Habitat for Humanity China / Autotoll DM leaflet

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ҝഁ́‫ݠ‬ ‫ۺ‬உѴશ Changing Lives, Building Hope

ʆɁࡼ්ຮɮд‫۽‬ी਄ၤ̒ɭΔቊࠇ‫ۺ‬ɮೡ Celebrity Daniel Wu volunteers for Habitat for Humanity China in Sichuan Rebuild

IRD Ref: 91/6999

‫ݯ‬τ჏߬ࡼ࢓ ొԜȹ࠯΋ሬ‫ؿ‬ֈֺ Building HOMES for families in need to have a decent place to live ʆɁࡼ්টʶ෰ᑢ҄‫מ‬஝ԾХʗೕϊ௰ਜ਼ Habitat for Humanity China is grateful to Autotoll for distributing this leaflet.

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