tfgg 1 + brother felix

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THOUGHTS FOR GOD′S GLORY (251 thoughts and 5 meditations)

Felix Rian-Constantinescu

"lovealways" Rachel Joy Scot

FOREWORD This is a Christian book. But I am aware that some of the content of these pages may seem unorthodox. In case this happens my suggestion is to read again the misunderstood sentences and to compare them with the holy word of the Scripture and to reread them if necessary and so on until those sentences are understood right. yours, humbly the author INTRODUCTORY THOUGHT  Jesus′ true name is Love. FIRST MEDITATION In Africa God made the bread tree. God loves the poor of Africa. In Asia God made the rice. God loves the poor of Asia. In Europe God made the wheat. God loves the poor of Europe. In Central and North America God made the corn. God loves the poor of Northern and Central America. In South America God made the potato. God loves the poor of South America. In the frozen waters of the North God made the seals. God loves the poor of the frozen northern waters. In the Pacific Islands God made plenty of fish. God loves the poor of the Pacific Islands. In Australia God made plenty of game. God loves the poor of Australia. God loves us the ones who are poor. Amen. 51 Thoughts

 God has the best smile.  A bornagain Christian is a happy heart in an unhappy world.  Receive eternal life from God Jesus Christ. Try and succeed. You won′t succeed unless you try. You won′t try without succeeding.  The secret of not suffering when someone has hurt you is to pray for that person′s forgiveness and blessing as you would for yours.  God doesn′t use magic potions.  Everyday we must openheartedly accept what God gives us, both good things and bad.  As Christians when we arrive on the Christian front God gives us military biscuits and an assault rifle, but the most of us we throw them away and cry for milk with sugar and toys.  Love is a blind prophet.  Jesus could have given us anything, but he chose to give us something we really need; so he gave us himself.  The Holy Spirit doesn′t wear off.  The end of egocentric suffering is to forget yourself in Jesus forever.

 In Christian life the secret is not in knowing what God wants from us, but in doing what God wants from me.  The heart is the engine for prayer, and love for God and for the neighbor is the fuel.  It is more foolishly to trust in yourself than to trust in an enemy.  We shouldn′t give to art a more important place than we should.  Jesus has so much more love to give us than our hearts can contain.  The Bible is the technical booklet of man.  Don′t try to change others; but try to let God change you.  Christian failure I to love only yourself and judge mostly others. Christian victory is to love mostly others and to judge only yourself.  True love′s fate is to be always offered and never requested back.  You′ll know you′re really in love when you′ll love just because of wanting to give love.  Pray with your heart and soul rather than just with your mouth and mind.  The quality of the packing indicates the quality of the content because the packing′s line is soul-designed.

 Sooner or later, in short-term or in long-term, everybody gets his pay from God.  Love is an awesome rose at which even the thorns are beautiful.  Keep humble.  Love always comes to those who love to love.  Keep a humble heart inside you.  God′s love regenerates.  Be a friend of your friends and a brother of your brothers.  Between me and God there is nothing but tenderness.  The tears of self-pity are the tears of your ego. Got to get rid of that. When you shed a tear for somebody else that is the tear of Christ in you. Got to keep that.  If you want to be beautiful, just put Jesus in your heart.  Share yourself.  In a bornagain Christian′s life the holy spirit is like dynamite. Or, at least, it should be.

 Beauty is born out of happiness. Happiness is born out of joy. Joy is born out of peace. Peace is born out of forgiveness Forgiveness is born out of mercy. Mercy is born out of grace. Grace is born out of love. Love is born out of God.  If you are a Christian what you should do is to be a happy being. If you are not a Christian the thing you should do first is to stop pretending.  Christian love is unconditioned. If it is conditioned, it might be love, but it′s not Christian.  A very important moment in the life of a Christian is when he realizes that he is a slave of Jesus. And that is the moment when he receives a visa to The United States of Freedom.  In Christ, if you don′t truly love your enemy, you become an enemy of true love.  If we truly like light we′ll really try to open our eyes.  No Christian church has property documents on Jesus.  Love′s best reason is wanting to give.  True beauty is eternal.  Words - the fewer they are, the more they say. And only silence can say everything.

