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市長的話 Message from the Mayor


總執行長的話 Message from the Director General


總製作人的話 Message from the General Producer





Yuanshan Park Area


爭艷館 EXPO Dome


立體植栽花牆 Vertical Plant Wall


七道彩虹 Flora Rainbows


造型花牆區 Flower Wall


地景花海 Flower Landscape


精緻花卉區 Rare Flowers and Plants


果樹園區 EXPO Orchard


特展區 Special Exhibition Area


西安的院子 Xi’an's Courtyard


海韻-上海展園 Shanghai Charm


兒童樂園 Children’s Playground


百藝廣場 Folk Arts Plaza







Fine Arts Museum Area


寰宇庭園區 Global Garden Area


故事館英式鄉村庭園 Taipei Story House




Xinsheng Park Area

養生館 Pavilion of Regimen


未來館 Pavilion of Future


閩式庭園 Fujian Style Garden


迷宮花園 Garden Maze


林下花圃花海區 Flower Base under Trees


怡情園 Serenity Garden


花之隧道 Flora Tunnel


生態池 Ecological Pond



Dajia Riverside Park Area

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親子休憩區 Family Area


蔬果饗宴區 Edibles Garden


臺灣文化植物區 Taiwan Botanical Diversity


大地花海 Sea of Flowers


移動森林 Movable Forest


花圃競賽區 Gardening Competition Area





兒童探索區 Children’s World


2010 臺北國際花卉博覽會 植栽資料庫光碟 Taipei International Flora Exposition Plant Databank Disk




序 長久以來,花卉博覽會以「花」與「綠」為主題,展示花卉及園藝栽培的技術,同時肩負教育與文化傳承的責任, 在全球園藝夥伴攜手合作下,傳達人類與自然共存的理念。2010 年,臺灣準備好了,在首都臺北市舉辦國際花卉 博覽會,展現我們豐沛的自然資源、高度的花卉產業實力、多元的人文藝術,以及關心地球的使命。

「 2010 年臺北國際花卉博覽會」展期自 2010 年 11 月 6 日至 2011 年 4 月 25 日,展區橫跨大佳河濱公園區、圓山公園 區、美術公園區及新生公園區,並有基隆河緊鄰在旁,佔地共91.8公頃,綠地面積為70.91公頃。展區園藝景觀規 劃設計以展現四大特點為主軸,包括花卉園藝實力、環境生態關懷、文化藝術特色、尖端科技成就;展覽期間於 室內與戶外之花卉園藝展出檔期分別高達49檔及86檔,所需植栽如喬木、灌木、草花、切花等至少2,700個種類、 4,500個品種(系),植栽使用總量共約2,400萬株,其中90%以上來自國內花卉產地。 本次花博會成功吸引890萬以上人次參觀,其中園藝景觀與植栽特色營造深獲遊客驚豔讚嘆,充分表現臺灣花卉園 藝產業結合科技、文化的專業培植技術與設計能力,並透過室內花藝與戶外庭園競賽達到國內外專業人士與產業交 流的機會。花博會的舉辦,使國內、外人士見證優質的臺灣花卉,有效行銷臺灣花卉特色與園藝設計,並帶動民眾 愛花、養花、賞花的習慣與綠色生活文化,讓臺灣花卉園藝產業向前跨進了一大步,而臺北市成為美麗、環保的花 園城市亦指日可待。

為完整呈現「 2010 年臺北國際花卉博覽會」在花卉園藝方面的豐碩成果和參與人士的智慧結晶,特編製本特輯以 為記誌,盼為臺灣花卉園藝產業的發展歷程,留下美麗的扉頁。


Preface For many years the International Flora Expo has been based on the themes of “flowers” and “greenness,” as displayed through floral and gardening techniques. It has shouldered the twin responsibilities of education and cultural propagation, with garden arts partners from around the world joining hands to highlight the ideal of co-existence between man and nature. In 2010 Taiwan prepared for its turn to host Flora Expo in its capital city of Taipei, where we fulfilled our mission to display our abundant natural resources, strong horticultural industry capabilities, multifaceted cultural arts, and care for the planet. The 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo ran from Nov. 6, 2010 to Apr. 25, 2011 and encompassed four areas: Yuanshan Park, Fine Arts Park, Xinsheng Park, and Dajia Riverside Park. With the Keelung River alongside it covered a total of 91.8 hectares, of which 70.91 hectares was green space. The garden landscaping of the display areas was designed around four themes—horticultural capabilities, care for the environment, cultural and artistic characteristics, and state-of-the-art technological achievements. Through the term of Flora Expo there were a total of 49 indoor and 86 outdoor display periods during which were exhibited a total of 24 million trees, shrubs, flowers, and cut flowers in 2,700 species with about 4,500 varities (cultivars). More than 90% of all these plants were grown in Taiwan. Taipei Flora Expo succeeded in attracting 8.9 million visitors. Its garden landscapes and special plantation features created horticultural industry in combination with technology and culture. Flora Expo provided abundant opportunities for exchange


scenes that made visitors sigh with delight, fully expressing the cultivation techniques and design capabilities of Taiwan’s between local and foreign professionals through indoor floral arts and outdoor gardening competitions. The Expo allowed local residents and foreigners alike to witness Taiwan’s high-quality ornamental plants, effectively marketing the special characteristics and gardening design of the ornamental plants of Taiwan while promoting a love of flowers, flower growing, and flower appreciation, as well as a culture of green living, among the island’s people. If boosted Taiwan’s horticulture industry a giant step forward on the path of progress and moved Taipei toward realization of its vision of becoming a beautiful and environmentally friendly garden city. This special collection provides a record of the rich horticultural and gardening achievements of 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo, along with a distillation of the wisdom of all those who participated in it. It is our hope that it will leave a brilliant chapter in the development of horticultural arts in Taiwan.


