Boys 2014 was a strange year. I had a strange feeling of missing both an ex-love and an ex-space. Love and space didn’t coexist. I couldn’t have them both. Anyway, I didn’t have them anymore. In order to overcome this situation I decided to do them my own. To make them part of me not as a memory but as a physical object that wouldn’t remind me of them anymore because they would be my own creations. I remembered a painting in the kitchen, a wooden fruit box in the living room, a drawing on the wall, a graffiti on the street. I recreated them with my memories. They allowed me to produce new things and to overcome old ones. Now they form a niche in my bedroom where I can see myself reflected, or is it still them? Maybe they persist on reminding me of them, maybe they help me forget.
City Bell, 2015. 31 x 41 cm. Acrylic on MDF.
City Bell, 2015. 31 x 41 cm. Acrylic on MDF.
City Bell, 2015. 31 x 41 cm. Acrylic on MDF.
City Bell, 2015. 24 x 31 cm. Acrylic on MDF.
City Bell, 2015. 34 x 48 cm. Acrylic on wooden fruit box.
City Bell, 2015. 28 x 48 cm. Acrylic on wooden fruit box.