Some entities really want t Kids employment nowadays (Torontoverse, 2021+ ) FELIX R CONSTANTINESCU

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Some entities really want t Kids employment nowadays (Riens vii, 2021+ ) Felix R Constantinescu

(kissing gate, c-tin brancusi} + „Poarta sărutului - Wikipedia Poarta sărutului este o sculptură în piatră, realizată de Constantin Brâncuși, parte a tripticului Ansamblului Monumental din Târgu Jiu. Lucrarea a fost amplasată pe locul ei în luna octombrie 1937 și a fost sculptată în prima parte a anului 1938, fiind finalizată la 20 septembrie și inaugurată la 27 octombrie 1938.” Some entities really want t Kids employment nowadays (Riens vii, 2021+ ) FELIX R CONSTANTINESCU to Charles Dickens, UP FROMM ABUSE, KID!! &Sinner, not let sins Kill Us! / Roumanie, EU PoganyMist village, HD/

+m FEAR OF THE DARK by Bruce Dickinson

I am the man who walks alone and when I m walking a dark road at night or strolling through the park and when the light begins to change I sometimes feel a little strange a little anxious

when it s dark fear of the dark fear of the dark i have a constant fear that something's always near fear of the dark fear of the dark I have a fobia that someone's always there. + (Literal translation to English of Miorita Meaorationaem My Little Prayer (V. Alecsandri variant, reverted to Vrancea original collected from t Romanian folklore by

Alecu Russo) On a foot of hill, On a mouth of sky, Yonder come in way, Descend downstram, Three flocks of lambs, With three little kings. One is a Vrauncean, one is a Hunnian & one Maulusdauian. And the one Hunnian With the one Maulusdauian, More, they were talked They themelves advised, In the death of sun My own to kill The one Vrauncean, Being more ortoman (richer) And has more Sheep (Madchen, Girls), Loftier and braided, And horses of noble, And dogs of the braver, But my Meaorationaem (Mylittleprayer), With weeping wool, Since three days ago, Mouth doesn't silence, The grass She like not. My white little prayer, White of prayers gold, Since three days ago, Your mouth doesn't silence! Or the grass like not, Or art thou sick, My sweet little prayer?

... M, Motto God I Lhegehelheilige FELIX FIDEs Valatonius, Bal Athonius (Juif pannonicus - cu Decebal = The the bar =Fiul fiului lui Dumnezeu - Fiul Evreului|Crestinului) iar Decebalus Per Scorilo i e Decebal (Theseupallous) fiul Sthorilous (Al povestasului/filosofui/evanghelistu lui grec ) Entry poem , Felix-Gelu Constantinescous Acum o secundă The angel & t Ice , The angel n angel The yce A heart. Abstinence builds Churches/Catholicism, He s callin on the phone pressin stone by stone he s callin on the phone pressin stone by stone he s callin on the phone pressin stone by stone he s callin on the phone prhe s callin on the phone pressin stone by stone essin stone by stone he s callin on the phone pressin stone by stone he s callin on the phone pressin stone by stone he s callin on the phone pressin stone by stone he s callin on the phone pressin stone by stone. 2021

1953/5+2021 Comentariu haiku către către Chira , Mi-a luat un Medjugorje frunza de măslin , ... M, A Pasti/Easter 2021 AD 19 49 pm, 1997Ad Schyzotree Jane Eyre48 Currer/Charlotte Bell/Bronte Soph Euri Ay. April 4/3 2021AFelicitasDei 1492 / The truth The truth's The truth's ii'm a Witch at t Stake Day One Must Break My white Knees R of no Use Must deve Deep Come A Muse My Long Har Not Mine My beau Forehead Receveid Gift My Big Sad Eyes Girl's my Sadness & Miracle I float in the Chilli temple Monks Spiders Ants Nothing take a Grab at my Soul telling me they Love me + So so if you want a Grade you'll get a F at the Humane... 1492 / The truth The truth's The truth's ii'm a Witch at t Stake Day One

Must Break My white Knees R of no Use Must deve Deep 'Come A Muse My Long Hair Not Mine My beau Forehead Receveid Gift My Big Sad Eyes Girl's my Sadness & Miracle I float in the Chilli temple Monks Spiders Ants Nothing take a Grab at my Soul telling me they Love me + So so if you want a Grade you'll get a F at the Humane... +++PoclisaNotizia, hf