從臺北花博到 綠色幸福花園城市 市長的話 2006年4月,臺北市政府協同臺灣區花卉發展協會於義大利熱內亞舉辦之國際園藝生產者協會(AIPH)春 季會議中,提出申辦2010年A2/B1級國際花卉博覽會之意願,經過努力爭取,終獲AIPH大會審查通過, 於2006年11月正式函告本市取得2010年國際花卉博覽會之主辦權。這是臺灣第一次獲得國際授權舉辦的 世界級博覽會,也是亞洲第四個國家、第七個城市舉辦的國際博覽會。

「 2010 臺北國際花卉博覽會」 171 天展期間共吸引 896 萬人次參觀,共計 30 個國家、 60 個城市、 92 個 機構共襄盛舉。國際園藝生產者協會(AIPH)主席法伯(Dr.Faber)讚譽本次花博會為過去50年來最好的一 次,也是未來10年難以被超越的嶄新典範。花博同時也獲得加拿大花卉園藝協會頒予「2011國際最佳園 藝觀光活動獎」、「影響世界華人大獎」之「公共事務領域獎」等多項國際獎項的肯定,展現臺灣超群 的創意與產業能量。

「2010臺北國際花卉博覽會」以「彩花、流水、新視界」為規劃主軸,共有超過 100個花卉園藝團體全 力投入策展、園藝佈置、花藝與庭園競賽等項目,從規劃、設計、招標、施工、佈展到營運,從頭到 尾,完全MIT(Made in Taiwan) ,創造了另類的世界第一;而辛勞的臺灣花農更是功不沒的幕後英雄, 精心培育專為花博使用的花卉植栽,將國產優質花卉呈現於世人,充分展現臺灣的花卉園藝實力,可說 是花博會成功的重要因素。此外,本次花博會重視綠色環保原則,強調3R:Reduce(減量)、Reuse (再利用)、Recycle(回收)及3G:Green Building(綠建築)、Green Energy(再生能源)、Green Transportation(節能運輸),為綠色生活與環保理念做了很好的示範及宣導,獲Discovery等國際媒體報 導,使臺北躍上了國際環保城市舞台,也成為國人的驕傲。

花博會能廣獲各界好評與熱烈迴響,代表臺灣花卉園藝界的堅實能量、市府籌辦大型國際活動的組織能 力、以及帶動相關產業發展的效益,獲得見證與具體實現。而此一過程中,實有賴中央政府的協助、各 地方政府的參與,以及各界專家學者、民間團體與相關產業的熱情支持與投入,才能讓全世界看到花博 的成就。未來,我們將努力延續、深化花博會的效益,妥善運用會後場館設施,完整呈現花卉園藝、文 化、科技、環保相關面向與內涵,進一步推動綠色生活與綠色觀光,讓臺北市成為全球指標性的綠色幸 福花園城市。 臺北市長



From Taipei Flora Expo to a Happy Garden City Message from the Mayor The Taipei City Government, in cooperation with the Taiwan Floriculture Development Association, first expressed its desire to host the 2010 A2/B1-class International Flora Expo during the spring meeting of the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) in Genova, Italy, in April of 2006. After much effort on our part, the AIPH general meeting approved our request and formally notified us in November that year that we had won the right to host Flora Expo in 2010. This marked the first time for Taiwan to win international authorization to host a world-class exposition; it also made Taiwan the fourth Asian country, and Taipei the seventh Asian city, to host International Flora Expo. During its 171-day run, 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo attracted 8.96 million visitors and enjoyed participation by 30 countries, 60 cities, and 92 organizations. AIPH president Doeke Faber praised the Taipei Flora Expo as the best in 50 years and as providing an example that will be difficult to surpass in the coming decade. Its outstanding performance was also affirmed by the winning of numerous international awards, including a rating by the Canada Blooms Horticultural Society as the world’s best international garden tourism event in 2011 and the “You Bring Charm to the World” award in the public affairs category. Taipei International Flora Expo,

The 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo focused on the theme of “Flower, River, New Horizons” and benefited from the participation


indeed, exhibited Taiwan’s outstanding creativity and industrial dynamism to the world.

of more than 100 horticultural groups in its planning, horticultural deployment, and flower arranging and gardening competitions. The show was “Made in Taiwan” from the beginning to the end, from planning, design, bid tendering, construction, and exhibit arrangement to operation of the expo grounds, bringing another kind of “World No. 1” title to the island. The hard-working flower farmers of Taiwan were the behind-the-scenes heroes of the event, meticulously cultivating the flowers and plants needed for the expo and bringing the island’s high-quality ornamental plants to the attention of the world in an abundant expression of the power of Taiwan’s horticulture. This was a vital factor in the success of Taipei International Flora Expo.Flora Expo also placed a heavy emphasis on the principles of green environmental protection, stressing the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle) and the 3Gs (green building, green energy, and green transportation). It provided an excellent model of green living and environmental ideals, and reports by the Discovery channel and other international media boosted Taipei onto the stage as an international green city. This is another source of pride for our people. Taipei International Flora Expo aroused acclamation and enthusiasm from all sectors of society, presenting the solid capabilities of Taiwan’s horticultural industry and the ability of the Taipei City Government to organize large international activities while stimulating the development of related industries. During the progress of the event we relied on the assistance of the central government, the participation of local governments, and the enthusiastic support of scholars, experts, civic groups, and related industries in showing the achievements of Flora Expo to the whole world. In the future we will continue working to deepen those achievements, and to make the best possible use of galleries and other facilities following the closure of Flora Expo so as to present a complete expression of all the different aspects of horticultural arts, culture, technology, and environmental protection; and, further, to promote green living and green tourism so that Taipei will become a global landmark of a green and happy garden city.

