1 minute read
If you chose mostly E, you are “The Raincoats” by The Raincoats.

You are spontaneous and boundary pushing, constantly aiming to turn the conventional into something new. Not everyone understands your aesthetic, but you remain ahead of your time. You flock towards the niche and unpopular and and you enjoy making art that is timeless.
If you chose mostly G, you are “Bury Me at Makeout Creek” by Mitski.
If you chose mostly F, you are “Lemonade” by Beyoncé.

You are a badass. You persevere through everything, and you have a magic about you that can turn any bitter situation into something sweet. Wise and intuitive, you never forget your worth and the worth of those around you, making sure they don’t forget it either.
Your rage tends to manifest itself in tears and poems written at 3 a.m. and your mind is often stuck in the past. You and your gentle aura wish you were slightly more outspoken and sometimes your overwhelming emotions can make things difficult. But it’s clear to everyone around you that no one seems to see life in the beautiful ways you do.