE

fec.simaocardoso@gmail.com T: +258 849536554

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