FAL March2011

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March 2011



The official newsletter for FEMS Affiliates


L u c k y

a f f i l i a t e s

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In the last issue of the FEMS Affiliates Letter, we invited you to participate in our survey. The prize for participation are FREE registrations to the 4th FEMS Congress to be held in Geneva, Switzerland on June 26-30. A total of 545 FEMS Affiliates from all over the world completed the survey which comprise of 16 questions concerning newsletter satisfaction/dissatisfaction among FEMS Affiliates. This survey was open from February 21 to March 15, 2011 . As soon as it was closed, staff of the FEMS Central Office held the raffling of email addresses.

June 26-30, 2011

As a result of that raffle, here are the lucky

Geneva, Switzerland


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f o r

f r e e

FEMS Affiliates who qualify for the FREE FEMS 2011 registrations: 1. Dr Charles Changa of the National Agricultural Research Laboratories, Uganda 2. Dr Wil van der Reijden of the Academisch Centrum Tandheelkunde Amsterdam, The Netherlands 3. Dr Youming Zhang of Gene Bridges GmbH, Germany The winners have been informed through email to contact the FEMS Central Office at fems@fems-microbiology.org so we can inform them how they can collect their prizes. As to those who did not win, thank you for your cooperation!

April 1, deadline for Meeting Attendance Grants


Young European scientists wishing to attend microbiological meetings are encouraged to apply for a FEMS Meeting Attendance Grant.

Profile of FAF Grantees 2010 FEMS to join NVvM Centen-

The deadline of which is April 1 (for attendance in meetings between May 1 and September 30) and September 1 (for attendance in meetings between October 1 and April 30). Meeting Attendance Grants may support attendance at meetings worldwide but preference is given for meetings within the European area.

ary A partial list of 2011 FEMS-

Deadlines for

Interested applicants are requested to acquaint themselves with the Grants regulations before sending their applications to the FEMS Central Office. The applications are then checked for eligibility and a criteria based on profile,

FEMS Grants

accepted abstract, meeting impact and costs.


For further questions, you may contact the FEMS Grants Administrator.

sponsored meetings


Who is qualified?  Young European scientists wishing

to attend microbiological meetings NOT granted a FEMS Meeting Grant  Active young microbiologists not

older than 36 years at the closing date of the meeting  Young scientists who are members

of FEMS societies and authors of accepted abstracts  For the complete FEMS Meeting

Attendance Grants regulations, please click here

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T h r e e

y o u n g

s c i e n t i s t s

r e c e i v e

Three members of FEMS Member Societies from Finland, Italy and the Czech Republic were awarded the FEMS Advanced Fellowships for this year (2011). They are Drs Monika Dolejska (Czech Republic), Jack C. Leo (Finland) and Francesca Turroni (Italy).

The FEMS Advanced Fellowships last from 6-24 months.

It encourages and acknowledges excellence in research of the highest scientific standard in the most prestigious laboratories of Europe.


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Dr Dolejska is a member of the Ceskoslovenská Spolecnost Mikrobiologická (Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology). Her project focuses on “Molecular characterization of IncHI1 and IncN antibiotic resistance plasmids by plasmid multilocus sequence typing (pMLST) and setting up of a novel pMLST scheme for IncL/M plasmids”. Her home laboratory is the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno, Czech Republic. Her host laboratory will be the Istituto Superiore di Sanità in Rome, Italy. She will start at the beginning of September this year and will pursue her research for 1 year. Dr Leo is a member of the Societas Biochemica, Biophysica et Microbiologica Fenniae (Finnish Biochemical, Biophysical, and Microbiological Society) and works at the University of Helsinki in Finland at the time of the receipt of fellowship. He will pursue his project titled, “Structure and function of immunoglobulin domain-containing repetitive bacterial adhe-

t h e

N V v M

f e l l o w s h i p s sions” at the Institute for Developmental Biology in Tuebingen, Germany starting April this year. His fellowship period lasts 2 years. Dr Turroni is a member of the Società Italiana di Microbiologia General e Biotecnologie Microbiche (Italian Society of General Microbiology and Microbial Biotechnologies). From her home laboratory at the University of Parma in Italy, she will pursue the topic “Microbial characterization of bifidobacterial microbe-microbe and microbe-host interactions” at the University of Ireland in Cork, Ireland for 1 year. Her research starts at the beginning of September this year. The FEMS Advanced Fellowships is the biggest fellowship that FEMS grants. Exclusively available to members of FEMS Member Societies. It is granted for a period of 6 to 24 months, making it the longest-term fellowship of FEMS. The purpose of the FEMS Advanced Fellowships is “to acknowledge excellence in research and stimulate and promote international research of the highest scientific standard in the most prestigious laboratories in Europe”. The said fellowship has a deadline of October 1 every year. For more information, please visit the FEMS Advanced Fellowships page at the FEMS website.

