Baby Love for Victor Brauner, edition i, 9 fevrier 20+21,

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Baby Life for Victor Brauner Author poetry no.s 2012+021+ Felix Rian Constantinescu Lui Victor Brauner –x+&*Ii Contents i, BRAIN FLOWERS 2017 ii, Moxica...116 poems iii, 90 poems (relatve figure) iv, 100 classical & modern haiku (uncomplete) v, The Poetry to Death {1} (first edition} {2020+2036}

Nicula, 1688 BRAIN FLOWERS 2017 Felix Rian Constantinescu Motto

„Pot să vă mai spun o istorie frumoasă? Cunosc un om nu¬mit Dapozzo. El este un evanghelist francez. Din lagărul de concentrare s-a întors cu un braţ complet zdrobit. El mi-a povestit o întîmplare pe care n-am uitat-o niciodată. El a spus: „în lagăr unde eram, m-a chemat intr-o zi la el co¬mandantul lagărului. Am fost dus într-o cameră în care era pusă masa, dar cu un singur tacîm. Apoi a intrat coman¬dantul. Mie mi-era o foame de lup. Comandantul s-a aşezat la masă şi a fost servit cu un ospăţ regesc. Un fel după altul. Iar eu trebuia să stau acolo şi să-1 privesc. El îşi lingea bu¬zele - iar eu muream de foame. Dar ce era mai rău încă nu venise. La sfîrşit i s-a adus cafeaua. Atunci a scos din ghean-tă un pacheţel pe care 1-a pus pe masă şi a spus: ,Priviţi acest pachet. Vi 1-a trimis soţia din Paris. E plin de prăji-turele!' Ştiam cît de puţin era de mîncare şi cit trebuia să fi economisit soţia mea ca să-mi facă aceste prăjiturele. Şi apoi comandantul s-a pus să le mănînce una cîte una. L-am ru¬gat ,Daţi-mi vă rog barem una, nu vreau s-o mănînc, ci s-o păstrez ca amintire de la soţia mea'. A mîncat-o zîmbind pe ultima0. Aceasta era o clipă cînd exasperarea atinge punctul culminant şi se transformă în ură! Şi Dapozzo a continuat „în acea clipă am fost conştient ce înseamnă că ,dragostea lui Dumnezeu a fost turnată în inimile noastre'. Am simţit dragoste pentru omul acesta. M-am gîndit: Bietul de tine! N-ai pe nimeni care să te iubească. Eşti înconjurat de ură! Ce bine e că sînt copilul lui Dumnezeu!" înţelegeţi: i-a fost milă de comandant şi nu s-a mai simţit călcat pe nervi. Atunci omul a simţit asta, s-a ridicat de la masă, şi dus a fost! Dapozzo 1-a vizitat după război. Atunci omul a pălit: „Vreţi să vă răzbunaţi?!" „Da", a spus Dapozzo, „vreau să mă răzbun. Aş vrea sa beau o ceaşcă de cafea cu dvs. Iar în maşină am adus tortul. Şi acum să mîncăm şi să bem îm¬preună!" Zguduit, omul şi-a dat brusc seama că cineva care s-a su¬pus lui Isus Cristos nu se mai află sub stăpînirea urii, ci a -143fost eliberat de exasperare, pentru că dragostea lui Dumne¬zeu a fost turnată in inima lui.” - Isus destinul nostru, de Wilhelm Busch. A.


I on the Road Am too But have never had seen You.

Felix Rian Constantinescu I ONE WAS LOST 2016 Muzei Noastre... 1. THE CHILD SAID THAT 2. & 13 AMERICAN POEMS


I one was Lost In Life Two Times I Need Wore A Knife Now they Say to me I'm Found More to You than god I'm Bound. FAR YOU ARE

The Child said that He must Write That in Him Truth must Abide; Mother said That He must Learn Otherwise in Hell He'll Burn; To write What And to learn Where Oh, the Time... Said the White Hare.

Far you Are Far in the Night I am Down My eyes Alight; But You Are Up in the Light And mine Eyes Dead in the Night. MOZART ABOUT BEETHOVEN


And the Road is filled With Rocks And the Mocking-bird still Mocks;

A Boy I Met Dark of Regret He hardly Eats He hardly Lives But Woe to me

Music me Gives



A Girl in Love She does Not Say About the Name She likes to Play A Name or Number Stuck in Brain Forgotten Eyes She dost Refrain. A CHILD’S DISCOVERY

The Child discovered I am the King! Father my Knight Warman Viking

You are Wise And I am Mad You are Beautiful I'm Sad To you peoples Come to Bow In me the Centuries Grow How could Be A World to See And Still be Just you and Me? Not even If I run from You Then in Hell You'll meet me too. PEOPLE IN THE VILLAGE LAUGH

And Who am I said Mother's Spleen Oh, you Mama You are the Queen! A GIRL

There's a Girl Not far from Here On the Island Ellesmere Her Eyes Stars Her Hair Gold Sea Sad A Nayad She should Be.

People in the Village Laugh Why a Rich girl dost He Love? It's his Fault they Say With Scorn What a Racket Day to morn' Even the River does Cry Only Summers Winter's nigh. SPHYNX’S QUESTIONS

The Child That's Lame What means One And what does Two What colour has I Love You? What is Five What's One again? What is God And what is Man?

Can you Give A Piece of Bread Can you Pray For my sad Head? If You do This You will Grow This Is Why My Life is So.

CHRISTMAS CAROL TO A REMBRANDT PATCHWORK The Baby Sleeps To Himself Keeps And when He Wakes The Cradle Shakes And the Child Is God Almight Mother Mary In Egypt Prairie Old man Joseph Carpenter Sophist Here I Came

I will Enlighten And I Will Brighten I will Dream And I will Seam. LUKA

He’s just a Cat He's not a Bat He was Alone No Milk Or Bone Now He's Asleep In Silence

Deep Music He Digs To Mommy Thinks. DEFINITION

Universe is But a Tree And all Stars Fiery Apples You pick and Eat Eternity River of Grey & Dark Matters.

Muse Of Immortality. CATECHISM

A Man Forbids Himself Of Pleasure Trying with Soul & Wit God Measure Another lives Eternal Kiss To whom Belongs Life's Bliss?

THE WAIL OF POETRY VIRTUE AND SIN Alas, Poetry is Song And Poets Birds Following the Seasons There is no Faith No Truth No Love Just libraries and Schisms Whoever the World Is Governed by The Rich Or Murderous Ageless Poets Give It Speech Making Rob, Murder Pious This is the Way For every World The Road of Poetry Is no use to mistak'ly

My name Is Virtue Poor and Humble I live Past The Cemetery My name is Sin Rich and Proud All Virtue I can Bury. TO THE STAR BORN OF THE STAR

Of Light I chaunt The Light You haunt Innocent Star From Afar What is Your Name What is To know Life is a Game Men Billions Show Eternal Rivers You will See What is your Name Tell Me You are The Star Born From The Star Abraham Your Father Angel bright Mort'en Light You Are The Star Of Evermore The Children Of Our Mother. ESTELLA

Hear my Weep Beloved Pip Listen to Me Die I am the World Beautiful Face Only when I Cry. UGLY PEOPLE

I see them Swirming Like Bugs Eating Like Ants Everything Made of Rot And Excrement Sharks Idiotic Living For Today's Today Wondering Could this mess Be lifted To humanity? THE GUITAR’S GAME

A Guitar Is A Guitar Whether Citizen Or Star

In New England Stars Ago Teach to Sing Or She Teach You Just a Game Of where are You Just a Game Of I am Far When You Play On Your Guitar Just a Game Of I am Here When the Musics No more Hear. THE GIRL WITH THE ABORTUS I Believe In Love She Cried And The Next Minute She Died What's the Use of Love You Know If She makes Only Death Grow?

Named Mister Edgar Allan Poe Gave Birth To Universe And kept It In one Verse One Earthly Version of God Where Money Abode. JESUS TO PETER

Let me Sing You Of my Love Do You Believe Me? Let me Speak to You Of Truth Do You Believe Me?


There was A Killed Man

Let me Show to You My Death

Do You Believe Me? TO MY STONE

O Rock Thou Stone Or Bird I hear You In the Night Of walking Dead & Fright - Ago You came From River Afar And You My Stone = a Star. RESPONSE TO PRIDE

You tell Me To be Proud I tell You That I'm Mad A Difference To Be: Your Pride Is under Me. MIHAI EMINESCU AT BELLU CEMETERY

The Poet Wrote His Epitaph And

The Centuries Riffraff Childhood Songs Written in Marble Psalms Of Stephen Cain & Abel Logic Sentences In Stone And The Moon Walks by Alone. THE CAT ELECTED A TSAR

You are Mice And I A Cat That is All the World Precise We're All So And so You Are

We'your Servants Blessed Tsar.

All This Misery So please My Love

A YOUNG COUNTRY BOY He's a Young Country Boy Grew up Without a Toy

My Church & Treasury Let's Kiss The Rosary. ALL ANGELS COME

Despised by Everyone Because he Works the Lan' Despised by Any Girl The Boy w/ Soul A Pearl.

All Angels Come To the Bum Strum


Such a Way Life Is Made

Music has A Way Eternity To Weigh

Heaven Sings Above The Slum

Whenever Man @ Lose Music Must Accuse.

Can't Tell Angel Can't Tell Maid. THE CARTOGRAPH AND KING ARVAD


My Love Wept I can't Accept

-I inkt The World Out On a Leaf

Years by Ago With Old Mate Leif We Sailed To Another World Got Verily To God's Household; -And what You brought To me Old Mad? ;Said foolishly Young King Arvad; -What you Brought To the Knight Of Knights When You Enterred This Rich Site? -Just this Leaf O blessed King

The Viking From It You My King Arvad Learnest How To get To God. EPIPHANY

When He Was Born Sky Was All Starn Mom Gave A Kisst: Let's Call Him Christ. STARSTORMS

The Cry & Song Of every Bird In Morning time Is Heard At Night Starstorms rain And no One Hears their Pain. DADDY WANTS TO BE ALONE

The Drift Of Leif

Daddy Wants To Be Alone

And when Our Name Will Know

Everyday Tells To His Son

In the Cem'tery Will Bow.

Mother Is Years Gone Dead


Buried In a Tomb Of Lead.

The American Raven

The Raven Flies Sad Mother Dies


Come on Friend We'll Play A Game

The Baby Cries White Raven Flies. Ode to a Computer

You will Tell me What's My Name

The Moon is in It The deserted Street

And then We'll Go on The Game

The Oak where We Meet The Heart and the Beat.

I will Tell You What's your Name

To Amerigo

Lar of America Herald of Night All are In You The Big And Dead.

Sun is Set Dead Ghosts fly Dead Night cry. To the Genius of America

To Work

The Broken Arm And Broken Brain Joseph has No Hands Mary Blind. Alone in the Cemetery

Alone with Jesus In the Cemetery The Dead are Silent The Rain Speaks. The Pogany Castle

In Night Castle is Wet In Night

I was Buried In a Garment of Stones And I Built A Cranium Armor I Walk inside the Worm I Live with Ignorance Down in the Grave Forever Alone. Transylvanian Night Comes Night I fall Asleep Town is Foolish Moon is Deep My Dream is A River And my Head A Stone. To My Mother At Night At Day When Black Comes Gray To You I Pray With Death Alone

To Me She Say Life is but None. Waiting Death Death is a Glimpse Of Light Excess I learnt the Truth I must Profess Down in the Path There's Nothing True So me and Death Is Stamp and Glue. To the Werewolf From the Vampyre I write American Werewolf

All the Factories Are One All the Workers Are We. To the End

Love is the End Like Death When Music Is Done Only Dark.

London and Kerouac Wrote American morning.


To Dollar

Felix Rian Constantinescu 2016

You The Blood of United States of America The Paper Of Confessions The Nuggets Of Liberty. To Liza

Muzei Noastre... Motto „Imagine all the things to cope I close my eyes that gives me hope It pures the silence” Stevie Nicks, Every Day


Felix Rian Constantinescu 2016 – A GUITAR # Just a yellow brown toneless guitar That my parents bought me when they lived You cannot play anything on it Is like the dead soul of my Mother But soul nevertheless so I know That this loose strings guitar is a memory A moment in time worthy to be celebrated So I keep it nearest and sadden for her silence. ON RELIGION X#

I am a worshipper of trees and ruins And walked the land forevermore Like Isak walking I have seen God and man The ignorant peasants talking and spading the earth

Two straws of hair growing around each other From eternity A black one and a white one like the Eskimo dogs You The DNA acid, unkind as the poison of the spider Bearing vases with Oxigen through the great halls of Valhalla And I am the soldier dead on the battlecamp somewhere You just come to the snow in which we all die and you are the Frost But more than that I put you under the microscope under the telescope under Gamma Rays I put you in the Shroud of Turin on the Tower of Eiffel But still could not see you hear you know you meet you Are you a god an unknown god where are your temples Where are your believers Since my birth I believed that love is prophecy So in the Name of God I the Truth Call you Love. TO A MICROSCOPE +#

I cannot work the earth like the hermit rodents So my love is born of Plato like the love of dor And everytime I go on the road in the field I hope to see myself but I never do my friend my tomb

Teller of diamonds and of infinite grace Green microscope made by the singing dwarfs With stones of glass locked in your steel body A mechanism of truth and measured reason

Like it would be that my soul is just this land Is made of earth and could be cultivated Like the Getshemani the garden of treason And decided hopeless unresponded prayer.

In your three eyes I look for deeper truth And wonder at your discovering design The eye of eye of eye until the hidden You who transform every corpse in stars


I wonder if you had the power to put me under What would you see with your eyes of stone Am I a star nothing less or man As every man before me going to the dead?

THE LAD # You I sing youthful lad of the schools With eyes bright and a heart of blood Discovering the world of tricks and wonders Making one of know and play and love Whate'er mistake or pain ever be forgiven For your tender brain and soft seed of your spirit You give the old school worth and no one Not even the old Schoolmaster is worthier than you.

And the tired doctor drinks coffee with the nurses A sense of impermanence like anyone is cured Or dead And no one is locked up It's a wonder if Moș Crăciun will come at least to The women and girls At least the priest would come and pray in the dining room Would be cool Cluj gets chilly And there's nobody out-there So a priest or a mythical figure could stand to excuse the absence of God. Working #

MELANCHOLY AND BLUES # If we grasped the color of the night What it would be not black nor blue The indigo of prostitution streets And the dazzling city lights of metropolii But night has no color just the tempting dark Inciting to sin and the new vices and ruin You can see it in the eyes of the packs of teens Discovering the world and soul damnation So my solace and redeemer is Melancholy The Blue Angel teaching me of Time And men who live to be -- like the mosquitoes And love in sorrow just to die of love. Selbstmörderpavillon (#) Empty halls in december Only the poor or desperate are here Outside the walls carved with names and years Liza 1960, Theodore 1957 Only the cleaning lady comes and cleans

We could build a monument a colossus a family Make our apprenticeships learn the masonry and geometry We would buy land and rise huge walls on them We would buy the bricks from the poor people And pay huge wages to the skilled masons We would put it plainly in the papers that we erect a wall More than an arch of triomph or a old tower buried in rust Our children would go at night with their cars and scribble Profanities about our beliefs the very core of our ideals Of modern purity - We would divide the ovo of the world In two the left side or the right side or the right side and the left And in the night we will be unseen at watch as the calm tigers We would protect our ideal - if only we would start today working. GIRL IN NATURE +# The girl wait sun depart from her soul The earth is raped and robbed far away

She is alone like the lake alone water Moon A cosmos and time are before her her life The unknown of her life her nameless love The orchard is neutral with no fruits or flowers Mother awaits her dead in the cemetery And the sun is now away and she rises up. THE EMPTY TRAIN # The train rides empty on the side of the river Inhabited only by a few commuters and robbers After crossing the steel bridge it sings like a whale Draging itself on the ground like an electric snake Up the hill is the old dungeon destroyed by the peasants And the forest of oak and bullfrogs and blueberries People die of sickenesses in the huts near the villas And the community events are football and drinking The railway-station is blocked with rust brown commodies And the train is now a memory of the other life lived right here Like the memories of an embrion heartbeating inside the woman The train is no longer part of the village - has its own way alone Another life the good one though we not know not even now What was so particularily good about it maybe the stolen beer The stolen meat and the kindness of the train official letting you go Inside only a game of cards is played and a woman reads the Time

The card-players are the workers, the last workers - working But they still have time to laugh eat pig-lard and muse at the Colored drawings of the cards with servants, knights, women, And Kings and the woman is just a woman going to her cousin. SIGH IN A CEMETERY (#) Abandonment to the genii as to lovers A life in self-denial abort in tunes The sense of losing once again the life And tiredsome walk to the ruins and spirits There is none there no man nor demon Just stars unborn prisoners in frescoes And the beds of the dead in anonymous grin & poetry with tender lips and eyes too old. TO A GAY FRIEND (#) Sweet friend of youth I remember you And your dear friendship me you bore Now we are grown no more stagg deer Al'most no more glee in our hearts of minds Then all our life was pain and sufferring Ununderstood and all the much desired A puzzle of the hearts in brain's cold toy And now we're dead forgotten in the world If there's a meaning in man's wretched life Then we should know for none had been More inquisitive then in all life's ornaments But life has no purpose and so not we – So die my friend and to God go as you please You were not born of your will nor of mine

And me aswell and when you will arrive to the Banker of secrets - what will you say - loved me?

The day is cold like a bottle of wine And just the cars pass-by automatic In the robot city robot cars robot hitchhiker.


Humbleness (#)

You want to leave the revolute world Go in another and I won't implore you You have your little suitcase and your Money - and a fresh will to start anew Like the wine - let's not think what Or when - lets live the moment - and Die and let die - so to the west my sad Traveler - and leave behind the tomb Of your Mother and your Father's vine And go where none can find you please But pray for what you leave behind.

All life I longed for lamb's timidity Hard thing to get since I have claws And all this cat teeth and a hunger For meat. I am not a lamb nor can be But what I am what beast or deity That I inspire world all this catharsis What beauty is in me and what squalor Beyond t/ humble - angel-like & demon?

REFLECTION ON A YOUTH WALL (#) There is something in youth - the ignorance of evil The few seconds when you have all your life Right there unlived before you - and you hope in Nothing In your own smile reflected on a thousand screens Yes there is something in the youth years The age of not knowing anything and Innocence And may be that Time is but a Lie to Tell That Soul Changes Heart and there is no Hope. The Hitchhiker & the Road (#) The trees sleep in permafrost Winter has come like december fish The street new every house newly painted Stars do not exist nor people Just cars soul-less mechanisms watches And the Hitchhiker a worm in the Road

WHEN DEATH VISITS (#) Death the Almighty King knocks and enters He is well dressed and polite and asks for hearts Your wait is finished lastly and you are anxious For the journey - He woos you and wants you In his bed - will you go? - to the New World To the lilies and butterflies - hungry for you Will you give him your lips and heart to eat Will you regret when you will be dead & away ? Death comes like a pretender - not to be refused Dressd in his suit and dead eyes and the black limo And all the regret of the world and home's farewell Death visits and you not know if you are asked by Doctor Mengele or Virgin Mary - and you go crying Like the bride - O Death your Love is everlasting Like the love of a Sequoia or the sleep in snow & you offer precious rubies and emeralds to t/ Earth.

PROCLAMATION (#) TO ANGER (#) I've watched the old gray masters who tamed anger Love of God lead them to perfection I do now know I know'n my head's computer That use brings the calamity of feeling Man is a hurt robot made of sand and death W/ no power over himself or man A rotten puppet marching to the Ocean Of Mind and Introspection - knowing Hope lies in hoplesness & everyday rejection The mind of man broken in thought and image Inside mankind arising like the tears of termites. TITANIC ASYLUM (#) The halls are damp with moss and unteared tears And old and mad infants and fighting rodents The woman with no leg the Child with no Mother The crematorium breathes bodies to heaven Over the village - peasants walk blind and eager for Night - by the morgue a big dog sits hungry for life. MAN OF STUDY (#) Books - prints - old writings of the wise Ancient experiences that shaped the world So reach out and touch God and write Find the hidden meaning of the cosmos And go to the dead wiser and let them know This is what you want so waste no time Go into your cell rewrite the universe And drop a dime f/ the ones you leave in Hell.

I believe in traveling - from Hell To Paradise - to walk like the Pilgrims To Jerusalem - to wander like the sick Knight - I believe in traveling and Love I believe that man should walk far and Broad - to linger at the Causeways alone Or in love - to look in the Lake and Sky To die on the Road - and not be Forgiven. TO GOD. A COMPLEX RESOLVED (#) Come with us to the great Waltz The blue Music of the Moon and Stars Come & stay with us & Prey on our Souls You are the Saviour & the Tormentor; The Saviour again - Tormentor of our unseen Souls - Left Alone in the absence of You And your Dreams - betrayers and betrayed; You are the God we wish Not kill anymore. THE INSENSIBLE POET (#) Inside the oceanic shell of his bones awaits For revelation of the words and poetic pleasure Lives for posterity and eternity alone Silenced by the roses of his dreams Sees not the meaning of the world And writes unceasingly like the apostles There is no pain in him or in creation And blue is just another twilight word. TO LOVE GENIUS (#) I deplore you Genius of the World

Sad atavism of the Lost Garden What's in your Heart I do not Know One two five six or Pardon

Relentless & frozen lost in Logic & equations. Just a brain of Meat and Soul - - Heart

You - tired Engine of the Spirit Always killed by the Simpleton & Weak Love Genius are why Arts exist You only my Loneliness comes Seek.

In the Morning the Errand to the Market And the few Money in the Sock Childhood and Angels and old Age And the Angelus chant.



On young poet Hai Zi's death.

Death must be a metaphor A bag a Bible a book of stories A Romantic novel and the Kon-Tiki Raft. Dead - chopped-off by the Procust Train - The butchered brain of China And something that evades. MOON THINKING (#) In the Night - I am not alone Although I do not know the modus I am with Someone - with the god of Night Looking at me with his empty eyes Inside books people wonder if not Live - inside books - I live: Inside the Night as we all - I walk On Clouds and Wait the time to Fall.

Discovery of Man and of the World Friends are few they saw - 4 or 5 at best But isn't Intoxicating this perpetual Orgasm? - Always with the right People Never a Bum or a Hobo a Negro a Homeless A Loser - Friendship enwings us to the Peak - Like Vultures and prototype Zeppelines The last Illusion of our Times. R. S. THOMAS (#) We look a/ life's Wound Prophetic As to a Libellula quadrimaculata Or R. S. Thomas alone in a Book Or City – with living Uncertain Eyes - What's more to Get? What's more to Live for? - Except Those Cat eyes & the Nothingness o/ Alone Unselfunderstood Spirit. TO A GIRL (#)

IN THE MIND OF GOD (#) The Star moves in the Mind of God

The brain was dead Reversed polaris of anima And heart was perculating

As an electric water-pump The disarticulate movements The silence of the street And the cry Lord Jesus mercy me. COMPLEMENTARISM (#)

You - light – burn for the machine or life You god of t/ patron truths of heaven & hell The one t/ never die or lie – sacred oblivion Burn your secrets in t/ abbey of 86 bn cells. AT THE PSYCHOLOGIST + (#)

.To China

I am just a cheese doughnot But something makes me special Don't know what - I'm a lamb grower Maybe your radiosongs There's a complementarism in our friendship I eat all my cabbage with meat and think You work & as my Mom wish help I can work & you can learn. A CHRISTMAS TREE IN CHINA + (#) In China There is a big tree An evergreen The tree walks What is wrong with you Tree? Say the mountains of ice But the Christmas tree waits Xmas.

The telephone is useless - uniting Two dead planets – Moon and human Dreams -- nobody existing -- the reality Of the era – and no one deserving to be The library too – a treasure of corpses O – man – o – woman – what is in Thee? – in me – my embraced trees of rot and Soul – Half heartbeat and half sacred... Cemetery of books dead in my broken eyes River without spring – please – the origin Of logic – be gentle with these Children Failing w/ centuries f/ homework or Death. Recollecting Sylvia Plath (#) The pause on the road blank and Alone - the moment when one isolates And thinks the modern thoughts and Puts them in practice - this is t/ worst Failure success sex/ love suicide - all Leading to theology and waste When - a Dog howls in Agora - will The mad twentieth century end?



I love you tells you the unconscious girl Walks w/ you on t/ paths & asian bridges Inside brain – the darkness of darkness Like the interior of bee-hives or tombs

A destination - like the Westminster Abbey A place to rest on the excuse on good books With all the lakes and angelic soft stones With Wordsworth & Coleridge in t/ West Wind

the undying instinct - of life unvanquished or losing the decision to live at any cost - to live adamant like the hermits and rodents & a/ night to enter back in t/ crematorium.

Of surface too - delicate and high-time A woman - from day H - infernal little girl Witch with a tuned soul – unloved An old woman walking alone on the road Childless or barren or bereft - crazy With words and silences & dead friends A portrait of youth and pleasure years.

Mother. A Lullaby (#) PSYCHOPATHS (#) Mother is a Romantic word Carved under a fortress Or in solidified eternal salt & dead Mother stainless; Where a/ you? asks t/ orphan None reply except t/ stone of tears My postwar Mommy - did galaxies Took form? - One? Cosmos? YELIZAVETA YEVGENYEVNA. A CAROL + (#) Beautiful - a bit manly - with a decided spirit Probably a painter or a pianist with cinema Lips and big dark Child eyes - sits like a poet A poet maybe - t/ love of A. I. Solzhenitsyn? Could be - who knows now? - they are all dead In the dark book of their life - and her smile & Look on British paper - who are you Yelizaveta Yevgenyevna: a lover?: a victim in love exile? I look at you now on the holy day and think I prefer to think that you did not waste your Life & feelings – that you loved – Solzhenitsyn Stalin: whoever – a dog – b/ n/ sit Saturn sad. TO AN OLD PHOTOGRAPH + (#) A mannequin - not of t/ surface b/ of t/ soul

The common sadbrain rot - like In bark of trees & t/ fish heads Ext. life and own existence seen On the blackscreen of the need To kill - to kill - just to kill randomly Without explication - just to provoke Undesired death - despondents left Alive - A Godplay - mad luciferic I's. EMILY'S GAY CHILD (#)

A gay man - n/ wishing to be thus Just existing - like the water pot Like Perpetua & - mauve Saturn A martyr? - Of what? - who can Agree/ - George Michael - greek The preacher singer & bluesman An adored excluded - the year of Youth & abuse - hm/btf Jesus Mother sick with self-torture - lone Endures - permanent sense of loss And religion - unsatisfied omens Gossiping friends & severe society Mistaken dreams - She doesn't Live - _Her_ Child is a homosexual Why? - She blames the abortion And lives for nothing - hurt pride.


Stream of soul - men and women Girls and boys - unconscious Proteus Spirits' communion from one to another Through time - life breathing by posterity The unseen spending the _being_ - every Man an eye - a space built with art/ When life will not be - will be An a x i o m a - doubted and cornellian.

Tape Walkman – innerworld & autism – C 15/97 Cliff Burton Bach Duke Ellington & Louis Armstrong & Solitude & Ich ◌ dich – said to the wall – Sony Angst Dire Straits thrash rap guitars Angst P/Floyd Swing pop flower-power San Francisco '80s T/ J.H. Experience concertos Teofil Phoenix & Pittiș – double-bass & kigo. HEAD MUSIC (#)

ENLIGHTENMENT (#) Satanic brain - reproved to the core Light burning itself in t/ carved pumpkin Books - not books - handmade dictionaries The art of article - and word lapidarium Pictures of great men & courageous w/n Prodigal Childs and Novgorodian icons Life lived in the writing cell - @ t/ notebook T/ ones - sacrificing t/selves 4 t/ poor.

Meditations - bypass - piano Electric - sadness of the lobes - head Music overdose - music, just music Instead of everything: orgasm or play Memories forgotten downtown - key change And the silence - like a cell - monastery or Prison - love after love like Cluny Stone - meaningless life - & redemption. A LIFELONG QUARELL (#)

GROUP BEHAVIOR (#) The church - the school - the army - social Truths – the horas - pass-by gms: success & Torture - & all the laughs of t/ cool people - meaningful occupations - hobbies – science The paria condition of the solitary – kids – never Remain in books & dreams – alone - unperson Beauty - Moses rule in reverse everywhere & Beat hearts praying f/ ending – Death Redentor.

Angry words and beats - self-destruction Everyday loss - a furious God – 1 more family Hidden to wall of meek howls and silence Furious-youth Father & Punk Child – echec Dead Mother - eloped relatives - bitter - a Name with no future - the despise/rejection Of Xtians and stable spirits of society – art battle & anarchy - & no answers but WWII. ANSWERING THE PHONE (#)

Wait: if you would answer now I'd Say that there are many people Around - workers poets business -women - and they all deserve a Destiny you'd probably say they Do not quest it - and there is a Lack of logic in our love, I would Think; you do not answer, I n/call.

Meanings - a dead brain - dead serious - dead man - no - a suicided urchin Walking from one indigo blackboard To another - like Peter Pan running From death to never - a madman Puck on anything killing my C/hood. A blackbird beak (#)

ON SEEING A COUNTRYSKYLARK + (#) for Eliza She speaks - about beautiful moods Alone in the pulpit - preaching the Unseen - atheist religion of smile & silence - She is beautiful – not Like the wind or a morn of May Melodic lips - true - and everything Contained in sound not letter - She Sings - a skylark - finds my soul.

În the Prunus armeniaca the blackbird - black With intimations - with her red painted beak - looks at me friendly - She knows - I am a Blackbird aswell - a poet of villages and time Blackbirds show only in early winter like The circus - giving to Children glee & The Mothers sand - but they do not Sing - only look for crumbs & fellowship w/ Cats. 2. BEATFUL STONES The beauty & the dead (#)

THE BAD PARENT + (#) Looks down the road - kept Alone thinking of the dead & Broken - self-accusations - regrets Like egrets falling upon him in One frozen kiss - the embrace of His young years - he _was_ young When e/thing was possible & at hand - waits death coming w/ t/ groceries. Epitaph (#) A Child's friend - actor and teacher Of enlightened years - of worlds and

She loves him - a dead boy - sweet Once - a puppet/Joe Doe somewhere - anonymous friendless - pastless - lifeless - corpus - a shell of 1 time meaning and thought - but can he still _love her_ - gossip the old church ladies And the young Mothers - and mean city - a Mystery - a secret of the depths - dead. The Outsider + (#) Lives outside the poor village Far from the wet cemetery and The old and new house church

He is alone there - only with a black Cat and mad Daughter - a Maria Bolkonskaia - true - not dismissing God - he is a God - an old migrated Shaman & Judge of G-d & good Is The peasants revere the man and /mock Him - exclusion - like of a Master Of painting or sorcery - he mutters Unfaith - and nobody visits t/ table.

Love is a British Movie + (#) Love is a British movie Life a French one Coproductions useless Movies about language And one kiss under sky In tweed and requiteness Natural born gentleman Natural born Lady.

World is stupid. 6 is evil. Brain is blind. Love is fake. Death is now. God is me. Satan is I. World is I. Man is bestia. Jesus is lamb. The singer + (#) Alone at the microphone - long dress Dancing and praying in the sphere Auditorium - with the friendly bass-player And keyboards girl - and four thousand Hearts - she sings about things felt And the magic world - a place to be A place to dissappear in happiness or Not/ness - t/ Bermuda of love & now. Roads (#)

Tear (#) We come in sleep to the Beautiful gates - warriors In dream - and someone Speaks in our burning brain A demon maybe or an angel We do not know life's Answers - and on Christmas Night - miss someone alone.

I always think of concepts & roads Which is strange today I never Travel - remember long travels In the night to Blakmen monastery Or the hurried pace at the crossroad Where demons wait & easy-picking Pebbles in the road like the mindless Birds - forgotting t/ reason of walk. Unkindness + (#)

Asperger dogmas + (#)

Hitler was very bad - very _Unkind_ - the way of refusing Love or business - Hitler Is the demon of we all – And so - reasonless - we plan Holocausts in our steerless lives We burn ourselves or others At the stake - Joan, Anna, Ana We _are_ unkind - every king can Say - so there is no use pretending There is no final solution to soulgeld But accepted tears and endurance. The madness of witchcraft. An allegory + (#) Leaves of bookplants - researched by the Disturbed - for life or death - sole salvation Biochemical miracles and social respect A family line of mental illnesses and Glory - in crime or pure moments In religion or war - the lifeless brain Rule of the neverkissed - except one Time - the psychopath heroes - & poetry. The Painting (#) Jesus replaced Apollo - can be seen in heads The idol of lightgiving - Jesus A solar figure - sun's Replacement - bigger than the sun Funny though - if one thinks He being a man - tired And crying and preaching about going To the bathroom -- Apollo _was_ a god. The Rat

(#) Runs in the shop squeaking Afraid - I could squash it Black and funny - useless Without meaning - or friends Here - hiding from the neighbor's Little tiger - a rat - arrived From the damp ploughed field - I close the door - & walk away. Complexity (#) Some are just beautiful - others Write well - or dance divine Make the best mouse-traps - others cry and preach and do Comedy - man comes in various Shapes and sizes - in w/man sts In tragedy/drama or smiling girls Sentimental for the romantic boys. Three musicians (+) (#) Three musicians - playing the harp Some oriental far-eastern never heard Instruments - Buddhist and Ancient One is the star of the group - other The apprentice - between them is the Spirit - the spirit of Tokyo - an older Lady - Japanese - who's grain of being Cries cosmic - I want to live - leave me Alone - sounds from the heart and logic Born in the War - like the morning-sun You can see me - but you cannot touch Me - I have no logical truth to give.

Walking to the big cemetery - one day - here spirits visit Leaving home (#) I put Johnny B. Goode in the Mp3/player tk w/m Poesii Maiorescu And my medication and walk out The door of miracle - to poetry

- and demons wait - but more Than that - a hermitage - a place To find your mind - when You lose it - far in the world. Melancholy. A dor (#)

Ready - a bit feeble but good And just walk somewheres - like Huck Finn Davy Oliver Matia Romain Kalbris Linda Maria Baros writing.

