Human Contact (Poetry 2022) FRConst 2 RM of Hazard City Limits Episodes, US o A “Birth –, Is a Natural Event – Marty!...” Love 1 & 2 I, My Father's Absalom Verse Through Cheap Poetry Inchisoare x 3, Danemarca... 2022 Feb, 16 F, Creed
Americaworld $tatelessness Capitalis Jesus. Capitalismul Neo-Romantic & Liric Americaworld $tatelessness Capitalis Jesus. Capitalismul Neo-Romantic & Liric. NOTES Pavarotti, Billie Holiday and me: the secrets of what makes a great singer, T GUARDIAN. H F Wikipedia EN Revision as of 21:35, 14 February 2022 For other uses, see Huckleberry Finn (disambiguation). Huckleberry Finn Huckleberry-finn-with-rabbit.jpg Huckleberry Finn, as depicted by E. W. Kemble in the original 1884 edition of the book First appearance The Adventures of Tom Sawyer Last appearance Tom Sawyer, Detective Created by Mark Twain In-universe information Nickname Huck Gender Male Family "Pap" Finn Huckleberry "Huck" Finn is a fictional character created by Mark Twain who first appeared in the book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) and is the protagonist and narrator of its sequel, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884). He is 12 or 13 years old during the former and a year older ("thirteen or fourteen or along there", Chapter 17) at the time of the latter. Huck also narrates Tom Sawyer Abroad and Tom Sawyer, Detective, two shorter sequels to the first two books. Contents 1 Characterization 2 Relationships 3 Inspiration 4 Appearances 5 Portrayals 6 See also 7 References 8 Further reading Characterization
Huckleberry "Huck" Finn is the son of the town's - fictional St. Petersburg, Missouri on t Mississipi accross t Illinois with t also fictive long forested Jackson Island with snakes and a cave between them, with beach bays to 4 miles away Missouri and vertical cliffs four hundred meters to t Illinois Channel: Missouri being t Northest of t Southern Christian Slavedom States which in a few years would have try DC President Abraham Lincoln - vagrant drunkard, "Pap" Finn. Sleeping on doorsteps when the weather is fair, in empty hogsheads during storms, and living off of what he receives from others, Huck lives the life of a destitute vagabond. The author metaphorically names him "the juvenile pariah of the village" and describes Huck as "idle, and lawless, and vulgar, and bad", qualities for which he was admired by all the other children in the village, although and just because their mothers "cordially hated and dreaded" him, forbidding them his presence. Huck is an archetypal innocent, able to discover the "right" thing to do despite the prevailing Southern Calvinistic Slavery Theology and prejudiced mentality of the South of that era. An example of this is his decision to help Jim escape slavery, even though he believes he will go to Hell for it, as Heaven is closed before Negroes and Low-lives Abolitionists. His appearance is described in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. He wears the clothes of full-grown men which he probably received as charity, and as Twain describes him, "he was fluttering with rags." He has a torn, broken hat and his trousers are supported with only one suspender. Even Tom Sawyer, the St. Petersburg hamlet boys' leader sees him as "the banished Romantic". Tom's Aunt Polly calls Huck a "poor motherless thing." Huck confesses to Tom in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer that he remembers his mother and his parents' relentless fighting that stopped only when she died. Huck has a carefree life free from societal norms or rules, stealing watermelons and chickens and "borrowing" (stealing) boats and cigars. Due to his unconventional childhood, Huck has received almost no education. At the end of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Huck is adopted by the Widow Douglas, who sends him to school in return for his saving her life one book before. In the course of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn he learns enough to be literate and reads books for entertainment. His knowledge of history as related to Jim is inaccurate but it is not specified if he is being wrong on purpose or as a joke on Jim. Also on his wandering searching for his almost free Black Friend Jim, the only one besides Tom Sawyer, who has ever loved him, except the Widow maybe, Huck meets a
Women, then t feuding Grangerfords and Shepherdson, then t and actor-poet naming himself Duke of Bridgewater & an alcoholic-preacher stating himself as Banished King of France, t Dolphine, - both Gay -, and also three teen orphaned sisters, with whom with t Oldest one, by t name of Mary Jane, has a Romantic Relationship, her prayers being his Memory through-out his Loneliness. After Huck leaving "that" door t Duke and King sell Jim for fourty dollars and t Boy goes for t rescue meeting his friend Tom Sawyer who was visiting t same kinfamily who was ransoming t poor slave friend. In Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, the sequel to The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, the Widow attempts to "sivilize" sic the newly wealthy Huck. Huck's father takes him from her, but Huck manages to fake his own death and escape to Jackson's Island, where he coincidentally meets up with Jim, a slave who was owned by the Widow Douglas' sister, Miss Watson. Jim is running away because he overheard Miss Watson planning to "sell him South" for eight hundred dollars. Jim wants to escape to Cairo, Illinois, where he can find work to eventually buy his family's freedom. Huck and Jim take a raft down the Mississippi River, planning to head north on the Ohio River, in hopes of finding freedom from slavery for Jim and freedom from Pap for Huck. Their adventures together, along with Huck's solo adventures, comprise the core of the book. In the end, however, Jim gains his freedom through Miss Watson's death, as she freed him in her will. Pap, it is revealed, has died in Huck's absence, and although he could safely return to St. Petersburg, Huck plans to flee west to Indian Territory. In Tom Sawyer Abroad and Tom Sawyer, Detective, the sequels to Huck Finn, however, Huck is living in St. Petersburg again after the events of his eponymous novel. In Abroad, Huck joins Tom and Jim for a wild, fanciful balloon ride that takes them overseas. In Detective, which occurs about a year after the events of Huck Finn, Huck helps Tom solve a murder mystery. Relationships Huck is Tom Sawyer's closest friend. Their friendship is partially rooted in Sawyer's emulation of Huck's freedom and ability to do what he wants, like swearing and smoking when he feels like it. In one moment in the novel, he openly brags to his teacher that he was late for school because he stopped to talk with Huck Finn and enjoyed it, something for which he knew he would (and did) receive a whipping. Nonetheless, Tom remains a devoted friend to Huck in all of
