Brain Flowers 2017 + Felix Rian Constantinescu

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BRAIN FLOWERS 2017 Felix Rian Constantinescu Motto „Pot să vă mai spun o istorie frumoasă? Cunosc un om nu¬mit Dapozzo. El este un evanghelist francez. Din lagărul de concentrare s-a întors cu un braţ complet zdrobit. El mi-a povestit o întîmplare pe care n-am uitat-o niciodată. El a spus: „în lagăr unde eram, m-a chemat intr-o zi la el co¬mandantul lagărului. Am fost dus într-o cameră în care era pusă masa, dar cu un singur tacîm. Apoi a intrat coman¬dantul. Mie mi-era o foame de lup. Comandantul s-a aşezat la masă şi a fost servit cu un ospăţ regesc. Un fel după altul. Iar eu trebuia să stau acolo şi să-1 privesc. El îşi lingea bu¬zele - iar eu muream de foame. Dar ce era mai rău încă nu venise. La sfîrşit i s-a adus cafeaua. Atunci a scos din ghean-tă un pacheţel pe care 1-a pus pe masă şi a spus: ,Priviţi acest pachet. Vi 1-a trimis soţia din Paris. E plin de prăji-turele!' Ştiam cît de puţin era de mîncare şi cit trebuia să fi economisit soţia mea ca să-mi facă aceste prăjiturele. Şi apoi comandantul s-a pus să le mănînce una cîte una. L-am ru¬gat ,Daţi-mi vă rog barem una, nu vreau s-o mănînc, ci s-o păstrez ca amintire de la soţia mea'. A mîncat-o zîmbind pe ultima0. Aceasta era o clipă cînd exasperarea atinge punctul culminant şi se transformă în ură! Şi Dapozzo a continuat „în acea clipă am fost conştient ce înseamnă că ,dragostea lui Dumnezeu a fost turnată în inimile noastre'. Am simţit dragoste pentru omul acesta. M-am gîndit: Bietul de tine! N-ai pe nimeni care să te iubească. Eşti înconjurat de ură! Ce bine e că sînt copilul lui Dumnezeu!" înţelegeţi: i-a fost milă de comandant şi nu s-a mai simţit călcat pe nervi. Atunci omul a simţit asta, s-a ridicat de la masă, şi dus a fost! Dapozzo 1-a vizitat după război. Atunci omul a pălit: „Vreţi să vă răzbunaţi?!" „Da", a spus Dapozzo, „vreau să mă răzbun. Aş vrea sa beau o ceaşcă de cafea cu dvs. Iar în maşină am adus tortul. Şi acum să mîncăm şi să bem îm¬preună!" Zguduit, omul şi-a dat brusc seama că cineva care s-a su¬pus lui Isus Cristos nu se mai află sub stăpînirea urii, ci a -143fost eliberat de exasperare, pentru că dragostea lui Dumne¬zeu a fost turnată in inima lui.” - Isus destinul nostru, de Wilhelm Busch. A. THE CHILD SAID THAT

Felix Rian Constantinescu 2016 Muzei Noastre... 1. THE CHILD SAID THAT 2. & 13 AMERICAN POEMS


The Child said that He must Write That in Him Truth must Abide; Mother said That He must Learn Otherwise in Hell He'll Burn; To write What And to learn Where Oh, the Time... Said the White Hare. YOU ON THE ROAD

And the Road is filled With Rocks And the Mocking-bird still Mocks; I on the Road Am too But have never had seen You. I ONE WAS LOST

I one was Lost In Life Two Times I Need Wore A Knife Now they Say to me

I'm Found More to You than god I'm Bound. FAR YOU ARE

Far you Are Far in the Night I am Down My eyes Alight; But You Are Up in the Light And mine Eyes Dead in the Night. MOZART ABOUT BEETHOVEN

A Boy I Met Dark of Regret He hardly Eats He hardly Lives But Woe to me Music me Gives A GIRL IN LOVE

A Girl in Love She does Not Say About the Name She likes to Play A Name or Number Stuck in Brain Forgotten Eyes She dost Refrain.


The Child discovered I am the King! Father my Knight Warman Viking And Who am I said Mother's Spleen Oh, you Mama You are the Queen! A GIRL

There's a Girl Not far from Here On the Island Ellesmere Her Eyes Stars Her Hair Gold Sea Sad A Nayad She should Be. PROPHECY TO THE BELOVED

You are Wise And I am Mad You are Beautiful I'm Sad To you peoples Come to Bow In me the Centuries Grow How could Be A World to See And Still be

Just you and Me? Not even If I run from You Then in Hell You'll meet me too. PEOPLE IN THE VILLAGE LAUGH

People in the Village Laugh Why a Rich girl dost He Love? It's his Fault they Say With Scorn What a Racket Day to morn' Even the River does Cry Only Summers Winter's nigh. SPHYNX’S QUESTIONS

What means One And what does Two What colour has I Love You? What is Five What's One again? What is God And what is Man? CHRISTMAS CAROL TO A REMBRANDT

The Baby

Sleeps To Himself Keeps And when He Wakes The Cradle Shakes And the Child Is God Almight Mother Mary In Egypt Prairie Old man Joseph Carpenter Sophist Here I Came The Child That's Lame Can you Give A Piece of Bread Can you Pray For my sad Head? If You do This You will Grow This Is Why My Life is So. PATCHWORK

I will

Enlighten And I Will Brighten I will Dream And I will Seam. LUKA

He’s just a Cat He's not a Bat He was Alone No Milk Or Bone Now He's Asleep In Silence Deep Music He Digs To Mommy Thinks. DEFINITION

Universe is But a Tree And all Stars Fiery Apples You pick and Eat Eternity River of Grey

& Dark Matters. THE WAIL OF POETRY

Alas, Poetry is Song And Poets Birds Following the Seasons There is no Faith No Truth No Love Just libraries and Schisms Whoever the World Is Governed by The Rich Or Murderous Ageless Poets Give It Speech Making Rob, Murder Pious This is the Way For every World The Road of Poetry Is no use to mistak'ly Muse Of Immortality. CATECHISM

A Man Forbids Himself Of Pleasure Trying with Soul & Wit God Measure Another lives Eternal Kiss

To whom Belongs Life's Bliss? VIRTUE AND SIN

My name Is Virtue Poor and Humble I live Past The Cemetery My name is Sin Rich and Proud All Virtue I can Bury. TO THE STAR BORN OF THE STAR

Of Light I chaunt The Light You haunt Innocent Star From Afar What is Your Name What is To know Life is a Game Men Billions Show

Eternal Rivers You will See What is your Name Tell Me You are The Star Born From The Star Abraham Your Father Angel bright Mort'en Light You Are The Star Of Evermore The Children Of Our Mother. ESTELLA

Hear my Weep Beloved Pip Listen to Me Die I am the World Beautiful Face Only when I Cry. UGLY PEOPLE

I see them Swirming Like Bugs Eating Like Ants Everything Made of Rot And Excrement Sharks Idiotic Living For Today's Today Wondering Could this mess Be lifted To humanity? THE GUITAR’S GAME

A Guitar Is A Guitar Whether Citizen Or Star Teach to Sing Or She Teach You Just a Game Of where are You Just a Game Of I am Far When You Play On Your Guitar Just a Game Of I am Here When the Musics No more Hear.

THE GIRL WITH THE ABORTUS I Believe In Love She Cried And The Next Minute She Died What's the Use of Love You Know If She makes Only Death Grow? THE KILLED MAN

There was A Killed Man In New England Stars Ago Named Mister Edgar Allan Poe Gave Birth To Universe And kept It In one Verse One Earthly Version of God Where Money Abode. JESUS TO PETER

Let me

Sing You Of my Love Do You Believe Me? Let me Speak to You Of Truth Do You Believe Me? Let me Show to You My Death Do You Believe Me? TO MY STONE

O Rock Thou Stone Or Bird I hear You In the Night Of walking Dead & Fright - Ago You came From River Afar And You My Stone = a Star. RESPONSE TO PRIDE

You tell Me To be Proud I tell You That I'm Mad A Difference To Be: Your Pride Is under Me. MIHAI EMINESCU AT BELLU CEMETERY

The Poet Wrote His Epitaph And The Centuries Riffraff Childhood Songs Written in Marble Psalms Of Stephen Cain & Abel Logic Sentences In Stone And The Moon Walks by Alone.


