3 minute read
Seminary Education
P u r s u e y o u r c a l l i n g w i t h i n a n i n n o v a t i v e , C h r i s t - c e n t e r e d , a n d S p i r i t - l e d c o m m u n i t y a t P a l m e r T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a r y .
M a s t e r a n d D o c t o r a l D e g r e e s . C e r t i f i c a t e a n d D i p l o m a P r o g
( C e r t i f i c a t e - D i p l o m a P r o g r a m s )
W e a r e g r a t e f u l f o r o u r l o n g - s t a n d i n g p a r t n e r s h i p s w i t h
A m e r i c a n B a p t i s t C h u r c h e s , U S A .
Campolo Scholars are Eastern University and Palmer Seminary students who sense God’s call to Christian ministry Scholars receive a generous financial scholarship and participate in a variety of rhythms for spiritual formation and leadership development, including semester retreats, monthly fellowship, weekly Bible study, mentorship, and service opportunities.
The mission of the Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists (AWAB) is to create and support a community of churches, organizations and individuals committed to the inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons in the full life and mission of Baptist churches. Learn more at
Monday, June 26
9:00 AM –5:00 PM
Show me the Money: Equipping our Leaders for Excellence in Fundraising
Location: Dunwoody
This training will provide participants with the foundation of a healthier paradigm of fundraising that is rooted in faith. Participants will also learn the best practices, strategies and tools for their fundraising efforts. The good news is that there is no magic in fundraising, which means that anyone willing to learn can learn how to do it well!
Cost: $25; Pre-registration required
1:00 –5:00 PM
Summit Initiative Guide Training: Increasing Resiliency by Growing in Confidence, Cohesion, Connection, Morale and Hope
Location: Baker
Join facilitator Jason Chudnofsky, executive director of Summit Initiative, which utilizes one’s own story and faith experiences to connect and reflect on how our life experiences have influenced our own pastoral/spiritual formation and identity to strengthen individual resiliency, bolster group cohesion and identify ways to more effectively develop community and discipleship within our specialized ministries.
Cost: $35; Pre-registration required
Tuesday, June 27
9:00 –11:30 AM
Show me the Money: Equipping our Leaders for Excellence in Fundraising
Location: Dunwoody
This training will provide participants with the foundation of a healthier paradigm of fundraising that is rooted in faith. Participants will also learn the best practices, strategies and tools for their fundraising efforts. The good news is that there is no magic in fundraising which means that anyone willing to learn can learn how to do it well!
Cost: $25; Pre-registration required
7:00 PM
Summit Initiative Guide Training: Increasing Resiliency by Growing in Confidence, Cohesion, Connection, Morale and Hope
Location: Baker
Join facilitator Jason Chudnofsky, executive director of Summit Initiative, which utilizes one’s own story and faith experiences to connect and reflect on how our life experiences have influenced our own pastoral/spiritual formation and identity to strengthen individual resiliency, bolster group cohesion and identify ways to more effectively develop community and discipleship within our specialized ministries.
Cost: $35; Pre-registration required
Together for Hope Banquet
Location: Regency V
Join us for “Together for Better Health,” a Together for Hope banquet. Contact Debbie Pierce with any questions at 601-248-9604 or debbie@tfhope.org.
Cost: $70/person; $520/table; Pre-registration required
On-Site Registration & Check-In
Location: Grand Hall Lobby
Come to the Assembly registration area to receive your name tag, pick up a printed guidebook and ask any questions you may have to get started.
Cost: Free
Leadership Luncheon
Location: Regency VI
Come together around lunch tables to consider the topic of confronting congregational anxiety and hear from the Rev. Dr. Kimberly Wagner, professor and author of Fractured Ground: Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma; then spend two hours focused on one of three topics—experiencing Dawnings, cultivating a culture of stewardship, or engaging in sacred and courageous conversations.