Contributor Information Guide
About Sonder/Sway
Sonder/Sway is a curated platform focused on lifestyle, offering a selection of shopping, dining and the best trends. Inspiring daily living through a combination of curated guides for the best occasion, expert insights and personalized recommendations.
The newsletter engages with a subscriber base of 70K+ Our audience is connected to WildwoodShopping Center, Pike &Rose, Bethesda Row, CongressionalPlaza andadditional contentcan include FederalPlaza andMontrose Crossing locatedin Rockville, Marylandand Gaithersburg Square andQuince OrchardPlaza, locatedin Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Sonder/Sway follows a rhythm of monthly communication for Maryland subscribers The cadence ensures each region receives the appropriate level of engagement and relevant content
How to Submit Your Stories
Once your story/pitch is approved, we will notify you the month it will be published and the audience your story will be emailed to. The content is due the 10th of the month prior. For example, if your story is scheduled March text and photos are due February 10th.
Submit your copy as a Word or Google Doc and photos in any cloud sharing system you prefer Photos must be edited and follow our photography guidelines (see guidelines below) Send photos as JPEGS or PNG files (no HEIC files).
In the copy document, recommend placement/layout of the images. For example, if you ’ re writing a How-To or if you ' re describing a particular product, the image should visually complement the content, ensuring the steps, features or details are easy to follow Note that we make final editing decisions to best fit our branding and online format
Photos/Content can be emailed to dcmetromarketing@federalrealty.com and CC Dynise Espeleta at despeleta@federalrealty.com
Photo Guidelines

Example Links & VSCO Filter Use
Follow the photo guideline for best practices and learn how you can apply the filter to your photography (this filter is only needed for raw photos).
Acceptable File Types
Use high-quality formats such as JPEG or PNG, no HEIC files
VSCO App Reimbursement Program
We reimburse up to $29.99 covering the VSCO annual fee, include a copy of the receipt in your invoice.
Sharing your stories
On the first of the month, you will receive an email from the Sonder/Sway team notifying you that the article is live and scheduled in the next newsletter Once that email is received, you are highly encouraged to share your post with your community and network If you feature a merchant in one of our properties, feel free to tag them as well as the neighborhood property social account. A full list of property social accounts can be found on the Resources page.
You are welcome to post and reshare your story throughout the month. We measure click throughs and page views on our stories to help us measure the success
Headshots & Bios
We will include your headshot and bio at the end of each story If you haven’t submitted your Bio and Headshot, or if you would like to update what we currently have, please send your information to DC Metro Marketing at dcmetromarketing@federalrealty com and CC Dynise Espeleta at despeleta@federalrealty.com
Payment and Invoicing
Submit your W-9 to Serra Scott at sscott@federalrealty.com We will work with the Federal Realty Accounting team to set up the Nexus invoicing system Nexus is the system used to upload your invoice with your receipts.
Include receipts in the same document as your invoice by formatting them to the bottom of the page or to the second page A PDF document is recommended for ease
Invoices must be received within 30 days of your approved and submitted content
Nexus Submission Steps
● Log into Nexus with the credentials provided to you
● Select “Invoices” on the left side menu
● Once in the “Invoices” tab, select the blue “Submit Invoice” button
● Upload or drag your invoice into the image section
● On the left fill out the following:
○ Supplier > (should be your name) and leave Supplier Location blank
○ Buyer > Select Federal Realty Investment Trust and Buyer Location > select Marketing: Pike & Rose
○ Enter in your Invoice Date and Invoice total
○ In the Notes, feel free to include any specific details you would like the Federal team to know.
After invoices and receipts are submitted, the Federal team will review and then approve. Once an invoice is approved, please allow up to 30 days to receive your check in the mail.
$250/post ($50/Language Translation) | up to $250/ reimbursement | $30 Spotify Playlist |$100 TV Appearance
Payments and reimbursements will only be made for approved content All purchases for reimbursements must be made on-site at Federal Realty retail locations Off-site or online purchases for reimbursements will not be approved.
Federal Realty DC Metro Properties and Social Accounts
● Congressional Plaza
○ Website - https://congressionalplaza.com/
○ Instagram - @congressionalplaza
○ Facebook - CongressionalPlaza
● Pike & Rose
○ Website - https://pikeandrose com/
○ Instagram - @pikeandrose
○ Facebook - PikeandRose
● Wildwood Shopping Center
○ Website - https://shopsatwildwood.com/
○ Instagram - @shopsatwildwood
○ Facebook - ShopWildwood
● Bethesda Row
○ Website- https://www.bethesdarow.com/
○ Instagram - @bethesdarowfrt
○ Facebook - BethesdaRow
VSCO - https://www vsco co/
Nexus Login - https://connectedbynexus.com/auth/login
Federal Realty Investment Trust main website - https://www.federalrealty.com/