A F F I L I AT E S L E T T E R The official newsletter for FEMS Affiliates
Prof. Bauke Oudega elected as next FEMS Vice-President diT: PHOTO CRE
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Publications Corner: • Highlights from FEMS Microbiology Reviews • FEMS Journals open for new cover images • New FEMS Journal open for submissions
Several changes occurred during the 39th FEMS Council Meeting in Toulouse, France on 15 September 2012. A new Vice-President was elected, the Secretary-General-elect and Grants Secretary-elect took office and a Member-at-Large for Education was appointed.
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Grants Page • Featured Grantee: Stacy Krueger-Hadfield • Featured Fellow: Francesca Turroni • FEMS Lwoff Award is open for nominations Society Page: Société Française de Microbiologie (French Society of Microbiology)
Dr Bauke Oudega of the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam was elected as the next Vice-President. He will officially take on his post in September next year (2013) when current Vice-President Jean Claude Piffaretti takes on the role of FEMS President. Secretary-General Tone Tonjum and Grants Secretary Vaso Taleski officially stepped down as their terms of office ended. Drs Stefano Donadio and Jaroslav Spizek succeeded them accordingly. Drs Donadio and Spizek
were elected for the said positions during the 38th Council Meeting in Leuven, Belgium last year. The FEMS Executive Committee also wielded its right to appoint a new committee member in the person of Dr Joanna Verran. She will be a new Member-at-Large focusing on education. Dr Verran is the current Delegate of the International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Society. She also has an excellent track record in microbiology education. This year’s FEMS Council Meeting was held in Toulouse, France on the invitation of Société Française de Microbiologie (SFM - French Society of Microbiology) delegate Dr Eric Oswald. FEMS thanks the SFM and Dr Oswald for their hospitality.
Website for FEMS 2013 now live SAVE the DATE: FEMS 2013 DEADLINES List of FEMS-sponsored meetings Microbiology Tidbits
Participants of the 39th FEMS Council Meeting in Toulouse, France