Mayor, Taipei City



將臺灣花卉園藝產業 推向世界舞臺 總執行長的話 2010 臺北國際花卉博覽會有四大呈現面向,包括花卉園藝實力、環境生態關懷、文化藝術特色、尖端 科技成就;而其中臺灣花卉園藝實力的展現,是花博會的主要策展核心所在。因此在籌備初期,市府便 積極整合產、官、學各界人士的專業、創意與技術,期望透過花博會,為臺灣的花卉藝術、園藝造景設 計、花卉植栽培育技術與農業科技運用之產業實力與專業人才,營造最佳的國際舞臺,對臺灣花卉園藝 產業發展帶來正面且長遠的影響。

廣達91.8公頃的花博會場中,綠地面積佔了70.91公頃。圓山、美術、新生及大佳河濱公園四大展區,各 依文化、藝術、科技、休閒主題,運用多元繽紛的花卉植栽,以花海、花牆、綠雕等手法,呈現不同的 園藝景觀風格,七道彩虹和花之隧道更是別出心裁的創意設計。而在爭艷館中,我們集結國內外好手, 舉辦全國盃花藝競賽、洲際盃花藝競賽以及東洋花藝競賽等花藝三大賽事,耶誕花宴、年宵花等特展亦 輪番上陣;由農委會主辦的農業科技展、 2011 臺北國際蘭展、 2011MIT 臺灣花卉展,也透過花博會的 場域,展現臺灣最新的農業科技及產業技術;未來館內,從熱帶到溫帶,從沙漠到高山,盡展植物的世 界,充分傳達生態關懷;養生館裡雋永的百年盆景、花茶殿的閩式庭園,也具體呈現出在地精神文化。

此外,在大佳花圃競賽區,民眾可以欣賞專業園藝景觀好手與學生的競技作品,他們以造景設計傳遞各 縣市城市特色與充滿想像力的庭園主題;另亦廣徵國外機構參與美術園區寰宇庭園競賽活動,讓遊客得 以體驗各國庭園風貌,以及規劃全球花之饗宴特展,達到促進國際庭園造景技藝交流與認識國外花卉的 目的。經由上述戶外與場館內各式花卉園藝造景的多檔期展出規劃,花博會共提供了約2,700個花卉植栽 種類的展示,約達4,500個品種(系),展出花卉植栽總數量近2,400萬株,其中國產花卉使用數量更高達 了90%以上。我們特別根據臺灣各縣市主要花卉生產地區之產期、種類與數量,規劃花博會期間相關用 花選擇,以間接契作方式與各鄉鎮縣市農會及產銷班合作,俾使各花卉產地的花農實質受益,帶動花卉 產銷。

最後,感謝所有工作夥伴的參與和努力付出,陪伴市府花博執行團隊不畏困難考驗一路向前,共同完成 花卉園藝界的奧林匹克盛事。並期待所有人能將在花博體驗到的「美麗的力量」,帶入至生活的每一個 層面,持續發展傳承。




Boosting Taiwan’s Horticultural and Gardening Industry onto the World Stage Message from the Director General The 2010 Taipei International Flora Expo was designed around four major themes—horticultural capabilities, concern for the environment, special cultural and artistic characteristics, and state-of-the-art technological achievements—with the core planning focus being the display of Taiwanese horticultural capabilities. Because of this, in the initial planning stages the City Government worked to integrate the professionalism, creativity, and technology of industry, government, and academe with the objective of creating, through Flora Expo, an ideal international stage for Taiwan’s horticultural arts, landscape design, horticultural culture techniques, and agricultural technology. This, it was hoped, would have a positive and lasting impact on the development of the island’s horticultural industry. The Flora Expo grounds covered a total of 91.8 hectares, of which 70.91 hectares was green space. Each of the four major expo areas--Yuanshan Park, Fine Arts Park, Xinsheng Park, and Dajia Riverside Park—used a colorful array of flowers and other ornamental plants to exhibit its own unique landscape style, in terms of culture, art, technology, and leisure, through “seas of flowers,” flower walls, and green sculptures. The “Flora Rainbows” and “Flora Tunnel” were particularly eye-catching. For the EXPO Dome we brought together experts from Taiwan and overseas to join in a Taiwan Cup Flower Design Competition, International Year Celebration, and other special exhibitions. The Exihibition of Agricultural Science and Technology organized by the Council of Agriculture, Taipei International Orchid Show 2011, and 2011 Taiwan Flower Show also exhibited Taiwan’s latest agricultural


Cup Flower Design Competition, and Japan Ikenobo Judged Flora Art Competition, along with a Christmas Fairy Tale, Lunar New

technology in the showgrounds. The Pavilion of Future displayed the world of plants, from tropical to temperate zone and from desert to high mountain, in an expression of concern for the ecology. The century-old bonsai in the Pavilion of Regimen and the Fujian Style Garden in the Palace of Flora Teas provided concrete expressions of local spiritual culture. In the Dajia Park Gardening Competition Area visitors enjoyed the works of professional landscape horticulturists and students, who used landscape design to exhibit the special characteristics of Taiwan’s different counties and cities, and to show off the imaginative powers of the creators. Foreign organizations were solicited to participate in Global Garden Area in the Fine Arts Park area, giving visitors a chance to experience the gardening styles of different countries. The International Indoor Floriculture Exhibition and Competition encouraged international interchange in landscape gardening arts and promoted an understanding of horticultural arts in other countries. Through the successive exhibit periods of the indoor and outdoor exhibitions described above, Taipei International Flora Expo provided horticultural displays of a total of 2,700 different species, 4,500 separate varieties (cultivars), and 24 million individual plants—more than 90% of them grown in Taiwan. We coordinated with the different periods, species, and quantities of production of major horticulture areas in Taiwan’s counties and cities in choosing which flowers to show at different times during Flora Expo. The indirect contract method of cooperation with local farmers’ associations and production and marketing groups was used to bring real benefits to flower growers in the various production areas and stimulate sales of ornamental plants. Finally, I would like to express my appreciation to all those who contributed so much to the success of Taipei International Flora Expo by working together so tirelessly with the Taipei City Government’s Flora Expo team. My hope is that Flora Expo allowed everyone to experience “the power of beauty” and to incorporate that power into every aspect of their lives, so that it will continue to be developed and passed on into the future.