the novels they appear in. In Huckleberry Finn, it's revealed that Huck also considers Tom to be his best friend. At various times in the novel, Huck mentions that Tom would put more "style" in Jim and his adventure. Jim, a runaway slave whom Huck befriends, is another dominant force in Huck's life. He is the symbol for the moral awakening Huck undergoes throughout Adventures of Huckleberry Finn. This is seen when Huck considers sending a letter to Ms. Watson telling her where Jim is but ultimately chooses to rip it up despite the idea in the south that one who tries helping a slave escape will be sent to eternal punishment. Pap Finn is Huck's abusive, drunken father who shows up at the beginning of Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and forcibly takes his son to live with him. Pap's only method of parenting is physical abuse. Although he seems derisive of education and civilized living, Pap seems to be jealous of Huck and is infuriated that his son would try to amount to more, and live in better conditions than he did. Despite this, early in the novel Huck uses his father's method of "borrowing" though he later feels sorry and stops. As a tetralogy books theory Tom, Jim and especially Huck - might be t Illegitimated Sons of t Tatcher Peace Judge, brothers with his little Daughter Becky Tatcher, t Becky, t Judge, Widow and Miss Watson all taking great Spiritual interest in all their Crew - an attitude antithetical to Pop Finn; this so called parenting in Patriachal Christendom Societies or just vicious French Fashioned practice, is studied and presented by Mark Twain in his American social study of his first book on Utah and Californian Gold "Roughing It" & in t Novel with t title of "Puddnhead Wilson", with those two identical brothers, one a Negro B a s t a r d and one a legitimate white inheritor Son, mixed up by Revenge & Destiny. The Professor of t Balloon might b t Poe Judge Illegitimate Father, and Silas Phelps in t Detective Novella t Dissident in Christianity down in Arkansaw. Inspiration The character of Huck Finn is based on Tom Blankenship, the real-life son of a sawmill laborer and sometime drunkard named Woodson Blankenship, who lived in a "ramshackle" house near the Mississippi River behind the house where the author grew up in Hannibal, Missouri.1 Twain mentions his childhood friend Tom Blankenship as the inspiration for creating Huckleberry Finn in his autobiography: "In Huckleberry Finn I have drawn Tom Blankenship exactly as he was. He was ignorant, unwashed,
insufficiently fed; but he had as good a heart as ever any boy had. His liberties were totally unrestricted. He was the only really independent person—boy or man —in the community, and by consequence he was tranquilly and continuously happy and envied by the rest of us. And as his society was forbidden us by our parents the prohibition trebled and quadrupled its value, and therefore we sought and got more of his society than any other boy's." – Mark Twain's Autobiography. Appearances The Adventures of Tom Sawyer (1876) Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (1884) Tom Sawyer Abroad (1894) Tom Sawyer, Detective (1896) Schoolhouse Hill (1898) – unfinished "Huck Finn" (1898) – unfinished Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer among the Indians – unfinished Tom Sawyer's Conspiracy – unfinished "Tom Sawyer's Gang Plans a Naval Battle" – unfinished Since Mark Twain's death, Huck Finn has also appeared in a number of novels, plays, comic strips,2 and stories written by various authors that purport to tell the latter adventures of Huck and his friends. Portrayals Actors who have portrayed Huckleberry Finn in films and TV include: Robert Gordon (1917) Lewis Sargent (1920) Junior Durkin (1930 and 1931) Jackie Moran (1938) Donald O'Connor (1938) Mickey Rooney (1939) Gene Holland (1944) Eddie Hodges (1960) Michael Shea (1968-1969, in the TV series The New Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) Roman Madyanov (1973, in Hopelessly Lost) Jeff East (1973 and 1974) Ron Howard (1975) Steve Stark (1979) Ian Tracey (1979-1980, in the TV series Huckleberry Finn and His Friends) Gary Krug (1985, in The Adventures of Mark Twain)
Mitchell Anderson (1990, in Back to Hannibal: The Return of Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn) Elijah Wood (1993) Brad Renfro (1995) Mark Wills (2000, voice) Leon Seidel (2011, in a German version of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer; 2012, in a German version of The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn) Jake T. Austin (2013) Kyle Gallner (2015) See also 2022 Febuary 14th TOYS CHILDREN, JUCARII COPII: MISSIE, 9, - 1866 USoA -I'm t Joni, Ur t Biblia... +Mana mea-i piciorul lui Isus. Timp Interconectat: Universe of Helium Gathering Thourough through through Gravitation To Probable Future H-bomb/ ...Vidul $trigatul lui Munch. MAMA LUI D-ZEU, BIINECUVANTATA ESTI TU INTRE FEMEI & BINECUVANTAT ESTE RODUL PANTECELUI TAU ISUS MANTUITORUL CACI AI NASCUT PE MANTUITORUL SUFLETELOR NOASTRE... Isus, Isus x N, +++ M AVED MARIA, ...TEDDY JESUS, MARY DOLL...
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Răspunde13m Felix Constatinescu + Răspunde10m Felix Constatinescu A Love A-utopsy, a Love Gold Archaeology, A teen-era Girl Arch'poetry Felix Constatinescu Psalmul, 87 BIBLIA.RESURSECRESTINE.RO Psalmul, 87 Psalmul, 87 RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea5m Felix Constatinescu + Psalmul, 88 BIBLIA.RESURSECRESTINE.RO Psalmul, 88 M Psalmul, 87 BIBLIA.RESURSECRESTINE.RO Psalmul, 87 Psalmul, 87 RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea30m Felix Constatinescu + Psalmul, 88 BIBLIA.RESURSECRESTINE.RO Psalmul, 88 Psalmul, 88 RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea29m Felix Constatinescu thats+it, Răspunde16m Felix Constatinescu First U die, then U write... Răspunde14mEditat Felix Constatinescu Music & Lyrics, 2007, Kinoalphabet - spaceable... Răspunde10mEditat Felix Constatinescu
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2022, FEBUARY 13th-14th +++M A. Frozen Smiles i, 'Milk costs 24 cents a bottle!! What are you - a banker?!" MARTY, w Rod Steiger US 1953 ii, The MAN Named Romania, 1981-2022 Febuary 11th + M, Biblia pentru japaneses. 22 4, Judicial branch highest courts: Supreme Court or Saiko saibansho (consists of the chief justice and 14 associate justices); note - the Supreme Court has jurisdiction in constitutional issues + judge selection and term of office: Supreme Court chief justice designated by the Cabinet and appointed by the monarch; associate justices appointed by the Cabinet and confirmed by the monarch; all justices are reviewed in a popular referendum at the first general election of the House of Representatives following each judge's appointment and every 10 years afterward + subordinate courts: 8 High Courts (Koto-saiban-sho), each with a Family Court (Katei-saiban-sho); 50 District Courts (Chiho saibansho), with 203 additional branches; 438 Summary Courts (Kani saibansho) +M17 +Rasarenii, Rasaritii. Harnicii. M,ConfuCin. Inchinarem :
PDD, PRL Partidul Constitutional,, Partidul Crestin!! daca nu poti sa faci tractoare, vinde-le sau reapra-le. F, 2022 RouCj Motto : Iustitia NOn E Vendeta!! Pentru ca aici din 2013 - de cand am venit iar acasa am incetat sa-i omor, paianjenii au disparut complet, s[ umble pe jos pe sub pat in jurul anului 2021 inceput, apoi pe la jumatatea anului 2021 sa stea vertical, dupa ce au inceput sa imbatraneasca sa creasca sa se albeasca si sa umble linistit albu pe sub masa pe jos sub masa cand scriam, anul trecut, nemairamanand nici panzele in urma lor. + & la Barnaia merg oameni F, 2022 +++Flavius Title-list Felix Constatinescu ) , }n Tine vad Sarutul Lunei, Zambetul Saptamanei, Mierea din Zahar, Tatal din Luceafar... + Răspunde1m Felix Constatinescu F, Title-list 2022 Febuary 10th +++M Omul bate inima, Moldoveanu bate creierii, Retezatul e usor... f, Poezii de aur (1997-2022) F, RIAN CONST, Alte titluri Anth: Intre cruce si stea Poezii din Drumul Baligilor Poezii din Drumul Baligilor in Muntii din Drumul Oilor Poezii Poezii de aur