National virtue - self-deprivations - superlove Feeling storms - unrequitted tears - brain pain - silence together - and alone - lost in books And collected memories - ancestors friends

The white dress + (#) Every girl's dream - a pure Glowing on her vowed body Baptized w/ God & offspring Seamed in times of loneliness

With spiders and volves - the taming of the Aspid in the communion glass - sadness & Virtue - a life lived with brief embrace and Replay - girls with rocky eyes & lovemyths. Prayer (#)

In secret - like guilty masturbation - she wants t/ dress - she _needs_ It - ant the stone church - and walk o/t/ aisle - alight and white - Virgin.

After a long day of poetry in t/ amfora Of heavy head pottery nothing remains But prayer a gesture aword like a Piece of cloth in the swollen mouth

The house at the crossroad (#) Always the same - in light or Dark - full of books and Silence - the cry of dead Mother and the mourning

Choking it time of beautiful words Has gone/come and in the rough Nerves the wait like in an official Room or a mental institution crowded & alone. Madonna + (#)

Of the other - the house Of the crossroads is barren And the road to the castle Blocked with a Communist Fence - generations of builders And died - Child getting old -

Mother of God and trouble - 17 Sits enthroned in the television Sorceress & adolescent - lover Young - the deer of the cosmos

Born for birth and love - woman Adored by human history - antichrist & teacher - bowed down in earth Nameless & abandoned - Mother.

My dreamely uncircumcision - I Was taking them out w/ my tongue Revelations come and go - but This brainia strange and moving.

Social barriers + (#)

To a Christmas Death. Homiletics (#)

Love obstructed by wealth - family Aborted by racisms & epithets - what Will she do when Daddy returns From prison - who marries the sick

Singer - young man - one hears people Die - but never _sees_ it - never grasps A concept death is not - and yes - you Were gone with the Christmas carols

Girl - the God of the gay and insane Law and piety - enciclica of fraternity - stalker boy - bad girl - the no goods T/ multitudes - friendless kids on welfare.

Who entered for you - Marley? - Jesus? Answers are there but unspokable In death on Christmas there is a light Like the wise sadness of Child forever.

The psychopath + (#)

Alzheimer (#)

Redemption in a Girl - pedophilia Demon - murder rape suicide A prince's madness - and all The vices and gods - the Parcae

I wonder on the meaning of diseases Alzheimer for instance - what Does it mean - what is life trying To say - to teach the old and man

Drunk at the Infant's head - a killer In every war in Europe - a shouter Twister - snake - a deadman - devil A Child - alone too much happy/sad.

To forget-the past? - grudges - instincts On top - what is to forget and why Is needed - the Holocaust - and what About the millions of years and slaves?

Seeds of grass. A prophecy (#)

Or is it a signal - to remember? - to try The Mothers - the dead - the lovers Or Saints - sorrow and sin - just to Remember - like the Mississippi time.

In the night of George Michael's exit I dreamt a dream coming to me Timely - I was sucking me again Wasn't very nice though - and There were seeds of grass in

Fantasies (#) Visions - memories and fantasms - recicling & feeling lost - pleasure – images – a try for

Beauty - negation of loneliness - Joy of Life And oh - brokeness mended - for now If we are still human and sin is not here Faith hope love written by the prophet And our life - to love a person - to love Just to love - in sin and secrets – broken. Oil filter (#) I found it on the side of the road While coming home on foot and I took it as a knick-knack - metal Instead of porcelain - in the window Black dirty filled with grinded pebbles Filled with olive salt - A symbol of the Industrial man - to me - the walker T/ bum - t/ primitive - t/ biblical Child. The rape (#) End of highschool. I accompanied a girl To colleges - to see the student market A dear one - a dear one - and there I Took the drinks -vodka - and I made my Move - I kissed her holding her - and And what I did - one of my sexual assaults Was a psyche rape to Her - now: friendless I don't ask f/giveness some don't - just cry. The Poster. Portrait of an Artist (#) Sits in his room barefoot w/ the lamp And personal computer - looks a/ t/ Keyboards with hallowness - with Regret - he will never make them

Sing - he just copy/pastes videos And meaningful scenes and universal Art - he is an artist of posting - and He knows it - like Beethoven/Nightingale. French origins (#) Noble - from the Medieval Loire of fortressess And visions - a world devoted to the Immaculate Conception - defeated warriors of d'Arc - exiled In all the Orbus - the old Polignacs - Romantic Birds of centuries - with the mind & superlogic Brain inscribed in castle towers - in the faith Of France - artists of war and grammar - losers French origins - undying - braindead & heartful. Me and the Witches (#) Every now and again witches spell me Defiant and lost - wishing me bad luck And omens - I try to resist the charm But the witches enthrall me If only I could ever let them go - banish Them - kill them dead in my heart and World - the witches are rulers of dark - from which I unwilingly come. I want to get married (#) I want to get married - with a Girl - the one that I love - shall I wait her? - stay pure and Simple - can this be? - tell me Sincere - honest - can you? Are you pure - is your religion

True - is love to be? - is love A truth? - I want to marry.

Like t/ zombies of our past - t/ eightiers are purple And now they are ready for their own Revolution.

Dopamin (#) The Feminine Man (#) Broken circuits - the music of the eyes When it gets cloudy you have true Take your raincoat - if you have One - or stay home - but upside Sun is invincible - brain transmuted in Tears - why people drink and dance and Love - the mad Earth and the lost Years - everybody's having fun just me.

The feminine man is made - not Born - prayed not bore - He is Made by disjointing in the cradle By interested parties So legs would grow tender and Graceful - the beauty boygirl & by mad incessant prayer of Orphan Mother.

The poet. On Susan (#) The Scorched Tree (#) Brain is a shell - empty or Pregnant - what creature is he - the Poet - beyond its sex - a hegelian Concept - pure as a bird In space - in his hour - and then The light closes - and the raft Is Dark - a humpback in the Ocean - prophet prayed and preyed.

Stands in the fenced field - a big Nut-tree - no priestess comes to Pray and sing the hymns of love And nature - dead - dark - and Meaningless - alone - untrue Nobody will base a world Religion on it - he is ignored As nobody can pick and eat.

The Demagogue (#) Walk with van God (#) Elections passed - red - propaganda resurected Is he bought? - college teacher - a man of the 80s Easy money - speaks at the radio again with wife After Christmas - t/ unemployed of Italy & t/ wall

The day is cold - seems an Arctic summer Sun everlasting dead in the sky - on the Tractor roads I carry the Letters I - and Thought that machine - stone - angel

Of Mexico - the sinistre face of democracy - and The poor life - and I think - another one goes back

Nevertheless - but dead van Gogh was None - I look at the book unread - and Believe - in man and letters - I walk

With van God again and ask for reasons. Masturbation (#) God in solitude - the woman god - beyond Recollection - life of defeats - beauty She Sings - chirrups - an enemy - think But what an angelic one - coming for truth In the evening - the soul who plays and Sings - obsessed with you - until death And true is in heaven there is no place For secrets or relief & angels love not. Meaning. A Love’s Shyzofrenia (#)

After genesis - intimate silence - Girl broken World becoming science-fiction - hermit 'S sad friend despaired - deserving to be Will give her her body as a beautiful crutch Would let herself crucified for the Saint But oh She just have to sing in the broken Monastery and be - be - Pu Yi's second Best - somewhere in t/ Greenwhich Moon. A Schyzophrenia (#) Ideal life & self justifications - a dementia Of will - pain contemplation - and true Holy Rosary - every woman Mary - maybe A buglike brain larger than man & t/ dopamin Shots - is he a monster or Age's wo/man Would never know - just walks the road A century after another - a measure & a lie No/y helps a schyzophrenic - t/ is t/ reason why.

Poetry & Love (#) I have read a haiku about Love And thought Man changes Nature - with Love - not Man But the Poet if Poet is All We are - and what true God Can be - tears bring wisdom That is a verse of God & Love is Pain not Pleasure. The Flock (#) This field is a place for potatoes & sheep Shepherds come – with rams and dogs And build round stone fires – like ancient Priests – the earth black and gold In solitude I love the field – like Isak The space of a new world today – Electric thought – But the sheep are the Same and the spring remaings of fires. The Bum (#) Just a drunk – living alone With twin brother – sleeps In a cold room and drinks Toward death – no food No friends really – just a Drop and a cigarette And memories of playing Guitar at Gatherings Just a bum to the world

Ill sick and careless Just a sullen orphan Dying – & not a bum. Mangods (#) The right to step on – the Logic behind it – the old Potter – The rabbit – the Casual friendship of The mangods laughing Against life – antichrism Torture room of the head & night again in the sea. Pleasure (#) Man a psychiatric robot moved by pleasure The thought giving dopamins – the blessing And the curse – pleasure of existence – of Just be – this is the key of life and man Takes pleasure in everything even in men Grief – Nothing brings him down or breaks His heart – in orgasm and proteins – he’s God – & he deserves to be – & sick uncool. The Confession (#) Humble knees - a fugue of sins In the years of the Church - to speak Up - opening of the little book and pray I did and I dreamed and I thought The heartful sinner - will he go to God Or never like the Ancient peoples? Please - Jesus - give f/giveness - will Sin more? - or not - like t/ sinful woman?

The Comedian (#) Up before the crowds - speaks Contemporary words - he is alone There - in his life and wisdom Walks the alley to the fridge And thinks existence - he is a Priest - psychanalyzing the world They all laugh and build up Religion here & t/ comedian goes. George Michael at Westminster Abbey (#) Preys there - cries in t/ rembrandtian Dark - altar boys hear his nightcry The new spirit of the Abbey - another Dead in the African stained-glass And communion wine - the true holy Ghost of yesterday -- telling us all About the bad place and the secret Of it -t/ bad place of love-(saved?). The Phoenix (#) A fire in the night - far With the fields - shepherds Sit around the phoenix - n/y Awake - blue star melting In the night - the sorrow Or the Graal - burning and Cry for her love - t/ shepherd. Sacrifice. To my Lover (#)

Don't you want to be a Grandmother In the ruin house of your dead Mother When you will be old and archetype To count the years & stars lit in dusk To devote your life to English poetry And at death be buried in this palace By kinky priests holy or homosexuals & the Queen /7 her seamstress sitcry. Crystal Man (#) The rotten apple near the lit lamp He sits at the computer not knowing To say Aye! - books are closed Long ago - with only mind trampled By thoughts - the world an eye Universe an I - God an Ay! & he a crystal man - if man could He be - death impossible - life. The Naked Woman (#) She sits naked in the cold of the camera She wants to be loved - feels unwhole Needs a Friend quest for in all the world - her porcelain skin makes her special - but only in these true moments - she is The naked woman - longing after the Rain and sky - beautiful Because contrary to God - she loves.

And he is - he does not remember himself The pain of his birth and white conception No angel or demon can equal him A boy or girl? nobody knows and love Love is not pure enough for this Child He is the Happy Child - trapped / forever In the ivory palace of his marble brain. The Nightingale (#) You hold me in your palms little bird And your eyes sing to me you say - you Are my Nightingale my little lovely wing I am just souldark and afraid - I am Your Nightingale - Priestess of t/ Temples I wait in dark for the Moon - she has Your face - night is an eye and you are The night - not love song just cry. Blue Glass Icon (#) Blue Mary singing in the temple The old men pious and rebelde Look at Joseph he is gay And every Jew eats But what big She is Like a Venus of Willendorf Is She sick does She have Elefantiasis or is She pregnant? 3. WORDS OF THE NIGHTINGALE (14 AMERICAN POEMS)

The Happy Child (#) The American Raven His name is Happy - given by the kings

The Raven

Flies Sad Mother Dies The Baby Cries White Raven Flies. Ode to a Computer The Moon is in It The deserted Street The Oak where We Meet The Heart and the Beat.

No Hands Mary Blind. Alone in the Cemetery

Alone with Jesus In the Cemetery The Dead are Silent The Rain Speaks. The Pogany Castle

To Amerigo

Lar of America Herald of Night All are In You The Big And Dead.

In Night Castle is Wet In Night Sun is Set Dead Ghosts fly Dead Night cry. To the Genius of America

To Work

The Broken Arm And Broken Brain Joseph has

I was Buried In a Garment of Stones And I Built A Cranium Armor I Walk inside the Worm I Live with Ignorance Down in the Grave Forever Alone.

Transylvanian Night

Vampyre I write American Werewolf

Comes Night I fall Asleep Town is Foolish Moon is Deep

London and Kerouac Wrote American morning.

My Dream is A River And my Head A Stone.

To Dollar

To My Mother At Night At Day When Black Comes Gray To You I Pray With Death Alone To Me She Say Life is but None. Waiting Death Death is a Glimpse Of Light Excess I learnt the Truth I must Profess Down in the Path There's Nothing True So me and Death Is Stamp and Glue. To the Werewolf From the

You The Blood of United States of America The Paper Of Confessions The Nuggets Of Liberty. To Liza All the Factories Are Mine All the Workers Are We. To the End

Love is the End Like Death

When Music Is Done Only Dark.

God knows - nothing satanic though A beautiful Child before making world Obey - they say genii laugh too - a Cosmic laugh - followed by rebellion & meaning.


Broken Guitar

1. The Letters of the Unperson 2. Beatful Stones 3. Words of the Nightingale (14 American Poems) C. XTIAN POEMS Felix Rian Constantinescu 2017 „cante' waste' hoksila ake istimba, hanhepi kin waste'.” Lakota Lulluby

The guitar is broken and glued again Mistakingly - they put the neck of a Swan - to this yellow silent piece Of music - how can She sing except Before Death - when the swan will rise To a heaven and the guitar will shrink In the depths of the earth - and spring When we'll live in air & our memoires. Thomas More. A Life Art

Ourselves alone

The funny things we do ourselves Alone in the black bed of foolish Thoughts the eyes we give for Nothing - the dead reasons of Regret - and pain - we will never be The same after our games - win or Lose - we wait for pedigree and Love - noble and ice-cold and pure.

I believe that flowers mean flowers And believe that people mean people Like truth is a red caterpillar Tearing your soul down I believe in the eternal leaves And the soliloquia of dead Mother I believe God a wall and a door & my names mean Thomas More. JURAMIS, THE DARK GIRL

Napoleon Laughing

Orgasmic brain - what will be left of it But today the man laughs - just born Far from his destiny of truth an death But what ideas flow in his uconscious

A dark girl - made of chaos & tears She is alone - alone and relentless Remained in Sheol read her S/speare's Is in a Child love's meaningness? Tell me - is it? - or not - and all a lie? What is to be if nothing? - please please Answer me - does Life end? & love die? Friends are unseen & only Soul is.

About The Clipping of Things I Seems like since always I have it The habit to tear unkowingly to Weirdly clip things without reason To break the expensive things Of the family in frenzy but that Was long ago still lurking in Memory and deeds I am yes A madman b/ e/thing has cause. II More than that – a need to break The heart of strangers and family To play with feelings as a policeman To hurt and to be hurt and do Bad – like the psychopathic thieves There must be an explanation I Think but don’t request it instead Wait for the bloomings to make tea. HOMOSEXUAL UNROTTING Dead entombed and wept for By some law of nature a refuse To rot turn into excrement and Earth a dead homosexual Saint Alone with himself in the coffin What miracle has passed who done it Maybe St. Anne of the Weeping Children What will we do of this Saint?

On it will writ HERE LIES RODION THE MAN OF BIG IDEALS AND GREAT LOSSES and a year or two of the ones Known and a star a bee star with honey. MUTANTISM


The land is the same, only the plough's Blade cut is bigger ever since the Nazi-Soviet War the villagers are devious the same or Not? Who knows? They don't eat corn With milk - they have cars and fancy clothes And foreign money and vice diseases & www . & dead relatives in rich tombs in the cemetery But they do it they plough & sheperd after work. THE CABBAGE FIELD


My tombstone will be of purple waters Made of my tears and bloodful thoughts It will be a trufle watered by my cadaver Inside the Earth as in a woman's tummy

This year we will put cabbage I can see the letuces rise just As back home in Anatolia and Far East to Armenia and Iran

The cabbage field will be one Of the world's wonders and We will eat it all day after day Until next spring happy and full.

The city just don't seem to accept his own ever since Childhood Un uomo universale from tertines to Sheryl Crow but is he straight? Girls look at him as at to something strange & shut up to themselves.

THE DESERTORS THE DRAKKAR Tired of this paradise they go To build another Their eternal dream Of civilization and spirit and they send Colored postcards and the wine of Peace look how sad they are we Became again the grizzly volois A strange land with no inheritance They exod using God for impotence. ASYLUM CRY Some time ago I wanted to draw With blue ink the overstreet asylum And I drawn a beast with big teeth And opened jaws on all the page Yes I know the feebleness of the ill And the attitude of Mothers and The leaving there but this night first I heard the pain of the asylum the cry.

I am the drum of the drakkar pulsing in the sea The prophet of the berserk and merchants warmen The innocent the soul the bird the spirit I am The drakkar god possesed knowing the unknown Way - the waters fight as centuries the lands cry Blood - the drum is my heart and the ship a big Fish w/ maiden head - I am t/ only one knowing We will die - I am t/ only one peaceful albatross. THE NOCTURNAL

At night we betray ourselves we love Not men or people but the night itself A biological etat d’ame not love even But chemistry and veins wet tissues


Walks lonely w/ stories in hand on t/ roads of t/ city to t/ new bridge Where the younger hip hop kids draw defamatory images of him Walking and gay and orgasmic like Whitman forever unaccepted Forever philosophical - like a serious waker and no friends Mother quit long ago to understand him - She dead anyways

It is called the nocturnal man t/ strange Of silence bereft near the lamp and Computer - we pray to become digital Or for the night to neverend - no pain. XTIAN

Engines and brains pumping on the streets In silence - the silence of robots and laugh Of hyenas - the grunge of the day and yes For me the song - Xtian - keeping my soul

In all the autism of the mechanisms - and Money - for everything a price - o, God When will I die away from the pharaonic Cities? - still alive - still walking - thinking. CHIAROSCURO

A rembrandtian icon - a soul among daemons The Brahmaputra pulsing in the temple - sky Toledan with lightning and revelation - the sinful Child - ostracised then - stoned - the pilgrim Child - the War lost - and the heart a seed of stone The Calvary - and the Law - never fulfilled Torah Death never coming - expected as a salvation Life proving t/ Bible - in silence & obscurity son.

Of love - of forgiveness - forever and everafter the need Of forgiveness - to forgive and be forgiven - is soul An angel? - the biological laws of the cosmos an islam Of every soul in genius or simplicity - the road To Jerusalem - the truth of weakness; everlasting And psychology - but more than that - the Greek temple. DOR & ECSTASY. The Industrial Revolution

Gauguin walking with Christ - & the surrounding villages Like the boughs of a piano - the sensucht of country-boys The silence of night-fields - lightless - the silence of wo/man In t/ night - thoughts as birds - black/white beasts & flowers


I sent my Father to the printers To ink my Romanian heretic book And I was surprised to see my Book in harmonious array Whith 3 dispersed sheets of paper Blank - two of them numbered And the third nude - well w/ only A sheet of paper - still have it. THE HUMANE

Philosophical notion - sociological absolute - the Man Dream - a fall into grace and incompleteness the pain

& t/ urban people - offices - euphoric or depressed - crying Or mute - The silent deserted factories the night before Pleasure - soul is biochemy - cars - t/ wisdom of t/ junkies t/ love of t/ gay - t/ machines - & t/ noise of t/ market - mdnss. DARK & ALONE

Six million villages left in permafrost 23 million souls in the dark - every road Falls apart - you will live you will see God Leave us - go - go Mother - go son - forget us Romania - Albania - Macedonia - Cernowitz Who cares you know - I want a Dorothy’s house

God knows w/ I want - I want to go uncompletness I want God to come and bury my Mother. DAMNATION

Souls rejected by life - not good enough How much they eat? Do they have Mothers? But they _are_ good and they pray in prison And as they just sit they help each other up In the afternoon on the tricolore benches They are not heart misfits just soul martyrs

to Rodica Lăzărescu Damnation is not a thing to be desired Mostly - all people seem to profess Heaven - except for a few psychopaths And quirky rockers - or maybe the

In a better world they will be adopted and Loved or sent back home and healed And they would have food to eat and they Would pray and work and love and grow. ANGELS

Corrupted souls - destroyed auras Mad - the hurt - when damnation comes It's like a knife - in your frontal lobes To be avoided but life is so beautiful.

I wonder sometimes and now Parsley sage Rose Mary and time Does any man or woman need The angels given to us - do we


It is questionable which is the meaning Of flowers - they germinate in the snow On boughs in the field in the orchards & gardens - & then everything is t/ same

Or just live like beasts for the Evolution - like the gorillas in the Prison - like the dogs in the den Do we need angels tell me? Bad Marriage

Dead - they bloom in t/ cemetery & in brain Of corpses flowers are unconsciously Compared to stars - flowers have a law Of their own - which we all accept - no one Cries for the death of a flower - & we kill Them - again and again - With a humane Fascinated superior grin - we do - in our Lovedeclarations and mourning and poetry. The Children Hospital From my window - I can see the Children Hospital - a place by God forgotten

Psalm 73 Mother married Father out of Christian charity A widower with three mangy orphan cats First thing She bought them warm clothes And food - and loved receiving only for hate And then she bore her Voodoo Child - me The loser of the family - She dead years now The older brothers wait for Old Bad Father To die - and the little one to Auschwitz. THE CHRISTIAN

THE POETRY Brendan is gone and so the King The christian Puts to bed in drakkar Viking Towards the Atlantis To convert Death West in Atlantis The Christian Lies there The ship Coffin is And sails West Towards the Atlantis To convert Death West in Atlantis.

Written - thought - self-spoken - dreamt Copyrighted - own - claimed - fought for A piece of property - like a stool or an USD - the poetry is the solace of the self What's it all about - money & checknotes or the freedom of the word inside us and Man? Really? The poetry is a violent game In which we have to lose like t/ gladiators. Felix. An Autobiography

Writer - singer - behaved Rastafarian Locked in a cabin - on matresses in Barrack - thinking - of love & abuse Poetry and squalor - a dog - why not? Still alive in the world not agreing with Sinking in the equinox of the great fall Sad - most than anything - living hurt In t/ Precambrian of t/ contemporary. The Clown


The fields belong to the centuries A way over the sea - a song of t/ Fregate with the heart of a Swallow You - left - and made a New World In the resemblance of the Ancients The Caelts - riding on stars and Birches - you were born of doom And hope - so Talitha Kumi -.

Alone - having only himself to think about Unloved - green brain like French cheese Singing or silent - hated and loving enemies Nothing helping him - really - nobody - the Girl is far and lonely too - the female Clown With a library and digital library in head Red heart - burgundy lips - the soul a tree In bloom and fallen to the ground - praying. Consecrated Bread

Dough of the Ancients - staining the hands Of Maiden Mary - from the Hellenic Ponts Stained of olives and the oil of the battle Lost generations of Virgin great priestesses Artemis - Athena - Minerva - Ceres with All her prayers - the first Christians - holy Killed and raped by the Barbarians - I am Their voice their soul their Child - honor me.

Of life - vertical - brush lines in tones brown & young green - comforting the sad temples Nobody sees them though - they are angels Ministrants of soothe - in anonymous temper Rocking like the Children for the bird's view Not a place to be - clouds free - prisoner istm. The Minor Poet

The English Bible For Susan Stewart, with Love.. I read in the English Bible The Past Present & Future If world will unite in peace It will be in It - It will be in It

Published - accepted - a notion of the age Owner of his name as if of a good property Christian - homsexual - atheist - all in one A dreamer - working in literature - pleasant

I read in the English Bible The Past Present & Future If world will unite in peace It will be in It - It will be in It.

Never against society and Church norms In t/ open of day - a man of thoughtlessness And words - the unudnerstood prodigy Oh, the minor poet - a name & two poems.


The Cherubim

I sit with my cat on my torso Listening to the radio & staring In the night thinking to my Dead Grandmother and her

God how long has been - tell me Twenty years - thirty - thousand? Children meet cherubims & love Them - making them Children -

House - demolished - 100 miles Away - just like her time will be When I will erect like a Patriot In the beyond gone dead spirit.

No more - alas - the pain never Fades - we all were cherubims Once - what happned - Jesus? Tell me - tell me - tell me - tell...

The Poplars

Jazz Math

Gentle - windpainting in the sky - swaying Like algae underwater - some scorched

If Columbus had apllied Jazz mathematics is Possible instead of

America to be hanged In the fools prison But just as well he Could have discovered How do you call them? Those waves which are In universe and lead Effortlessly from one end To another of the cosmos.

sabato matisse coltrane carmelite Child butler pig-eater rabbi joe le taxi Ceshire logician joe doe sabato matisse coltrane carmelite Child butler pig-eater rabbi joe le taxi Ceshire logician joe doe sabato matisse coltrane carmelite Child butler pig-eater rabbi joe le taxi. Milton

Autoportrait sabato, matisse, coltrane, carmelite, Child, butler, pig-eater rabbi, joe le taxi, Ceshire logician - sabato, matisse, coltrane, carmelite, Child, butler, pig-eater rabbi, joe le taxi, Ceshire logician - sabato, matisse, coltrane, carmelite, Child, butler, pig-eater rabbi, joe le taxi, Ceshire logician - sabato, matisse, coltrane, carmelite, Child, butler, pig-eater rabbi, joe le taxi. Overcomed Asperger

Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend. Autoportrait 2

The man of the '20s Is morally implied W/ political convictions Freedom seeker No dogma is good Enough - no man Holy - potentially from Reject to Man. To the Fields. To Dr. Terpe, Yeas Ago I said my Prayer To the Fields Of Incence and Myrrh To the Leafs And Stones Please Let me Pray. THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION My dad was a jerk you know All I ever wanted wast to read I used to say to People Teach me to Read - but Father

Took all my welfare and gave Me no books - and abused me So I killed the Motherfucker Will I go to jail - are there books? MY REASONS

Asperger reasons are basically handful Have you read Kataev's book? - what Do you think about courage? - do you Consider parties fun? - are you a blonde Or a brunette? - what do you think are The advantages of loneliness? - in Childhood did you dream of becoming A recluse? - do you like food? - terrible? - are you sane? - are you guilty? Beautiful

Hit the Lights - The Unforgiven 1-2-3 - Nothing Else Matters - Until It Sleeps - Load - The Call of Ktulu For Whom the Bells Tolls - Damage Inc. Reload The Memory Remains - My Friend of Misery Ginc Mama I'm Coming Home - Soldier of Fortune Gee Guerilla Radio - Sleep Now In the Fire Karmapolice It’s only When I Lose Myself - Back in the USSR Imagine - Let It Be - Blackened - Don't Look Back In Anger - St. Anger - God Will Make A Way To Your Heart - He Holds the Whole World in His Hands - It. UNAPPRECIATED PATIENCE

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful. D. THE TABLOID. MODERN SONNETS

I know I shouln't tell but show My home was hell forever So I took to the priest to the Psychologist to the priest Again - to the psychyatrist Only to be abused despised Neglected rejected hated Feared clowned left alone

THE TABLOID For life - by my family - judged Made to live as a convict Hazed - mazed - amazed - led An American Prayer - One - Master of Puppets Welcome home (Sanitarium) - Leper Messiah Orion - The Battery - Fade to Black Motorbreath - Seek and Destroy - The Four Horsemen – Sod

Because I seek peace a martyr God is beyond - and here - but I am alone - peaceful stranger.

THE FLOWER IMMITATIO TOXO I feel like holding a flower In my hands - my soul Maybe - a gray flower & I sit alone on t/ embankment - there are no people Near - except drones and Stars - I look at my flower It would be a pleonasm To confess that I cry Anyway I cannot protect It - my flower will die Soon before me and only Herds of sheep pass by B/ I hv a flwr in my hands. DEATH OF A PASTOR. A Sonnet

A man died in Phoenix, Arizona A Romanian man - shouting pastor Heartcase - a good friend of my Father In the before years - here right here I heard him on a tape back in 1986 Preaching to Christians and Party Members at an entombent - he said Men who die are not just daffodils There is a place we know not of Where the dead go - light becoming Light - he had a good name - Michael Well if I should bet and put money on It - I'd say the man is angel now - B/ we Will never know till our untimely death.

So what was going through you head when You were doing it? - The Punkbullying? You have to remember those Romanian Years - our parents were ex-communists Party Members or Workers - and we knew Our Grandmothers at least of a world before 1984 - and the Revolution left a mark in any Kid's heart I dunno forever - and we were sick Of Securitate and Fear - and they were poor Kids you know what that means? - & I had been Jesus - Satan too - yeah - but before - I wanted A change like Huckleberry Finn - to think not Weed - So yes - I dreamt of a community without Violence - in all its forms - and that was my first teen Gospel - punk tolstoyanism - dread of Mothers. Basics A life of basics is a beautiful life A Child's or Children life & smiles A life of few need and huge love Maybe you won't be successful Maybe you won't Dream and drive Maybe you will share onion soup With your ragged family but you Will love them and return to them Like the Jews - maybe you'll work In a factory all your life but maybe You'll make friends in the workers Those tired too sexy bereft women

Who would teach you of women Wisdom - & instead of Rio: alms -.

And think to whatever you want but T/ way u won t b just meat capisci?

Mind Hurricane

And Maybe Shame Is The Answer. xxx Fantasia for all the ashamed masturbating Children.

for Kubin Hurricane Carter, Books can change the world. I do not do - I do not do I wrote my life away - for you My God - my pain is not My brain - natural born soldier But you and them - I know slavery My mind hurricane is going to get You - this is what I believe I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do.

First is the play Then is the game Head of black & head of hay And then Life Become the same Full of pleasure Full of shame In the end death And tears unwept Fall from the eyes Maybe we are Karl And Gretchen and Our love Crăiasa zăpezii. With Wordsworth

Textmessage In the Night Hey kidd if you're just outhere in dark Not knowing what to do with you Nobody knows anything for you And why do you still bother be good You just sit by yourself and years pass By or you live your life in the collective Maybe you live in pain maybe you live In pleasure but just take it man, girl Even if god doesn't exist just do it Be your own god and sacrifice you Be Jesus for you just for you & eat Take a crumb of popcorn with soda

I do not hope in history or man Instead in humanity and kind's Content - now four cents past Shakespeare is dead - and you I am with Wordsworth though In books and poetry - in recluse Sins and sinning tears - I do not Know - if heaven should on earth What City could it be and the Omen Is She a vile pontif? - but more than That - we all humans even God - so Dear Williams and circumcised Milton Lay in town tombs and inward books & to my Death find some1 new 2 save.


Woodcrosses - yes kill the Mad but in my Madness I prophesied this just as a son of Zeus so this if why am t/ Father of t/ Romans.

A lie for Truthman Ciste. THE DIVINE COMEDY. ALONE ON WORK DAY You no longer have to hide Your guitar in the woods Sarge Take it and play it in your helicopter Like Emile Botta the dead hamlet Of our p ă m ân t yes play it In your mind drills shoot the Nazi's With your strings and think If you find anything to think about You will die Sargeant me too Our all company will die today So play your guitar for the Children Nothing will survive us except your Guitar So pass it on like a light For a day when all Armies will fight guitars. Amen. THE SOLDIERS THAT CRUCIFIED JESUS The soldiers that crucified Jesus were my men Thirty-three men from all over the world - tired Men - of war and executions - I knew each one Of them - but ten were my friends - ten like the Wonders of the world - I was the first - one son Of my Mother the Skipper was a Persian and The third Arameic and the fourth Etrusque The fifth was Black and sixth Jewish the seventh Celtic and the ninth Greek and the last Getae But we all did it only I was watching my orders The beat slept in the prison-castrum and the Ninth Were busy with their tools and Men with

It's finally windy warm Work Day Nobody answers the phone I sit & think like a tired dog chewing My broken pencil which I write Nobody's out-there - I'll eat my Steak alone like an Aids man - I Ponder what to read - Paradise Lost - the Devill and the Gods? Or something worse - the tragic Childhoods of great composers? Alone in my black hole the last Verse is the harder before sudden Death - mankind cast me out and Every Father - I'm a pilgrim to my tomb. E. THE HALL OF THE DOUBLE MIRROR 1. The Adventures of Little Punk Dog FR-C Little Punk Dog FR-C Little Punk Dog Goes to school Every kid takes Him for a fool The teachers say He's not alright! He barks and cries Every night Every night! (Chorus) Every night every night The kids say to him When the talk of - him Bad Punk Dog Bad Punk Dog You're a Little Punk - Dog

You're a Little Punk - Dog Little Punk Dog! (Chorus) Every night every night every night every night Every night every night every night every night Every night every night every night every night Singalong everybody! Encore. He sits friendless And alone His head is heavy Like a stone Nobody loves him Nobody will So he starts to Make up his will! (Chorus) Every night every night every night every night Every night every night every night every night Every night every night every night every night Phoebe Buffay and Petre Roman FR-C When he was down Schooled A bloody coup d'état Fooled And the teacher lady Said Who well we vote Kids? Who will we vote Kids? Roman we will Vote Roman we will Vote Roman we will Vote Roman we will Vote Roman we will Vote We all shouted in class We had fun Petre Roman was a Communist Bum I storytell this tale Cause I wanna say That I love Phoebe

Buffay Yes I love Phoebe Buffay I'd marry Phoebe Buffay. Little Punk Dog Writes A Book FR-C Little Punk Dog Writes a book The publisher page This kid's a spook. He signs both contracts Don't give one back And this is how Little Punk Dog gets jacked. Little Punk Dog gets jacked! (Chorus) Gets jacked gets jacked His Mom is dead Nobody cares! He sits alone Nobody cares! He sleeps in the frost Nobody cares! He writes all the time Nobody cares! Nobody cares!! (Chorus) Nobody cares nobody cares Four years later publishes On his own money Now he can die But nobody reads - about his Mommy About his Mommy! (Chorus) Nobody nobody nobody nobody People like to sleep eat and fuck If they don't afford condoms They use a sock People suck people suck People suck people suck People suck people suck People suck people suck (Chorus) People suck people suck people suck people suck People suck people suck people suck people suck People suck people suck people suck people suck People suck! Yea-a-a-ah. emoticon smile

Little Punk Dog In The Cemetery FR-C Little Punk Dog Sits alone At his head He has a tombstone He's with Grandma We hope he's merry But we don't know Cause he don't show. Little Punk Dog Blues FR-C Little Punk Dog Still has a Father A weary old man Like his dead Mother Kids don't even visit The don't call They wear O'Neal They don't pay a bill They don't pay a bill! Don't say I love you They don't say I did trouble you Maybe my old man will die And just me will cry! Little Punk Dog Visiting Agafia FR-C Little Punk Dog ran In a cold cold forest Nothing was in the area But a damned securist But fifty meters farther Watched by a cuss And a fart-er In the oldest house Lived a Mother Agafia The daughterless Mother. Educație FR-C Mămica face sex Băiatu face sex Bunica nu știm ce face Hei hei hei Aproape toți fac sex Hai toată lumea Mămica face sex Băiatu face sex

Bunica nu știm ce face Hei hei hei Aproape toți fac sex. Mulțumesc. emoticon smile Little Punk Dog Goes To Church FR-C Little Punk Dog Goes to church Christians think His name is Lurch He likes the mood He feels bless-ed And everyday He feels rejected Yay! (Chorus) Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum He is mocked he is used He's insulted and abused He is laughed at and ignored He's despised And he's always bored (Chorus) Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum You can talk to God Only in institution So to be a hermit Is not a solution You must be sharp Smart and holy And you must You must be jolly (Chorus) Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum If someone there loves you It's a wonder But you just can't see her Like Stevie Wonder It's like she is far away Like in a far away land And you wave your hand And you wave your hand.