 If sometimes my brother is chili in my eyes, I have to make sure that everytime I′m fresh water in his.  Unrequited true love sheds tears of unrequited true beauty.  In the soul of Man, Love is the one who gives birth to Beauty.  Miracles are things made by God. You are made by God. So you are a miracle.  A full heart is all you need.  If you want to be a light for Jesus, you have to burn a litle. THE SECOND MEDITATION We, Christians, should lay heart siege to the mosques′ towers and from up there call the call to the ununderstandable love of God defending those hard earned positions with our blood. We, Christians, we should use our hearts to knock to the doors of Israel and say to them the morning words. And as we knock our hearts′ blood should drip on their front doors pleading for them, the blood of human lambs for another Passover. We, Christians, we should put on our sandals on our hearts and write a copy of the gospel of John deep inside in the back of our eyes, write it with our own blood and soul, and go out there - wherever it may be, it doesn′t mater / and just walk it. 47 Houghts

 The only one we should try to impress in life is God.  The key to happiness is to want that your whole life would make God happy. Then, and only then, you too will be happy.  Love heals.  God the Father loves like a mother.  To live is to give. To truly live is to truly give. To live to the full is to give to the full.  Life is so complex because it was made by an endless Conscience.  Man exists to worship. God exists to be worshipped.  God is the coolest friend you could possibly have.  The reason of everything that happens in our life is because God wants us on our knees. That′s the place where we should be and he won′t stop until he′ll see us there.  We′re not a grain of dust. We′re an uncertain number of grains of dust.  Why to be weak when you can be strong in Jesus?  Christian love, joy and peace do not depend on circumstances.  God is something very big, very good and very love.

 If you are bornagain and you want to show Jesus just show your heart.  The first step in starting to truly love a person is in stopping to imagine that that person is perfect.  God wants you simple.  Pride is weak.  Don′t pray because you have to pray; pray because you are in love with Jesus Christ.  The reason for which God seems so far is because you have looked for him in all of this world and not in your heart.  I don′t think you know me, but I was the one who had put the thorns on Jesus′ head and clothed him in purple, just for fun. Indeed, it′s a wonder we don′t know each other because we both were there when we nailed him on that cross.  We don′t need nothing fancy of much, but that Jesus would become REAL in our lives.  I cannot help you if you don′t help me to help you.  The thing that we are all searching for without knowing what we are searching for is to have Jesus in us. And a few find what they were searching for for their entire live, or, to be more exact, they are found by God.

 A Christian without Jesus real in his heart I like a Bible with just blank pages. He can′t bring nothing, he can′t give nothing. A Christian with Jesus real in him is the most beautiful thing on earth.  In times of trouble, a true soldier of Christ picks himself off the ground and marches on further.  You are God′s greatest love.  We need to love the hope of faith. We need to hope in the faith of love. We need to believe in the hope of love.  Even the most beautiful roses grow in earth and not in diamond dust.  If you cannot be happy even to have only god for your entire life, then you certainly won′t be happy, not even if you would have the entire world.  God is true life, true love and true truth.  The ones who suffer are the bad. In the life of Christians grief transmutes into joy.  The soul is a hand capable to touch God; the soul is an eye capable to see God.  We are born sinners but when we die we must die innocent. If you don′t follow Jesus how are you going to get innocent before God calls you?  If you lose for God, you don′t lose nothing; if you win for you, you don′t win nothing.