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Felix Constatinescu EU - AM - SKRIS, Hayde - All My Tears (Live) YOUTUBE.COM Hayde - All My Tears (Live) Hayde - All My Tears (Live) RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea29m Felix Constatinescu ) , }n Tine vad Sarutul Lunei, Zambetul Saptamanei, Mierea din Zahar, Tatal din Luceafar... + Răspunde25m Felix Constatinescu F, Title-list Răspunde23m Felix Constatinescu + Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man - Live At The Florida Theatre / 2015 (Official Video) YOUTUBE.COM Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man - Live At The Florida Theatre / 2015 (Official Video) Lynyrd Skynyrd - Simple Man - Live At The Florida Theatre / 2015 (Official Video) RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea15m Felix Constatinescu Maybe you need some more books, Rafael took t Vinyls, Răspunde14m Felix Constatinescu + So, when U give me back t Golden Houses, bro? U.D.O. - DANCING WITH AN ANGEL (2002) YOUTUBE.COM U.D.O. - DANCING WITH AN ANGEL (2002) U.D.O. - DANCING WITH AN ANGEL (2002) RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea9m Felix Constatinescu All? Răspunde9m Felix Constatinescu
2 case intr-un vagon, o casuta cu bucatarioara in curte, o colna plina de scule beton tamplarie & boonuri Czernowitz, o bunica Alheimerita, si 60 ari de gradina cu curte intravilan Municipiul Arad, Cartier Buiac, Str Nufarul 6... + M+ Răspunde6m Felix Constatinescu suni tu la dna, sau sun eu, mosh? Răspunde6m Felix Constatinescu Iar tu Flaviu primesti si un Ordin de Interdictie, Aici/ Răspunde5m Felix Constatinescu $anatate, sa uiti ca ai avut Bani odata... + Răspunde5m Felix Constatinescu tu ce zici Antonio, am drept? Răspunde4m Felix Constatinescu + DANCING WITH AN ANGEL 2002 UDO & DORO GUITARLESS ROCK GRACE COVER 2 + W MWIN 20220209 21 12 49 Pro YOUTUBE.COM DANCING WITH AN ANGEL 2002 UDO & DORO GUITARLESS ROCK GRACE COVER 2 + W MWIN 20220209 21 12 49 Pro DANCING WITH AN ANGEL 2002 UDO & DORO GUITARLESS ROCK GRACE COVER 2 + W MWIN 20220209 21 12 49 Pro RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea4m PS: Never Give Up on Ur Dreams. 2, Felix Constatinescu 2, Addenda , TNT-Ani de Liceu YOUTUBE.COM TNT-Ani de Liceu TNT-Ani de Liceu RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea36m Felix Constatinescu U have no idea what i read now, brother Răspunde33mEditat Felix Constatinescu
Moi suis ta famille, Răspunde30m Felix Constatinescu + Evanescence - Bring Me To Life (Official Music Video) YOUTUBE.COM Evanescence - Bring Me To Life (Official Music Video) Evanescence - Bring Me To Life (Official Music Video) RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea29m Felix Constatinescu I BLONG 2 PAPA, Răspunde29m Felix Constatinescu Apostol, Răspunde26m Felix Constatinescu Da, Ramona, da - eu am facut-o/ A Evanescence - My Immortal (Official Music Video) YOUTUBE.COM Evanescence - My Immortal (Official Music Video) Evanescence - My Immortal (Official Music Video) RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea24m Felix Constatinescu Din cate inteleg acum, ar fi fost o Guienever - frumoasa... Răspunde22m Felix Constatinescu + 2002 in British music charts - Wikipedia EN.WIKIPEDIA.ORG 2002 in British music charts - Wikipedia 2002 in British music charts - Wikipedia RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea19m Felix Constatinescu ma tem ca Flascu e Gorki, Ra Răspunde18m Felix Constatinescu + Above & Beyond presents OceanLab - Sirens Of The Sea (Continuous Mix) YOUTUBE.COM
Above & Beyond presents OceanLab - Sirens Of The Sea (Continuous Mix) Above & Beyond presents OceanLab - Sirens Of The Sea (Continuous Mix) RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea13m Felix Constatinescu + Atomic Kitten It's ok Lyrics YOUTUBE.COM Atomic Kitten It's ok Lyrics Atomic Kitten It's ok Lyrics RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea4m Felix Constatinescu i wanna book / Răspunde2m Felix Constatinescu ) Răspunde2m Felix Constatinescu maybe a gospe, holy Răspunde1m Felix Constatinescu Rox , U re not Here but it's Okay - You will B. Răspunde1m + Felix Constatinescu Actully She got t Book. After i came home when with t Icons, i started to write stories in 2004, and 2005, but almost all my heroes died, shortly, like in saga, even Christian. Silica, Josh Grace... and after Egypt 2006, Kidd Stories 2007, in 2008 i wrote - for t Cemetery, yea - it's Roxanne, My Roxanne... + Răspunde4m Felix Constatinescu Canon in D & White is on Her. Răspunde4m Felix Constatinescu took me 6 years of mourning to compose, 4 months to write fully and 9 to 10 years to publish, Răspunde2m Felix Constatinescu Iisuse.. Felix Constatinescu Brainworks ,
$he was a Philosopher, Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling) YOUTUBE.COM Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling) Atomic Kitten - The Tide Is High (Get The Feeling) RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea1m Felix Constatinescu Cine is eu sa comentez la o Profa de Liceu!? Răspunde1m Felix Constatinescu M-am pocait, dupa mai putin de un an, 2 Răspunde1m Memento. Can patients get medical? Raluca Hreniuc VII : Parintele Bogdan cu a lui familie,Virgel,Mariana,Raluca,Isido r,Mirela,Trandafira,Viorica,Garofin a,Ioan,Cristina,Andrei,Ana,Vasile,E duard,Nelu,Anca,Mihai Modul exclusiv pentru abonați. Mesajele care apar sunt de la spectatori care sunt abonați la canal. felix gelu konstantinescu Am fost la biserica la spovezi in com si-am dat de IC. felix gelu konstantinescu + aD T. RO felix gelu konstantinescu DEBIT BRANZA BISERICEASCA BAR, + felix gelu konstantinescu M+ felix gelu konstantinescu wiki/It's OK! Atomic Kitten song + + felix gelu konstantinescu
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Cartea NU VREAU SA-MI OMOR TATAL de Felicia Rian Constantinescu/ 2022 C-SPAN: First 2008 Presidential Debate (Full Video) YOUTUBE.COM C-SPAN: First 2008 Presidential Debate (Full Video) C-SPAN: First 2008 Presidential Debate (Full Video) RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea3h Felix Constatinescu ABCd Răspunde1h Felix Constatinescu Penzionara?! +1813 Răspunde1h Felix Constatinescu #+ Doina Ruști - Wikipedia RO.WIKIPEDIA.ORG Doina Ruști - Wikipedia Doina Ruști - Wikipedia RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea1h Felix Constatinescu Whois doinarusti,ro ?! Doina Ruști DOINARUSTI.RO Doina Ruști Doina Ruști RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea1h Felix Constatinescu Sau cabanuta?! Răspunde1h Felix Constatinescu So, kitchen!? Răspunde1h Felix Constatinescu Romania palimpsest, Răspunde1h Felix Constatinescu MANUSCRISUL FARAON' Răspunde1h Felix Constatinescu TATUL MEU ISUS CHRISTOS, +
M+ Răspunde2h MMM+ Felix Constatinescu MAMA, UITE-L PE A!! Răspunde19m Felix Constatinescu NU VRETI SI CASA ARMATEI DIN CLUJ, BA, BO$I!? koson-de-aur SPANAC!! 2022 Febuary 11th M +Romani = Romani. +Romania 19000 Ley, 20th. Ave Maria. +Si paingii au descoperit muzica. Stateless Persons 10 actions that need to be taken to end statelessness by 2024. The plan includes actions to: resolve existing situations of statelessness; prevent new cases of statelessness from emerging; and better identify and protect stateless persons. The 10 actions are: Action 1: Resolve existing major situations of statelessness. Action 2: Ensure that no child is born stateless. Action 3: Remove gender discrimination from nationality laws. Action 4: Prevent denial, loss, or deprivation of nationality on discriminatory grounds. Action 5: Prevent statelessness in cases of state succession. Action 6: Grant protection status to stateless migrants and facilitate their naturalisation. Action 7: Ensure birth registration for the prevention of statelessness. Action 8: Issue nationality documentation to those entitled to it. Action 9: Accede to the UN statelessness conventions. Action 10: Improve quantitative and qualitative data on stateless populations.
