Guidebook 2023

Page 6


June 28-30, 2023

Hyatt Regency Atlanta, GA

“And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another…”

Hebrews 10:24-25

2023 CBF General Assembly

Welcome to the 2023

General Assembly of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship!

Whether this is your very first General Assembly or you have been coming each year for decades, we are so grateful for your presence among us. These days each year give us the opportunity to see more clearly how God is at work among us, inviting us into an increasingly diverse and growing community in which we are being equipped for bold faithfulness and transformed so that, by God’s grace, we might be agents of God’s transformation of the world through Jesus Christ.

We are serving Christ in a cultural moment that is increasingly recognized as extraordinarily challenging for congregations and their leaders, as well as for denominational communities. Recent times have only intensified and exacerbated the challenges that have faced congregations, denominations and communities for years. In the midst of all the change, uncertainty and instability, it is easy to be overtaken by a cynicism about the present and future of congregational life—particularly in the United States and North America. Sometimes it seems like the best we can do is just figure out a way to survive.

Our prayer as we gather in Atlanta this week is that our entire Fellowship community, in these days and in the weeks and months ahead, will be seized by a holy ambition for Christ’s mission, the necessity of our ministries and the uniqueness of the way each of our congregations participates in Christ’s life in this moment. The word “ambition” has mainly negative implications in our time, but the fact that the Apostle Paul warns the Philippians about a “selfish ambition” causes us to wonder if there is not an ambition that is holy. I believe as we listen to Scriptures, remember the life and ministry of Jesus and consider the mission of the Church as the body of Christ in the world, we will see that the Triune God is, by nature, ambitious; that God has an ambition for the healing of the world through the power of a resurrecting, relentless love. Isn’t that what we see in the face and life of Jesus as he moves toward the cross and the resurrection? Isn’t that what we hear in the Great Commandment, the Great Commission, and in the astonishing statement of Jesus in John 20, “As the Father has sent me, so I send you”?

I’m increasingly coming to believe that, for us to be faithful in the lives of our congregations, the ministries of our field personnel around the world and in the cultivation of a truly authentic Christian public witness, we will need to set aside a mindset of survival and instead be equipped with holy ambition.

So, as we gather and worship, as we pray and learn, as we find space for conversations with old friends and as we welcome the gift of new friends, what kind of holy ambition will be stirred among us? What holy ambition will well up in you for your own faith? For the life of your congregation? For Christ’s mission in this broken world?

May Christ be powerfully present among us in these days.


It’s here! You’re here! I’m here! We’re here!

Welcome to the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship General Assembly 2023. These next few days will be filled with friends, family, fellowship and faith. I’m grateful to experience this alongside you.

This past year I’ve had the opportunity to worship with some of your congregations, gather at your state meetings or serve with you at the Together For Hope, Building Hope Weekend. I’ve been able to come into your spaces, to see and experience your hospitality and your desire to serve our God well as you care for others in the community and world.

I have seen God at work in the ways you support our field personnel, fund relief efforts, begin new initiatives and learn how to advocate for racial justice. I have been honored to work alongside some of the brightest and most faithful voices in Baptist life. I’ve met gifted adults who love Jesus, are passionate about their calling and are eager to share Christ’s love.

This is not happenstance. Congregational leaders have been intentional in the ways they are leading, influencing, partnering and helping their congregations imagine what God can do when we exhibit bold faithfulness.

Holy Ambition is our theme this year, and with it comes several thoughts and challenges. We are reminded that if we are made in the image of an adventurous God, isn’t it necessary for us to be overtaken by God’s ambition? How can our lives and world be different if we allow ourselves to embrace the ambition God models?

These days of business meetings, evening worship, Learning Labs, luncheons and late-night receptions are times for us to continue to build community, learn from one another, and strengthen our Fellowship. Jump in and experience what General Assembly has to offer. And let’s take a selfie together!

I’m grateful for you, my brothers and sisters, and for the family we find in our Fellowship.




50 Thursday Evening Worship

In worship, we will explore the theme of Holy Ambition as it pertains to our individual and congregational callings. Through prayer, song, Scripture and proclamation, we will be inspired to stay on the journey together. The sermon will be delivered by Laura Ayala, CBF’s new Coordinator for Global Missions.

57 Friday Evening Worship

In worship, we will explore the collective nature of Holy Ambition. Kat Kimmel, pastor of First Baptist Church of Memphis, Tenn., will offer the sermon. We will also participate in the commissioning of chaplains, pastoral counselors and field personnel, as well as celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a Fellowship.

47 Thursday Plenary

When your church states that it supports women in ministry, does the congregation have a biblical foundation for understanding why? How does your church put that support into action? Join Meredith Stone (BWIM) and Brian Foreman (CBF) for an interactive session about these questions and a resource you can use in your congregation.

54 Friday Business Plenary

A highlight of the Assembly each year is to listen to a report from CBF Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley and hear the dreams of the incoming CBF moderator, as well as other leadership reflecting on the impactful work of the Fellowship. Join us as we also vote on the CBF budget and leadership nominations for 2023-2024.


60 Newly-Endorsed Chaplain and Pastoral Counselors

See details about our newly-endorsed chaplains and pastoral counselors.

64 New Field Personnel

Meet newly-commissioned field personnel Delores Stimpson, Beverly and William Baker, Stella Perrin and Jana Lee.

3 7 Daily Schedule
Learning Labs
Thursday Plenary Session
Thursday Evening Worship
Friday Business Plenary Session
Nominating Committee Report
Friday Evening Worship
Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling Commissioning
Field Personnel Commissioning
Hotel Map and Guide
Find descriptions, locations and times of Learning Labs. 28 Advocacy 30 (Cooperative) Baptist Identity 32 Cultivating Calling 34 Financial Wellness and Fund Development 36 Global Missions 38 Ministry Innovation 40 Missions and Community 41 Racial Justice 42 Spiritual Care and Trauma-Sensitive Ministry
Vida Hispana
License: 11210383
Senior Editor: Aaron Weaver | Graphic Designer: Jeff Langford | CCLI

P r a c t i c a l & T r a n s f o r m a t i v e

Seminary Education

P u r s u e y o u r c a l l i n g w i t h i n a n i n n o v a t i v e , C h r i s t - c e n t e r e d , a n d S p i r i t - l e d c o m m u n i t y a t P a l m e r T h e o l o g i c a l S e m i n a r y .

M a s t e r a n d D o c t o r a l D e g r e e s . C e r t i f i c a t e a n d D i p l o m a P r o g

( C e r t i f i c a t e - D i p l o m a P r o g r a m s )

W e a r e g r a t e f u l f o r o u r l o n g - s t a n d i n g p a r t n e r s h i p s w i t h

A m e r i c a n B a p t i s t C h u r c h e s , U S A .

Campolo Scholars are Eastern University and Palmer Seminary students who sense God’s call to Christian ministry Scholars receive a generous financial scholarship and participate in a variety of rhythms for spiritual formation and leadership development, including semester retreats, monthly fellowship, weekly Bible study, mentorship, and service opportunities.

W H O L E G O S P E L | W H O L E W O R L D | W H O L E P E R S O N S
r a m . O n l i n e a n d S p a n i s h L a n g u a g e P r o g r a m s . O n G r o u n d i n P e n n s y l v a n i a a n d W e s t V i r g i n i a . G E N E R O U S S C H O L A R S H I P S A V A I L A B L E P A L M E R S E M I N A R Y . E D U C A M P O L O S C H O L A R S P R O G R A M o f E A S T E R N U N I V E R S I T Y C h r i s t - C e n t e r e d M i n i s t r y . S p i r i t u a l F o r m a t i o n . M i n i s t r y P r a x i s .

The mission of the Association of Welcoming & Affirming Baptists (AWAB) is to create and support a community of churches, organizations and individuals committed to the inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons in the full life and mission of Baptist churches. Learn more at

• News & Opinion • Original Podcasts • Videos & Short Documentaries • Book Publishing Follow us on social media to stay up to date on all of our content @gfmediaorg Scan the QR code to explore our website and resources. Download our mobile app today from the Apple Store and Google Play. And much more! Standing at the intersection of FAITH and CULTURE • The Nurturing Faith Journal • Good Faith Advocates • Travel Experiences Please join AWAB during its reception Wednesday, June 28 at 4pm
AWAB is ready to support CBF congregations in the welcoming & affirming


Monday, June 26

9:00 AM –5:00 PM

Show me the Money: Equipping our Leaders for Excellence in Fundraising

Location: Dunwoody

This training will provide participants with the foundation of a healthier paradigm of fundraising that is rooted in faith. Participants will also learn the best practices, strategies and tools for their fundraising efforts. The good news is that there is no magic in fundraising, which means that anyone willing to learn can learn how to do it well!

Cost: $25; Pre-registration required

1:00 –5:00 PM

Summit Initiative Guide Training: Increasing Resiliency by Growing in Confidence, Cohesion, Connection, Morale and Hope

Location: Baker

Join facilitator Jason Chudnofsky, executive director of Summit Initiative, which utilizes one’s own story and faith experiences to connect and reflect on how our life experiences have influenced our own pastoral/spiritual formation and identity to strengthen individual resiliency, bolster group cohesion and identify ways to more effectively develop community and discipleship within our specialized ministries.

Cost: $35; Pre-registration required

Tuesday, June 27

9:00 –11:30 AM

Show me the Money: Equipping our Leaders for Excellence in Fundraising

Location: Dunwoody

This training will provide participants with the foundation of a healthier paradigm of fundraising that is rooted in faith. Participants will also learn the best practices, strategies and tools for their fundraising efforts. The good news is that there is no magic in fundraising which means that anyone willing to learn can learn how to do it well!

