Volume 11 / Issue 5 Division 13 / 15 / 17

killarney killarney
key kclub ey club august a2022 ugust 2022

1 - Table of Contents 2 - President's Message 3 - July Recap 4 - Cutting Edge 5 - Canada Day 6 - Summer Potluck 7 - Executive Contacts 8 - Stay Connected Page 1
table tof able of contents contents

(236) 788-3879

president's president's message message need nto eed to contact contact carrie? carrie?
Hope you all are enjoying the summer sun and have AC! :’D It has been a super fun and a productive month doing both the picnic and Harmony Arts! SPEAKING OF, it has been a blast seeing you all and getting to meet key clubbers both from our school and others! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ESPECIALLY MR. ECKERSLEY AND LEE FOR ALL OF THEIR HARD WORK AND LASTING DEDICATION TO THE EVENT! For 10 days, they went out and spent their days at the tent, waking at early 5ams and closing at 11pm. I’m also super grateful to have the opportunity from our LTG Jenny to organize and help out at the stand! :D It has been so crazy and I’m so ready to spend the rest of August chilling. In the next newsletter, I’ll be recapping the upcoming cross-club scavenger hunt plus some plans for the new school year so look out for a hefty year! It’s going to be a lot of fun!
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In love and service, Carrie Ding.

july july recap recap
Page 3

Page 5
Key Clubbers had the chance to volunteer at John Lawson Park on Canada Day! We made $2800 from the stand to donate to the GVFB!

Monthly Recap: canada cday anada day


Page 6
On July 25th, we had a summer potluck for Key Clubbers to stay engaged with each other during the summer! Everyone had a great time eating food and bonding. We collected 7 cans and $10 to donate for those in need of food!

(236) 788-3879
Ryan Tom Treasurer
Terry Ho Secretary
(778) 700-7883
executive executive contacts contacts
Rishita Biswas Vice President
cc3663ding@gmail.com Carrie Ding President
(778) 952-8547
Page 7
Tiffany Shen Webmaster

Felix Chen Editor

(778) 228-8089
(778) 682-3336
(604) 790-5095


Page 8 Division 13 / 15 / D17 ivision 13 / 15 / 17 Killarney Key KClub illarney Key Club Killarney Key Club Facebook @killarneykeyclub on Instagram https://killarneysecondary.wixsite.c om/keyclub Thank Tyou! hank you! "Caring - Our way of life!" Published by Felix Chen pnw pdistrict nw district