ReNaTa ScHmOrAnTz pHoToGrApHy mArÃlIa lEiS jUnE 2017
It's tImE tO iNsPiRe.
It's tImE tO iNsPiRe. What are you wearing today? Have you stopped to think about the origin of this piece? The conditions under which it was produced? Stop for a few seconds and feel the fabric of your clothes and look at the label. What you're playing is so much more than a fabric, you're playing a story. Every piece of clothing in our wardrobe tells a story. Each label represents the mark of this story. Thinking in this context, the editorial of this magazine sought to reflect on the true cost of fashion: the concern with the origin of the pieces that we use. Fashion, which is tied to luxury and beauty, masks an unglamorous reality behind its scenes. Slavery in the fashion world can appear in a variety of ways from cotton picking, spinning the yarn to yarn and stitching the garment until it reaches the end product. The difference between slavery and low paid work may be vague and the fashion industry is a thin line. This fine line results in a number of cases where people are subjected to inhumane working conditions to feed a fast chain of new consumer products and an increasingly profitable market. On the other hand, it is important to emphasize that many of the big brands and other companies do not have total control of their supply chains, in addition to much of the clothing collection manufacturing work being outsourced today and tracking all the steps of the raw material, Raw until the final product is very difficult, thus making it easier for illegal exploitation situations to go unnoticed. The NGO Free2Work has been following the
well-known brands such as Zara, Gap, H & M, Levi, Bershka, Pull & Bear, Forever 21 and Adidas (to name a few) and rated them on a scale from A to F , Transparency, traceability, monitoring and training or labor rights. " Few brands received an A and most of them scored from D to F. China is the most populous country in the world with more than 1.3 billion people, it is also the largest manufacturer and exporter in the world. And so it is one of the main victims of this reality. Its rapid modernization and urbanization along with a large flow of migration from the population living in the countryside to the great centers would have been the bedrock of enslavement of many people. Currently, the enslaved population is about 3.2 million people. The fact is that we indirectly are the consumers who finance this modern slavery. At the same time, we, the consumers, are the only ones who can change this situation, because without our consumption the wheel does not spin. Observe, understand, absorb and inspire new IDeas. Improve the world to be fashion.
Photography Marília Leis Felipe C. Nogueira Photography assistance Styling Stéfani de Lio and Le cia Cunha
Photography Marília Leis Felipe C. Nogueira Photography assistance Styling Stéfani de Lio and Le cia Cunha
Photography Marília Leis Felipe C. Nogueira Photography assistance Styling Stéfani de Lio and Le cia Cunha
Hair Stéfani de Lio Make up Stéfani de Lio Studio Unisinos Priscila Serpa assistance Gabriel Vidal assistance Editor Felipe C. Nogueira Model Renata Schmorantz
Hair Stéfani de Lio Make up Stéfani de Lio Studio Unisinos Priscila Serpa assistance Gabriel Vidal assistance Editor Felipe C. Nogueira Model Renata Schmorantz
Hair Stéfani de Lio Make up Stéfani de Lio Studio Unisinos Priscila Serpa assistance Gabriel Vidal assistance Editor Felipe C. Nogueira Model Renata Schmorantz
3.2 mIlLiOn
eNsLaVeD pEoPlE In
China is the most populous country in the world with more than 1.3 billion people, it is also the largest manufacturer and exporter in the world. And so it is one of the main victims of this reality. Its rapid modernization and urbanization along with a large ow of migration from the population living in the countryside to the great centers would have been the bedrock of enslavement of many people. Currently, the enslaved population is about 3.2 million people.
ChIlDrEn While it is illegal to employ children, many secret investigations have shown that child labor is frighteningly common in the apparel industry, especially in that country. But you only see a bar code.
JeAnS Jeans is mainly composed of cotton, one of the most exploited jobs in China. Brands such as Victoria's Secret, Forever 21 and Nike had their names involved with slave labor scandals and did nothing about it.
PhOtOgRaPhY MaRílIa LeIs StYlInG StéfAnI dE LiO aNd LeTícIa CuNhA HaIr StéfAnI dE LiO MaKe uP StéfAnI dE LiO StUdIo UnIsInOs PrIsCiLa SeRpA aSsIsTaNcE GaBrIeL ViDaL aSsIsTaNcE EdItOr FeLiPe C. NoGuEiRa MoDeL ReNaTa ScHmOrAnTz