Cost: $25; Pre-registration required



7:00 PM

Summit Initiative Guide Training: Increasing Resiliency by Growing in Confidence, Cohesion, Connection, Morale and Hope

Location: Baker

Join facilitator Jason Chudnofsky, executive director of Summit Initiative, which utilizes one’s own story and faith experiences to connect and reflect on how our life experiences have influenced our own pastoral/spiritual formation and identity to strengthen individual resiliency, bolster group cohesion and identify ways to more effectively develop community and discipleship within our specialized ministries.

Cost: $35; Pre-registration required

Together for Hope Banquet

Location: Regency V

Join us for “Together for Better Health,” a Together for Hope banquet. Contact Debbie Pierce with any questions at 601-248-9604 or

Cost: $70/person; $520/table; Pre-registration required

On-Site Registration & Check-In

Location: Grand Hall Lobby

Come to the Assembly registration area to receive your name tag, pick up a printed guidebook and ask any questions you may have to get started.

Cost: Free

Leadership Luncheon

Location: Regency VI

Come together around lunch tables to consider the topic of confronting congregational anxiety and hear from the Rev. Dr. Kimberly Wagner, professor and author of Fractured Ground: Preaching in the Wake of Mass Trauma; then spend two hours focused on one of three topics—experiencing Dawnings, cultivating a culture of stewardship, or engaging in sacred and courageous conversations.

Cost: $50/person (includes lunch and a Bold Faithfulness Workshop Session); Preregistration required –
DAILY SCHEDULE Tuesday–Wednesday 9:00 AM
5:00 PM Wednesday, June 28 9:00 AM
1:00 PM


Wednesday 1:30 –3:30 PM

Bold Faithfulness Breakout – Sacred and Courageous Conversations

Location: Dunwoody

Conversations are sacred—in our congregations, our families and our communities. The public discourse in recent years has made these sacred conversations hard and, at times, seemingly impossible. This workshop explores why our opinions matter so much while also prioritizing the ability to have conversation for the sake of community building and not competition or winning. Not only will we discuss the practice—we’ll also test it out in real time.

Cost: $20; Pre-registration required

Bold Faithfulness Breakout – Experiencing Dawnings


Location: Courtland

The power unleashed through Jesus’ resurrection invites a new dawn for your church. A reimagined Dawnings resource guides your church to anticipate that bold new dawn with eyes that see and ears that hear. Learn how to place your church in the best possible position to receive this new light.

Cost: $20; Pre-registration required

Bold Faithfulness Breakout – Building Our House on the

Rock: Setting the Foundation to Cultivate a Sustainable Culture of Generosity

Location: Fairlie

within Our Churches

This session will feature leaders in the field of religious giving who will provide helpful data about the current trends of giving and givers and discuss the implications for the local congregation. Learn practical strategies to cultivate and grow givers of all types and of all generations within the context of the local church.

Cost: $20; Pre-registration required

Preschool Assembly

Location: Hanover

Infant through Pre-K. Pre-registration required.

Children’s Assembly

Location: Hanover

Kindergarten through 5th grade. Pre-registration required.

Youth Assembly

Location: Hanover

6th through 12th grade. Pre-registration required.

1:30 –3:30
1:30 –3:30
1:15 –5:00
1:15 –5:00
1:15 –5:00


Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists


Location: Greenbriar

The mission of the Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists is to create and support a community of churches, organizations and individuals committed to the inclusion of LGBTQ+ persons in the full life and mission of Baptist churches. Join us for a reception celebrating 50 years of AWAB!

Cost: $10

Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond Alumni


Location: Offsite; Max Lager’s Wood Fired Grill

Alumni, former staff and faculty from Baptist Theological Seminary at Richmond (BTSR) are invited to a gathering at Max Lager’s—less than a block from the Hyatt. This event is proudly sponsored by CBF Virginia.

Cost: $10; Pre-registration recommended


Alumni and Friends Reception with CBF Kentucky

Gather for a time of fellowship with alumni and friends of BSK.

Location: Vinings

Cost: Free

Candler School of Theology Alumni and Friends Reception

Location: Executive Conference Room 219

Join Candler School of Theology alumni and friends for fellowship and Candler updates.

Cost: Free

Duke Divinity School Baptist House of Studies Reception

The Baptist House at Duke Divinity invites you to join us for our annual Alumni and Friends gathering. Food, fun, and fellowship are on the agenda! Reservations are requested.

Location: Executive Conference Room 226

Cost: Free

Truett Seminary Alumni and Friends Reception

Location: Inman

Join us for a time of fellowship with Truett alumni and friends.

Cost: Free

4:00 –5:00
4:00 –5:00
4:00 –5:00
4:00 –5:00 PM 4:00 –5:00 PM
4:00 –5:00 PM


Wednesday 5:30 –7:00 PM

CBF State and Regional Gatherings

Join your state or regional organization for a meeting and time of fellowship.

Alabama CBF Location: Offsite Visit for details

CBF of Florida and the Caribbean Islands Location: Offsite; Big Kahuna

Cost: $25; Pre-registration required

CBF of Georgia Location: Offsite; Tin Lizzy’s Cantina

Cost: $35/person

CBF Heartland Location: Courtland

Cost: Free

CBF of Kentucky & Baptist Seminary of Kentucky (BSK) Location: Offsite

Cost: Pay for your own meal

Baptist Fellowship of the Northeast & Mid-Atlantic CBF Location: Coretta Scott King Suite

Cost: Free

CBF of North Carolina Location: Offsite; Various Locations

Pre-registration required

CBF of Oklahoma & Great Rivers Fellowship Location: Offsite; Max Lager’s Wood Fired Grill

Cost: Free

CBF of South Carolina Location: Offsite; Big Kahuna

Cost: Pay for your own meal

Tennessee CBF Location: Hanover A

Cost: $30/person

CBF Texas Location: Baker

Cost: $30/person

CBF Virginia Location: Offsite; Max Lager’s Wood Fired Grill

Cost: $30/person

CBF West Location: Fairlie

Cost: Free


10:30 PM

Assembly Kick-Off Party

Location: Grand Hall

Kick off the 2023 General Assembly in The Gathering Place with food, fun, music and fellowship!

Cost: Free

Wednesday-Thursday 7:30 –9:00 PM 9:30

Late Night Worship

Location: Regency VI

Make sure not to miss the General Assembly Late Night Worship with preacher Dr. LaTonya Agard. Sponsored by CBF Pan African Koinonia.

Cost: Free

Prayer Room Open

Location: Auburn

The 2023 General Assembly prayer room will be open for prayer, meditation and contemplation throughout the General Assembly. Come and pray for CBF generously defined, our country, communities, families and anything the Lord lays on your heart.

Cost: Free

Ministerial Transitions Conversations

Location: Various

Meet with Jay Kieve, CBF’s director of ministerial transitions, for vocational conversations.

Cost: Free; text Jay Kieve at 803-767-3456 to schedule an appointment.

7:30 –9:00 AM

Thursday, June 29 ALL DAY ALL DAY 7:30 –9:00 AM

Familia Celebration Breakfast

Location: Regency V

Celebrate five years of La Familia of CBF through song, fellowship and fun. Note: This celebration will be presented exclusively in Spanish and will not have translation available for English speakers.

Cost: $25/person; Pre-registration required

Friends of Baptist News Global Breakfast

Location: International Ballroom North

Bestselling author, public historian and professor Jemar Tisby will be the featured speaker at the Baptist News Global Breakfast. Alongside BNG Executive Director Mark Wingfield, the topic for the morning will be “Telling Truth About History.”

Cost: $45/person, $450/table; Pre-registration required



Thursday 9:00 AM –7:30 PM

On-Site Registration & Check-In

Location: Grand Hall Lobby

Come to the Assembly registration area to receive your name tag, pick up a printed guidebook and ask any questions you may have to get started.

Cost: Free

Preschool Assembly Morning Session

Location: Hanover

Infant through Pre-K. Pre-registration required.

Children’s Assembly

Location: Hanover

Kindergarten through 5th grade. Pre-registration required.

Youth Assembly

Location: Hanover 6th through 12th grade. Pre-registration required.

Plenary Session

Location: Centennial Ballroom

When your church states that it supports women in ministry, does the congregation have a biblical foundation for understanding why? How does your church put that support into action? Join Meredith Stone (BWIM) and Brian Foreman (CBF) for an interactive session about these questions and a resource you can use in your congregation.

Cost: Free

11:30 AM –7:00 PM

The Gathering Place Open

Location: Grand Hall

Welcome to The Gathering Place! Return again and again throughout the Assembly to find the perfect gift in the Market, meet partners and exhibitors, catch a compelling interview on the CBF Podcast Stage, or relax in the Café.

Portrait Event

Sponsored by CBF’s Young Baptist Ecosystem, CBF Chaplaincy & Pastoral Counseling and CBF Ministerial Transitions

Location: Grand Hall

A professional photographer will be onsite to capture a headshot for your professional setting or ministerial search and call process. Come dressed appropriately and ready to smile!

Cost: Free

9:00 –11:30
9:00 AM –5:15 PM 9:30 –11:00 AM 11:30


Thursday 11:30 AM

Dr. Emmanuel McCall Racial Justice Trailblazer Luncheon

Location: Regency V & VI

Join us for the Dr. Emmanuel McCall Racial Justice Trailblazer Award Luncheon. You don’t want to miss hearing from Dr. Otis Moss III and celebrating the 2023 award recipients.

Cost: $22/person; $176/table; Pre-registration required

Preschool Assembly Afternoon Session

Location: Hanover

Preschoolers are welcomed back to their Assembly session.

Learning Labs Session 1

Prepare to be equipped for ministry though Learning Labs—three workshopstyle experiences focused on 10 topical learning tracks. Find descriptions of all the sessions for each learning track on pages 27-43.

• Advocacy – Courtland

• (Cooperative) Baptist Identity – Dunwoody

• Cultivating Calling – Greenbriar

• Financial Wellness – Lenox

• Global Missions – Baker

• Ministry Innovation – Kennesaw

• Missions and Community – Inman

• Racial Justice – Piedmont

• Spiritual Care and Trauma-Sensitive Ministry – Fairlie

• Vida Hispana – Spring


Learning Labs Session 2

Prepare to be equipped for ministry though Learning Labs—three workshopstyle experiences focused on 10 topical learning tracks. Find descriptions of all the sessions for each learning track on pages 27-43.