You are Mice And I A Cat That is All the World Precise We're All So And so You Are We'your Servants Blessed Tsar. A YOUNG COUNTRY BOY He's a Young Country Boy Grew up Without a Toy Despised by Everyone Because he Works the Lan' Despised by Any Girl The Boy w/ Soul A Pearl. MUSIC HAS A WAY

Music has A Way Eternity To Weigh Whenever Man @ Lose Music Must Accuse. MY LOVE WEPT

My Love Wept I can't Accept All This Misery So please My Love My Church & Treasury Let's Kiss The Rosary. ALL ANGELS COME

All Angels Come To the Bum Strum Such a Way Life Is Made

Heaven Sings Above The Slum Can't Tell Angel Can't Tell Maid. THE CARTOGRAPH AND KING ARVAD

-I inkt The World Out On a Leaf Years by Ago With Old Mate Leif We Sailed To Another World Got Verily To God's Household; -And what You brought To me Old Mad? ;Said foolishly Young King Arvad; -What you

Brought To the Knight Of Knights When You Enterred This Rich Site? -Just this Leaf O blessed King The Drift Of Leif The Viking From It You My King Arvad Learnest How To get To God. EPIPHANY

When He Was Born Sky Was All Starn Mom Gave A Kisst: Let's Call Him Christ. STARSTORMS

The Cry & Song Of every Bird In Morning time Is Heard At Night Starstorms rain And no One Hears their Pain. DADDY WANTS TO BE ALONE

Daddy Wants To Be Alone Everyday Tells To His Son Mother Is Years Gone Dead Buried In a Tomb Of Lead. COME ONE FRIEND

Come on Friend We'll Play A Game

You will Tell me What's My Name And then We'll Go on The Game I will Tell You What's your Name And when Our Name Will Know In the Cem'tery Will Bow. 13 AMERICAN POEMS The American Raven

The Raven Flies Sad Mother Dies The Baby Cries White Raven Flies. Ode to a Computer

The Moon is in It The deserted Street The Oak where We Meet The Heart and the Beat. To Amerigo

Lar of America Herald of Night All are In You The Big And Dead. To Work

The Broken Arm And Broken Brain Joseph has No Hands Mary Blind. Alone in the Cemetery

Alone with Jesus In the Cemetery

The Dead are Silent The Rain Speaks. The Pogany Castle

In Night Castle is Wet In Night Sun is Set Dead Ghosts fly Dead Night cry. To the Genius of America

I was Buried In a Garment of Stones And I Built A Cranium Armor I Walk inside the Worm I Live with Ignorance Down in the Grave Forever Alone. Transylvanian Night Comes Night I fall Asleep Town is Foolish Moon is Deep My Dream is A River And my Head

A Stone. To My Mother At Night At Day When Black Comes Gray To You I Pray With Death Alone To Me She Say Life is but None. Waiting Death Death is a Glimpse Of Light Excess I learnt the Truth I must Profess Down in the Path There's Nothing True So me and Death Is Stamp and Glue. To the Werewolf From the Vampyre I write American Werewolf London and Kerouac Wrote American morning. To Dollar

You The Blood of United States of America The Paper Of Confessions The Nuggets Of Liberty. To Liza All the Factories Are One All the Workers Are We. To the End

Love is the End Like Death When Music Is Done Only Dark. B. BEATFUL STONES

Felix Rian Constantinescu 2016

Muzei Noastre... Motto „Imagine all the things to cope I close my eyes that gives me hope It pures the silence” Stevie Nicks, Every Day

1. THE LETTERS OF THE UNPERSON Felix Rian Constantinescu 2016 – A GUITAR # Just a yellow brown toneless guitar That my parents bought me when they lived You cannot play anything on it Is like the dead soul of my Mother But soul nevertheless so I know That this loose strings guitar is a memory A moment in time worthy to be celebrated So I keep it nearest and sadden for her silence. ON RELIGION X#

I am a worshipper of trees and ruins And walked the land forevermore Like Isak walking I have seen God and man The ignorant peasants talking and spading the earth I cannot work the earth like the hermit rodents So my love is born of Plato like the love of dor And everytime I go on the road in the field I hope to see myself but I never do my friend my tomb Like it would be that my soul is just this land

Is made of earth and could be cultivated Like the Getshemani the garden of treason And decided hopeless unresponded prayer.

ODE TO A DNA # Two straws of hair growing around each other From eternity A black one and a white one like the Eskimo dogs You The DNA acid, unkind as the poison of the spider Bearing vases with Oxigen through the great halls of Valhalla And I am the soldier dead on the battlecamp somewhere You just come to the snow in which we all die and you are the Frost But more than that I put you under the microscope under the telescope under Gamma Rays I put you in the Shroud of Turin on the Tower of Eiffel But still could not see you hear you know you meet you Are you a god an unknown god where are your temples Where are your believers Since my birth I believed that love is prophecy So in the Name of God I the Truth Call you Love. TO A MICROSCOPE +# Teller of diamonds and of infinite grace Green microscope made by the singing dwarfs With stones of glass locked in your steel body A mechanism of truth and measured reason In your three eyes I look for deeper truth And wonder at your discovering design The eye of eye of eye until the hidden You who transform every corpse in stars I wonder if you had the power to put me under What would you see with your eyes of stone Am I a star nothing less or man As every man before me going to the dead?

THE LAD # You I sing youthful lad of the schools With eyes bright and a heart of blood Discovering the world of tricks and wonders Making one of know and play and love Whate'er mistake or pain ever be forgiven For your tender brain and soft seed of your spirit You give the old school worth and no one Not even the old Schoolmaster is worthier than you. MELANCHOLY AND BLUES # If we grasped the color of the night What it would be not black nor blue The indigo of prostitution streets And the dazzling city lights of metropolii But night has no color just the tempting dark Inciting to sin and the new vices and ruin You can see it in the eyes of the packs of teens Discovering the world and soul damnation So my solace and redeemer is Melancholy The Blue Angel teaching me of Time And men who live to be -- like the mosquitoes And love in sorrow just to die of love. Selbstmรถrderpavillon (#) Empty halls in december Only the poor or desperate are here Outside the walls carved with names and years Liza 1960, Theodore 1957 Only the cleaning lady comes and cleans And the tired doctor drinks coffee with the nurses A sense of impermanence like anyone is cured Or dead And no one is locked up

It's a wonder if MoĹ&#x; Crăciun will come at least to The women and girls At least the priest would come and pray in the dining room Would be cool Cluj gets chilly And there's nobody out-there So a priest or a mythical figure could stand to excuse the absence of God. Working # We could build a monument a colossus a family Make our apprenticeships learn the masonry and geometry We would buy land and rise huge walls on them We would buy the bricks from the poor people And pay huge wages to the skilled masons We would put it plainly in the papers that we erect a wall More than an arch of triomph or a old tower buried in rust Our children would go at night with their cars and scribble Profanities about our beliefs the very core of our ideals Of modern purity - We would divide the ovo of the world In two the left side or the right side or the right side and the left And in the night we will be unseen at watch as the calm tigers We would protect our ideal - if only we would start today working. GIRL IN NATURE +# The girl wait sun depart from her soul The earth is raped and robbed far away She is alone like the lake alone water Moon A cosmos and time are before her her life The unknown of her life her nameless love The orchard is neutral with no fruits or flowers Mother awaits her dead in the cemetery And the sun is now away and she rises up. THE EMPTY TRAIN # The train rides empty on the side of the river Inhabited only by a few commuters and robbers After crossing the steel bridge it sings like a whale Draging itself on the ground like an electric snake

Up the hill is the old dungeon destroyed by the peasants And the forest of oak and bullfrogs and blueberries People die of sickenesses in the huts near the villas And the community events are football and drinking The railway-station is blocked with rust brown commodies And the train is now a memory of the other life lived right here Like the memories of an embrion heartbeating inside the woman The train is no longer part of the village - has its own way alone Another life the good one though we not know not even now What was so particularily good about it maybe the stolen beer The stolen meat and the kindness of the train official letting you go Inside only a game of cards is played and a woman reads the Time The card-players are the workers, the last workers - working But they still have time to laugh eat pig-lard and muse at the Colored drawings of the cards with servants, knights, women, And Kings and the woman is just a woman going to her cousin. SIGH IN A CEMETERY (#) Abandonment to the genii as to lovers A life in self-denial abort in tunes The sense of losing once again the life And tiredsome walk to the ruins and spirits There is none there no man nor demon Just stars unborn prisoners in frescoes And the beds of the dead in anonymous grin & poetry with tender lips and eyes too old. TO A GAY FRIEND (#) Sweet friend of youth I remember you And your dear friendship me you bore Now we are grown no more stagg deer Al'most no more glee in our hearts of minds

Then all our life was pain and sufferring Ununderstood and all the much desired A puzzle of the hearts in brain's cold toy And now we're dead forgotten in the world If there's a meaning in man's wretched life Then we should know for none had been More inquisitive then in all life's ornaments But life has no purpose and so not we – So die my friend and to God go as you please You were not born of your will nor of mine And me aswell and when you will arrive to the Banker of secrets - what will you say - loved me? TO AN EMIGRANT (#) You want to leave the revolute world Go in another and I won't implore you You have your little suitcase and your Money - and a fresh will to start anew Like the wine - let's not think what Or when - lets live the moment - and Die and let die - so to the west my sad Traveler - and leave behind the tomb Of your Mother and your Father's vine And go where none can find you please But pray for what you leave behind. REFLECTION ON A YOUTH WALL (#) There is something in youth - the ignorance of evil The few seconds when you have all your life Right there unlived before you - and you hope - in Nothing In your own smile reflected on a thousand screens Yes there is something in the youth years The age of not knowing anything and Innocence And may be that Time is but a Lie to Tell That Soul Changes Heart and there is no Hope. The Hitchhiker & the Road

(#) The trees sleep in permafrost Winter has come like december fish The street new every house newly painted Stars do not exist nor people Just cars soul-less mechanisms watches And the Hitchhiker a worm in the Road The day is cold like a bottle of wine And just the cars pass-by automatic In the robot city robot cars robot hitchhiker. Humbleness (#) All life I longed for lamb's timidity Hard thing to get since I have claws And all this cat teeth and a hunger For meat. I am not a lamb nor can be But what I am what beast or deity That I inspire world all this catharsis What beauty is in me and what squalor Beyond t/ humble - angel-like & demon? WHEN DEATH VISITS (#) Death the Almighty King knocks and enters He is well dressed and polite and asks for hearts Your wait is finished lastly and you are anxious For the journey - He woos you and wants you In his bed - will you go? - to the New World To the lilies and butterflies - hungry for you Will you give him your lips and heart to eat Will you regret when you will be dead & away ? Death comes like a pretender - not to be refused Dressd in his suit and dead eyes and the black limo And all the regret of the world and home's farewell Death visits and you not know if you are asked by Doctor Mengele or Virgin Mary - and you go crying Like the bride - O Death your Love is everlasting

