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Smyrna is a beautiful community just south of Nashville, Tennessee. It is part of the Nashville Metro but found in Rutherford County. 59.7% of the people who live in Smyrna have no religious affiliation whatsoever. As of 2021, the population in Smyrna was 53,070 people, with a growth of 25% since 2010. There are an estimated 345,000+ people living in Rutherford County. The poverty rate in Smyrna is nearly 10%, around 3% below the national average. Tennessee is 10th in the nation for divorce and is 16% higher than the rest of the country for suicides. Specifically, Kala and I really feel like God has led us here because of the young families living in the community. The median age of residents in Smyrna is 35, and 46% of them are married with school-age kids. This is a demographic of people that we believe God has really prepared us to minister to. We know that God is already working in Smyrna, and it’s our heart to be a part of what others have already begun. We are looking forward to linking arms with colaborers and to seeing Jesus lifted even higher.