• Advocacy – Courtland

• (Cooperative) Baptist Identity – Dunwoody

• Cultivating Calling – Greenbriar

• Financial Wellness – Lenox

• Global Missions – Baker

• Ministry Innovation – Kennesaw

• Missions and Community – Inman

• Racial Justice – Piedmont

• Spiritual Care and Trauma-Sensitive Ministry – Fairlie

• Vida Hispana – Spring

–4:00 PM
1:00 PM 1:20
5:30 PM 1:30
2:30 PM


Thursday 3:00

Business Breakout Session – 2023-24 CBF Ministries and Mission Budget

Location: The Learning Center

CBF Familia Meeting

Location: Spring

¡Ven a soñar juntos los próximos pasos del Latino Network fAMILIA! Nuestra juventud y vitalidad necesita expandirse y queremos escucharte. Te esperamos en nuestra sesión de diálogo y escucha. | Come dream together the next steps of Latino Network fAMILIA! Our youth and vitality need to expand and we want to hear from you. We look forward to seeing you at our listening/dialogue session.

Cost: Free

CBF Environmental Stewardship Network Meeting

Location: Edgewood

Join us as we meet, share ideas and look to the coming year for opportunities to work together on behalf of God’s beloved creation.

Cost: Free

Pan African Koinonia Gathering

Location: Hanover A & B

A time for PAK participants to meet and hear what is going on and learn how to participate. In addition, we will acknowledge and offer a blessing to PAK leadership throughout CBF life.

Cost: Free

CBF Youth Ministry Network Meeting

Location: Embassy A

In this gathering of CBFYMN, we will connect, share ideas and support those at General Assembly who may not be members of the network.

Cost: Free

CBF Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling Information Session

Location: Grand Hall; The Gathering Place Café

Interested in Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling endorsement with the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship? This session is designed to present the endorsement application process, answer questions and offer an opportunity to get to know one another.

Cost: Free

4:15 –
4:15 –5:15
4:15 –5:15
4:15 –5:15
4:15 –5:15
–4:00 PM
5:15 PM


Baptist Women in Ministry Celebration Dinner

Location: Regency VI

Join BWIM as we celebrate our 40th anniversary of supporting and advocating for women in ministry. We are excited to share our next transformational steps toward equality for women in ministry.

Cost: $40/person; $400/table; Pre-registration required

Thursday 5:30 –7:00 PM 7:15

Preschool Assembly Evening Session

Location: Hanover

Preschoolers are welcomed back to their Assembly session.

Children’s Assembly Evening Session

Location: Hanover

Children are welcomed back to their Assembly session.

Thursday Evening Worship

Location: Centennial Ballroom

In worship, we will explore the theme of Holy Ambition as it pertains to our individual and congregational callings. Through prayer, song, Scripture and proclamation, we will be inspired to stay on the journey together. The sermon will be delivered by Laura Ayala, CBF Coordinator of Global Missions.

Gathering Place Reception

Location: Grand Hall

After worship, make your way to The Gathering Place for food and fellowship. Stop by to chat with exhibitors, meet authors through book signing opportunities and hear CBF Podcast conversations live.

Cost: Free

Portrait Event

Sponsored by CBF’s Young Baptist Ecosystem, CBF Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling and CBF Ministerial Transitions

Location: Grand Hall

A professional photographer will be onsite to capture a headshot for your professional setting or ministerial search and call process. Come dressed appropriately and ready to smile!

Cost: Free

7:15 –9:15
7:30 –9:00
9:15 –10:15 PM 9:15 –10:15
9:15 PM


Thursday-Friday 9:15 PM Friday, June 30

Young Baptist Outing

Location: Offsite

Calling all Young Baptists (21 and over)! Make plans to join us for an evening of fun, food and fellowship. This annual gathering is a great place to hang out with old friends and make new connections with others from across CBF life. You can find more information about the event by using the QR code here.

Cost: Free

Prayer Room Open

Location: Auburn

The 2023 General Assembly prayer room will be open for prayer, meditation and contemplation throughout the General Assembly. Come and pray for CBF generously defined, our country, communities, families and anything the Lord lays on your heart.

Cost: Free

Ministerial Transitions Conversations

Location: Various

Meet with Jay Kieve, CBF’s director of ministerial transitions, for vocational conversations.

Cost: Free; text Jay Kieve at 803-767-3456 to schedule an appointment.

7:30 –9:00 AM

Encourager Church & Advocacy Breakfast

Location: International Ballroom North

You’re invited to a joint breakfast hosted by CBF Global Missions and CBF Advocacy featuring Sister Norma Pimentel, executive director of Catholic Charities of the Rio Grande Valley.

Cost: $25/person; Pre-registration required

On-Site Registration & Check-In

Location: Grand Hall Lobby

Come to the Assembly registration area to receive your name tag, pick up a printed guidebook and ask any questions you may have to get started.

Cost: Free

Preschool Assembly

Location: Hanover

Infant through Pre-K. Pre-registration required.

9:00 –
DAY 9:00 AM –4:30 PM
11:30 AM

PM 9:00 AM

Youth Assembly

Location: Hanover

6th through 12th grade. Pre-registration required.

9:00 AM

Children’s Assembly

Location: Hanover

Kindergarten through 5th grade. Pre-registration required.

Business Plenary Session

Location: Centennial Ballroom

A highlight of the Assembly each year is to listen to a report from CBF Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley and hear the dreams of the incoming CBF moderator, as well as other leadership reflecting on the impactful work of the Fellowship. Join us also as we vote on the CBF budget and leadership nominations for 2023-2024.



BJC Luncheon

Location: Regency VI & VII

The BJC Luncheon will introduce the BJC Center for Faith, Justice and Reconciliation and highlight our work on racial justice. Visit our exhibit booth for available tickets!

Cost: $55/person, $600/table; Pre-registration required

CBF Chaplaincy & Pastoral Counseling Ministries

Luncheon – 25th Anniversary of Endorsement Celebration

Location: Regency V

Join our CBF-endorsed chaplains and pastoral counselors as we celebrate our 25th anniversary. Our guest speaker is Eileen Campbell-Reed, visiting professor at Union Theological Seminary, founder and host of the Three Minute Ministry Mentor and author of several books.

Cost: $35/person; Pre-registration required

The Gathering Place Open

Location: Grand Hall

Welcome to The Gathering Place! Return again and again throughout the Assembly to find the perfect gift in the Market, meet partners and exhibitors, catch a compelling interview on the CBF Podcast Stage or relax in the Café.

Preschool Assembly Afternoon Session


Location: Hanover

9:30 –11:30
Preschoolers are welcomed back to their Assembly session. 1:15 –6:15
AM –


4:00 PM 1:30

Learning Labs Session 3

Prepare to be equipped for ministry though Learning Labs—workshop-style experiences focused on 10 topical learning tracks. Find descriptions of all the sessions for each learning track on pages 27-43.

• Advocacy – Courtland

• (Cooperative) Baptist Identity – Dunwoody

• Cultivating Calling – Greenbriar

• Financial Wellness – Lenox

• Global Missions – Baker

• Ministry Innovation – Kennesaw

• Missions and Community – Inman

• Racial Justice – Piedmont

• Spiritual Care and Trauma-Sensitive Ministry – Fairlie

• Vida Hispana – Spring


CBF College and Young Adult Ministry Network Meeting

Location: Embassy B

Join the College and Young Adult Network for our annual business meeting as we vote on bylaws and officers for the Network. Participants will also brainstorm speakers and events for the coming year.

Cost: Free

Thriving in Ministry: Preaching in the Womanist Voice

Location: Dunwoody

Preaching in the Womanist Voice examines the unique interpretation of Scripture through the lens and lived experiences of Black women. Derived from our current and historical plight, this preaching reshapes and reimagines the biblical narrative.

Cost: Free

Advocacy Network Gathering

Location: Embassy A

Come engage, learn and enjoy fellowship at CBF Advocacy’s mini-forum-style meet and greet. Snacks and drinks will be provided, and our new Public Education Advocacy work will be featured. Hope you can make plans to join us!

Cost: Free 3:00 –
2:30 PM 3:00
4:00 PM
4:00 PM


3:00 –4:00 PM

Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling Affinity Group


Location: Grand Hall; The Gathering Place Café

Join CBF chaplaincy and pastoral counseling ministries staff members and other CBF-endorsed chaplains and pastoral counselors in The Gathering Place Café for conversation and fellowship.

Cost: Free

3:00 –4:00 PM

Wake Forest University School of Divinity

Alumni & Friends Reception

Location: Executive Conference Room 219

Gather with Wake Divinity alumni, supporters, faculty, students and staff.

Cost: Free

4:30 –6:00 PM

Friday Evening Worship

Location: Centennial Ballroom

In worship, we will explore the collective nature of Holy Ambition. Kat Kimmel, pastor of First Baptist Church of Memphis, Tenn., will offer the sermon. We will also participate in the commissioning of chaplains, pastoral counselors and field personnel, as well as celebrate the Lord’s Supper as a Fellowship.


Who ministers in your congregation?

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New Resources from CBF

How should congregations prepare for economic volatility or recession? What ministry opportunities might emerge from these conditions, and how can churches be faithful in embracing them? Are there questions we can ask and steps we can take now that will strengthen our congregations and communities whether a recession comes or not?

CBF has produced a new series of tools and resources to encourage churches to begin prayerfully considering questions that affect both the congregations and the communities they serve. These resources will help churches to flourish regardless of economic conditions.


CBF Executive Coordinator Paul Baxley challenges those leading congregations and ministries to adopt a mindset informed by Scripture and living faith in this time of economic volatility. He draws from Joseph’s preparation for the famine in Egypt found in Genesis 41 to hold up several important themes to encourage leaders to assess how they might lead.