Like the love of a Sequoia or the sleep in snow & you offer precious rubies and emeralds to t/ Earth. TO ANGER (#) I've watched the old gray masters who tamed anger Love of God lead them to perfection I do now know I know'n my head's computer That use brings the calamity of feeling Man is a hurt robot made of sand and death W/ no power over himself or man A rotten puppet marching to the Ocean Of Mind and Introspection - knowing Hope lies in hoplesness & everyday rejection The mind of man broken in thought and image Inside mankind arising like the tears of termites. TITANIC ASYLUM (#) The halls are damp with moss and unteared tears And old and mad infants and fighting rodents The woman with no leg the Child with no Mother The crematorium breathes bodies to heaven Over the village - peasants walk blind and eager for Night - by the morgue a big dog sits hungry for life. MAN OF STUDY (#) Books - prints - old writings of the wise Ancient experiences that shaped the world So reach out and touch God and write Find the hidden meaning of the cosmos And go to the dead wiser and let them know This is what you want so waste no time Go into your cell rewrite the universe And drop a dime f/ the ones you leave in Hell. PROCLAMATION (#)

I believe in traveling - from Hell To Paradise - to walk like the Pilgrims To Jerusalem - to wander like the sick Knight - I believe in traveling and Love I believe that man should walk far and Broad - to linger at the Causeways alone Or in love - to look in the Lake and Sky To die on the Road - and not be Forgiven. TO GOD. A COMPLEX RESOLVED (#) Come with us to the great Waltz The blue Music of the Moon and Stars Come & stay with us & Prey on our Souls You are the Saviour & the Tormentor; The Saviour again - Tormentor of our unseen Souls - Left Alone in the absence of You And your Dreams - betrayers and betrayed; You are the God we wish Not kill anymore. THE INSENSIBLE POET (#) Inside the oceanic shell of his bones awaits For revelation of the words and poetic pleasure Lives for posterity and eternity alone Silenced by the roses of his dreams Sees not the meaning of the world And writes unceasingly like the apostles There is no pain in him or in creation And blue is just another twilight word. TO LOVE GENIUS (#) I deplore you Genius of the World Sad atavism of the Lost Garden What's in your Heart I do not Know One two five six or Pardon

You - tired Engine of the Spirit Always killed by the Simpleton & Weak Love Genius are why Arts exist You only my Loneliness comes Seek. TO A SYMBOLIC EXIT (#) On young poet Hai Zi's death.

Death must be a metaphor A bag a Bible a book of stories A Romantic novel and the Kon-Tiki Raft. Dead - chopped-off by the Procust Train - The butchered brain of China And something that evades. MOON THINKING (#) In the Night - I am not alone Although I do not know the modus I am with Someone - with the god of Night Looking at me with his empty eyes Inside books people wonder if not Live - inside books - I live: Inside the Night as we all - I walk On Clouds and Wait the time to Fall. IN THE MIND OF GOD (#) The Star moves in the Mind of God Relentless & frozen lost in Logic & equations. Just a brain of Meat and Soul - - Heart

In the Morning the Errand to the Market And the few Money in the Sock Childhood and Angels and old Age And the Angelus chant. TO A WHITE POET (#) Discovery of Man and of the World Friends are few they saw - 4 or 5 at best But isn't Intoxicating this perpetual Orgasm? - Always with the right People Never a Bum or a Hobo a Negro a Homeless A Loser - Friendship enwings us to the Peak - Like Vultures and prototype Zeppelines The last Illusion of our Times. R. S. THOMAS (#) We look a/ life's Wound Prophetic As to a Libellula quadrimaculata Or R. S. Thomas alone in a Book Or City – with living Uncertain Eyes - What's more to Get? What's more to Live for? - Except Those Cat eyes & the Nothingness o/ Alone Unselfunderstood Spirit. TO A GIRL (#)

The brain was dead Reversed polaris of anima And heart was perculating As an electric water-pump The disarticulate movements The silence of the street And the cry

Lord Jesus mercy me. COMPLEMENTARISM (#) .To China

I am just a cheese doughnot But something makes me special Don't know what - I'm a lamb grower Maybe your radiosongs There's a complementarism in our friendship I eat all my cabbage with meat and think You work & as my Mom wish help I can work & you can learn. A CHRISTMAS TREE IN CHINA + (#) In China There is a big tree An evergreen The tree walks What is wrong with you Tree? Say the mountains of ice But the Christmas tree waits Xmas. WORDS FROM T/ GIRL (#) I love you tells you the unconscious girl Walks w/ you on t/ paths & asian bridges Inside brain – the darkness of darkness Like the interior of bee-hives or tombs You - light – burn for the machine or life You god of t/ patron truths of heaven & hell The one t/ never die or lie – sacred oblivion Burn your secrets in t/ abbey of 86 bn cells.

AT THE PSYCHOLOGIST + (#) The telephone is useless - uniting Two dead planets – Moon and human Dreams -- nobody existing -- the reality Of the era – and no one deserving to be The library too – a treasure of corpses O – man – o – woman – what is in Thee? – in me – my embraced trees of rot and Soul – Half heartbeat and half sacred... Cemetery of books dead in my broken eyes River without spring – please – the origin Of logic – be gentle with these Children Failing w/ centuries f/ homework or Death. Recollecting Sylvia Plath (#) The pause on the road blank and Alone - the moment when one isolates And thinks the modern thoughts and Puts them in practice - this is t/ worst Failure success sex/ love suicide - all Leading to theology and waste When - a Dog howls in Agora - will The mad twentieth century end? LAKE DISTRICT + (#) A destination - like the Westminster Abbey A place to rest on the excuse on good books With all the lakes and angelic soft stones With Wordsworth & Coleridge in t/ West Wind the undying instinct - of life unvanquished or losing the decision to live at any cost - to live adamant like the hermits and rodents & a/ night to enter back in t/ crematorium.

Mother. A Lullaby (#) Mother is a Romantic word Carved under a fortress Or in solidified eternal salt & dead Mother stainless; Where a/ you? asks t/ orphan None reply except t/ stone of tears My postwar Mommy - did galaxies Took form? - One? Cosmos? YELIZAVETA YEVGENYEVNA. A CAROL + (#) Beautiful - a bit manly - with a decided spirit Probably a painter or a pianist with cinema Lips and big dark Child eyes - sits like a poet A poet maybe - t/ love of A. I. Solzhenitsyn? Could be - who knows now? - they are all dead In the dark book of their life - and her smile & Look on British paper - who are you Yelizaveta Yevgenyevna: a lover?: a victim in love exile? I look at you now on the holy day and think I prefer to think that you did not waste your Life & feelings – that you loved – Solzhenitsyn Stalin: whoever – a dog – b/ n/ sit Saturn sad. TO AN OLD PHOTOGRAPH + (#) A mannequin - not of t/ surface b/ of t/ soul Of surface too - delicate and high-time A woman - from day H - infernal little girl Witch with a tuned soul – unloved An old woman walking alone on the road Childless or barren or bereft - crazy With words and silences & dead friends A portrait of youth and pleasure years.


The common sadbrain rot - like In bark of trees & t/ fish heads Ext. life and own existence seen On the blackscreen of the need To kill - to kill - just to kill randomly Without explication - just to provoke Undesired death - despondents left Alive - A Godplay - mad luciferic I's. EMILY'S GAY CHILD (#)

A gay man - n/ wishing to be thus Just existing - like the water pot Like Perpetua & - mauve Saturn A martyr? - Of what? - who can Agree/ - George Michael - greek The preacher singer & bluesman An adored excluded - the year of Youth & abuse - hm/btf Jesus Mother sick with self-torture - lone Endures - permanent sense of loss And religion - unsatisfied omens Gossiping friends & severe society Mistaken dreams - She doesn't Live - _Her_ Child is a homosexual Why? - She blames the abortion And lives for nothing - hurt pride. SOUL. A STREAM (#)

Stream of soul - men and women Girls and boys - unconscious Proteus Spirits' communion from one to another Through time - life breathing by posterity

The unseen spending the _being_ - every Man an eye - a space built with art/ When life will not be - will be An a x i o m a - doubted and cornellian. ENLIGHTENMENT (#) Satanic brain - reproved to the core Light burning itself in t/ carved pumpkin Books - not books - handmade dictionaries The art of article - and word lapidarium Pictures of great men & courageous w/n Prodigal Childs and Novgorodian icons Life lived in the writing cell - @ t/ notebook T/ ones - sacrificing t/selves 4 t/ poor. GROUP BEHAVIOR (#) The church - the school - the army - social Truths – the horas - pass-by gms: success & Torture - & all the laughs of t/ cool people - meaningful occupations - hobbies – science The paria condition of the solitary – kids – never Remain in books & dreams – alone - unperson Beauty - Moses rule in reverse everywhere & Beat hearts praying f/ ending – Death Redentor. SONY + (#)

Tape Walkman – innerworld & autism – C 15/97 Cliff Burton Bach Duke Ellington & Louis Armstrong & Solitude & Ich ◌ dich – said to the wall – Sony Angst Dire Straits thrash rap guitars Angst P/Floyd