The Failed Suicides of Little Punk Dog FR-C I tried to kill miself Onces upon a time Lime to a lemon Lemon lemon to a lime People want to die And some them Suicide But if you cry Life has a bright side So let me Little Punk Dog Bid you farewell Suiciders are losers What is more to tell? Try this at home with your guitar!

I look at them right now over the window Two girls in red sitting on a bench - and Why they waste their life in prison Angels as they are - o God why no one Visits - Mothers or Brad Pitt - and no One want a vulnerable cherub to love And comfort - day passes and night Comes - the asylum will be a shipwreck In the night in which all wait death No icecream songs or prayers will Be heard - just the wall - the holy Here to protect and comfort –


The handicapped and bereft - so Please! - if you are man and in Mankind you live - come here and Choose two kids - to live, to live. THE SONGS OF THE BULLIED


Yea God save the Queen - we all Are people they say - but who knows What's inside man and his brain The songs of the bullied are cool


And annoying - why is that von Paulus Maybe because of the crushed Mirrors of mankind and soul - but Where we'll find the soul to avoid the end


And really - since when the feud started The man in the arena with the rhinos Hungry and placid - we have no bombs Inspired men to exterminate the herd


But like in the case Grigurcu vs. Nichita What remains - no, not glory - remains The struggle - everyday fight - the bad And good held together in one embrace.

For Joni Eareckson Tada.

FOR EVERY LOST CHILD IN THE WORLD Where is Mommy, Girl, where is Daddy, Boy Where you bad today who won the fight today Little Boy Lost with a missing image in the Brain - yourself missing - hurt - failing - sinful Where is Daddy, Boy? Did you kill him? - and God - too? - where is Mama, Girl, tell me? No one knows when the hurt will end - but we Are the ephemeridae of the summer not living

Of failing - the Underdog Awakes in the rink for a Two dollar bill - people Die forgotten and Children Too - where is the good Thing - where is the food For the spirit - the crushed Spirit of our Infants? - speak. WITH GOOD AND EVIL to Alice Liddel

But l o v i n g like the animals in anarchist Paradise - So, Mom, Dad, where are you What good is a temple if it makes people Unjust - And God - what good is he - knowing Everything and planning lives like prisonwalls

Schizophrenia gave man belief But no mad will excuse himself When normal means greed & Power - after a dream the Child

If love is a game then why do we lose? - why Mothers and Fathers die and we in their hearts The ice-cold moment when She says I do not Love you anymore and you go in the world.

Finds out it's insane - and more Than the Kaaba - left alone in The dark and ignored by the big Juries - insane vs. normal - with

+++ Opened window Quince of white lights. Cloudy evening.

Good and evil in the same mind Of broken smiles and self-help Books - God an idea in a numbered Book - 666 - and the young Prodigy


Dead - in the last day before war When everything turned to toilet Paper and menstrual blood - oh Please don't kill me - I am immortal.

Every man an Underdog Parents trying to make Ends meet - Children Struggling at school Every man a victim - of The World - and himself Ignorance stronger than Truth - and the shame

THE HALL OF THE DOUBLE MIRROR Who Is Out There? A tall fragile hall - Valhalla? - maybe A big room here in which I am alone Ended by the wall of a mirror - what s

Beyond? - The other side - the right? a. QUEEN MAB Felix Rian Constatinescu QUEEN MAB {13 poems} I can pound on it like the psycho Child Hit my head against the stainless mire Like the rabies - but I will never see The other room - what is in it - perhaps My dead Mom - faith is of no use - blind Maybe beyond are lightnings and forests Or maybe flowers - or maybe just me Stare-pounding - writing digital letters On the mirror someone reads - never Seeing himself - except the letters I Write - is he trying too to break this glassy Fortress to reach me - for kill or love? CONTENTS A. The Child Said That 1. THE CHILD SAID THAT 2. & 13 AMERICAN POEMS B. Beatful Stones 1. THE LETTERS OF THE UNPERSON 2. BEATFUL STONES C. Xtian Poems D. The Tabloid. Modern Sonnets E. The Hall of the Double Mirror 1.The Adventures of Little Punk Dog 2. The Hall of the Double Mirror -THE ENDPăclișa, 2015-2017 ii, Moxica… 116 poems FE Chabu devi t.’ 2012} 2017+2019 Motto: Ode to FRC I drove along Chaussee Road this morning. Looked up and saw that our Cultural Fortress had been sacked. I'm too numb to cry. So the sky took pity on me and it rained. +Dawnnbooks..t.

Felix Rian Constatinescu August, 2017 – "O, then, I see Queen Mab hath been with you. She is the fairies’ midwife, and she comes In shape no bigger than an agate-stone On the fore-finger of an alderman, Drawn with a team of little atomies Athwart men's noses as they lies asleep; Her wagon-spokes made of long spinners’ legs, The cover of the wings of grasshoppers, The traces of the smallest spider's web, The collars of the moonshine's wat'ry beams, Her whip of cricket's bone; the lash of film; Her waggoner a small grey-coated gnat, Not half so big as a round little worm Pricked from the lazy finger of a maid: Her chariot is an empty hazelnut Made by the joiner squirrel or old grub, Time out o’ mind the fairies’ coachmakers. And in this state she gallops night by night Through lovers’ brains, and then they dream of love; O’er courtiers’ knees, that dream on court'sies straight, O’er lawyers’ fingers, who straight dream on fees, O’er ladies' lips, who straight on kisses dream, Which oft the angry Mab with blisters plagues, Because their breaths with sweetmeats tainted are: Sometime she gallops o’er a courtier's nose, And then dreams he of smelling out a suit; And sometime comes she with a tithe-pig's tail Tickling a parson's nose as a’ lies asleep, Then dreams, he of another benefice: Sometime she driveth o’er a soldier's neck, And then dreams he of cutting foreign throats, Of breaches, ambuscadoes, Spanish blades, Of healths five-fathom deep; and then anon Drums in his ear, at which he starts and wakes, And being thus frighted swears a prayer or two And sleeps again. This is that very Mab That plaits the manes of horses in the night, And bakes the elflocks in foul ****tish hairs, Which once untangled, much misfortune bodes:

This is the hag, when maids lie on their backs, That presses them and learns them first to bear, Making them women of good carriage: This is she—" — Mercutio in Romeo and Juliet, Act I, scene IV

Tearing up Orthodox or Heretic Bibles Decade after decade & prophesying Death


And if Martyrdom will come our way We will say to God - Please stay And if Love will never Be from the tree Heaven we'll see.

I went on a pilgrimage today my love To the indigo temple of your soul & spirit All Jesus could say was Mary mm that is good But I was walking in you and breathing ice I was afraid to pose for a portrait So my incandescent eyes would show up So if we have brain who knows to kiss? Sweet you made me happy & you were miles away. Lost in Myself I lost in myself on the path of pleasure Now I am drunk searching for icons In this world for the holiness of beauty O Gods how beautiful you must be – I am trapped in my head full of seeds & I think of yesterday & her marble chest No no please don't kill me with stones I am in love I am in love I am in love. Love's Songmix Kiss Love is a silence songmix like a kiss But you have to wait more than than fight So I'll wait for you looking at the sky With courage and a growing heart Please love me you said and I did And the world took life so I wait in the dark At the writing table alone and sad Remembering you and counting your icons.

But she is gentle as a tell in Persia Always on her knees always singing Her hand feeds the land and my heart But our love is like the Gods - unseen

Personal Exodus To England. Trees are sad today they cry in lobachevskian lines Far I will leave them none will take with me O orchard o forest it is but your death And the Black roses have not bloomed - how sad! I will leave my country and go to the shores And weather will be my friend a strange immigrant Poet - this is a hope - but more the pain Of dying and of unrequitted hunger - I will forget. RELIGIOUS Mother, I fell in love with a Girl A very beautiful girl b/ that's not it A religious girl I haven't felt like this Since seventeen Her beauty is brain transmuting in spirit But I must confess - her eyes make me Lose myself in God - She is not a woman But God manifest

for Eliza.

Please, Mother, hold me make me not betray you I have two lovers - forgive me - and She is not More beautiful than you She is just God Should I love him?

She is a brain of numbers always praying I am not aswell much more a sinner

My mind is religious I am infected and surrender to love

A Brain of Numbers

Logic has no avail I broke the chess table how I wish You were here and let me dream with you Mother I am Jewish.

To keep it near and drown in thoughs so give me help Giveme t peach of love.

Who Are You?

I am a Nightingale who sings locked in your palace Like in a blessed cage of velvet bars I pray here And wait for Wentai to come in my arms I pray Your soul is a bird

To Thysbe Who are you my love? Athena? Artemis? Thysbe? Tell me your name so I will Write it in heaven Is your name a prayer a word From beyond? Are you the God of love and true happiness? Tell me your name Write it in marble and spirit I have walked to all the temples Looking for you and waiting In silence Your hands are t hands of a worker You work until now? are you a brook A temple a prophet? the god I adore And pray for. Crescent Peach I started eating a velvet peach but I stopped Feeling as if I eat the Moon like a mythical demon I put it on the pocket book New Testament In Mom's library And this vision gives me thoughts of unloveness Not love - because only God loves and Mary I ignore it and think of beautiful things like Daffodils by WW I wish this peach to remain forever alive I love it But I am just a fool and love has worth o Gods They said Whitman was a loser I say a prophet Of truth and profits Dad offered me this peach for me to eat but i stray And take it as a knick-knack a porcelain bubble


I wait in the dark alone and in love I do not need the world Except its songs and stories if I had to walk a thousand Miles I would if I had to die but you are here and alive Where are you? Looking in the Spring It's dawn and I sit by the waterless spring thinking of God And looking in it I wait for the water to fall The spring is the sunrise window in Mom's room I am pensive There's nothing left in the brook except stainedglass Stones like genii of the earth with funny faces I abide there looking at the marble pebbles and the enlightened mouth By the icon I pray. The Organ A boy older than me had a Casio organ from America I liked it I wanted it for me and seeing it I began to think Of it to want an organ for myself I even went with Dad To a dealer and tried three I always believed the schoolboys at Baptist churches Don t know to play it I was Orthodox and praying But organs attracted me platonically I wanted one

And I almost had a computer.

Why do you come to me What do you want?

Nectarine. A Tragedy A fruit half peach half apple a genetic discovery Does the apple regret the gentleness of the peach? O Gods do nectarines grow in trees or not? O Spirit You say more peach... b. Love Declaration # 2017 LOVE DECLARATION {fiefteen poems}

So I will go And tell your name to the heavens I will speak your name To the world You came To the brook of my heart Here you wait me For millennia. Thais

Felix Rian Constantinescu

The Baby

Jesus died for the world Mary died for a kiss Theologians are perplexed & I pray to go up

She is the baby beautiful as a bee Tired in September and free I love her but She doesn’t love me She is in Love

Luther couldn’t explain this I am the sinning virtuous If sin is a kiss Please please please come to me.

She is the baby beautiful as a bee Tired in September and free I love her but She doesn’t love me She is in Love.



Sappho s Confession

I met a kid looking at the sun At the borderline of a hospital And I think now is love for the rich? The poor love the most

My forehead is filled with dew I wipe it but it grows right back Love not pleasure I think pleasure Is for rats and mercurys

I saw two people at the edge of a road And I think do they know love? Why don’t they teach it To the poor and cinderellas?

I try to get close to you and speak To your lips to say that I wait That I Love that I stay but will you hear? Please kiss me and let me.

A Boy Christened Cinderella

Love Declaration

Mother loved him very much She was the only one She wished to give him her love So he would find love

You are the hidden love Hidden inside me – beaten Rejected and cherished You are the hidden me

But world is made of diners And no food and collective loneliness The Prince is away on a hunt And Cinderella is just dying.

The others are not you Not transgressions though

Cinderella at the Hospital

I saw a girl at a hospital I went to I must confess She is my number two The first is a blind singer somewhere So what could I tell you? The worth of a woman is not in the work In the brain or faith but in love And beauty – so Cinderella waits For a healthy boy to come to his senses. I Am Just A Girl Asking For Help So I am bad Sorine I gave you my love but you are on your high horses Society has no courage And you are not my friend anymore I don t expect excuses and I know I had a brother I just wish to live my normal life with my big normal brain So I am writing a letter Pace Even the genii kill themselves so Mr. Trump This is the gospel you want? I don’t know I don’t know why idiots Can’t listen to a girl? God is far way out but I’m here Alone under the lamp-post George and Kramer visit me And the Sorrow. On Eating A Piece Of Bread A good man gave me a white bread Two days ago and I still eat at it Alone in my room by the rhythmic icon I hold it in my hand and think Something like a kiss or the communion The bread becomes my gray brain But who is this bread what field of rain? What bird of wheat died for me? New York In my youth I dreamt of going to New York To me it seemed as the coolest city

W the NBC, books and Tribeca music & movies I thought New York should be my destination But I am a suburban boy with no true faith Far in the deep so I never really went to US I have a friend there someone who cared For me so I’m here now and think of NY. Love Came To Me Like A Beggar Love come to me like a beggar And took my hand humbly Walking in the dust She said Love is the greatest of All Love is no thief is just a girl Crying because of Destiny Yea if Love’s real then we All wasted our life for not knowing. Mary’s Family Daddy is far away and Mary is working She sends a letter each day There’s lots of work at the factory And the kids are unborn She met a soldier who wants peace And She’s gonna give it to him She gets ready for Christmas And waits for somebody to turn off the light. A Girl I had a girl for ten years from my village We were like peaches and pie the 2 of us But She had a husband and an annoying Younger sister so it was a clean Romantic Affair I have no regrets I tried to live right She even confessed her love to my Mother In bed with her & then She died & before that I looked at her & thought how beautiful She is. I Stay With The Bread In My Bed I stay with the bread in my bead I know this way bugs will come But I cant help it I wish to consecrate My body with prayers and love

So I will become good as bread To be ate and be cherished Like this place is a church For the desperate and beggars.

A little bit! She just thought Of Love and this is the reason A lovethinker building temples. Olives

The Dove Comes For Love for Kina Grannis The Dove comes for love I don’t know her name and She‘s hungry so what will I do Willi open the window and Put my bread before her Or not? She didn’t come now The Dove is afraid too scared T eat b I m make my confession. He Kissed Me I saved Louis Armstrong today He was working and I went up to him And he kissed me wow I feel Very sinful I saw that giving myself To him would mean something To him anyway I think he’s A beautiful human being and Dinner w great I hope t see h again.

Look man the peach is almost dead Is the sky magenta or lead? I would ask what you would do If someone says they love you? But here on the bank of the dam There are olives Uncle Sam I would pray please come and say You will work my trees today. The Dark Girl My Mother was daylight like Rihanna But She s the dark girl hiding in the night A computer in love and I m going crazy I m so sad today and I don t think I can cope People are indifferent and world is a spiderweb We are all sick and especially myself so I m gonna Sleep She hides in a computer I hate my life And want to die to go in a place computer free. c. Moxica. 10 poems

The Spring


I have a spring in my room I don't drink from it but others do I don't like the water but I am sensible To others feelings and they are thirsty

Flowers must be cared for Cultivated and loved and watered They must be touched and kissed Must be kept in sun and rain and night

But sometimes I get mad I think Of closing the spring with concrete somehow But it would be wrong to kill a spring So I just lie in bed and despair.

Flowers of all colours must be loved Cherished put above all things in the world Loved until craziness plucked like hearts Of unicorns and sirens and kept in dark.

Mountain Flower My First Hobby She is a mountain flower With eyes transparent water And mouth of red petals My second my Nagasaki So I’m gonna hand here

My first hobby is in killing spiders I don t hate them though I just Am afraid of them like really afraid And I think of their psychology

I believe in an earlier life I was a Spider so you may say I love my own I kill them not with a broom or book But I kiss them passionately & t die. He Kissed Me! I saved Louis Armstrong today He was working and I went up to him And he kissed me wow I feel Very sinful I saw that giving myself To him would mean something To him anyway I think he's A beautiful human being and Dinner w great I hope to see h again. On Eating A Piece Of Bread A good man gave me a white bread Two days ago and I still eat at it Alone in my room by the rythmic icon I hold it in my hand and think Something like a kiss or the communion The bread becomes my gray brain But who is this bread what field of rain? What bird of wheat died for me? And Maybe Shame Is The Answer. xxx Fantasia {for all the ashamed masturbating Children.} First is the play Then is the game Head of black & head of hay And then Life Become the same Full of pleasure Full of shame In the end death And tears unwept Fall from the eyes Maybe we are Karl And Gretchen and

Our love Crăiasa zăpezii. Textmessage In the Night Hey kidd if you're just outhere in dark Not knowing what to do with you Nobody knows anything for you And why do you still bother be good You just sit by yourself and years pass By or you live your life in the collective Maybe you live in pain maybe you live In pleasure but just take it man, girl Even if god doesn't exist just do it Be your own god and sacrifice you Be Jesus for you just for you & eat Take a crumb of popcorn with soda And think to whatever you want but T/ way u won t b just meat capisci? Mind Hurricane for Kubin Hurricane Carter, Books can change the world. I do not do - I do not do I wrote my life away - for you My God - my pain is not My brain - natural born soldier But you and them - I know slavery My mind hurricane is going to get You - this is what I believe I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do. Basics

A life of basics is a beautiful life A Child's or Children life & smiles A life of few need and huge love Maybe you won't be successful

Imagine - Let It Be - Blackened - Don't Look Back In Anger - St. Anger - God Will Make A Way To Your Heart - He Holds the Whole World in His Hands - It. Beautiful

Maybe you won't Dream and drive Maybe you will share onion soup With your ragged family but you Will love them and return to them Like the Jews - maybe you'll work In a factory all your life but maybe You'll make friends in the workers

Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful.

Those tired too sexy bereft women Who would teach you of women Wisdom - & instead of Rio: alms -. d. Health Issues. 64 Poems Felix Rian Constantinescu The Tabloid. Viva el Pueblo! 2017 An American Prayer - One - Master of Puppets Welcome home (Sanitarium) - Leper Messiah Orion - The Battery - Fade to Black Motorbreath - Seek and Destroy - The Four Horsemen – Sod Hit the Lights - The Unforgiven 1-2-3 - Nothing Else Matters - Until It Sleeps - Load - The Call of Ktulu For Whom the Bells Tolls - Damage Inc. Reload The Memory Remains - My Friend of Misery Ginc

To a Friend

Ye, Conqueror, sweet friend of youth And death - forbid me for betraying In life's passion but please do not

Mama I'm Coming Home - Soldier of Fortune Gee Guerilla Radio - Sleep Now In the Fire Karmapolice It’s only When I Lose Myself - Back in the USSR -

Forsake your friend for fail in see

Who are you I will not say though known

You are to anyman from sea to see &

The Earth is tired

At my rebel pace I welcome in my bosom The mind the wit the beauty & love's wisdom Mother is tired She has to teach A lamer I am I cannot sing like the Moonfish

Or break her breasts

And skylarks in t/ sea but you are my friend

Mother is tired

Ignored dismissed forgoten drove away With blows and prophetic anger but please The night is tired She has to shut up Be my friend now and forever if I should

Or fly into the skies

Say your name but 'tis my silent prayer

The night is tired

Make me your prayer nightly and of light When men afraid of light be you mine - my friend. I am tired I must write Or die To My Mom Who Was a Teacher I am tired. for Frieda Mothersong The Earth is tired for Miriam Makeba He has to get up early And work or kill

My Mother could never Never thought of himself as a bad man Really sing - but she did Said his prayers every night in those times My Father could never But was afraid - yes not bad but afraid Publish - but he wrote Of the killing machine driving around

I had not any friends In Dacias - so he spoke to be liked But I lied in wait Not to be frowned upon - not to be My brother could not Inefficient -- not to be trusted - a Open himself - but he loved Candidate to exclusion - yes that

My kid brother was always Was it - when every man drinks blood Ununderstood - lost not hope You must do it - socially - to be accepted My sister lived alone At the Red Ball - to live your silent life All her life - but she tried happiness Oh, Romania land of the vampyres

So Mother song dad's poems So today when we think that we're freed My friends' ignorance brothers' heart What is to be done with our parents? And hope my sister's happiness Should Hamlet kill Polonius and Everybody And you - are what I am. What should we do - let's all think about it.


Me - something like Bruce Springsteen A symbol - a madman though - obsessed ISLANDS ARE TURNING By bullying and pedophilia - poet laureate CHILDREN ARE MOURNING Nonetheless - I represend a message - a ONE TEAR ONE SMEAR Meaning - something to be deciphered IN DARKNESS FEAR In long centuries and unbearable solitude Every man a loner - this could be the reason RICH PREACH WITH PRIDE And spirit and the crown are friends - truth POORS TEARS CONFIDE Killed with kindness - a neverending pain THERE IS NO WAY Like the brain of Ludwig van Beethoven TO YESTERDAY A sad man - an Arelquine and Colombine Sitting grave at the other end of the phone I'M GONNA DIE You could say I made it - but really what are YOU RE GONNA CRY Words without acts - forever loneliness YOU RE GONNA DIE Could be until better drugs - And now at this I'M GONNA CRY Blessed hour I have one request - love me. WHERE THE LONELY GO THIS NO ONE KNOW It is Better to Be Good MAYBE IN LIGHT MAYBE IN NIGHT. It is better to be good - you Don't get into troubles and POET LAUREATE In time become a revered Man or Woman - a pious But more than that - it is

Husband and wife An access for the better Together since the A way to Christian light Separation of Mu A way of not hurting people Could it be my man People say that every An United States Bad man is not pleased Of the Celtic Islands? This may be true - I think Like in t/ times of bear? A way to happiness I not believe in happines But I believe in goodness I Want to Be Your Jose Marti The pained and maimed Good - hoping, loving. I want to be your Jose Marti Tu unify the land - to speak THE FEDERATION To people - the move the Banker's heart towards the Beggar - and the Beggar's I am an honest poet Aswell - to be someone What I remembered In my community - to pray Star Wars, Star Trek With the lightwaves Was the Federation To kill your brain with love You see - Celts & To burn your heart with Germans - and war My words - to find a common Is it really worth it? Idiom - to communicate This you must answer Kindness and selflessness This islands are like To prove that the Queen

I HOPE I BEEN A GOOD FATHER TO YOU Is willing to be a subject To save the lost and found. For Vlad

I hope I been a good Father to you EVEN JESUS WAS A CARPENTER Now I must go and I don't know but I look at you and what fine man you Have become - I mean you won't I c a n picture Jesus - he was a poor boy Hold my death against me - the dead From a poor family - and nobody loved Are my friends - and I think of old Him - except his Mother - he had to work Things - I try to remember my birth Hard with his frail Child hands and help But anyway now it's your time His Father used to say Jesus will you come I am going now so that you and your Help me? - And he ran from the back of the Children can come after me - to a House - to do his chores - and he was really Better world - which is this no other A l o n e - like Michael in his glory - there Your life is very hard God knows it Was really no time for too much school I - pray - that you will find not peace And thought - he resembles more Saint But battle - you must be your own Francis than Saint Augustine - Martin Hitler and your own USSR - son Luther and Martin Luther King than the Daughter - you are great - so begin. Great one - so at nineteen when I returned He left home - forever - a Rabbi rockstar? Joseph grunted at work - Mary thought And then came the Downfall & Resurrection.


Thoughts of Michael the Brave.

Blood and Poetry and English words - oh Dear when I was a kidd - thinking in Romanian But nevertheless each sunset found my eyes

Loves at the distance do work? - I

English is not a language is the sillogisms of

Discovered a well of poetry - a deep

The mind - a feminine logic - in which you don’t

Fellowship - Maybe I'm a betrayer

Have to love and laugh and leave - but pensively

But I didn't want to be - I am true

Remain in riddles and all the mind's fallacies -

Blue - but here - like the Gypsy of

I began with Sylvia Plath and Anne Sexton

Nălați that put the Union Jack above

on 7th grade - talking about insane Fathers &

His door - and English poetry est my

Abortions - and fell in love you might say - with

Patrie - I may be on another star - but

The English poet - but not love but commentary

Poems are not conditioned by space

If Hell's real poets maybe the ones elluding it

And I believe in you and you in me

By thinking and by writing and by fearing everything

So here - here - it is England and Eire - here in the tomb of my Celtic Mother and my German Father - please

Now I m old but never will I forget the day when with Trembling hands I opened that Penguin Book and read.

Do not forsake me - the lowly book I am And bury me nest to Wilde and his Swallow Mommy Tell me you'll come & take my head. For President Vladimir Putin, on 9th of May, 2017. I BEGAN WITH SYLVIA PLATH AND ANNE SEXTON ON SEVENTH GRADE

So in the 50s people suffered Everything I owe to them - women - life and

Poets are beautiful

Jewish martyrdom? Emil Cioran Teddy!

I look back on the track of my life Sylvia's kids At the freedom years - when I was The woman Jesus Young - like the dying Atreyu - oh The aborted little girl My friends - away in the library Rest in peace lover

Of dreams - then everything was Overcomed disaster Pure - without compromise with Life is beautiful man Myself - another age of innocence Antigona Dead with Wet Wet Wet - now a vet Agripina

Insane - a prayer & a sinner - I can't Daddy Go back - to the other universe inside Mommy Me - ah, lost forever - like a godly Frieda Dream - but maybe in Death or Sony.

Alzheimer I will find myself - until LOST PARADISE Then - I slay myself like Saint Felix - and speak unconscious Words - for the lonely and damned. A quoi bon avoir quitter Coasta Boacii?

And high - the father of Semites and Assyrians you GOD DREAMS THAT ONE OF MY SONS WILL DIE

Only you are God - but never show up at the meeting A lover and a killer - an infanticide - name me what please

It's a sin. But you are wrong - not I - you are he beast - the Holy Be glad satans - God wants to kill my unborn son

Spirit Dragon - and in the end - when we ll all dead be

And he will do it - if this is his wish - to kill a man

You will live - remembering us all - in your miserable

Make him and snuff him out because - he is God

Ecstasy - so kill him - and kill me - and dare call us to you.

So what - will I do? - really? - but isn't that death BAPTISTS Itself? - my son - my son should die today - and not Resurrect - I feel betrayed - lost - angry mistreated

for Steve

Maybe I should die - maybe I should - and let the Jew God - that I will kill his son - but I am a man I'm better

I watch Baptists and wonder - are they really Better? - saved - like for instance a song? Are they pure or painted gray? - this is my Dilemma - and no one can answer this one Their sermons are lofty and ministers holy

Than him - you - God - are a soul of ancient cruel

Their brain - the Baptist brain is a memo

For the Bible - but is the Bible enough? - or

Man long ago - in Galilee - named by

Are they - lying? - this is the second question

John from New Town - well enough

No one dared answer - so we live thinking of

About him - I dare say he is the Father

Future holocausts - with our eyes on fire - and

Of Grace - but is he really? - you can't

Wait - or live -- you might say is an error of doctrine

Be a king and then just become an Emperor - no - you should subject yourself

Nothing more - the new man - the jesusman To slavery - your own - or other's - and so Maybe they put family beyond God - maybe they

Live - you cannot live your life in peace

Are the modern Manicheans - but what a perfect

Can you? - now maybe it's time to exit

Heresy - yes I watch Baptists - and makebelieve

With a song - the song of the other - other.

In ther lies - taboo stronger t/ t/ gospel - & no psys. MANSACRIFICE


For Mohandas

I - am an outcast - of all my peoples But to my - dearest - I will speak On my twine legs today - no vision Comes before me - no grace - but In damned - no, human - logic - if Logic is to be cherished - there was a

Human sacrifice was not a particularly common occurrence among the Germanic peoples, being resorted to in exceptional situations arising from crises of an environmental (crop failure, drought, famine) or social (war) nature, often thought to derive at least in part from the failure of the king to establish and/or maintain prosperity and peace (árs ok friðar) in the lands entrusted to him.46 In later Scandinavian practice, human sacrifice appears to have become more institutionalised, and was repeated as part of a larger sacrifice on a periodic basis (according to Adam of Bremen every nine years).47 - Wikipedia.

In the holy cave the birdman stands on a tall stone

At the Old People Church I heard an illustration From The Golden Age - about a girl rebelled

He speaks to the people gathered like grains of Against her family - a convert in the seventies Wheat or salt afer the dew of night - the Children

Threatened by her Mother and Father with

Are asleep - the man speaks like Ginsberg - mad

Exile forever and no money - so She goes on

His helpers informed him of the war in the West

And did it - She got baptized - and the Christian

And the rebellions in the South and East - what

Tragedy happened - Baptists got her a place

Must be done? - who is guilty? - who is to blame?

In Deva and kept her in Pedagogic and College

Punishment is needed - brotherly exclusion words

As I remember now She's faraway in America well

Need to cut and pierce - as phalic nails - the bad

If I'd ben Security captain - you can imagine how

Brothers must be killed in spirit - and crushed

Many parents the Baptists threathened then - I

To beg - friendship - or die - in the cold of the world

Would have c a l l e d that pastor s boy to Securitate

God come down and be fire in my hand and be!

Highschool, then Securitate College and sent

We - the people - live - we - the faithful - pure

Him after studies to work with the Chinese in China

We - the saved sinners -- mansacrifices must be made Now - and at every sermon - the torture of the good With words and emotions - Death - banish the imposters!

THOUGHTS ON A SERMON. A Christian Tragedy

Wouldn't that had been just? - the poor simple girl Breaking the heart of her Mother - for a stupid whim And I'm talking to you - what about - what about - you? Is this the Christian way - young lady - we know I Don't need to say more - wouldn't have been better

Hey, Liberty... You don't respect me.

To pray in silence - and then Pedagogic, and then

College, and then America - but with your parents - and yes - and then heaven! - and I tell you today

Exist - is not r e a l - past is what we got - men and Machines - our eyes are recording cameras - of

And yesterday my friend - what good is well without

Good and bad - and our brains erasing heads - o

Your Mother - America without Mother heaven

Linda - you will be on top just fifty years - and then

Without your Mother's tears - of your damned sinful cursed left Mother - what value is in your Reverends who never were the friends of the

Kaputt - yes history was my major - English just

People - like me and you were before the Dream

An appendix - a talent - like the tongue - what are

Maybe you are not in America - but - you are not In heaven either - you are not in heaven either

You gonna do? - six feet under - dead or awake Hitting your head on the coffin - and all your kingly

You are not in heaven either - you are not in Heaven either - you are on the Limb of tragedy.


Books - dead like yourself - where is Sylvia Plath now? - Anne Sexton? - if I would be eternal you'd

Schyzophrenic - with half a brain immersed in history My Mother and brothers and Father - my friends -

Live in my memory - but I will die before my time Because I am Bifrons - t/ god of t/ past & pain years.

Dead now - and the jazz of my young years with Nora on my mind - or Diane - the future does not


When my Mother died I didn't let them bury her Until she began smelling - I hoped - and didn't

There is only one escape from solitude

Want them to put her in the tomb alive - like

Loneliness - angst - I have a cat which

In the days of the Pharaos - and I sometimes

Always felt alone and asked me to Comfort her - Now She has three little

Think - how a man - alive for maybe fifty-sixty Years - in one instant begins decomposing -

Ones - and She doesn t bother me

I do not understand - what keeps our meat

Anymore - and not only that - She is

Together? - for me is not dying that bothers

Happy - just to sit there with her Children Cuddled in her - yes my cat escaped

Me - but the tomb scene - with worms and earth-rats - and everything - and those bones

From solitude - but what will I do - will

My bones - that will become - my face you know?

I take her kids away - and make her Alone again - and sadder - man

And is useless to talk about heaven yet Interferes too much in everyone’s

Soon enough - I will die - and nobody will write Life - I don’t want to be that man - so Here anymore - but I want to die - becoming I m puzzled of my choices - I don’t Earth - soothes me - earth - wet or just dust Wan t to kill happiness - do you - really? -I And flowers - yeah I wanna be earth & flowers. Am so sad too now to t/ point of happiness. THE ESCAPE FROM SOLITUDE

PUNK AND PREJUDICE Or cool - I see their withered faces and Cattle behaviour - because a serious Disease does not make you innocent Today on my way to the bookstore I asked Some are fighting to keep the line in Father to buy me a dark green jacket Order - others to get ahead - there is Resembling to the kinky jacket wore by Something of a gas chamber in this Guevara in his picture - it was made in Survivalism - the doctors are either France - with a zipper - I took it to wear Compassionate or preocuppied - and On rain at the embankment walks - and Nurses too - the most I seen are satisfied To remember that I have to survive & Of just being healthy and having an easy Because it was a rough version of Job - they do their work anyway - and many Taylor Hillridge's own green jacket - just Pacients just stop coming - what is there Walking out the second-hand boutique More to say - in the waiting hall I watch And three Gypsy young men started Out the window and read poems & faces. Mocking me - and my shirt - and the beer I might or might not drink - then - after Leaving the bookstore for the car in the RIF Park - on t/ street a woman - an ordinary Woman - looked at me passing & coughing. 1111111111111111111111111111 2222222222222222222222222222 HOSPITAL PEOPLE 3333333333333333333333333333 4444444444444444444444444444 My constant socializing is at the hospital So I began to see people less attractive

4444444444444444444444444444 Were the Chinese themselves - peasants 4444444444444444444444444444 And women - her l o v e - She had a way of not 4444444444444444444444444444 Looking at Asians weird - woman Hemingway? 1111111111111111111111111111. A CINDERELLA PEARL S. BUCK Always writing - never amount to nothing Like in the old times - Homer playing his I do not understand this Woman - She is Blues before the shanty Sodom - nobody Beyond genius - like an apostle - what a Minding about the old blind loon - and his Girl man - she was not a missionary So why living there? - She did not work For the Government - but was just a Man Epopee - a classic poet - no books - no Living there - in the Chinese poor country Prizes - no friends - no taverns - just a She started life as a legend and became Computer and his head - uncriticised One - and what a name - presbyterian Uneulogied - uninspiring - a dead man Ministers loving The Scarlet Letter - and the Divorce - yet not a sinner - so what was This Pearl? - a writer - writers are very For everybody - isolated in his country Different - and aesthetically weird - her House - Nobody minding to reach him Tragedy - was that China betrayed her - Mao Manolescu - the Church - or the artists The new Confucius had no place for her A - loser - yet he writes: obsessionate In the new China - so she left - and lost herself And more tragically - lost sa patrie - forever Maybe the secret for Pearl S. Buck's passion

Yet he is read - but in secret - no one

Is in his tower house thinking of posterity - all still

Saying to him: good stuff - no one Clenching his upward fist for him

Left - friends & Church brothers are too filthy ****

Just a crazy writer & flowers tardive.