2022 Febuary 11th +Cannabis +United States 19%, China 18%, South Korea 6%, Taiwan 6% (2019). +$elect. +++Ad trinitas felix gelu konstantinescu +++ felix gelu konstantinescu // felix gelu konstantinescu Veniti de luati Covid!! 2020 - Auzi, ma, du-te & ia Covid... + felix gelu konstantinescu Patriarhu sa traiasca, felix gelu konstantinescu Care dintre acestia trei ti se pare ca a fost aproapele celui cazut intre talhari? + Is HS felix gelu konstantinescu * CC, Roata carului, felix gelu konstantinescu Mocco, Vis1. La vecerne un Calugar urat in negru cu ceva negru pe cap ruganduse strambandu-se ca drogatii, eu credeam in vis ca e Necuratul. Apoi am adormit & am Visat. Pe urma m-a trezit... + felix gelu konstantinescu ...Pe urma m-a trezit tata. Vis2, Am am visat pe Marconi iesind d sub piatra portii Densusului,, cu Gura sa de piatra vorbind Ceva din intuneric & pace. Amin. Azi fusai la Tintirimi, la cimitiri... + M+ felix gelu konstantinescu Am crezut ca JLB Orbul: "Eu sunt Mahoma al vostru..." dar m-am temut si m-am culcat pe perna. felix gelu konstantinescu Versuri...
Modul exclusiv pentru abonați. Mesajele care apar sunt de la spectatori care sunt abonați la canal. felix gelu konstantinescu +++, felix gelu konstantinescu * felix gelu konstantinescu -ba, huang, eu iti spun, Dumnezeu exista/ felix gelu konstantinescu + felix gelu konstantinescu Catedrals - la - sa - catedrala: $ateasca, felix gelu konstantinescu M+ felix gelu konstantinescu Ma dau pe mana Moaselor, Viu e Dumnezeu/ , +++ MAHOMEDUS FELIXIUS, Paradoxal, prin maurii iberici, teologia, renasterea, umanismul, modernismul, lumea insasi **** o cunoastem - i se subsuma Profetului oprit dincoace de Muntii Pirinei. 2022 AD, Febuary 11th Acum 1 an Felix Constatinescu 12 februarie 2021 · Distribuit pentru: Public Falling in Love with a Canadian It is not what you say it is love How you smile when ii first see you My religion became this littlemarry Born of endless waters flowing in your wheat I look amazed yours is the purity My Canadian Romeo with eyes t do bewitch Solomon would choose you as his prince My sweet sweet Romeo of Constant Smile!!
Felix Constatinescu 12 februarie 2021 · Distribuit pentru: Public The Human Genius She has something in her eyes And when she smiles The song is on her forehead Like the triplestar of Maryâ You fall in Love you fall in heart She is newlove right from the start Such a Lady + When she Cries! Felix Constatinescu 12 februarie 2021 · Distribuit pentru: Public The Star & the Poster, an Eleate journey She is t most beautiful Poster A giant superstar somewhere In light's rain and Love But he is the iconografic Poster They say stars mix in the sky In winters or summers namely This star is different dust+feels T Nightmoon sign + darkdescendedbear, t shepherds think in stone Seeing t bear alone. +++Spitalul de Psihiatrie Zam,judetul Hunedoara Comunitate Felix Constatinescu +B
GAY VERSE ANTHOLOGY. Psychotherapy Material The 80s 2017-2022 Felix Rian Const.docx DOCDROID.NET GAY VERSE ANTHOLOGY. Psychotherapy Material The 80s 2017-2022 Felix Rian Const.docx GAY VERSE ANTHOLOGY. Psychotherapy Material The 80s 2017-2022 Felix Rian Const.docx RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea5săpt. Este selectat modul de ordonare Cele mai relevante, deci s-ar putea ca unele răspunsuri să nu apară. Felix Constatinescu Cartea e Noul testament, + IBADAT KARO - Psalm 100 | ANIL KANT YOUTUBE.COM IBADAT KARO - Psalm 100 | ANIL KANT IBADAT KARO - Psalm 100 | ANIL KANT RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea5săpt. Felix Constatinescu M++M++ I LIED!!... m m m + Flavius Constantinescu CINEMAGIA.RO Flavius Constantinescu Flavius Constantinescu RăspundeŞterge previzualizarea11m Felix Constatinescu Fake, fake, fake, Fake, Mom, Fake/ +/ Răspunde5m Felix Constatinescu Normals work, Anormals create/ +/ Răspunde3m Felix Constatinescu Amen Răspunde1m 2022, 12 Febuary +++M+G/ +/ +pornreligion, Accessing Past Female Pages
Now, I am an Orphan good Alone with Old Dad in Covid People die tators all around And I think of friends ago & Type their name 2 find them Everybody dead or alive is Still smiling even deadunder The Females mostly, Men grin, I am bereft to myself to see My Friends as Older Women Mothers, Artists, Peasants, Pros As for myself I am on t way I wake up everyday for It - I Have my piercedrings & $tars While Earth prepares for War And my Friends dead mostly; For years people have become Echoes even Christians - all Besides me, even my once teas, Accessing Past Female Pages Might get tense as I am always Loved - like poor Dorian Gray: My Bible is my destination & I am getting Old since 2015. The Moral of this 32 verse-lines Is that Present Culture, Paranoid. 2022, Febuary + Where my baby is Blues I need go where my baby is I got t blues for it Where t Skyes sings I go wherever my baby is
I would where my baby is Where my baby is Where my baby is Where t Skye sings... 2022 Feb, 23 young canadian intercourse the switch, t swap... 24th Febuary 22 Ownt Sonnet 72 Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 9 Vizualizari 72 O, lest the world should task you to recite What merit lived in me that you should love, After my death, dear love, forget me quite, For you in me can nothing worthy prove; Unless you would devise some virtuous lie, To do more for me than mine own own desert, And hang more praise upon deceasèd I Than ****rd truth would willingly impart. O, lest your true love may seem false in this, That you for love speak well of me untrue, My name be buried where my body is And live no more to shame nor me nor you. For I am shamed by that which I bring forth, And so should you, to love things nothing worth. 2022 Personalități Unite cu Roma Autor : Const Felix Const Felix