M-am. plimbat ieri in josul satului Cu Ruth si Moses Rosen vazand Pe ulite case vechi cu stalpi dunghici Satul renaste din degetele satenilor O casa joasa cu modele cerbi antici In casele goale dav-ar ceni Mirese.. Pastele catolic, 2021 Ad Kappus bonsai I can not eat cabbages no more... Distih Mamei Fides Felix. Pastele catolic, '21 ☆☆☆LuiizaIindiaMariia Dumnezeu/(un sânge care) nu e x i s t ă +++2021 Un climat subpolar + global! +++Wash, scrub. +++Jane, eu vreau doar să te văd fericită - și mântuită Pastele catolic 2021 +++ Drowning on t cross Jesus after three nights in tomb

Rose from delirium on Dominus dias. C East 4 A 2)021 h 3 21 am + 2021. poem electronic pour la Franze, & Edgar Chigliak. 0, Cu Felix Klee „Paul Klee -” noul testament, plec. i, Corcodușul înflorit Universul vechiu. Extramuros albu. ii, Răscrucile - fie și-n câmp - sunt întotdeauna tăcute cu 2 brazde căzute E semnul crucii - acea mare cruce byzantiumă - ce-i face pe procleți Să tacă în sânul en passant în inima în nodul în linia stigmatului veridic.. Răscrucile - fie și-n câmp - sunt întotdeauna tăcute E semnul crucii - acea mare cruce byzantiumă - ce-i face pe sfinți Să tacă în sânul en passant în inima în nodul în linia stigmatului veridic... iii, merg pe lizieră - una din vechile ulițe ale satului de sârmă ghmpată și nuci - contemplând nu gândind - creierul meu își face autocritica în vers - dar mai departe de la pavilionul 4 în cale-mi iese un câine brownian Trebuie să mă-ntorc - ca mielul fugit de la stână - privesc de cinci ori Înapoi spre câinele ce din ogoare mă măsoară cu privirea ca un master

și totuși ogoarele s,unt opere de artă - liniile verticale ale cartofilor cu Nuanța roților de tractor întru colțul stâng și grîul sau porumbul galic Bestia nu m-a rupt - a târziu spre hogeacul fătării primăverii crunte Privesc drumeagul și văd o textură nouă sau poate dimpotrivă, wilde, Câinii și-au pierdut umanitatea - și oamenii - încet, încet - aerul e rece Ca o bere înghețată din vremurile de vară ale altor veacuri în Ararat Totul e atât de nou și deja vue - început de glaciațiune. iiii, Asfaltul cabrat te duce spre nord - aproape în întregime degradat de apă Pe el cățeii satul au tulburări de personalitate - mă-mpiedic de-o ramă... Drumul satului - văzduhul - e neprimitor dar la capăt te așteaptă casa ta c, verde... Finis coronat opus MP DEY NICULA 1681 / ad/ Duminică 4 A, 2021 AD 15 48 pm +++ Short-thesed Fuji-yom. Vers mont. Holy Hiacynth , Out of Sperm Children r Birthed, Tuesday 6 A, 2021 Ad 1 43 pm, +++ Bullies suffer more... Please do not sleep next to thermics during Lockdown - epecially id you re in treatment like antipsychotics, shots or antideprresants or heart or lungs i believe - because you could have seisures, faints & worse, better

sleep & act in the other side of the room, to allow your brain some lucidity & clear mind +m The criminal Cu comentariitalmudicecântate-ț-i-înge nuche atechineze to m eminescu Atât de fragedă... Afraid Child shortcutted a big black spider in his own venom (Paianjenii nu sunt schyzophrenici Borges poate că sunt normali) Pigeons instead no mater how young or weak or sick diefriends (Porumbeii mănâncă boabe prăjite și sunt curați dar poate prea curați) Between them there is ii & not only ii but this Little Praying Lamb we share... Amen. (Amin The Bride. Fresh Mable by Ion Vlasiu I have the scupture in two books his BildungsLife and an Album But no energy in the aparatus to photograph anyway ii Love t Stone from the middle nineties i believe is a young peasant Woman while Wedding just her fresh marble stone Head not stone More like a Flower or a Breast or a Light surrounded my a Mahrama covered with marble roses and her Lips I kisset w Young Like nothing you have seen until stop... (it's better than Roman Art, -- really, -- - made out of a budged budget stone, in the marsh of Maris Very sculpturesque because Vlasiu was just a gifted Peasant Sculptor very good with t words, our Beatrixman) Anthony s Tuesday, Easter 2021 AD Visul triungiular

Omul a murit, trăiască Omul. (1042 Words) +++ Ermioni privind spre Epahtos în Golful Corintului Cu ochi de cenușă bleu Fabulă lirică Puterea nebuniei!! Nebunie la nebunie Gând la gând Cu bucurie. Proverb Omul e nebun Și Dumnezeu înțelept. Lacrima deținutului Tăcerea murmântului Fresca sfântului Tatăl pământului Mamă mamă cântului Aurul cuvântului Fiica necuvântului Zâmbetul Pământului... Paștele Catolic/Protestant, 2021 AD, România, EU O92 Meister Felics În ochii mei - dintotdeauna -

