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2013 ¥ N mero 70 verano

Gran campa a para el aguacate La UE corrige el requisito ÒimpermeableÓ por Òresistente al aguaÓ en envases de pescado ÒEl rbol es vidaÓen el Congreso Forestal A great campaign for avocado The EU corrects the requirement "impermeable" in fish packaging, for "water resistant". The ÒA Tree is LifeÓ project at the Spanish Forestry Conference


En 2012 el sector de envases de madera mantuvo al alza sus cifras, tras el fuerte incremento experimentado en 2011. Debemos seguir haciendo valer en el mercado nuestras ventajas: Precio, Servicio, Calidad, Frescura, Imagen, Higiene y Sostenibilidad, hacemos bien reivindicando las propiedades antibacterianas de la madera e incluso el efecto bactericida de sus poli-fenoles. Pues, de hecho, son cualidades que otros materiales de envases buscan imitar incorporando extractos de plantas. La Comisi n Europea tambi n ha hecho bien al corregir el t rmino ÒimpermeableÓ por Òresistente al aguaÓ como requisito a los envases de pescado. As , evita la malinterpretaci n de una caracter stica que no parece garantizar por s sola las condiciones higi nicas, ya sea en un envase reutilizable como de un solo uso. En Sostenibilidad, tambi n ha quedado patente en la Jornada que organizamos sobre tratamientos NIMF-15 que hemos alcanzado (envases, embalajes, palets y suministros) una gran madurez junto a la Administraci n en el compromiso respecto a la conformidad fitosanitaria y la preservaci n de la sanidad de las masas forestales. Una conservaci n de nuestros bosques que as mismo busca el proyecto ÒEl çrbol es VidaÓ, mediante la promoci n p blicoprivada de la plantaci n de 10 millones de rboles por toda Espa a, y que lidera el sector de la madera. Fernando Tr nor Director FEDEMCO/ GROW

Gran campa a para el aguacate de la Axarqu a A great campaign for avocado pears from the Axarqu a region S lo un 36% compra fruta por que le gusta Only 36% buy fruit because they like it Espa a prefiere la tienda tradicional Spanish consumers prefer traditional stores

FEDEMCO celebr su Asamblea General 2013 FEDEMCO holds its General Assembly for 2013 Jornada de Maderas Aserradas y T cnicas en Contacto con Alimentos Conference on Sawn Timber and Engineered Wood in Contact with Food xito de la Jornada sobre NIMF-15 y tratamientos HT The conference on ISPM-15 and HT treatment: a great success FEDEMCO vuelve a su cita anual con el sector hortofrut cola espa ol FEDEMCO will once again be attending the annual event for the Spanish fruit and vegetable sector

In 2012 the light-weight wooden packaging sector kept up its numbers, following the sharp increase experienced in 2011. We must continue to assert our advantages in the market: Price, Service, Quality, Freshness, Image, Hygiene and Sustainability, In Hygiene, we do well by claiming the antibacterial properties of wood and even the bactericidal effect of the poly-phenols. As those are, actually, qualities that other packaging materials seek to emulate by incorporating plant extracts. The European Commission has also done well to correct the term "impermeable" to "water resistant" as a prerequisite to the packaging of fish. Thus avoiding misinterpretation of a feature that does not seem alone to ensure hygienic conditions, either in a reusable container such as in a single use one. In Sustainability, it has also been demonstrated in the conference we organized on ISPM-15 treatments that we have achieved (light weight packaging, packaging, pallets and supplies) jointly with Administration a great maturity in the common commitment on phytosanitary conformity of products and in the preservation of forests health. A conservation of our forests likewise the project "The Tree is Life" seeks by promoting public-private planting of 10 million trees across Spain, and who is leaded by the wood sector. Fernando Tr nor General Manager FEDEMCO/ GROW

La UE corrige el requisito ÒimpermeableÓ en envases de pescado por Òresistente al aguaÓ The EU corrects the requirement "impermeable" in fish packaging, for "water resistant" ÒEl çrbol es VidaÓ en el Congreso Forestal Espa ol The 'A Tree is Life' project at the Spanish Forestry Conference

ANREPA celebra su primer Congreso Nacional de Recicladores de Pal s ANREPA holds the first National Congress of Pallet Recyclers FEDEMCO estudia la tasa de reciclaje del envase, embalaje y palet de madera en 2012 FEDEMCO studies wood packaging recycling rate for 2012


En 2012 el sector de envases de madera mantuvo al alza sus cifras, tras el fuerte incremento experimentado en 2011. Debemos seguir haciendo valer en el mercado nuestras ventajas: Precio, Servicio, Calidad, Frescura, Imagen, Higiene y Sostenibilidad, hacemos bien reivindicando las propiedades antibacterianas de la madera e incluso el efecto bactericida de sus poli-fenoles. Pues, de hecho, son cualidades que otros materiales de envases buscan imitar incorporando extractos de plantas. La Comisi n Europea tambi n ha hecho bien al corregir el t rmino ÒimpermeableÓ por Òresistente al aguaÓ como requisito a los envases de pescado. As , evita la malinterpretaci n de una caracter stica que no parece garantizar por s sola las condiciones higi nicas, ya sea en un envase reutilizable como de un solo uso. En Sostenibilidad, tambi n ha quedado patente en la Jornada que organizamos sobre tratamientos NIMF-15 que hemos alcanzado (envases, embalajes, palets y suministros) una gran madurez junto a la Administraci n en el compromiso respecto a la conformidad fitosanitaria y la preservaci n de la sanidad de las masas forestales. Una conservaci n de nuestros bosques que as mismo busca el proyecto ÒEl çrbol es VidaÓ, mediante la promoci n p blicoprivada de la plantaci n de 10 millones de rboles por toda Espa a, y que lidera el sector de la madera. Fernando Tr nor Director FEDEMCO/ GROW

Gran campa a para el aguacate de la Axarqu a A great campaign for avocado pears from the Axarqu a region S lo un 36% compra fruta por que le gusta Only 36% buy fruit because they like it Espa a prefiere la tienda tradicional Spanish consumers prefer traditional stores

