okt 2013 Di 29 Okt | 12.30 - 13.30 | Gratis Queridozaal, Onderwijscentrum Erasmus MC
Het transitietraject bij transseksualiteit – van diagnose tot operatie Lunchlezing door transgenderspecialist Jos Megens (VUmc). I.s.m. Capita Selecta MFVR en Erasmus Pride.
Di 1 Okt | 12.30 - 13.30 | Gratis Queridozaal,Onderwijscentrum Erasmus MC
Tue 29 Oct | 17.30 - 19.00 | Free Café In de Smitse, Campus Woudestein
Van Stamcel tot Kweekorgaan Lunchlezing in de serie De Maakbare Mens over de toekomst van regeneratieve geneeskunde door KNAW-president prof. dr. Hans Clevers. I.s.m. Capita Selecta MFVR
The legendary bi-weekly ‘battle-of-thebrains’ on campus. Register with your team from 17.00 onwards.
Tue 1 Oct | 17.30 - 19.00 | Free Café In de Smitse, Campus Woudestein
Wed 30 Oct | 12.30 - 13.30 | Free Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein
The legendary bi-weekly ‘battle-of-thebrains’ on campus. Register with your team from 17.00 onwards.
Prof. dr. Philip Hans Franses Lecture on the impact of (applied) econometrics on everyday life, society and science; how does this influence work in such diverse fields as calculating the risks of a financial product or predicting the length of skirts and dresses? Econometrics was never that clear and cool before!
Wed 2 Oct | 12.30 - 13.30 | Free Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein
of the Bands
Wed 2 Oct | 20.00 - 23.00 | € 2,Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein
The grand final of the Battle of the Bands. Which cover band will be crowned the best of the EUR and take home incredible prizes? I.c.w. ESE and Xplo Music & Events.
IFFR Specials
First edition of a monthly film night co-hosted by International Film Festival Rotterdam (IFFR) to get into the festival spirit for the 43rd edition (22 Jan-2 Feb) by watching the best films of the last years. This edition is a cooperation with Erasmus Pride and focuses on gay and lesbian acceptation.
Sept – Nov | Free Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein
Thu 3 Oct | 20.00 - 23.00 | € 3,50 Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein
Foto: Ronald van den Heerik
‘Then and Now’ For 10 years, photographer Ronald van den Heerik photographed 150 students from the EUR. These photographs, accompanied by the students personal experiences, were published in Erasmus Magazine. Now, 10 years later, Ronald visited these students again, took their picture and asked them what became of their ambitions, hopes and dreams. Take a look at these pictures at the Erasmus Paviljoen and read their personal stories on http://fotoheerik.nl/portretten-toen-nu/
The 7 secrets of an amazing TED-talk How to turn complex ideas into an attractive talk? Lunch lecture by presentation-expert Victor Vlam (Debatrix) who – during his campaign for Obama – discovered the seven elements of a stunning speech. With, of course, the best examples on a big screen.
Thu 31 Oct | 20.00 - 23.00 | € 3,50 Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein
of the Bands
The Falcons, Spuit11, Cover Up, Mooie Noten and Head First all battle for a place in the final on the 31st October. I.c.w. Erasmus School of Economics and Xplo Music & Events.
Di 8 Okt | 20.30 - 21.45 (inloop 20.00) | Gratis Rotterdamse Schouwburg
Wed 16 Oct | 12.30 - 13.30 | Free Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein
Beyond growth The economic challenges for the coming years, according to Jaap van Duijn – former board member of Robeco, professor of Finance & Investments and author of ‘De Schuldenberg’.
Scherpe talkshow over wetenschap en actualiteit. Met interviews, minicolleges en livemuziek. Met oa: dr. Stephanie KleinNagelvoort en Mary Dankbaar over een baanbrekend computerspel op de eerste hulp. Presentatie: Geert Maarse.
Do 17 Okt | 20.30 - 22.00 | Studenten € 2,50 Arminius, Museumpark 3
Wed 9 Oct | 12.30 - 13.30 | Free Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein
De geheime dienst Interactieve debatavond over de Nederlandse inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdienst. Gaat het er hier net zo aan toe als in de VS? Met o.a.: Frits Hoekstra (voormalig BVD-agent en auteur van ‘De Dienst’).
Maarten Frens (Brain Scientist) Lecture on how the human brain can be improved through external stimulation, by Maarten Frens, Professor of Physiology System and dean of the Erasmus University College.
Mon 21 Oct | 12.30 - 13.30 | Free Erasmus Paviljoen, Campus Woudestein
Wed 9 Oct | 17.00 - 18.00 | Free Café In de Smitse, Campus Woudestein
Students on
Enjoy live music, poetry or stories by students or employees of the EUR while enjoying your lunch at the new Erasmus Paviljoen. We present a new cultural performance every month. If you would like to partake yourself during one of the editions you can contact us through sgerasmus@oos.eur.nl!
Every month a performance by a student band, with this edition ‘The Surfs’. Drop by, have a drink and enjoy the concert in the cosy campuscafé In de Smitse.
Wed 9 Oct | 18.30 - 22.30 | € 7,50 (Free with Erasmus Sport Pass) Erasmus Sport Centre, Campus Woudestein
Wo 23 okt | 19.30 | € 5,- (kaarten bij JFRshop & aan de deur) Cinerama Filmtheater, Westblaak 18
Vertoning van de nieuwste films met een juridische inleiding door een expert. Voormalige gasten waren o.a. Gerard Spong en Geert-Jan Knoops. Juridische voorkennis is niet nodig. I.s.m. de JFR.
Di 15 Okt | 12.30 - 13.30 | Gratis Queridozaal, Onderwijscentrum Erasmus MC
Thu 24 Oct | 19.00 | EUR/EUC-students free HNI (Het Nieuwe Instituut), Museumpark 25 Rotterdam
the human
3D-printers in de geneeskunde Lezing in de serie De Maakbare Mens, door dr. ir. Jos Malda (Universiteit Utrecht), die hard op weg is om menselijk kraakbeen te printen.
body is
Answer sports, news and photography questions while enjoying drinks with your mates.
Foto: Nina Sellars
Tue 15 Oct | 17.30 - 19.00 | Free Café In de Smitse, Campus Woudestein
Movie Night
An evening for all-round dance lovers. Join the workshops and get introduced to 5 various dance styles in one evening. I.c.w. Erasmus Sport.
Lecture and Q&A by legendary performance artist Stelarc, who explores the inside of his body - on the edge of the limits of human possibilities – by using the Internet and biotechnology. I.c.w. HNI, CAP, FW, ISEA-NL and V2_.