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Nate and Kala are the pastors of Pinnacle Church. Nate grew up in Indiana, and Kala in Fort Myers, Florida. Nate Moved to Fort Myers in 2005 where they fell in love and married in 2007. They have three children, Grayson and the twins, Sterling and Hendrix.
For the past 6 years Pastors Nate & Kala have had the honor to serve at Life Church, Refresh Church and most recently at Ridge Church in Wetumpka, Al. In 2012 Nate and Kala Served as worship pastors at Story Church in the Nashville, Tennesse area. During their time there they lived in Smyrna, TN. and completely fell in love with the area and its people. While still living in Alabama, during the global CoVid-19 pandemic, God spoke to them and told them that now was the time to step out in faith and start a brand-new life-giving church. As they were praying and asking God what their next step might be, God did what God

Everything in the kingdom of God happens at the speed of relationship.
often does. He set up the beautiful intersection of His purpose and our desire. He spoke to us that Smyrna, is the place to launch Pinnacle Church. With hearts full of excitement and expectation, Nate, Kala, and their three children are stepping out in faith toward the dream God has placed in their hearts: start a new life-giving church in Smryna, TN. A church that exists to create a place where people can experience God, be raised to life in Christ and serve the community in real, and tangible ways. WATCH OUR STORY.