FEDEMCO celebr su Asamblea General 2013 FEDEMCO holds its General Assembly for 2013 Jornada de Maderas Aserradas y T cnicas en Contacto con Alimentos Conference on Sawn Timber and Engineered Wood in Contact with Food xito de la Jornada sobre NIMF-15 y tratamientos HT The conference on ISPM-15 and HT treatment: a great success FEDEMCO vuelve a su cita anual con el sector hortofrut cola espa ol FEDEMCO will once again be attending the annual event for the Spanish fruit and vegetable sector

In 2012 the light-weight wooden packaging sector kept up its numbers, following the sharp increase experienced in 2011. We must continue to assert our advantages in the market: Price, Service, Quality, Freshness, Image, Hygiene and Sustainability, In Hygiene, we do well by claiming the antibacterial properties of wood and even the bactericidal effect of the poly-phenols. As those are, actually, qualities that other packaging materials seek to emulate by incorporating plant extracts. The European Commission has also done well to correct the term "impermeable" to "water resistant" as a prerequisite to the packaging of fish. Thus avoiding misinterpretation of a feature that does not seem alone to ensure hygienic conditions, either in a reusable container such as in a single use one. In Sustainability, it has also been demonstrated in the conference we organized on ISPM-15 treatments that we have achieved (light weight packaging, packaging, pallets and supplies) jointly with Administration a great maturity in the common commitment on phytosanitary conformity of products and in the preservation of forests health. A conservation of our forests likewise the project "The Tree is Life" seeks by promoting public-private planting of 10 million trees across Spain, and who is leaded by the wood sector. Fernando Tr nor General Manager FEDEMCO/ GROW

La UE corrige el requisito ÒimpermeableÓ en envases de pescado por Òresistente al aguaÓ The EU corrects the requirement "impermeable" in fish packaging, for "water resistant" ÒEl çrbol es VidaÓ en el Congreso Forestal Espa ol The 'A Tree is Life' project at the Spanish Forestry Conference

ANREPA celebra su primer Congreso Nacional de Recicladores de Pal s ANREPA holds the first National Congress of Pallet Recyclers FEDEMCO estudia la tasa de reciclaje del envase, embalaje y palet de madera en 2012 FEDEMCO studies wood packaging recycling rate for 2012

2013 ¥ 70


Gran campa a para el aguacate de la Axarqu a

Calidad, rentabilidad y apertura de nuevos mercados son los factores que han definido la campa a en la region malague a De acuerdo con los datos proporcionados por Asaja, la campa a de aguacates en la regi n de la Axarquia (M laga) finaliza con una producci n de 46.700 toneladas, lo que supone un incremento del 6 por ciento con respecto al a o anterior. Esta zona es la principal productora de aguacate en Espa a con cerca del 60% de la producci n nacional, seguida de la provincia de Granada con un 30% y Canarias un 8% aproximadamente. La producci n por tipos de aguacate se ha mantenido: la de Hass cierra con 34.500 toneladas mientras que la de piel verde ronda las 12.200 toneladas. Las ventas a mercado nacional han alcanzado las 9.200 toneladas, manteni ndose en cifras similares a las de campa as anteriores, mientras que las ventas al resto de la Uni n Europea han totalizado 31.000 toneladas exportadas, siendo Francia, Reino Unido y Alemania los principales consumidores. Adem s se han exportado a terceros pa ses 5.800 toneladas de aguacate, el 95% a Sudafrica y Marruecos. Le siguen Argelia, Noruega, Rusia, Suiza, etc.

España es el principal exportador de aguacate a Europa. / Spain is the main exporter of avocado pears to Europe. Respecto a los precios, se han mantenido estables y rentables: para la variedad ÒFuerteÓ han rondado los 0,83 Û/Kg. y paraÓ HassÓ, han oscilado entre

1.88 Û/Kg. y los m s de dos euros que se han alcanzado a final de campa a. Fuente: Asaja M laga


A great campaign for avocado pears from the Axarqu a region

Quality, profitability and the appearance of new markets are the factors that defined the campaign in the M laga region According to information provided by Asaja, the avocado pear campaign in the Axarquia region of M laga has come to an end with a total production of 46,700 tons, 6% higher than the previous year. This region is the main producer of avocado pears in Spain (almost 60% of national production) followed by the province of Granada (30%) and the Canary Islands (approximately 8%). Production rates per type of avocado have been maintained: 34,500 tons of the Hass variety and around 12,200 tons of the green-skinned avocado pears. Sales in the domestic market have reached 9,200 tons, a figure similar to previous campaigns, while exports to the rest of the European Union have amounted to 31,000 tons (France, the United Kingdom and Germany being the main consumers). In addition, 5,800 tons of avocado pears have been exported to third countries, 95% of which were exported to South Africa and Morocco (followed by Algeria, Norway, Russia, Switzerland, etc). Prices have remained stable and profitable, reaching 0.83 Û/kg for the Fuerte variety, and fluctuating between 1.88 Û/kg and over 2 Û/kg for the Hass variety (the price at which the campaign ended). Source: Asaja M laga

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S lo un 36% compra fruta por que le gusta Presentaci n, frescura, calidad y origen claves en la elecci n El pasado mes de junio tuvo lugar en Valencia, el XV Congreso AECOC de frutas y hortalizas que reuni a m s de 250 profesionales del sector, que compartieron experiencias, analizaron la evoluci n del ltimo a o y plantearon estrategias para incentivar el mercado. Entre los temas tratados destac la presentaci n por parte de Maite Arrizabalaga, Responsable de Frutas y Hortalizas de AECOC, de un estudio de elaboraci n propia sobre el comprador de frutas y hortalizas. En l se destaca que s lo un 62% de los encuestados consumen a diario frutas y hortalizas, y s lo un 36% la compra por que le gusta. De acuerdo con los datos presentados, el consumidor categoriza los productos en b sicos (naranjas, manzanas, pl tanos, lechugas, cebollas, patatas, zanahorias y tomates), en habituales (mel n, sandia, melocotones, nectarinas, ciruelas, uva, coles, judias, pimientos, etc.) y luego existen otras categorias diferenciadas como frutas tropicales y verdura envasada. En general el consumidor tipo del estudio hace la compra varias veces a la semana y elige preferentemente la tienda tradicional por

El aspecto de la fruta es el factor más valorado a la hora de comprar / Appearance is valued the most when buying fruit.

proximidad, frescura del producto, calidad y atenci n recibida. En cuanto a la elecci n del producto se valora principamente el aspecto, el precio por kilo, si el producto es de temporada y su origen. Finalmente el consumidor define su tienda ideal como una tienda de barrio, accesible, con amplios horarios y sin colas. Valora el orden y la limpieza del local y del producto. Desea

tiendas donde el producto vaya del campo a la mesa. Adem s, una mayor a de consumidores desear a poder probar el producto en el punto de venta y valoran muy positivamente la presencia de un frutero experto que pueda asesorar en el proceso de compra. Tambi n valoran la variedad de productos y la informaci n que se aporta de cada uno de ellos: origen, estacionallidad, trazabilidad, etc.