Director General



以美麗的力量 感動人心 總製作人的話 以園藝、科技、環保、文化四大理念所打造的「 2010 臺北國際花卉博覽會」,是我國首次獲得 AIPH 授 權所舉辦的國際性、世界級博覽會,在眾多參展單位與全體工作人員的努力下,呈現了千變萬化、萬紫 千紅令人驚艷的美麗力量。本人承擔花博營運總部總製作人,責任重大,推動過程承受極大壓力與挑 戰,抱著歡喜做甘願受的心情,積極地投入博覽會的規劃與執行,盡最大的努力將最好的成果呈現給國 人,讓參觀者都能有感動的體驗。

臺北花博在園藝植栽方面,構思期的規劃就長達 8 個月,邀請全國業界代表、單位機構、專家學者等共 同研商,歷經 13 次全區園藝植栽整體規劃協調會議,期望藉此花博會彰顯我國園藝特色植栽,並將臺 灣園藝花卉產業躍升國際舞台引領風潮。本人首先要感謝郝市長的充分授權,與市府團隊的全力支持配 合,以及感謝承辦寰宇庭園區的外貿協會,與負責策展爭艷館和未來館的財團法人臺灣區花卉發展協會 的全心投入與奉獻外,對全國各縣市花農、園藝家們的熱情參與,亦表示萬分感謝。

臺北花博會以【彩花.流水.新視界】為主題,巧妙橫向串聯臺北市鄰近基隆河畔的圓山、美術、新 生、大佳河濱四大公園,設計出五彩繽紛不同主題的內外展館與獨特園區風情。像是爭艷館的 16 個展 期,匯集了國際與國內頂尖好手展現其精湛的園藝花卉創意與設計,「養生氧生‧百齡花瑞」的養生 館,一次飽覽全國各地稀珍名貴盆景作品,未來館則更是結合行政院農業委員會及各園藝機構研發成 果,將綠色園藝、自然生態與人文科技做完美結合,讓臺灣精緻農業的實力與成就成功地在世界舞台上 展現。

花博會長達6個月的展期中,在戶外大面積換展4至6期不等,全期間植栽展示種類約達2,700種、4,500 個品種(系),總數量 2,400萬株。為保障國內花農權益, 90%以上皆使用國產植栽,因此在規劃花博會 用花選擇上,即依據各縣市主要生產之植栽種類與產量,配合季節更迭,以間接契作方式與各鄉鎮縣市 農會及產銷班合作,使各縣市政府藉花博會照顧到當地花卉生產,並希望藉此機會,帶動全國民眾愛 花、愛園藝的風潮,並在生活中實踐綠色生態理念,學習感受人與自然環境和諧共生之境界,以期能達 到我們愛護地球的終極目標。 總製作人



Moving Hearts with the Power of Beauty Message from the General Producer The 2010 Taipei International Flora Exposition, which was designed around the four themes of horticulture, technology, environmental protection, and culture, marked the first time that Taiwan had won the right from AIPH to host this world-class event; and, under the strenuous efforts of participating organizations and our entire staff, it presented a wondrous spectacle of the infinite permutations of floral beauty. I undertook the heavy responsibility of serving as Flora Expo’s General Producer and threw myself into the planning and implementation of the event with a spirit of willing service and the determination to do my very best to produce the very finest results for our people, in the hope of bringing a moving experience to each of Flora Expo’s visitors. The planning of the horticultural plantation for Flora Expo took a full eight months, with representatives from the nation-wide horticultural industry, agencies and organizations, scholars, and experts invited to participate in the deliberations. Thirteen areawide general planning and coordination sessions were held with the aim of exhibiting Taiwan’s special horticultural characteristics and elevating the island’s horticultural industry onto the international stage. First of all I would like to thank Mayor Hau Lung-bin for affording me abundant authority and the full support of the city government team. I would also like to express my gratitude to the Taiwan External Trade Development Council (TAITRA), which took charge of the Global Garden Area, and the Taiwan Floriculture efforts and their contributions. My appreciation also goes to the flower farmers and horticulturists from all over Taiwan who did so much to make Flora Expo a success.


Development Association, which was responsible for planning and managing the EXPO Dome and the Pavilion of Future, for their

Taipei International Flora Expo was arranged around the theme of “Flower, River, New Horizons,” cleverly linking the adjacent Yuanshan Park, Fine Arts Park, Xinsheng Park, and Dajia Riverside Park areas in a dazzling array of indoor and outdoor galleries and unique park areas. The 16 exhibition periods of the EXPO Dome, brought together top domestic and international experts to display their exquisite horticultural creations and designs. The Pavilion of Regimen took “Healthy Living and Centennial Bonsai” as its theme, displaying a collection rare and precious bonsai from all over Taiwan. The Pavilion of the Future brought together the results of research carried out by the Council of Agriculture and different horticultural organizations in an enchanting combination of green horticulture, natural ecology, and humanities, science and technology that positioned the strengths and achievements of Taiwan fine agriculture firmly on the world stage. During the six-month run of the Taipei International Flora Expo, large-scale outdoor exhibits were changed four to six times. Displays throughout the entire period totaled 2,700 species, 4,500 varieties (cultivars), and 24 million individual plants. To protect the interests of domestic flower growers, more than 90% of the plants were locally grown, and during planning work flowers were selected in accordance with the types and quantities of plants grown in the island’s different cities and counties as well as with the changes of the seasons. The indirect contract method was used to engage in cooperation with local farmers’ associations and production and marketing groups, allowing local governments to take care of their horticultural industries through Flora Expo. Another objective was to use Flora Expo to arouse a love of flowers and horticulture among people all over Taiwan and to bring green ecological ideals into the daily lives of all so that they could learn to feel a harmonious co-existence with the natural environment and, ultimately, bring about the protection of our Earth.