Swing pop flower-power San Francisco '80s T/ J.H. Experience concertos Teofil Phoenix & Pittiş – double-bass & kigo. HEAD MUSIC (#) Meditations - bypass - piano Electric - sadness of the lobes - head Music overdose - music, just music Instead of everything: orgasm or play Memories forgotten downtown - key change And the silence - like a cell - monastery or Prison - love after love like Cluny Stone - meaningless life - & redemption. A LIFELONG QUARELL (#) Angry words and beats - self-destruction Everyday loss - a furious God – 1 more family Hidden to wall of meek howls and silence Furious-youth Father & Punk Child – echec Dead Mother - eloped relatives - bitter - a Name with no future - the despise/rejection Of Xtians and stable spirits of society – art battle & anarchy - & no answers but WWII. ANSWERING THE PHONE (#) Wait: if you would answer now I'd Say that there are many people Around - workers poets business -women - and they all deserve a Destiny you'd probably say they Do not quest it - and there is a Lack of logic in our love, I would Think; you do not answer, I n/call. ON SEEING A COUNTRYSKYLARK

+ (#) for Eliza She speaks - about beautiful moods Alone in the pulpit - preaching the Unseen - atheist religion of smile & silence - She is beautiful – not Like the wind or a morn of May Melodic lips - true - and everything Contained in sound not letter - She Sings - a skylark - finds my soul. THE BAD PARENT + (#) Looks down the road - kept Alone thinking of the dead & Broken - self-accusations - regrets Like egrets falling upon him in One frozen kiss - the embrace of His young years - he _was_ young When e/thing was possible & at hand - waits death coming w/ t/ groceries. Epitaph (#) A Child's friend - actor and teacher Of enlightened years - of worlds and Meanings - a dead brain - dead serious - dead man - no - a suicided urchin Walking from one indigo blackboard To another - like Peter Pan running From death to never - a madman Puck on anything killing my C/hood. A blackbird beak (#)

ĂŽn the Prunus armeniaca the blackbird - black With intimations - with her red painted beak - looks at me friendly - She knows - I am a Blackbird aswell - a poet of villages and time Blackbirds show only in early winter like The circus - giving to Children glee & The Mothers sand - but they do not Sing - only look for crumbs & fellowship w/ Cats. 2. BEATFUL STONES The beauty & the dead (#) She loves him - a dead boy - sweet Once - a puppet/Joe Doe somewhere - anonymous friendless - pastless - lifeless - corpus - a shell of 1 time meaning and thought - but can he still _love her_ - gossip the old church ladies And the young Mothers - and mean city - a Mystery - a secret of the depths - dead. The Outsider + (#) Lives outside the poor village Far from the wet cemetery and The old and new house church He is alone there - only with a black Cat and mad Daughter - a Maria Bolkonskaia - true - not dismissing God - he is a God - an old migrated Shaman & Judge of G-d & good Is The peasants revere the man and /mock Him - exclusion - like of a Master Of painting or sorcery - he mutters Unfaith - and nobody visits t/ table.

Love is a British Movie + (#) Love is a British movie Life a French one Coproductions useless Movies about language And one kiss under sky In tweed and requiteness Natural born gentleman Natural born Lady. Tear (#) We come in sleep to the Beautiful gates - warriors In dream - and someone Speaks in our burning brain A demon maybe or an angel We do not know life's Answers - and on Christmas Night - miss someone alone. Asperger dogmas + (#) World is stupid. 6 is evil. Brain is blind. Love is fake. Death is now. God is me. Satan is I. World is I. Man is bestia. Jesus is lamb.

The singer + (#) Alone at the microphone - long dress Dancing and praying in the sphere Auditorium - with the friendly bass-player And keyboards girl - and four thousand Hearts - she sings about things felt And the magic world - a place to be A place to dissappear in happiness or Not/ness - t/ Bermuda of love & now. Roads (#) I always think of concepts & roads Which is strange today I never Travel - remember long travels In the night to Blakmen monastery Or the hurried pace at the crossroad Where demons wait & easy-picking Pebbles in the road like the mindless Birds - forgotting t/ reason of walk. Unkindness + (#) Hitler was very bad - very _Unkind_ - the way of refusing Love or business - Hitler Is the demon of we all – And so - reasonless - we plan Holocausts in our steerless lives We burn ourselves or others At the stake - Joan, Anna, Ana We _are_ unkind - every king can Say - so there is no use pretending There is no final solution to soulgeld But accepted tears and endurance.

The madness of witchcraft. An allegory + (#) Leaves of bookplants - researched by the Disturbed - for life or death - sole salvation Biochemical miracles and social respect A family line of mental illnesses and Glory - in crime or pure moments In religion or war - the lifeless brain Rule of the neverkissed - except one Time - the psychopath heroes - & poetry. The Painting (#) Jesus replaced Apollo - can be seen in heads The idol of lightgiving - Jesus A solar figure - sun's Replacement - bigger than the sun Funny though - if one thinks He being a man - tired And crying and preaching about going To the bathroom -- Apollo _was_ a god. The Rat (#) Runs in the shop squeaking Afraid - I could squash it Black and funny - useless Without meaning - or friends Here - hiding from the neighbor's Little tiger - a rat - arrived From the damp ploughed field - I close the door - & walk away. Complexity (#)

Some are just beautiful - others Write well - or dance divine Make the best mouse-traps - others cry and preach and do Comedy - man comes in various Shapes and sizes - in w/man sts In tragedy/drama or smiling girls Sentimental for the romantic boys. Three musicians (+) (#) Three musicians - playing the harp Some oriental far-eastern never heard Instruments - Buddhist and Ancient One is the star of the group - other The apprentice - between them is the Spirit - the spirit of Tokyo - an older Lady - Japanese - who's grain of being Cries cosmic - I want to live - leave me Alone - sounds from the heart and logic Born in the War - like the morning-sun You can see me - but you cannot touch Me - I have no logical truth to give. Leaving home (#) I put Johnny B. Goode in the Mp3/player tk w/m Poesii Maiorescu And my medication and walk out The door of miracle - to poetry Ready - a bit feeble but good And just walk somewheres - like Huck Finn Davy Oliver Matia Romain Kalbris Linda Maria Baros writing. The white dress

+ (#) Every girl's dream - a pure Glowing on her vowed body Baptized w/ God & offspring Seamed in times of loneliness In secret - like guilty masturbation - she wants t/ dress - she _needs_ It - ant the stone church - and walk o/t/ aisle - alight and white - Virgin. The house at the crossroad (#) Always the same - in light or Dark - full of books and Silence - the cry of dead Mother and the mourning Of the other - the house Of the crossroads is barren And the road to the castle Blocked with a Communist Fence - generations of builders And died - Child getting old Walking to the big cemetery - one day - here spirits visit - and demons wait - but more Than that - a hermitage - a place To find your mind - when You lose it - far in the world. Melancholy. A dor (#) National virtue - self-deprivations - superlove Feeling storms - unrequitted tears - brain pain - silence together - and alone - lost in books And collected memories - ancestors friends

With spiders and volves - the taming of the Aspid in the communion glass - sadness & Virtue - a life lived with brief embrace and Replay - girls with rocky eyes & lovemyths. Prayer (#) After a long day of poetry in t/ amfora Of heavy head pottery nothing remains But prayer a gesture aword like a Piece of cloth in the swollen mouth Choking it time of beautiful words Has gone/come and in the rough Nerves the wait like in an official Room or a mental institution crowded & alone. Madonna + (#) Mother of God and trouble - 17 Sits enthroned in the television Sorceress & adolescent - lover Young - the deer of the cosmos Born for birth and love - woman Adored by human history - antichrist & teacher - bowed down in earth Nameless & abandoned - Mother. Social barriers + (#) Love obstructed by wealth - family Aborted by racisms & epithets - what Will she do when Daddy returns From prison - who marries the sick Girl - the God of the gay and insane Law and piety - enciclica of fraternity - stalker boy - bad girl - the no goods T/ multitudes - friendless kids on welfare.

The psychopath + (#) Redemption in a Girl - pedophilia Demon - murder rape suicide A prince's madness - and all The vices and gods - the Parcae Drunk at the Infant's head - a killer In every war in Europe - a shouter Twister - snake - a deadman - devil A Child - alone too much happy/sad. Seeds of grass. A prophecy (#) In the night of George Michael's exit I dreamt a dream coming to me Timely - I was sucking me again Wasn't very nice though - and There were seeds of grass in My dreamely uncircumcision - I Was taking them out w/ my tongue Revelations come and go - but This brainia strange and moving. To a Christmas Death. Homiletics (#) Singer - young man - one hears people Die - but never _sees_ it - never grasps A concept death is not - and yes - you Were gone with the Christmas carols Who entered for you - Marley? - Jesus? Answers are there but unspokable In death on Christmas there is a light Like the wise sadness of Child forever.