Only 36% buy fruit because they like it Presentation, freshness, quality and origin: key factors when making a choice The 15th AECOC Fruit and Vegetable Congress was held in Valencia in June and brought together over 250 professionals belonging to the sector. Those attending the congress shared experiences, analysed the evolution of the past year and proposed strategies to boost the market. The presentation made by Maite Arrizabalaga (head of fruit and vegetables at AECOC) stood out amongst the many issues under discussion. AECOC has conducted a study on people who buy fruit and vegetables, and results of this study

show that only 62% of those asked eat fruit and vegetables on a daily basis, and only 36% buy fruit and vegetables because they like them. According to the data provided, consumers categorize produce into basic items (oranges, apples, bananas, lettuce, onions, potatoes, carrots and tomatoes), habitual items (melons, watermelons, peaches, nectarines, plums, grapes, cabbage, beans, peppers, etc.) and other categories such as tropical fruit and prepacked vegetables.

In general, the results of the study reveal that the typical consumer shops several times a week and chooses traditional greengrocer stores due to the proximity, freshness of the produce, quality and service received. As for choosing produce, the appearance is valued the most by the consumer, followed by price per kilo, if the produce is in season and its origin. Finally, the consumer defines their ideal store as a local greengrocerÕs with affordable prices, long opening hours and no queues. Consumers value highly clean premises and produce with an orderly layout, and they want stores where the produce is harvested and served directly at the table. The majority of consumers would also like to be able to sample produce at the sales point, and consider the presence of an expert greengrocer who can advise the consumer when buying fruit and vegetables to be positive. They also value the variety of produce and the information given for each type: origin, season, traceability, etc.

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Espa a prefiere la tienda tradicional El consumidor encuentra mayor calidad, presentaciones m s atractivas y un servicio personalizado El consumo de frutas y hortalizas en Espa a en 2012 fue de 8.717 millones de kilos, un 1,6% m s que en 2011. El 39% de las frutas y hortalizas compradas por los hogares espa oles en 2012 procedieron de la tienda tradicional y el 36% de los supermercados o autoservicios,manteni ndose como los dos principales lugares de compra de las frutas y hortalizas en los hogares, seguidos a gran distancia de los hipermercados con un 8% del total. La cuota que representa la tienda tradicional en la compra de frutas y hortalizas en los hogares se ha reducido en un punto con relaci n a los datos de 2011, cuando representaban el 40% del total comprado, si bien mantienen su volumen de ventas por el incremento del consumo. En 2012, un total de 3.371 millones de kilos se compraron en la tienda tradicional y en 2011 fueron 3.401 millones de kilos. La cuota de los supermercados/autoservicios se ha incrementado en un punto con relaci n a 2011, cuando representaban el 35% del total. Un total de 3.154 millones de kilos de frutas y

Una presentación atractiva resalta la calidad del producto / An attractive presentation of produce emphasizes its quality hortalizas se compraron en los supermercados en mercadillos en 2012 represent un 5% del total y el 2012 y en 2011 fueron 3.037 millones de kilos. autoconsumo represent un 7%, los mismos La cuota que representan los hipermercados se porcentajes que en 2011. El autoconsumo represent en 2012 un total de 619 millones de kilos y los mantiene con relaci n a 2011 en el 8%. mercadillos 473 millones de kilos. La compra de frutas y hortalizas en los


Spanish consumers prefer traditional stores

Consumers find better quality, a more attractive presentation of produce and a more personal service 8,717 million kilos of fruit and vegetables were eaten in Spain in 2012, 1.6% more than in 2011.

39% of the fruit and vegetables bought by Spanish homes in 2012 was purchased in traditional stores and 36% in supermarkets or

self-service stores (the two main purchase channels for fruit and vegetables used by Spanish consumers, followed at a great distance by hypermarkets with 8% of the total). The share of traditional stores for fruit and vegetable purchases by Spanish homes has decreased by one point compared to figures for 2011, when fruit and vegetable purchases represented 40% of the total purchases made (although the sales volume of fruit and vegetables has been maintained due to a rise in consumption). In 2012, a total of 3,371 million kilos were purchased from traditional stores compared to 3,401 million kilos in 2011. The share of supermarkets/self-service stores has increased by one point compared to 2011, when they represented 35% of the total. A total of 3,154 million kilos of fruit and vegetables were purchased in supermarkets in 2012 compared to 3,037 million kilos in 2011. The share of hypermarkets remains the same as that of 2011 at 8%. In 2012, fruit and vegetables purchased from street markets represented 5% of the total amount and personal consumption represented 7%, the same as in 2011. In 2012, 619 million kilos of fruit and vegetables were purchased for personal consumption and 473 million kilos were purchased from street markets.

