SG Erasmus Events November 2014

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Public lectures, debates and culture WED 5 NOV WORM, BOOMGAARDSSTRAAT 71 | 19.30-22.30 | FREE


ELVIS HAS FINALLY LEFT THE BUILDING? Concert and debate Bridging ethno-racial boundaries in popular music in Rotterdam and beyond. Music seems to divide people more than it brings people together. An evening with video clips, live music and debate on the question why most of the public at rock concerts is ‘white’ and ‘black’ at hip hop concerts. With a.o.: Prof. dr. Jeroen de Kloet, Prof. dr. Karl Spracklen and Linde Murugan. Is your taste in music racist? I.c.w. ESHCC and

WED 5 NOV ERASMUS PAVILJOEN | 20.00-22.30 | € 2,- EN


FILM SPECIAL Filmspecial Together with ESN-Rotterdam we host monthly film specials. This edition we will focus on China. Watch a real must-see Chinese film and enjoy snacks made by the Chinese Student Association. I.c.w. ESN-Rotterdam, CSA and IFFR.



STUDIO ERASMUS Talkshow De maandelijkse talkshow van de Erasmus Universiteit. Met interviews, professoren en livemuziek. In deze editie onder meer filosoof Tim de Mey over zijn nieuwe boek ‘Het voordeel van twijfel’. En een minicollege van econoom Robert Dur over de vraag: helpt straf mensen uit de bijstand?




IK WIL DE RUIMTE IN’ Lunchlezing Erasmus MC Waarom moet een astronaut topfit zijn? En hoe ga je in totale gewichtloosheid naar het toilet? Over de wonderbaarlijke medische wereld achter ruimtevluchten. Door Ries Simons, de Nederlandse expert op het gebied van ruimtegeneeskunde, die onder meer werkte met André Kuipers. Incl. broodje! I.s.m. Capita Selecta, MFVR.

10 & 12 NOV ERASMUS PAVILJOEN | 19.45-22.00 | € 8,50/€ 15,-*


CAMERATA ROTTERDAM Concert: Brahms & Dvorak Camerata Rotterdam, is a new orchestra with just graduated musicians from different nationalities who studied in The Netherlands. Under the baton of the Spanish conductor Roberto Bautista, they will perform Serenades by A. Dvorak (op. 44) and J. Brahms (op. 16). Enjoy more live music (not classical) after the concert at the afterparty in the grand café. Buy your tickets via our webshop! * note: for students & employees of the EUR, 1 drink is included in the price of the ticket.

17 NOV - 8 DEC SKVR, LAS PALMAS | 15.00-17.30 | € 50,- / € 80,-



Course Do you want to get tips & tricks from a professional photographer? Every week, you will get an assignment to get to know the different types of photography, like for example studio portraits and street photography. After the course your best pictures will be exhibited at Erasmus Paviljoen. So get creative with your camera!

WO 19 NOV ARMINIUS, MUSEUMPARK 3 | 20.00-21.30 | € 2,50 / € 5,-


ROBOTS NEMEN UW BAAN OVER Denkcafé Een zorgrobot die eenzame ouderen troost, een medische robot die blindedarmoperaties verricht en een defensierobot die de soldaat vervangt. Op talloze gebieden zullen ze ons werk overnemen, en sterker nog: beter doen. Debat over de robotisering van onze samenleving.



PIANOBAR Open Mic Night An evening all about piano music. Enthusiastic and talented pianists of the Erasmus University take a seat behind the piano to show off what they’ve got. Participate yourself or just come along and enjoy the performances. Would you like to perform yourself? Visit our website to sign up.




LECTURE Lunchlezing Een topjurist over ethische dilemma’s en de weerbarstige praktijk tussen wetenschap en wetboek. Lunchlezing in samenwerking met studievereniging CIA en de Juridische Faculteitsvereniging Rotterdam.

WED 26 NOV MUSEUM BOIJMANS | 14.00-17.00 | € 7,50 / € 17,- EN

THE FUTURE OF FASHION IS NOW Exhibition & Fashion Event Museum Boijmans Van Beuningen is showing the fashion of the future, with work by designers Viktor & Rolf, Christophe Coppens (Belgium), Hussein Chalayan (Cyprus) and Rejina Pyo (Korea) a.o. Sustainability, futuristic technologies and the social value of clothes are themes with which these designers address the fashion of the future. This programme consists of an introduction and tour on the exhibition and a special fashion event with fashion show & drinks afterwards. Buy your tickets via our Webshop! I.c.w. New Fashion Society & ESN-Rotterdam. Location Museum Boijmans van Beuningen

HET ERASMUS DICTEE THE ERASMUS DICTATION Ma / Mon 1 December, Erasmus Paviljoen Ben jij de expert op het gebied van de Nederlandse taal? Doe dan mee aan het Erasmus Dictee op maandag 1 december en wie weet ga jij met de hoofdprijs naar huis! Je kunt zowel meedoen aan een Nederlands als een Engels Dictee. Aanmelden kan via de website! (Deelname alleen voor studenten en medewerkers van de EUR). I.s.m. Taal- en Trainingscentrum EUR, Erasmus Magazine en Universiteitsbibliotheek. Do you master the English language at the highest level? Sign up for the Erasmus Dictation and win beautiful prizes! There will be an English as well as a Dutch dictation and you can sign up for both. Please sign up via our website! (Only for students and employees of Erasmus University). I.c.w. Language and Training Centre EUR, Erasmus Magazine and University Library.

UPCOMING EVENTS Next month, we have lots of must-see events for you. To pick a few: young musicians will perform on stage during the Open Mic Night, Biologist Frans de Waal will be the special guest in our next ‘Denkcafé’ and our annual Erasmus Dictation on the 1st of December! 10 DEC Denkcafé met Prof. Dr. Frans de Waal, een van de meest invloedrijke psychologen ter wereld en auteur van o.a. ‘Bonobo en de Tien Geboden’, over de oorsprong van moraliteit bij aap en mens. 13 DEC De jaarlijkse Rotterdamse Debatnacht in het Arminius. Met de beste debatten, scherpste interviews en prikkelendste stellingen. Met bier en bitterballen! From January 21st until February 1st 2015, the 44st International Film Festival Rotterdam takes place. As every year, SG Erasmus joins forces with the IFFR to bring you the coolest events. Check our website for the latest updates, moving movies and guest appearances!

SGERASMUS SG Erasmus is the university department for public events. The programme contains lectures and debates, a monthly talk show, cultural and scientific events and a wide range of cultural courses and performances. Open for all and admission is free (unless mentioned otherwise). Check our Facebook for the latest updates. Photo credits: see our website. Language EN Programmes in English or language no problem. NL Programmes in Dutch

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