Where can you begin preparing for a recession? What conversations do you need to have? What are the big questions to ask? This resource invites you to ask the right questions internally and externally to be prepared with faithful responses that will allow congregations to offer a unique and compelling witness to Christ in these days.


This guidebook is a collaborative effort between CBF and the CBF Foundation to provide concrete and practical support to our churches to help in strategizing, preparing, and implementing your plan so your church can stay financially healthy and make an even bigger impact during a recession.

Explore resources at

J o i n t h e 5 0 0 p e o p l e f r o m 1 5 s t a t e s w h o h a v e e m b a r k e d o n t h i s a n t ir a c i s t s p i r i t u a l j o u r n e y o f r e f l e c t i o n , c o n v e r s a t i o n , a n d t r a n s f o r m a t i o n !

Take the Course

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CBF Can Help

with resources and guidance from CBF Ministerial Transitions.

Search committee members and church leaders can visit to discover how CBF can support your search.

CBF Ministerial Transitions

Every church calls a new minister... eventually.

Prepare to be equipped for ministry though Learning Labs. With something for everyone from clergy to laity, we encourage you to follow one Learning Lab track throughout the Assembly, but you may explore multiple topics as you feel led.

Learning Lab Locations See Hotel Map on page 68

27 Advocacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 (Cooperative) Baptist Identity . . . . . . . 30 Cultivating Calling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 Financial Wellness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Global Missions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 Ministry Innovation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Missions & Community . . . . . . . . . . 40 Racial Justice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Spiritual Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Vida Hispana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 Learning Labs Learning Labs offer three workshop-style experiences in 10 topical learning tracks . Learning Lab topics include:
Advocacy Courtland
Dunwoody Cultivating Calling Greenbriar Financial Wellness Lenox Global Missions Baker Ministry Innovation Kennesaw Missions & Community Inman Racial Justice Piedmont Spiritual Care Fairlie Vida Hispana Spring
Session 1 Thursday 1:30-2:30 p.m. Session 2 Thursday 3:00-4:00 p.m. Session 3 Friday 1:30-2:30 p.m. LEARNING LABS
(Cooperative) Baptist Identity
Learning Lab Times


All Sessions in Courtland

Since 2013, CBF has been equipping congregations and encouraging church leaders to engage in ministries of advocacy. Recognizing that each congregation and community is different and yet confident that we have much to learn from one another, this track provides three workshops on congregational advocacy. These workshops, Advocacy in Preaching, Advocacy in Practice and Advocacy and Power will provide a well-rounded picture of how faith-based congregational advocacy can shape a more just world.

Advocacy in Preaching

Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

A diverse panel of seasoned preachers explore the opportunities and responsibilities of advocacy from the pulpit. Come and learn how their unique approaches, born out of their own practices and convictions, match the diversity of the CBF congregations and communities they serve.

Cheryl Moore Adamson is senior pastor, Palmetto Missionary Baptist Church, Conway, S.C.

Jesús E. García is lead pastor, Church of the City, New London, Conn.

Charles Hamilton (Moderator) is a CBF-endorsed army chaplain and pastor, New Morning Light Baptist Church, Conley, Ga.

Carol McEntyre is senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Columbia, Mo., and a former CBF moderator.

Garrett Vickrey is senior pastor, Woodland Baptist Church, San Antonio, Texas.


Advocacy in Practice

Thursday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

A panel of faith-based practitioners, both clergy and lay leaders, who are effective advocates in their contexts and communities, will share best practices for engaged advocacy. Participants will hear first-hand stories, learn practical tips and discuss common mistakes.

Jennifer Hawks is associate general counsel at the Baptist Joint Committee, providing legal analysis on church-state issues and educating diverse audiences as to why Baptists value faith freedom for all.

Tamika McGhee is faith outreach and policy manager, Center for Responsible Living, Washington, D.C.

Heather Mustain is associate pastor, Wilshire Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas, helping mobilize the church to both think and act at the intersection of faith and justice.

Advocacy and Power: Coalition Building/Social Movements

Kevin Pranoto is associate pastor of social work, Second Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ark.

Elket Rodríguez, CBF field personnel, is an attorney, minister and immigration policy expert, Texas Rio Grande Valley.

Cameron Mason Vickrey (Moderator) is director of communications and development for Fellowship Southwest.

Friday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Facilitators Cassandra Henderson and Amanda Tyler will share foundational elements of creating and sustaining social movements in today’s present realities. Participants will walk away having learned key elements of building power and the how-to of organizing and mobilizing people in creating a more just society.

Cassandra A. Henderson is executive director, Interfaith Children’s Movement (ICM), Atlanta, Ga.

Heather Mustain (Moderator) is associate pastor, Wilshire Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas.

Amanda Tyler is BJC’s executive director, co-host of the Respecting Religion podcast and lead organizer of the Christians Against Christian Nationalism campaign.



All Sessions in Dunwoody

With a complicated history and emphasis on freedom, “Baptists” can be difficult to define. Participants of this track will explore what it means to be a Cooperative Baptist by looking at the past, thinking about the present and together imagining the future. On this track, you will learn how to stand on the shoulders of CBF’s history of radical inclusion, hear how Baptists can counteract negative narratives and discover the road to ministering in purple churches.

Baptist: A Radical Way of Being Christian

Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

As Cooperative Baptists, we are often defined by what we are NOT rather than what we are. Looking over the span of Baptist history, participants will see how Baptists have been at the forefront of radical inclusion, religious tolerance, gender equality and social justice, exploring how today’s CBF churches can carry on the mantle of radicals.

Bill Leonard is founding dean and professor of divinity emeritus, Wake Forest University School of Divinity.

Taboo: Expunging the Negativity of Being Baptist

Amanda Tyler is BJC’s executive director, co-host of the Respecting Religion podcast and lead organizer of the Christians Against Christian Nationalism campaign.

Thursday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Baptists have gotten a bad rap in the last few decades, often associated with social bigotry, political tribalism and toxic masculinity. So how do we create a counternarrative and lead a new way of being Baptist? Join a panel conversation with a diversity of Baptist expressions throughout CBF. Sponsored by the CBF Conversations Podcast.

Joshua James is lead pastor of The Restoration Project and an Old Testament scholar.

Veronica Martinez-Gallegos is an ACPE certified educator with Atrium Health’s Carolinas Medical Center.

Carol McEntyre is the senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Columbia, Mo., and is former CBF moderator.

DeVontae Powell is a pastor in Flint, Michigan, and part of the millennial generation dedicated to enhancing inclusion, diversity and safety in churches and communities of faith.

Kristian A. Smith is lead pastor of The Faith Community, where he deconstructs harmful theology and builds (digital) beloved community.

Isa Torres is a minister and writer who does content development for Buckner International.

Damon P. Williams is senior pastor of the historic Providence Missionary Baptist Church in southwest Atlanta and co-director of the Baptist Studies Program at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology.


Purple: Ministering in the Full Spectrum of Theological and Political Expressions in Baptist Churches

Friday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

The cultural message is clear: Pick a side. However, our congregations are diverse theologically and politically. Join an interactive design workshop geared toward helping you explore and put into practice ways to nurture your purple congregation.

Preston Clegg is the senior pastor, Second Baptist Church, Little Rock, Ark.

Andy Hale is the associate executive coordinator of CBF of North Carolina and host of the CBF Conversations podcast.

Stacy Nowell is the senior pastor, First Baptist Church, Huntersville, N.C., and moderator of CBF of North Carolina.



All Sessions in Greenbriar

Whom is called and what does it mean to be “called”? This lab track will lead us to reclaim the language of calling as a key mission of the Church for all people. Journey through not only the equipping of and the listening for call in the lives of those seeking to enter into the professional clergy, but also the particular role of the whole of the Church in reclaiming the identity of calling for all who follow Christ. Three unique workshops will seek to (re)define calling, look at places where calling is being nurtured and offer resources to take back to local congregations with a renewed sense of focus on the role of communal calling in the growth of the Church.

The Who, How and What that We May Have Missed

Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

This session of learning and discussion will look at the evolution and importance of the idea of calling. We will walk together through different call stories and the environments involved in the recognition and affirmation of one’s individual calling. We will examine how to find a better balance in the places in which we are called to nurture an environment that builds a culture of calling.

Kan’Dace L. Brock, with her husband Fredricc Gerard Brock, is lead pastor, The Message Church, San Antonio, Texas.

Caleb Foust is associate pastor, Emerywood Baptist Church, High Point, N.C.

Calling as Collective: How Communities of Faith Shape and Form the Calling

Thursday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Some congregations have gotten very creative and very intentional about how they foster calling. Some have experienced a calling that has shifted and led them in a completely new direction than where they began, and some places recognize and encourage one another to lead where their giftedness awakens. Join us for a panel discussion with pastors and laity who follow their calling into the equipping of ministry in daily life for all they meet.

Kan’Dace L. Brock, with her husband Fredricc Gerard Brock, is lead pastor, The Message Church, San Antonio, Texas.

Andrea Dellinger Jones is a purpose and impact coach committed to helping leaders speak the truth and make the courageous decisions their callings demand.

Remembering Your Own Call Story

Caleb Foust is associate pastor, Emerywood Baptist Church, High Point, N.C.

Timothy Peoples is senior minister, Wilshire Baptist Church, Dallas, Texas.

Friday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

When did you “know” you were called to something? Who saw that in you and gave you the language to nurture that? In this session, we will learn from each other as we look at what we can do, not only in our faith communities, but in our lives as a whole to be the community of called people who continue to call others.

Colin Kroll is director of vocation and leadership in the office of spiritual life, Campbell University in Buies Creek, N.C.



All Sessions in Lenox

Financial wellness is an important topic in today’s world as congregations and individuals consider both their current contexts and the road ahead. In these three sessions, we will look at financial wellness from different viewpoints, thinking through how to be better stewards of finances now and in the future, both as individuals and as congregations.