General Producer



前言 緣起 臺灣加入 WTO 之後,花卉產業與各國之經貿往來更加頻繁互動,為積極參與國際組織、吸收國際花卉 園藝資訊,臺灣區花卉發展協會相關成員從 2002 年底開始積極爭取加入國際園藝生產者協會( AIPH ; International Association of Horticultural Producers),並順利於2004年1月1日正式成為AIPH之會員。 2005 年臺灣區花卉發展協會參加 AIPH在加拿大舉辦之秋季年會時, AIPH會長Dr.Faber 鼓勵臺灣代表爭取 2010年之AIPH國際花卉博覽會。

鑑於國際花卉博覽會為國際性活動,其宗旨在於促進世界各國經濟、文化、科技的交流與發展,是臺灣向 世界宣傳的良機,有利於提升國際地位、帶動產業發展與增進經濟效益,臺北市政府隨即於2006 年 4 月義 大利熱內亞(Genova) 舉辦之AIPH春季會議中,與臺灣區花卉發展協會共同提出申辦2010/11年A2/B1級國 際花卉博覽會之意願,並針對預定籌辦地點、交通、人文、美食、以及我國花卉專業技術與承諾等進行簡 報,展現籌辦之優勢與決心。終獲AIPH於2006年11月正式發函通知審查通過「2010/11臺北國際花卉博覽 會」申請案。



Foreword Origins Exchange between Taiwan and the rest of the world, in terms of horticultural and other industries, became increasingly intense following the island’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO). To boost participation in international organizations and absorb more international horticultural information, members of the Taiwan Floriculture Development Association (TFDA) began vigorously pursuing membership in the International Association of Horticultural Producers (AIPH) at the end of 2002; the efforts were successful, and membership was achieved on Jan. 1, 2004. When the TFDA participated in the AIPH’s annual autumn meeting in Canada in 2005, AIPH president Doeke Faber encouraged the Taiwanese representatives to solicit the right to host International Flora Expo in 2010. In view of the global nature of International Flora Expo, and its goal of promoting economic, cultural, and technological interchange and development among the nations of the world, this presented an outstanding opportunity for Taiwan to publicize itself to the world, elevate its international position, promote development of its horticultural industry, and boost its economic effect. The Taipei City Government presented its proposal to host the 2010/11 A2/B1 International Flora Expo at the AIPH spring meeting in Genova Italy, in April of 2006. The proposal was approved by AIPH in November of 2006.


匯聚花卉園藝界共襄盛舉 為籌辦花博會,臺北市政府執行團隊於展前充分整合國內園藝花卉產業與專業人士,共同投入參與花博盛事。市府 負責園藝策展的相關單位包括產業發展局、工務局、捷運工程局…等,府外工作夥伴則除了各項園藝植栽工程標案 執行廠商外,亦涵括國內諸多園藝專家學者以及60多個花卉產業相關團體。 於規劃階段共召開13次全區園藝植栽整體規劃協調會議,邀請行政院農業委員會、行政院農業委員會農糧署、臺灣 區花卉發展協會、臺灣大學李哖教授、許榮輝教授、葉德銘教授、張育森教授擔任專業顧問團;同時經由實地參訪 國內桃園縣、臺中市、彰化縣、屏東縣等主要花卉生產地,以及與當地縣市政府、產業代表、園藝花卉相關團體等 進行交流。

花博會為臺灣花卉園藝的發展寫下歷史新頁,也是臺灣花農與業界邁向國際的重要步伐。為展現普羅萬象的園藝景 觀與花卉園藝產業實力,近百位臺灣農民卯足全力,運用栽培技術克服季節變化及颱風侵襲,努力生產植栽以提供 花博高品質之花卉; 26個施工單位、60 多個佈展廠商,在閉園後的寒流來襲夜裡進行佈、換展工作,常見現場數 百名種植技術工,泥濘中迅速地將一盆一盆的草花換植完成;而遠道而來的國、內外各個參賽單位亦無不絞盡腦 汁、極力爭奇鬥艷,呈現出最美好的花藝與庭園設計作品。



Bringing the Horticultural Industry Together In preparation for the holding of Flora Expo, the Taipei City Government’s administrative team brought together domestic horticultural industry representatives and professionals to join in the planning work. Participating agencies of the City Government included the Department of Economic Development, Public Works Department, and Department of Rapid Transit Systems, among others. They worked with more than 60 horticultural organizations, such as winners of horticultural engineering bid, as well as experts and scholars. A total of 13 area-wide planning and coordination sessions were held during the planning stage, with representatives from the Council of Agriculture, Agriculture and Food Agency, and Taiwan Floriculture Development Association participating along with a consulting team made up of professors Lee Nean, Hsu Jung-huei, Yeh Der-ming, and Chang Yu-sen. On-site visits were paid to major horticultural production areas in Taoyuan County, Taichung City, Changhua County, and Pingtung County, and meetings were held with county and city governments, horticultural industry representatives, and horticultural groups in those areas. Flora Expo wrote a new page in the history of horticultural development in Taiwan and marked a major step toward the utmost efforts in using sophisticated cultivation techniques to overcome seasonal changes and the onslaught of typhoons, supplying the high-quality ornamental plants needed by the Expo and exhibiting the multifaceted power of the horticultural and landscape gardening industries. A total of 26 construction units and more than 60 exhibit arrangement companies


international arena by the island’s flower growers and horticultural industry. Nearly a hundred local farmers exerted their

hurried to arrange and change exhibits in the chill nights after the Expo closed its gates, and hundreds of workers hurriedly changing the flowers in the mud, pot by pot, was a common sight. Contest participants who came from all over Taiwan and abroad exerted their utmost mental prowess as they vied to win out over their rivals by presenting the most beautiful flower arrangements and gardening designs. As we sigh in admiration at Flora Expo’s splendid seas of flowers and astonishingly beautiful works of floriculture, we hope that you will all join us in expressing our appreciation to these unsung heroes who have worked so hard behind the scenes.