Alzheimer (#) I wonder on the meaning of diseases Alzheimer for instance - what Does it mean - what is life trying To say - to teach the old and man To forget-the past? - grudges - instincts On top - what is to forget and why Is needed - the Holocaust - and what About the millions of years and slaves? Or is it a signal - to remember? - to try The Mothers - the dead - the lovers Or Saints - sorrow and sin - just to Remember - like the Mississippi time. Fantasies (#) Visions - memories and fantasms - recicling & feeling lost - pleasure – images – a try for Beauty - negation of loneliness - Joy of Life And oh - brokeness mended - for now If we are still human and sin is not here Faith hope love written by the prophet And our life - to love a person - to love Just to love - in sin and secrets – broken. Oil filter (#) I found it on the side of the road While coming home on foot and I took it as a knick-knack - metal Instead of porcelain - in the window Black dirty filled with grinded pebbles Filled with olive salt - A symbol of the Industrial man - to me - the walker

T/ bum - t/ primitive - t/ biblical Child. The rape (#) End of highschool. I accompanied a girl To colleges - to see the student market A dear one - a dear one - and there I Took the drinks -vodka - and I made my Move - I kissed her holding her - and And what I did - one of my sexual assaults Was a psyche rape to Her - now: friendless I don't ask f/giveness some don't - just cry. The Poster. Portrait of an Artist (#) Sits in his room barefoot w/ the lamp And personal computer - looks a/ t/ Keyboards with hallowness - with Regret - he will never make them Sing - he just copy/pastes videos And meaningful scenes and universal Art - he is an artist of posting - and He knows it - like Beethoven/Nightingale. French origins (#) Noble - from the Medieval Loire of fortressess And visions - a world devoted to the Immaculate Conception - defeated warriors of d'Arc - exiled In all the Orbus - the old Polignacs - Romantic Birds of centuries - with the mind & superlogic Brain inscribed in castle towers - in the faith Of France - artists of war and grammar - losers French origins - undying - braindead & heartful. Me and the Witches

(#) Every now and again witches spell me Defiant and lost - wishing me bad luck And omens - I try to resist the charm But the witches enthrall me If only I could ever let them go - banish Them - kill them dead in my heart and World - the witches are rulers of dark - from which I unwilingly come. I want to get married (#) I want to get married - with a Girl - the one that I love - shall I wait her? - stay pure and Simple - can this be? - tell me Sincere - honest - can you? Are you pure - is your religion True - is love to be? - is love A truth? - I want to marry. Dopamin (#) Broken circuits - the music of the eyes When it gets cloudy you have true Take your raincoat - if you have One - or stay home - but upside Sun is invincible - brain transmuted in Tears - why people drink and dance and Love - the mad Earth and the lost Years - everybody's having fun just me. The poet. On Susan (#) Brain is a shell - empty or

Pregnant - what creature is he - the Poet - beyond its sex - a hegelian Concept - pure as a bird In space - in his hour - and then The light closes - and the raft Is Dark - a humpback in the Ocean - prophet prayed and preyed. The Demagogue (#) Elections passed - red - propaganda resurected Is he bought? - college teacher - a man of the 80s Easy money - speaks at the radio again with wife After Christmas - t/ unemployed of Italy & t/ wall Of Mexico - the sinistre face of democracy - and The poor life - and I think - another one goes back Like t/ zombies of our past - t/ eightiers are purple And now they are ready for their own Revolution. The Feminine Man (#) The feminine man is made - not Born - prayed not bore - He is Made by disjointing in the cradle By interested parties So legs would grow tender and Graceful - the beauty boygirl & by mad incessant prayer of Orphan Mother. The Scorched Tree (#) Stands in the fenced field - a big Nut-tree - no priestess comes to Pray and sing the hymns of love And nature - dead - dark - and

Meaningless - alone - untrue Nobody will base a world Religion on it - he is ignored As nobody can pick and eat. Walk with van God (#) The day is cold - seems an Arctic summer Sun everlasting dead in the sky - on the Tractor roads I carry the Letters I - and Thought that machine - stone - angel Nevertheless - but dead van Gogh was None - I look at the book unread - and Believe - in man and letters - I walk With van God again and ask for reasons. Masturbation (#) God in solitude - the woman god - beyond Recollection - life of defeats - beauty She Sings - chirrups - an enemy - think But what an angelic one - coming for truth In the evening - the soul who plays and Sings - obsessed with you - until death And true is in heaven there is no place For secrets or relief & angels love not. Meaning. A Love’s Shyzofrenia (#)

After genesis - intimate silence - Girl broken World becoming science-fiction - hermit 'S sad friend despaired - deserving to be Will give her her body as a beautiful crutch Would let herself crucified for the Saint

But oh She just have to sing in the broken Monastery and be - be - Pu Yi's second Best - somewhere in t/ Greenwhich Moon. A Schyzophrenia (#) Ideal life & self justifications - a dementia Of will - pain contemplation - and true Holy Rosary - every woman Mary - maybe A buglike brain larger than man & t/ dopamin Shots - is he a monster or Age's wo/man Would never know - just walks the road A century after another - a measure & a lie No/y helps a schyzophrenic - t/ is t/ reason why. Poetry & Love (#) I have read a haiku about Love And thought Man changes Nature - with Love - not Man But the Poet if Poet is All We are - and what true God Can be - tears bring wisdom That is a verse of God & Love is Pain not Pleasure. The Flock (#) This field is a place for potatoes & sheep Shepherds come – with rams and dogs And build round stone fires – like ancient Priests – the earth black and gold In solitude I love the field – like Isak The space of a new world today – Electric thought – But the sheep are the Same and the spring remaings of fires.

The Bum (#) Just a drunk – living alone With twin brother – sleeps In a cold room and drinks Toward death – no food No friends really – just a Drop and a cigarette And memories of playing Guitar at Gatherings Just a bum to the world Ill sick and careless Just a sullen orphan Dying – & not a bum. Mangods (#) The right to step on – the Logic behind it – the old Potter – The rabbit – the Casual friendship of The mangods laughing Against life – antichrism Torture room of the head & night again in the sea. Pleasure (#) Man a psychiatric robot moved by pleasure The thought giving dopamins – the blessing And the curse – pleasure of existence – of Just be – this is the key of life and man Takes pleasure in everything even in men Grief – Nothing brings him down or breaks His heart – in orgasm and proteins – he’s

God – & he deserves to be – & sick uncool. The Confession (#) Humble knees - a fugue of sins In the years of the Church - to speak Up - opening of the little book and pray I did and I dreamed and I thought The heartful sinner - will he go to God Or never like the Ancient peoples? Please - Jesus - give f/giveness - will Sin more? - or not - like t/ sinful woman? The Comedian (#) Up before the crowds - speaks Contemporary words - he is alone There - in his life and wisdom Walks the alley to the fridge And thinks existence - he is a Priest - psychanalyzing the world They all laugh and build up Religion here & t/ comedian goes. George Michael at Westminster Abbey (#) Preys there - cries in t/ rembrandtian Dark - altar boys hear his nightcry The new spirit of the Abbey - another Dead in the African stained-glass And communion wine - the true holy Ghost of yesterday -- telling us all About the bad place and the secret Of it -t/ bad place of love-(saved?). The Phoenix

(#) A fire in the night - far With the fields - shepherds Sit around the phoenix - n/y Awake - blue star melting In the night - the sorrow Or the Graal - burning and Cry for her love - t/ shepherd. Sacrifice. To my Lover (#) Don't you want to be a Grandmother In the ruin house of your dead Mother When you will be old and archetype To count the years & stars lit in dusk To devote your life to English poetry And at death be buried in this palace By kinky priests holy or homosexuals & the Queen /7 her seamstress sitcry. Crystal Man (#) The rotten apple near the lit lamp He sits at the computer not knowing To say Aye! - books are closed Long ago - with only mind trampled By thoughts - the world an eye Universe an I - God an Ay! & he a crystal man - if man could He be - death impossible - life. The Naked Woman (#) She sits naked in the cold of the camera She wants to be loved - feels unwhole

Needs a Friend quest for in all the world - her porcelain skin makes her special - but only in these true moments - she is The naked woman - longing after the Rain and sky - beautiful Because contrary to God - she loves. The Happy Child (#) His name is Happy - given by the kings And he is - he does not remember himself The pain of his birth and white conception No angel or demon can equal him A boy or girl? nobody knows and love Love is not pure enough for this Child He is the Happy Child - trapped / forever In the ivory palace of his marble brain. The Nightingale (#) You hold me in your palms little bird And your eyes sing to me you say - you Are my Nightingale my little lovely wing I am just souldark and afraid - I am Your Nightingale - Priestess of t/ Temples I wait in dark for the Moon - she has Your face - night is an eye and you are The night - not love song just cry. Blue Glass Icon (#) Blue Mary singing in the temple The old men pious and rebelde Look at Joseph he is gay And every Jew eats

But what big She is Like a Venus of Willendorf Is She sick does She have Elefantiasis or is She pregnant? 3. WORDS OF THE NIGHTINGALE (14 AMERICAN POEMS)

The American Raven The Raven Flies Sad Mother Dies The Baby Cries White Raven Flies. Ode to a Computer The Moon is in It The deserted Street The Oak where We Meet The Heart and the Beat. To Amerigo

Lar of America Herald of Night All are In You The Big And Dead.

To Work

The Broken Arm And Broken Brain Joseph has No Hands Mary Blind. Alone in the Cemetery

Alone with Jesus In the Cemetery The Dead are Silent The Rain Speaks. The Pogany Castle

In Night Castle is Wet In Night Sun is Set Dead Ghosts fly Dead Night cry. To the Genius of America

I was Buried In a Garment of Stones And I Built A Cranium Armor I Walk inside the Worm I Live with Ignorance Down in the Grave Forever Alone. Transylvanian Night Comes Night I fall Asleep Town is Foolish Moon is Deep My Dream is A River And my Head A Stone. To My Mother At Night At Day When Black Comes Gray To You I Pray With Death Alone To Me She Say Life is but None. Waiting Death Death is a Glimpse Of Light Excess I learnt the Truth I must Profess

Down in the Path There's Nothing True So me and Death Is Stamp and Glue. To the Werewolf From the Vampyre I write American Werewolf London and Kerouac Wrote American morning. To Dollar

You The Blood of United States of America The Paper Of Confessions The Nuggets Of Liberty. To Liza All the Factories Are Mine All the Workers Are We.