Orga Bisericii Negre din Brașov catolicăevanghelică și Biblioteca optzecistă să zicem tatălui meu cu cărțile lungi și tuburile înalte pe xilofonul peretelui - nume nume nesfârșite de real și metafizic - fratele meu hering alungit fratele meu purceluș creț Luna din galbenul Mureșului + postura și platoul de Torturi bianuale - și Bibliile prohibide ascunse răsfirat prin ele ca Rachetele Cubanocrăești +Una este... De Paște, 2021 Ad ?question MATEI 2/ii/2 13+18 De ce copii nu exista iconografic, decat ca is xc ori copii de domni? Azi noapte am visat ca am fost n Catedrala alba din Cluj s mi-am cautat fresca dar era acoperita cu ceva pus peste, un obiect, 2021, European Easter, Wed PAIC Eleonora 1944// ARGESUCEAVA/ARAD Exodus Czernowitz Bible Torture Edu,,, ULTIMUL TREN ULTIMA GARA ULTIMUL CAMP ULTIMA SOANSA ULTIMUL VAGON ULTIMA TREAPTA ULTIMUL OM ULTIMUL COPIL/KIND... +m GELU ROMAN, 2021 AD HAȚEGUL ROMANTIC & ARTISTIC Ochii înfloriți Păr înluminiat Zâmbet înroșit Sâni înmiresmați

Zâmbet înroșit Păr înluminiat Sâni înmiresmați Ochi înfloriți. REPEAT PATOLOGGIE Să nu spuneți vorbe multe... Hurdler blak Africa se îngroapă în mine –, Înnălbindu-se. Tonnotto 21/966: City of Splintered Loves; Re/translated by F.lora Kende, FebApril, 2021 Insulin Insulin –, Best. Nightwatch Nightwish Nightwash. X StRoke!! The Man Who Brambackblotblut Out of to the USSR the Letter X (1984) Îndemn bourului polar

Nu te teme i-am spus bourului polar. Acesta a fost îndemnul. Haiku Intel (Tm2000, Cluj2001) Levangile infeliz Apres Dan –. Omul dezorientat!! To point dot in this mary vinces, 2021 AD, LightweeK NIGHT CROWNING Yesterday pillow's Eleusinian hybrys Covered U with Cornwheatryebarley Holy Lights & t songs of Good Pilgrims The Wolf t Leopard & Panther - sing Now - in turned towards White wet Clouds daylight Love in heart buried crowns you with diamonds Your brows are a triune Red line of damonds Reflecting Ur - tears. +++Soter sutra Îngropați Sâni tociți de sperma mângâerii.

On Love Haiku + + + The northern Stars t Missie diadem. Knights & Dieta wings. Monoverse You have a pearl in your ii & a wed n ur hair. Distich. Boypriest Two turtle doves For my Parents. Usually now When I rise in this end of Winter I waver & tend to Fall LIke t Trea of Life after t Crossing But light Grows in me I have a God Of Gold not Iron - Animore. To my Readers The beauty discovered within. ***+++(Welcome to t Machine) +Commented!!! Un gros românesc din vremea Eclipsei Asimetrice a Apusului de Soare. Voievodus Atletus Fide Chrestus - Etienne le Grand. April 8, 2021 AD+ The Resurrection of my Mother

In the past decade i slept or stayed seldom here in her bed The only good here in her room & by sleeping n thinking weird The resurrection of my Mother became easy as a morning Arise In faith in symbol in motherhood & song of William Blake to England As the Bible verse memory of a Child in Love with his Dead The psalm is feeble like a Light lit under t Storm heavening Icons are futuristic occuring at every snapshot - or not All my guitars silent - Mother icon Sings. Easter week, Occ., 2021 Ad Dadwalkwait Mood Or wait. Felix e-marble writ haiku I just want to write a poem. The Pastel of Prunus cerasifera/divaricata (The Pastel is a innernature descriptive/conclusive lyrique species of poem created with Romanian poet of the 19th centhury ”t bard of Mircești” & Moldavian noble boyar & historic prince - called also by Romania's greatest poet t Romantic Mihai Eminescu of Ipotești, Bucovina in t eminescaen poem Epigonii: „that prince of poetry always young & happily” Vasile Alecsandri and appearing with a fascicle of poems in his book of Pasteluri/Pastels - began published in t Convorbiri literare literary magazine of Jassy since 1868.) Pastelled, upright, vertical Orthodox corcodush young Țuculescian trees bloomins.