圓山公園區 YuanShan Park Area 爭艷館 EXPO Dome 立體植栽花牆 Vertical Plant Wall 七道彩虹 Flora Rainbows 造型花牆區 Flower Wall 地景花海 Flower Landscape 精緻花卉區 Rare Flowers and Plants 果樹園區 EXPO Orchard 特展區 Special Exhibition Area 西安的院子 Xi'an's Courtyard 海韻-上海展園 Shanghai Charm 兒童樂園 Children's Playground 百藝廣場 Folk Arts Plaza


圓山公園區 「圓山公園區」包括圓山公園、中山足球場及兒童育樂中心等區


域,占地 20.8 公頃,鄰近捷運站,交通方便,為主要人潮的聚集






YuanShan Park Area






富多元的景觀植栽配合傳統戲曲藝陣表演,融合花與文化兩 項特色。



Yuanshan Park Area The Yuanshan Park Area encompassed Yuanshan Park, Zhongshan Stadium, and Taipei Children’s Recreation Center, covering a total of 20.8 hectares. It was adjacent a gathering place for large numbers of people. The area included the site of a shell mound dating back 2,500~4,000 years; to prevent direct contact with archaeological relics and protect this underground Yuanshan Culture, a layer of earth was spread over the site before any landscaping was

YuanShan Park Area

to an MRT station, which convenient transportation makes

done. It was also because of its archaeological significance that the planning for this area included indoor and outdoor displays on the theme of “Flowers and Culture,” exhibiting a deep cultural content in addition to a riot of floral color. Exhibits in the theme of horticultural pavilion for this area—the EXPO Dome—focused on international indoor decorative plants and horticultural competition. Theme exhibits and competitions succeeded one another through a continuous schedule of 16 periods, and the multi-layered use of decorative plants created an exquisite display space that promoted interchange between domestic and foreign horticultural professionals and floral artists. The outdoor gardening display consisted of a rich diversity of landscape plantation—a large Flower Landscape, a Rare Flowers and Plants area that demonstrated plant breeding techniques, and exhibits of vertical planting techniques and fruit-tree culture techniques—matched with traditional folkarts performances in a merging of flowers with culture.





EXPO Dome 以「競花藝術」為主題的「爭艷館」,是花博會中最令人驚艷的展館,亦是 AIPH 所指定的 6,000平方公尺國際室內花藝競賽場館。本館興建於圓山公園區的中山足球場內,形成「館中 有館」的特殊景觀。爭艷館的展覽規劃主軸,主要呈現臺灣花卉的四季、節慶、樂活與創新 精神。每月推出不同主題、不同特色,共計16個檔期,包含9檔花卉特展以及7檔競賽,展現 花卉多元的應用層面。其中使用國產花卉所佔比例高達90%,透過國際花藝技術讓在地花卉 完美呈現,徹底展現了臺灣堅強的農業技術及花藝設計軟實力!

爭艷館展示主題 EXPO Dome Exhibit Schedule 展覽日期 Exhibition Period

展覽主題 Theme

2010/10/09 ~ 2010/10/13

花藝競賽 Flower Design Competition

全國盃花藝競賽決賽 Taiwan Cup Flower Design Competition Final

花姿秋色 Autumn Sentiment

庭園景觀資材主題特展 Garden Landscape Materials Exhibition

2010/10/09 ~ 2010/10/28 2010/10/19 ~ 2010/10/28 2010/11/06 ~ 2010/11/28

全球花之饗宴 International Indoor Floriculture Exhibition and Competition

木本觀花植物佈置競賽 Ornamental Plants Competition 國際室內花卉競賽 International Indoor Flora Competition

2010/11/27 ~ 2010/12/05

花之圓舞曲 Waltz of the Flowers

2010/12/04 ~ 2010/12/19

永續庭園 Sustainable Gardening

觀葉植物庭園佈置競賽 Foliage Garden Competition

2010/12/11 ~ 2010/12/26

耶誕花宴 Christmas Fairy Tale

耶誕主題花卉裝飾設計競賽 Christmas Floral Decoration Competition

2010/12/25 ~ 2011/01/30

國際展示 International Exhibition

農業科技大展 Exhibition of Agricultural Science and Technology

2011/01/29 ~ 2011/02/20

舒活、樂活 Slow Life, Quality Living

微氣候科學特展 Exhibition on Microclimate Studies

2011/02/06 ~ 2011/02/13


創新花藝 Creative Garden Atmospheres

展出內容 Description

年宵花特展 Lunar New Year Celebration

觀花植物特展 Flowering Plants Exhibition

農曆年節主題特展 Chinese Lunar New Year Exhibition

2011/02/19 ~ 2011/02/27

東洋花藝大賞 Japan Ikenobo Judged Flora Art Competition

2011/02/26 ~ 2011/03/20

國際展示 International Exhibition

2011臺北國際蘭展 Taipei International Orchid Show 2011

2011/03/19 ~ 2011/03/27

花藝競賽 Flower Design Competition

2011洲際盃花藝競賽 Intercontinental Cup Flower Design Competition

2011/03/26 ~ 2011/04/05

植物夢工廠 The Future of Horticulture

2011/04/02 ~ 2011/04/10

花舞未來 Floral Creations

2011/04/11 ~ 2011/04/25

國際展示 International Exhibition

華道池坊展 Japan Ikenobo Judged Flora Art Competition

園藝發展之未來性、科技性及概念性特展 Exhibition on Horticultural Development and the Application of New Technology 國內新興花卉特展 Showcase on Future Flora Stars 2011臺北花卉展 2011 Taiwan Flower Show


