How to use green coffee

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Coffee is an amazing beverage to drink. Lots of people drink coffee to gain energy and activeness to handle continuous activities, especially those activities which require fresh mind. It boosts-up the body. Due to such benefits, consumption of coffee is also high which directly increases the production of coffee.












coffee? Green coffee could provide far more benefits than black or brown coffee. Green coffee is made from the powder obtained from green beans of the coffee. It is regarded as more beneficial due to the presence of bioactive components in it which are absent in black or brown coffee. The


bioactive components become deactivated in black coffee due to roasting process of coffee beans. Green coffee is highly beneficial for health of adult and old human population as it contains chlorogenic acid. This chlorogenic acid is present in different amounts in different branded coffees. When it is decided by a person to start consuming green coffee, then another question arises.

How to consume green coffee? Green coffee, being a coffee, can be consumed in the form of a drink. It is up to the person about the frequency of consuming green coffee. The ingredients required to prepare green coffee include green coffee beans / green coffee beans powder, water (boiled & hot) and sugar (as required). Green coffee can be prepared as following:

Whole green coffee beans

Green coffee can be prepared from whole green coffee beans by washing the beans in the running water.

Then, the take the water in a pan and boil it, then add green coffee beans to it.

Then, boil the beans in the water till the color of the water turned to green.

Then, take a fine sieve and pour the green coffee through it to a cup and enjoyed.


Ground green coffee beans

If pure green coffee beans are available to you, then, it is the best method to consume green coffee as the beans are of high purity. The beans can be washed first and dried completely.

Then, the green coffee beans can be crushed in a grinder. The heavy grinder will be required for this purpose due to the hardness of the beans as they are unroasted.

Then, the powder can be sieved through a cloth with smallest pore size to remove major particles.

Then, the green coffee beans powder can be added to the measured amount of water and boiled well to mix the coffee powder in it.

Then, once the color of the water turned to green (showing the proper mixing of green coffee beans in water), the liquid can be passed through a sieve to pour it into a cup and enjoyed as a drink.

Green coffee beans powder


Preparation of green coffee beans powder can be time consuming and tough at home. Thus, it better to purchase it from the market.

Take measured amount of green coffee beans powder and add it to the boiled hot water.

Boil the mixture for atleast 10-12 minutes on low simmer.

Then, turn off the gas and pour the mixture in the cup through sieve.

If the quantity of green coffee is more than required then it can added to a glass jar and store in refrigerator for drinking later.

Suggestive use

Green coffee can be consumed by making coffee powder Sachets and can be mixed in the hot water cup upon requirement. It is scientifically proved that chlorogenic acid in green coffee lower the body weight in very less time period. Some of the other huge benefits by using green coffee are: 

Weight loss

Management of blood pressure

Diabetes management

Reduces depression

Reduces satiety

Antioxidant activity

These benefits are not provided by the black or brown coffee as chlorogenic acid is responsible for providing such benefits which is absent in black or brown coffee. So, start consuming green coffee from today!

GRECOBE About The Author -GRECOBE GRECOBE Green coffee bean Extract has strong anti-oxidant properties. The Green coffee bean extract has Cholorogenic acids, dietary polyphenols which act to help reduce free radicals in the body. Chlorogenic acids are phytochemicals found in green coffee beans but when the coffee beans are roasted, the chlorogenic acids are destroyed. They have been long known for thier beneficial properties. This active ingredient makes green coffee bean an excellent agent to absorb free radicals; as well as helping to avert hydroxyl radicals, both which contribute to degradation of cells in the body. It has been touted as being able to reduce blood sugar levels and potentially exert an antidiabetic effect. It has also been implicated in weight loss and exerting an anti-obesity effect.

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