Federation Villages Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan
‘Meet the street’ events
‘Meet-the-street’ events involve NSW SES and Council setting up a ‘stall’ at an appropriate time and visible location. The event would be advertised through a specific letter box drop to the targeted neighbourhood or vulnerable site. The stall could consist of flood maps on boards, NSW SES banners, NSW SES materials to hand out. These materials are used to engage with people and make them aware of flood risk, encourage preparedness behaviours (e.g. develop emergency plans) and help them understand what to do during and after a flood. A meeting could also encourage property owners to develop selfhelp networks and particularly people checking on neighbours if a flood is imminent. Longer-term residents with flood experience could be used to help provide other residents with an understanding of previous floods and how to prepare for future flooding.
Flood Information Signage
Flood information signs could be implemented in locations known to flood to inform residents of the risk, and appropriate responses.
RM02: Community Flood Awareness and Education Design and implement an ongoing community flood education program to maintain a high level of flood awareness and understanding of the risk, and appropriate response, to flooding in the study area.
6.5.3. Improvements to Driver Safety
One of the key hazards associated with floods in the study area is flooding across roads. The section below contains a discussion of the practical considerations that are involved when installing new flood signage on roads within the local catchments, in addition to suggested locations. It is recommended that an investigation be undertaken by Council to confirm the most appropriate locations for and types of flood signage, and complementary education programs to reduce flood risk most effectively to motorists and consequences to flood behaviour in surrounding areas (such as wave action and flow diversion). One of the main hazards that occurs during local rain events is flash flooding across roads. With the quick catchment response to local rainfall in the study area, water can rise to dangerous depths and velocities before a formal road closure can be implemented, and traffic rerouted safely. Flooding in the study area can cause a number of roadways to become overtopped, depending on the location and intensity of rainfall. In most cases, alternative safe routes can be taken, however, unless residents are aware of them, some may attempt to cross through flood waters, putting themselves and others at risk. This is particularly likely if visibility is poor during heavy rain, as water over the road is either not noticed, or the risk of driving through it is not appreciated. 118048: R211211_FederationVillagesFRMSP.docx: 11 December 2021