Federation Star - June 2013

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Celebrating Jewish Life in Collier County, Israel and the World

Federation Star Published by the Jewish Federation of Collier County serving Naples, Marco Island and the surrounding communities

www.JewishNaples.org INSIDE THIS ISSUE:

2A Community Relations Comm. 6A Women’s Cultural Alliance 8A Community Focus 14A Tributes 14A Focus on Youth 17A Commentary 19A Rabbinical Reflections 20A Synagogues 22A Organizations 24A Business Directory 26A Community Calendar 27A Community Directory 1B Jewish Interest 7B Israel & the Jewish World 10B Recent Event Photos

5A One very special friend of Israel – John Kennedy

6A WCA’s branches are blooming!


June 2013 - Sivan/Tammuz 5773


Vol. 22 #10

FED CUP V golf outing a huge success By Kevin Aizenshtat, Federation Secretary and FED CUP Chair


he fifth annual FED CUP Golf Outing of the Jewish Federation of Collier County was held on Sunday, May 5 at The Club TwinEagles. It was a pictureperfect day for our golf event – great weather, a magnificent golf course in immaculate condition, and a delicious lunch buffet. This fundraising event supports the Federation’s Scholarship Program, offering partial scholarships to teens in our community to attend Jewish summer camps, leadership conferences and Israel experiences. Keeping our youth connected to their Judaism has always been one of our Federation’s funding priorities. Our thanks go to Anthony Solomon and the entire staff of TwinEagles for graciously hosting us for this event. And our thanks also go to all of the participants who played the round of golf and bid on the many auction items. Your support is deeply appreciated. Our sincere thanks also go to the FED CUP V Committee of co-chairs Jerry Bogo and Jacqui Aizenshtat, Rosalee Bogo, Ted Epstein, David Willens and Beth Wolff, for their efforts in making this annual event such a success. An estimated $10,000 was raised from this event to award for scholarships. Beth Wolff, Chair of the Federation’s Scholarship Committee, read

a moving letter from a scholarship recipient who will participate in the Maccabi USA Games in California this summer with help from a Federation scholarship. And the Winners of this year’s FED CUP are: ¡¡ FED CUP V Champions: Kyle, Connor and Dr. Pete Jaffe and Harvey Jaffe ¡¡ Men Closest to the Pin: Harvey Jaffe ¡¡ Women Closest to the Pin: Arlene Levin ¡¡ Junior Closest to the Pin: Max Aizenshtat ¡¡ Men Long Drive: Nick Bobzien ¡¡ Women Long Drive: Betsy Kutner ¡¡ Junior Long Drive: Kyle Jaffe ¡¡ Putting Contest Winner: Cameron Hochman ¡¡ Low Gross: Rick Bobrow, Bill Goldman, Fred Rosenfeld and Ken Gilman We thank all of our corporate and individual Sponsors for their financial support of this event. Each was recognized with a Tee Box Sign along the Talon Course at TwinEagles. Preferred Travel of Naples, Inc. Kevin Aizenshtat, GCIP-Realtor PRO BAR – Stephen Coleman The Club TwinEagles ExecGolf Fred Astaire Dance Studio Uncle Louie G Italian Ice/Ice Cream

11A Triumph 2013 – Lives of Valor

15A BBYO Naples update

Jewish Federation of Collier County Inc. 2500 Vanderbilt Beach Rd., Ste. 2201 Naples, FL 34109

Fed Cup V Winners: Dr. Pete, Harvey, Kyle and Connor Jaffe

Prsrt Std US Postage Paid Permit #419 Ft Myers FL

Wollman Gehrke & Solomon, PA RAMM Metals, Inc., Michael Pierce First National Bank of the Gulf Coast Calusa Pine Golf Club Wells Fargo – The Private Bank Brian D. Wolff, M.D. Saul Wilner- Call Saul Sheldon W. Starman, CPA Waldorf Astoria Naples Naples Grande Golf Club Howard L. Isaacson, CRPC Rosalee & Jerry Bogo David Willens Phyllis & Michael Seaman Fabulous and valuable auction items were donated by generous businesses and donors in our community. Our special thanks go to the following for their auction contributions and valued support: Calusa Pine Golf Club Waldorf Astoria Orlando The Ritz-Carlton Golf Resort & Lemonia Tiburon Golf Club Waldorf Astoria Naples Naples Grande Golf Club The Club TwinEagles Rabbi Adam Miller Kara’s Skincare Cason Photography Fred Astaire Dance Studio Bokamper’s The Club Pelican Bay Massage Envy The Club at Olde Cypress Capt. Drew Moret Islamorada Fishing Edwin Watts Golf Chop’s Mr. & Mrs. Shepard Scheinberg Dr. Ramon Gonzales & Associates Menchie’s Frozen Yogurt Golfsmith PGA Superstore Grey Oaks Country Club Saks Fifth Avenue & Kiehls Chick-fil-A

See page 10B for photos from the FED CUP V golf outing

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