To the End

Love is the End Like Death When Music Is Done Only Dark. CONTENTS 1. The Letters of the Unperson 2. Beatful Stones 3. Words of the Nightingale (14 American Poems) C. XTIAN POEMS Felix Rian Constantinescu 2017 „cante' waste' hoksila ake istimba, hanhepi kin waste'.� Lakota Lulluby Ourselves alone

The funny things we do ourselves Alone in the black bed of foolish Thoughts the eyes we give for Nothing - the dead reasons of Regret - and pain - we will never be The same after our games - win or Lose - we wait for pedigree and Love - noble and ice-cold and pure. Napoleon Laughing

Orgasmic brain - what will be left of it But today the man laughs - just born Far from his destiny of truth an death But what ideas flow in his uconscious God knows - nothing satanic though A beautiful Child before making world Obey - they say genii laugh too - a Cosmic laugh - followed by rebellion & meaning. Broken Guitar

The guitar is broken and glued again Mistakingly - they put the neck of a Swan - to this yellow silent piece Of music - how can She sing except Before Death - when the swan will rise To a heaven and the guitar will shrink In the depths of the earth - and spring When we'll live in air & our memoires. Thomas More. A Life Art

I believe that flowers mean flowers And believe that people mean people Like truth is a red caterpillar Tearing your soul down I believe in the eternal leaves And the soliloquia of dead Mother I believe God a wall and a door & my names mean Thomas More. JURAMIS, THE DARK GIRL A dark girl - made of chaos & tears She is alone - alone and relentless Remained in Sheol read her S/speare's Is in a Child love's meaningness?

Tell me - is it? - or not - and all a lie? What is to be if nothing? - please please Answer me - does Life end? & love die? Friends are unseen & only Soul is. About The Clipping of Things I Seems like since always I have it The habit to tear unkowingly to Weirdly clip things without reason To break the expensive things Of the family in frenzy but that Was long ago still lurking in Memory and deeds I am yes A madman b/ e/thing has cause. II More than that – a need to break The heart of strangers and family To play with feelings as a policeman To hurt and to be hurt and do Bad – like the psychopathic thieves There must be an explanation I Think but don’t request it instead Wait for the bloomings to make tea. HOMOSEXUAL UNROTTING Dead entombed and wept for By some law of nature a refuse To rot turn into excrement and Earth a dead homosexual Saint Alone with himself in the coffin What miracle has passed who done it Maybe St. Anne of the Weeping Children What will we do of this Saint? PURPLE TOMBSTONE

My tombstone will be of purple waters Made of my tears and bloodful thoughts It will be a trufle watered by my cadaver Inside the Earth as in a woman's tummy On it will writ HERE LIES RODION THE MAN OF BIG IDEALS AND GREAT LOSSES and a year or two of the ones Known and a star a bee star with honey. MUTANTISM


The land is the same, only the plough's Blade cut is bigger ever since the Nazi-Soviet War the villagers are devious the same or Not? Who knows? They don't eat corn With milk - they have cars and fancy clothes And foreign money and vice diseases & www. & dead relatives in rich tombs in the cemetery But they do it they plough & sheperd after work. THE CABBAGE FIELD

This year we will put cabbage I can see the letuces rise just As back home in Anatolia and Far East to Armenia and Iran

The cabbage field will be one Of the world's wonders and We will eat it all day after day Until next spring happy and full. THE DESERTORS

Tired of this paradise they go To build another Their eternal dream Of civilization and spirit and they send Colored postcards and the wine of Peace look how sad they are we Became again the grizzly volois A strange land with no inheritance They exod using God for impotence. ASYLUM CRY Some time ago I wanted to draw With blue ink the overstreet asylum And I drawn a beast with big teeth And opened jaws on all the page Yes I know the feebleness of the ill And the attitude of Mothers and The leaving there but this night first I heard the pain of the asylum the cry. THE GRUNGEROCKER

Walks lonely w/ stories in hand on t/ roads of t/ city to t/ new bridge Where the younger hip hop kids draw defamatory images of him Walking and gay and orgasmic like Whitman - forever unaccepted Forever philosophical - like a serious waker - and no friends Mother quit long ago to understand him - She dead anyways The city just don't seem to accept his own ever since Childhood Un uomo universale from tertines to Sheryl Crow but is he straight? Girls look at him as at to something strange & shut up to themselves.


I am the drum of the drakkar pulsing in the sea The prophet of the berserk and merchants warmen The innocent the soul the bird the spirit I am The drakkar god possesed knowing the unknown Way - the waters fight as centuries the lands cry Blood - the drum is my heart and the ship a big Fish w/ maiden head - I am t/ only one knowing We will die - I am t/ only one peaceful - albatross. THE NOCTURNAL

At night we betray ourselves we love Not men or people but the night itself A biological etat d’ame not love even But chemistry and veins wet tissues It is called the nocturnal man t/ strange Of silence bereft near the lamp and Computer - we pray to become digital Or for the night to neverend - no pain. XTIAN

Engines and brains pumping on the streets In silence - the silence of robots and laugh Of hyenas - the grunge of the day and yes For me the song - Xtian - keeping my soul In all the autism of the mechanisms - and Money - for everything a price - o, God When will I die away from the pharaonic Cities? - still alive - still walking - thinking. CHIAROSCURO

A rembrandtian icon - a soul among daemons The Brahmaputra pulsing in the temple - sky Toledan with lightning and revelation - the sinful Child - ostracised then - stoned - the pilgrim Child - the War lost - and the heart a seed of stone The Calvary - and the Law - never fulfilled Torah Death never coming - expected as a salvation Life proving t/ Bible - in silence & obscurity - son. A WHITE SHEET OF PAPER

I sent my Father to the printers To ink my Romanian heretic book And I was surprised to see my Book in harmonious array Whith 3 dispersed sheets of paper Blank - two of them numbered And the third nude - well w/ only A sheet of paper - still have it. THE HUMANE

Philosophical notion - sociological absolute - the Man Dream - a fall into grace and incompleteness - the pain Of love - of forgiveness - forever and everafter - the need Of forgiveness - to forgive and be forgiven - is soul An angel? - the biological laws of the cosmos - an islam Of every soul in genius or simplicity - the road To Jerusalem - the truth of weakness; everlasting And psychology - but more than that - the Greek temple. DOR & ECSTASY. The Industrial Revolution

Gauguin walking with Christ - & the surrounding villages Like the boughs of a piano - the sensucht of country-boys

The silence of night-fields - lightless - the silence of wo/man In t/ night - thoughts as birds - black/white - beasts & flowers & t/ urban people - offices - euphoric or depressed - crying Or mute - The silent deserted factories the night before Pleasure - soul is biochemy - cars - t/ wisdom of t/ junkies t/ love of t/ gay - t/ machines - & t/ noise of t/ market - mdnss. DARK & ALONE

Six million villages left in permafrost 23 million souls in the dark - every road Falls apart - you will live you will see God Leave us - go - go Mother - go son - forget us Romania - Albania - Macedonia - Cernowitz Who cares you know - I want a Dorothy’s house God knows w/ I want - I want to go - uncompletness I want God to come and bury my Mother. DAMNATION

to Rodica Lăzărescu Damnation is not a thing to be desired Mostly - all people seem to profess Heaven - except for a few psychopaths And quirky rockers - or maybe the Corrupted souls - destroyed auras Mad - the hurt - when damnation comes It's like a knife - in your frontal lobes To be avoided but life is so beautiful. THE FLOWERS

It is questionable which is the meaning Of flowers - they germinate in the snow On boughs in the field in the orchards

& gardens - & then everything is t/ same Dead - they bloom in t/ cemetery & in brain Of corpses flowers are unconsciously Compared to stars - flowers have a law Of their own - which we all accept - no one Cries for the death of a flower - & we kill Them - again and again - With a humane Fascinated superior grin - we do - in our Lovedeclarations and mourning and poetry. The Children Hospital From my window - I can see the Children Hospital - a place by God forgotten Souls rejected by life - not good enough How much they eat? Do they have Mothers? But they _are_ good and they pray in prison And as they just sit they help each other up In the afternoon on the tricolore benches They are not heart misfits just soul martyrs In a better world they will be adopted and Loved or sent back home and healed And they would have food to eat and they Would pray and work and love and grow. ANGELS

I wonder sometimes and now Parsley sage Rose Mary and time Does any man or woman need The angels given to us - do we Or just live like beasts for the Evolution - like the gorillas in the Prison - like the dogs in the den Do we need angels tell me?

Bad Marriage

Psalm 73 Mother married Father out of Christian charity A widower with three mangy orphan cats First thing She bought them warm clothes And food - and loved receiving only for hate And then she bore her Voodoo Child - me The loser of the family - She dead years now The older brothers wait for Old Bad Father To die - and the little one to Auschwitz. THE CHRISTIAN

Brendan is gone and so the King The christian Puts to bed in drakkar Viking Towards the Atlantis To convert Death West in Atlantis The Christian Lies there The ship Coffin is And sails West Towards the Atlantis To convert Death West in Atlantis.


The fields belong to the centuries A way over the sea - a song of t/ Fregate with the heart of a Swallow You - left - and made a New World In the resemblance of the Ancients The Caelts - riding on stars and Birches - you were born of doom And hope - so Talitha Kumi -.