EXPO Dome Designed around the theme of “ Floriculture Arts Competition” the EXPO Dome was the most awesome pavilion in the entire Flora Expo, conforming to AIPH’s criteria fora 6,000-square-meter international flower arts competition venue. It was built within the Zhongshan Stadium. The main focus of EXPO Dome’s design was the expression of the four seasons, festivals, LOHAS, and creative spirit of horticulture in Taiwan. A new theme was introduced each month, each with its own unique features, with 16 exhibit periods encompassing nine special floriculture exhibits and seven competitions that illustrated the diversified applications of decorative plants. A full 90% of the plants used were grown in Taiwan, and international flower arts techniques were used to provide a complete presentation of local decorative plants that thoroughly exhibited Taiwan’s outstanding agricultural technology and floral design “soft power.” 025

《花藝競賽》 2010/10/09 - 2010/10/13

全國盃花藝競賽決賽 Flower Design Competition

Taiwan Cup Flower Design Competition Final 2010年「全國盃花藝競賽」決賽在爭艷館盛大舉辦,由20名來自全臺各地花藝菁英 選手們,在此角逐國際級「洲際盃花藝競賽」的入場券。選手們使用臺灣本地所產 的玫瑰、百合及文心蘭等花材,以「花舞饗宴」及「美麗的力量」為主題,發揮獨 特想像力,創作競賽作品。另外,展覽期間同時亦可欣賞到歷屆花藝冠軍的精采創 作、西洋花藝設計及結合池坊、古流、小原流、松風流等不同流派的東方式插花作 品展。 The 2010 Taiwan Cup Flower Design Competition Final was held here, with 20 top flowerarranging competitors from all over Taiwan contesting for entry into the internationalclass Intercontinental Cup Flower Design Competition. The contestants used Taiwangrown roses, lilies, and dancing-doll orchids to create, with their unique imaginative powers, works of floral design on the themes of “Feast of Dancing Flowers” and “The Power of Beauty.” During the exhibition period visitors also had an opportunity to see the exquisite works of successive flower-arranging champions, Western floral-arts design, and Ikenobo, Koryu, Ohara Ikebana,Ikebana Shofu ,and other styles of Oriental flowerarrangement displays.


金獎 Gold Medal│周盟貿 Chou,Mong Mao


銀獎 Sliver Medal│歐怡伶 Ou,I Ling

銀獎 Sliver Medal│賴佳壕 Lai,Chia Hao 027

《花姿秋色》 2010/10/09 - 2010/10/28

庭園景觀資材 主題特展 Autumn Sentiment

Garden Landscape Materials Exhibition 庭園是民眾家居生活的重要場所,本特展透過各種觀葉盆

Gardens are important parts of home life. The arrangement of


potted foliage plants, flowers, trees, and other materials using

搭配世界各地建築風格與特色,運用臺灣高品質花卉,打造 秋季庭園景觀。此外,由於臺灣跨亞熱帶與熱帶氣候,因此

clever landscape design methods together with building styles and characteristics from all over the world were used to create autumn garden landscapes in this exhibition. Taiwan’s combination of tropical


and subtropical climates was employed to exhibit, within a limited


space, the diversity and depth of the natural subtropical forest.


Taiwan’s native fern species were also on the display list, presenting the beauties of the island’s plant ecology.






4 1嫣紅蔓 Hypoestes phyllostachya Baker Polka dot plant

2 白水木

Tournefortia argentea Velvetleaf soldierbush

3兔腳蕨(杯狀蓋陰石蕨) Humata griffithiana (Hook.) C. Chr. Griffith humata

4 臺灣山蘇

Asplenium nidus L. Nest Fern


金獎 Gold Medal│儷諮國際有限公司 Lizkelly International Co., Ltd.

《創新花藝》 2010/10/19 - 2010/10/28

木本觀花植物 佈置競賽 Creative Garden Atmospheres

Ornamental Plants Competition 本展以「秋天」為創作主題進行景觀佈 置競賽,強調「創新」精 神,廣邀花卉團體,運用木本花卉做為主要元素,搭配菊花、葉

銀獎 Sliver Medal│田園景觀園藝社

牡丹等秋天的植栽進行創意佈置競賽,完成大型景觀作品。主題 從「秋」延伸具象、意象的創作理念,以突破傳統的手法展現。 This exhibit consisted of a landscape arrangement competition centered on the creative theme of “Autumn,’ with an emphasis on the spirit of innovation. Horticultural groups were invited to utilize woody plants as the primary elements, together with autumnal plants such as the chrysanthemum and flower cabbage, in a competition involving the creation of large landscape works. The competition broke away from the traditional methods by using figure and image principles extending from the “Autumn” theme. 銅獎 Bronze Medal│儷景園藝有限公司 Lijing Gardening Co., Ltd. 030


Dendranthema morifolium White chrysanthemum


Jasminum sambac (Linn.) Aiton. Jasmine


Rosa × hybrida Hybrid rose

4黃蝦花 1




Pachystachys lutea Nees. Golden shrimp plant


銀獎 Sliver Medal│劉馨蔚 Liu Xinwei 031

《全球花之饗宴》 2010/11/06 - 2010/11/28

國際室內花卉競賽 International Indoor Floriculture Exhibition and Competition

International Indoor Flora Competition

特別榮譽獎 Special Honor Award│ 科隆國際生物科技股份有限公司 CLONE International Biotech. Co., Ltd. 作品名稱 Title│龍‧蝶 Dragon‧Butterfly


The International Indoor Floriculture Exhibition and Competition


brought together first-rate gardening and flower arrangement

植栽以及景觀資材,並融合各國文化風情與其獨特的花藝手法和 景觀佈置,展現各國花卉特色,在國際舞台上互相較勁美麗與創 意,用驚奇和讚賞,一決勝負,締造難得一見的花之饗宴。

competitors from around the world. They used anthuriums, birds of paradise flowers, air plants and other strange new species, cultivation methods, and landscaping materials, integrating the cultural forms and unique flower art methods of different places to present the floricultural characteristics of various countries and vie for beauty and creativity on the international stage. Winners and losers were determined by beauty and creativity, creating a rare “feast of the flowers.”