 It′ hard to be bored when you read a leter from your beloved. If you love Jesus and want Jesus, it′s impossible to be bored by the Bible.  If your love and heart speak to God, god will speak back.  The Christian can be either a consumer of divine services & sermons, or an activist for his denomination, or a light sharer & a love giver in Jesus Christ.  One thing about Christians is that they are willing to suffer for what they have done – good or bad -, and that they are also willing to suffer for what they have not done.  If you want to love God you must first love your neighbor as yourself. If you want to love you neighbor as yourself you must start by loving your enemies as yourself. If you succeed in this, the rest is piece of cake.  The idiom of the heart is the only one which is understood in heaven.  In Man, the sky of Thought must be reflected in the ocean of Love.  Pls fight man to be a big heart and a simple mind.  The only way to be and stay spiritually awake is to love.  The Christian faith isn′t about deed, creeds, nice churches, nice theology books and just being nice; it′s about love, true love, the true love of Christ Jesus in you and me.  The only available Christian reaction in every situation is to love.

 Jesus is the only light you could have in you.  Love isn′t about beauty of any kind; love is about love.

THE THIRD MEDITATION Christians and Muslims should marry between each other. Muslims should have Christian kids and so maybe the holy war will end and Christians should have Muslim kids and so maybe we should really begin to love our Muslim neighbor. 49Thoughts  God crucified for my salvation is the only God I can understand.  I love people because they are made by God. I love God because he is the one who made me.  Don′t be preoccupied with your image before men; be preoccupied with your image before God.  Because I reject the pleasures of the world, instead God gives me the delight of the Holy Spirit. And because I take share on the hurts and pain of Jesus Christ, my own pain and hurts seem to almost not hurt me at all.  All I need is Jesus.  Each pain and sorrow you face up in your life is an opportunity to be a beautiful witness for Christ.

 Love is God′s answer.  God doesn′t want from you but your heart, because all that you truly are is your heart.  You can′t love when you judge, and you can′t judge when you love.  You are not alone, not even now. I will repeat that. You are not alone.  Self-righteousness is sin.  God I alive because he is the life. God speaks because he is the Word.  In this world there are only two kinds of people: the children of light and the prisoners of darkness.  You can be either a child of light or a slave of darkness and you are what you choose to be.  No faith, no God. No God, no love. No love, no nothing.  I want God real in my everything, I won′t take nothing less.  Love the ones you love.  Light in you isn′t about you being perfect. Light in you is about the light of the perfect God Jesus present in the perfectible imperfection that you are.

 Not a day without God, not a second without Jesus.  Love is wisdom.  If you don′t fight on your behalf, God will fight on your behalf.  Praise and worship, grace and glory, to the Son and to the Spirit, love to God and everybody.  We are all your children, God. But the most of u do not know it. And the most of us will never know it.  It is easier to damage an opened flower than a closed one. But if it never does open it means that the flower is already damaged and it also will never produce fruit. So just open your heart to the love Jesus Christ has prepared for you.  Make me, God, to live my faith and make me realize nothing else maters.  Just stay near God and you′ll see miracles bloom in this wonderful sunrising of love.  I don′t want to remain here. My home will be at the feet of Jesus.  We need Christ to be saved from ourselves.  Don′t worry whatever your problems might be, man. Jesus is with you through it. Just don′t worry about nothing, man. You have Jesus.

 The Bible is an M16 you must use in the war in which you are a soldier for Christ.  God′s absence hurts.  Prayer is a need.  Glory will be beter than heroin and it will be true and forever.  If you are overhelmed by God, you will no more be overhelmed by this world.  Good and love are infinite things; bad and hatred are not infinite. 

Prayer shouldn′t be a speech but a relationship.

 Yesterday Jesus loved me. Today Jesus loves me. Tomorrow Jesus will love me.  Cars work on gasoline, tars work on hydrogen, and I work on God′s love and God′s presence.  Just walk with Jesus through it all and be sure it′s going to be a wonderful day to remember.  Sometimes it might be that earthly punishment is spiritual blessing and that earthly blessing is spiritual punishment.  Smile from the inside out.