6 Vizualizari Personalități Unite cu Roma Cruce de mormânt din Maieri-Alba Iulia A Vasile Aftenie, Ion Agârbiceanu, Ioan Alexi, Petru Pavel Aron, Ioan Axente Sever B Simion Balint, Nicolae Balotă, George Bariț, Cristian Bădiliță, Ioan Bălan, Simion Bărnuțiu, Virgil Bercea, Ioan Bianu, Veta Biriș, Ioan Bob, Iosif Boda, Ioan Boeriu, Ovidiu Bojor, Alexandru Borza, Ion Brad, Pius Brânzeu, Nicolae Breban, Caius Brediceanu, Tiberiu Brediceanu, Ion Budai-Deleanu, Augustin Bunea C Dumitru Caracostea, Ilarie Chendi, Ioan Chindriș, Vasile Chindriș, Tit Liviu Chinezu, Ștefan Cicio-Pop, Timotei Cipariu, Vasile Coloși, Corneliu Coposu, Doina Cornea, Iuliu Coroianu, George Coșbuc, Gherontie Cotorea D Pavel Dan, Leon Daniello, Elie Dăianu, Nicolae Densușianu, Neagu Djuvara, Iosif Constantin Drăgan, Petre Dulfu E Vasile Erdeli F Dionisie Florianu, Ion Flueraș, Amos Frâncu, Valeriu Traian Frențiu, Virgil Fulicea G Ioan Georgescu, Alexandru Grama H Emil Hațieganu, Iuliu Hațieganu, Iuliu Hirțea, Enea Hodoș, Iosif Hodoș, Emil Hossu, Iuliu Hossu, Vasile Hossu, Lucia Hossu Longin, Francisc Hubic I Carmen Iohannis L Romulus Ladea, Viorica Lascu, August Treboniu Laurian, Nicolae Linca, Vasile Lucaciu M Monica Macovei, Ștefan Manciulea, Augustin Maior, Liviu Maior, Petru Maior, Ioan Maiorescu, Iuliu Maniu, Ștefan Micle, Ioan Miclea, Inocențiu Micu-Klein, Samuil Micu, Ioan Micu Moldovan, Theodor Mihali, Grigore Moisil, Octavian Moisin, Ovidiu Iuliu Moldovan, Ștefan Moldovan, Vasile Moldovan, Lucia Mureșan, Lucian Mureșan, Andrei Mureșanu, Camil Mureșanu, Iacob Mureșanu, Nicolae Mărgineanu N Octavian Naghiu, Emil Negruțiu O Virgil Onițiu P Victor Papilian, Alexandru Papiu Ilarian, Ioan Para, Dan Pavel, Claudiu-Lucian Pop, Ionel Pop, Leonida Pop, Mihai Pop, Sever Pop, Gheorghe Pop de Băsești, Aurel Popp, Florian Porcius, Dumitru Protase, Aron Pumnul R Demetriu Radu, Alexandru Rațiu, Ioan Rațiu, Ion Rațiu, Nicolae Rațiu, Vasile Rațiu, Liviu Rebreanu, Alexandru Roman, Gheorghe Roman, Radu Anton Roman, Alexandru Rusu S Octavian Smigelschi, Victor Smigelschi, Alexandru Sterca-Șuluțiu, Ioan StercaȘuluțiu, Coriolan Sabău, Gheorghe Claudiu Suciu, Ioan Suciu, Vasile Suciu
Ș Gheorghe Șincai, Raoul Șorban, Virgil Șotropa, Bernard Ștef T Ioan Taloș, Coriolan Tătaru, Alexandru Todea, Sigismund Toduță Ț Gabriel Țepelea U David Urs V Alexandru Vaida-Voevod, Ioan Vancea, Aloisiu Vlad, Iosif Vulcan, Samuil Vulcan Z Mircea Zaciu, Virginia Zeani Note... 1700-2022 AD The Very Best Ballads Stelios Polychronidis Fixat de Stelios Polychronidis Stelios Polychronidis acum 2 ani (editat) 00:00:01 - 01. ACCEPT-AMAMOS LA VIDA 00:04:38 - 02.OZZY OSBOURNE-MAMA I’M COMING HOME 00:08:39 - 03.JUDAS PRIEST-ANGEL 00:12:55 - 04.IRON MAIDEN-WASTING LOVE 00:18:32 - 05.HELLOWEEN-FOREVER AND ONE 00:22:19 - 06.SAXON-NOTHERN LADY 00:26:31 - 07.CRIMSON GLORY-SONG FOR ANGELS 00:31:39 - 08.DREAM THEATER-THROUGH HER EYES 00:37:00 - 09.GAMMA RAY-LAKE OF TEARS 00:43:39 - 10.WASP-THE IDOL 00:50:07 - 11.GRAVE DIGGER-THE BALLAD OF MARY 00:54:36 - 12.QUEENSRYCHE-SILENT LUCIDITY 01:00:14 - 13.PRIMAL FEAR-THE HANDS OF TIME 01:04:27 - 14.MICHAEL KISKE & AMANDA SOMERVILLE-SILENCE 01:10:44 - 15.HOLLYHELL-REVELATIONS 01:16:27 - 16.BRUCE DICKINSON-TEARS OF A DRAGON 01:22:31 - 17.STRATOVARIUS-IF THE STORY IS OVER 01:28:18 - 18.KAMELOT-ABANDONED 01:32:12 - 19.NIGHTWISH-SLEEPING SUN 01:36:10 - 20.MANOWAR-MASTER OF THE WIND 01:41:20 - 21.WASP-SLEEPING IN THE FIRE 01:44:54 - 22.CRIMSON GLORY-PAINTED SKIES
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[ edit poem ] FelixgelukoRt Follow 2 months ago • Adult 401 views 0 +list More by FelixgelukoRtList all » Men & Daffodils 3wk1 Bear Fable 1mo1 Profanity : Our optional filter replaced words with *** on this page • Configure Help / Contact us Have you read these poets? Rabindranath Tagore • Ogden Nash • Amir Khusro • Khalil Gibran • Rainer Maria Rilke • Edgar Albert Guest • Mewlana Jalaluddin Rumi • William Blake • Maya Angelou • John Masefield • Rudyard Kipling • Anne Sexton • Sarojini Naidu • John Keats • Walt Whitman • Henry Wadsworth Longfellow • Elizabeth Barrett Browning • William Stafford • Kenneth Slessor • Ralph Waldo Emerson II, Human Contact A Girl Named Felix Jesus is waiting People are praying This is why Sin
People are waiting Jesus is praying This is why Win. Black Idea Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 4 Vizualizari 2 Arnold Schwarzenneger... I am Beethoven I am not Bach. I am not t Mann Just a Ro-mann. Wiser this Way: I am a Learner; Not teacher. 2022 M22 M+ *** What if t Kids were big? Contents dada Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 40 Vizualizari Contents dada 1 Sources 2 Early life 2.1 In the East 2.2 In the West 3 Early rule
3.1 Maxentius' rebellion 3.2 Maximian's rebellion 4 Civil wars 4.1 War against Maxentius 4.2 In Rome 4.3 Wars against Licinius 5 Later rule 5.1 Foundation of Constantinople 5.2 Religious policy 5.3 Administrative reforms 5.4 Monetary reforms 5.5 Executions of Crispus and Fausta 5.6 Later campaigns 5.7 Illness and death 6 Legacy 6.1 Canonization 6.2 Historiography 6.3 Donation of Constantine 6.4 Geoffrey of Monmouth's Historia 7 Family tree 8 See also 9 Notes 10 References 10.1 Citations 10.2 Sources 11 Further reading. 2022 Martie Cooweecowee Has in 7ths Live in Tulsa Spiritsite Still, tulsaqueen, coweecooweegoetin, through all this Time
