The Universe

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Is all that physically exists, the entire space and time and all forms of matter, including all planets, stars, galaxies and the components of intergalactic space. The term universe may be used in slightly different contextual senses as cosmos concepts denoting the world or nature.



It is the central star of the Solar System. All other bodies in the solar system, as planets, dwarf planets, asteroids, comets and dust, and all satellite associated with these bodies revolve around you. Accounting for 99.86 % of the mass of the solar system, the Sun has a mass 332,900 times greater than Earth's, and a volume 1.3 million times larger than our planet.

The smallest and innermost to the innermost planet of the solar system, orbiting the Sun once every 87.969 Earth days. Its orbit has the highest eccentricity and its axis has a smaller angle to the orbital plane of all the planets of the solar system. Mercury completes three rotations about its axis for every two orbits. The perihelion of Mercury's orbit has a precession of 43 arcseconds per century, a phenomenon explained only in the twentieth century by the general theory of relativity formulated by Albert Einstein.2 Its appearance is shiny when observed from Earth, with an apparent magnitude ranging of -2.6 to 5.7, although it is not easily observed since its angular separation from the sun is only 28,3ยบ. Since Mercury is normally lost in the intense sunshine except in solar eclipses can only be seen with the naked eye during the morning or evening twilight.

Second planet of the Solar System in order of distance from the Sun, orbiting it every 224.7 days. It was named in honor of the Roman goddess of love and beauty Venus, equivalent to Aphrodite. After the moon is the brightest object in the night sky, reaching an apparent magnitude of -4.6, enough to cast shadows. As Venus is closer to the Sun than the Earth, it can be seen approximately in the same direction as the Sun (its greatest elongation is 47.8 째). Venus reaches its maximum brightness a few hours before dawn or after sunset, so it is known as the Morning Star.

Third planet closest to the Sun, the densest and ďŹ fth-largest of the eight planets of the Solar System. It is also the largest of the four terrestrial planets. It is sometimes referred to as World or Blue Planet. Home to millions of living species, 13 including humans, Earth is the only heavenly body where it is known the existence of life. The planet formed 4.56 billion years ago, and life appeared on its surface a billion years later. Since then, Earth's biosphere has signiďŹ cantly altered the atmosphere and other abiotic factors on the planet, enabling the proliferation of aerobic organisms as well as the formation of an ozone layer which, together with Earth's magnetic ďŹ eld, blocks harmful solar radiation, allowing life in planeta. The physical properties of the planet as well as its geological history and orbit, have allowed life to persist during this period. It is believed that the Earth can support life for at least another 500 million years.

Fourth planet from the Sun, the second smallest of the solar system. Named after the Roman god of war, it is often described as the "Red Planet", as the iron oxide prevalent on its surface gives you a look red. Mars is a rocky planet with a thin atmosphere, with surface features that resemble both impact craters of the Moon as volcanoes, valleys, deserts and polar ice caps of Earth. The rotation period and seasonal cycles of Mars are also similar to those of Earth, as is the tilt that produces their seasons. Mars is home to Mount Olympus, the second highest known mountain in the Solar System (the highest on a planet), and Valles Marineris, a giant canyon. The soft North Polar Basin in the northern hemisphere Martian, covers about 40% of the planet and can be a huge brand impacto. Mars has two known moons, Phobos and Deimos, which are small and irregularly. These moons may be captured asteroids, similar to 5261 Eureka, an asteroid Trojan Martian.

Largest planet in the Solar System, in both diameter and mass as is the ďŹ fth closest Sol. Has less than one-thousandth of the solar mass, yet has 2.5 times the mass of all other planets together. It is a gaseous planet with Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. These four planets are sometimes called Jovian planets or Jovian planets. Jupiter is one of four gas giants, ie, it is not composed primarily of matter. Jupiter is composed mostly of hydrogen and helium. The planet can also have a core composed of heavier elements. Because of its rapid rotation, about ten hours, it has the shape of an oblate spheroid. Its atmosphere is divided into several tracks in various latitudes, resulting in turbulence and storms where tracks meet. One of these storms is the Great Red Spot, one of visible characteristics of the best-known and prominent Jupiter, whose existence dates from the seventeenth century, with winds of up to 500 km/h and having a transverse diameter twice as large as the Earth.