 It′s okay to suffer. Don′t blame yourself for it. It′s just living in this world, on this planet turning round and around in this fallen universe.  Show yourself on the outside how you are on the inside. And then be in the inside how Jesus was on the outside. Only Jesus can give you that. And then your inside will glow through your outside in him.  God made man dependent on God. And if man isn′t addicted to God he will become addicted to anything else, you name it.  I′m beginning to see the light but I feel blinded by it.  Without you, Jesus, everything has no value. With you, everything is so precious. 

If God had not existed, I would have been an atheist.

 Pray that an atomic bomb of Holy Spirit would explode in your heart.  The best soldiers are the brokenhearted.

THE FOURTH MEDITATION If Thomas Mann had had writen about the Jews of his time and their hope what great and still contemporary work he would have made. And if Karl Marx, the detested, instead of preaching the materialist hallucination, had had spoken about the small kibbutzes mixed with simple faith, what great work for man and god he would have made.

And if Baruch Spinoza had had discerned reality from dream in philosophy, authentic idea from sleep whisper, and had had tried to conceive the truth, what burning pages he would have left us. Two or three thousands years from now nothing will remain from our concrete, steel and glass piramydes of civilization, but God and his cross. 53 Thoughts  Free me and make me your slave, God.  If you despise others that despise will come inside your heart and others will consider you despisable.  Baptists are just a Christian denomination out of many Christian denominations. Nothing more. Just as anybody else.  Sin makes us ugly.  Christ′s soldiers fight Christ′s combat for enlarging Christ′s kingdom.  Death is not death.  Pray big.  If you had seen yourself the way you really are, you would be shocked. But God isn′t shocked of seeing you and he calls you his.  Tell me who are your friends and I will tell you how big is your heart.

 If you deprive the Christian gospel of real love and real feelings and real involvement you′ll get Christian activism.  If you believe in God, you can′t believe in yourself. If you believe in yourself, you don′t believe in God. If you live for God, you can′t live for yourself. If you live for yourself, you don ′t live for God.  Before giving your heart to somebody you must really give your heart to Jesus. If you don′t do that, you won′t succeed in giving your heart to somebody else; you will just give your heart out of you own opened hand to your own self. 

Even this entire universe is just a feather flowing on the endless ocean of God.

Expect the impossible from God and nothing from man and you will be a very very contented man.

The reason for which people are afraid of being lonely is because they don ′t know that we are never alone.

 When I say ′life I beautiful′, I include eternity in the word ′life′.  Love your neighbor but know whom you love.  Your heart misses God everyday and you don′t even know what you miss.  I gave you my heart and now I have nothing, God, only you.  Give yourself to me, God, and give myself to you.

 One thing about true happiness is that – if you are truly happy – you don′t think of your own self.  Jesus is your God, holy mount Zion.  If I slander my brother, I don′t love my brother. If I love my brother, I don′t slander my brother.  Happiness is about others; and God is included in ′others′ and the most important of them.  Only God is more beautiful than women.  If you love possessions and money you might think you love others, but really you love possessions and money.  There is war in me, God. Please win. Please win me, God.  Give out away all that you have, everyday, because you will never be broke on love.  Lemonade is so easy to make; instead for perfume it takes a whole process.  True faith in Christ transcends the surviving instinct.  When you are in God you are beautiful and it doesn′t mater how much you suffered in life because your beauty is forever, Granma.

 Bear your cross and bear it with joy.  The true love of true Jesus makes you truly beautiful.  Rachel Joy Scot and Cassie Bernall are among the last great martyrs of the second millennium of the Church.  Your heart is a plug-in to the Holy Spirit of God.  Hope for the best but be prepared for anything.  The most beautiful and enlightened flowers are the ones who are cut and let to wither in vases.  God is a Child who holds the Universe in his opened Hands.  God is the one that finds you when you lose yourself for Jesus.  God is the only one that it′s worth writing about.  People just don′t know.  You can never have enough of God.  Sometimes praying for a miracle is the only available option, but we have to let God choose the miracle.  God is the best room-mate I ever had.