Written - thought - self-spoken - dreamt Copyrighted - own - claimed - fought for A piece of property - like a stool or an USD - the poetry is the solace of the self What's it all about - money & checknotes or the freedom of the word inside us and Man? Really? The poetry is a violent game In which we have to lose like t/ gladiators. Felix. An Autobiography

Writer - singer - behaved Rastafarian Locked in a cabin - on matresses in Barrack - thinking - of love & abuse Poetry and squalor - a dog - why not? Still alive in the world not agreing with Sinking in the equinox of the great fall Sad - most than anything - living hurt In t/ Precambrian of t/ contemporary. The Clown

Alone - having only himself to think about Unloved - green brain like French cheese Singing or silent - hated and loving enemies Nothing helping him - really - nobody - the Girl is far and lonely too - the female Clown With a library and digital library in head Red heart - burgundy lips - the soul a tree In bloom and fallen to the ground - praying. Consecrated Bread

Dough of the Ancients - staining the hands Of Maiden Mary - from the Hellenic Ponts Stained of olives and the oil of the battle Lost generations of Virgin great priestesses Artemis - Athena - Minerva - Ceres with All her prayers - the first Christians - holy Killed and raped by the Barbarians - I am Their voice their soul their Child - honor me. The English Bible

I read in the English Bible The Past Present & Future If world will unite in peace It will be in It - It will be in It I read in the English Bible The Past Present & Future If world will unite in peace It will be in It - It will be in It. Evanescence

I sit with my cat on my torso Listening to the radio & staring

In the night thinking to my Dead Grandmother and her House - demolished - 100 miles Away - just like her time will be When I will erect like a Patriot In the beyond gone dead spirit. The Poplars

Gentle - windpainting in the sky - swaying Like algae underwater - some scorched Of life - vertical - brush lines in tones brown & young green - comforting the sad temples Nobody sees them though - they are angels Ministrants of soothe - in anonymous temper Rocking like the Children for the bird's view Not a place to be - clouds free - prisoner istm. The Minor Poet

For Susan Stewart, with Love.. Published - accepted - a notion of the age Owner of his name as if of a good property Christian - homsexual - atheist - all in one A dreamer - working in literature - pleasant Never against society and Church norms In t/ open of day - a man of thoughtlessness And words - the unudnerstood prodigy Oh, the minor poet - a name & two poems. The Cherubim

God how long has been - tell me Twenty years - thirty - thousand? Children meet cherubims & love

Them - making them Children No more - alas - the pain never Fades - we all were cherubims Once - what happned - Jesus? Tell me - tell me - tell me - tell... Jazz Math If Columbus had apllied Jazz mathematics is Possible instead of America to be hanged In the fools prison But just as well he Could have discovered How do you call them? Those waves which are In universe and lead Effortlessly from one end To another of the cosmos. Autoportrait sabato, matisse, coltrane, carmelite, Child, butler, pig-eater rabbi, joe le taxi, Ceshire logician - sabato, matisse, coltrane, carmelite, Child, butler, pig-eater rabbi, joe le taxi, Ceshire logician - sabato, matisse, coltrane, carmelite, Child, butler, pig-eater rabbi, joe le taxi, Ceshire logician - sabato, matisse, coltrane, carmelite, Child, butler, pig-eater rabbi, joe le taxi. Overcomed Asperger

Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend

Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend Asperger is not a friend. Autoportrait 2

sabato matisse coltrane carmelite Child butler pig-eater rabbi joe le taxi Ceshire logician joe doe sabato matisse coltrane carmelite Child butler pig-eater rabbi joe le taxi Ceshire logician joe doe sabato matisse coltrane carmelite Child butler pig-eater rabbi joe le taxi. Milton

The man of the '20s Is morally implied W/ political convictions Freedom seeker No dogma is good Enough - no man Holy - potentially from Reject to Man. To the Fields. To Dr. Terpe, Yeas Ago I said my Prayer To the Fields Of Incence and Myrrh To the Leafs And Stones

Please Let me Pray. THE RIGHT TO EDUCATION My dad was a jerk you know All I ever wanted wast to read I used to say to People Teach me to Read - but Father Took all my welfare and gave Me no books - and abused me So I killed the Motherfucker Will I go to jail - are there books? MY REASONS

Asperger reasons are basically handful Have you read Kataev's book? - what Do you think about courage? - do you Consider parties fun? - are you a blonde Or a brunette? - what do you think are The advantages of loneliness? - in Childhood did you dream of becoming A recluse? - do you like food? - terrible? - are you sane? - are you guilty? Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful. D. THE TABLOID. MODERN SONNETS


An American Prayer - One - Master of Puppets Welcome home (Sanitarium) - Leper Messiah Orion - The Battery - Fade to Black - Motorbreath - Seek and Destroy - The Four Horsemen – Sod Hit the Lights - The Unforgiven 1-2-3 - Nothing Else Matters - Until It Sleeps - Load - The Call of Ktulu For Whom the Bells Tolls - Damage Inc. - Reload The Memory Remains - My Friend of Misery - Ginc Mama I'm Coming Home - Soldier of Fortune - Gee Guerilla Radio - Sleep Now In the Fire - Karmapolice It’s only When I Lose Myself - Back in the USSR Imagine - Let It Be - Blackened - Don't Look Back In Anger - St. Anger - God Will Make A Way To Your Heart - He Holds the Whole World in His Hands - It. UNAPPRECIATED PATIENCE

I know I shouln't tell but show My home was hell forever So I took to the priest to the Psychologist to the priest Again - to the psychyatrist Only to be abused despised Neglected rejected hated Feared clowned left alone For life - by my family - judged Made to live as a convict Hazed - mazed - amazed - led Because I seek peace a martyr God is beyond - and here - but I am alone - peaceful stranger. THE FLOWER

I feel like holding a flower In my hands - my soul Maybe - a gray flower & I sit alone on t/ embankment - there are no people Near - except drones and Stars - I look at my flower It would be a pleonasm To confess that I cry Anyway I cannot protect It - my flower will die Soon before me and only Herds of sheep pass by B/ I hv a flwr in my hands. DEATH OF A PASTOR. A Sonnet

A man died in Phoenix, Arizona A Romanian man - shouting pastor Heartcase - a good friend of my Father In the before years - here right here I heard him on a tape back in 1986 Preaching to Christians and Party Members at an entombent - he said Men who die are not just daffodils There is a place we know not of Where the dead go - light becoming Light - he had a good name - Michael Well if I should bet and put money on It - I'd say the man is angel now - B/ we Will never know till our untimely death. IMMITATIO TOXO

So what was going through you head when You were doing it? - The Punkbullying? You have to remember those Romanian Years - our parents were ex-communists Party Members or Workers - and we knew Our Grandmothers at least of a world before 1984 - and the Revolution left a mark in any Kid's heart I dunno forever - and we were sick Of Securitate and Fear - and they were poor Kids you know what that means? - & I had been Jesus - Satan too - yeah - but before - I wanted A change like Huckleberry Finn - to think not Weed - So yes - I dreamt of a community without Violence - in all its forms - and that was my first teen Gospel - punk tolstoyanism - dread of Mothers. Basics A life of basics is a beautiful life A Child's or Children life & smiles A life of few need and huge love Maybe you won't be successful Maybe you won't Dream and drive Maybe you will share onion soup With your ragged family but you Will love them and return to them Like the Jews - maybe you'll work In a factory all your life but maybe You'll make friends in the workers Those tired too sexy bereft women Who would teach you of women Wisdom - & instead of Rio: alms -. Mind Hurricane

for Kubin Hurricane Carter, Books can change the world. I do not do - I do not do I wrote my life away - for you My God - my pain is not My brain - natural born soldier But you and them - I know slavery My mind hurricane is going to get You - this is what I believe I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do I do not do - I do not do. Textmessage In the Night Hey kidd if you're just outhere in dark Not knowing what to do with you Nobody knows anything for you And why do you still bother be good You just sit by yourself and years pass By or you live your life in the collective Maybe you live in pain maybe you live In pleasure but just take it man, girl Even if god doesn't exist just do it Be your own god and sacrifice you Be Jesus for you just for you & eat Take a crumb of popcorn with soda And think to whatever you want but T/ way u won t b just meat capisci? And Maybe Shame Is The Answer. xxx Fantasia for all the ashamed masturbating Children. First is the play

Then is the game Head of black & head of hay And then Life Become the same Full of pleasure Full of shame In the end death And tears unwept Fall from the eyes Maybe we are Karl And Gretchen and Our love Crăiasa zăpezii. With Wordsworth I do not hope in history or man Instead in humanity and kind's Content - now four cents past Shakespeare is dead - and you I am with Wordsworth though In books and poetry - in recluse Sins and sinning tears - I do not Know - if heaven should on earth What City could it be and the Omen Is She a vile pontif? - but more than That - we all humans even God - so Dear Williams and circumcised Milton Lay in town tombs and inward books & to my Death find some1 new 2 save. THE GUITAR SARGEANT A lie for Truthman Ciste. You no longer have to hide

