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September 2009 No. 5 NEWSLETTER OF FEMS


Genomics and RNomics: Taking the code further Genomics. Post- genomics. Hot topics in contemporary research contributing vast amount of data and opening new avenues for science. In order to address a prime example of the role of genomics and post- genomics in contemporary science, FEMS Focus interviewed a major personality in the field – Professor Pascale Cossart. She is the head of the Bacteria-Cell Interactions Unit of the Pasteur Institute in Paris, France. Read on for her views on genomics and post-genomics with emphasis on RNomics/transcriptomics, on the connection between these fields and microbiology, and the challenges that these novel opportunities facilitate.


ased on her experience in the field and recent RNA-based work, Dr. Cossart and her co-workers explored the role of RNomics with focus on the bacterium Listeria monocytogenes. This bacterium has recently emerged as a multifaceted model in pathogenesis and is ubiquitous in the environment. It can lead to severe foodborne infections exceeding the fatality rates of Salmonella. How this bacterium switches from a saprophyte to a pathogen is largely unknown. By using tiling arrays and RNAs from wild-type and mutant bacteria grown in vitro, ex vivo and in vivo in animal models, Cossart has analysed the entire Listeria transcriptome. What is your most important finding in Listeria? We have provided the complete Listeria operon map and have discovered far more diverse types of RNAs than expected: in addition to 50 small RNAs, at least two of which are involved in virulence in mice, we have identified antisense RNAs covering several open-reading frames and long overlapping 5’ and 3’ untranslated regions (UTRs). Long transcripts of 1-5 kb were discovered opposite of operons. These transcripts which had not been “annotated” in the Listeria genome may be remnants of genes or play other roles which should be analyzed. We have also discovered that riboswitches can act as terminators for upstream genes. Interestingly, several non-coding RNAs absent in the non-pathogenic species Listeria innocua exhibit the same

Prof. Pascale Cossart (with permission)

expression patterns as the virulence genes. Taken together, our data unravel successive and coordinated global transcriptional changes during infection and point to previously unknown regulatory mechanisms in bacteria.

From the Editorial Team The limelight for this issue of FEMS Focus falls on a topic which currently generates enormous volumes of information and pushes science to immeasurable dimensions – genomics fuelling post-genomics such as RNomics. The rapid emergence of these new disciplines has provided researchers with a new looking-glass for scientists and non-scientists, microbiologists and nonmicrobiologists alike. Thereby, it is also providing a lot of new input, energizing the fields of life, earth and environmental sciences. With the boom of the genomics era, the decoding of complete human and microbial genome sequences is made possible. Suddenly, man and microbes are spelled differently, with As, Ts, Gs and Cs. With that come endless discoveries – diseases illustrated in detail, probable solutions and new promise for the future. The race is on to sequence the genome of every living organism on the planet, to understand them better and provide answers to questions. This is impacting on microbiology, decoding its vast diversity. Indeed, we have entered the post-genomics era. In this new era, every minute counts. Tone Tønjum, Editor & Chared Verschuur, Communications Assistant

Professor Dr. Pascale Cossart heads the Bacterial-Cell Interactions Unit at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France. Her research focuses on the food pathogen Listeria monocytogenes and employs molecular and cellular biology, RNomics, bioinformatics and animal models to sort out pathogenesis. Dr. Cossart received her Ph.D. in Biochemistry from the University of Paris in 1977. Her postdoctoral research was conducted at the Institut Pasteur. In 1998, she received the Richard Lounsberry Prize and the L’Oréal/UNESCO Award for Women in Science Leadership. In year 2000, the Swedish Society of Medicine awarded her the 2000 Louis Pasteur Gold Medal. Dr. Cossart is an “Officier de la Légion d’honneur” of the French Legion of Honor, and a member of the French Academie des Sciences and the German Leopoldina. She received an Advanced Investigator ERC grant in 2008, is a member of EMBO and just this year, became a member of the National Academy of Sciences in the US.

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