Financial Wellness for Women in Ministry

Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Women in ministry must practice self-care when negotiating benefits. Discover how saving for retirement is only one part of financial wellness. Be introduced to resources for salary negotiations during interviews. Learn from a practicing woman in ministry and seasoned personnel representing a benefits agency.

Rob Fox is president, CBF Church Benefits Board, serving ministers, church staff, congregations and CBF partner organizations with retirement and insurance benefits.

Beth Roberts is executive vice president/COO, CBF Church Benefits Board.

Virginia Taylor is minister of preschool and children, Mount Carmel Baptist Church, Chapel Hill, N.C.


What Do the Latest Trends in Religious Giving Mean for My Congregation?

Thursday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Hear the latest trends in what we know about religiously-motivated givers from several national studies and leave with practical tools for applying best practices in faith-based fundraising in your community.

When Going Green Gets You in the Black: The Fiscal Benefits of Environmental Stewardship

Friday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Buildings account for about 40 percent of the world’s carbon emissions. Churches with inadequate insulation, inefficient lighting and outdated heating and air conditioning equipment are “blowing” thousands of dollars in unnecessary energy expenses. Be introduced to low-cost solutions that will cut your utility costs and put your church on the road to saving our planet.

David P. King, is a CBF minister and Karen Lake Buttrey Director, Lake Institute on Faith & Giving, and associate professor, Indiana University Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. Mike Massar, a former senior pastor, is associate pastor, Woodland Baptist Church, San Antonio, Texas.


All Sessions in Baker

Do you know what our CBF field personnel do around the world? CBF Global Missions is dedicated to bearing witness to Jesus Christ and seeking transformational development among people and places otherwise forgotten and forsaken. This Global Missions Learning Lab track focuses on the global transformational work that field personnel and CBF churches are doing here in the United States and around the world.

Doing Missions with vs. Missions to

Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Doing missions has traditionally been thought of as ministry “to” a certain people group, where Christians “come and do.” CBF field personnel are making transformational impact by doing missions alongside local organizations, churches and individuals. Join CBF field personnel working in three different places around the world as they share how they work alongside others to impact the lives of many.

Carson and Laura Foushee are CBF field personnel serving in partnership with the Japan Baptist Convention (JBC), Kanazawa, Japan.

Karen is a CBF field personnel appointed to pastoral ministry with the local Protestant church in Northern Africa as they serve the needs of their vulnerable migrant and refugee neighbors.

Matt and Michelle Norman serve as CBF field personnel in Barcelona, Spain, where they assist local churches in connecting with their secular community as well as welcoming immigrants and refugees.


GO PRAY GIVE: Ambitiously Engaging Congregations in Global Missions

Thursday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Come and hear from large and smaller churches, each having innovative ways of going, praying and giving to support God’s work in their own communities and around the world. You will hear about practical proven methods that can be implemented in your church.

Terri Byrd is mobilization pastor, intersecting the paths of calling and missional engagement, Johns Creek Baptist Church, Alpharetta, Ga.

Lawrence Powers is a current member of the CBF Missions Council and senior pastor, Benson Baptist Church, Benson, N.C.

Immigration, Refugees, Our Communities and Trauma-Informed Ministry

Friday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

When immigrants and refugees arrive in the United States, there is a degree of grief and loss that follows them, even under the best of circumstances. But others experience traumatic events that have the potential to affect how they adapt to their new lives for years to come. This workshop puts a name and face on three families, explores some of the events they’ve experienced in their journeys, and discusses how we can adapt a trauma-informed approach to ministry with our neighbors.

Sue Smith is a CBF field personnel serving the first-generation Latino immigrant community through LUCHA Ministries, Inc., Fredericksburg, Va.

Tony Vincent is associate minister, Trinity Baptist Church, Seneca, S.C.


All Sessions in Kennesaw

Learn how several groups are transforming their congregational problems into creative ministry opportunities. Hear from innovative practitioners and see how each of us can use proven tools to begin important conversations in our own contexts. Sponsored by CBF Thriving Congregations

Reimagining in the Midst of Crisis

Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

It’s no secret that churches today are facing problems, many of which were exacerbated by the pandemic. This workshop will help participants learn to reframe problems as opportunities, opening up possibilities for innovation in our congregations. Participants will leave with tools and methods to lead their congregations through similar conversations.

Jessica Hearne is a CBF field personnel based in Danville, Va., serving with her husband, Joshua, through Grace and Main Fellowship, an ecumenical Christian community devoted to hospitality, prayer, nonviolent action and grassroots community development.

Joshua Hearne is a senior program officer with the Danville Regional Foundation, Danville, Va.

Andrea Huffman is senior pastor, Dayspring Baptist Church, St. Louis, Mo.


Collaborate to Innovate

Thursday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

One of the best tools for innovation is collaborating with others who have reimagined ministry in their own contexts. This panel discussion will provide examples of churches who successfully reframed their crises into catalysts, and will give participants an honest look at the process of leading a church toward innovative ministry.

Ryan Busby is pastor, First Baptist Church, Danville, Va.

Becky Caswell-Speight is minister of families, faith formation and connection, Smoke Rise Baptist Church, Tucker, Ga.


Innovation Experience: Inclusive Worship Practices for Neurodivergent Worshipers

Friday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Participate in a variety of stations to help think through making your worship space inclusive for all people with specific attention to neurodivergent worshipers. Participants will be provided with resources regarding accessible worship and invited to think about how to expand their own contexts.

McDonald Null is pastor of families and spiritual formation, First Baptist Church, Columbia, Mo.
Harrison A. Litzell is on staff at the Baugh Center for Baptist Leadership, Mercer University, and is a member of The Faith Community.


All Sessions in Inman

The Missions and Community Track speaks to the work you’re doing in your own backyard. Working in your community requires deep roots and nourishment to sustain long-term ministry to your neighbors. Your work has long-term consequences, so good relationships with relevant groups in your community are key! This track should send you home with strategies for work that is relational rather than transactional, best practices for working with others and new ideas to leverage your facilities for your community’s use.

Facilities as Assets

Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

What if one of our biggest assets for outreach is already within our reach? Many congregations own under-used facilities, and utilizing our buildings might not mean the same today as it did 50 years ago. Hear from congregations who are using their spaces to meet community needs in innovative ways.

The Importance of Community Collaboration

Thursday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

If churches are truly invested in impacting the communities and congregations that they serve, they must understand and value the importance of collaboration and partnership outside of the ministry. Churches must learn how to tap into and cultivate meaningful relationships with community leaders and organizations that are already immersed in the work, supporting programs and outreach efforts to help increase their reach and put the true meaning of God’s love into action.

Allie Osborne is minister of missions and children, SecondPonce de Leon Baptist Church, Atlanta, Ga.


Friday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Many congregations meet needs through ministries that are often more transactional rather than those that build a sense of relationship and belonging between the church and community. Other congregations may have a history of relational ministry but desire to move more deeply into justice and advocacy by walking alongside other community organizations. This workshop explores the significance of accompaniment as a model for ministry in which congregations are invited to practice intentional presence and focus on transformation through relationships versus predetermined outcomes.

Bradley Boberg is senior pastor, Ox Hill Baptist Church, Chantilly, Va. Paul Raybon is co-pastor with Reverend Melissa Hughes, Hominy Baptist Church, Candler, N.C. Leah Anderson Reed is minister of community, First Baptist Church, Raleigh, N.C. Mallory Herridge is assistant director for the church and community impact (C3I), Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, Baylor University.


All Sessions in Piedmont

This “Good Trouble” learning lab is a triad of racial justice workshops that will equip participants to take sacred journeys, deepening their understanding of the role racism plays in voter rights and how racial repair is a group process.

Racial Justice Pilgrimage: The Power of the Journey

Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

A panel will discuss variations of racial justice pilgrimages and the impact they can have on individuals and communities. Gain insights and resources for leading your own group or embarking on your own personal journey.

Danielle Ayers is a justice seeker, author, preacher and teacher, serving as pastor of justice, Friendship-West, Dallas, Texas.

Drew Hill is senior pastor, Memorial Baptist Church, Arlington, Va. He has focused on the relationship between religion and race, leading an ethnically diverse group on a pilgrimage on the U. S. Civil Rights Trail from Washington to Memphis.

Voting Rights: Why Should We Care and What Should We Do?

Sharon Kirkpatrick Felton is associate pastor of students, Faith Baptist Church, Georgetown, Ky.

Kendra Goodson Plating has served 15 years in ministry in both parish and chaplaincy roles. She is discerning ways to continue her call to help the Church be a place of true liberation for all God’s children, Asheville, N.C.

Thursday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

This learning lab will demonstrate how voting rights are a racial justice issue and aims to equip individuals and local churches on how to increase voter turnout and defend voting rights.

Sabrina E. Dent, is director, BJC Center for Faith, Justice and Reconciliation, leading several of BJC’s educational programs and is editor and contributing author of the book, African Americans and Religious Freedom: New Perspectives for Congregations and Communities. She addresses the complexities of race, religious freedom, religion, public policy and American public life.

Racial Repair

Friday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Learn how the McCall Initiative is using a strength-based approach to engage and equip Black churches to lead repair work in their communities. Explore external and internal asset mapping along with Dr. Pamela Jolly’s NarrowRoad construct.

Pamela Jolly is CEO of Torch Enterprises Inc., and strategist for CBF’s racial repair work. Dr. Jolly is a best-selling author of five books on the topic of legacy wealth in the Black community.



All Sessions in Fairlie

Participants will be guided into a foundational understanding of trauma and the ways in which trauma impacts individuals, families and faith communities, as they learn about pastoral care for persons from cradle to grave in light of trauma-sensitive frameworks; learn about the WHY behind good child protection and sex offender policies and how that culture shift creates safer, more trauma-informed church life; learn how protective/resilient churches can strengthen communities.