& and Death Mutter my and the poplars indicating starry UFOES sources maybe Sanitarium, maybe Sirius: still, here – Indianmary Cheerokee Ns -; in t Poems Bed, in t Poems Wed, Not Weed but Reed & Pensive Sacred Land In t Poems Red, not alone but w/Media & Spirits of Hegel & t Mind Somewhere We pass like Beautiful Butterfly Angels Bluendeep; Today is Apocalypse, or at least Revelations the claw in Earth we suffer and die on this Earth, maybe t Ufoes t Foes t Defoes we pray; Here is Earth Land
our Old our Genitors our Flowers Books n Towers I look at you, you look at me says t Sun – a black beard rests on t dungeon here, down; writing, walking, sleeping, eating, & a reading, reading, reading, I feel like, a, Hitchinking to the Jeffersons passing like Trains up in t New Blue... This is the Has, t other side of Cooweescowee. The poplars Wet. The Eagless, Jake Querouake & Emmyloo Jazz. Under me there is t river; said Mamma. Flying High. 2022, Avril Vith Earl, t Charity Boy, Child... Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 1 Vizualizare
I am Earl t Charity Boy I go to same school you I am poorer and loner I am Earl t Oliver Boy I am Earl t Charity Child I pray to God when I Get Wilde I believe in Oates and Roagh I make my Bible now to Bough. 2022 Marc 26th A Girl Named Felix Jesus is waiting People are praying This is why Sin People are waiting Jesus is praying This is why Win. From Skating , Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 4 Vizualizari From Skating, Dark Ice Cross Star... 2022 +33 fara-poza de acelas
Hymen to t Myself Herakles, Ajax, White I am a godi I was killed for Him I am God I am Him This is Hymn to Myself And U are Ded We'll go up $ometime I Promise. 2022 Feb, 26 Men & Daffodils Men & Daffodils
I can see the Men of old when nothings were except young daffodils Men in their Chilth were walking on their fields returning home with golds Then came the Winter and a flowers end and men left their home behind But still see the Men of old when nothings were except young daffodils But still see the Men of old when nothings were except young daffodils Men in their Chilth were walking on their fields returning home with golds Then came the Winter and a flowers end and men left their home behind I can see the Men of old when nothings were except young daffodils. 2022 Marc 25t Metalwriter$. Golgotha 2000 (A Short-story) By
Felix Rian Constantinescu 2022 III 25th 2 My Father, Constantine C. Malachi, 4
ENTER. -Vamessh sunt. Badness won't Save t Bad-ones. It happened in the third month of the fourth year of Coronavirus: there were already above six million souxies, i. e. Coronavirus victims, persons who died leaving the world in great turmoil. In response the Servers had also turned either ciryllic or latin, there was no other interface, except Braille, Hebrew and the Middle eastern Dialects, mesropian, rustavelian & and Arab: for t desert spaces. The world began Die. Teeners didn’t write or read nothing for 50 years ever since Solyaris 1972. The Big Brother of Trantor was Dead. Just Dogmes Persisted Living. Internet became imbearable. Punx not dead. In this Asimovian context somewhere in t BRICS came in one tarry grunge town H. a group of young humane Sophomore school-friends came with the notion of making a writing-reading band, like t Prophets and t Prophet to push forward Humanity in this Hell & Apocalypse; to transmute Words into Metals; so they chose they’re roles in Writ from their Frame of Mind: t Metallica USoA 1 to 5, 1982-1991: 5 guys, four Guits, one Drummer & Composer; but in Lits, on Paper & Digital Paper. They wrote English, considered as Sole variant to Rumanien anymore. The world became Cyberpunk as Meister Ion Manolescu predicted thirty years ago. We got Olafh Burger the Fool & t King the Bible Banger, knowing the Bible verses as his Insides, always befor t Lord, always in Prayer – and Blind. He came with Structures of the Thang and Constructiveness. That is one. His other – Secret, Masonic, Iliuminattian - name was Adolphebioycasares, his Innerdouble. Then we got the Poet, the Lead Guitar, an Eminescu, - of course Gypsie -playing on Sentiments & Feelings like a Moldavian Lautar, he was the Bringer of Good Things from t Human Heart. Not exceeding in Smartness though.
The third was the Leader, Eric St.James, a Theologian who’s place on paper was toLive to Tell the Story. Their story. A Grinning Mann. Then there was The Dead One, a Romanian from Germany, the Composer of Higher Harmonies of Words and Truths. His name was Cliff Burtos t Cath. Bachaesque; died after some Books but His spirit Returned slightly. And the last was the second or third base mann, after Floyd and t Baseman, Liturgical. The Textsreader. A Christian Aryan Nation Kid. He made his drills everyday. They were the Metalwriter$. They wanted to Write their Minds so Good that Servers would admit Humane defeat. In Europe it was War again. They just Needed a Reason for Getting down On t Online-Keyboards. They needed to get up on the Satellites turning around Earth and Moon because Years Were Sounding Right; two thousand years after Golgotha; everyone read something else. They wanted to Write their Rockandroll. They Searched for Heavier truths. Waited for God. They were Orphaned. They were Hungry & Annoyed. The Sons of Terra. People were dying in large amount. Lord Jesus Christ Was The Cornerstone. Amen. 2022 March 25th Miss’dheard Passenger 1 ...staring at t bottom of a glass: hoping one day you'll make a dream Lass... Miss’dheard Passenger 2 ...only know ur lover, when u letter go... Miss’dheard Passenger 3 ...only know u loved her, when u let'd her go... Miss’dheard Passenger 4 ...but Dreams cum slow - and they go - so: fast... Miss’dheard Passenger 6 ...only know your lover w yer letter go... + Miss’dheard Passenger 5 & 'e letter go...