Rich - poetry is the only friend left - to hear his Thoughts - and answer him - so he writes - like Zekaraiah - and in the endless night only God worthy.


HOLYMAN'S BLUES for Emi, Ciste, Tinel and the Baptist Church.

The holyman waits in church for the sheep Nobody visits now the tower - and distant relatives Want to take it and sell it - the tower was made for

To come - he will tell them important deep Words - about humbleness and power He waits in a gentle contrite mannerism

The poet - at his request - but as I said no one Visits the old and the mad - everybody has a better Life - The church is numbering - Christians and

The holyman fell in _love_ with a friend -

Money - the crazed poet is no use to any elder

Wants to help him - his help _is_ needed

And a shame for the community - with his

Has trouble at home for it - but it doesn't

Scandalous Childhood and infamous adolescence

Matter - he will do it - damn it - and help

Sermons given on the once loved streets name Him as bereft by God - abandoned by God - and The holyman holds his acoustic guitar Maybe he is - seems so nevertheless Scardanelli

And sings with grace about the values

Of the poor and Christian hobos - he At a moment or another you're watched Is a spirit - not an artist - & gospel is blue Surveilled - I was mad today for my Condition of sexually abused victim & Children hospital regular visitor - and spoke The holyman works for his meat - like On the phone about it - when - when I No one does - with his feeble strength Finally arrived in the hospital a pacient And he's thankful - for bread in Inferno Came and said he has a discomfort on His name Sisyphus? - no much worse His leg that reaches his organ - and everything For Hyperpyron and Cry Freedom - Romania Is not the good country - instead rat behaviour Seems every holyman a Musketeer Rules in it - and the security and policemen Like those Tom & Jerry mice - friends For a season or two - and then comes Harvest and the bum road separate

Have a way of mocking dissidents and deliquents Alike - well I will not rebel - I will not curse with The wrath of God - I will just say that Mr. Liviu

And the church comes silent - and the

Dragnea is the biggest rat of them all - rest follow.

Friend comes silent - and the guitar Comes silent - and the poet comes Silent - & every holyman dreamchaser.



There's a war going on - a war for the Garbage dumps - food - pigs represent Tradition - and their enemy - just in like

It is not an irrational thought to believe

The Nobel awarded Book of Nils - the rat

Rats have no power of their own - only

Should have been a girl - my

In big clans and large armies - they eat

Mother kept - and my Father -

Everything - red blood and black ****

For me in a round cilinder

They eat each other - with venom brains

Of efervescent pink menthos -

The pigs are humaner - they have a master

As I said from time to time

They have a shepherd - they hold dear

I took them and looked at them

These values - and food and **** and urine

Until one time - when I took the

But they are gentle - and always smile with

Ear-rings and put them above

Their blue eyes and blonde hair - but in this war

My brother's bed - he was

Man decides - to kill the poisoned rats - to

In the foster Army - and when

Crush them under foot - because after all

He left I cleaned the entire

Only pigs are food - and man's second best friend.

Room but did not found the Ear-rings gifted from Tel-Aviv Or Askelon - they were the ear -rings replacing the ones took

MY JEWISH EAR-RINGS At the Romanian border by the Soldier at her alya - bought at First arrival in Israel and then for Rafael Given me as birth luck - instead I found on the shelf above the Bed where my brother slept At birth in Nineteen Eighty Two For twenty years and those army I received a pair of gold heart Months - only his artillery Xs Ear-rings with a dark green-blue And I think - my birth ear-rings Stone in them - and all my life Were not stolen by my kid I looked at them - thinking I

Brother, the wise-guy, not asked I write in English because I seek clean By my sister, not sold by Daddy Logical thinking - Latin could be also But took by my old brother - my Good - and the first thing I want to ask Best friend, for maybe some bottles You - you said you never heard before Of vodka with his friends - my Of Richard Wurmbrand - but have you Friends - and now I'm luck free Known - of Vasile Paraschiv - and the And I think - if I trust him - he will Likes of him? - you know it is easy to send Take all my possessions - my People to prisons for decades or for life Books - my house - my land But at what price - the moral degradation Me itself - for a drink with friends. Of a people - of yourself - and that woman Is right - you in your stalinism say: the problem OPEN LETTER TO THE POET FLORIN IARU 'S that We are let free - and She asks - for What should We be locked up: opinion Delict? - you, the Communists - I tell you Motto: Have done some great things the past Florin Iaru Century - and - still - you don't repent 12 mai la 01:14 · Do you see the photo that I posted - poet Altă dată, nebunii erau (vai nouă!) bătaia de joc a comunității.

Vasile Voiculescu? - I never read him much

Acum, ajung să aibă păreri și adepți.

Yet - but he's a brother - true: for God And for unhypocrisy we died & lived abused

Florin Iaru Problema e că sînt liberi.

Do you understand - that the Psychiatrical

Îmi placeVezi mai multe reacţii · 1 · 12 mai la 01:19

Gulag - never really truly ended in Romania Now we're trying to arrive to this bridge

Florin Iaru, Facebook Account Now composition should ask an insult But I will only say that you are wrong -

And Che Guevara died for nothing NOBODY For a dream - and we died and were Imprisoned for nothing & only faith kept us. I sit alone - like a fox in the desert The sun is red and the sky blood THE SAD GIANT And I think that there are years Since I don't really trully mean Nothing - for my Father - and my People say he's a Giant but he Family - my friends - my churches Don't see that - he's just a man My girl speaks to me in Algebra On as mountain - holding the And nobody is decent to me Gate to the horses - and he sobs Until that day of absolute decency Almost always - nobody befriends My answer is this: nobody - don't A Giant - no one l o v e s him Call - don't bother with me - with There is no Wilpu in his story The bug that I am - until soon Nobody comes to his Păltiniș Ago you squashed me again and To learn h i s wisdom - and he dies Again - and crushed me - now you Barren - nobody desires pure truth Preach me the Earth is not for F Not mixed with money fortune & Maybe it isn't - but truth or bust. Power - only Night sits beside him The Night also is a Giant - as sad as Him - yea - some people are meant GETTING READY FOR DEATH To be hard - and - maybe - God is A Giant too- sitting by himself - up. I don't see the purpose in living - the beauty

In it - death since always seems the sole Except dad I think Redemption - more than that - I do not Everyman a loser Have a reason to live - so I - wait Emmanuel comes The day - not my entombment - I am not Eminem - the Stranger Theatrical - but for the second when Florin Salam - the I will be beyond - wherever - just away Pilgrim all alone From all this losers - I do not see a Mikee excuses himself Meaning in my life - one could say Desperately - & the Poetry - but I'm a poete maudit - poems Faithful are creeps Are pain for me and nothing more - no Money is everything One ever cared for my poetry but I'm sorry - I lost time Ever since the beginning I have been In the Church - my Stoned for my poetry and poems - so Time & innocent heart **** the world - I don't care - why help - I can't take back. If help is not really needed - cherished? Really - only God keeps me from suicide But know that one day I will die -and GIVE ME LOVE OR GIVE ME DEATH Dead - I will win - so Death is a friend T/ only friend I got - so count your money. Love or Death - yea - this is the issue Of the Church - society -and of us - yes I BELIEVED IN MAN I - differently to most people - have a Soul - on which I act - and which I try To keep intact - I cannot prostitute myself I - believed in man But know my love - that on this lost way But no man worthy

I will die - and only you will be to blame And a city - full with sensucht When dead I ll be and lost forever for People that walk in the night The people of the saved - and know that Begging for words - like me I - can - die - so - if I'm no good & unworthy A city of poets - and generals Unclean - demonic - whatever - slowly I Good and bad in one legendary Will go - it is your choice - between - not Latinamerican Tel-Aviv - hungry Jesus - but Money and - Felix - so yea For books - like the world for sex Go ahead and tell me what your flaws Or food - haunting people on the Are - but even if I'm dead I pray - I - pray Streets - or alone and blind in That you - Man/ Woman will cherish the Small rooms - still - writing in Next Albatross you'll meet - because what T/ quiet mind - what's wrong w/ them? Is in man - except his will to give up Except one time - you Heaven - are cool But it's just this people - of uncircumcised. WAR VICTIMS

BUENOS AIRES You should have bombed Hitler - then, not my pregnant Grannie. On Earth there are nexuses of poetry and Argentina is One of them.

I don't wanna remake the Future Sound of London - or the Spirit of Praga - or St. Louis - or whatever I just want to say that - on the Otherside - there's a kingdom

„Caracteristica cea mai iritantă a clasei noastre politice este suficienţa. Te miri ce ingineraş mediocru, ce activistă răscoaptă, cu aere de mătuşică grijulie, ce jurist semidoct se pronunţă, întrebaţi sau nu, pe orice temă, cu o siguranţă de sine paranoiacă. Ţanţoşi, obraznici, guralivi, agresivi, prost crescuţi, „angajaţi” partinic pînă

la desfigurare, ei apar des, dacă nu zilnic, mai ales la posturi de televiziune bine plătite şi bine plătitoare, ca nişte corifei ai înţelepciunii, ai patriotismului, ai adevărului absolut. Ei ştiu! N-au dubii, ezitări, întrebări. Au doar răspunsuri. Sunt providenţiali! Şi dacă îi contrazici, te iau tare. Şterg cu tine pe jos, fac mişto, te învaţă **** e cu patria, cu trădătorii, cu sorosistii, cu inteligenţa. Nu contează că arată a plutonieri reciclaţi, a „fete bune” miloase (mai ales cu cîinii şi cu oamenii străzii), a gospodine cînd nevricoase, cînd duioase, a caftangii ideologici. Se simt bine în pielea lor, în afacerile lor, în conturile şi în vilele lor cochete. Prin inflaţia discursului, mulţi dintre ei sunt deja vedete.” Andrei Pleșu

Did not come here to blame peoples I wrote books - long hard thick books & no one is interested - not the public Not the state - no the Churches - not The Army - not God's Army: - war victims But America - I am not mad - because of Bruce Springsteen - and Walt Whitman And Emily Dickinson - I'm not mad - I'm Not mad - not mad - not mad - I'm not mad.


for poet and writer Ruxandra Cesereanu. GI family - no medals - no help - no compassion We go way up in World War Two in Bucharest Prison ends - but life after prison only in death Nobody ever cared - we pain, you freedom And the fear of friends - I know - angels under Everyday a WW2 - and we American victims The beast - we vere: victims - like every true BTW - once in his military service dad threw Christian - and only in death we found Freedom His rifle and effects to the ground for a Bad gas-mask - I don't know but I believe

Still human in rats society - rejected by the common

The army - every army should be glad

Man - and it s useless to look for reasons - Man's

For not taking me in - we did and do our

Psyche is dark mad - so reptilians will get up of the

Own army - and the only chance for Peace we got - is the cemetery - I

Swamps of the countries again and again - and viciously

Kill - the right to deposess - of worth and life of time Communism was the newest excuse for Csarism to

We - not the Romans no - but the lostBreeds - the Dacians in Armani suits

Run amok on the planet - the power of drunkards And idiots - a titanomachie contemporary - with pure Always going for silver - always speaking Heroes and insane Nabukudusurrulurs - what's more To say - we were victims - the men and women and

Treachery - always drunk - always with Our knife on the table - we pray - for a Better self - for a day of trustworthfulness

Children Romania wishes forget - like every criminal Impossible dream - forever - forever our blood on you. Between us and the world - between us And God - if there is any for us - a God NUMQUAM FIDA Pierced by tradition and our cruelty and Ignorance on every mountain stone & cent. e. {2 poems} Never trustworthy - ah, Latin curse - always

I Hope I Been a Good Father to You for Vlad

Choosing red wine instead of pure water We - the traitors and dogs of the world Pray - in our law and language - for good

In our damned hearts - the souls of the Killers that we are - of God and mankind

I hope I been a good Father to you Now I must go and I don't know but I look at you and what fine man you Have become - I mean you won't Hold my death against me - the dead Are my friends - and I think of old Things - I try to remember my birth But anyway now it's your time I am going now so that you and your Children can come after me - to a Better world - which is this no other Your life is very hard God knows it

I - pray - that you will find not peace But battle - you must be your own Hitler and your own USSR - son Daughter - you are great - so begin. To Shantideva... A Meditation Eat sleep squat eat sleep squat Eat sleep squat eat sleep squat Eat sleep squat eat sleep squat Eat sleep squat eat sleep squat Eat sleep squat eat sleep squat Eat sleep squat eat sleep squat.

The ones who burn shall be burned The ones who burn shall be burned The ones who love shall be loved The ones who love shall be loved The ones who burn shall be burned The ones who burn shall be burned Distich

my heart is a grennade of radium do you wanna try it?

f. Old Poems The Skylark

If I were a Girl

Winter is an organ fading-out we seem to hear the bells of spring the air is cool and warm and fragrant we need something more we need a song other than the howling of the dogs and the laughter of men we need a skylark

If I were a girl even just for a day I'd be a girl

A Shaman’s Prayer

Light pierces through the big trees pierces our eyes with truth like the cherubim on branches nothing moves except the wind and the birds just fly up and down the stairs the blessedness of light even if you were blind you can still see

To all who will prey evil on me May G-d protect me and the Bad’s evil return on them I shall be free of them forever To all who pray me goodness the goodness return on to their souls I am their slave and May G-d protect the Prayers

Morning Felix Rian

G. To Night (translated from Romanian) Cassandra Singing

The ones who love shall be loved The ones who love shall be loved

What are you night silent beside me a naiad, pixy, goddess or a woman? what are you night with your eyes of stars?

who gave you a name who made you beautiful day darkened full of locks what are you night please tell me and tell me do you know I love you? "Tu ma faci sa zbor" ++ The Amazon is a big green damp anaconda Sin I did this Winter

DJ Project “Vă rog fierbinte, fiice ale Ierusalimului, dacă găsiţi pe preaiubitul meu, ce-i veţi spune? Că sunt bolnavă de dragoste.”

I did a bad thing man I did a bad thing I went to the shore and played the humback whales a couple of times and all the birds went silent after two days all birds were gone only the lazy ones remained bad thing man I hope the humpback whales saved them

Song of Solomon

## The earth turns to the East The Gift

Every poet is a lonely creature running through the wildernessess every poet is lonely when the angels greet him and the stars are seven and centuries pass by like a road in the mountain loneliness is the gift of the poet H. Addenda… LOVING SOLOMON

Teach me to Love

Teach me to love teach me what I never learnt I just couldn’t or just wasn’t paying attention or Just hadn’t met you like Joseph before he met Mary You can pass by and fill my soul with your smile Your love calls for mine like devotion calls tears Love I never had or love I ever knew I could have Make me learn what God wants me to learn My beautiful and wise love my Solomon you are


2 love is the force beyond the incomprehensibility of beauty attracting lovers to each other like lovesick stars silent and question filled gauguin meditation the forest washes her hair in the stream of the sky and words are images in which we see our souls the hart and deer are pensive drinking from their own reflections when i think of you i remember all this meaning and i’m an in love albatross in his warm world of ice i am in love with you and my heart is a lit menora god gave me this love to me to give you my heart is a lily in my eyes fed by my tears weeping unites pain and happines in me into love

beautiful as a temple a pilgrim can never forget you are the dream the beloved and empress of me you are my mecca and medina, my jerusalem I’m your djafar humbly bowing and adoring you a soul of esmerald smiling a brook of myrrh we are 2 rivers walking together and becoming 1 2 stars rushing into each other giving birth to a 3rd and you are the regret of the holy to my loneliness before you i am cinderella loving solomon you’re the stained-glass madonna in my heart the first and the last and the only one my prayer to god is to say you i love you

3 reflected in your eyes even the sky is a lighter heart with his kind angels and pilgrim clouds in your melodic gaze the morning sparkles beautiful as a madonna sculpted in light and in my silent moments love makes me pray love is a song i’m learning as i think of you my heart is an unknown wet flower opening in the wind and in the field I confess my love to the flowers to the lilies who tell me that you are their queen beloved caliph dressed in the gold of consecrated garments i love your fragrances and your smile makes me drunk graceful you are and holy and sacred is your love

4 while waiting for meeting you somewhere in the world a life has passed like a story forever collected in a book and now I just wait to tell you i love you just a cricket in love with a pensive amethist flower a pilgrim for you and beauty walking toward a Mecca of the heart toward one thing no one understands but even unwillingly worships but you sweetheart me ten fold like a woman of marble and grace like the dewed rose's endeared by the Romantic bug of the sun the sky sings to me the same shy song of the stars I am alone but the truth of a poet is no less true and our hands are held together in the hand of God my life is but a dream beatifically enslaved by your love

5 god calls you to see inside your love like in an ancient book to look at your soul as you would the southern cross you were not made for loneliness pleasing friend your soul is a lover's mirror but would you believe? love needs you my friend and someone else needs you too there is someone who wishes you tenderness you are alone but know that you are alone no more all because love is the algebra of life a silent singer you are putting the sun to sleep the light is your teacher walking with you in the dust

you are in love now and you're her soul's friend loving the soul that imperially loves you

6 before you i’m speechless like abu nuwas before a desert lily i give you this map of my heart you have concquered i’m in love i’m in love desperately in love with you my love is a river sounding in me the herds and sheperd drink from and an entire talmud could be written concerning your beauty a consecrated sufi i am lost in the contemplation of you you are more beautiful than a white swan or a statue of marble my lady of grace loving with the heart of mary please come in my heart and let me come in yours i am your Huck Finn loving you with the unlearnt love of a boy at night when i look up i see your face in the stars but love is saudade and sensucht dor and heartbreak

7 we’re god’s world but of love we know not world is a song with author unknown if grief lies in everything then happiness lies in nothing verily it is true that love makes the heart the soul we all seek for is an anointed stone if man is a temple it’s only because of love i seek to love all but it’s true that you are my love no other woman can i love and it’s so true i wish to say my prayers with your hands in mine say to god i love you and to you’re his love grace is for the humble and love for devout

god wrote you in my heart so i can’t resist you

8 i invite you to my heart where my love waits this hanwritten book I found in me inked with unknown letters the thing that for millennia man wonders what is love deeper than the jazz forgiving as the forgiving ones the power to love is the secret of world’s beauty love is the soul of man everything that man has my love is my treasure and my treasure you are you are my love descended from beyond more beautiful than the loving moon and brighter than her i invite you to the flowers and the ornamental writing of the jordan the mountain wants to be your friend waiting for your smile god made forever and man called it love

9 we cannot love but once and only one this how man was made in likeness of one god and you love me as no one ever did and what i pray for is your one true love god gave life to me just to learn to love truth is love more important than man's oneself i'm baptized in your love as in an endless sea you are my true love and your love gives me life a walk in the world makes me see love is a prophet i lose myself in love but love finds me again you were made to love and i was made to love you so this is what i say my love i love you more than life

love is the true power of man and god justly living makes love immanent and heartbreak brings god down humbleness is the porter of every good thing god made woman last most beautiful than everything there is you are a book written by god in ink and stained-glass and your gaze a woman's tenderness embracing my face god is in love with you you're his masterpiece he made you to break my heart with endless love towards the splashing brook of the sunrays every skylark sings i too sing as a lovebird in the light of your glowing face you bring the day wherever you go like Jesus your brother the one who made me love you without telling me why 2012 iv, 100 classical & modern haiku 100 classical & modern haiku Autor : Felix Rian Constantinescu 1 *** Still morning window Snow on orchard's boughs. Spring white sakura. 2 *** Chess cemetery Only snow on white/ black crosses. No pilgrims coming. 3 *** Scris intens la laptop Mâna încinsă îmi miroase a bachelită. Poem pentru 100.

10 4

*** April purpuriu Livadă înstelată. Purpură dalbă. 5 *** Degetul tăiat În coardele chitarei. Sânge albastru.

It is the star to every wand'ring bark, Whose worth's unknown, although his height be taken. Love's not Time's fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle's compass come; Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom. If this be error and upon me prov'd, I never writ, nor no man ever lov'd. Sonnet 116, W. S.


1 hour & 16 minutes

*** The fist until the inner ear Like in a fat plump full grown cabbage. Night hospital scene.

to Simple Reason

7 *** Bird over night. 8 *** Oamenii vor zbura către Pleiade cu aripile minții.

I wrote ten really good lines and I feel like God again as in my youth I generated a poem that would last though I believe it’s Godsvoice One hour and sixteen minutes after I wrote it I reread with wonder As Dad used to read his published poems poetry is a Genesis true

9 *** Tatăl ricanând Gânduri la cea moartă. O sugrumare!

You take eight nervous cells and make a song of two stanzas Like a silent written rosary for Mother Mary at 6 in the morning I believe our brains like giant synaptic medusas or the torpedo fish Cutting and shortcircircuitting until brushed with melody by Salome.

v, The Poetry to Death {1} {first edition}

1992 to 1996 Unexplainable History Lessons Reluctance


To my teacher Professor Ioan Groza.

Fur Elise & Virius Motto: Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove. O no! it is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken;

There is a thing I still don’t figure out as the last generation of p i o n i e r i Why after the 1989 Regime Change while in 1992 we learned more or less At the first grade of history the 4th graders and on third grade known fifth Why afterwards in the secondary school of gymnasium my classmates were

So disgusted with history learning the teacher calling me his only Friend And I was like Malala I had a thirst for the past I even made cm sheets Of paper with the length of the dominions of all Romania’s d o m n i since 1111 Made a handwritten papyrus on Michael the Brave of seven pages And kew to write Felix in Egyptian hyerogliphs with t lioness and man and swords in t Pharaonic cartouche The only explainable reason was the Children were not let learn past. *** a boy that imagines just being kissed is the angel of the lord

About a Friend of mine Zam 2019+2020

He was called Paul Manolescu of Orăștie and Romos Just 24 years old a prophesying Dacian and a thief We slept head in head separated by only a whatchumacallit At the hospital at Zam there he tortured me for about 1 1/2 2 Months and mocked me everyday together with the others I was not even allowed to speak or put to repeat 3 times He has beaten me at 37 with a mandarin in the head with A boot in t left rib with a palm on the right cheek w diewords

A Real Tragedy. My Kid Brother

He just had a boy's kiss fancy after a hectic Childhood So he just quit left into the world and on the silent sea Alone for 25 years now working on ratship since 1995 He had such much promise and honour like me yet He punished himself just like me without selfpity and That can became his life forever maybe undeserved He knew the whip and the curse like Ancient Egypt Bereft by everybody alone alone alone alone like The Hurricane in a coffinbed is tragedy a way to redemption? I am the reason in 1997 he came to my higschool & gave me a Nicolae Iorga bill later an Ulysses Grant. 29th March 2020

And 'Iuda' religious interdictions well gentlemen that does not Happen by accident he had a Cazier on trial for 3 years Or so he said and he i believe was put by our glorious State Security to buzz this Corbea and not enter history His reason was that we would fight and get locked down So i couldn't come home and help my old Father don't it Seem a crime to you like Paul Goma alone w/his ill Mother Somewhere and ridiculed for it I am not read b/coz i SONY. About the surbvesiveness of poetry

to Iran

For me poetry is prayer like in an Alisa way So I do not understand why people are against Poetry lest it be truth and a God not wanted But I was vexed to see that after all my work My military work of Internet chess the enemy Is more afraid of 9 verses written in the hum of L You know I was tortured at the hospital last time And the village welcomed me only to grin then When I burned my music ship and chose Simin.

Ancient traditions and popular creations of Hațeg County. Dad's book

It's a book worked in more than 40 years of teaching And I suspect it was mixed about me by Dad like 'Lara' Book an intelligible expression of Love and it will take More than 200 years maybe 300 for the book to be Received in the human psyche Romanian and Universal Cosmic until the book will become part of humane soma Sir I think I know it is Another dictionary about me like in the Andrieș song and most of dad's poetry books Are about me Neantia Unlife of the world Heralds of silence A. 29th March 2020 Angels in sneekers

I found Rachel's Tears at an antique bookstore Maybe in 2006 2007 and read it about what i Heard was done in America in the year 1999 B back t I was a Nam guy I couldn't understand

Now at 21 lightyears distance I myself say the Tale of the 13 martyrs and 2 abused victims t Guys that done it but now what catches t eye Is Rachel Joy and her Skipper Cassie Bernall I am convinced that in their bloodearned Skye They still wear sneekers and jeans yellow swshirts And kaki camouflage cashmeres angels in Nike Still reading everything worthwhile coming up Well that's the howl of America some Girls In Pocahontas tribe in Salem in Amherst Columbine And I wonder did Emily Dickinson wrote on it And what She who knew all flowers by heart.

Backyard Ceremony. A Prayer

She bothered me everytime from 2012 then married one 7 years later one day after mama's death memorial day She had a backyard ceremony because I don't know t half of it It seems i'm not of t woods yet never will be w her husband 2 I tried to help this Schumacher b it seems I couldn't never will As Kina says in her Memory I'd like to think t they'll be or try I know somethings about Rabindranath Tagore a man despise & I am not my Father LaHaye never was with all my imprfctnss So She married in Church of Christ and still kept her cribnotes. Carpe amorem

Seize Love seize what you Love

No matter what Mr. Keating says It is ordained for sons and Daughters of men To walk far and away to reach for their Love And when they finally find Her keep it by the hands Beg it stay and not let go never Because Love boys because Love my Children Is all that there is.

A Girl I would marry you but that is impossible if not absurd You are the Hurricane, you are Rocky, you are John Rambo Alone perpetual and more civilised centuries will wonder at You my friend condemned for godliness for life and exclusion By the less sensible but grieve not there's a big camp awaiting...

Chloe Middleton Komunikat. Recluse thoughts I M SORRY’ it's too late. go upstairs. Home Alone 1 + 1990


Not for your eyes! Kundun, 1997

Parsley sage rosemary and thyme stands for the 4 scores of life parsley you know that right sage over 20 Rosemary over 40 to 60 when you have a Daughter to think to and thyme stands for Time that becomes thyme'

The UK informs everybody online that Chloe aged 21 Didn’t die of the virus -Die you little devil! In Romania is worse people all kept punched in with the one news -Than so better we all die so it’s better! The journalists irresponsible as they are do not know what it means to live as a recluse and poison our thoughts and exhausted psyche With their deaths numbers and ill/dead people news they just talk heart+attacks Sketis 1800 years ago meant prayer and silence not The Romanian Devil’s Liar Like China even today people were helped but uniformed ‘ optimistic + psychology’ Christlike being No matter what you do in 40 years we'll both be dead Music and Lyrics + 2007 U are a Christlike being something of His s u b s tance With your suffering, with your love and patience with Your Ivy League suit boy or girl man or woman if I were

Parsley sage rosemary and thyme stands for the 4 scores of life parsley you know that right sage over 20 Rosemary over 40 to 60 when you have a Daughter to think to and thyme stands for Time that becomes thyme' Parsley sage rosemary and thyme stands for the 4 scores of life parsley you know that right sage over 20 Rosemary over 40 to 60 when you have a Daughter to think to and thyme stands for Time that becomes thyme' Parsley sage rosemary and thyme stands for the 4 scores of life parsley you know that right sage over 20 Rosemary over 40 to 60 when you have a Daughter to think to and thyme stands for Time that becomes thyme. Consecration

The consecration of your body must be willed

It does not just happen you must search it for And it lasts a lifetime no matter what comes in Your life it is the most important thing in you I should say if you are not a poet don't bother Do what you are and something you are a ' A soul spit by God so why do you look for great? Be what you are but consecrate yourself to God As a basilica and really nothing else matters. + Cry Intelligently

As Malcolm X debated man any man is a beast And if you don't let yourself subdued by Him he Will annihilate you you can cry in your despair Without any help or you can look inside your Mind for something there to cry with your mind Not inert suffering and to find something to say

Mircea Cartarescu is de verdad a gifted poet and that says all In an age where the only viable alternative and I mean it was Protocronism he was the most articulate with The Opening Movement after the Anemone Latzina and the guys K books I do not want to deny Protocronism as a Neolithical man I am I just want to state that he was in the other field and you cannot Say which was time which was space and together w Nedelciu He is certainly t most gifted new & industrious poet 1978+2000

About what you get through something that awails It's not a winning process you are not in a war But if you believe you have the resources to Cry.

Nobel or not vanity of vanities just a dynamite tycoon goldface And a potus of dollars but as Tracy Chapman sangwrote we Write for respect and compassion and posterity among fellow Human beings I believe posterity is more important t anyprize.

Didactic poem

Epistle about mama

History began in Mesopotamia with Sumer A kingdom of black heads came from North Then there was Akkad an empire and idiom Then there was Assyria with Ninive and Jonah Then Babilon then Medopersia then Macedonia To Indus then Rome then Lord Jesus Christ And now Alisa I believe you can find your way What else is to say planet will end when hit By a Q/comet and there will be an endbeginning.

She did Cry two times at the hospital looking at me like a swan over her bed and leaving saying that I will return tomorrow morning/ they called us from the hospital in the night but I couldn't face the truth + the funny thing is because mama always tried to find the jocund side of death when her Mother died She went to the Merry Cemetery here in Transsylvania that when I went to the chapel in the morning I just knew she is on the other side to Jesus... and Măicuța Domnului as she said and i calmed down a bit too much people say. I count/ 21+22 nov. 1947 ten minutes before midnight + 20+21 July 2011 fifteen minutes before midnight/ Did i writ fifteen or fiefteen?

Enrico Botinni 20 martie 2020 Romanian poet laurate +

EPoetry With the EPoetry it is possible to write more and perhaps better You read more poets and inaccessible before even t news got E So we must realize that we are in a realm very serious and take It as such write serious read publish be read and that’s it the Poems will remain like a glacier cut mountain witnessing myth. Flowergirl

Plays some guitar electric as her long hair Making her look like an orchid as in a poem From Argentina She is the Flowergirl with Hair full of pollen and indigo bumble+bees We all liten to her song but there's something More much More a Nora Lam Motherly Cry As if Flowergirl is bearing the world in her eyes Because Soul is all that we are not stardust. Follow

Follow fallow fall low fallen What is Fallow anyway? + Evidently smthng that Ams Make a lot of money #+ Fallen fallow follow fall low I feal like Shakespeare writ What's the difference among Friendship and followship?