Trauma 101

Thursday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Trauma impacts the lives of many in our congregations; and yet so many of us do not understand it and are ill-equipped to respond to it. This foundational track will examine what trauma is and how it affects our neurobiology as we become more trauma-informed in our ministry settings.

David Pooler is a professor at the Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, Baylor University, with practice and research experience in clergy sexual abuse and working with abused children.

Considering Congregational Culture

Thursday, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Congregations striving to be trauma-sensitive need to not only have an awareness of trauma, but must also think through pertinent policies and organizational culture shifts. This session will discuss the necessary implementation of safeguarding measures for proper sex abuse prevention and response, as well as providing tips for helpful spiritual care.

David Pooler is a professor at the Diana R. Garland School of Social Work, Baylor University, with practice and research experience in clergy sexual abuse and working with abused children.

Beyond the Walls

Friday, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

From the impacts of gun violence, racism and spiritual abuse, our neighbors are experiencing the effects of trauma and are looking for sanctuary. We will dream together about how we might provide spiritual care beyond the church walls and how to be a refuge in difficult times.

Jay Kieve is CBF’s Abuse Prevention and Response Advocate and the Fellowship’s point person for connecting churches to resources for the prevention of clergy sexual abuse and clergy sexual misconduct.



Todas Las Sesiones en el Salón Spring

El Shalom de Dios: Promesa, derecho, compromiso

La palabra shalom en hebreo significa paz y describe la armonía entre la humanidad y toda la creación de Dios. Relacionarnos correctamente con Dios, unos con otros y con la creación nos da bienestar integral en lo personal, en la familia, en la comunidad de fe y en el ambiente donde vivimos. El bienestar adquirido por el shalom de Dios es una promesa cumplida, un derecho y a la vez un compromiso.

Rev. Rebeca Montemayor López: Pastora, profesora y Coordinadora de la Cátedra de Teología Feminista, Universidad Iberoamericana, México.

Lab 1

Rev. Javier Ulloa Castellanos: Pastor, profesor, co-fundador de la Iglesia

Bautista Shalom. Decano del Seminario Bautista, México. Co-fundador de la Institución Comunidad Teológica, México, hasta marzo de 2023.

Jueves, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Un bienestar personal. El Shalom forma personas en el autocuidado del cuerpo, la mente y el espíritu; equilibra, da autonomía y descubre la voz que otorga sentido a la vida.

Moderador: Ruth Cuellar, pastora, Iglesia Bautista El Buen Pastor, Newnan, Ga.

Lab 2

Jueves, 3:00-4:00 p.m.

Un bienestar familiar. El Shalom en las familias transforma relaciones tóxicas y desintegradas, en relaciones sanas y libres, que fructifican en amor, equidad y armonía entre sus miembros.

Moderador: David Deulofeu, pastor Templo Bautista de South Houston. Texas.

Lab 3

Viernes, 1:30-2:30 p.m.

Un bienestar comunitario. El Shalom en las iglesias crea comunidad de iguales, unidad en la diversidad y crecimiento de los dones y talentos; como testimonio y compromiso para el cumplimiento de la misión integral en un mundo sin paz y justicia.

Moderador: Juan García, pastor Primera Iglesia Bautista Newport News, Va.


Celebrating Women’s Leadership in the Church

1 2 3 4

Creation and Fall

Genesis 1:26-2:4a, 2:4b-25 and 3:1-23

The Jesus Model

Matthew 1:1-17, Luke 8:1-3, Luke 10:38-42, Luke 24:1-12, John 20:1-18

The Early Church

Acts 16:11-15, Galatians

3:27-29, Romans 16:1-16

The Reign of God

Joel 2:18-32, Acts 2:14-36

Consider how Scripture reveals God’s plan for all of humanity—male and female together—to serve God’s people.

Available in age-graded formats for Adults, Youth and Children

Look for the curriculum launch at General Assembly

A 4-session video and curriculum resource for all ages to help your church articulate the biblical and theological basis for affirming the calling of women and nurture a culture that more fully welcomes their leadership.

Learn more at

make sharing the love of Christ around the world possible! Y U Give Today! PLENARY / WORSHIP Make a Donation Text CBF to 24365

A Baptist podcast A Baptist podcast analyzing the latest analyzing the latest news concerning religion, public policy news concerning religion, public policy and the law, featuring and the law, featuring Amanda Tyler Amanda Tyler and and Holly Hollman Holly Hollman of BJC (Baptist Joint of BJC (Baptist Joint Committee for Religious Liberty). Committee for Religious Liberty).

Listen wherever you get your podcasts or visit for episodes.



Thursday – 9:30-11:00 a.m.

As you enter, gather around tables—preferably around tables mostly with people you are meeting for the first time.

Welcome Paul Baxley

Greetings from CBF Georgia Jody Long

Opening Prayer Lane Riley

Round Table Discussions Meredith Stone Brian Foreman

Recognition of CBF Leadership Scholars Devita Parnell

Recognition of CBF Vestal Scholars Devita Parnell

Closing Prayer


Laure FitzSimons Antonio Vargas



The Daniel and Earlene Vestal Scholarship, named in honor of former CBF Executive Coordinator Daniel Vestal and his wife Earlene, was created in 2011 to further CBF’s commitment to theological education. It is the Fellowship’s most prestigious scholarship and is awarded annually to seminarians who have demonstrated excellence academically and displayed a deep commitment to the local church as well as CBF.


Candler School of Theology at Emory University

ANTONIO VARGAS Yale Divinity School


“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

Proverbs 22:6

This year, we invite and welcome all ages to join us in worship. We want our children to find their place in our worship space. Faith is “caught” not “taught,” so what better way for children to learn what faith is about than to be participants in our worship during the Assembly?

The PRAYground will be available in the worship space in Centennial Ballroom. This kid-friendly space is a place where children are able to hear, sing and participate in their own comfortable and safe way. There will be comfortable places to sit and quiet activities for children to interact in worship in their own ways.

Parents are welcome to bring their children of all ages to this area and sit in the chairs next to the PRAYground space. Note: General Assembly worship can be loud, so if your children are sensitive to sound, you may want to bring ear coverings.

If you are easily distracted or have a hard time hearing, we encourage you to sit on the opposite side of the worship space as this may be a better fit for you.

We are excited to invite children into worship. This invitation directly affects the way that they respond to church life, God and their relationship with Christ. Help us welcome these children and help them know that they are at home in this liturgy of praise and thanksgiving.


Thursday – 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Welcome and Call to Worship

Songs of Adoration Holy Spirit

Lauren Mills

J. Livingston

Arr. Bryan Torwalt and Katie Torwalt

Goodness of God Arr. Jenn Johnson, Brian Johnson, Jason Ingram, Ed Cash and Ben Fielding

Opening Prayer Assembly Children and Youth

Songs of Fellowship Oh, How Good Is Christ the Lord

Halle, Halle

Puerto Rican Folk Hymn

Caribbean Folk Song

Words: George Mulrain

When We Are Living

Spanish Melody st. 1 Anonymous st.2–words by Roberto Escamilla


Arr. John Thompson and Randy Scruggs


Prayer for Peace

Music Reflection

Alabaster Box

Helen Hutsell, Soloist

Sister Norma Pimentel

Arr. Janice Sjostran

Scripture Reading

Zulma Zabala


Thursday – 7:30-9:00 p.m.

Song of Reflection Be the Hands of Jesus

Words: Bryan Jeffrey Leech

Words by Bryan Jeffrey

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Music: Mark Elam Green

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Hutsell Closing Song The Servant Song Arr. Richard Gillard The

Words © 1975 The Evangelical Covenant Church

Sharing our Holy Ambitions
Give Paul Baxley
Arr. Helen
Benediction Derek
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Be the Hands of Jesus
Congregational Song
Music by Mark
Elam Green
Music composed for the 2023 Cooperative Baptist Assembly Atlanta, Georgia

At Baylor University’s Truett Seminary, students are equipped for ministry in a caring community. Truett offers rigorous and relevant academic training with faculty who are brilliant—and pastoral. Students are encouraged and challenged in formative, communal spaces—both in seminary and beyond. We value you and your unique calling and will prepare you for Kingdom work in a broken world.

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Friday – 9:30-11:00 a.m.

Call to Order & Adoption of Agenda

Special Recognitions

Missions Excellence Awards

Ministries Council Grants

Presentation of Carl Hart Award

Report from the CBF Church Benefits Board

Governing Board Recommendations

see Nominating Committee Report and Governing Board Recommendations on page 55

Outgoing Moderator’s Reflections

Dreams of the New Moderator


Debbie McDaniel
Paul Baxley
Ellen Sechrest Tammy Snyder Caroline Smith
Ellen DiGiosia
Renée Owen Layne Rogerson
Rob Fox
Shauw Chin Capps
Paul Baxley
Debbie McDaniel
CBF Foundation Report
Executive Coordinator’s Report
Juan Garcia
Amy Cook
2023-2024 CBF Mission and Ministries Budget
Nominating Committee Report
Patricia Wilson
Debbie McDaniel
David Hull



Moderator-Elect – Juan García, Pastor, Primera Iglesia Bautista de Newport News, Newport News, Va.

Governing Board

Brad Jernberg, Minister for Administration, South Main Baptist Church, Houston, Texas

Jeff Hayes, Senior Pastor, Oakland Baptist Church, Rock Hill, S.C.

Israel Loachamin, Associate Pastor of Spanish Ministry, First Baptist Church Waco, Waco, Texas

Connie McNeill, Associate Pastor of Administration and Discipleship, Second Baptist Church, Liberty, Mo.

Missions Council

Felipe Candelaria Cepeda, Senior Pastor, Iglesia Bautista de Quebrada, Gurabo, Puerto Rico

Scott Ford, Chief Operations Officer, Passport Inc.; Member, Crosscreek Baptist Church, Pelham, Ala.