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FEDEMCO celebr su Asamblea General 2013 El sector, tras el fuerte crecimiento experimentado en 2011, mantuvo sus cifras de fabricaci n y facturaci n El pasado 29 de mayo se celebr en el Hotel NH Center de Valencia, la Asamblea General de FEDEMCO, bajo la presidencia de Bernardo Lorente. El evento congreg a alrededor de cuarenta representantes de empresas asociadas (envases, componentes, palets, etc.) Durante el acto se present la Memoria de Actividades 2012, que recoge lo m s destacable de la labor de la Federaci n durante el pasado a o seg n sus diferentes reas de trabajo. La versi n espa ola del documento ya se encuentra disponible para todos en Fernando Tr nor, Director, subray la activa presencia de FEDEMCO en otras organizaciones de su mbito tanto a escala nacional como internacional, destacando la exitosa coorganizaci n del 63¼ Congreso de FEFPEB en Valencia, la firma del IV Convenio de la Madera, la organizaci n de diversas jornadas formativas y la participaci n en la revisi n de la normativa fitosanitaria NIMF-15. En el rea de Calidad, resalt la promoci n de la marca ÒGROW QualityÓ, y puso de relieve el seguimiento y apoyo en la implementaci n de las Buenas Pr cticas de Fabricaci n e Higiene en las empresas. Tr nor abord otros temas de actualidad como la nueva legislaci n que regula el comercio legal de

Asistentes a la Asamblea de Socios 2013 de FEDEMCO / FEDEMCO Members’ Assembly for 2013 madera en Europa, los nuevos requisitos de la NIMF-15 en Espa a, o la creciente implantaci n de la certificaci n de sistemas de seguridad alimentaria entre empresas del sector del envase en nuestro pa s.

disponible en, as como las conclusiones del informe sectorial de envases de madera 2012, destacando el mantenimiento de las cifras de producci n y facturaci n del sector tras el fuerte crecimiento de 2011.

Por otra parte, Roberto Garc a, Responsable de Marketing, detall las acciones de promoci n del sector, de las empresas y sus productos durante 2012. Present el video ÒEnvases de Madera. Una industria sostenible comprometida con la calidadÓ,

Bernardo Lorente, destac en la clausura la positiva evoluci n del sector, el acceso a nuevos mercados, y el compromiso de FEDEMCO en promover la industria y ayudar a sus empresas a seguir mejorando su competitividad.


FEDEMCO holds its General Assembly for 2013 Following the strong growth experimented by the sector in 2011, production and turnover figures were maintained in 2012

FEDEMCOÕs General Assembly was held on 29th May at the NH Center Hotel in Valencia, in the presence of the president Bernardo Lorente. The event brought together around forty representatives from associated companies (crates, components, pallets, etc.). During the Assembly the Activities Report for 2012, which outlines the most significant work carried out by the Federation over the past year in different areas, was submitted. The Spanish version of the document can be consulted through the website The director of FEDEMCO, Fernando Tr nor, pointed out the active presence of FEDEMCO in other organizations of its field, both on a national and international scale, highlighting the successful

co-organization of the 63rd Conference held by FEFPEB in Valencia, the signing of the IV Timber Agreement, the organization of several training days and FederationÕs participation in revising the ISPM15 phytosanitary standard. Regarding quality, he talked about the promotion of the ÒGROW QualityÓ brand, and highlighted the monitoring and endorsing of the introduction of the Guide to Good Hygiene and Manufacturing Practices in companies. Tr nor discussed other topical issues such as the new legislation on the legal trade of timber in Europe, the new ISPM-15 requirements in Spain, and the growing implementation of the food safety certificate system in companies belonging to the crate sector in Spain.

On the other hand, Roberto Garc a (head of Marketing at FEDEMCO) informed those present of the promotion work that had been carried out for the sector, companies and products during 2012. He presented the video ÒWooden crates: a sustainable industry committed to qualityÓ (available at, in addition to the conclusions of the sectorial report on the wooden crate sector for 2012, pointing out that the production and turnover figures for the sector have remained stable after the strong growth they experienced in 2011. Bernardo Lorente closed the Assembly highlighting the positive evolution of the sector, the access to new markets, and the commitment of FEDEMCO in promoting the industry and helping its associated companies to continue improving their competitiveness.

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Jornada de Maderas Aserradas y T cnicas en Contacto con Alimentos Se resaltaron los aspectos que caracterizan y definen la conformidad de los suministros de maderas El pasado mes de mayo FEDEMCO organiz la Jornada ÒCaracterizaci n e Idoneidad de Maderas Aserradas y T cnicas en Contacto con AlimentosÓ en colaboraci n con AIDIMA. Rosa M» P rez, Directora de Laboratorios de Materiales en AIDIMA, abri la jornada repasando las maderas y tableros m s comunes utilizadas en el envase, utensilios, etc. y las caracter sticas que influyen en su comportamiento. De los diversos estudios sobre madera destac su aptitud en envase, sobre todo por su sus propiedades antibacterianas. Subray que su estructura porosa, en contra de lo que se cree, es un inhibidora f sica de las bacterias, por efecto de la capilaridad. A adiendo el efecto bactericida de los poli-fenoles en algunas especies, y la baja migraci n o cambios de sabor u olor. No obstante, abog por las buenas pr cticas en aprovisionamiento y producci n respecto a homogeneidad, humedad, conformidad e higiene. Seguidamente, Eva Mart nez, Responsable del Laboratorio de Materiales para Embalaje, resalt la falta de legislaci n espec fica sobre el material a escala europea o nacional atribuible a su inocuidad. Por otra parte destac el gran desarrollo en Francia, donde la madera est muy extendida en alimentaci n. La legislaci n del

Rosa Mª Pérez destacó las propiedades antibacterianas del envase de madera / Rosa Maria Perez highlighted the antibacterial properties of wood packaging pa s vecino, cuenta con una extensa lista de especies autorizadas y remite a la legislaci n europea en cuanto a las limitaciones respecto a otras sustancias. Mart nez se refiri no obstante al Reglamento 1935/2004 de materiales en contacto con alimentos y al Reglamento 2023/2006 de buenas pr cticas, haciendo referencia a legislaci n europea y bibliograf a del Consejo de Europa respecto a otros materiales o suministros

como por ejemplo las tintas de impresi n, que suscitaron gran inter s entre los asistentes. Para finalizar, se expusieron los criterios que definen el sistema de seguridad alimentaria en la empresa (suministros, producci n, personal, documentaci n, etc.) como base de la declaraci n de conformidad alimentaria de las empresas a sus clientes, destacando la referencia de las buenas pr cticas de fabricaci n e higiene impulsadas por FEDEMCO.