Sixth planet from the Sun and the second largest in the solar system after Jupiter. Appointed by the Roman god of agriculture, its astronomical symbol represents the sickle of divinity. Saturn is a gaseous planet with a radius about nine times greater than Earth's. Though only one eighth of the Earth's density, its mass is 95 times greater. Saturn's interior is probably composed of an iron core, nickel and rock (composed of silicon and oxygen), surrounded by a deep layer of metallic hydrogen, an intermediate layer of liquid hydrogen and helium and a gaseous outer. The planet has a light yellow because of the ammonia crystals in the upper atmosphere. It is believed that electrical currents within the metallic hydrogen layer create their planetary magnetic ďŹ eld, which is weaker than Earth but with a magnetic moment 580 times because of its size. Saturn's magnetic ďŹ eld strength is around one twentieth of Jupiter. Its outer atmosphere is smooth, with few contrasts, although long-term features may appear. The wind can reach a speed of 1800 km / h, faster than Jupiter, but smaller than Neptune. It has a prominent Saturn ring system that consists of nine continuous main rings and three discontinuous arcs, particularly compounds of ice particles with a smaller amount of debris and rock dust. Saturn has 62 known satellites, of which 53 have an ofďŹ cial name. This does not include hundreds of "small satellite" comprising the rings. Titan, its largest moon and the second largest in the Solar System, is larger than the planet Mercury and the only satellite that has a substantial atmosphere.

From the seventh planet from the Sun, the Third Largest OE Quarto More mass of Eight planets of the solar system. It was named after the Greek god of heaven, Uranus, the father of Cronus (Saturn) AND THE grandfather of Zeus (Jupiter). Although BE Visible to the naked eye in good viewing conditions, it was not recognized For astronomers Ancient How hum planet due to Her Little brightness and slow orbit. William Herschel announced its discovery on March 13, 1781, expanding as the solar system Borders For the first time in modern history. Uranus was the first planet Also a Being Discovered IN telescope medium one. Uranus HAVE A composition similar to that of Neptune, and both have a different chemical composition of the gas giants MORE, Jupiter and Saturn. As such, astronomers sometimes OS OS put into a separate category, the "ice giants". The atmosphere of Uranus, although similar to Jupiter and Saturn in YOUR primary composition of hydrogen and helium, contains more "ices" such as water, ammonia and methane, As Hydrocarbon Traces. And a cold atmosphere More Planetary no solar system, with A Minimum temperature of 49 K (-224 ° C). Has A Complex structure clouds in layers, and is believed to May the water to form clouds MORE Baixas, and methane and outdoor More. In contrast, Indoor Your E IN Formed mainly ice and rocks. Other giant planets page as OS, Uranus HAS A Ring System, a magnetosphere and Several Natural Satellites.

Eighth planet of the solar system, the latest from the sun since Pluto's reclassiďŹ cation to the category of dwarf planet in 2006. Belonging to the group of gas giants, has a slightly smaller than Uranus but larger mass, equivalent to 17 Earth masses. Neptune orbits the Sun at an average distance of 30.1 astronomical units. The planet is formed by a small rock core around which is a layer possibly formed by water, ammonia and methane over which lies a turbulent atmosphere, consists predominantly of hydrogen and helium. Indeed, notable weather events occur in Neptune, including the formation of several layers of clouds, visible cyclonic storms such as now defunct Great Dark Spot, beyond the fastest winds in the solar system, reaching more than 2000 km/h. The solar radiation received by Neptune would fail to provide such energy to the turbulent atmosphere, so it turned out that the heat radiated from the center of the planet plays an important role in the maintenance of these extreme weather events. The small amount of methane in the upper atmosphere is in part responsible for blue coloring of the planet.


Brightest star in the night sky, with an apparent magnitude of -1.46, located in the constellation Canis Major. It could be seen from any point on Earth, and, in the Northern Hemisphere part of the winter hexagon. This crater is 2.6 parsecs (or 8.57 years light ) from Earth and is therefore one of the closest stars of our planet. Its nearest neighbor star is Procyon at a distance of 1.61 pc or 5.24 years light, with an A0 or A1 type spectrum and a mass about 2.4 times the mass of the sun. The best time for viewing is located in the middle of January, when it reaches the meridian at midnight.