Eric Howell, Senior Pastor, DaySpring Baptist Church, Waco, Texas

Alex Lockridge, Senior Pastor, First Baptist Church, Corbin, Ky.

Janine Williams, Hospital Chaplain, St. Stephen Baptist Church, Louisville, Ky.

Ministries Council

Christopher Adams, Resident Chaplain, Covenant Baptist Church, Garden Ridge, Texas

Bruce Gourley, Historian; Member, First Baptist Church, Bozeman, Mont.

Kheresa Harmon, Minister for Children & Their Families, St. John’s Baptist Church, Charlotte, N.C.

Jeffrey Howard, Minister of Christian Education & Community Outreach, Welfare Baptist Church, Belton, S.C.

Kristin Koger, Associate Pastor for Spiritual Growth, First Baptist Church Waynesboro, Waynesboro, Va.


Nominating Committee

Marty Watts, Minister of Music, Vestavia Hills Baptist Church, Birmingham, Ala.

Omayra Rivera, Co-Pastor, Iglesia Bautisa de Metropolis, Carolina, Puerto Rico

Aimee Hobbs, Associate Pastor, First Baptist Church, St. Petersburg, Fla.

Mera Corlett, Senior Pastor, Okolona Baptist Church, Louisville, Ky.

Joby Tricquet, Pastor, Fairfax Baptist Church, Fairfax, Va.

Jesús García, Senior Pastor, Church of the City, New London, Conn.

Kristin McAtee, Associate Pastor, Spring Creek Baptist Church, Oklahoma City, Okla.

J. Livingston, Senior Pastor, Remnant Fellowship, Atlanta, Ga.


Marnie Fisher-Ingram, Associate Pastor for Youth & Their Families, River Road Church, Baptist, Richmond, Va.

CBF Council on Endorsement

Paul Byrd, Program Director, GA Rural Health Innovation Center, Mercer University School of Medicine, Cumming, Ga.

Deborah Reeves, Pastor to Children & Their Families, First Baptist Church of Austin, Dripping Springs, Texas

CBF Foundation

Zach Graves, Auditor; Member, South Main Baptist Church, Houston, Texas

The Baptist House of Studies (BHS) at Perkins School of Theology fosters community for ministerial students, faculty and staff who identify with the Baptist and Free Church traditions. During their time at Perkins, Baptist students will be able to participate in mentoring, internships and fellowship provided by the Baptist House and take classes relevant to leadership within the Free Church tradition. For More Information, contact: Rev. Dr. Jaime Clark-Soles, BHS director 214-768-2027 | Perkins Meets You Where You Are Learn more about our Baptist House of Studies Called to Serve. Empowered to Lead. |


Friday – 4:30-6:00 p.m.

Welcome and Call to Worship Leah Bowling

Terry Eddinger

John Painter

Songs of Praise Hear the Call of the Kingdom

Words and Music by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend

Come Praise and Glorify

Music and Words by Tim Chester and Bob Kauflin

Opening Prayer

Brittany Caldwell

Centering Song Waymaker by Osinachi Kalu Okoro Egbu

Scripture Reading Hebrews 10:19-25


Voices of the Fellowship

“Holy Ambition Embodied” Kat Kimmel

Song of Calling Gather Us In by Marty Haugen

Commissioning of Chaplains

Charlie Reynolds

Renée Owen and Pastoral Counselors

Carrol Wilson

Layne Rogerson

Commissioning of Field Personnel

Lord’s Supper

Javier Perez

Laura Ayala and Global Service Corps

Ellen Sechrest

Jennifer Rygg

Rick Burnette


Friday – 4:30-6:00 p.m.

Invitation to Give Debbie McDaniel

Offertory Be Thou My Vision Arr. Teichler Susan Eernisse and Helen Hutsell – Flute and Harp

Closing Song Hear the Call of the Kingdom Words and Music by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend

Benediction Michon McCorkle


Celebrating 25 Years of Endorsement!

In January 1998, the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship endorsed its first class of four clergy to four different areas of ministry in chaplaincy and pastoral counseling. Since that time, CBF’s Council on Endorsement has endorsed nearly 1,200 chaplains and pastoral counselors to serve in diverse specialized settings, including hospitals, hospices and long-term care facilities; all branches of the United States Armed Forces; federal and state correctional institutions; first responders with police, fire, EMS and government agencies; colleges and universities; businesses and industries; retirement communities; counseling centers, private practices, church staffs, and other community interdisciplinary settings. This past year, we endorsed 29 chaplains and pastoral counselors, bringing our total of actively serving to 876.

Ecclesiastical endorsement certifies that a minister is in good standing with a religious body and is appointed to minister on its behalf. This endorsement is required by institutions that employ chaplains and pastoral counselors in healthcare settings, the military and government agencies and is also a requirement for membership in certain professional board-certifying organizations. CBF’s endorsement process is intentional and relational, whereby the chaplain or pastoral counselor is vetted as being spiritually, emotionally, educationally and clinically prepared to serve in a specialized ministry setting outside of the local church. Our Council on Endorsement also considers the candidate’s relationship with CBF, as the ministry of the chaplain or pastoral counselor becomes an extension of the work of our local CBF congregations and the larger Fellowship.

I continue to be inspired by the passion our CBF-endorsed Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors have for this holy ministry in specialized settings. The skill, compassion and love displayed as they walk alongside people who are experiencing loss, crisis, trauma and, at times, celebration, truly demonstrates the commitment to meet people where they are in their journeys, as our chaplains and pastoral counselors offer emotional, spiritual and pastoral care during sacred life moments.

As we enter this season of “Holy Ambition,” I invite you to utilize the CBF Prayers of the People publication as a guide to praying daily for our CBF-endorsed Chaplains and Pastoral Counselors who serve under the blessing, support and commissioning of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship, representing the ministry in our local congregations and communities. Join me in praying that our chaplains and pastoral counselors will continue to be filled with the spirit of hope, courage and joy as they continue to live out God’s call in their lives to minister in places where others are unable to go.

I am ever grateful that 25 years ago a group of CBF men and women saw fit to begin endorsing chaplains and pastoral counselors. Because of the holy ambition of this group and others before and after them, I am able to share with you all today and live out my call to ministry in this specialized setting, serving as a “chaplain to our chaplains.” Thank you for your commitment and support as we partner together to share the love of God and hope of Christ to renew God’s world.




Chaplain, Arbor Acres Retirement


Winston-Salem, N.C.


Chaplain, Amedisys Hospice

Richmond, Va.


Chaplain, Johnson City Medical Center

Johnson City, Tenn.


Chaplain, Wolfson Children’s Hospital

Jacksonville, Fla.


Chaplain, Mayo Clinic Hospice

Rochester, Minn.


Pastoral Counselor, Family Matters

Christian Counseling

Carmel, Ind.


Chaplain, CPT; U.S. Army; Joint Base


McCord, Wash.


Chaplain, Ascension St. Mary’s Hospital

Saginaw, Mich.


Bereavement Program Coordinator & Chaplain, WakeMed Health & Hospitals

Raleigh, N.C.



Chaplain, Carl M. Brashear Radcliff

Veterans Center

Jeffersonville, Ind.


Chaplain, Advent Health Orlando

Orlando, Fla.


Many thanks to our CBF Council on Endorsement who give of their time and talents to interview and mentor endorsement candidates. We are grateful for their commitment to this holy work to empower CBF clergy to live out their call to the sacred work of chaplaincy and pastoral counseling.

Dewey Bland

Leah Boling

Reginald Bradley

Kat Kimmel

Veronica Martinez-Gallegos

Chris O’Rear

Layne Rogerson, Chair

Christopher Towles

Cassandra Wilson



Chaplain Candidate, U.S. Air Force

Orlando, Fla.


Chaplain, University of Virginia Health

Richmond, Va.


Chaplain, U.S. Army Reserve

Fort Worth, Texas


Chaplain, Open Arms Hospice

Simpsonville, S.C.


Chaplain, MAJ; U.S. Army

Fort Gordon, Ga.


Chaplain, Wellstar Health System College Park, Ga.


Palliative Care Chaplain, WellSpan York Hospital

York, Pa.


Bereavement Coordinator & Chaplain, Compassus Hospice

Dublin, Ga.


Spiritual Counselor, Riverside Hospice


Gloucester, Va.


Chaplain, CDR; U.S. Navy

Blythewood, S.C.


Chaplain, 1LT; U.S. Army Reserve

North Charleston, S.C.

MARCH 2023


Chaplain Candidate, U.S. Air Force

Durham, N.C.


Chaplain, Baylor Scott & White Hospital

Waco, Texas


Chaplain, University of Virginia Health

Woodbridge, Va.


CPE Fellow, Chaplain; Centra Health

Lynchburg, Va.


Chaplain, Columbus Hospice

Columbus, Ga.


Chaplain, Tyson Foods

Vernon, Texas



AUGUST 1-4, 2023




Experience an end-of-summer spiritual renewal retreat for college and graduate students. Join with other students to reflect on where you’ve been and ready yourself for what’s next!

All students are welcome—there will be a special track for seminarians. Register now at

Children and youth need to be offered a diverse range of life experiences which invite them to encounter the Divine P A S S P R T E n c o u n t e r C h r i s t . E m b r a c e C o m m u n i t y . E x t e n d G r a c e . • 800-769-0210 Here are some reasons why: Too much politics Clergy sexual abuse Treatment of LGBTQ+ Anti-intellectual/anti-science Church is too shallow No room for questions 40% of Generation Z claim no religious affiliation. Sources: Public Religion Research Institute - Exodus: Why Americans Are Leaving Religion And Why They are Unlikely to Come Back • Johns Creek Baptist Church, Series: Losing My Religion • Barna Group - You Lost Me: Why Young Christians are Leaving Church and Rethinking Faith (David Kinnamon) Prioritize Passport camps for your students in the summer. It's important to the future of the church.