Ontario state trees plastics thones chords. The Tree Atlas Period Autor : Const Felix
81 Vizualizari Ontario state trees plastics thones chords. The Tree Atlas Period 2 Ruth+Anne Alternate-leaf dogwood American Beech leaf American beech American Chestnut leaf American chestnut American Elm leaf American elm American Mountain-Ash leaf American mountain-ash Balsam Fir leaf Balsam fir Balsam Poplar leaf Balsam poplar Basswood leaf Basswood Bitternut Hickory leaf Bitternut hickory Black Ash leaf Black ash Black Cherry leaf Black cherry Black Gum leaf Black gum Black Oak leaf Black oak Black Spruce leaf Black spruce Black Walnut leaf Black walnut Black Willow leaf Black willow Blue ash leaf Blue ash Blue-Beech leaf Blue beech Bur Oak leaf Bur oak Butternut leaf Butternut Cherry Birch leaf Cherry birch Chokecherry leaf Chokecherry Common Hoptree leaf Common hoptree Cucumber Tree leaf Cucumber tree Eastern flowering dogwood leaf Eastern flowering dogwood Eastern Hemlock leaf Eastern hemlock Eastern Redcedar leaf Eastern redcedar Eastern White Cedar leaf Eastern white cedar Eastern White Pine leaf Eastern white pine Gray Birch leaf Gray birch Green Red Ash leaf Green/red ash Hawthorns leaf Hawthorns Ironwood leaf Ironwood Jack Pine leaf Jack pine Kentucky Coffeetree leaf Kentucky coffeetree Largetooth Aspen leaf Largetooth aspen Manitoba Maple leaf Manitoba maple Northern Hackberry leaf Northern hackberry Ohio Buckeye leaf Ohio buckeye Pawpaw leaf Pawpaw Peachleaf Willow leaf Peachleaf willow Pin Cherry leaf and fruit Pin cherry Pin Oak leaf Pin oak Pitch Pine leaf (needles) = Pitch pine Red Maple leaf Red maple Red Mulberry leaf Red mulberry Red Oak leaf Red oak Red Pine leaf Red pine Red Spruce leaf (needles) Red spruce Sassafras leaf Sassafras Serviceberries leaf Serviceberries Shagbark Hickory leaf Shagbark hickory Showy Mountain-Ash leaf Showy mountain-ash
Shumard Oak leaf Shumard oak Silver Maple leaf Silver maple Striped Maple leaf Striped maple Sugar Maple leaf Sugar maple Swamp White Oak leaf Swamp white oak Sycamore leaf Sycamore Tamarack leaf (needles) Tamarack Trembling Aspen leaf Trembling aspen Tulip Tree leaf Tulip tree White Ash leaf White ash White Birch leaf White birch White Oak leaf White oak White Spruce leaf (needles) White spruce Yellow Birch leaf Yellow birch. Avrl 10, 2921+ Ad fara-poza de acelasi autor print printeaza email trimite unui prieten raporteaza raporteaza Posteaza comentariu Ontario state trees plastics thones chords. The Tree Atlas Period Autor : Const Felix 81 Vizualizari Ontario state trees plastics thones chords. The Tree Atlas Period 2 Ruth+Anne Alternate-leaf dogwood American Beech leaf American beech American Chestnut leaf American chestnut American Elm leaf American elm American Mountain-Ash leaf American mountain-ash Balsam Fir leaf Balsam fir Balsam Poplar leaf Balsam poplar Basswood leaf Basswood Bitternut Hickory leaf Bitternut hickory Black Ash leaf Black ash Black Cherry leaf Black cherry Black Gum leaf Black gum Black Oak leaf Black oak Black Spruce leaf Black spruce Black Walnut leaf Black walnut Black Willow leaf Black willow Blue ash leaf Blue ash Blue-Beech leaf Blue beech Bur Oak leaf Bur oak Butternut leaf Butternut Cherry Birch leaf Cherry birch Chokecherry leaf Chokecherry Common Hoptree leaf Common hoptree Cucumber Tree leaf Cucumber tree Eastern flowering dogwood leaf Eastern flowering dogwood Eastern Hemlock leaf Eastern hemlock Eastern Redcedar leaf Eastern redcedar Eastern White Cedar leaf Eastern white cedar Eastern White Pine leaf Eastern white pine
Gray Birch leaf Gray birch Green Red Ash leaf Green/red ash Hawthorns leaf Hawthorns Ironwood leaf Ironwood Jack Pine leaf Jack pine Kentucky Coffeetree leaf Kentucky coffeetree Largetooth Aspen leaf Largetooth aspen Manitoba Maple leaf Manitoba maple Northern Hackberry leaf Northern hackberry Ohio Buckeye leaf Ohio buckeye Pawpaw leaf Pawpaw Peachleaf Willow leaf Peachleaf willow Pin Cherry leaf and fruit Pin cherry Pin Oak leaf Pin oak Pitch Pine leaf (needles) = Pitch pine Red Maple leaf Red maple Red Mulberry leaf Red mulberry Red Oak leaf Red oak Red Pine leaf Red pine Red Spruce leaf (needles) Red spruce Sassafras leaf Sassafras Serviceberries leaf Serviceberries Shagbark Hickory leaf Shagbark hickory Showy Mountain-Ash leaf Showy mountain-ash Shumard Oak leaf Shumard oak Silver Maple leaf Silver maple Striped Maple leaf Striped maple Sugar Maple leaf Sugar maple Swamp White Oak leaf Swamp white oak Sycamore leaf Sycamore Tamarack leaf (needles) Tamarack Trembling Aspen leaf Trembling aspen Tulip Tree leaf Tulip tree White Ash leaf White ash White Birch leaf White birch White Oak leaf White oak White Spruce leaf (needles) White spruce Yellow Birch leaf Yellow birch. Avrl 10, 2921+ Ad fara-poza de acelasi autor print printeaza email trimite unui prieten raporteaza raporteaza Posteaza comentariu Ownt Sonnet 72 Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 28 Vizualizari 72 O, lest the world should task you to recite What merit lived in me that you should love, After my death, dear love, forget me quite, For you in me can nothing worthy prove;
Unless you would devise some virtuous lie, To do more for me than mine own own desert, And hang more praise upon deceasèd I Than niggard truth would willingly impart. O, lest your true love may seem false in this, That you for love speak well of me untrue, My name be buried where my body is And live no more to shame nor me nor you. For I am shamed by that which I bring forth, And so should you, to love things nothing worth. 2022 Rich Behaviour Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 34 Vizualizari I am not for rich behaviour I am opposed to using people Now I remember older days; Then my glee came from hills The sky on me deeper cosmos I hopt in God Jesus in pain; A down Paradise awaited me Apart from all the Madness; good I wrote; Stn gave me: Money. 2022 March 3rd Some Godhic Rock Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 21 Vizualizari Theatre of Tragedy Live Kristin & No 2 "Nell" Gurl
Nightwish Tarja Turunen only - Gothic & Symph Some New Symphs Grills; LOT, Gothic Metal Dome Lake of Tears Scandic... (Keep Headstones 1995, A Crimson Cosmos, Forever Autumn, The Neonai 2002...) t Gathering 1 No2, no Lacrymosa; No Leave's Eyes, no Half LOT; No Gathering – : okay, move -, No Haggard, Cradle..., no Kreator, no Saxon, no Gothic Rom; God? Some God... Rock. Godh Rock... Godhic Rock. Post-scriptum. Listen, as Reading Culture. Not Repeat Drone Powerplays... PPS: It's brain breaking. Or worse... 2022 Martie 20 h 9, 44 Ad The Chapter of my Life (Gone with t River) Poem 2022 *** there was a time - when jarry was young... The Pedologue
I was exed I was sacrificed I was Christ. 2022 III 1 The Rocker... to A, Mann.
