Federation Villages Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
PM-06: Flood Planning Controls – Existing Zoned Land
At the time of writing, Council had engaged GHD Pty Ltd to prepare the Federation LEP and Comprehensive DCP to be applied across the Federation LGA (i.e. covering the former Corowa and Urana LGAs). Through this work, consistency between Urana and Corowa DCPs should be resolved, and consideration of new controls to assist in the management of development on flood prone land as discussed in this FRMS&P.
Amalgamate the Urana and Corowa planning documents to ensure consistency in controls.
6.4.6. Planning Controls to Managing Future Development
In addition to investigating ways to mitigate flood risk under current conditions, a key objective of this Floodplain Risk Management Study & Plan (FRMS&P) is to consider the continuing and future flood risk in the Federation Villages. This allows Council to plan future growth areas with flood risk in mind, and ideally, approve development compatible with the flood risk in that area. At the time of writing, Council had not identified official areas for strategic development, however commented that due to being commuting distance to Albury, Oaklands and Rand would be the villages most likely to see demand for future growth. Review of the current land use zoning (from Urana LEP 2011) shows that in these villages there is some vacant land already zoned as RU5 (Village), and (in Rand), R5 (Large Lot Residential), that would support residential development. (Note: Figures showing the Land use zoning for each village are provided in each village’s respective Appendix to the main FRMS&P report.) However, depending on the degree and type of growth proposed, it may be necessary to rezone additional land that surrounds the towns from RU1 (Primary Production) to a classification that supports the type of development desired, e.g. RU5, R5 or other. The following section provides high level advice for Council to take into account when considering land use planning in future growth areas.
Whilst Council has not identified any official areas for strategic development Oaklands and Rand would be the villages most likely to see demand for future growth due to being commuting distance to Albury. Review of the current land use zoning (from Urana LEP 2011) shows that in these villages there is some vacant land already zoned as RU5 (Village), and (in Rand), R5 (Large Lot Residential), that would support residential development. However, depending on the degree and type of growth proposed, it may be necessary to rezone additional land that surrounds the towns from RU1 (Primary Production) to a classification that supports the type of development desired, e.g. RU5, R5 or other. With the hydraulic assessments underpinning this FRMS&P (underway), Council will be able to take advantage of the high-resolution flood information available when considering changes to land use zoning in these future growth areas. Direction No. 15 – Flood Prone Land (Section 117 Ministerial Directions, Revised direction no. 15, 31 January 2007 (Planning Circular PS 07-003)) applies when a council prepares a draft LEP that creates, removes or alters a zone or provision that affects flood prone land.
118048: R211211_FederationVillagesFRMSP.docx: 11 December 2021