For Karl The Epigramist

Your epigram has no humour Me Love Gretchen you keen Karl And no moral boastly rumour You're unlettered sit down Arles!!! Forgiveness progression

to God1234 This is no story my ancestors on both sides were used to use abuse imprison & execute innocent people Well that’s gonna change better than execution forgiveness and when we do it we’ll call U tell U why It may be a total failure in the beginning but step by step stone by stone fail by fail it will engulf you all Our forgiveness and this is the Emperors’ Way I too wanna be painted in Orthodox walls with my family After all my forefathers liberated primary church fought for Christ and died as martyrs for him at 12 Well I guess I wrote my verses so now a little bit of background from my parents I am from St. Helena And from my Mom I am from Jeanne d’Arc a Polignac the produit of a 7th century marianic shrine and Myself and Mom’s revelation should be researched very seriously by Vatican instead of White pigeons. Fort Detrick {Marbles dadaist puzzle poem From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia} Felix Rian Constantinescu Motto: Overdone it? Justt a little... Casey's skates + Mom? Gen, Ice Princess, 2006

Jump to navigation Jump to search Fort Detrick Frederick, Maryland, U.S. Fort Detrick Location of Fort Detrick Show map of Maryland Show map of the United States Show all Type Military installation Site information Controlled by United States Army Site history Built 1931 In use 1931–present Fort Detrick /ˈdiːtrɪk/ is a United States Army Medical Command installation located in Frederick, Maryland. Historically, Fort Detrick was the center of the U.S. biological weapons program from 1943 to 1969. Since the discontinuation of that program, it has hosted most elements of the United States biological defense program. As of the early 2010s, Fort Detrick's 1,200-acre (490 ha) campus supports a multi-governmental community that conducts biomedical research and development, medical materiel management, global medical communications and the study of foreign plant pathogens. It is home to the U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC), with its bio-defense agency, the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID). It also hosts the National Cancer Institute-Frederick (NCIFrederick)[1] and is home to the National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR)[2] and National Interagency Biodefense Campus (NIBC). Fort Detrick is the largest employer in Frederick County, Maryland. Contents 1 History 1.1 Detrick Field (1931–43) 1.2

Camp Detrick (1943–56) 1.2.1 World War II and BW research (1943–45) 1.2.2 Post-war years (1946–55) Testing performed on Seventh-day Adventists, 1940–1974 1.3 Fort Detrick (1956–present) 1.3.1 Cold War years (1956–89) 1.3.2 Post-Cold War (1990–present) 2 Environmental contamination 3 Tenant units and organizations 4 On post historic sites 5 In popular culture 6 See also 7 References 8 External links History[edit] Five farms originally constituted what is today known as "Area A" with 800 acres (320 ha), or the main post area of Fort Detrick, where most installation activities are located. "Area B" – known as "The Farm" and consisting of nearly 400 acres (160 ha) – was purchased in 1946 to provide a test area west of Rosemont Avenue, then called Yellow Springs Pike. In addition, the post's water and waste water treatment plants comprise about 16 acres (6.5 ha) on the banks of the Monocacy River. Detrick Field (1931–43)[edit] Fort Detrick traces its roots to a small municipal airport established at Frederick, Maryland, in 1929. It was operated by a single person and the field was one of a string of emergency airfields between Cleveland, Ohio, and Washington, D.C., until 1938. The field was named in honor of squadron flight surgeon Major Frederick L. Detrick who served in France during World War I and died in June 1931 of a heart attack. The first military presence there was the

encampment, on 10 August 1931 (two months after the Major's death), of his unit: the 104th Observation Squadron of the 29th Division, Maryland National Guard. The Squadron flew de Havilland observation biplanes and Curtiss JN-4 "Jennies".[3] A concrete and tarmac airfield replaced the grass field in 1939, and an upgraded Detrick Field served as a Cadet Pilot Training Center until the country's entry into World War II. Detrick Field was formally leased from the City of Frederick in 1940 (having previously been leased from the state for just two weeks per year). The last airplanes departed Detrick Field in December 1941 and January 1942 after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. All aircraft and pilots in the 104th and the cadet program were reassigned after the Declaration of War to conduct antisubmarine patrols off the Atlantic Coast. The 2nd Bombardment Squadron, U.S. Army Air Corps was reconstituted at Detrick Field between March and September 1942, when it deployed to England to become the nucleus of the new Eighth Air Force headquarters. Thereafter, the base ceased to be an aviation center. Camp Detrick (1943–56)[edit] On 9 March 1943, the government purchased 154 acres (62 ha) encompassing the original 92 acres (37 ha) and re-christened the facility "Camp Detrick". The same year saw the establishment of the U.S. Army Biological Warfare Laboratories (USBWL), responsible for pioneering research into biocontainment, decontamination, gaseous sterilization, and agent purification. The first commander, Lt. Col. William S. Bacon, and his successor, Col. Martin B. Chittick, oversaw the initial $1.25 million renovation and construction of the base. World War II and BW research (1943–45)[edit] Main article: United States biological weapons program During World War II, Camp Detrick and the USBWL became the site of intensive biological warfare (BW) research using various pathogens. This research was originally overseen by pharmaceuticals executive George W. Merck and for many years was conducted by Ira L. Baldwin, professor of bacteriology at the University of Wisconsin. Baldwin became the first scientific director of the labs. He chose

Detrick Field for the site of this exhaustive research effort because of its balance between remoteness of location and proximity to Washington, DC – as well as to Edgewood Arsenal, the focal point of U.S. chemical warfare research. Buildings and other facilities left from the old airfield – including the large hangar – provided the nucleus of support needed for the startup. The 92 acres (37 ha) of Detrick Field were also surrounded by extensive farmlands that could be procured if and when the BW effort was expanded.[4] The Army's Chemical Warfare Service was given responsibility and oversight for the effort that one officer described as "cloaked in the deepest wartime secrecy, matched only by ... the Manhattan Project for developing the Atomic Bomb".[5] Three months after the start of construction, an additional $3 million was provided for five additional laboratories and a pilot plant. Lt. Col. Bacon was authorized 85 officers, 373 enlisted personnel, and 80 enlisted Women's Army Auxiliary Corps (WAAC) members under two WAAC officers. At its peak strength in 1945, Camp Detrick had 240 officers and 1,530 enlisted personnel including WACs. [6] Post-war years (1946–55)[edit] The elaborate security precautions taken at Camp Detrick were so effective that it was not until January 1946, 4 months after VJ Day that the public learned of the war-time research in biological weapons.[7] In 1952, the Army purchased over 500 acres (200 ha) more of land located between West 7th Street and Oppossumtown Pike to expand the permanent research and development facilities. Two workers at the base died from exposure to anthrax in the 1950s. Another died in 1964 from viral encephalitis.[8] There was a building on the base, Building 470, locally referred to as "Anthrax Tower". Building 470 was a pilot plant for testing optimal fermentor and bacterial purification technologies. The information gained in this pilot plant shaped the fermentor technology that was ultimately used by the pharmaceutical industry to revolutionize production of antibiotics and other drugs. Building 470 was torn down in 2003 without any adverse effects on the demolition workers or the environment.

The facility acquired the nickname "Fort Doom" while offensive biological warfare research was undertaken there. 5,000 bombs containing anthrax spores were produced at the base during World War II.[8] From 1945 to 1955 under Project Paperclip and its successors, the U.S. government recruited over 1,600 German and Austrian scientists and engineers in a variety of fields such as aircraft design, missile technology and biological warfare. Among the specialists in the latter field who ended up working in the U.S. were Walter Schreiber, Erich Traub and Kurt Blome, who had been involved with medical experiments on concentration camp inmates to test biological warfare agents. Since Britain, France and the Soviet Union were also engaged in recruiting these scientists, the Joint Intelligence Objectives Agency (JIOA) wished to deny their services to other powers, and therefore altered or concealed the records of their Nazi past and involvement in war crimes.[9] Testing performed on Seventh-day Adventists, 1940–1974[edit] The U.S. General Accounting Office issued a report on September 28, 1994, which stated that between 1940 and 1974, DOD and other national security agencies studied hundreds of thousands of human subjects in tests and experiments involving hazardous substances. The quote from the study: Many experiments that tested various biological agents on human subjects, referred to as Operation Whitecoat, were carried out at Fort Detrick, Maryland, in the 1950s. The human subjects originally consisted of volunteer enlisted men. However, after the enlisted men staged a sitdown strike to obtain more information about the dangers of the biological tests, Seventh-day Adventists (SDAs) who were conscientious objectors were recruited for the studies.[10] The Army purchased an additional 147 acres (59 ha) in 1946 to increase the size of the original "Area A" as well as 398 acres (161 ha) located west of Area A, but not contiguous to it, to provide a test area known as Area B. In 1952, another 502.76 acres (203.5 ha) were purchased between West 7th Street and Oppossumtown Pike to expand the permanent research and development facilities.

Jeffrey Alan Lockwood wrote in 2009 that the biological warfare program at Ft. Detrick began to research the use of insects as disease vectors going back to World War II and also employed German and Japanese scientists after the war who had experimented on human subjects among POWs and concentration camp inmates. Scientists used or attempted to use a wide variety of insects in their biowar plans, including fleas, ticks, ants, lice and mosquitoes – especially mosquitoes that carried the yellow fever virus. They also tested these in the United States. Lockwood thinks that it is very likely that the U.S. did use insects dropped from aircraft during the Korean War to spread diseases, and that the Chinese and North Koreans were not simply engaged in a propaganda campaign when they made these allegations, since the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Secretary of Defense had approved their use in the fall of 1950 at the "earliest practicable time". At that time, it had five biowarfare agents ready for use, three of which were spread by insect vectors.[11] Fort Detrick (1956–present)[edit] Cold War years (1956–89)[edit] Camp Detrick was designated a permanent installation for peacetime biological research and development shortly after World War II, but that status was not confirmed until 1956, when the post became Fort Detrick. Its mandate was to continue its previous mission of biomedical research and its role as the world's leading research campus for biological agents requiring specialty containment. The most recent land acquisition for the fort was a parcel of less than 3 acres (1.2 ha) along the Rosemont Avenue fence in 1962, completing the present 1,200 acres (490 ha). On Veterans Day, November 11, 1969, President Richard M. Nixon asked the Senate to ratify the 1925 Geneva Protocol prohibiting the use of chemical and biological weapons. Nixon assured Fort Detrick its research would continue. On November 25, 1969, Nixon made a statement outlawing offensive biological research in the United States. Since that time any research done at Fort Detrick has been purely defensive in nature,[citation needed] focusing on diagnostics, preventives and treatments for BW infections. This research is undertaken by the U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious

Diseases (USAMRIID) which transitioned from the previous U.S. Army Medical Unit (USAMU) and was renamed in 1969. Many former laboratories and some land made available by the disestablishment of the offensive biological warfare program were ultimately transferred to the U.S Department of Health and Human Services during the 1970s and later. The National Cancer Research and Development Center (now the National Cancer Institute-Frederick) was established in 1971 on a 69-acre (28 ha) parcel in Area A ceded by the installation. In 1989 base researchers identified the Ebola virus in a monkey imported to the area from the Philippines.[8] Post-Cold War (1990–present)[edit] In 1990, Hazelton Research Products' Reston Quarantine Unit in Reston, Virginia suffered a mysterious outbreak of fatal illness among a shipment of crab-eating macaque monkeys imported from the Philippines. The company's veterinary pathologist sent tissue samples from dead animals to the United States Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID) at Fort Detrick, where a laboratory test known as an ELISA assay showed antibodies to Ebola virus. Thereafter, a team from USAMRIID euthanized the surviving monkeys, bringing the carcasses to Ft. Detrick for study by the veterinary pathologists and virologists, and eventual disposal under safe conditions. The Philippines and the United States had no previous cases of Ebola infection, and upon further study researchers concluded it was another strain of Ebola, or a new filovirus of Asian origin, which they named Reston ebolavirus (REBOV) after the location of the incident.[12] Further information: United States biological defense program In 2009, author H. P. Albarelli published the book A Terrible Mistake: The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments about Frank Olson's death and the experiments conducted at Fort Detrick. The book is based on documents released under FOIA and numerous other documents and interviews to the police and investigators.[13] [14]

In the 1980s and 1990s, KGB disinformation agent Jakob Segal claimed that Fort Detrick was the site where the United States government "invented" HIV.[15] USAMRIID had been the principal consultant to the FBI on scientific aspects of the 2001 Anthrax Attacks, which had infected 22 people and killed five.[16] While assisting with the science from the beginning, it also soon became the focus of the FBI's investigation of possible perpetrators (see Steven Hatfill). In July 2008, a top U.S. biodefense researcher at USAMRIID committed suicide just as the FBI was about to lay charges relating to the incidents. The scientist, Bruce Edwards Ivins, who had worked for 18 years at USAMRIID, had been told about the impending prosecution. The FBI's identification of Ivins in August 2008 as the Anthrax Attack perpetrator remains controversial and several independent government investigations which will address his culpability are ongoing. Although the anthrax preparations used in the attacks were of different grades, all of the material derived from the same bacterial strain. Known as the Ames strain, it was first researched at USAMRIID. The Ames strain was subsequently distributed to at least fifteen bio-research labs within the U.S. and six locations overseas. In June 2008 the Environmental Protection Agency said it planned to add the base to the Superfund list of the most polluted places in the country.[8] On 9 April 2009, "Fort Detrick Area B Ground Water" was added to the list which currently includes 18 other sites within Maryland. The Forest Glen Annex of the Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Silver Spring, Maryland was transferred to the command of Fort Detrick in 2008 as a result of the Base Realignment and Closure process.[17] As of 2008 about 7,900 people worked at Fort Detrick. The base has been the largest employer in Frederick County and contributed more than $500 million into the local economy annually. [18] Environmental contamination[edit] Fort Detrick Area B is a 399-acre proving ground and was a disposal area for chemical, biological, and radiological material until 1970. Only very recently, in 2009, was it listed as a

superfund site on the National Priorities List with four so called "source areas": chemical waste disposal pits, a landfill, the Area B-Grid and the Area B-20 South burn area. There are 30 additional possible areas. Groundwater has been known to be contaminated with volatile organic compounds trichloroethylene (TCE) since 1992, as well as tetrachloroethene, both onsite and offsite.[19] Eight 55-gallon drums of TCE buried in Area B in 1968 are believed one source of the contamination.[20] Groundwater plume modeling is difficult due to underlying karst formations. No "Records of Decision" how each site will be remediated have been signed by EPA and Army.[19] In 2012, the United States National Research Council published a report after reviewing two investigations of potential health hazards at Fort Detrick: a 2009 public health assessment conducted by the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry and a cancer investigation in Frederick County by the Maryland Department of Health and Mental Hygiene and the Frederick County Health Department.[21] The report found neither study could show whether people were harmed by contaminated groundwater from Area B. It is unlikely that additional studies could establish a link, because no data on early exposures were collected and data cannot be obtained or reliably estimated now.[21] In May 2014, a developer who had bought 92 acres near the Center for Biological Research sued the U.S. Army for negligence in its chemical disposal practices, which led to levels of TCE of up to 42 times the federal maximum contaminant level.[20] A U.S. attorney representing Fort Detrick argued in July 2014 that nonexistent EPA regulation at the time is an exception to the Federal Tort Claims Act and "protects the Army's waste disposal practices". [22] The $37 million lawsuit was dismissed in January 2015.[23] After the Army denied claims of health problems in 106 Fredrick families and individuals in February 2015, the residents filed a class action lawsuit, seeking $750 million for wrongful death and pain and suffering in August 2015.[23]

The installation has released a report on some of the findings in relation to the spillage of waste. The public Fort Detrick website provided a copy of the archive from the meeting of an environmental committee. [1] Tenant units and organizations[edit] Each branch of the U.S. military is represented among Fort Detrick's 7,800 military, federal and contractor employees. Four cabinet-level agencies are represented by activities on the garrison: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, and the U.S. Department of Defense. The offices and laboratories include the Agriculture Department's Foreign Disease and Weed Science Research Institute, the National Cancer Institute, the Naval Medical Logistics Command and the Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center. Currently under construction is a biotechnology campus that will house civilian and military research centers including units of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), as well as USAMRIID.[18] The following units and organizations (military and otherwise) are located on the Fort Detrick installation: U.S. Department of Defense U.S. Army Medical Research and Materiel Command (USAMRMC) U.S. Army Medical Materiel Agency (USAMMA) U.S. Army Medical Materiel Development Activity (USAMMDA) U.S. Army Medical Research Acquisition Activity (USAMRAA) U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases (USAMRIID)[24] Telemedicine and Advanced Technology Research Center (TATRC) U.S. Army Center for Environmental Health Research (USACEHR; currently part of USAMRICD) 114th Signal Battalion 21st Signal Brigade 302nd Signal Battalion 6th Medical Logistics Management Center (6MLMC) Company A, 53rd Signal Battalion (SATCON)

Air Force Medical Logistics Office (AFMLO) Air Force Medical Support Agency, Global Medical Support Training and Exercises (AFMSA/SGPX) National Center for Medical Intelligence (NCMI), formerly the Armed Forces Medical Intelligence Center (AFMIC) Chemical Biological Medical Systems (CBMS), Joint Project Management Office Company B, 4th Light Armored Reconnaissance Battalion, 4th Marine Division Marine Forces Reserve Defense Contract Management Agency, DCMA Baltimore Detachment 1, 301st Signal Company (Cable & Wire) Joint Medical Logistics Functional Development Center (JMLFDC) Joint Readiness Clinical Advisory Board (JRCAB) Medical Communications for Combat Casualty Care (MC4) Naval Medical Logistics Command (NMLC) Technology Applications Office (TAO) U.S. Army Information Systems Engineering Command, Fort Detrick Engineering Directorate In addition, Fort Detrick is the support facility for the Raven Rock Mountain Complex.[25] U.S. Department of Health and Human Services The National Cancer Institute at Frederick (NCIFrederick)[1] a satellite facility of the NCI U.S. Department of Agriculture Foreign Disease Weed Science Research Unit U.S. Department of Homeland Security National Bioforensic Analysis Center (NBFAC) National Biodefense Analysis and Countermeasures Center (NBACC) On post historic sites[edit] Fort Detrick has three sites (and four structures) on the National Register of Historic Places: The Nallin Farm House (circa 1835) The Nallin Farm Springhouse and Bank Barn (pre-1798) The One Million Liter Sphere, the "Eight Ball" (1947–48) In addition, the following sites on the installation are of historic interest: A rocky knoll overlooking Frederick, and located near the Old Farm Gate (northwest gate) of Fort Detrick, was the site of historic structures. The Novitiate Academy of Frederick

built an impressive estate, Saint Joseph's Villa, on the hill in 1895. This was located there because of Restoration Spring just to the north at the base of the hill. The Academy moved to New York in 1903 and the Villa was subsequently demolished. Dr. Rudolph Rau, a Frederick surgeon, bought the land in 1911 and constructed an imposing white mansion with colossal columns, a third-floor ballroom and carriage house. This estate, "Wide Pastures", also included an extensive Italianate woodland and terraced garden. This property was sold in 1929 to Robert Bright who used it as a summerhouse until 1943. Three years later, the U.S. government bought it and it was used as the Fort Detrick post commander's residence until it too was demolished in 1977. Today, only retaining walls and some flagstone paths remain, but photos of both the Novitiate Academy building and Dr. Rau's mansion can be seen as part of interpretive signage at the site. Building 470, a pilot plant known as "Anthrax Tower" (1953; demolished in 2003) In popular culture[edit] In the 2009 video game Prototype, Fort Detrick is the headquarters to the secret military organization Blackwatch, which deals with biological warfare attacks. They are one of the enemy factions against the player character Alex Mercer. The opening sequence from the 1995 film Outbreak presents the four Biosafety Levels within the USAMRIID Research Facility at Fort Detrick. In "Amplification", episode 24 of season 4, of the CBS television series Criminal Minds, the BAU responds quickly after a serial killer releases a new strain of deadly anthrax spores in Annapolis, Maryland that threatens the public and puts a member of the team at risk. The killer targeted Fort Detrick because they rejected his services. Fort Detrick is featured in several episodes of the television series The X-Files as Fort Marlene, a play on words of the name of German actress Marlene Dietrich. Fort Detrick is mentioned several times in the 2007 alien invasion film The Invasion. The rock band Clutch, who originate from Germantown, MD but cites Frederick, MD as their hometown, released the song "50,000

Unstoppable Watts" on their 2009 album Strange Cousins from the West. Singer Neil Fallon discussed the influences of the song's lyrics saying "The song is more or less about where we rehearsed in Frederick, MD, next to an army base, Fort Detrick, where they do a lot of the chemical weapons manufacturing and testing. So, when I’m saying Anthrax, I’m talking about Anthrax, the chemical weapon, not the band. And there is a lot of ham radio operators, well, old ham towers there. And one morning I was going, well one morning, oh Jesus, one afternoon I was going to the liquor store and the lyrics just popped into my head after practice." Fort Detrick is mentioned briefly as the site of an important viral outbreak in The Bourne Legacy. Fort Detrick is the destination for the crew of the USS Nathan James to mass-produce a cure for the Red Flu in The Last Ship episode "No Place Like Home" (season finale). Fort Detrick is mentioned in the ABC television series Scandal episode "Like Father, Like Daughter" aired on October 16, 2014. Fort Detrick is mentioned several times in the fourth season plot of The Americans. It was also used as a setting in season 5. Fort Detrick is mentioned several times in the Netflix Original Series (2017) Wormwood. Fort Detrick is mentioned at the end of the short story, "Ghost of Christmas Future", by Eric Cline, published in Analog_Science_Fiction_and_Fact magazine, NOV/DEC 2019. See also[edit] Deseret Test Center Fort Terry Human experimentation in the United States MKNAOMI Operation Paperclip Porton Down Kurt Blome William C. Patrick III, veteran bioweaponeer Erich Traub Allegations of biological warfare in the Korean War References[edit] ^ Jump up to:

a b "". 2012-01-31. Retrieved 2012-07-31. ^ "National Interagency Confederation for Biological Research (NICBR)". 2012-05-31. Retrieved 201207-26. ^ Capt. Wayde Minami. "Fort Detrick Named for Maryland Flight Surgeon". Archived from the original on 2012-03-12. Retrieved 2012-07-31. ^ Covert, Norman M. (2000), "A History of Fort Detrick, Maryland", 4th Edition: 2000. Archived 2012-01-21 at the Wayback Machine ^ Clendenin, Lt. Col. Richard M. (1968), Science and Technology at Fort Detrick, 1943– 1968; Technical Information Division ^ Covert (2000), Op. cit. ^ Clendenin (1968), Op. Cit. ^ Jump up to: a b c d Davis, Aaron, Michael E. Ruane and Nelson Hernandez, "Lab And Community Make For Uneasy Neighbors", Washington Post, August 2, 2008, Pg. 10. ^ Peter Knight, Conspiracy Theories in American History: An Encyclopedia, Volume One. ABC-CLIO, 2003. ^ Staff Report prepared for the committee on veterans' affairs December 8, 1994 John D. Rockefeller IV, West Virginia, Chairman at Archived 2006-08-13 at the Wayback Machine ^ Jeffrey Alan Lockwood, Six Legged Soldiers: Using Insects as Weapons of War. Oxford, 2009. ^ Preston, Richard (1994). The Hot Zone. New York: Random House. pp. 300. ISBN 9780679437840. ^ "A Terrible Mistake:The Murder of Frank Olson and the CIA's Secret Cold War Experiments" – by H. P. Albareeli Jr 2009 publisher by Trine Day LLC accessed August 14, 2010 at Archived July 12, 2014, at the Wayback Machine ^ "Son probes strange death of WMD worker" – Scott Shane writing for The Baltimore Sun (September 12, 2004), accessed January 20, 2009 at ^ Johnson, I. (21 February 1992). "German scientist couple presses theory that AIDS was

created at Fort Detrick". Baltimore Sun. Retrieved 25 January 2017. ^ "Anthrax scientist commits suicide as FBI closes in". Associated Press. Archived from the original on August 5, 2008. Retrieved 2008-0801. ^ "Fort Detrick 2010 Post Guide" (PDF). 2010. p. 6. Archived from the original (PDF) on 10 October 2011. Retrieved 26 July 2014. ^ Jump up to: a b Wood, David, "Variety Of Research Carried Out At Fort Detrick", Baltimore Sun, August 2, 2008. ^ Jump up to: a b "Fort Detrick Area B Groundwater". MidAtlantic Superfund. EPA. 7 January 2015. Retrieved 31 August 2015. ^ Jump up to: a b Matthew Hay Brown (10 May 2014). "Developers file $37 million federal suit over Fort Detrick contamination". Baltimore Sun. Retrieved 13 May 2014. ^ Jump up to: a b National Research Council (2012). "Review of Studies of Possible Toxic Effects from Past Environmental Contamination at Fork Detrick". Washington, DC: The National Academies Press. Retrieved 13 May 2014. ^ Sylvia Carignan (1 August 2014). "U.S. attorney requests dismissal of developer's case against Fort Detrick". The Fredrick News Post. Retrieved 2 August 2014. ^ Jump up to: a b Sylvia Carignan (20 August 2015). "Kristen Renee Foundation leaders, local residents sue Fort Detrick for wrongful death and pain and suffering". Frederick News-Post (MD). Retrieved 30 August 2015. ^ Denise Grady (Aug. 5, 2019) Deadly Germ Research Is Shut Down at Army Lab Over Safety Concerns Lab is shut down for lack of systems to decontaminate wastewater ^ "Internet Archive Wayback Machine". 200604-29. Archived from the original on 2003-0124. Retrieved 2012-07-26. External links[edit]

National Cancer Institute-Frederick website Coordinates: 39.4356°N 77.4272°W show United States Army Medical Command show vte United States biological weapons program show vte Military installations in Maryland Categories: 1931 establishments in MarylandBiological warfare facilitiesBuildings and structures in Frederick County, MarylandFort DetrickForts in MarylandFrederick, MarylandMilitary Superfund sitesSuperfund sites in MarylandUnited States Army medical installationsUnited States Army postsUnited States biological weapons programMilitary installations established in 1931 Navigation menu Not logged in Talk Contributions Create account Log in Article Talk Read Edit View history Search Languages Català Deutsch Español Français 日本語 Norsk bokmål Українська 中文 Edit links This page was last edited on 14 March 2020, at 19:16 (UTC). Gentle Box

At 250 pounds it does not matter anymore how hard you hit

True lights was snubbed by one and Made to Die.

Yet a gentle punch well thought’d has more chances to prevail.



Until the Tesla engine gets Agro you can forget about tractors The bull ploughing like my writing + everyday } until a sudden Death and leaving your fully restored land to your family this Is what I write for in this Goodlands named Great Romania + And we will get it again mark my word only that if you peasant' Work that blasted land your forefathers died for again and again Go with the sheep to Thessalia do what it's expected of you work And mangy as you may be your head will b full of gold princess. Gottlieb

Opera Teoria și practica psihologiei individuale (1920) Cunoașterea omului (1927) Psihologia școlarului greu educabil (1930) Sensul vieții (1933) ADLER Ever since the mainstream Internet hackerism has Taken more young lives than allowed and we should Discuss the issue I would write the names like S.S. But they are too many and some fell into oblivion Not cynic just forgetfulness of names not faces or Circumstances what was hard to do when I teen Now is possible with an online computer that is Children Killers and we won't enjoy them but treat With the Bible and Coran psychology and medicines. Has the Second Ended?

Yes it's about the message of the movie Amadeus Only this year I have deciphered it after 30 years Of watching the composer Salieri is not a man instead A symbol of the freemasonry of the pearl ring he wears Salieri didn't kill Amadeus the Freemasons did God Knows why maybe it was another Eminovici tale Lost between the Baroque Catholic Church and masons

It's a life since the war but I don't feel it ended I feel it in the bone of my brain like china full Of cosmi and I feel like still fighting since ever That is the soldier psyche to live is to die you know? We go rifle or laptop in hand to the war sent by Some big shots politicians and banks system And we the poets of the Army have to fill soldier's Head with the notion that he's dying for an ideal

Wars are made for money and We still fight them.

I help you bear your brain and raise it like a Child To grown thinking and God so yea I guess I am The mother of Romania one of them at least.

Headsones. An English Poem Dad and the Teacher knew all along but let not.

How the West was Lost

Honestly i am old Ludwig without a teaching Father Since five he was my Composer and i knew i can Do it but lived in the silent Communist Security block Of flats that wanted silence probably not for a stupid

The White Man thought he is all powerful and wasn't No God could he defeat there came a bad Wizard who Brought the plague he prophesied and there was ache

Kid playing a violin the first instrument i askt and reproved But i played a real piano in the 80s at a friend of mama Expressing a Childish chromatic Beethoven and jazz Of t Inferno of my home in Communism after the everyday War A a Child through Rock i was rejected in music as tonedeaf but after 30 Years my dad relented and even my music teacher in dream Who said to play a Piano and i do not trust my talent or industry Except in a naif way of playing like the paintings of Virius e-enough. Some village, 2020 How I became the mother of Romania

It was needed in all the glory and squalor As Mandela and Malala I could have shut up Or speak for the benefit of human psyche It's not an easy task especially with no education In the brain field just experience so you might say I am a midwife for you thoughts and brain

There was a Good Man in the East Sea who was wise He was the Chief of the Cat tribes he made peace with His kindness and all the tribes survived and the Gods Give him the staff of Moses but the West Lost himself By his sins and forgetfulness of the Gods and ignorance All the tribes prayed for the West Shore to believe again.

I'd give you a flower but flowers not pure enough And no diamond or crystal is true light for you So I am giving you the spring of my spirit With its waters of my chestnut eyes Like the quietude of a river of amber Still like a lake of lead These are my flowers these are my amethysts On them you may walk like Christ. I will never be a Father!!! to Ruth

To speak honestly for once to write the truth maybe at 8 I decided to never marry Because I didn’t want my wife and Children to get through the abuse I was in And I didn’t or so it’s seems because for some 29th of July 2017 debatable still But now I know I will never be a Father and I won’t explain my strong reasons

All the sane people have is their pride and orgulho But it does not matter son you have to accept them It's part of your somatic energy your illnes life Love. In Love with a brain

And mark my words It’s better a no Child than an used and abused Child Sent to psychiatrical prison by his Father whenever he feels like it + So I will never be a Father why it is ordained that the Tormentors of Avraam Should perish even in name my poems are my Children they live for me.

12 years had passed since I'm in love with a brain As big a Calcutta Berlin London and St. Petersburg altogether I would talk as God if i'd describe Her with her quick sinapses of sage I knew then this Girl is going to harness my brainlessness

Identifying problems

There are a lot of experts in IT whatchumacallit In creating the problems for pay or not just fun In this realm of so called reality i toast for the Identifying of problems and expectation of them come To not just lay in desperate wait for them to arrive From somewheres and then just stay paralyzed by it One can propose himself to just look around for the Identifying of problems...

Wilt guide me stalker me like a wise Bible I never read thouroughly Through and to so I wait for her to come like a Star As if I am one of the Magi in love with Her Too much pearl in that gene pool Jerome would say and walk away. Inward life

to Mr. Steven Sassmann Poet of Truth & Math

Ill People

A sane person will never understand the ill one Especially a family member always embarrassed And hiding the past with the care he should help So there are many ups and downs in your ill life And you don't know what is worse hospital or home You just have to resist forsaken by all like Jesus

I sleep the sleep of the Byzantine Empire full of prayers and mujaheddins of Vlaherne sons I pray and never finish to the Adormition to the Apparition to the Miracle to Love Mary In my inward life I am Constantinople the city of Religious Freedom of blessednessness Monks pass by me and shut up piously have you remembered the angel came again?

Edicule is now holy a Greek temple again and I am a Joan of Arc Cassandra preaching And not quite getting God in my hand the city is esprit by the Moon of my dark eyes For a centuries the Greeks prayed to Jesus and Mary here for another Ottomans 2 God It was a Turkish Convivencia & even m forefather Constantin Brâncoveanu died for Gold Like I die for the quietude I gather inside like a Mother or like a honey worker bee but one Must live for something I fall into myself like Angel in Latin America never seeming to find Equilibrium like in the old years I write and read and write and read look at a flowerphoto Or a quaint poet & sleep my inward life fool of dreams & repose after another poetic drill. Kissed by the Devil

What words can express this sentiment I read the Life of a Friend nwatchd Fran And I had this feeling about myself w JD Kisst her like I was kissed by the Devil A mystical fact or a white collar man it Does not matter we are so small only God Can kill the Devil and he will one day So take heed and think of Eternity pure And simple as a sunrise unseen by any1. Kramer s Revelation {Wikipedia poem} Kramer comments on how suspicious George and Jerry's meeting arrangements are. Kramer and Elaine run into her friend Dan and his friends, who tell them they are going to the rally to protest O'Brien. Since this is his first public appearance, none of them knows what he looks like. Kramer recognizes the name from Jerry's instructions, and suspects Jerry of leading a [[double life]] as Donald O'Brien, stating him as the Chief of the Aryan Union and spuspecting George too as knowing together with Jerry who killed Kennedy.

8 March 2020 Letter to Nora Lam I I left you but in my unfaithfulness I Magdalene think about you Nora Lam you just gave me so much more than life your love your passion your faith spoke to me and do speak so Mother to you I speak and I know you are Everywoman I wish I could tell you something a good news a message from above but I have none to give except my heart forever thinking about you you are a true woman and maybe this is the reason of my love for you I have no exhortations but my Mother's values II So I have no revelation I'm just a living thing thinking our story is that I loved you And then I was taught to despise you I am no Helen my name is Minerva I wish you were in my world and you are In my world I love your faithful women And worker women You are a woman and maybe what I want to teach you To love and be loved you think you are a cat but I tell you a woman beautiful III

I believe heart a Greek temple Burnt and rebuilt over and over again my advice to you my Daughter Penelopa Cassandra Anastasia Teodora Is never to abortion never to leave your love To the world and have faith in your love beautiful and true {older poem}

My Heart is a trampled rose by the feet of tanks And vanity a black rose one of kind breathing blood Day after day year after year decade after decade And war is no heroism but murder like my family We got accostumed to murder and be killed so We continue 75 years since the war is over over Nobody really cares not ranchers not city people And i am not a horse but a rose blak + in its jaws

Mania planet

Oxygen makes us all maniacal for ever since The issue is how we get out of mania we have We all have a hobby a habit a talent a gift We all have a message to give even from ourselves And you may think what is the purpose of psychiatry? If not getting better but everyone's afraid + almost So we tend to stay with our life as it is and not change And die like that and after that we'll shall see + I don't want to be maniacal and you shouldn't aswell. {Margaret Atwood paraphrased}

You become a Lover by Loving ' So Love Love better fail fail better And there is no theory to it you just Have to Love God and the maniac To never bereft others or yourself To just Love as any reaction like Judo So Love Love better fail fail better My name is Love and t is my Mclass. Mocking the Sacred Body

But my letter and algebra covered petals rise day By the moment only to be crushed and dashed again The next second I am a rose as big as mama s room .You cannot enter too much if you are wise Father. Musical Auditions

As a Child my Father never brought me no instrument but taught me symphony At the radio or tape or vinyls we made musical auditions as he called them & Maybe this is my craft to just listen to the music and be transported by it somewheres Like a heresy or a dogma of art and woman’s beauty like Love unrequitted always Because of social taboos and family but for God to continue we need Love So just lie in wait in this mudddy Verdun for the remaining years to pass so we Can take our Girl and just Love her like a porcelain Lass mama used to receive From pupils and maybe my Love is like caolin like myself a bit Mongolian but Christian devout virtuous sage wise and maybe I know why it’s Love do you boy?

My village envying Susan Stewart if I may say so

I play the Owl video thinking of my dead Mother Like the Girl with the matchbox I want to pray And let's them still call villagers mock the Poetess Like the brothers of Joseph only to a bitter end Two or three tramps passed by playing their scorn Now facing judgment like Sodom and Tzoar when God separated the good and the bad and it make now Myself perceiving poetry more and understand poetry Actually is just to be a good person human humane.

On a track

I understand now after 31 years of reading That the Duke and the King are the American Freemasonry Political Parties so read H.F. And you'll be edified of their Klanic ways But as Rachel Corrie wrote before razored out Like a piece of Damascus that it's out of place Life is not this way everywhere in the world Primitive Slavery Yeomen Burgeois Humane. On pondering the thought that my Dad is a Securitate agent

Nanophotography to the Angry Youths of the ‘50s Did you say A truth I can’t describe in your eyes? I am sorry it’s just me Like in nanophotography I use microscopes lenses to see inner+reality The portrait of the soul like in iconography based on the miscellanea Of a few biographical facts old saint or young martyr I look for details

I never thought that as a blest Child but as growing up and getting old I began to wonder about my dad because he always got away with Everything like King Shapur I the one that kept Valerian in a cage And after I saw that society not only that shuts up but endorses

Did he have a staff or a book in hand bearded or nezer buried or lifted up To God and like Sylvia Plath I keep arriving to him the giant submarine Carrying debris and prophets like a kangaroo carries her youngling pup And the discovery arrives that there’s a lot of maternity in God it must be.