Star Brighter Gemini Constellation ea 17th Brilliant Over all heaven, with apparent magnitude of 10 A 1,14. Along with Castor, and one of the twins represented not contour of the constellation. With base in YOUR parallax, THIS one Approximatif -light 33.78 years (10.36 parsecs ) of Terra.1 In 2006 , it conďŹ rmed the existence of extrasolar planet orbiting - a. Pollux And Brightest star with hum planet known.

Brightest star of the constellation Bootes. It is the fourth brightest star in the night sky. It belongs to the spectral class K of stellar classification system proposed by Annie Jump Cannon. The diameter of Arcturus is approximately 22.1 million kilometers, which corresponds to 30 times greater than the Sun and 1733 times greater than the planet earth, its temperature reaches 4300 K ( about 4000 ° C ). It is considered as one of the stars which tend to last longer (about 9.3 billion years) due to its average magnitude (apparent magnitude of 0.04 and an absolute magnitude 0.2). It was formerly classified as a red giant, but the proposed reclassification NASA is currently regarded as an orange average. It is about 33 light years from the solar system and is one of the brightest stars in Earth's sky.

First magnitude star, and the brightest star in the constellation Taurus. Is also designated by the color names Tauri; Parilicium or even by the 1457 HR and HD 29139 codes. In ancient Greece it was known as "torch" or "beam".

Brightest star in the constellation Orion and the seventh brightest star in the night sky, with visual magnitude 0.13. The star as seen from Earth is actually a triple star system, with the primary star (Rigel A) a blue-white supergiant of absolute magnitude −7.84 and around 120,000 times as luminous as the Sun. A blue-white supergiant, it has exhausted its core hydrogen and swollen out to 79 times the Sun's radius. An Alpha Cygni variable, it pulsates periodically. Visible in small telescopes and 500 times fainter than Rigel A, Rigel B is itself a spectroscopic binary system, consisting of two main sequence blue-white stars of spectral type B9V that are themselves estimated to be 2.5 and 1.9 times as massive as the Sun.

Blue hypergiant and is one of the most luminous known stars in the Milky Way Galaxy. It is one of many massive young stars in the Quintuplet cluster in the Galactic Center region. The star owes its name to the shape of the Pistol Nebula, which it illuminates. It is located approximately 25,000 light years from Earth in the direction of Sagittarius. It would be visible to the naked eye as a fourth magnitude star if it were not for the interstellar dust that completely hides it from view in visible light.

The seventeenth brightest star in the nighttime sky and the brightest star in the constellation Scorpius, and is often referred to as "the heart of the scorpion". Along with Aldebaran, Regulus, and Fomalhaut, Antares comprises the group known as the 'Royal stars of Persia'. It is one of the four brightest stars near the ecliptic. Distinctly reddish when viewed with the unaided eye, Antares is a red supergiant of spectral type M0.5Iab and is one of the largest and most luminous observable stars. It is a slow irregular variable star with an average magnitude of +1.09. Antares is the brightest, most massive, and most evolved stellar member of the nearest OB association (the Scorpius-Centaurus Association). Antares is a member of the Upper Scorpius subgroup of the Scorpius-Centaurus Association, which contains thousands of stars with mean age 11 million years at a distance of approximately 145 parsecs (470 light years).

Also known as Herschel's Garnet Star, is a red supergiant star in the constellation Cepheus. It is one of the largest and most luminous stars known in the Milky Way. It appears garnet red and is given the spectral class of M2 Ia. Since 1943, the spectrum of this star has served as one of the stable anchor points by which other stars are classiďŹ ed.

is a red hypergiant star located in the constellation Canis Major. It is one of the largest stars (at one time it was thought to be the largest known) and also one of the most luminous of its type, and has a radius of approximately 1,420 Âą 120 solar radii (equal to a diameter of 13.2 astronomical units, or about 1,976,640,000 km), and is located about 1.2 kiloparsecs (3,900 light-years) from Earth. VY Canis Majoris is a single star categorized as a semiregular variable with an estimated period of 2,000 days. It has an average density of 5 to 10 mg/m3. If placed at the center of the Solar System, VY Canis Majoris's surface would extend beyond the orbit of Jupiter, although there is still considerable variation in estimates of the radius.

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