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Letter From the Publisher
Greetings, Back to School is here! This summer went by way too fast! This year my oldest is starting 7th grade. Yes, I survived my first year of middle school (and a weird one with a mix of virtual and in-person). My son is heading into 4th grade. You would think I have the "Back to School" thing down pat, but I still benefit from tips and pointers to get myself and the kids set for the upcoming year.
I can't believe over a year later, we are still dealing with COVID-19 and the havoc it wrecks on the beginning of school year. Check out these two articles that will help you prepare. Local therapist Whitney Cherner, LCSW has bestowed us with some of her "warrior wisdom" on page 22 to get through back to school. She has provided some tips to help calm nerves, especially if your child is out of practice with in-person social interaction from being virtual last year. In an effort to spread expert information, we have compiled some expert tips from the CDC (pg. 12) on how to keep your kids as germ and virusfree as possible. Due to the Delta variant, COVID cases are on the rise, so it is crucial to keep informed and make responsible decisions for your family.
Back to school also means the return to homework. Ugh, dreaded homework time. On page 8, Professor Haas gives you tips on determining your child's learning style so you can better assist with their learning process, and on page 18, you can read on how to set your child up for homework success in your home.
The start of this school year will definitely look different than last year! I can't wait to see everyone's first-day photos (and this time not in our PJs).
Happy Parenting,
PB Palm Beach County’s Parenting Resource Parenting
Volume 10, Issue 8 | August 2021 PUBLISHER Felonice Merriman
GRAPHIC DESIGN/PRODUCTION Felonice Designs, LLC Stephanie Davis
WRITERS & CONTRIBUTORS Whitney Cherner, LCSW Tanni Haas, Ph.D. Felonice Merriman Center for Disease Control (CDC.gov) The Nemours Foundation/KidsHealth®
CONTACT PB PARENTING BY MAIL 11924 W. Forest Hill Blvd. Suite 10A-146 Wellington, FL 33414 To advertise: 561-223-9223
EMAIL - info@pbparenting.com
PB Parenting Magazine is published monthly in Palm Beach County, Florida. Copyright 2012-2021, all rights reserved by PB Parenting, LLC. Contents may not be reproduced in any form without the written consent of the publisher. The publisher reserves the right to refuse advertising. The publisher accepts no responsibility for advertisement errors beyond the cost of the portion of the advertisement occupied by the error within the advertisement itself. The publisher accepts no responsibility for submitted materials. All submitted materials subject to editing.