I&F - May Issue – 2010

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Ink and Fairydust

What would it have been like to be Mary?

WANTED: Virgin of the line of David.

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Why X Dress Modestly Con,piled b_y Turtegiel


I dress modestly because !want ta givs to see mefor who lam and notfor what utr bo<'{r looks like.

I a/5o do ir because !think tliatifI didn�it would send zmdcrlying messages ro people tharI don,. respect n1rseif J;i1st think ft woiild not be ve1r dignified. I dontonly dress modestly because ofthe negative mcsmg.:s irmighr send, though !think that dressing modestly is 11101'/1 rasicfi1/ and am·active and that it is overall a more co11ifortable way to dre:;.o;_ ~ Lady Lucy I dress modesrlyfor a /orofdiffeumrr.:asonsl When I srarted making a real effort was when !was

hstemng to m.r priest give a sermon on modesi]•. Jr made me reah:e that it's so easy to start doing it; and to lead orh,:,rs and yourseifinto sin. It makes others re:;pect you, noronly 1mm, eirher. .Afr

opimm of o. Jo.dy increo.us greo.tly n·Jmn she dresses modestly. I prefer to be ho.veji-iends ,�ho like me fo,· who I ani other thanfo,· whar [wear. - Lady Kathryn

I dress modestly because I want to honor Christ and 110· ma/ejhends by mak111g1t postib/ejor them rojocus on me as a person, and nor as a bodJ·. One oft/1e best tips I hm·e is ro stock up on modest cmmsoles that yoii can layer under othe1· tops. 171at wayJ·ou cm1 hme a n•ider range of tops to sillectfrom and you don't hme to worry as much about how low the neckline is. The best place I've fozmdfor such camiso/as is "Maurie-es." 171eyi ·e uuially about $]0a piece, but ijyoii sign upfor the sa/esjlyer tiumyoid can ger coupons that will make them 11mch more '!/fordable. Tn1st me. It's worr/1 ir. -Elenarinh'/ I

Page layout and photos by: Lad_v Kathryn

In June Robin Hood Myth and facts about Sherwood's famous outlaw

The Middle Ages Fashion, Food and Feudlism

Our Medieval


Maid Marian

A look at Robin's Lady Love How to host your own

Medieval Feast . . . a nd Mo r e !

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