Conference on Sawn Timber and Engineered Wood in Contact with Food

The conference outlined the aspects that characterize and define the compliance of supplies of sawn timber, wood boards and components. On last May, FEDEMCO held the conference ÒCharacterization and Suitability of Sawn Timber and Engineered Wood in Contact with FoodÓ in collaboration with AIDIMA. In his welcoming speech, the director of the Federation, Fernando Tr nor, pointed out that the wide range of people attending (from supplies, wood boards, crates, packaging and pallets) guaranteed the conferenceÕs success. The conference was opened by Rosa M» P rez, director of Material Laboratories, who discussed the most commonly used types of wood and wood boards for manufacturing crates, utensils, etc., and the characteristics that influence their performance:

their natural composition, density, humidity, appearance, hygroscopic and organoleptic properties, etc. Regarding the different studies on wood, she pointed out the suitability of wood for manufacturing crates due to its antibacterial properties. She emphasized the fact that, contrary to popular belief, its porous structure is actually a physical inhibitor of bacteria due to its capillarity. Some kinds of wood have the added antibacterial effect of their polyphenols, and there is also a low risk of migration or changes in taste and smell. She also spoke in favour of good practices in supplies and production as regards homogeneity, humidity,

compliance and hygiene. Eva Mart nez, head of Material Laboratories for Packaging, talked about disposable crates in Spain (a result of the fact that there is no specific legislation on the harmlessness of wood on both a European and national scale), and she also pointed out the considerable progress that has been made in France where wood is widely used by the food industry. Legislation in France uses a long list of authorised species and refers to European legislation as far as limitations for heavy metals, chemicals, etc. are concerned. Eva Mart nez talked about Regulations 1935/2004 on materials that come into contact with food and Regulations 2023/2006 on good practices, referring to European legislation and the Council of Europe bibliography with regard to other materials or supplies such as inks used in printing, which aroused great interest amongst those attending the conference. The conference came to an end with a discussion on criteria used to define the food safety system in companies (supplies, production, staff, documents, etc.) as a basis for the declaration of compliance of food between companies and their clients, and reference was made to the Guide to Good Hygiene and Manufacturing Practices that is promoted by FEDEMCO.

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xito de la Jornada sobre NIMF-15 y tratamientos HT Organizada en colaboraci n con AIDIMA, cont adem s con la participaci n de representantes de Sanidad Vegetal y de la empresa SILVINO LINDO FEDEMCO en colaboraci n con el Instituto Tecnol gico AIDIMA, organiz el pasado mes de junio, la segunda edici n de la Jornada ÒÒSistemas de control en tecnolog as de secado y tratamiento t rmico (HT)Ó. Sales Ibiza, T cnico del Dpto. de Tecnolog a y Biotecnolog a de AIDIMA, hizo una introducci n de los objetivos de la normativa NIMF-15, en cuanto a la prevenci n en la propagaci n de plagas forestales. Realiz una proyecci n de futuro respecto a la evoluci n de los tratamientos y posibles m todos de verificaci n. Carmen D az, de Sanidad Vegetal del MAGRAMA, expuso las novedades de la normativa NIMF-15 en Espa a, que entra en vigor el 1 de julio. Subray los avances en el proceso de acreditaci n de organismos independientes de control, y mayores exigencias sobre la eficacia y eficiencia de los tratamientos t rmicos (calibraci n de sondas, caracterizaci n de c maras, etc.). Tambi n resolvi numerosas dudas planteadas a lo largo de la jornada por los asistentes, una muestra de los 986 operadores registrados, de los que 405 cuentan con c maras. Sales Ibiza prosigui explicando los principios y conceptos del secado de la madera, as como los tratamientos fitosanitarios alternativos al t rmico (HT), tanto dentro de la norma, secado en estufa (KD), microondas, etc., como otros. A continuaci n, Eva Mart nez, Responsable del

Carmen Díaz expuso las novedades de la normativa NIMF-15 / Carmen Díaz outlined the new features or the ISPM-15 regulation Laboratorio de Materiales de AIDIMA, explic la disposici n, flujo y velocidad de ventilaci n, carga necesidad de verificaci n de sondas y de los equipos t rmica, etc y destac la mayor digitalizaci n de la de tratamiento y los requerimientos para su correcta monitorizaci n y registro calibraci n y caracterizaci n de c maras. Termin Fernando Tr nor, Director de FEDEMCO, cerr el con varios ejemplos pr cticos encuentro agradeciendo la presencia a los asistentes, Finalmente, Tiago Marques, de SILVINO LINDO y poniendo en valor el rol de las organizaciones en IB RICA, S.A., fabricante de secaderos, expuso sus informar y representar los intereses del sector en la tipolog as y soluciones. Tambi n abord las buenas aplicaci n de la NIMF-15, tanto en Espa a como en pr cticas en cuanto aislamiento, carga, enristrelado, la UE.


The conference on ISPM-15 and HT treatment: a great success Representatives from Spanish Administration and the company Silvino Lindo attended the conference organized in collaboration with AIDIMA

On last June, FEDEMCO held the second edition of the conference ÒControl systems of drying and heat treatment (HT)Ó technologiesÓ in collaboration with the AIDIMA Technological Institute. Sales Ibiza, a technician from the Department of Technology and Biotechnology at AIDIMA, opened the conference by outlining the objectives of the ISPM-15 regulations concerning the prevention of the spreading of forest pests. Future prospects regarding the evolution of treatment and possible inspection methods were discussed. Carmen D az from Plant Health at MAGRAMA, outlined the new features of the ISPM-15 regulations in Spain, which will come into force on 1 July. She

emphasized the fact that progress has been made concerning the accreditation process of independent control organizations, and greater demands have been made on the effectiveness and efficiency of heat treatment (probe calibration, chamber characterisation, etc.). She also answered a number of questions asked throughout the conference by those attending (a sample of the 986 registered operators, 405 of which have drying chambers). Eva Mart nez, head of the Laboratory of Materials at AIDIMA, explained the need to check probes and treatment equipment, and the requirements needed to carry out the correct calibration of probes and chamber characterisation. She finished by

giving several practical examples. Finally, Tiago Marques (from the dryer manufacturers SILVINO LINDO IB RICA, S.A.) outlined the various types and solutions: dimensions, height, opening, ventilation, power, heat, etc. He also talked about good practices regarding insulation, load, the separation of wood into layers, layout, ventilation flow and speed, thermal load, etc. He emphasized the fact that there is a more widespread digitalization of monitoring and recording, wireless probes, possibilities of remote control and maintenance, and a greater possibility to configure temperature and humidity.