 If you take guidance after the bright Morning Star, you will succeed to cross the Ocean of Tears and you will enter in the enlightened gentle waters of the Beatitudes Archipelago.  God, you are here and everywhere.  Secular freedom is an utopia.  Job is the best artistic book I have ever read.  If we let him, god can make us able to bear with anything in our lives, if we only let him.  If you want that shell to make you a pearl you′ll have to let it remain in the mud.  Jesus is more complex than the universe; Jesus is simpler than a gentian.  If you believe, you will see, but if you want to see first, your heart will become blind.

THE FIFTH MEDITATION From the entire creation the being that suffers the most is man. From all the people of the world the people that suffered the most is the people of God, Israel. The Child of Israel that suffered the most is Yeshua. God suffers. God suffers but he doesn′t show it.

God suffers the most because parents suffer the most. But God′s suffering is defeated by the endlessness of his love.

50 Thoughts  God is my radio.  Love is the best sermon.  Every true Christian should be a Che for Christ, with his heart loaded like a gun.  Our hearts need God, not theology.  People are brothers that don′t love each other. Jesus is an ignored friend, the Holy Spirit is a mistreated lover, God is an abandoned father in the old people home.  Christian life is a spiritual guerilla.  I′m not here to stay. You′re not here to stay. Now I am a dream full of soul and love. You are a dream dreamt by God, because God is.  Rice for India, love for umma, food for Africa, peace for Zion, respect for the primitive, mercy for the 1st world, dignity for the poor, charity for the other, love for God.  The Holy Bible is a medicine for despair.

 Faith is a window.  If he wouldn′t descended as a Jew, most probably that Jesus would have descended as a Roma.  True prophets don′t last easy.  My happiness is not my happiness.  I have Jesus in me like water is present in the mud. I cannot ask for more.  I wanna be poor like Jesus, no mater the costs.  Love Muslims… just love Muslims; this is our only ammunition.  The sensible hearts are broken; the mean not. Anyway be a sensible heart.  I am the pen, the Holy Spirit is the ink, God is the Hand, Jesus is the light.  Gospel′s true weapon is not theology, but love.  If you had had known me completely you would have sent me away from your church. If you had had known yourself completely you would have sent yourself out of your church.  God is beyond any ideal.  Love reachable for anybody.

 Your heart is one wing; your soul is the other. Ye, you are beautiful.  God is my kiss, my eyes of love.  The Christian gospel transcends the Christian denominations.  Voluntary poorness is spiritual abundance.  Jesus didn′t ask of us to listen only to Christian music, read only Christian books, watch only Christian movies and wear only Christian clothes. What he did ask of u was to love and to not in anymore.  I′m poor and I′m happy.  God is the only one who can say: ′I′ll meet you in your heart.′  You are the bush and your love is God′s fire, speaking.  Your enemy is your heart; and only love can defeat this enemy.  Dialogue: ′The Gypsy is not human.′ ′Racism is not human.′  I have Jesus in me.  Happiness is a baked bread not a silver dollar.

 Be what you are.  Jesus doesn′t want to change the world. Jesus wants to save you.  Love is not a dream.  If you think you′re something, you′re less than nothing. If you think you′re nothing, you are nothing, which is more than less than nothing, but it′s not more than nothing and definitely it is not something.  It′s beter to know love than to love knowledge.  Jesus is bigger than the universe.  If you let Jesus in your hear, Jesus is so big, you know, and your heart also becomes bigger and bigger - it becomes as bigger as you let it be. But if you send Jesus away when he knocks at the door your heart is, your heart is empty and it doesn′t have the life in it so it withers and it′s just smaller as time goes by.  With god loneliness is company. Without God even friendship is loneliness.  With Jesus even martyrdom or imprisonment are a forest surrounded by flowers. Without God even love is a boredom.  God has left infinity in us. We just have to see it.  The despised poor and the unanswered beggars of today are the birthbearers of the Communist gods of tomorrow.

 True society is about communities and respect.  Our minds do not grasp all the things our hearts do contain.  History is the story of the love of God.  Every good things′ ending is an occasion for gratitude.


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