C e n t e n a r y

The Nederlandse Vereniging voor Microbiologie (Netherlands Society for Microbiology) will celebrate its 100th year on April 18-20 at the Papendal Hotel and Conference Center in Arnhem, The Netherlands. FEMS will be there to show its support to the NVvM. There will be a FEMS booth to showcase the FEMS Journals and other FEMS publications. Moreover, FEMS will be there to answer inquiries regarding FEMS Grants and Fellowships.

The NVvM Centenary will be opened by Dutch Crown Prince HRH Willem Alexander and graced by three Nobel laureates Harald zur Hausen (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2008 ), Barry Marshall (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2005) and Paul Nurse (Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2001 ). FEMS President Bernhard Schink will say a few words after lunch on the first day of the threeday event. The NVvM Centenary is a FEMSsponsored meeting.

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March 2011



The FEMS Publications Department is happy to announce that the following articles are available for free. Some are only freely available for a short period of time so grab your chance to read them now. Complete open access issues: FEMS Yeast Research Vol. 11 Issue #1—http://bit.ly/FEMSYRv11i1 FEMS Immunology and Medical Microbiology Vol. 61 Issue #1—http://bit.ly/FEMSIMv61i1 FEMS Microbiology Reviews Vol. 35 Issue #1—http://bit.ly/FEMSREv35i1 FEMS Microbiology Ecology Vol. 75 Issue #1—http://bit.ly/FEMSECv75i1 FEMS Microbiology Letters Vol. 314 Issue #2—http://bit.ly/FEMSLEv314i2 Articles from the Biofilm thematic issue which are still online open:

Research Article: Microbial interactions and differential protein expression in Staphylococcus aureus –Candida albicans dual-species biofilms—http://bit.ly/FEMSIMv59i3p493 Mini Review: Vaccine development in Staphylococcus aureus: taking the biofilm phenotype into consideration—http:// bit.ly/FEMSIMv59i3p306

The combined Online Subscription to ALL FEMS Journals costs only €185. Subscribe now.

Articles from FEMS Microbiol0gy Reviews:

RTX proteins: a highly diverse family secreted by a common mechanism—http://bit.ly/FEMSREv34i6p1076

Articles from FEMS Microbiol0gy Letters:

Screening, identification and evaluation of potential biocontrol fungal endophytes against Rhizoctonia solani AG3 on potato plants—http://bit.ly/FEMSLEv311i2p152 From Saccharomyces cerevisiae to Candida glabrata in a few easy steps: important adaptations for an opportunistic pathogen—http://bit.ly/FEMSLEv314i1p1 Is the abundance of Faecalibacterium prausnitzii relevant to Crohn's disease? - http://bit.ly/FEMSLEv310i2p138

Articles from FEMS Microbiol0gy Ecology:

Climate change effects on beneficial plant–microorganism interactions—http://bit.ly/FEMSECv73i2p197 The bacterial community composition of the surface microlayer in a high mountain lake— http://bit.ly/ FEMSECv73i3p458 w w w . f e m s - m i c r o b i o l o g y . o r g

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F E M S - S P O N S O R E D A p r i l - M a y

April 1, 2011 September 1, 2011 FEMS Meeting Attendance Grants


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April 12


Emerging Topics in Microbial Pathogenesis: a FEMS-Leopoldina sympo-

June 1, 2011


December 15, 2011

April 18

FEMS National & Regional Congresses Grants

April 27

Centenary Symposium NVvM & Scien-

The Nether-

tific Spring Meeting NVvM & NVMM


Ecology of Soil Microorganisms

Czech Republic

October 1, 2011 FEMS Advanced Fellowships

May 11


Respiratory Chains: Biochemistry, Ge-

June 15, 2011

netics, Assembly and their Regulation

December 1, 2011

May 13

FEMS Research Fellowships

HFP2011: Molecular Mechanisms of


Host-Pathogen Interactions and Viru-

FEMS Visiting Scientist Grants

lence in Human Fungal Pathogens

March 1, 2012

May 14

FEMS Meeting Grants

13th International Cytomegalovirus/


BetaHerpesvirus Workshop May 26

M i c r o b i o l o g y

7th European Workshop on Bacterial

t i d b i t s . . .

Fighting Infections: Challenges and


Recent Progress. A BritishScandinavian Meeting in Microbiology

WHO warns of "serious" food radiation in disaster-hit Japan The World Health Organization said on Monday that radiation in food after an earthquake damaged a Japanese nuclear plant was more serious than previously thought, eclipsing signs of progress in a battle to avert a catastrophic meltdown in its reactors... (source: Reuters)

Genes Help Worm Decide When to Look for New Food For worms, choosing when to search for a new dinner spot depends on many factors, both internal and external: how hungry they are, for example, how much oxygen is in the air, and how many other worms are around. A new study demonstrates this all-important decision is also influenced by the worm's genetic make-up... (source: http://www.hhmi.org) The FEMS Affiliates Letter is a production of the FEMS Central Office

Keverling Buismanweg 4, 2628 CL Delft, The Netherlands T: +31-15-269-3920 / F: +31-15-269-3921 / E-mail: fems@fems-microbiology.org

The voice of microbiology in Europe. We advance and unify microbiology knowledge. w w w . f e m s - m i c r o b i o l o g y . o r g

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