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FEDEMCO vuelve a su cita anual con el sector hortofrut cola espa ol Participar de manera agrupada con la Asociaci n Ò5 al d aÓ promoviendo el consumo de frutas y hortalizas

FEDEMCO estar presente (stand 7E 12B) en la Feria Internacional FRUIT ATTRACTION que se celebrar del 16 al 18 de octubre, en el recinto ferial IFEMA de Madrid. Una amplia gama de envases de madera, cestas y otros componentes se expondr n en el stand de FEDEMCO. Envases naturales que ofrecen la mejor presentaci n de cualquier tipo de productos hortofrut colas. Se destacar n los envases ÒGROW QualityÓ es decir aquellos envases de madera GROW fabricados bajo un sistema de garant a de calidad gestionado por FEDEMCO. El envase GROW Quality es el envase id neo para envasar, almacenar y transportar todo tipo de productos hortofrut colas con total garant a. Con la intenci n de demostrar la compatibilidad en el paletizado de los diversos formatos fabricados por el sector se montar n medias paletas con distintos tipos de envases (30x20, 40x30, 50x30 y 60x40) de distintos proveedores. Adem s se informar , sobre las ventajas medioambientales y de higiene que se obtienen al utilizar envases de madera: envases y embalajes de madera, de un solo uso y fabricados de acuerdo a las buenas pr cticas, propiedades naturales antibacterianas, protecci n e higiene en la distribuci n agroalimentaria, etc.

Envases de mercado en la pasada edición confirmando la buena impresión de la madera / Crates used on the market at last year’s trade fair confirm good quality printing on wood Como novedad este a o la Federaci n participar de forma agrupada bajo la ÒAsociaci n 5 al d aÓ. La agrupaci n dispondr de una plaza central donde

se realizar n durante los d as del evento diferentes actividades de promoci n, de animaci n y comunicaci n, con el objetivo final de promover un mayor consumo de frutas y hortalizas.


FEDEMCO will once again be attending the annual event for the Spanish fruit and vegetable sector

It will take part in the trade fair grouped together with the Ò5 a dayÓ association to promote eating fruit and vegetables FEDEMCO will be attending the international trade fair FRUIT ATTRACTION (stand 7E 12B), which is to be held between 16 and 18 October at the IFEMA exhibition site in Madrid.

guarantee system managed by FEDEMCO. GROW Quality crates are ideal for packaging, storing and transporting any type of fruit and vegetables with absolute guarantee.

A wide range of wooden crates, baskets and other components will be on display at the FEDEMCO stand: natural packaging that provides the best presentation for any type of fruit and vegetable produce.

In order to show the compatibility of the palletization of the different formats manufactured by the sector, half pallets will be on display stacked with different sized crates (30x20cm, 40x30cm, 50x30cm and 60x40cm) from different suppliers.

ÒGROW QualityÓ crates will be given pride of place on the stand. These are GROW crates manufactured in accordance with a quality

In addition, there will be information on the advantages of using wood packaging as far as

hygiene and the environment are concerned: wooden crates and packaging are disposable and manufactured according to good practices, with natural antibacterial properties, and provide protection and good hygiene standards for the distribution of agricultural produce and food stuffs. For the first time, the Federation will take part in the trade fair grouped together with the Ò5 a dayÓ association. They will be given a central area where there will be different promotion, entertainment and communication activities in an aim to encourage the public to eat more fruit and vegetables.

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La UE corrige el requisito ÒimpermeableÓ en envases de pescado por Òresistente al aguaÓ Tal y como solicit AESAN y promovi FEDEMCO, el pasado mes de junio se public la correcci n de errores relativos a las caracter sticas de los envases de la pesca El Diario Oficial de la Uni n europea public el pasado mes de junio diferentes correcciones de errores del Reglamento (CE) n¼ 853/2004 por el que se establecen normas espec ficas de higiene de los alimentos de origen animal.

Para ello tambi n se ha contado con el apoyo de la Representaci n Permanente de Espa a ante la UE, miembros del Parlamento Europeo, as como de otras organizaciones del sector de la madera: CONFEMADERA en el mbito nacional y GROW, FEFPEB y CEI-Bois en el internacional.

La versi n espa ola e italiana de la legislaci n, tal y como ya hac an las versiones de otros idiomas (ingl s, franc s, alem n, etc.), recogen ahora que los recipientes en los que se conserven en hielo los productos de la pesca frescos deber n ser Òresistentes al aguaÓ sustituyendo al t rmino anterior ÒimpermeableÓ. Llama no obstante la atenci n que la correcci n no se ha producido en la versi n portuguesa. Este cambio supone una mayor unificaci n del acervo comunitario respecto a los requisitos a los materiales de envases para pescado fresco, incluyendo los de un solo uso de madera, por parte de la Comisi n Europea y de los pa ses miembros. FEDEMCO ha promovido el cambio y dado

En Espa a, Agricultura, y concretamente la Direcci n General de Ordenaci n Pesquera, tambi n promovi en 2011 la correcci n de las diferentes normas y gu as de higiene para los productos de la pesca que recog an el error.

Envases de madera GROW conteniendo boquerón y sardina. / GROW Wooden packaging containing anchovy and sardine. seguimiento a este asunto tras la solicitud formal de la Agencia Espa ola de Seguridad Alimentaria (AESAN) a la D.G. Sanco (Comisi n Europea) en 2009.

Seg n interpretaci n de la AESAN el Reglamento (CE) n¼ 853/2004 no establece espec ficamente materiales permitidos o prohibidos para el envasado de productos, sino las condiciones generales de los envases de modo que se cumplan con los objetivos del mismo: Ògarantizar que no sean fuente de contaminaci nÓ y que sean Òf cil de limpiar y, en caso necesario, de desinfectarÓ si son reutilizables, que no es el caso de la madera (R.D. 888/1988),


The EU corrects the requirement "impermeable" in fish packaging, for "water resistant" As requested by the Spanish Food Safety Agency (AESAN) and defended by FEDEMCO last June wereÊ published the correction of errors relating to the characteristics of the fish packaging Last June, the Official Journal of the European Union, published several corrigendum in the Regulation (EC)

No 853/2004 laying down specific hygiene rules on the hygiene of foodstuffs.