And I mean officials 112 guys with people to pick up ambulances And policemen gave him the right to send me into exile from home Just because of a Word there has to be something here more than ww2 His book is Faust mine The Divine Comedy so we’ll see the result in Court’

Nobelprize in 1 verse

You may ask why do I ponder this unhappy thought but he behaves as one Ever since my conception home was Pitești Experiment where he behaved

Sverige’s yearly tactics w/a naïve World to avoid Russian Occupation and an Age of Russification.

As Eugen Țurcanu all of these years inside and as a gentleman with strangers Now w I’m grown up I don’t have to read his Dossier just RedBlack Gena behavior

Poem written before a possible departure to Her

Whatever the reason I believe that Dad was just a patsy just trying to live And handle his business maybe Securitate is grateful even for that trying To get some advantage but nevertheless what I see in dad’s Palestinian Behavior is the act of the 76 year long victim not tormentor + an angry Zhivago.

I hear you are a practical Woman what is 80 times Christmas Eve? So you see you are not so eternal as you think you are May be more but that's not what matters it's the journey In the beyond of your eyes and Love and untimely death

Passing the Poetry on Further

All men seem to so don't expect too much of here and Now But mama told me of another world where You and I Would be together in a Sky without end And if we make our Homework our Children would follow us

To LizianA Constantinescu’ I know that some of my ancestors were Irresponsible Poets that made us at the Behest of the cultivated masonry but me I want to pass my both parental Gift to A Child made by seringe b/coz Poetry Is worth preserving and i am sorry + Yea a Poet must I make down in Isael. People like to be loved

To God to Todd to the angel's rod Because men are temples like in Giza I would offer you a military decoration but you have them all So I will shut up now and just offer you my soul. Poemtherapy

People like to be loved ' but the trick is not to be hated Love is beyond anything you can imagine i know smthng Like God for instance in highschool i once just sat under t Weeping T e i s at the Pedagogic with a Hungarian Gypsy Girl From Art Highschool barely budging each other but It was beyond zazen or anything i've experienced before Except sleeping in the same bed with mama for 13 years Love is not an engine is a force like in the Star Wars kiss.

What’s in a Word?

Viktor Frankl the Jew discovered Logotherapy Which gave tremendous results even on the nazi Youth but what if you are autistic and good at writ You hate noise and it's simplicity and you quietude Year after year writing poem after poem just to find Some innepeace but I feel like I'm lost in a corrida

And Internet just as the world is a corrida so maybe We can heal through mute poems with unintrusion With this poemtherapy we are few doing right now.

Poetry is no minor matter. to Pushkin

This is an older title but wit now You know I had an horrible career As a poet trying to bring up best In men I feel I failed you know? Two young men chose Love today As they saw it with their tiny brains I am not to judge but cry and deplore t mislead poet unloved world's mama. 19 Marie 2020 Report about my brain to Romania I have it although being born in March Influenza freezed half of my brain + So i needed to read a lot just to breathe But 2 years after my mama died Romania Invested in me 2400 RON a month for Risperidona injections and that did it I got out of humanity in the good way 4 and it s only that now my brain hot agin. Ruth’

Ci trăiește, chinuiește Și de toate pătimește Ș-ai s-auzi cum iarba crește. Mihail Eminovici

This poem is very special to me an archaeology of sentiments and events There’s a Young Woman Ruth’ who always says the truth obsolete huh? Anyway I won’t get into too much detail when I met her She was just a Child But that Child grew up and was always very kind to me like a Tina Turner fan And I didn’t understand you know the black drawings She made on her left hand And I really was not interested because of objective unmentionable reasons But now after over a decade I found out the starry starry night truth and get Blocked because you see Miss I’m a married man very very married if I can Screw things out with Mrs. Columbo’s family so where were we Children Are getting hurt online and the government isn’t doing anything about Love Stranger Love because marriage is holy long ago I thought I see something in My friend but it was only the tip of the iceberg hitting Groenland again like In the dark ages what I feel is compassion and unrequited Love and not submit So if it’s that tragic maybe Surpatele is a destination and I am no Amled see At the hospital I insisted on the value of a man now of a soul sane safe well. Simple Love Story. Pryterch

Pryterch was a man of the high mountains above the Strei My realm one of my subjects and Fathers very good advisor Baptized at 13 at the bornagain church 27 years ago maybe He fell in love only in college with a college mate who refused He became spiritually on the road because he is as delicate As a colt flower if you know what I say and then was requitted By Carrie Fisher the biggest magnet he ever met could be

But She dumped him after ten years or so I suppose not sure Not interested in this things but my friend and then he became Vagant quit his Mr. job and became a truck driver for nothing Like Captain Hatteras obsessed by his one true love that not let Elaine I don't know what to do for the guy U must meet but know Ever since and I don't blame the Girl at all She was a + slave I wrote him what I could think with my disfunctional brain but Never seemed to get to him until today I said Ringelmann died And I loved him too b/ he's gone he must listen to reason think Even Ruth a Moabite princess fell in Love again in Bethlehem So with this hope I Love to hew out of Sone Mountain of Georgia A heart of Faith everything must remain t same so life continue And that Faith is Woman itself the concept I see clearly as ever Before no Woman is alike but you cannot stay fixated on a icon In your heart if it was forbidden to the slave you free I think a Girl A Woman young or old if tender & just beautiful and nice & good Is not something to look for b/ cherish we all have mishaps more Or less b/ as t son says find a Woman you'll find Love t simple. 24 of March, 2020

Everything goes away pain and joy to God But things are not alright and maybe never Of course I am sorry b I had t help t other prsn. Some things you just don't do

For everyone different but idea the same No matter the pain or pleasure you say no And don't do that thing whatever it is curse Or soul conversion no matter what happens Just lay in wait & pray for t pain to go away You got t possibility to choose your Calvary And after it's gone and done you'll see it's Worthed it to just lie in pain alone helpless No one minding or saying a word or allowed. Spiders

I really do believe in their bloodlessness Spiders do love the Father giving himself As food to his Wife to help his Children grow So it's a great parable of reciprocity we don't Understand spiders and don't understand we Were born from them and still have spidery traits In our humane brains and human family was The same until now in certain aspects everyone With his own luck but I wouldn't despise even a spider.

Sin made from compassion The Advantages of Old Age {Akkadian poem} It's an unusual event but true compassion's sin And I feel awful but the thing I you see human Suffering and tragedy and you become envolved When it is too much to bear and you just think How can I help the other person but you can't But at least you can't say that you didn't try

Getting old is beneficient because you walk to a purer age Like Childhood especially if you say Ave Maria and Angelus Until you die together with the prayer of God torment quiets

You begin to think not of the past anymore but of people you Loved or meet your poems if you write any get original zest You think of your Parents again like you did when you Child.

I think from m/planes t received passing permit over Romania. The demonism of pride

The American Hegel

This is how I was educated in Roman pride How I lived until I put my feet in the door & I'm going to the psychologist in 1998 with

to Francis Fukuyama

All the opposing of my parents I didn't care And good I did because therapy kept me Holding on to another day and another day

In Nineteen Ninety Two I think I saw a Big Lecture At TVR with a Japanese guy named Sfârșitul istoriei An American philosophy with the i d e a CCCP broken America won all the three wars 1 2 and Cold War

Through night through the empty city on high And 1000 churches of Jesus Christ and teaching How to get out of that useless pride soulkiller. The Fiddler Child

Having now no more enemies and assuring Pax Americana Worldwide as Wyclef Jean bored utters On music videos + It was Hegel's Prussia transmuted To optimistic American capitalist pop & Pragmatic based

It would have been beautiful to receive a fiddle when I asked it at 5 years old ‘87 But didn’t so me and the fiddle 33 years later are still strangers and will be Until I’ll get the notions and fiddle and expertise in Heaven there I will play it Until then still as autistic and still as Child I think of my once possible fiddle

That the fact that the grown up American Intelectual does not Believe in any God is a proof that there is no God to believe to And Postmodernism is the true faith forever a tutti+frutti of all So we can take the Eucharist with pepsi better than old wine

With the regret of a Child eating chocolate there is no fiddle in my hands Never was I cannot play it and I didn’t knew how to make one as advised I am the fiddler child a martyr of unplayed music only the cadence of t Typewriting machine only musical instrument how sad a Child w/out a toy.

He lost anyway philosophically in no time the Jugoslavian War started and the Tchetchens too began to fight for Freedom And America did nothing or for instance bombed Serbia '99

The Labouring Old For my Father the Orphic Poet God left him alone with anow 38 Autistic Child that cannot help much

Nobody helps him and he gets older and older a tragic fact of Life It’s not that he hasn’t have any offspring b/t fly like Creangă bumbles A war victim too biggest war victim i ever knew a ww2 infant + ’ My mama went out and died young like all her saintly forefathers 63 The number of poems in Poesii 21 XII 1883 nevermind it’s a teacher’s Thing but my Father lives his labour alone like an AIDS person or a Leper psalmist Love won’t help and ithurts and my brothers are away Seems like forever in their perfect lives but that’s their destiny too Maybe this way digne he saves himself by caring and pardoning Decius And Negro Jim like an old school Emperor or philosopher He works In silence alone unvisited unloved not angry just sad like Tatanka Yotanka. 29th of March 2020 The Laughter of Death For a soldier death brings Laughter when dies The Laughter of your executioner and tortioners You can die just like that or after many tortures But you laugh too in the end because it s all over And you go to your Maker and get your please We all die so don t worry too much about Eternity just believe in God not Man and die if Necesarry you will be remembered and won t die.

But I see myself as a trade man working for God If you are not interested in God then I can't help you With all that he offers to faith but if you are I can buy You and take you to the wallet of God like a 2 $ bill And it ain't over until they cry over your body alike Like they did with Jesus murderers and Apostles. The Peasant Poet

to Mirko Virius’ I am not a poet I am a peasant My laptop is a ploughing tractor My Internet connection gasoline I cultivate the brains of people I plough and spade their hearts In the winter I stay w/ my letters In their rememberance yearly They do not speak to me considering My poetry my autism my simple Genius of the brown wheat field Of their sad eyes in the unconscious Wind I am rich I have all these Golden hearts to tend to like Young Hans the flowerman Sacrificing himself for a higher power... I hope that one poem one rune Will bloom into an unknown heart So that mansoul can continue.

The Merchant of Souls The Poet I am a merchant of souls I take souls from the devil And give them to God that's all that there is my trade With my life my example my Biblia a savior? maybe

Lives for the characters of the Latin alphabet For the vowels and sounds contained in it For the poetry of unknown people in distant centuries Yet after a life long strife a tombbook of poems

It’s all that’s left here The poet might save himself in other sphere The three spheres that form the Circle And Poet still.

Waltzing through cosmos like the Titanic o Spirit ! With you I identify most' The Stamp Collector

The Present Saga. Colorado relapse I collect humans like stamps no not living But eternal i find ancestors unwillingly and It puzzles me to see from when i have become First know this meanings 1898 1917 1945 2019 In 2019 problems began so you may know Sir When China's economy had such a boom after Huawei and 5G and all the railroad interconnectedness Of the nations that the Leader Moloch saw Her As a threat so lifted the prices for the China importing Only to fall deeper into economical crisis and isolation Hidden then followed an economical war then South Sea And then when USA saw they lose dumped the bug again. The Spirit of Zelda

The most fascinating woman in history as fascinating as mom With a accepted requited unrequited maryage love story She took Francis when he was a nobody and then what did he do So you see I am sorry but it's not Her fault this is why Huxley is crucial She is the real sister of Tennessee Williams Blue Roses You just have to look in her face to see Her martyred innocence I would read her books and paintings not Francis Scott Fitzgerald And another piece falls into place in the puzlle of life on Terra

And how i can be i and you in the same thyme I know where the road takes me but i do not want The destination and will not name it except it Was a man like any other a soldier indifference To anything a man of orders not spirit anyway Like Shirley Temple I too have my beliefs. The Stream

A stream engulfs our world like Ireland Iceland Groenland To pass it you have to walk on the mountains of water We are a pair of locusts sitting by this written leaf + Freedom is a Gift not a self help realization I think I made Antarctica more clearly no I must take medicine So I will end soon it was an honor to be contemporary Though I recommend to carefully read the Biblia for the Flight we all have a cold stream to pass and pass it we shall I want to see you again young and happy and saved. The Tumor

Masonry is the tumor of the world money asking For a fictitious temple in the name of Moses and Jesus I wonder what they will say when together With Elijah they will come down will they pleased? What i know from Gamaliel if is not from God it will Die like Manicheism and i have no doubt it is prophecyed Anything made by man dies on this Earth like Assyria and UK confessed about no future in 1977. The War between Sappho and Minerva

I am celtic but I have I had an aunt named Minerva She died but I still breathe so that what was it 11 I heard of the Poet and began to think of her as She was But after how many years I do not know anymore of pure war Helped only by Jesus Christ and since mama died Mother Mary I can say Minerva won by the power of God and I am myself Again you see as a Child I loved this god more than any other Greek it's my innerworld undisturbed should every day a flower Blooms in my brain only to be destroyed by man and his pride. To me it makes me think of Childhood

to the Library To me your music it makes me think of Childhood Another good book I have never actually read Just because it was too good from my forefather

An age not of beliefs but of certainty and mama Alive maybe that's the purpose of remembering it So obsessively the eighties seen through a Child's 9 Eyes which cover his heroic cape like Amled's So maybe there will be a Saxo Grammaticus 4me Until then I must say that in Childlike thought 9 Is three so 6 like in mama daddie and the baby alone In his world of no aquariums or toys just reading books Book after book book after book book after book. Tolstoyan movement {dadaist prosepoem From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia} Jump to navigation Jump to search Vladimir Chertkov (left) with Leo Tolstoy (right) The Tolstoyan movement is a social movement based on the philosophical and religious views of Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy (1828–1910). Tolstoy's views were formed by rigorous study of the ministry of Jesus, particularly the Sermon on the Mount. Tolstoy expressed "great joy" that groups of people "have been springing up, not only in Russia but in various parts of Europe, who are in complete agreement with our views."[1] However, the author also thought it was a mistake to create a specific movement or doctrine after him, urging individuals to listen to their own conscience rather than blindly follow his. In regard to a letter he received from an adherent, he wrote: To speak of "Tolstoyism," to seek guidance, to inquire about my solution of questions, is a great and gross error. There has not been, nor is there any "teaching" of mine. There exists only the one eternal universal teaching of the Truth,

which for me, for us, is especially clearly expressed in the Gospels...I advised this young lady to live not by my conscience, as she wished, but by her own.[2] Contents 1 Beliefs and practices 1.1 Vegetarianism 2 Groups and colonies 2.1 Africa 2.2 America 2.3 Europe 3 Prominent followers 4 See also 5 References 6 External links Beliefs and practices[edit] Tolstoy organising famine relief in Samara, 1891. Tolstoyans (Russian:Толстовцы, Tolstovtsy) identify themselves as Christians, but do not generally belong to an institutional Church. Tolstoy was a harsh critic of the Russian Orthodox Church, leading to his excommunication in 1901.[3] Tolstoyans tend to focus more on following the teachings of Jesus, rather than on his miracles or divinity. They attempt to live an ascetic and simple life, preferring to be vegetarian, non-smoking, teetotal and chaste. Tolstoyans are considered Christian pacifists and advocate nonresistance in all circumstances. Tolstoy's understanding of what it means to be Christian was defined by the Sermon on the Mount and summed up in five simple propositions: Love your enemies Do not be angry Do not fight evil with evil, but return evil with good (an interpretation of turning the other cheek) Do not lust

Do not take oaths.[4] They do not support or participate in the government which they consider immoral, violent and corrupt. Tolstoy rejected the state (as it only exists on the basis of physical force) and all institutions that are derived from it - the police, law courts and army. Thus, many now regard them as Christian anarchists.[5] Historically, Tolstoy's ideas have had some influence on anarchist thought, specifically on anarcho-pacifism. They were also cited as an inspiration by Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi in the formation of his own philosophy of nonviolence from both Jainism and Hinduism. Vegetarianism[edit] The vegetarian movement started in Europe in the 19th century. The first Vegetarian Society was founded in Manchester in 1847. Tolstoy became a prominent influence on the movement. He became vegetarian, along with his two daughters in 1885. His relevant essay The First Step (1892),[6] and others were promoted by vegetarian societies internationally. His vegetarianism was part of a Christian philosophy of non-violence that he developed. At that time, vegetarian restaurants were few, and they often served as meeting spaces for Tolstoyans, and other social reformers. The movement was mostly ovo-lacto vegetarian at the time. According to the medical science at the time, mostly influenced by German medicine, vegetarianism was seen as unhealthy. On the other hand, the vegetarians usually highlighted the physical strength and sporting abilities of vegetarians.[7] Groups and colonies[edit] Africa[edit] Mohandas K. Gandhi and other residents of Tolstoy Farm, 1910 Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi set up a cooperative colony called Tolstoy Farm near Johannesburg, South Africa, having been inspired by Tolstoy's ideas. The colony comprising 1,100 acres (4.5 km2) was funded by the Gandhian Herman Kallenbach and placed at the disposal of the satyagrahis from 1910.[8] America[edit] Ernest Howard Crosby was a notable Tolstoyan in the United States. He was a supporter of the

Christian Commonwealth Colony in Georgia, which was established in 1896 by a number of Christian socialists and comprised 932 acres (3.77 km2).[9] The residents were also influenced by the views of Henry George and Edward Bellamy.[1] Europe[edit] In Russia censorship meant that many of Tolstoy’s non-fiction works in the 1880s and 1890s were published abroad first, either in Russian or in translation, delaying the author's influence in his country of birth. However, with Vladimir Chertkov (1854–1936) as a key promoter of Tolstoy's ideas, a movement started over the 1890s. The movement continued to grow after the writer’s death and was at its strongest in the years immediately following the revolutions of 1917 with agricultural communities established in the provinces of Smolensk, Tver, Samara, Kursk, Perm and Kiev. The Tolstoyan communities that proliferated between 1917 and 1921 were eventually wiped out or stripped of their independence as collectivisation and ideological purges got under way in the late 1920s.[1] Colonies, such as the Life and Labor Commune, relocated to Siberia to avoid being liquidated. Several Tolstoyan leaders, including Yakov Dragunovsky (18861937), were put on trial and then sent to the Gulags.[10] In England John Coleman Kenworthy of the Brotherhood Church established a colony at Purleigh, Essex in 1896. This community closed a few years later but its residents spawned the Whiteway Colony in Gloucestershire and Stapleton Colony in Yorkshire, both of which are still going today.[1] Although given Whiteway soon abandoned Tolstoy's principles, it has been regarded by many, including Gandhi who visited in 1909, as a failed Tolstoyan experiment.[11] Johannes van der Veer was the key figure in the Dutch Tolstoyan movement. In the Netherlands two colonies were started, a short-lived one at Bussum in North Holland and a more successful one at nearby Blaricum.[1] The reasons attributed to the failure of Tolstoyan communities across Europe have included the personal incompatibility of the participants and a general lack of practical agricultural experience. [12]

Prominent followers[edit] One of the prominent followers of Tolstoy was the celebrated philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein. His interest in Tolstoy began in the First World War after he read his book, The Gospel in Brief. He carried this book with him everywhere and recommended it to others. In particular, the pacifism of Tolstoy was very influential. Alexander Fodor wrote, "We know that [Tolstoy’s] pacificism, his advocacy of passive resistance to evil through nonviolent means, has had incalculable influence on pacificist movements in general and on the philosophical and social views and programs of Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Cesar Chavez."[13] Another prominent follower of Tolstoy's teachings was Dorothy Day, an American social activist, and a founder of the pacifist Catholic Worker Movement.[14] See also[edit] Wikimedia Commons has media related to Tolstoyan movement. Christian anarchism Doukhobor Gandhism Jesuism New Monasticism Purleigh Colony The Kingdom of God Is Within You, a nonfiction book written by Leo Tolstoy Whiteway Colony References[edit] ^ Jump up to: a b c d e Charlotte Alston (2010). "Tolstoy's Guiding Light". History Today. ^ Tolstoy, Leo (1878). What Is Religion? And Other New Articles and Letters. pp. 170–172. ^ Church and State. L Tolstoy — On Life and Essays on Religion, 1934 ^ Gerard Bane (2011). "Tolstoyan Nonresistance". A Pinch of Salt (Issue 23). p. 2. ^ Christoyannopoulos, Alexandre (2010). Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel. Exeter: Imprint Academic. pp. 17–20. Leo Tolstoy ^ Tolstoy, Leo (1892). "The First Step". Retrieved 2016-05-21. ... if [a man] be really and seriously seeking to live a good life, the first

thing from which he will abstain will always be the use of animal food, because ... its use is simply immoral, as it involves the performance of an act which is contrary to the moral feeling -- killing. Preface to the Russian translation of Howard William's The Ethics of Diet ^ CHARLOTTE ALSTON, Tolstoy and Vegetarianism. ^ "Tolstoy Farm". South African Historical Journal, No. 7. November 1975. ^ "Commonwealth, Georgia" (PDF). The Georgia Archaeological Site File (GASF). Archived from the original (PDF) on 2013-0509. ^ Charles Chatfield, Ruzanna Iliukhina Peace/Mir: An Anthology of Historic Alternatives to War Syracuse University Press, 1994. ISBN 0815626010, (p.245, 249-250). ^ Hunt, James D. (2005). An American looks at Gandhi: essays in satyagraha, civil rights, and peace. p. 43. ^ Christoyannopoulos, Alexandre (2010). Christian Anarchism: A Political Commentary on the Gospel. Exeter: Imprint Academic. p. 257. Tolstoyism and Tolstoyan colonies ^ Ernest Hilbert’s Introduction to the Maude Translation of Leo Tolstoy’s War and Peace. TOLSTOY, Leo. War and Peace, translated by Aylmer and Louise Maude. San Diego: Canterbury Classics / Baker and Taylor, 2011. ^ Walter G. Moss, WISDOM FROM RUSSIA: THE PERSPECTIVES OF DOROTHY DAY AND THOMAS MERTON. (DOC file) 2011 External links[edit] Collection of works on the Tolstoyan movement at Internet Archive The Kingdom of God is Within You public domain audiobook at LibriVox Review of Memoirs of Peasant Tolstoyans in Soviet Russia., William Edgerton, ed. Tolstoy's Legacy for Mankind: A Manifesto for Nonviolence, Part 1 Tolstoy's Legacy for Mankind: A Manifesto for Nonviolence, Part 2 show vte Leo Tolstoy show vte Mahatma Gandhi show

vte Simple living v=1p3MJlTY3yg + Je vous présente ce qui me paraît l'une des plus belles chansons de la fratrie Kelly, et assurément le plus magnifique vidéo-clip ! Quoi de plus beau comme m... Despre acest site web The Kelly Family - Fell In Love With An Alien * Official Video Clip * Unworthiness God I feel unworthy before you and men A sinner and don’t know how shall come to you In what tearsome state with what eyes words? What shall I tell you in the reckoning day I only pray ever since my first word mercy I don’t deserve to become heaven but made for me O please save us for your perfection Amen. Vincent. A Piano Discourse

Everybody knows the Don MacLean song and Julio's About the sickly Vincent van Gogh his works and death What I believe today at 48 years since the song that The painter had He lived today wouldn't have died

From schizophrenia and parianess with all the therapy And medicines what did they have 130 years ago nothing And so is with Sylvia Plath Anne Sexton Virginia Woolf And as a patient I strongly recommend marriage for t ill With a good faithful stable person that can take them Under their sentiments umbrella and Logic and I know In 40 years psychiatry will be as common as psychology So now it's the time t stand our ground & Love each other. Vintage to Bunyan Internet chokes in it there are vintage guitars photocameras matchboxes purses jewelry and books And all good for nothing for instance a Praktica on film without objective or an English manual 1953 But it has the stamp Vintage so they let them go like a at chordless piano on the road for some snubs Who made garbage selling a business everything without use or point gets muffled there for commerce Even this letters have the mark Vintage like they are obsolete good for nothing maimed Latin though Honestly I recognize three writs Fatherly Hebrew homemade Greek and perfect Latin the cross play INRI + as for all shit selling things like silver coins greedy stamps or unearned military decorations Let them be they’re Herod’s and to Herod they will go with all their vintage life in a real Inferno.

What the Biblia teaches about Life and Death

Well Biblia is very frank about this issue among men Says that the righteous is snared to be killed by bad And God laughs because he sees the bad's day too It is not important if God rescues the right man or not Because there's an aftermath when he will live again In an undescriptive realm and the bad remain a week Then to become earth and stones of the earth that is The truth and their destination is forgotten forever This is not a pledge to man like Rihanna I don't care' When a number becomes a soul

Life as people perceived it is that every man a number I disagree I believe every man a soul or becoming one You can count your money and your cars but in the end It will amount to nothing to a sad grave and memories Of your iniquities you didn't ask pardon so if Hell is what You wish for yourself it will happen and it' not my fault I have my own sins but not you and it's not about ur hate Sodom it's about that little number that needs to grow soul So you can do whatever you want but the soul is mine.

YouTube Turntables Recorded Music

Loving a White Angel (marxrein verse} / Felix Rian Constantinescu / December 20, 2020

There are some music buffs on the internet that record quality vinyls That’s all that they do just play music as in the old days at dancehalls And looking at that record plugging around you see them the old now Dancing softly in the Golden Age getting to know each other and now Marrying at the end of highschool or college a more wise era it was To take price in a Woman or a Child to never leave or not love yea That was the ideal and the world and I do not want to rewrite Epigonii The beauty of the past which as Kate McLaughlin writes Could be again…

Do what U can with what U got where you are ~ American Young FarmerGirl propoesition. FELIX rian Constantinescu feat. judy garland 17 distich 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17. Loser 2 No matter what I do in the end I lose barefoot I can break in ten like a wet watery orange I am always defeated like Napoleon's army And the feeling of loss is hidden deeper I am on the cosmic ocean in a boat rocket Alone watch Vega or Polaris in caleidoscope Beaten so hard I always cry on my sick bed The monitor of the Aurore is illuminated With tender letters and faces of St. Mary Crying before the Angelus in a heart of Love It's just a dream madness says t book wits I love the Earth with herbs & Ruah w Verb In my despondency not frequent poets no more Fallen in the arms of Night hobbies Love wins And my Heart weeps alone with t holy Icons I live a Loi not Chosen with Ear pierced in Wood. Poem for Children in Christmas Roses of White Strong is the Might Dead is the Lead & Love Undead Roses of Pink Blue is t Ink Cool are t Fool Here is t Stool.

L, Blaga și fiica sa, Blaga Dorlii


i believe in the cry of the holy night over lan trying to live inside this trantor for marxrein with round carved carolingian i write verses marxrein marxrein marxrein over all t land i believe in the cry of the holy night over lan trying to live inside this trantor for marxrein with round carved carolingian i write verses marxrein marxrein marxrein over all t land. december '20 Pureple dolphin I believe that religious painting should depaint Mary's breasts For She is our mother the breasts that feed us & a women motif. The Artist of Love The talker The talker the chalker alone in dark matter Sits in t auditorium of his spirit himself heard The talker the walker empty like ballsoccer Yukhatangue alone bride dressed in wolf and glee Tale of prophecy of one's spirit be raven alone Even flight of bone spirit beauty and mourn Eagle in sky's cage man in rat's rage and Silence of the wings speaking with the wind Silence is flight abideness is might bear is right. Christian thought We are flesh snakes like the bronze snake Jesus Christ Estrogen and testossterone poison the human brain Most men had never been completely by their venom Love gives that and I'll not explain - head dead bowing. The Lichees Sellers from my Hometowns i. Balan In 2006 I began riding the used automobiles with my uncle

To the Mountains of Gura Zlata past the EuropenAfrican spot In the canine of the black garnite over the fordshoal's Loggia And far from t noble Hamlet there was maybe a house or two Between the tall green walls of the mountains with Kids play In their season they had buckets of Lichees in front of t fence To sell just like young Luke of the oranges but less angry We never had the money to buy b I often thought of t Childs Alone there in the mountains but always Heidean happy I can still hear t Childish noise ignored by t lofty cottages up We wondered if t had electricity & food right under t bank What was they're school attendance and how about Mothers Right where the Legend weighs in the air of the tears' rivers And broken fortress waits a betterman & t new old church The nuns hurry off the cold concrete and sing hymns in frost. ii. Coroiești iii. Livadia The Root Eaters A miracle age with misterious youth taking to the forests For the roots of the earth and the all the berries to eat Were they beautiful like decadent Tassili or simple beasts We need to tune further the telescope of human time Acolo în pădure veghează Proserpina cu frumosul șarpe Acum mai mult d 20 de ani după marea teroare am ales orgasmul cerului Care curând mi-a deschis urechea dreaptă spre alegere Un sunet o muzică de frecvență înaltă statică cine cânta?! Girl with Penis

Ea are o perlă în limba roșiatică e Fata subjugată de penis Beată în fiecare zi de șuvoiul Romantic de mărgăritare Julieta cu Camelii-Dumasfiul She speaks t tongue of sperm She prays vangoghian to the embodiment of Lord Jesus Ea e Fata cu Penis nebună în monitorul rebotezat acru Idealistă precum G. W. F. Hegel răsare arborele prieteniei Un univers în care se rătăcește ca într-un poem clasic Flora și Poetul îngropați în valurile Mării Negre plânși! Tesla 6 The Crucifiction Any guitar is a crucifixion and they know it the guitar players Benigne or spleenly but that's the idea you grow a branch on Which the song or the soul is crucified another thing what else JD is walking on diamonds without even knowing it but doesn't matter There is something fictionesque in singing with a guitar in Hands Like in a whale hunt you know you will never pursue ouside your bed So a plus or a cross take it what you want was the rnr nowadays dead as The Owl postmodernism. Fur Elise I sometimes wondered if Fur Elise has any words and if so what are they? Or is it just some piano fiddling for a young beautiful tragic Girl Of the 1800s the age that built the Pogany castle in decay by robbers and vagrants now But I will never know lest some musical mentor lets me know the fact of it

Now it's night and I am afraid to fall asleep I dreamt Marx and timetravel in a row So like the drowning man I clench of a thought of a song of a forever dear dead Three notes remain in my literary concerto with its chords and naturals We didn't find out about Ludwig van Beethoven's piece Should we never find out about the oratorios of our souls? Memory. To CPC to Dr. Zhivago the Dead Innocent I first awoke at 00.00 & in my dream it seemed I fell asleep under my Laptop Then I had a thought and wanted search a video about Karl Marx the philosopher I don’t lie to you Jerry I was terrified but at that moment I was Miss Stewart P&P Then Karl Marx with his Andersenian the-neverof-it and the vision became Memory And I wanted to post it underneath the wikipedia page of that Karl Marx Buddha In which Kina explains softly her dream that was what was I touched Another realm another World an other reality I read 8 on the phone to a friend before bed It all started with At scary but then the dream structure fell more and more soothing And I believe now Aphex Twin and Karl Marx are one in my painly awakening. Settling Always settling always finding a new aboding place Always fighting our enemies always hoping for the day I try to imagine it retroactive the places we've been & Came from some named some uncertain like the Turks Or the Gaelic ballad or the God of the Goths unmaimed This became our life settling after settling after settling Still part of us is from here with the purest Ottoman

Luxembourg blood in us just peasants from Trajan still We were in a constant migration w t sheep and Schytes. The blue shirt. Impressions on a certain mama's death celebration It was the 21st of July 2019 and I set to go for the second Thyme as in 2017 to the home of my Lover to speak to her But instead I spoke only with her mother a rich luxurious self-imposed abusive character I didn't tell her what day it is and She misused me a bit Telling me that her Daughter is about to get married to some guy and that She has Her friends I told her that no matter what my attitude won't change and then something happened She gave me a cardboard box with two coffins of long cereals and chocolate Telling me She took it because She thought a poor man was asking for alms Because in the Love's hurry I've taken Father old jeans and blue shirt. If I were a boy. The poem The Hong Kong singer plays t microphone as a nuclear missile An archaeology of was and potential disaster She beyonces Her name is uncertain I knew it once though She voices China And it's true btw but I tell you when She took t mic up in the sky It was beyond comprehension I mean art ut pictura poesis but How much 5 thousand years in one Girl and her voice eternal Good for an amethyst record to be sent on Vega in the Lyre Well now the show is over & I don't think I'll ever see Will again Though She sings like Tatanka Yotanka's white horse forever. A man and his horse

A Roma a Gypsy you might say unwillingly though he’s as white as you white bread A genuine talent for horses and music for one thousand years long since Mongolindia He walks down the street dragging his horse after him like a priceless Child of Guesses Offspring to be cherished and loved and adored and looked after like a weeping Baby ‘Hey, hoe, hey’ he says easily to the horse as they return on the empty street I live on The two of them wait for something in this April afternoon in the nut-tree sheep street Other horse people top by the white star on the horse’s forehead of ebony mahogany In the street the horse is the centre of attraction and he understands humans behavior The man I know since ever is happy in his rough life with his newly summer zero haircut. The trickster Plays his own version of Guajira on some instrument mostly 2nd hand guitar In the street just asking for your little change a five USD would be perfect He is te trickster always asking you to do what he never tried or cared about I won't deny his poorness in spirit formostly for not going to work or study Always with the same stupid guitar and harmonica hanged on him Thinks he's that Bob Dylan artefact without Bob Dylan's ugly friends And I miss you is heard now on every club woofer in the world wide web A mooche always borrowing or asking for when not stealing this is the trickster Plays his own version of Guajira on some instrument mostly 2nd hand guitar. Last Girl She is the Last Girl in this homophilic world that destroys With her pure pomegranate cheek and natural red Mouth like the kiss of a stone breast with her pine long

Arms and piano hair and worked hands cooking and In the fields potatoes and corn mostly and some wheat And vegetables tomatoes and radishes and lost hope For a family in the dying world she vraiment is the last Girl of our age beautiful and ignored mocked & passed-at to She knows to sing and paint and drive and to Childbirth No one really wants this Empress too soft to delicate Like a poppy intense purple flower what is it for but beauty? Last Girl I She is the Last Girl in this homophilic world that destroys No one really wants her with Her pomegranate cheeks And natural red mouth like a mouth of kissing stone The pixy on the Danish shore awaiting for Her Love Forever forgotten forever dismayed unloved uncared for The last girl of our age like a protected mountain white owl With her long piano arms red from cooking and fielding Hands potatoes and corn and whet and rye and tomatoes She is an Earth spirit/ She knows the value of a seed. On Securitate. To Iuliu Maniu I tried for a lifehurt to grasp Securitate and I hit the power Always the argument of the clenched fist and baseballbat But now they prove themselves powerless and afraid The Mighty Mutts of our Age always drunk and beating

And cursing thanks God for corona that we see now Who’s in charge – God – and that’s all that there is about Them no thought no remorse no regret only alcohol And terror for 73 years now ought to wrap them up And for one time I will say I am not afraid of them. Two Eagles and a Guitarist Look two Eagles in flight above us in the Sky And a quirky Guitarist knowing all the 400# We forgot about Easter this year almost most Of us the Eagles and the Guitarist sing in Sky At the beginning of a tragic decade Jesus is The name again and his Beatitudes of bloodwine The wings are large covered with eyes and keys Good for the Seraphim to sing at as a Lyre + This words I'd wish most to send into space... The Vesper in 9 moves I am you Daystar you are me Vesper Decades separate us like brick walls We are in Sighet Morse signaling I-am-your-Love ; You-are-my-Love Now people shared our life for 2 months Once I wrote I am desperately in Love 8 years ago in 2012 that is a long time Now i'm jaded whatever that means I just wait for the moon to rise in 5 years. The martyr What's a martyr well my Father is a martyr More even than Stephanos the first martyr A master and a martyr of faith and blood So what's left of your B+24 Liberators now? The gnats of death buzzing over Bucharest Like in Jules Verne but so real and hard Like a life passed under the shadow of t bomb And here we are refugees among the simple And heretic that will won ever understand. 1 hour & 16 minutes to Simple Reason

I wrote ten really good lines and I feel like God again as in my youth I generated a poem that would last though I believe it’s Godsvoice One hour and sixteen minutes after I wrote it I reread with wonder As Dad used to read his published poems poetry is a Genesis true You take eight nervous cells and make a song of two stanzas Like a silent written rosary for Mother Mary at 6 in the morning I believe our brains like giant synaptic medusas or the torpedo fish Cutting and shortcircircuitting until brushed with melody by Salome. Ancient traditions and popular creations of Hațeg County. Dad's book

Maybe in 2006 2007 and read it about what i Heard was done in America in the year 1999 B back t I was a Nam guy I couldn't understand Now at 21 lightyears distance I myself say the Tale of the 13 martyrs and 2 abused victims t Guys that done it but now what catches t eye Is Rachel Joy and her Skipper Cassie Bernall I am convinced that in their bloodearned Skye They still wear sneekers and jeans yellow swshirts And kaki camouflage cashmeres angels in Nike Still reading everything worthwhile coming up Well that's the howl of America some Girls In Pocahontas tribe in Salem in Amherst Columbine And I wonder did Emily Dickinson wrote on it And what She who knew all flowers by heart. Backyard Ceremony. A Prayer

It's a book worked in more than 40 years of teaching And I suspect it was mixed about me by Dad like 'Lara' Book an intelligible expression of Love and it will take More than 200 years maybe 300 for the book to be Received in the human psyche Romanian and Universal Cosmic until the book will become part of humane soma Sir I think I know it is Another dictionary about me like in the Andrieș song and most of dad's poetry books Are about me Neantia Unlife of the world Heralds of silence A. 29th March 2020

She bothered me everytime from 2012 then married one 7 years later one day after mama's death memorial day She had a backyard ceremony because I don't know t half of it It seems i'm not of t woods yet never will be w her husband 2 I tried to help this Schumacher b it seems I couldn't never will As Kina says in her Memory I'd like to think t they'll be or try I know somethings about Rabindranath Tagore a man despise & I am not my Father LaHaye never was with all my imprfctnss So She married in Church of Christ and still kept her cribnotes.

