Issuu Poem # 1

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Felisha Wells Block 2 June 2, 2011 Mr. Gloyd Smile Many people don’t like their life and many people dont. Over time they learn sometime it can either gets worse or better. Today I heard the news and as always it was very depressing. If life is bad for everyone, then why does everyone act differently? Various amount times I have tried to help people who are lost At that time I feel like I have the answers The truth is no one knows the answer but you Even thought you may not know you do. Think about a time some one smiled at you How did it make you feel, happy, sad, strange, or mad? Often time’s people smile back because the smile brightened there day Sometimes they ask themselves “ Why are they smiling at me I don’t know them” Even a stranger can make your day. A smile can change someone’s life Really thinking things out, may make things easier to understand Other people around you may be going though the same thing Understanding life may take time, you may never understand it. No one knows what you future will be like but the best thing to do is live in the present Don’t live in the past You must live life like there is no tomorrow, and do it with no regrets Of course that doesn’t mean you should do something crazy but try to smile Until you cant smile anymore

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