Electric Rock is of two Polarities Appetite for $elf-Destruction & Vulgar Display of Power That is Pantera vs Manowar T's no one like young Rockers In Betraying themselves or Aging We've got t Beast & Stoic Mann And t Road leads to Obituary – There's a ProPain feel in it Like t Beat of Steam Engines Or t TITANIC sinking in 2 Riffs Like t Death of Death & Love. 2022 Martie 6th +++M III, Various poems march 2022 Sorcerers: Gothic Metal Stylistic Origins Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 32 Vizualizari Sorcerers: Gothic Metal Stylistic Origins
Heavy metalgothic rockdeath-doom Cultural origins Early 1990s, United Kingdom Subgenres Symphonic gothic metal Regional scenes EnglandFinlandThe NetherlandsNorwaySwedenGermanyItalyPolandUnited StatesGreece Other topics Alternative metalavant-garde metallist of gothic metal bandsindustrial metalpostmetal. 2022 Febuary 28th +M The Pedologue Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 21 Vizualizari The Pedologue I was exed I was sacrificed I was Christ. 2022 III 1 fara-poza de acelasi auto +1 Martie 22 Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 33 Vizualizari Dacia Dochia/Dachia Chios Ghioc. Martie 1, 2022
Kreator, Deva Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 63 Vizualizari Lui CDR (16 iunie? 1980? -2021 +M) & Tatalui Meu in IIS HS 1-2022... La Noblesse, La inceput - in zori de Internat Din vremea de pribegie Am fost prin 1996, 1997 Vineri noaptea pe Cetate Loc de tineri Rockeri in Bleu-Negru -Trebuie sa te lasi pe bord... -Hai ca ramai aici; In Donjonul lavra jos din Dinte Stateam acolo pe moloz din ev Vechi din pietre antice Iar pe peretele de zid Interior altar scris KREATOR: Sus - deasupra Orasului - Tarei Careia Noi Ia Apartinem, nu opus. 2022, Febuary/ Martie 1st +M ...dreptate pentru toata lumea Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 57 Vizualizari ...dreptate pentru toata lumea, Lapusnene. Cine poate face boierii!? Noi furam soldatii Jeuropei. Moldova Mare, mai. Azi mi-o pus Dumnezo' mana-n cap. O caciula de ingeri. 1 Martie, 2022 Ad +MMM
Amar Poetului Haloiu N... Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 17 Vizualizari Eu nebun Or tu bolnav Tu geniu & eu gangav Tu nebun & eu bolnav De ce Tokenlubav? Sunt nebun Sa bag in sama Un smecher Cerandu-mi vama; Sunt bolnavul Sa iubesc Cest samsar De os domnesc. 2022, Martie 1st +M++ +A fost o mare greseala... Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 50 Vizualizari Ceausescu o avut Pacate A4. Grele cu Morti, Tineri & Copii. De-aia or norozat Oamenii. Brazda de cer...
2022, Martie 1st +++M66 Oane. Taranul e pe Camp... Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 50 Vizualizari Ioane este un Oane iubit, Ioane este un Oane temut, Ioane este un Oane iubit. 2022, 1 Martie + +Martisor Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 57 Vizualizari + Gold $nake Wolf Flag. 1 Martie 2022 +The IntelAMD Hubble Gold Sphaxh Space Giant Processor Universal Human Question... Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 27 Vizualizari +The IntelAMD Hubble Gold Sphaxh Space Giant Processor Universal Human Question... 2022 March 1st +++M
The Keyboardist Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 16 Vizualizari The Keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist t keyboardist. +Deep forest karma... Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 39 Vizualizari + Deep Forest Karma... 1999-2022 March 2 Deva-P Vornic Autor : Const Felix Const Felix
31 Vizualizari Ca Moldova a fost a me; si ca iara va fi. Bucovina chiar. Numa prostii cred in Dumnezau. [ascunde] v•d•m Ierarhia politică în Moldova și Țara Românească Coat of arms of Moldavia.svg Domnia și bănia Domn • Domnii Țării Românești • Domnii Moldovei • Ban Stema TR.png Dregătorii armaș • cămăraș • căpitan • clucer • comis • hatman • ispravnic • ispravnic al scaunului București • jitnicer • logofăt • logofăt de vistierie • medelnicer • paharnic • pârcălab • pitar • portar • postelnic • serdar • sluger • spătar • staroste de Cernăuți • staroste de Putna • stolnic • șetrar • vistiernic • vornic • vornic al Țării de Jos • vornic al Țării de Sus Pârcălabi de Cetatea Albă • Chilia • Hotin • Lăpușna • Neamț • Orhei • Poenari • Roman • Suceava. 2022 Ad Martie 2 +M Frumusetea campului Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 29 Vizualizari Frumusetea campului e Romania... 2022 2 Martie Nonbinary self Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 29 Vizualizari Nonbinary self.
***Hubble Autor : Const Felix Const Felix 47 Vizualizari *** Nervul optic al Terrei. 2 Marie 2022 Ad Addenda Was wir Lieben... pe marginea unui poem holderlinian (An die Natur) Was wir Lieben, was wir Liebe... Jurnalul lui Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel in Enciclopedie (ESF) Lieben... Filozofia Naturii Friedrich Holderlin Gedichte Hyperion Moartea lui Empedocle Was... Filozofia Spritului Schelling Sistemul idealismului transcendental Wir... Logica mica Hegel insusi Adolescentul Logician In Tubingen, in tubingen - o prietenie vecinica, intrulogica. Amin. 2021 Ultima carte Prima carte Your Poet Was I + M Japon Poesiies 2021+ Felix Rian Constantinescu *** Write you sad tonight The Terra turns & spins With arm already light. You are bed’s neverending
Dream – dream – dream – dream – dream. *** I am lookin’ at my Love’s loneliness. + Your Poet Was I 1982 *** Ne Vom Intalni Dupa Moarte... Fin Is Cor On At Op Us,