Angels in sneekers Consecration I found Rachel's Tears at an antique bookstore

The consecration of your body must be willed It does not just happen you must search it for And it lasts a lifetime no matter what comes in Your life it is the most important thing in you I should say if you are not a poet don't bother Do what you are and something you are a ' A soul spit by God so why do you look for great? Be what you are but consecrate yourself to God As a basilica and really nothing else matters. +

Nobel or not vanity of vanities just a dynamite tycoon goldface And a potus of dollars but as Tracy Chapman sangwrote we Write for respect and compassion and posterity among fellow Human beings I believe posterity is more important t anyprize.

And now Alisa I believe you can find your way What else is to say planet will end when hit By a comet and there will be an endbeginning.

Epistle about mama She did Cry two times at the hospital looking at me like a swan over her bed and leaving saying that I will return tomorrow morning/ they called us from the hospital in the night but I couldn't face the truth + the funny thing is because mama always tried to find the jocund side of death when her Mother died She went to the Merry Cemetery here in Transsylvania that when I went to the chapel in the morning I just knew she is on the other side to Jesus... and Măicuța Domnului as she said and i calmed down a bit too much people say. I count/ 21+22 nov. 1947 ten minutes before midnight + 20+21 July 2011 fifteen minutes before midnight/ Did i writ fifteen or fiefteen? 20 martie 2020

Enrico Botinni


Didactic poem

History began in Mesopotamia with Sumer A kingdom of black heads came from North Then there was Akkad an empire and idiom Then there was Assyria with Ninive and Jonah Then Babilon then Medopersia then Macedonia To Indus then Rome then Lord Jesus Christ

Romanian poet laurate + Mircea Cartarescu is de verdad a gifted poet and that says all In an age where the only viable alternative and I mean it was Protocronism he was the most articulate with The Opening Movement after the Anemone Latzina and the guys K books I do not want to deny Protocronism as a Neolithical man I am I just want to state that he was in the other field and you cannot Say which was time which was space and together w Nedelciu He is certainly t most gifted new & industrious poet 1978+2000

With the EPoetry it is possible to write more and perhaps better You read more poets and inaccessible before even t news got E So we must realize that we are in a realm very serious and take It as such write serious read publish be read and that’s it the Poems will remain like a glacier cut mountain witnessing myth. Flowergirl

Plays some guitar electric as her long hair Making her look like a Galaxy as in a poem From Argentina She is the Flowergirl with Hair full of pollen and indigo bumble+bees

Is what I write for in this Goodlands named Great Romania + We all liten to her song but there's something More much More a Nora Lam Motherly Cry As if Flowergirl is bearing the world in her eyes Because Soul is all that we are not stardust. Forgiveness progression

to God1234

And we will get it again mark my word only that if you peasant' Work that blasted land your forefathers died for again and again Go with the sheep to Thessalia do what it's expected of you work And mangy as you may be your head will b full of gold princess. I'd give you a flower

This is no story my ancestors on both sides were used to use abuse imprison & execute innocent people Well that’s gonna change better than execution forgiveness and when we do it we’ll call U tell U why It may be a total failure in the beginning but step by step stone by stone fail by fail it will engulf you all Our forgiveness and this is the Emperors’ Way I too wanna be painted in Orthodox walls with my family After all my forefathers liberated primary church fought for Christ and died as martyrs for him at 12 Well I guess I wrote my verses so now a little bit of background from my parents I am from St. Helena And from my Mom I am from Jeanne d’Arc a Polignac the produit of a 7th century marianic shrine and Myself and Mom’s revelation should be researched very seriously by Vatican instead of White pigeons. Goodlands

Until the Tesla engine gets Agro you can forget about tractors The bull ploughing like my writing + everyday } until a sudden Death and leaving your fully restored land to your family this

I'd give you a flower but flowers not pure enough And no diamond or crystal is true light for you So I am giving you the spring of my spirit With its waters of my chestnut eyes Like the quietude of a river of amber Still like a lake of lead These are my flowers these are my amethysts On them you may walk like Christ. Ill People

A sane person will never understand the ill one Especially a family member always embarrassed And hiding the past with the care he should help So there are many ups and downs in your ill life And you don't know what is worse hospital or home You just have to resist forsaken by all like Jesus All the sane people have is their pride and orgulho But it does not matter son you have to accept them It's part of your somatic energy your illnes life Love. In Love with a brain

12 years had passed since I'm in love with a brain As big a Calcutta Berlin London and St. Petersburg altogether I would talk as God if i'd describe Her with her quick sinapses of sage I knew then this Girl is going to harness my brainlessness Wilt guide me stalker me like a wise Bible I never read thouroughly Through and to so I wait for her to come like a Star As if I am one of the Magi in love with Her Too much pearl in that gene pool Jerome would say and walk away.

Must live for something I fall into myself like Angel in Latin America never seeming to find Equilibrium like in the old years I write and read and write and read look at a flowerphoto Or a quaint poet & sleep my inward life fool of dreams & repose after another poetic drill. Mocking the Sacred Body My Heart is a trampled rose by the feet of tanks And vanity a black rose one of kind breathing blood Day after day year after year decade after decade And war is no heroism but murder like my family We got accostumed to murder and be killed so We continue 75 years since the war is over over Nobody really cares not ranchers not city people And i am not a horse but a rose blak + in its jaws

Inward life

to Mr. Steven Sassmann Poet of Truth & Math I sleep the sleep of the Byzantine Empire full of prayers and mujaheddins of Vlaherne sons I pray and never finish to the Adormition to the Apparition to the Miracle to Love Mary In my inward life I am Constantinople the city of Religious Freedom of blessednessness Monks pass by me and shut up piously have you remembered the angel came again? Edicule is now holy a Greek temple again and I am a Joan of Arc Cassandra preaching And not quite getting God in my hand the city is esprit by the Moon of my dark eyes For a centuries the Greeks prayed to Jesus and Mary here for another Ottomans 2 God It was a Turkish Convivencia & even m forefather Constantin Brâncoveanu died for Gold Like I die for the quietude I gather inside like a Mother or like a honey worker bee but one

But my letter and algebra covered petals rise day By the moment only to be crushed and dashed again The next second I am a rose as big as mama s room .You cannot enter too much if you are wise Father. Musical Auditions

As a Child my Father never brought me no instrument but taught me symphony At the radio or tape or vinyls we made musical auditions as he called them & Maybe this is my craft to just listen to the music and be transported by it somewheres Like a heresy or a dogma of art and woman’s beauty like Love unrequitted always Because of social taboos and family but for God to continue we need Love So just lie in wait in this mudddy Verdun for the remaining years to pass so we Can take our Girl and just Love her like a porcelain Lass mama used to receive From pupils and maybe my Love is like caolin like myself a bit Mongolian but Christian devout virtuous sage wise and maybe I know why it’s Love do you boy?


In silence alone unvisited unloved not angry just sad like Tatanka Yotanka. 29th of March 2020

Did you say A truth I can’t describe in your eyes? I am sorry it’s just me Like in nanophotography I use microscopes lenses to see inner+reality The portrait of the soul like in iconography based on the miscellanea Of a few biographical facts old saint or young martyr I look for details

Did he have a staff or a book in hand bearded or nezer buried or lifted up To God and like Sylvia Plath I keep arriving to him the giant submarine Carrying debris and prophets like a kangaroo carries her youngling pup And the discovery arrives that there’s a lot of maternity in God it must be. The Labouring Old

The Peasant Poet

to Mirko Virius’ I am not a poet I am a peasant My laptop is a ploughing tractor My Internet connection gasoline I cultivate the brains of people I plough and spade their hearts In the winter I stay w/ my letters In their rememberance yearly They do not speak to me considering My poetry my autism my simple Genius of the brown wheat field Of their sad eyes in the unconscious Wind I am rich I have all these Golden hearts to tend to like Young Hans the flowerman Sacrificing himself for a higher power...

For my Father the Orphic Poet God left him alone with anow 38 Autistic Child that cannot help much Nobody helps him and he gets older and older a tragic fact of Life It’s not that he hasn’t have any offspring b/t fly like Creangă bumbles A war victim too biggest war victim i ever knew a ww2 infant + ’ My mama went out and died young like all her saintly forefathers 63 The number of poems in Poesii 21 XII 1883 nevermind it’s a teacher’s Thing but my Father lives his labour alone like an AIDS person or a Leper psalmist Love won’t help and ithurts and my brothers are away Seems like forever in their perfect lives but that’s their destiny too Maybe this way digne he saves himself by caring and pardoning Decius And Negro Jim like an old school Emperor or philosopher He works

I hope that one poem one rune Will bloom into an unknown heart So that mansoul can continue. The Poet

Lives for the characters of the Latin alphabet For the vowels and sounds contained in it For the poetry of unknown people in distant centuries Yet after a life long strife a tombbook of poems It’s all that’s left here The poet might save himself in other sphere The three spheres that form the Circle And Poet still. The Stream

A stream engulfs our world like Ireland Iceland Groenland To pass it you have to walk on the mountains of water We are a pair of locusts sitting by this written leaf + Freedom is a Gift not a self help realization I think I made Antarctica more clearly no I must take medicine So I will end soon it was an honor to be contemporary Though I recommend to carefully read the Biblia for the Flight we all have a cold stream to pass and pass it we shall I want to see you again young and happy and saved. Unworthiness God I feel unworthy before you and men A sinner and don’t know how shall come to you In what tearsome state with what eyes words? What shall I tell you in the reckoning day I only pray ever since my first word mercy I don’t deserve to become heaven but made for me O please save us for your perfection Amen. Vintage

Even this letters have the mark Vintage like they are obsolete good for nothing maimed Latin though Honestly I recognize three writs Fatherly Hebrew homemade Greek and perfect Latin the cross play INRI + as for all **** selling things like silver coins greedy stamps or unearned military decorations Let them be they’re Herod’s and to Herod they will go with all their vintage life in a real Inferno. YouTube Turntables Recorded Music

There are some music buffs on the internet that record quality vinyls That’s all that they do just play music as in the old days at dancehalls And looking at that record plugging around you see them the old now Dancing softly in the Golden Age getting to know each other and now Marrying at the end of highschool or college a more wise era it was To take price in a Woman or a Child to never leave or not love yea That was the ideal and the world and I do not want to rewrite Epigonii The beauty of the past which as Kate McLaughlin writes Could be again…

to Bunyan 20 52 Internet chokes in it there are vintage guitars photocameras matchboxes purses jewelry and books And all good for nothing for instance a Praktica on film without objective or an English manual 1953 But it has the stamp Vintage so they let them go like a at chordless piano on the road for some snubs Who made garbage selling a business everything without use or point gets muffled there for commerce

Lots of things happened in just a few minutes But i am here at 20 50 waiting for the pills Psychiatry is indeed a most noble thing I felt alone like the Everest and was praying And wisdom came to me in my darkness In the person of an old friend my teacher I'll always be grateful for the directon and I hope Evangelist will not reject me grace.

26 to 38

I made 38 years old yesterday and age seems improbable I don't know how time has passed since 26 w I fell in Love But maybe She was the one that kept me in this poetic Avalon In which I lived like a sufi alone alone alone like a Grail knight My feeling today was one of contentment I am 38 and dad lives As for the Lynyrd Skynyrd poet I din't find Love I found Ute so I wait for time to pass & the mustard seed to grow like Nabucco Here in the noisy village & another aion will over me probably I grasp Scripture each day like Meister Eckhart a Loveheretic.

Offspring to be cherished and loved and adored and looked after like a weeping Baby ‘Hey, hoe, hey’ he says easily to the horse as they return on the empty street I live on The two of them wait for something in this April afternoon in the nut-tree sheep street Other horse people top by the white star on the horse’s forehead of ebony mahogany In the street the horse is the centre of attraction and he understands humans behavior The man I know since ever is happy in his rough life with his newly summer zero haircut. A man of Fortune 1. A gentleman carbonare a father and a real church patron 2. A soft Child aging made serious of an impenetrable smile 3. A man of Love and Faith and Hope creed of moneygiving 4. Cartouche breed bornagain his beautiful Girl threatens

A benigne Cancer A benigne Cancer like new testament something like a silent good woman The soul alone in phenomenology and poetry general public + a marriage Wished a rememberance of Virius or some great painter a mother's voice A brain alone in her body frocked with the printed leaves of the Holy Bible

5. Him and the tribe of Faithful She wiser and no good Rev. 6. If only God would end with that rackus principe Haman 7. Only wisdom not to be bought doesn't get t Glacier Rise 8. Does not check the opinion of people and knows t book. A man of Love

A civilized protest to Terra's History a ferment to the Spirit of Christmas Next An angel smiling to unkown you trying to lift you up in an unknown icon The genius of a gentle continent pointed with a soft hand in the Hyde Park An unknown Blak from the Byzantine city a Clan in a filmed poem - spoken. A man and his horse

As a Child I used to go next his church everyday On my way alone to Kindergarden but I while looking At it everytime as to the other old big houses there With Greek gods sculpted above the tall empty gate

A Roma a Gypsy you might say unwillingly though he’s as white as you white bread A genuine talent for horses and music for one thousand years long since Mongolindia He walks down the street dragging his horse after him like a priceless Child of Guesses

After sixteen years we would meet again and be friends He died too soon praying and listening to religious He gave hope to the beat when every feeling is gone

A good pastor a working class pastor reading verse. A Peculiar thing about People. Reclusive Thoughts

Of how much my sensibility developed in this medium Hostile to everything even true Life poetry keeps me. A touch of green. For Eli

All people could profess Christendom yet they understand one Thing about what they say Christianity in Jesus is what keeps U What made most every thing we see today good most of all And they do not understand that the forsakers die as is writ Sooner or later & the ones that remain after t need God to go on Unfaithfulness in Jesus Christ does not bring death but it is death Through the commonly accepted now everyday vices and habit That bring mad thoughts to the perculating mind and a life lost Like that totalitarist Christianity of Solaris and other left movies Or books and like Juda's they know not what they do or say They are about unvisited priests and pride and bad acting They are the buyers & the sellers of human soul for lack of faith.

I look in God's eyes and i see a touch of green just like My Chichi i think i love him but forget about it it's grace And now i grasp that a suffering Child brings more So my notion if we are humans is who will he wed? Because we're all after the same as Collins says The refuse shall be refused i mean just look at me And maybe there will be a cure until then there's a Hope - Paradise given freely to this genius of pain And the teaching is God puts no conditions to Eli. A Woman's power

A Woman's power is the power of her mind She has no big muscles to show off like the Zoo No big teeth no horns of ivory She is just Her And She has to Mother from the Genesis

A psychedelic poetic deal

I ended up in psychiatry because I prayed for it I wanted to be addicted medicines but knew not The extent to which I would subject myself or Social leprosy but now after 19 years looking back I see it was a real psychedelic poetic deal together With the hurt and aloneness only God has a notion

You have to believe shuch Grace unrequitted What will the eternal Judgement of such be? God knows yet i think it will be gentle as ashes The world is a most grievous place to be Son. A world of losers Just because you think you are better than me Doesn't mean you actually are and I too just Because I was taught to think I am a loser Doesn't necesarrily mean I am we all the same Compost that created the cosmos so it's no use To feel superior or inferior all rivers merge into One sea and there is a conclusion: humility

And good thoughts for the Men to come after us. An insular hero A card photograph came in the paper An unknown deep forehead blacktone A man of a Lost century a road walker A wife three to one and 15 book/week Dead because a Stupid American lyric We now Emma gets suspicious again From seventy-eight to seventeen dead A man a face a book three Children The American Boy is now away but We think of the end of e x i s t e n c e Here with the black rats and black Plagues sending us to Better Lives! Aniston's personal life Aniston's personal life is no one's business but Her own Though we can learn something out of all her tragedy Two boyfriends and two husbands and now it's all done The first two in the 90s-00s and the second pair in the 10s

Held by those mobsters that arrange even Marriages – temporal or not – and some Innocent some less but anyway She has No Kids to let the 200 million $ after death When television channels are own by Mafia And all those weird marriages and content One cannot but conclude that there's wrong Not to mention now they're to White House Yet of course it wasn't all Mafia and still isn't It's like martyrs and thieves over there all Grouped up the police and the antipolice And they all make movies for soul fighting. Assuming of guilt When one not know truth on himself Must confess occuring mistakes + More than a juridic book notion m A way of living in the sinning corpse This dialectic cleanses the mansoul And gives it the purity of a mountainbrook With field-flowers and leaves getting yellow in it Assuming of guilt a basebuild philosophy. Autism

I believe they left because they thought it's easy to find other And obviously it wasn't so that what was it and only God knows How She feels today I mean why a beautiful genius was so Mistreated by Life I don't grasp except a bit of self-assurance.

I am autistic and for quite a while I realize is no coat of arms But a health issue so I must take care of myself and let others do it too For me it is no tragedy to be institutionalized for a little while Regading the performant treatments and therapy they do on you

Aniston’s personal life. Part 2 Motto: When everything is selleble I am a policeman and I am on a trace Because I do not have much space I’ll Just say that Aniston never had a personal She like all Holywood moves on strings

So definitely I will return to the hospital if God allows with a stack of Bibles This is my life I am ill I need help so that's it I need help And the love of an entire hospital and my beloved Girl You don't like the hospital? you don't like yourself. Autumn dandelions

There is an isolated Autumn light yellow dandelion flower A branch that survived and adapted and still lost in the Last Glaciation I’ve discovered these late days or remeberance Of Childhood as holy frescoes are the memory of the sacred They lighten the day alone in the calm vegetation ignored By the public like those stubborn late Artists prophets of history The old remember better days foolish as they were then And in Christmas when no flower survives snow heart blossoms. Awaking

Awaking in the morning is a disappointment for me After in my sleeps I thought I ended with the temporal An uneasy absurd feeling of resuscitation invades And I know I have to rise after a welcome minor death I'd prefer to sleep forever or forever write in sleep Even light can become darkness if it is indiferent To the poor bird in her nest getting her night to rent But my strongest dislike is this life that I must keep. Beware of Friends Beware of Friends my Childe They your soul would steal Beware of brothers and sisters Too soon enemies for fortunes Beware of yourself one of your worst Beware of God always seeing and perceiving

Most of them beware of him the unfinitude spirit Love your Mother and Father more than anything for them you are. Bleeding Heart A Girl of Glee A Galilee Breast of Smile Silent Chile She in Love Thunder Jove Never unbrace’d Never wed. Breath into conscience She wanted to be Loved so I gave her the key! Then stopped then after realizing we won't birth Again in Love b t village people are way to crazy Furthermore i do not know If She were here But no nasty webside and then the rhinocesaurs Started to blur the silence from the wilderness The village lost His peace everybody suffers I listen to t prayer and walk after my master! Christian Collective Psychosis Syndrome To Alfred Adler There is something that I encountered and discovered as a grotesque family psychoses In the Christian realm in the bornagain churches where my priests & mother wished not Give me consisting of debasing on the other of the new the stranger on no other reason T being different fr. another church & plain poor orthodox in my case & this made coded so You perceive it and identify it years or decades after when it is too late to repair anything And this affects even the pastors not only the ones that you induce as strangers to service Even your friends or girl friends and the reason is the bubble in which they live and hate To which their fathers teach and a false sense of superiority they have on you & your thus

Inflicted named debasement in my case it was when a churchgurl named me h o l i n e s s And her fellow from the end of the youth hall called back a n d m a r r i a g e well I should have Left then and there sixteen years ago but did not understand and even the good pastor Left me by the side of the road so that’s it my answer to Jesus psychosis is psychotherapy. Compaq Regarding to cars there seem as many options as white clients But on the showboard offers I see many compaq testimonials Actually are so many compaqs seems many drivers led to trade Or I am just exaggerating but I think 1 year Sony T fabricated I am sure t Walkman Walrus will be presented as Man's victory W opium cold drinks at t Metaxa Club & sustained applauses Tesla and Sony will be reseen after the Red Compaq manifesto & Judges will weigh t gravity of Compaq/ trucks in raw-traffic.

With her medieval castle brain princess with her will Abandoned ‘n her thoughts forever You are not lost baby just misplaced. Dialogue with a Patient Don’t you want to read a New Testament? I have a New Testament it is a book that You practise not read. Diamond Heart Diamond Heart Beautiful Hart Sacred together Never apart I believe That you live Your heart's blood Sees me old. Dryads Singing Can you hear the Dryads singing in the wild? Like Nightingales or Women who come from Hard work do you feel their tiresomeness and Want for repose and Love can you hear the


Delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete Delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete Delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete delete. Devotion There’s nothing like a Woman’s devotion With eyes burning amber & you believe Man is the more nothing else – submit To the majesty of your belover again A devotion so real She posseses you

Singing? it's all around us look beyond a star Died just to make you smile this is how beautiful You are and the old sit by their windows and Think of better days w/ they were held by Mothers. Epistle to a Young Portuguese Woman

I went in the field today with my family It was dusty and soon becoming a desert As i have reported before and on the way Towards our house i did what i always Wanted showed him your home place One hundred years ago and covered with The Autumn Grass and dad remarked It was a chilly grove in the field's sun

And what i thought it was a blessing To You and your Ancestors that it was A beautiful place of recollected thoughts After the Nut-trees before t Winter Hay.

By and all the castles and palace Mingle&dance by mom's dome.


Do you know this Childish feeling when you unexplainable endear Attracted by some pose or virtue fallen in strange treat with hurt And then t Child ignorantly concludes t is mankind unconfessed Everywhere you turn the same orgueil hurts the innocent in Love And then t old thought awaits again of a better world somewhere This nostalgia is an aprioric hidden notion a place of icons Loving Where the general psychopathy will be healed & pridefree silent! Thus appeared the Ascension experiences to a better soulnspirit In a blakeian world brain alone the night or day unnoticed death Leaving all sin dead after him t poet ascends to t granite temples Living t life he chosed at ten he is not startled by t white waistcoat Even Death comes closer like a Childhood friend smiling smiling.

to the dead, unwed! I am puzzled by fire paralyzed like a wild wolf glancing it's vainess If it came to me wouln't now what to do try to quench it or call 112 I also fright electricity and railway-stations lost in the darkness After the speed-train leaves huffing and I am very afraid of t weak Everything in t shadow side of life if I met a Persian I think I'd lose And very afraid of Love because Women do not know to take you By the neck and pull you on the watchful alley I am no leader ! And I am afraid of God I consider it to be the ultimate polygraph. First perception of absud Until the age two years old I didn't love mother Father but mother was happy did not care I took mother for a fool yet She was t engine Of we us and I loved only dad for his poetry Of rough kisses but that lasted until 2 old When I noticed the family war behind door And then God gave me conscience & heart And it is with what i live do you know this? Friendlessness The time is to pray in bed But I never spoke to a soul yet And so this inertia counts It is like I begin a millennium Again full of sad friendlessness And make believe at the foot Of icons and the village floats

General psychopathy

Going to Heaven If you go to Heaven when your life ends Only then you won until then it's just the Vanity of this life and possibly others not Soul saving On the other hand when you learn a hard Lesson there is another one and another One before you so you are never prepared For dying. Meaningless talk For years now I sit in my room and phonecall Family or friends revolted at my meaningless Talk and I remember of another times when We were Kids and stayed all day long outside Talking and laughing we were happy as that CC Catch song says but nowadays people

Have forgot the value of a friend or a man I wonder when I will go up to heaven what then? Hamsters We live like hamsters for two months cooped up In our houses we begin to develop ratlike behavior We get angry sooner and start to be able to love lesser We are hamsters on hamsterplanet and that's it We are isolated and at th behest of our foolish minds Hamster men like in a Pink Floyd postmodern gospel Or a John Updike’s dystopian novel Run Rabbit Run If this continues we will die and change in psyche. The singing Reed She is the only singing Reed in the World Beautiful and Lean growing in Nightlight She sings with the Latin music of t eyes Conquering you and purest ensloving A Light of old basilicas and hymnals A prayer’s Melody givng high smiles You will never Leave the Night’sSpring Captive in her bow Eyes weep gracely. Pink master I am ruled by a brain Pink to Red I am in Love you might say really I've met my brain and never sad no My brain's Lobes are two pink Breasts And a Child or Two to feed Sometimes When loving People think of Chiles And a Child is made for Eternity you know They are Born from Red meat w Bible in Mouth Any woman's Womb is as Red as Vietnam flag In the Earth's heralded Cooling we freeze to Love As the Little Matchbox Girl in her Separee wall People need Kisses to Shut down their Mouth I have discovered a Pink star tonight & t Name So beautiful as a Mother's Grief and her Pilgrimage...

The bait I am God's bait for his all greens vineyard I sleep in the frozen black big iced grapes Practising the teaching before birth in Mom We're all kinds of baits maybe for hate/Love Man captured snake at nights made for hurt The big icon awaits for our last day of Love When dead angels we will kiss t Light 2gether Tell me my Woman where do you herd Ur ox In what sea do you see yourself in my sight If my hand was a Fish would you eat it Love? He was a Man of Science

He was a man of science unwilling to understand The importance of a poem or another just 'real' Realm and this is why I suffered like Dante He was a man of knowledge and calculus Behaving as a beast of the Aztecs or Pol Pot And the people say Whatever and go get lunch My soul was sold and killed there in Collegium A minor matter I think not I was so mutilated Even now I shudder thinking of those monsters. Humane condition Humane condition asks for innerhumbleness Elton John is dirt someone else is mirt We all desist in the same compost rebukable The Church has all the 88 keys on it Sin and virtue and in between The Pharisee and the madlene It's not to wondrous to be humane And you won't be appreciated for it ever Until God no change only for worse in the world. I am a mandolin I am a mandolin Alone in darkness I exist for the music of the past My strings vibrate in the frost I silence And afraid

I desire for meaning but it is denied But i know i come from flowers Like any lime is just a big flower What God can build this dream?

For biological development because We cannot beat the cosmos again I think.

*** I believe that being a swan means to know to cross your brow.

There was a mighty Knight With a Lesbian heart Down Down Down Downe

I got to try to keep my brain up

He had the Finn's Love destiny Mary Jane in Glee Down Down Down Downe

I was a Child you might say and then reeducated by OlderYouth So got the habit to put my head down perpetual & learn frown So my brain not breathe for twenty-five years God knows why And learnt from a big forehead poet woman we gotta do this Not in hopehop arrogance but with the casualness of Child age To rise like a dandelion and breath threesome before migration.

Knight Rachel

First came Sister Death Around his bridal bed Down Down Down Downe Then after a Life came Miss Life And took him for her Wife. Kiss kiss kiss kisst. Last Girl I

They say Love is just once And just one and it must be true If anybody sees my baby tell Her tell her that I am home...

She is the Last Girl in this homophilic world that destroys No one really wants her with Her pomegranate cheeks And natural red mouth like a mouth of kissing stone The pixy on the Danish shore awaiting for Her Love Forever forgotten forever dismayed unloved uncared for The last girl of our age like a protected mountain white owl With her long piano arms red from cooking and fielding Hands potatoes and corn and whet and rye and tomatoes She is an Earth spirit/ She knows the value of a seed.

It stinks

Last Girl

What can I tell you my son is that it stinks No matter how you approach it and you Become an it while during so beware and Don’t do it because it’s like eating dung

She is the Last Girl in this homophilic world that destroys With her pure pomegranate cheek and natural red Mouth like the kiss of a stone breast with her pine long

I've got to the End of my Life I've got to the end of my life Now I'm putting the dot and Start drawing the flowers Model - I am individuated If I only can square things With her family I know what My life is about I knew then When I was writing contrite

Humankind has got to evolve so educate Yourself in this A spirit and find new paths

Arms and piano hair and worked hands cooking and In the fields potatoes and corn mostly and some wheat And vegetables tomatoes and radishes and lost hope For a family in the dying world she vraiment is the last Girl of our age beautiful and ignored mocked & passed-at to She knows to sing and paint and drive and to Childbirth No one really wants this Empress too soft to delicate Like a poppy intense purple flower what is it for but beauty?

After all this time She loves me She loves me but only on her own I see now my mistake and i would mend it And no longer be a Montague but She won't relent It's too late I believe but I would mend my mistake No matter what but what can it be done? Love So this is Love There are more important things Like birth or a poem. Masonry

Loneliness end Do you remarble the day of your soaring youth flying through the sky Now when you are alone and alone seem to forver be until death? Do you remember when the sky was a kissing friend and road a pen For your poetry carnets where did it all go why do you feel so old All of a sudden is it because you’re 38 or because you’re ill and poor The latter I think I was born old for some but it doesn’t matter I Have accepted everything and just wait for my untimely departure For once for good for heaven to be with somebody & loneliness end. Love out Revenge. A Tragedy I was maybe nine and She was seven And I was really bleak with life objectively So She came and She was beautiful And we kissed under the table This was the tragedy of my life Until today because I realize She loves me Still more than anything you know? She was Italian and I broke a taboo Now we're both married I think But She still loves me what a Girl

I finally grasp at it: masonry – money and splendour We are all asked what you want to be Childe? But very few become what they intended do they? No matter how garnet your verse be you won’t be A poet until you die because you’re not a mason Well that’s the world and no use to want it Better keep your soul and fight for every poem And give masonry a new world is emerging theme. Masonry

I finally grasp at it: masonry – money and splendour We are all asked what you want to be Childe? But very few become what they intended do they? No matter how garnet your verse be you won’t be A poet until you die because you’re not a mason Well that’s the world and no use to want it Better keep your soul and fight for every poem And give masonry a new world is emerging theme

From a time and distance I think masons not bad They are some past quijotesque Romantic heroes Dreaming of Camelot and Charlemagne and old Ideas a notionof the Occident as one and truth. Memory. To CPC to Dr. Zhivago the Dead Innocent I first awoke at 00.00 & in my dream it seemed I fell asleep under my Laptop Then I had a thought and wanted search a video about Karl Marx the philosopher I don’t lie to you Jerry I was terrified but at that moment I was Miss Stewart P&P Then Karl Marx with his Andersenian the-neverof-it and the vision became Memory And I wanted to post it underneath the wikipedia page of that Karl Marx Buddha In which Kina explains softly her dream that was what was I touched Another realm another World an other reality I read 8 on the phone to a friend before bed It all started with At scary but then the dream structure fell more and more soothing And I believe now Aphex Twin and Karl Marx are one in my painly awakening.