Spanish and Italian versions of the legislation, as already did versions of other languages (English, French, German, etc.) now indicate that receptacles in which fresh fishery products are kept under ice must be ÒwaterresistantÓ instead of ÒimpermeableÓ. However, it is noteworthy that the correction has not occurred in the Portuguese version. This change means greater unification of the acquis communautaire concerning the requirements of packaging materials for fresh fish, including single-use wood packaging, by the European Commission and member countries. FEDEMCO has promoted change and followed up on the matter after a formal request from the Spanish Food Safety Agency (AESAN) to D.G. Sanco (European Commission) in 2009. That had also the support of the Permanent Representation of Spain to the EU, MEPs and other wood organizations: CONFEMADERA in Spain, and GROW, FEFPEB and CEI-Bois in Europe. In Spain, Directorate General of Fisheries (Ministry of Agriculture) also promoted in 2011 the correction of different hygiene standards and guidelines for fishery products that collected the term error. According to the interpretation of AESAN, Regulation (EC) No 853/2004 does not specifically set the materials permitted or prohibited for the packaging of products, but the general conditions of the containers so that they meet the objectives thereof, "ensure they are not a source of contamination ", and that are "easy to clean and, if necessary, to disinfect " if they are reusable, which is not the case of single-use wood packaging in Spain.

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ANREPA celebra su primer Congreso Nacional de Recicladores de Pal s El intrusismo en el sector fue uno de los temas que m s debate gener entre los asistentes La Asociaci n Nacional de Recuperadores de Palets (ANREPA) celebr el pasado mes de mayo, el Primer Congreso Nacional de Recicladores de Pal s. El evento reuni a un centenar de profesionales y t cnicos afines al sector del reciclaje de pal s. Entre los diversos temas tratados durante el evento el intrusismo en el sector fue uno de los que m s interesaron a los asistentes. Una inquietud en linea con la denuncia que FEDEMCO promovi desde CONFEMADERA en 2012. Julio Lorente, responsable del rea jur dica de la Federaci n Espa ola de la Recuperaci n y el Reciclaje (FER) con su ponencia: "Intrusismo en el sector de la recuperaci n y el reciclaje", remarc la existencia de bastantes operadores ilegales y la necesidad de acabar con su actividad intrusista mediante la denuncia. Adem s solicit m s medios para la Administraci n para combatirlo. La "Aplicaci n de la Ley de Residuos 22/2011 al sector del reciclado de pal s" fue otra de las ponencias destacadas del Congreso. Mar a del Sol Santos, en representaci n de la Jefatura del çrea de Planificaci n y Gesti n de Residuos de la Consejer a de Medio Ambiente y Ordenaci n del Territorio de la Comunidad de Madrid, hizo especial hincapi en la importancia de una Ley de Residuos que, entre

De acuerdo con los datos elaborados por FEDEMCO en 2011 los recicladores reintrodujeron en el mercado, cerca de 21 millones de unidades de palets. / According to figures provided by FEDEMCO, pallet recyclers reintroduced around 21 million pallets into the market in 2011 otras cosas, propugna la tramitaci n electr nica para facilitar la gesti n y luchar contra el intrusismo en el sector. Adem s tambi n se abodaron otros temas como la situaci n actual y perspectivas de la paleta EUR, aprovechamientos forestales, la nueva normativa

fitosanitaria NIMF-15 y la fiscalidad en el sector del reciclado de palets, entre otros. El Congreso, celebrado en el Hotel Avenida de Am rica de Madrid, finaliz con la celebraci n de una mesa redonda en la que el sector plante problemas y casos concretos a los ponentes.


ANREPA holds the first National Congress of Pallet Recyclers

Infiltration in the sector was one of the issues that raised the most discussion amongst those attending the congress Last May, the National Association of Pallet Recoverers (ANREPA) held the first National Congress of Pallet Recyclers. The event brought together around one hundred professionals and specialists related to the pallet recycling sector. Many issues were discussed during the conference, but infiltration in the sector raised the most interest. It is a great concern along the line of the formal complaint that was submitted by FEDEMCO from CONFEMADERA in 2012. Julio Lorente, head of the legal area of the Spanish Recovery and Recycling Federation (FER), with her

paper entitled "Infiltration in the recovery and recycling sector", pointed out the existence of a number of illegal operators and the need to end their activity by reporting them. Furthermore, she asked for more resources so that the administration can fight against infiltration. The paper "Applying Waste Law 22/2011 to the pallet recycling sector" was another of the papers that stood out during the conference. Mar a del Sol Santos (representing the Waste Planning and Waste Management Administration at the Ministry of the Environment and Town and Country Planning for the autonomous region of Madrid) emphasized the

importance of a Waste Law that, amongst other things, defends electronic proceedings to make management easier and fight against infiltration in the sector. Other issues under discussion included the current situation and future prospects for the EUR pallet, the use of forests, the new ISPM-15 phytosanitary standard and taxation in the pallet recycling sector. The conference, which was held at the Avenida de Am rica Hotel in Madrid, concluded with a round table in which the sector put forward problems and specific cases to the speakers.

el rbol


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ÒEl çrbol es VidaÓ en el Congreso Forestal Espa ol El programa generar para Espa a un ahorro en derechos de emisi n equivalente a 2,2 millones de toneladas de CO2

ÔEl çrbol es VidaÕ es un programa de plantaci n y concienciaci n medioambiental incluido en la Ley de Presupuestos Generales del Estado 2012 como acontecimiento de excepcional inter s p blico. Esta f rmula de colaboraci n p blico-privada permite a los patrocinadores del evento beneficiarse de los m ximos incentivos fiscales, lo que supone una deducci n fiscal en el Impuesto de Sociedades de hasta el 90% de las cantidades donadas. El programa generar para Espa a un ahorro en derechos de emisi n equivalente a 2,2 millones de toneladas de CO2 en un periodo de 40 a os, as como 150.000 tm de CO2 fijado al a o, contribuyendo a mitigar el cambio clim tico. Adem s, el crecimiento en madera estimado ser de 74.000 m3/a o. Otros de los objetivos de ÔEl çrbol es VidaÕ son asegurar la gesti n forestal sostenible y consolidar un sector clave para la econom a y el empleo, como es el sector de la madera. El proyecto ÔEl çrbol es VidaÕ, acontecimiento de excepcional inter s p blico iniciativa de la Fundaci n Espa ola de la Madera, particip en el 6¼ Congreso Forestal Espa ol, que se celebr el pasado mes de junio en Vitoria con el objetivo de presentar los resultados de las investigaciones y experiencias del mbito forestal y exponer ideas y propuestas de mejora.