Your guitar in the woods Sarge Take it and play it in your helicopter Like Emile Botta the dead hamlet Of our p ă m ân t yes play it In your mind drills shoot the Nazi's With your strings and think If you find anything to think about You will die Sargeant me too Our all company will die today So play your guitar for the Children Nothing will survive us except your Guitar So pass it on like a light For a day when all Armies will fight guitars. Amen. THE SOLDIERS THAT CRUCIFIED JESUS The soldiers that crucified Jesus were my men Thirty-three men from all over the world - tired Men - of war and executions - I knew each one Of them - but ten were my friends - ten like the Wonders of the world - I was the first - one son Of my Mother the Skipper was a Persian and The third Arameic and the fourth Etrusque The fifth was Black and sixth Jewish the seventh Celtic and the ninth Greek and the last Getae But we all did it only I was watching my orders The beat slept in the prison-castrum and the Ninth Were busy with their tools and Men with Woodcrosses - yes kill the Mad but in my Madness I prophesied this just as a son of Zeus so this if why am t/ Father of t/ Romans. THE DIVINE COMEDY. ALONE ON WORK DAY It's finally windy warm Work Day Nobody answers the phone I sit

& think like a tired dog chewing My broken pencil which I write Nobody's out-there - I'll eat my Steak alone like an Aids man - I Ponder what to read - Paradise Lost - the Devill and the Gods? Or something worse - the tragic Childhoods of great composers? Alone in my black hole the last Verse is the harder before sudden Death - mankind cast me out and Every Father - I'm a pilgrim to my tomb. E. THE HALL OF THE DOUBLE MIRROR 1. The Adventures of Little Punk Dog FR-C Little Punk Dog FR-C Little Punk Dog Goes to school Every kid takes Him for a fool The teachers say He's not alright! He barks and cries Every night Every night! (Chorus) Every night every night The kids say to him When the talk of - him Bad Punk Dog Bad Punk Dog You're a Little Punk - Dog You're a Little Punk - Dog Little Punk Dog! (Chorus) Every night every night every night every night Every night every night every night every night Every night every night every night every night Singalong everybody! Encore. He sits friendless And alone His head is heavy

Like a stone Nobody loves him Nobody will So he starts to Make up his will! (Chorus) Every night every night every night every night Every night every night every night every night Every night every night every night every night Phoebe Buffay and Petre Roman FR-C When he was down Schooled A bloody coup d'ĂŠtat Fooled And the teacher lady Said Who well we vote Kids? Who will we vote Kids? Roman we will Vote Roman we will Vote Roman we will Vote Roman we will Vote Roman we will Vote We all shouted in class We had fun Petre Roman was a Communist Bum I storytell this tale Cause I wanna say That I love Phoebe Buffay Yes I love Phoebe Buffay I'd marry Phoebe Buffay. Little Punk Dog Writes A Book FR-C Little Punk Dog Writes a book The publisher page This kid's a spook. He signs both contracts Don't give one back

And this is how Little Punk Dog gets jacked. Little Punk Dog gets jacked! (Chorus) Gets jacked gets jacked His Mom is dead Nobody cares! He sits alone Nobody cares! He sleeps in the frost Nobody cares! He writes all the time Nobody cares! Nobody cares!! (Chorus) Nobody cares nobody cares Four years later publishes On his own money Now he can die But nobody reads - about his Mommy About his Mommy! (Chorus) Nobody nobody nobody nobody People like to sleep eat and fuck If they don't afford condoms They use a sock People suck people suck People suck people suck People suck people suck People suck people suck (Chorus) People suck people suck people suck people suck People suck people suck people suck people suck People suck people suck people suck people suck People suck! Yea-a-a-ah. emoticon smile Little Punk Dog In The Cemetery FR-C Little Punk Dog Sits alone At his head He has a tombstone He's with Grandma We hope he's merry But we don't know Cause he don't show. Little Punk Dog Blues FR-C Little Punk Dog Still has a Father A weary old man Like his dead Mother Kids don't even visit

The don't call They wear O'Neal They don't pay a bill They don't pay a bill! Don't say I love you They don't say I did trouble you Maybe my old man will die And just me will cry! Little Punk Dog Visiting Agafia FR-C Little Punk Dog ran In a cold cold forest Nothing was in the area But a damned securist But fifty meters farther Watched by a cuss And a fart-er In the oldest house Lived a Mother Agafia The daughterless Mother. Educaţie FR-C Mămica face sex Băiatu face sex Bunica nu ştim ce face Hei hei hei Aproape toţi fac sex Hai toată lumea Mămica face sex Băiatu face sex Bunica nu ştim ce face Hei hei hei Aproape toţi fac sex. Mulţumesc. emoticon smile Little Punk Dog Goes To Church FR-C Little Punk Dog Goes to church Christians think His name is Lurch He likes the mood He feels bless-ed And everyday He feels rejected Yay! (Chorus) Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum

Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum He is mocked he is used He's insulted and abused He is laughed at and ignored He's despised And he's always bored (Chorus) Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum You can talk to God Only in institution So to be a hermit Is not a solution You must be sharp Smart and holy And you must You must be jolly (Chorus) Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum Bum bum bum bum If someone there loves you It's a wonder But you just can't see her Like Stevie Wonder It's like she is far away Like in a far away land And you wave your hand And you wave your hand. The Failed Suicides of Little Punk Dog FR-C I tried to kill miself Onces upon a time Lime to a lemon Lemon lemon to a lime People want to die And some them Suicide But if you cry Life has a bright side So let me Little Punk Dog Bid you farewell Suiciders are losers What is more to tell? Try this at home with your guitar! 2. The Hall Of The Double Mirror

THE EXCLUDED. TO JONI HEY JONI I WANNA TELL YOU ANOTHER HEARTBREAKING STORY OF MINE - ABOUT MY GIRL - YEA - HER NAME IS SHE WELL IT'S A PRETTY WILD MISHAP - WITH AN ANGRY FATHER - HE TORTURED ME AND NOW EVERYBODY IS AFTER HER - TELL ME JONI THERE MUST BE SOMETHING WRONG WITH LIFE - WHY WE EAT EACHOTHER ON BEACHES AND WHY IS HER EXCLUDED THE ONLY INNOCENT I KNEW IS THERE HOPE IN MAN SWEET OR ARE WE GIANT INSECTS? HANDICAPPED CHILDREN For Joni Eareckson Tada. I look at them right now over the window Two girls in red sitting on a bench - and Why they waste their life in prison Angels as they are - o God why no one Visits - Mothers or Brad Pitt - and no One want a vulnerable cherub to love And comfort - day passes and night Comes - the asylum will be a shipwreck In the night in which all wait death No icecream songs or prayers will Be heard - just the wall - the holy Here to protect and comfort –

The handicapped and bereft - so Please! - if you are man and in Mankind you live - come here and Choose two kids - to live, to live. THE SONGS OF THE BULLIED Yea God save the Queen - we all Are people they say - but who knows What's inside man and his brain The songs of the bullied are cool And annoying - why is that von Paulus Maybe because of the crushed Mirrors of mankind and soul - but Where we'll find the soul to avoid the end And really - since when the feud started The man in the arena with the rhinos Hungry and placid - we have no bombs Inspired men to exterminate the herd But like in the case Grigurcu vs. Nichita What remains - no, not glory - remains The struggle - everyday fight - the bad And good held together in one embrace. FOR EVERY LOST CHILD IN THE WORLD Where is Mommy, Girl, where is Daddy, Boy Where you bad today who won the fight today Little Boy Lost with a missing image in the Brain - yourself missing - hurt - failing - sinful Where is Daddy, Boy? Did you kill him? - and God - too? - where is Mama, Girl, tell me? No one knows when the hurt will end - but we Are the ephemeridae of the summer not living But l o v i n g like the animals in anarchist Paradise - So, Mom, Dad, where are you What good is a temple if it makes people Unjust - And God - what good is he - knowing

Everything and planning lives like prisonwalls If love is a game then why do we lose? - why Mothers and Fathers die and we in their hearts The ice-cold moment when She says I do not Love you anymore and you go in the world. +++ Opened window Quince of white lights. Cloudy evening. THE UNDERDOG Every man an Underdog Parents trying to make Ends meet - Children Struggling at school Every man a victim - of The World - and himself Ignorance stronger than Truth - and the shame Of failing - the Underdog Awakes in the rink for a Two dollar bill - people Die forgotten and Children Too - where is the good Thing - where is the food For the spirit - the crushed Spirit of our Infants? - speak. WITH GOOD AND EVIL to Alice Liddel Schizophrenia gave man belief But no mad will excuse himself When normal means greed & Power - after a dream the Child

Finds out it's insane - and more Than the Kaaba - left alone in The dark and ignored by the big Juries - insane vs. normal - with Good and evil in the same mind Of broken smiles and self-help Books - God an idea in a numbered Book - 666 - and the young Prodigy Dead - in the last day before war When everything turned to toilet Paper and menstrual blood - oh Please don't kill me - I am immortal. THE HALL OF THE DOUBLE MIRROR Who Is Out There? A tall fragile hall - Valhalla? - maybe A big room here in which I am alone Ended by the wall of a mirror - what s Beyond? - The other side - the right? I can pound on it like the psycho Child Hit my head against the stainless mire Like the rabies - but I will never see The other room - what is in it - perhaps My dead Mom - faith is of no use - blind Maybe beyond are lightnings and forests Or maybe flowers - or maybe just me Stare-pounding - writing digital letters On the mirror someone reads - never Seeing himself - except the letters I Write - is he trying too to break this glassy Fortress to reach me - for kill or love? CONTENTS A. The Child Said That 1. THE CHILD SAID THAT

2. & 13 AMERICAN POEMS B. Beatful Stones 1. THE LETTERS OF THE UNPERSON 2. BEATFUL STONES C. Xtian Poems D. The Tabloid. Modern Sonnets E. The Hall of the Double Mirror 1.The Adventures of Little Punk Dog 2. The Hall of the Double Mirror -THE ENDPăclişa, 2015-2017

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