On Falling in Love Unexpectedly. An Unloved Poor Girl {} It was one of t Videos t I came across noticing Her beauty She had the face of a Queen but I don't know the Outcome Because something Happened that turned to Compassion I think the Guy that made the Video a real Idiot really She was just a poor Girl trying to Make ends Meet I'll never forget Her everything became so Deep It's a Shame what Happens around Terra for millennia I only was There because I Checked my Infection

Millennial farmer

But really this Girl brought me to Tears like the Prayer God I thank You for not Making me a Goim or a Woman! Now the World really Fights and Mockes me Still thinking But I remain Trampled as I am as this Unloved Poor.

to A Carpenter God

On Jesus

I need work everyday maybe to cut the emotional ties to the online world And work for me and my father because it’s all that matters to survive So I’ll do what everybody does and won’t care for an indifferent world All day all night a world that won’t even speak or be thankful for t care

We know that Jesus is Love absolute Otherwise it would be unknowable t Divinity's reaction to the Chosen people His and his traitors and sedition killers

And I will make the conscience leap that online or offline just as alone So I will get of my bed and mend something around the house work And connect with other centuries and millennia & write no book Instead remember of my past to the craft I do and take solstice upon.

And anyway the Mosaism so far after Jesus Are they damned aren't they who knows I like to believe that Jesus made a cleansing Of all the world but I don't know what will say. On madness of Love

My dad taught me years ago one thing That most people are crazy coz not Love Hate even but others he answered so Because they Love mama found dad smart I've seen promised land and I can confess All citizens there are stoned cold madmen Right now I stop Earth sexuality supply And I feel useless maybe a prayer or two. On not having friends

Not having friends is not as bad as it may seem You don't have to bother with weddings et caetera You have all the time to concentrate on your goals Not yourself and the one who doesn't like you Doesn't deserve you the old folklore saying is It's cool not to have friends no leaches around And pretty soon everybody will be like me like Job So why bother when God's justice is the best? On not having friends I plead yesno superficialities.

But I have another view Jesus said in Luke 21 that the end will be When the cosmos will fall apart maybe billions of billions of years From then then will the end of the world be when the wheel of life Will break but that doesn’t mean we are excused from suffering So when the end be we 2019 will already be dead and gone up And billions of years of people will live after us with their own dreams. On Twentieth Century English Poetry

It's a wonder that quality English poetry exists With all the larger than life vulnerable names On the blackboard women poets dying young Togheter with the Ship of the West it's so sad Yet this were my teachers some still alive n old They have a Hero dimenson these womenpoets Going where no man would go and living tough I think about them & it's enough for me still

On the Acre of land Song

In my opinion if you wouldn't work the Lan Better not sing the song bcoz it won't work What else is to say stay real do what you know Regards it is a good thing to do pray and work And then you'll hear yourself chirruping more Than Emin of our own folklore of which you'll be Part of it all thet care is what you do potatos or Needlework that's all there is only after these Comes art which must be free careless boyhood. On the End of the World

Ever since Jesus proclaimed it the end of the world was soon coming In _our_ century century after century winter after each Christmas

Orating for them in these Bleak Wind of Being They seem like Anscience Apostles going barefoot In the World like the camelites yet God did not Forgive like he did with me again and now everytime! Parallel Lives My Grandmother Annie was born three days from now on 11th of May And She was left in the 50s with a stolen Child She was a peasant, janitor, and marmalade factory worker they Put her in the union of woman workers – never remarried I too share her lonely destiny I am 38 to 45 now Annie’s death year

And just lie in wait for my departure for a better world Like a certain place to run to when it gets too hard Run from the world even if the destination is a holy tomb.

Construction and conception And all the hard materials. Pop culture People should really stop with the pop culture Because it's making everybody really miserable

Poem written on an Ancient Painting Always a prince and cinders always a plot and Drama and all the hope in the world - for money. I said to my Love You are Foolish And the Sky was Cheese above me After Easter even the Sheep Loves Only my Lamb is so apart from we I write this here coz i'll know you Read The expression of my Love still unrequitted Not by You but by the Stars beyond A Love that is Tended not Permitted. Poetic Lifestyle Many people especially the young but old also Get fascinated not with poetry but with one Minor trait of a poet or another and so they Do not love the poems for themselves but for The vice or virtue of the writer well it is wrong! This is not the meaning of poetry but just be Like a sewing machine or a Mother portrait No matter how dead and eternal they are With gold organs inside them and amber eyes Dark as the brain of Nikolaus Lenau or a stone A special stone a diamond not but opal or Graphite something to draw or write better to write.

Psychosexuality Temporary craze appears when there’s illconduct concerning this matters and at any age No one is excused so we try to settle with the second best and pray like the Gattoparda A brain on the loose is hard to be unplucked from the Galilean Sea heed not the age They may say sex feeds the heart and counseling might get to not decide agitated We are not Ghosts for Clay or Actors b alas people die leaving behind untouched food What I am now is to take my own decision and to choose well I do not want ill Children The song is Sag mir wo de Blumen sind in an unperfect frame a watercolor under What written real with pencils on the chessboard God I don’t know what to do! Radar

I have a radar heart mindfeeling the superficialities Of the deep for instance now my mind ponders the Unsung psalm and its meaning and nonmeanings I reached some conclusions but they are hard to

Poetry is more like Watercolour Poetry is more like watercolour Like Paul Klee and Joan Miro Mirko Virius and all Children Is like confessive glasspaint Instead prose is more like Sculpture with more vision and

Communicate for instance the value of a psalm Or the innerlife of a choir or that critique fear As if it is important when we all know the saying But more important my future is afraid of the USA

And to return to the psalm it's even more troublesome A soul going into the depths and all for a vicious kiss It's funny that a charitable person gets so neglectful With her soul well that's lack of wisdom & it shouldn't A friendly damned though humble personable to be Cherished as anybody I believe I don't know what The ending will be but I believe God is preoccupied More with these things humble meekness before sin. Rebound

I drift every two days from the compass And i have to look out for the Southern Cross and get back on my Love course Rebound to it like to an eternal mountain I sleep every night and dream other worlds I wish not leave in the morning but what is man? Love and dream unite in me in Lovedream Perpetual like martyrdom but Who cares? Retrospections More than half of the past aion I lost looking after the star But stars do not love baby so I’m here on my way again The first thing I’ll do is silence then after sleep work here Clean my observatory and replace my lenses with soul I should be sad may think but life is impersonal and wild Sadness is but to the heart I will work and not clinge to wise I don’t think I am defeated I am defeated like doctors are

Or preachers I will stay with God somewehere & wait timepass. Ridiculous People

Always with Mr. Right always with the right money In the right place with the right car and car keys Such an ignobility such an unLove and yet it's the norm And Kids come along most unwanted hungry And society eats itself on the weaker ones for pay Such a ridiculous world such ridiculous people And if you do not check all the items a stern disagree And unbelief of most everybody in their pettiness. Rocknroll

What is Rocknroll? I thought it was The rocking of the slave ship in chains But something got lost through the Static or on the way it's Jesus When I see how the church ship Rocknroll got deployed I am saddened For humanity but maybe we can get back To the origin of Mothernroll and saved. Romanticism They practise t poetry of adultery for XIXs now Geniuses bards fascinating women druids old They find poetry in squelaor and compassion Blessed by the critic public so clean cut strong A new Scritube for a different kind of beauty So fashionable ascending in t young night pubs They write Loved English Error Erebus & Terror The truth of the new and posterity Ganonica

Loved by the idle Queens a some sort of crazy aesthetics Even dead they gleam in their plastic dresses From Lewis Caroll to C. S. Lewis - Wordsworth They lived for t evanescescent Lass folklore writ.

And it's just that in Sky we enter in trials So why weep Poet when you have the time To Love no matter what and who wants A wedding band after all except Love? She left at a beginning of Autumn

Rose Heart I got to the burning point of the Rose Heart I don't know where I got wrong when Mother Died maybe but I don't think I wrong all in all I just loved and the years passed with wait

She left at a beginning of Autumn Leaving me bereft & heaven hoping She left in the first day of Darkness When the West Wind returns home

And calamities with refusal and silence and All the money and meat with cabbage in t World loneliness became my second nature The silence of a girl became of t universe

I remained alone in the light tower And now there'll be no Fran no Fred To come and visit or even remember Tragedies are common like t Gospel

No one really helps me in my sadness you know? I can see now where the surplus is and why I am a martyr the girl too and the rest won't Get to the vineyard so far I don't care how godly.

She returned on the same Day Season Crying for her poor lost little Lamb A Woman’s thoughts are heavenly So I just writ down the pass for Life.


Sine francmasonorum nihil Veritas deus mundi non poeta sine qua non masonus Lamentabilis perpetua furor Semper sestertius accedit Mundo falsum est Misercordia miserere mei tua deus Orbus malus Oratoris orant. Secret Love

After ages past I love her again in secret In secret even from herself I don't want Even her know again about my Love I'll just keep it to myself and this pages

Social Behavior Populations Study to the Matchbox Girl I believe in God but at times I act differently like I really don’t Maybe my schyzofrenia cuts deeper than even I can imagine Once I answered a psychological test of over 100 questions & it’s strange t I deal with ideas & words yet can’t know truth Today world is more civilized so I should be grateful to light Like the cross is a stained-glass but of what colour you know? Social Behavior Populations Study are not understood now We know we will know what’s in mind of man eating a flower! Society cold & God’s suspect refusal

I just reread The little Girl with Matches And I saw myself as in my Childhood

Alone unloved unwanted hated despised Mocked and laughed at suffering you know?

I say never underestimate a prayer and there’s More – it’s like God avoids me like anyone else Because he knows he will have some answers To give so he keeps me in the terrarium bereft.

And ta+dam the miracle expostulated from inside God it is too much Too many notes too many books to many mahoganies mahon malone Too much talent in this little bird unneeded unwanted Better would She have been a proffesional seamstress And you never know if art wouldn't put the Fathers in a bad city light So let's end with this Madonna here in the church on his responsibility Only now at the last verse I realize I write Janko Muzikant...

Still Alone

The Annulment

I only want, I only want to die things could Have been good with me but now it's all Bleak so I wait death like Mihai Eminescu And my Grandmother to relieve me from you

She is still alone you see because She is in love with the black roses Of books and her brain gets bigger And bigger She can go past the S Still alone because She loves me In this unfair world she is alone But still dreams unite us like death And someday will meet me again.

I don't know what I can write here because I really don't want to hurt anyone's feelings It's just a poem of an annulment not of marriage But of a person in his very soul and being That's just what it is and it's useless to look for reasons Some people are good some people are bad some In between anyway it hurts the words poured like scourge On you for no real reason just a lot of stress and misdirection.

The 30th of June 2014 Star Meaning The Architect Finally I think I know the meaning of the 30th June star Just Venus and Jupiter as in a symbolist poem It means primogenity without closure I don't know if I expressed myself well A mankind reached through synthesis This is God's destination For the next time But will we fulfill? The Ace. to myself

His name is Ciof Octavian Paul An MD two years older than me and The Architect of my personal tragedy He together with other boys Mutilated my spirit & beat me Go to Nădăștie and find the reason Anyway now for me is too late I cling for years to another architect Eliza as last chance for me. The Avatar

Family was not ready for such a talent family is embarassed They would have better sing their Musicescu and mourn their prayers

My name you will never know you see forever alone anon

I feel like walking on an electrical wire like a purple crow I’m falling and ascending in the road of the gutters and house And the fields rot there in my memory with hawk and mice My heart is a plathian engine alone in the diamond night What I care was lost from birth but I know can be right If only I resist the avatar & his boo will get cold pine diadem And I will write a letter say You should root for Ur Son, Shem! The Band Break For almost 20 years the band called YouTube ruled The Earth well that era came to an end people now Want to think for themselves what they need and Don't want some haidouks to make their brains cream All day and all night long the Earth is tired of enterTainment and ordinary Man gets smarter so what do You bring Google 2 14 2005 in hopes i will grant Ur Request more rotten meat? With t frost Man gets purer So mas cuidad or lest you will get caught on Ur web And then you ask the peoples you've hurt in Your Drunkness to pray for you and only a winter sleep Will cure you and no more wars get to Ur senses Man!

Taking you to innercosmos and Its wonders and angels and St.s You do not suffer in sleep nor death If the Gods are good to you like me You finally leave this miserableness So with what other visa or mastercard Can you tempt me when I hold the sky In my hand like a leaf of grass dew Heaven is loaded with people too. The beauty of pain I've almost been sensible to the beauty of pain And made my mistakes because of this now I 've seen the boon of them all and no descriptions Just her melancholia is socked with feromones And loneliness She is like and underwater glacier But I have a wedding band tattoed on my hand That means I have only one bullet like the bee This didactic poem is for you wayfaring stranger. The Black Rocker A Child of Old Beautiful Chile W/End untold Gay & Wilde He waltzt t Lan Romantic Smile Beautiful Mann G'ardin't Smaille A want of Death Was all his Wish To be just Breath To Freaks t Leash

The beatitude of sleep

It is called the beatitude of sleep After a long day or hard life it is The brain leveler and the rocket

I askt of him While up t Roads "He jumped!" he dream' Mind full of Toads. Paclisa, 2020

The Broken Clipper I am a thrift broken clipper that sailed outside the sea For hundreds of times until getting lost in the Sea of Galilee Remained there forever brought by the sick Persians Broken in the Glacier of the Lake under the sight of t See Girl of the sand walks the stones in me hold my body there In the arms of the peasant ku-ing promising as to a toy 'I shall take you and repair you!' - a toy became held by a Child - wisdom I asked instead what I feel I get Home. The Child martyr. 96+98 recollection I am the Child martyr Down a downe downe downere Humans are nonhumane Down a downe downe downere Like those Viet Nam kids Down a downe downe downere I am the Child martyr Down a downe downe downere. The Codrant

We are soulblocked Milady in the rebus of our Past There was a witch who turned a Mother's ideal into A stupid Wordplay and the Faith of a Little Child To threads and ashes until Heaven Revisited 61. When E is A and Emma is suspicious and the brother - {Aborted} we are soulblocked since Eternity What have they done to you cried the rascal Upon t proffessor's body turning2dead still warm. The crowded church seemed empty until you came

The crowded church seemed empty until you came You walked before the assembly to your place With an empty stool next to you and i was bewitched Like in front of a miracle like before mary's shy show Five years have passed and i haven't seen you But thought at you and Loved you perpetual What's gonna become of us my little god? Maybe in spirituality we will meet again and heartbeat again. The Dead Freight Car

Last summer I found a Catholic Codrant With the year of Saint Therese death Written on it of course is one meaning on Saint Therese took me as her protege Right there on that field road i walked Without end like Margaret Taylor with Same thoughts of Love and Loss so I am grateful today I do not fear Life.

Love is like a Railway Station. When in Childhood I used to go to the exit of the City To an abandoned Train Car made one hundred years Ago I entered in it and wished to see an engine car But took what I got like Hucleberry Finn and was okeh

The Crossword Puzzle Lady Now thirty years later myself became like fourty oldsteel

Freight Cars cause no friend would get in waiting for My engine an engine for a dead freight car I am an alive Engine over the snow of my heart alone in cold rain.

With a toddler & a future birth to face alone t Girl of 40 - Unfair World thinks She while closing the Pentium at work and drags Home to another day and night until morning it's Kawabata in

The Death of a Child

Reverseness the beauty of the sad friends pity her some pray What the future will be when she suffers so much blind to light Who understands man priest or enchanted beast holy evangelist Now aloner She is than before & sometimes need sound advice.

The death of a Child is the worst thing they say And it must be true i guess this is why I won't have Children not today in these terrible years no way It would have been nice but it's wiser not so maybe This is the meaning of the second Star no more Children beware you are all in danger God knows Best when he says something in writ or heavens It's sad so sad I could weep if I handn't always. The ELVIS Presley Church! Usually White Girls R more civilised Church & School & back Home That's why they are bothered by all kinds of tycoons from t hot SE Exporting industry music anything but all t a White Daffodil wants Is a flower-yard before a House of Children & not get it nowadays Anymore and is what The ELVIS Presley Church! is all about Love! No drugs no drinks no cigarettes no running around no drama Only tragedy no tiger smiles except in Kindergarden & one Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love Love... The Girl of 40 {Life as Love and Left} She had no luck maybe got left in t middle of pregnancy & wed

The Guitarist

to Yenne Lee Someone said while hearing She plays with the Classy classical guitar but I feel not I perceive She works on it like a peasant ploughing frets And seaming endlessly at white plastic strings I really do believe is the best video around the Planet not just any kind of guitar but exquisite And from Mr. Segovia I haven't heard as clear Notes on an ordinary guitar so I think She great That French song played by a beautiful musician. The Innocent Forest Lil' Alice Brook walks in the sombre violet Of the gleaming with old bugs innocent Forest of the dwarfs and mischievious trolls And the fairies as small as a rose flower T'is hour of intimate supplcation and hill Asleeps with all it's Queendom sky blue We walk in the show of our New Lives Holding hands up the stake Lighthouse We'll need a Prayer for future Happines The bread cart in the morning feeds us As never before here in the plain hamlet Between there is the Lake Art Cathedra

Spoken with the bad Witch of Some Place And She confessed She don't want disdain At the end of day and night what matters Man? She said except the Life - protected! The Northern Child

I need to get away this is not me i'm going home to my mama And talk about myself it is stupid but i feel just like a bonsai Of some kind like a lime all flowers and pain i don't love you i'll say. The Poor Boy

I am the Northern Child since beyond birth Always refused denied and desisted a shell A curiosity for you to pick up for awhile look And throw in the see the funny thing always Was that I thought it was my fault for it for The refuse of the world I am a damned man An F marked poet I live another LifeDecade For not wanting to sign with great Asmodeutz But in my northern room my poetry tenders. The Owl. A Random Installation

It was night and I saw on the wall an owl Drawn in shadow and light from two jars Placed on the calorimeter with three Toothbrushes in them one and two as The glassy bird's horns as She was seeing me And I knew right then I was going to die After the assuring mama's owl dream before death You cannot fight an owl even painted in China ink on the wall. The Peripathetics

They walk together on the same street in their friendship The future and the past freezen eternity just two girls walk In my pilgrimage i recognize the future like in one moment But right next to him there is my eternity my guardian And i don't know who's walking with whom and i fret

I am that - poor in wealth and poor in spirit With wonderful dreams every night for now Ascension to the heavenly realm of God But rejected and mistreated and mocked By ones who should have soothed my wounds Who once named me their brother alas In this capitalistic world what hope is there for Love? I'd Love one answer but that answer is shut And maybe the world hasn't changed at all Since the holy kingdom city state of Mari With it's quirky priest-king a godly man But still a king a ruler an emperor a Man I am not that I'm just the average poor boy You meet online nowadays and I really Love her But what's the use except a flood of poems To my Muse? This Love forbidden until Sky. The posse

They get together in secret connections Like the freemasons to accept and reject No matter how much poet you R not ours' That's the Urteil so why bother let them be In their nothingness the drunk grinning posse Of every published poem book prize comment Should I say more is it over? I'm a underdog Poet and maybe this is Poetic Ethics i'm gonna Leave these Giants but not my nation not in Sky. The Prophet has Spoken The Prophet has Spoken Felix has spoken beaten With words and humiliated

It will not remain the same All your money won't save you from God And his Judgment all your arroganceful power Will amount to nothing or even worse The Prophet has spoken again And I see the women at the corners mocking And the fishermen at the lake honking But the Prophet has spoken And things will not remain the same And all the evil people will be plucked out Like nothing forever Because the prophet has spoken So hear the words of the prophet in your ashes And misery and repent from the evil of your brains And God will let you dwell in his places ~ maybe. The Selfless Army. Poem I just wntd to be a Poet a writer & philosopher at most in my Childhood 2nd or 5th grade even younger Yet i discovered i am considered a soldier of faith and i am feared as the soldier in a selfless army And manhunted and betrayed and sold and bought at the market as a slave and sent to another exile They have ways of waging war with me and my mind and my heart and hide their snares near me But i am no gun soldier if it s true i am a military i am a syringe and good thoughts soldier trying to heal I am more of a military priest in my bornagain confessions and i can say to my enemy if you continue to The way you have chosen so far and reject God and kill me and every true mouth u’ll end a cannibal Because God will get even further from u and this is not about me is about U and Ur bad hidden deeds. The talker {poem book} 2020+ The talker

The talker the chalker alone in dark matter Sits in t auditorium of his spirit himself heard The talker the walker empty like ballsoccer Yukhatangue alone bride dressed in wolf and glee Tale of prophecy of one's spirit be raven alone Even flight of bone spirit beauty and mourn Eagle in sky's cage man in rat's rage and Silence of the wings speaking with the wind Silence is flight abideness is might bear is right. The Crucifiction Any guitar is a crucifixion and they know it the guitar players Benigne or spleenly but that's the idea you grow a branch on Which the song or the soul is crucified another thing what else JD is walking on diamonds without even knowing it but doesn't matter There is something fictionesque in singing with a guitar in Hands Like in a whale hunt you know you will never pursue ouside your bed So a plus or a cross take it what you want was the rnr nowadays dead as The Owl postmodernism. Fur Elise I sometimes wondered if Fur Elise has any words and if so what are they? Or is it just some piano fiddling for a young beautiful tragic Girl Of the 1800s the age that built the Pogany castle in decay by robbers and vagrants now But I will never know lest some musical mentor lets me know the fact of it Now it's night and I am afraid to fall asleep I dreamt Marx and timetravel in a row So like the drowning man I clench of a thought of a song of a forever dear dead Three notes remain in my literary concerto with its chords and naturals We didn't find out about Ludwig van Beethoven's piece Should we never find out about the oratorios of our souls?

Memory. To CPC to Dr. Zhivago the Dead Innocent I first awoke at 00.00 & in my dream it seemed I fell asleep under my Laptop Then I had a thought and wanted search a video about Karl Marx the philosopher I don’t lie to you Jerry I was terrified but at that moment I was Miss Stewart P&P Then Karl Marx with his Andersenian the-neverof-it and the vision became Memory And I wanted to post it underneath the wikipedia page of that Karl Marx Buddha In which Kina explains softly her dream that was what was I touched Another realm another World an other reality I read 8 on the phone to a friend before bed It all started with At scary but then the dream structure fell more and more soothing And I believe now Aphex Twin and Karl Marx are one in my painly awakening. Settling Always settling always finding a new aboding place Always fighting our enemies always hoping for the day I try to imagine it retroactive the places we've been & Came from some named some uncertain like the Turks Or the Gaelic ballad or the God of the Goths unmaimed This became our life settling after settling after settling Still part of us is from here with the purest Ottoman Luxembourg blood in us just peasants from Trajan still We were in a constant migration w t sheep and Schytes. The blue shirt. Impressions on a certain mama's death celebration It was the 21st of July 2019 and I set to go for the second Thyme as in 2017 to the home of my Lover to speak to her

But instead I spoke only with her mother a rich luxurious self-imposed abusive character I didn't tell her what day it is and She misused me a bit Telling me that her Daughter is about to get married to some guy and that She has Her friends I told her that no matter what my attitude won't change and then something happened She gave me a cardboard box with two coffins of long cereals and chocolate Telling me She took it because She thought a poor man was asking for alms Because in the Love's hurry I've taken Father old jeans and blue shirt. If I were a boy. The poem The Hong Kong singer plays t microphone as a nuclear missile An archaeology of was and potential disaster She beyonces Her name is uncertain I knew it once though She voices China And it's true btw but I tell you when She took t mic up in the sky It was beyond comprehension I mean art ut pictura poesis but How much 5 thousand years in one Girl and her voice eternal Good for an amethyst record to be sent on Vega in the Lyre Well now the show is over & I don't think I'll ever see Will again Though She sings like Tatanka Yotanka's white horse forever. A man and his horse A Roma a Gypsy you might say unwillingly though he’s as white as you white bread A genuine talent for horses and music for one thousand years long since Mongolindia He walks down the street dragging his horse after him like a priceless Child of Guesses Offspring to be cherished and loved and adored and looked after like a weeping Baby ‘Hey, hoe, hey’ he says easily to the horse as they return on the empty street I live on The two of them wait for something in this April afternoon in the nut-tree sheep street

Other horse people top by the white star on the horse’s forehead of ebony mahogany In the street the horse is the centre of attraction and he understands humans behavior The man I know since ever is happy in his rough life with his newly summer zero haircut.

No one really wants this Empress too soft to delicate Like a poppy intense purple flower what is it for but beauty? Last Girl I

The trickster Plays his own version of Guajira on some instrument mostly 2nd hand guitar In the street just asking for your little change a five USD would be perfect He is te trickster always asking you to do what he never tried or cared about I won't deny his poorness in spirit formostly for not going to work or study Always with the same stupid guitar and harmonica hanged on him Thinks he's that Bob Dylan artefact without Bob Dylan's ugly friends And I miss you is heard now on every club woofer in the world wide web A mooche always borrowing or asking for when not stealing this is the trickster Plays his own version of Guajira on some instrument mostly 2nd hand guitar.

She is the Last Girl in this homophilic world that destroys No one really wants her with Her pomegranate cheeks And natural red mouth like a mouth of kissing stone The pixy on the Danish shore awaiting for Her Love Forever forgotten forever dismayed unloved uncared for The last girl of our age like a protected mountain white owl With her long piano arms red from cooking and fielding Hands potatoes and corn and whet and rye and tomatoes She is an Earth spirit/ She knows the value of a seed. On Securitate. To Iuliu Maniu

Last Girl She is the Last Girl in this homophilic world that destroys With her pure pomegranate cheek and natural red Mouth like the kiss of a stone breast with her pine long Arms and piano hair and worked hands cooking and In the fields potatoes and corn mostly and some wheat And vegetables tomatoes and radishes and lost hope For a family in the dying world she vraiment is the last Girl of our age beautiful and ignored mocked & passed-at to She knows to sing and paint and drive and to Childbirth

I tried for a lifehurt to grasp Securitate and I hit the power Always the argument of the clenched fist and baseballbat But now they prove themselves powerless and afraid The Mighty Mutts of our Age always drunk and beating And cursing thanks God for corona that we see now Who’s in charge – God – and that’s all that there is about Them no thought no remorse no regret only alcohol And terror for 73 years now ought to wrap them up And for one time I will say I am not afraid of them. Two Eagles and a Guitarist

Look two Eagles in flight above us in the Sky And a quirky Guitarist knowing all the 400# We forgot about Easter this year almost most Of us the Eagles and the Guitarist sing in Sky At the beginning of a tragic decade Jesus is The name again and his Beatitudes of bloodwine The wings are large covered with eyes and keys Good for the Seraphim to sing at as a Lyre + This words I'd wish most to send into space... The Vesper in 9 moves I am you Daystar you are me Vesper Decades separate us like brick walls We are in Sighet Morse signaling I-am-your-Love ; You-are-my-Love Now people shared our life for 2 months Once I wrote I am desperately in Love 8 years ago in 2012 that is a long time Now i'm jaded whatever that means I just wait for the moon to rise in 5 years. The martyr What's a martyr well my Father is a martyr More even than Stephanos the first martyr A master and a martyr of faith and blood So what's left of your B+24 Liberators now? The gnats of death buzzing over Bucharest Like in Jules Verne but so real and hard Like a life passed under the shadow of t bomb And here we are refugees among the simple And heretic that will won ever understand.

There must be a sense in everything Like in hs I suffered two years one for Each Testament.- Corinthian is weakness I pledge Pallas Maria for consecration. The World Wide Web Rats gnawing on the wires? The Internet, 2010 The Internet really is a place of all iniquity The damnation of the nations it should stop The Security of the US of Corinthians Corrupting the pure and innocent through So called modern art really for money and junk And so it is the CIA or Maybe FBI too junkyard A world wide web of secret cold study of Man A torture for the lonely intelectuals, No God. Written on it maybe we could have or make A better Internet until that day we should Find our solace in the Gods and our souls The time of freedom rings truth everywhere! Their Dogs of War

To explain myself! I bother important rich people For a Girl - my Girl - and also theirs so they need And started to crush me - for years. They have The media of an entire church to be my enemy

The Twelve Years I was Crucified

I was crucified for twelve years Since 2008 to 2020 one year For each apostle writ in Heaven That happens what can you do? Now my life is over and i never got One explanation from the Lady It does not matter I was born to suffer But i hope in Heaven God to ooze me

With their dogs of war all with his specialty and Against me because I am poor and sickly you see This lasts metaphorically for twelve years and The top dogs are viciously against me what can you do? I am and feel cyberbullied by this rich Christians From their corporate gig and the pastor even has A deal with myself to hit me for forty days until I break Like a fortress wall an omilia of hate & despise & rejection

They are not a church more than a corporate an organism With one schizoid brain and one hundred instruments Each with it's own purpose from scalpel to lightsaber One billion trumpic fingers pointing at you in all directions

And that I know that at least in Heaven She will may express Her Love to me so I am content and at peace with Life in Rest I wait for a final getting together in God so I will hear From him not man what I have done wrong all this I leave... To the Lover

Always eating Delicatessen always best Linux computers And the weird games from mind Monopoly to soul Mafia the same Notions and same pots of money and money asking Namely I'm going to Mary so why worry about Mamona? Times are a bad Times are a bad Haven't you heard Times will change Never Only in God Love that you had Will resurrect Forever Everything is tainted Every soul painted Or so it seems to me 'N my day of misery.

I need You to take care of me I wear a crown of lightnigs You should come to me An anchor at the depth I know i hurt you but now I need you more my religion Please love me and not leave me I'm all tears anymore. Today I exited my midlife crisis After 6 years of speaking to Camila And quarelling today with her first Bang bang bang bang yadda yadda And it hit me I just needed a Child So from now on my only care remains The know how of making a good decent Fire during winter in the fireplace That is all and I'm still in Love I got it all. Tonya's Musings

To my Inlaws. A Poet's Will

To my inlaws I leave the rest of what I have to live on Earth Alone or not with the codicile that they will have to return it To me in eternity without the fancy tax collecting stuff I say Here that I Love their Daughter with all their rich demerits

We will all see each other on the outer side Away and out of this cosmos somewhere In the place of confessions and joy and regret Where all kindness and truth will be known So why weep for any iniquity still prevailed on us here? When sky awaits us with all its beatitudes and forever Why should be hard to endure the present pain?

When in an instant everything will be forgotten you know? Toypoem You are just a Child so you must beware Of sharks of wolf of the enemy Just pray each night and morning And cross your bosom at mealtime You are so young and know not of them The wicked the bad the illwilled I pray you’d never make them your friends Nor let them ruin you as they did your Father.

I try to write my name on a book but pages are wet unprinted I try to present myself but the therapist too tired judges sleep I pray in the stadium waiting for a deja-vu miracle a quietbird I cannot be known understood forgiven by victims as guilty So we share stocks to the same retribution of a forever guild With faces carved on guldens of course we cannot be unnote I see brain as a blackbox to some divine server All comes from I just write links Please remember I do not want to upset you.

Truth Virtue & Democracy Here's the thing I fell in love 12 years ago With the Daughter of some mobsters alas I don't have money I don't have health So they don't conceive my evolved Love I write to Her most any day but no answer It's like they forbade her to answer me To write the truth I die alive in this etat d'ame I love everyday with a frail hope that maybe And no one cares in this world of money It's long since I had a friend on Facebook I feel expendable this is what my Love lead to A number on the chess board an A on the blackboard

I believe in virtue Mom taught me home/ school I belong to the republic rotten dead w/ LastKing Now with mama gone for nine years I wait w/dad For a disciple & a teacher a master of tall study I just believe t men of Liberty cannot free d/selves Looking back I do not know how twelve or nine Sixteen or seventeen years have passed in t Sea Virtue means to not hurt anybody democracy too! My songs are small but composite I wit for God!

And i'm waiting for the charade to end and die And there in a better world hear the truth about Being Loved or not and then see what is to be Love impossible in the world of Money to wit.

+++ What's it like to Dream Just to sit in your bed and sleep in the silence of the cosmos whirpool Tell me what's it like to Dream To not fear of tomorrow or the Past To sleep like a rock of black Salt in quietude of a village home and to dream your Tears away...

The unfinished poetry I share with my Father

When my Friend closed

He takes your heart - I know him well CC Catch, 86 Please remember I do not want to upset you I just write links Universe big round glass presspapier yellow & blue porpora

It came in an instant my friend closed down her shack Now i look there and there's nothing there not even fog

I won't ran after her on another star you know i did have Already feel that She left and didn't She returned She is invisible like God I just have a funny feeling like losing a locket a candle A flower like losing a mother who bore me c r y ing At a March End It's funny after everything closed i feel Her downhere In the ramshack with the chickens and egg stars She asks the same first question and i try to help her in My tired Mind. White dolphins We are two white dolphins in t middle of Childhood We recognized each other on the sight - too young Your eyes are the I of a cetaceous lost in Earthnature You do not know your feelings some good some sad I am sometimes a miriapode star under a mountain You are the only pure Love I've ever met more more More for you or because of you I learnt to love Terra & t Villages coz your picture eternal in God's library + Just like Moby Dick everything is you in my cosmos I do not undestand what you are you are hidden Like a meaning found in the shower-rooms you are The spirit of Scotland from beyond to beyond here In my bed & brain like a dragon seen in t bluegreen A slave to Kings gentler than they we are t proof That dolphins hurt in the depths of the Sea of Galilee All too alive & biblical short-circuited by Jesus Jove.

Why I Really can't Play my Guitars I have four guitars but I really can't play any Because I'm not interested in making music Like playing the organ does not do it for me The flute or harmonica I just don't like it music Helped me through young age strong crisyses And that was that I remained a listener as taught In the family from Pavarotti to Beethoven in reverse So that's it singing bores me too I only like listening Because it's like connecting to someone else's soul Worlds to discover and Words to learn this way Music is passionate but I don't care am not interested Into my own music and do not get anything out of it To me even in jazz it became all this senseless buzzing And classical is no better just some harmonious noise So maybe Kant was right about music as the lowest art Or maybe I just don't have the gift that may be an issue. Words written at the Funeral of my Lover to Harper Lee It’s time to take down a flag and leave it here on the Antarctic front A star has died and we need march on our way of return home A lover has died but this happens everyday so I need not feel cut The ones alive need remain by this cross a moment and think What was worth in this past century of feelings and turmoil of soul In this day when everybody speaks I remain under the oak under The cloud under the fixe to build a fortress for my tortured spirit

B in this season of sad we will be hopeful not in words b son.

Finisht Baby Life for Victor Brauner, edition i, 9 fevrier 20+21,/martie 3 2021

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