El proyecto estima un crecimiento en madera de 74.000 m3/año. / The project estimates a growth in wood of 74,000 m3/year.

Beatriz del Castillo, representante de la Fundaci n Espa ola de la Madera, explic en qu consiste el proyecto ÔEl çrbol es VidaÕ, cu les son sus objetivos y qu beneficios pueden obtener las empresas que decidan sumarse para

apoyar la plantaci n de 10 millones de rboles por toda Espa a, favoreciendo as la difusi n de la cultura del rbol y el uso de productos de madera frente a otros materiales menos respetuosos con el medio ambiente.


The ÒA Tree is LifeÓ project at the Spanish Forestry Conference

The project will generate savings in SpainÕs pollution allowance equivalent to 2.2 million tons of CO2 The ÔA Tree is LifeÕ project is an environmental awareness programme that also involves planting trees, which has been declared in the Law of the General State Budgets for 2012 as an event of exceptional public interest. This state-private collaboration makes it possible for the sponsors of the event to benefit from maximum tax incentives, namely a deduction in corporation tax

of up to 90% of the amount donated. The project will generate savings in SpainÕs pollution allowance equivalent to 2.2 million tons of CO2 over a period of 40 years, as well as 150,000 tons of CO2 fixed each year, thus contributing to reducing climatic change. Besides, the estimated growth in wood is 74,000 m3/year.

Another of the aims of the ÔA Tree is LifeÕ project is to guarantee sustainable forest management and consolidate a key sector for the economy and employment, such is the timber sector. The ÔA Tree is LifeÕ project, which has been declared an event of exceptional public interest, is an initiative promoted by the Spanish Timber Foundation. It formed part of the 6th Spanish Forestry Conference held last June in Vitoria, and its aim was to present the results of research and experiments that have been carried out in forests, in addition to discussing ideas and proposals for improvement. Beatriz del Castillo, representative of the Spanish Timber Foundation, explained what the ÔA Tree is LifeÕ project involves, its aims and the benefits for companies that decide to endorse planting 10 million trees throughout Spain. This promotes the tree culture and the use of wood products in contrast to other materials that are not so environment-friendly.

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FEDEMCO estudia la tasa de reciclaje del envase, embalaje y palet de madera en 2012 Se entrevista a cientos de empresas tanto en el sector reciclador como en los sectores usuarios FEDEMCO-ECOLE O, en colaboraci n con Ecoembalajes Espa a, S.A., estudia por duod cimo a o consecutivo la tasa de reciclado de envases, embalajes y palets de madera en Espa a con el objetivo de que el M¼ de Medio Ambiente pueda informar a la Comisi n Europea. En 2011, sta fue del 53 %. El reciclaje de madera cumpli con creces el objetivo m nimo marcado para la madera por la directiva comunitaria sobre residuos de envases (15%) y contribuy al cumplimiento del objetivo global de reciclado de envases y embalajes de todo tipo de materiales (55%). En la actualidad, se estudia la tasa en 2012, entrevistando a cientos de empresas tanto en el sector reciclador, como en los sectores generadores de residuos de envase, embalaje y palet de madera. El estudio abarca el an lisis de las tres fases del ciclo de vida de un envase o embalaje de madera. En la fase de fabricaci n, se determina el volumen total de envase y embalaje puesto en el mercado, as como sus diferentes destinos.

FEDEMCO-ECOLEÑO en su visita a Astillados de Levante S.A (ASLESA) / FEDEMCO-ECOLEÑO visited Astillados de Levante S.A. (ASLESA)

La fase de utilizaci n contempla el uso del envase o embalaje por parte de los usuarios primarios y secundarios teniendo en cuenta la posible

En la fase de recuperaci n se estudia c mo el residuo del envase y embalaje de madera es recogido por el gestor correspondiente recuperador o reciclador

reutilizaci n por parte de los mismos o su deshecho.

que o bien repara los embalajes y palets susceptibles de reutilizarse o bien manda a valorizar el residuo de aquellos o de los envases de un solo uso para su reciclaje material o valorizaci n energ tica.


FEDEMCO studies wood packaging recycling rate for 2012 Hundreds of companies belonging to the recycling sector and sectors that generate waste from wooden crates, packaging and pallets are taking part in the study FEDEMCO-ECOLE O (in collaboration with Ecoembalajes Espa a, S.A.) is studying the recycling rate of wooden crates, packaging and pallets in Spain for the twelfth consecutive year, so that the Ministry of the Environment can inform the European Commission of the results. In 2011 the recycling rate was 53%. Wood recycling easily met the minimum target set for wood by the EC directive on wooden crate waste (15%), and went a long way to meeting the overall target set for recycling crates


and packaging made from all types of materials (55%). The recycling rate is currently being studied for 2012, and hundreds of companies belonging to the recycling sector and sectors that generate waste from wooden crates, packaging and pallets are taking part in the study. The study includes an analysis of the three stages of the lifecycle of a wooden crate or wood packaging. During production, the total volume of crates and packaging put on the market, and the different uses

of each type, are determined. The period of use considers the use of the crate or packaging by primary and secondary users, taking into account the fact that they may be reused or disposed of. During the recovery stage, the waste generated from wooden crates and packaging is collected by the corresponding recovery or recycling manager, which either repairs the packaging and pallets likely to be reused or sends the waste or disposable crates away to be valued (material recycling or energy valuation).

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