Performative Canopy Folio

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D I G I TA L D E S I G N A P P L I C AT I O N Per formative Canopy Folio

Ya nj i e Z ha n 785675


B R I E F. The main task is to design a medium scale structure that serves as sun-shade for north-west facing backyard of a 2 storey family-unit with the facade of the first floor set back by 2.5 meters in order to accommodate a terrace.

The first criterion is the generation of its structural support system developed out of feedback you get from structural optimisation using tools such as Karamba/Kangaroo/Miliped or others.

The second criterion is the design of the canopy roof (or membrane) to achieve maximum level of sun shading with minimum material usage while maintaining views out of the windows of both floors of the wall. You will find physical models and software such as Diva or Ladybug/Honeybee useful allies in testing various options of your design for their shading-performance efficiency. Also ensure that the structure obstructs movement of people under the canopy as little as possible. The shade canopy should function in a way that it provides 100% shading to the building faรงade, the terrace, and the ground up to 3m in front of the facade between 2pm-5pm during summer solstice.


exploring base geometry/form.


S U R F A C E S T R A T E G Y. The surface strategy directly responds to the requirement of the canopy, where it shades the most of the sunlight and still preserves the view.

The strategy starts with template 5 meters in front of the ground facade. By pushing down the north-west corner to the 3 meters in front of the ground facade, the most northwest side is shades with the surface. Setting Up

Canopy Template

Shading Strategy Same strategy to the viewing, pushing down the south-east corner directs the residents to the north-east view. Finally, lift up the northeast to provide better viewing experience.

Viewing Strategy

Optimized View


Panel Form Finding

Sun Vectors

Panel Formation

Orientated Panels

Finding Norm Surface

Base Panel 4



3 Orientating towards Sun

Panel Integration

Panel Formation


PA N E L S .

The sub-divided panels from the surface is intented to rotate to face the sun, perpendicular to norm of the sun.

To do so, first is to find the plane facing the sun, where the point is located in the center area of sun path and connects points of the original panel central points.


Ladybug + HoneyBee

EPW data file

Imput 1: Shade Surface


Sun Path during Summer Solstice 2-5pm

Imput 2: Tested Surface

Shading Effeciency: 86%


E N V I R O N M E N T A L A N A LY S I S .

To test the shading performance required in the brief, the scripts, Ladybug



introduced in this stage.

Visibility Rate Horizontal 60 degree Cone of Vision


View Rose



Karamba Structrual Analysis

Panel Joints


S T R U C T U R A L A N A LY S I S .

To test the structure performance required in the brief, the scripts, Panels Plywood 7mm Panels

Strucutral Analysis


Displacement: 1500mm

CHS 60mm Diameter x 5mm Thickness

Columns CHS 200mm Diameter

Initial Panel Connections

Initial Structural System

Karamba, are introduced in this stage.


O P T I M I Z AT I O N 1 : S t r u c t u r e . Solution 2: Change structural material to timber and increase the depth of the diagrid frame. The junction will be similiar to waffle structure strategy.

Feedback: Sketch structural design is tested and result was 1600mm displacement, which is failed. The middle frame starts to fall off as there was no supports in the middle. Solutions 1: Change base form to convex curve surface.

Panels Plywood 7mm Panels

Displacement: 250mm


Base Form Iterations

Plywood 50x50xH300mm

Displacement: 297.5mm

Columns CHS 200mm Diameter

Displacement: 257.1mm

Panel Surface Testing

Results: The change of base form has dropped the displacement length by approx. 85%. However, this convex surface makes orientation of the panels random and uncontrollable, which directly leads to bad results on environmental analysis.


O P T I M I Z AT I O N 2 : P l a n a r i t y o f P a n e l s Feedback: In order to align panels to base structural grid for panels’ connections, the oriented panels at the beginning have to be planar. Also, plywood in real life is flat material. For fabrication and construction purpose, the panels have to be flat. Solutions: To do so, Kangaroo’s Planarize tool can be introduced to flatten the panels.

O P T I M I Z AT I O N .

After scripts are initiated, sketch design



examined and

through structural

analysis. The stage of optimization guides the design to optimized states where the project will be experimented until reaching the satisfaction of all requirements.

First Planarization

Displacement: 154.2mm

Second Planarization

Results: The change of material and depth has dropped the displacement length by approx. 90%. Waffle strucutral joint strategy will be developed for fabrication.



It will be using laser cut to fabricate the structural elements and panels. The bits are oriented and layed carefully with labels. At this stage, digital tool assists designers to organize customized elements to get fabricated.



The method of model making will be similar to the real construction where basic structure will be up with help of scaffolding or external supports and orientation of the panels will be determined by their norms to the sun.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 4

Step 3

Step 5


Edge Beam Set up

Diagrid Beam

Diagrid Beam

Sun Vector Simulation

Panel Orientation

Panel Joint Detail



Front Elevation

East El



West Elevation 0




Interior Render


Exterior Render

D I G I TA L D E S I G N A P P L I C AT I O N Per formative Canopy Folio Ya nj i e Z ha n

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