Jana Lee is a long-term Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel appointed to serve in Larnaca, Cyprus, where she will work closely with All4Aid, a CBF Global Missions collaborator organization, and be part of the Africa/Middle East Team. Lee has roots in South Dakota and Texas and received her Master of Social Work degree from the University of Texas and Master of Public Health in Global/International Health from the University of Arizona. She has previously worked with global organizations such as UNICEF and the Peace Corps.

After living in Madagascar for three years, Lee felt a shift in her passion and goals and was drawn to CBF Global Missions. She has deep expertise in health education, HIV prevention and water and sanitation health (WASH). She will serve as a health educator in Larnaca, where she will strengthen the capacity of a local organization and work with local leaders to address the health needs of refugees.


Stella Perrin is a long-term Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel appointed to serve in Larnaca, Cyprus, as a Mental Health Educator and as part of CBF’s Europe Team. A native of North Carolina, she is a graduate of Gardner-Webb University, where she earned degrees in psychology, counseling and a Master of Divinity.

While serving as the associate pastor at Emerald Isle Baptist Church (N.C.) from 2018-2020, Perrin began a journey of discernment with CBF Global Missions. She has previously served in short-term mission experiences in Bolivia, Puerto Rico, Alaska, Belize, Guatemala and Moldova. Perrin brings a wealth of experience in education as a school counselor and as a Minister of Spiritual Formation. As a Mental Health Educator in Cyprus, she will be working to build relationships with those in need and helping them to know their loving Creator through the person of Christ.




Beverly and William Baker are Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving through the Global Service Corps (GSC) program alongside CBF field personnel Anna Anderson and her husband, LaCount, in Ahoskie, North Carolina.

The Bakers were called into career mission service in their 40s. After 20 years of service in the Pacific Rim, they returned to the United States and were drawn to local missions. They serve at the Roanoke-Chowan Christian Women’s Job Corps, a group of professional and retired women working to empower women by providing resources to help them move from dependency to selfsufficiency.


Delores Stimpson is a Cooperative Baptist Fellowship field personnel serving through the Global Service Corps (GSC) program alongside CBF field personnel Kim and Marc Wyatt and with Temple Baptist Church in Durham, North Carolina.

Stimpson’s long-time career focus was managing large technology programs for Fortune 500 companies. After surviving the 9/11 terrorist attack on the North Tower in New York City, Stimpson felt led to missions. Most recently, Stimpson partnered with the Wyatts to start a Welcome House in Durham for newly-arrived refugees.


The Dick and Jesmarie Hurst Global Service Corps (GSC) is a two-year mission commitment that provides an opportunity for graduates and post-career individuals to work alongside field personnel and partners in a context that enables both giving and receiving of gifts and growing in their understanding and experience of how God is at work in the world.

ASP needs CBF volunteers to make homes warmer, safer, and drier! Appalachia Service Project - 4523 Bristol Highway, Johnson City, TN 37601 - 423-491-5828 Highly accessible theological education with a focus on community. SCAN ME Introducing NEW Online-Hybrid Options! MA in Faith & Leadership Formation MA in Christian Ministry Online-Hybrid Contact us at divinityadmissions@campbell edu

We are a Generous Fellowship

Let us help you and your church express generosity to move the mission of God forward in your communities and around the world, now and into the future.

• Will development support

• Gift planning

• Endowments

• Donor-Advised Funds

• Long and short term financial asset management for churches and organizations

• Church fundraising and stewardship strategy support








Accessible via Atrium Tower Lobby Level and LL3 Elevator or Escalator

International Ballroom North – Meals

Embassy Hall – Network Meetings


CBF Information Station | Hotel Registration and Bell Services

Access to International Tower | Access to Lower Levels via Escalator and Elevator

Sway – Breakfast and lunch available daily from 7:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.

Lobby Market – Snacks and specialty coffee beverages available daily from 6:00 a.m. – 10:00 p.m.

Twenty-Two Storys – Dinner available daily from 4:00 p.m. – 12:00 a.m.

BALLROOM LEVEL - LL1 – Access via Atrium Tower Elevator or Escalator

CBF Information Station

Centennial Ballroom – Worship, Plenary and Business Sessions

Regency Ballroom – Meals, Late Night Worship

The Learning Center – Business Breakout Session

EXHIBIT LEVEL - LL2 – Access via Atrium Tower Elevator or Escalator

CBF Information Station

Grand Hall – The Gathering Place

Grand Hall Lobby – General Assembly Check-In & On-Site Registration

Hanover Hall – Meals, Network Meetings, Age Level Assemblies

Chicago A – CBF Office


Access via Atrium Tower Elevator or Escalator

CBF Information Station | Motor Lobby

Auburn – Prayer Room

Baker – Meals, Global Missions Learning Labs

Courtland – Bold Faithfulness Breakout, Meals, Advocacy Learning Labs

Dunwoody – Bold Faithfulness Breakout, (Cooperative) Baptist Identity Learning Labs, Network Meetings

Edgewood – Network Meetings

Fairlie – Bold Faithfulness Breakout, Meals, Spiritual Care and Trauma-Sensitive Ministry Learning Labs

Greenbriar – Cultivating Calling Learning Labs

Inman – Missions & Community Learning Labs

Kennesaw – Ministry Innovation Learning Labs

Lenox – Financial Wellness and Fund Development Learning Labs

Marietta – College and Young Adult Sessions

Piedmont – Racial Justice learning Labs

Spring – Vida Hispana Learning Labs, Network Meetings


May the God of peace… equip you with every good thing...

—Hebrews 13:20

Your gifts to the CBF Offering for Global Missions support the long-term presence of CBF field personnel around the world.

Learn more at


CBF is grateful for the time and talents contributed by many people to make the General Assembly a success each year. A dedicated team of volunteers, staff and partners work throughout the year to manage every detail. We are thankful for their willingness to serve and give of themselves in creating an event that reflects, celebrates and welcomes the entire Fellowship.

Join us in offering thanks to these individuals as you see them throughout the week!

Chris Aho

Guilherme Feitosa de Almeida

Tina Bailey

Leslie Brogdon

Wes Browning

Heather Burke

LaToya Cross

Megan Doud

Brian Foreman

Freeman Decorating

Mariana Gardner

Mark Green

Nell Green

Becky Hall

Carrie Harris

Jeff Huett


Brent Jayes

Jeff Langford

Jody Long

Grace Martino-Suprice

Sarah Myers

Marcy Mynatt

Renée Owen

Tommy Owen

Devita Parnell

Javier Perez

Daniel Potter

Production Resources Group

Brittany Ramirez

Casey Ramirez

Ellen Sechrest

Sema Films

S. Stewart and Associates, Inc.

Bart Tichenor

Danny Vancil

Aaron Weaver


Thank you to our Learning Lab Leadership Teams, who helped to create the Learning Lab experiences for 2023.

Alyssa Aldape

Kan’Dace Brock


Ryan Busby

Felipe Candelaria

Anyra Cano

Michelle Carroll

Ka’thy Gore Chappell

Ruth Cuellar

David Deulofeu

Ruth Demby

Laura Ellis

Sharon Felton

Chiquikta Fountain

Caleb Foust

Jeni Cook Furr

Ray Furr

Juan Garcia

Andy Hale

Charles Hamilton

Mallory Herridge

Andrea Huffman

Colin Kroll

Harrison Litzell

Heather Mustain

Carrie Nettles

DeVontae Powell

Lawrence Powers

Kevin Pranoto

Layne Rogerson

Mark Snipes

Hannah Turner

Cameron Vickrey

Chris West

Chrissy Williamson

of DIVINITY GARDNER-WEBB.EDU/DIVINITY Our purpose at Gardner-Webb University is to prepare you to make a difference for God and others. Talk with us about how God is leading you. Together we can make a plan for your educational journey. So, are you ready to go? For more information, please contact: | (704) 406-3205 Master of Divinity Doctor of Ministry Master of Arts in Bible and Theology › › ›

CBF’s Thriving Congregations Initiative equips congregational leaders with tools to transform and flourish in their unique congregational context. This happens by deepening their capacities in the five traits of thriving congregations: Compelling Clarity, Holy Tenacity, Rooted Relationships, Faithful Agility, and Dynamic Collaboration.

We are grateful for the commitment of these four churches to help CBF launch the Thriving Congregations Initiative, and congratulate them for completing a year of work as a part of our pilot Learning Community:

Ardmore Baptist Church

Winston-Salem, N.C.

Forest Hills Baptist Church

Raleigh, N.C.

Lamberth Memorial Baptist Church

Roxboro, N.C.

Yates Baptist Church

Durham, N.C.

For more information about the Thriving Congregations Initiative and to explore joining a Learning Community this Fall or Winter, contact Chris Aho at or


Sacred Spaces

Innovative Places

Reimagining Church Property and Facilities as Assets

CBF published Volume 1 of Sacred Spaces in 2022, highlighting creative ways seven partner churches use their facilities and property. In Volume 2, four additional case studies are available, sharing both the sacredness and challenges of church campuses. It includes a helpful group discussion guide and an analysis of the characteristics of churches pursuing these innovative opportunities. For more information, contact Rickey Letson, CBF Congregational Stewardship Officer, at


Seeing Through the Eyes of Jesus calls us back to the central focus of our Christian faith: the Risen and Living Jesus!

Seeing Through the Eyes of Jesus invites congregations into deeper faithfulness with each other, equips congregations to offer a bold, positive witness to the risen Jesus and transforms us individually and corporately while we co-labor with God to transform the world.


Atlanta, Georgia

Learn with no limits

Candler School of Theology at Emory University now offers a hybrid or in-person Master of Divinity, a 2-year Master of Religious Leadership with hybrid options, and a 90% online Doctor of Ministry so you can earn your degree right where you are. Scholarships available.

Apply by July 1 for a Fall 2023 start!

• Focus on your faith with a certificate in Baptist Studies .

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15-22, 2024
23-27, 2025
Beautiful Bibles Beautiful Faith for a

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