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What is Worth fighting for ? Felisha Wells February 10, 2011 Block 2 Mr. Gloyd Graphic Novel Project (Mix Tape ) â—?

They Don't Really Care About Us! â—?

â—? m/watch? v=QNJL6nfu__Q

I chose this song because I believe it is true. Many people dont care about the people around them. They are just self fish. One thing worth fighting for is your self. You right to live, and to have fun while doing it. We have to fight for what we want, and many other things. One person can change the world. When I say They, that means the criminals that just kill people for money, food, clothes, jewelry, and other stupid thing. They are so greedy, that they are only thing about themselves. We fight for the right to walk outside and not worry about anything. That there is someone always watching over you.

A Hero ●

I don’t care what you say, everyone needs a hero. If you look up a hero you get a man distinguished by exceptional courage and nobility and strength. But you don’t have to have a cape, super powers, or money to be a hero. You can just smile and have someones day and be their hero. Everyone has different needs. To me being a hero is someone that is always their for you. A hero is worth fight for. They bring peace and joy to peoples lives, even of you don’t know or see it. m/watch? v=OBwS66EBUcY

I Have A Dream I have a dream that were going to work it out. I love this song because it is so peaceful. It is about a dream of peace. Peace is a great thing worth fighting for. Where there is peace there is happiness. People are trying to make it more and more peaceful day by day. Some people try to ruin that peace. You should always try to be peaceful. Where there are good people there is more peace, than war. Most of the time sad, mad, lost, and evil people create war. If they can’t be happy you can’t be and that is unfair. Fight for happiness and peace. We are all one. m/watch? v=VxBx3wkI7_I

I Believe ● m/watch? v=LbUpPVOEkdA

People should always fight for their dreams. Fight for what you believe. You have the freedom of speech. Your hopes, dreams, and freedom is worth fight for. Many people have hopes and dreams and they don’t think that they can do it. People tell them that they cant do what they want in life because of the people around you or because what people will think. Superheros are faced with many trials and tribulations because criminals and because some city don’t want them their.

Family â—?

A home is not a home without a family No matter what you should always be fighting for your family. Your hero can be you mom, your dad, or other people in your family. Family is what makes the world go round. Family should always be there got you no matter what. If you need anything they are always there. In the story, A daughtrer wen to comfort her mother. She was raped by another super hero. She was wondering why she forgave the rapist. Her daughter was their for her and understood to be the better person and obey her mothers choice in letting it go. Without my family I would feel so lost.

â—? m/watch? v=6t26FXONisQ

Never Ever Give Up â—?

It is important to fight for you and the people you love. Fight for your life. No one should ever put your self esteem down. Life is too short to be sad, mad, and lost. Fight for what you believe is right.

â—? m/watch?v=G0etzyoKLw

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