2021 AD, T Week of Light, Occ, time. Ars modus viva moribus As a Grammatica & Romance Teachers only begot Child I kept my studies out of school but was coveted by mates Boys who wanted a primate over t world I never cared for Mostly I was all through school at the grade 8, 8 n a halp And 8 fit me what was I saying? I read wrote learnt retold For me not the marks little book & after 32 to 21 years still. Easter+21 T Canadian Ephod. A memory We take the old book album of the iced shelf With the shores of our Roman birth still flowing in us There is the Stephen of Civilisation t Men line Ottawa, Quebec, Montreal, Calgary, Toronto on Ontario Lake, Winnipeg with t Cowsherder & plough, Saskatoon, The Statue of Queen Victoria & t Nat Sculpt T ephod yarns away in t Ocean in t British Columbia. Occ. East. Week +2021 AD On becoming a dollar Becoming a dollar Becoming a stamp Becoming a lamp Becoming a saint Becoming a Cosmos Becoming a stamp Becoming a lamp

Becoming a saint. Occ, EasteR 2021+ Thinking of Homer Mediterranean Song of Sailor Ulysses Minorism ...maybe Circe, t Witch Fairy, Nausicaa t Princess of t Shore, Queen Penelopa t bittered, Helena, Hecuba&Andromaque, but one Woman - loving t First Conscientuous Pilgrim w, The genial Love of Pallas of the Pixy eyes Athena olivesoul,... Săptămâna Luminată Catolică Reformată Iidee, Jeudi, +21 Man as ii see A private informance... 8 Apr. 2021 AD Silent Ram in Spring Forgotten Cholchida The animal dirt that is thrown on t Church lands Is wiped red with the blau bleu blue blood of bulls In t Village next to the perpetual ploughmaintened Fields. In t summer t plants will bleed under sickle And t Still Young Lambs of t grain Field will dip t Mouths in Blood Wine. After t John Deere tractor Will come Ruth t Moabite w t Kelly Family tape. We all hv a Right Glean - they will say, bloodied. Easter21+

Blak toned skye Black toned Skye. +++Israel planet Mikimi - Brooklyn, Nov '05 De la Marea ce Mare la Ru. Ea, @2021 Monoidea Life is an Instant. +++Evangelical haiku HédiAndréSfaxRestaurantPhosphateWash. Second Life is You. +++Haiku patru versuri Islanda 1000 AD Creștinarea în Saga martiriului Primului Gisli Sursson, Audr, Roma Creștină. Saga falimentului bătrânului păgân Njal Brennu. Sapiential haiku Little-faith is becoming Jesus. Iubirea noastră. Orationibus Doan un sănut și apoi sămă stingu în (mântuirea) nirvanaei... Distih tanagrale neolitice Hamangia

Gânditorul e o sfeclă furajeră Femeia lui o trestie de zahăr. Hațeg, Hd, 8 April 2021 Ad 23 39 pm *** NOTHING ELSE MATTERS METALLICA METALLICA 1990 Bed-time St.poem on SaltPeople for Ontario orphan Childs Some slang Attempt 4You 2 Ivan Sergeyevich Turgenev I came in toun suddenly & unwillingly but with greathope I saw a truth I saw a Lie reading t Holies toGet by n salt o People laught n people cried some said Goodn s. s. Wilde So my Salt unneded For & I teart like Sir Thomas More. But I remembered of King's Lear Cordelia The Moon church Far n Near Ispirescu n Shakespeare so I said ok I'll writ! (Selah) You see I'm a Roman here four times more t Nor. Shakespeare here t sent me From t Phorum to guard Salt For harum-horum. 20 centuries have past t Ovid is made to Last. idem, 00 03 +am, Slova Legii Slova Legii Slova Legii Slova Legii. 9 A, 2021 Ad 01 37 am,

Semantică Voislova - Tribunal clasic Voivodina - Tribunal domnesc (posibil Ioan de Hd.) M. T. Mark Twain imperial dawn-story novels tobacco parables. Postive yet unnown Radiations I aslept w/my worn Laptop to t soft Pillow. +++Robert Nesta Marley Verse From Trenchtown Rock I-land to One Love Ocean. Holy Bible t Verse Sonnet Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible Holy Bible!

In love with t carred city banks (Toronto CanadianWallStreet!!) I am a county mouse like Tom's In love with t grayclassic banks I hear t Cross & Soldiers Anon. T concrete Italian rythm Doors Stained-glass reflecting clouds Let me speak t Word suetLake The Moon is here over City t Reflected in cubic scenograph By Towers blind Walls hockey. In love with t carred city banks.

April 9, 2021 Ad, 5 48/6 am, Fyn,

Israel Pincu Herșcovici!

Felix la 6 ani 1988, Hateg, Hunedoara, R S Romania,Anul primului Vis.

Mihai Eminescu *

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