首獎 Grand Prize│美國夏威夷州政府駐臺北辦事處 State of Hawaii Office in Taipei 作品名稱 Title│伊甸園 The Eden


金獎 Gold Medal│財團法人中華花藝研究推廣基金會 China Floral Art Foundation 作品名稱 Title│樂活深呼吸 LOHAS

金獎 Gold Medal│臺北市蘭藝協會 Taipei Orchid Society 作品名稱 Title│蘭的演化 The Evolution of Orchids

金獎 Gold Medal│荷蘭 Rijn Plant Breeding B.V. 作品名稱 Title│火鶴花的時尚與樂趣 Fashion and delight of Anthurium


《花之圓舞曲》 2010/11/27 - 2010/12/05

觀花植物特展 Waltz of the Flowers International Indoor

Flowering Plants Exhibition

「花之圓舞曲」以觀花植物為主題特展,其中蘭花為主要角色,搭配上彩色海 芋及仙客來等多種花卉,結合音樂、數位影音等聲光設備,用以圓球、樂曲、 流動等空間元素,演釋圓舞曲的概念,呈現花卉、樂曲及數位科技三者的完美 結合。 The Waltz of the Flowers was a special exhibition that focused on flowering plants, with orchids playing a major role and accompanying roles taken by other flowers such as colorful calla lilies and cyclamens, matched with music, digital audiovisual effects, and other sound-and-light equipment to present, around spherical, musical, and liquid spatial elements, a “Waltz of the Flowers” concept embodying the integration of horticulture, musical composition, and digital technology.

1 臺灣阿嬤蝴蝶蘭

Phal. aphrodite var. formosana Granma Orchid

2 仙客來

Cyclamen persicum Mill Cyclamen

3康乃馨 1




Dianthus caryophyllus L. Carnation



《永續庭園》 2010/12/04 - 2010/12/19

觀葉植物 庭園佈置競賽 Sustainable Gardening

Foliage Garden Competition

銀獎 Sliver Medal│綠第景觀有限公司 Lyu-Di Landscape Limited Company


This event focused on the themes of sustainability, environmental


protection, heritage, and recycling in the use of shade-tolerant

多種少見的觀葉植物,有能清淨空氣的鳳尾蕨、葉脈如同鱷魚皮 的鱷魚蕨,以及如同鹿角形狀的鹿角蕨,奇特的食蟲植物,像是 瓶子草、豬籠草、捕蠅草等。

foliage plants to create sustainable indoor gardens that last long and are easy to maintain. The display area featured rare foliage plants, including air-cleaners such as the spider brake fern, the crocodile fern with leaf veins that give it its name, and the staghorn fern, also named for its appearance. The area also presented unique carnivorous plants such as pitcher plants and Venus flytraps.

金獎 Gold Medal│千芝庭園藝 郭素雲 036


銀獎 Sliver Medal│潘佩華 Pan Peihua 1銀脈鳳尾蕨

Pteris ensiformis Burm.‘Victoriae’ Victoria brake

2 羽葉蔓綠絨

Philodendron pittieri Engl. Arisaema heterophyllum


Nepenthes mirabilis (Lour.) Druce Druce

4 錦紅毬蘭 1




Hoyacarnosa (L.f.) R. Br.'Krimson Princess' Krimson Princess


作品名稱 Title│雪橇花宴‧參展單位 Exhibitors│財團法人中華花藝研究推廣基金會 China Floral Art Foundation

《耶誕花宴》 2010/12/11 - 2010/12/26

耶誕主題花卉裝飾 設計競賽 Christmas Fairy Tale

Christmas Floral Decoration Competition 白色蝴蝶蘭組成的6米高聖誕樹,搭配上不同色系品種的聖 誕紅,加上參賽者的各種巧思手藝,將爭艷館打造成了最夢 幻的耶誕花藝 Party 。除了造景作品,場中另有「高品質聖 作品名稱 Title│織夢之夜‧參展單位 Exhibitors│曾素芬花藝工作室

誕紅盆花評鑑」,藉由此評鑑活動,推廣聖誕紅作為組合盆 栽花材,促進產業活絡。

A six-meter-tall Christmas tree made up of strings of white butterfly orchids matched with variously colored poinsettias and all kinds of clever handwork by competitors transformed EXPO Dome into a Christmas floral party dreamland. In addition to its landscape creations, the competition area also hosted a “High-quality Potted Poinsettia Evaluation” designed to promote the poinsettia as a material for potted plant arrangements and give the poinsettia industry a boost.

作品名稱 Title│璀璨‧參展單位 Exhibitors│潘朵拉花坊 Pandora Florist 038


6 米 高 聖 誕 樹 Six-meter-high Christmas Tree

作品名稱 Title│繽紛聖艷瘋‧參展單位 Exhibitors│臺北觀音鄉花卉產銷班第三班


《國際展示》 2010/12/25 - 2011/01/30

農業科技大展 International Exhibition

Exhibition of Agricultural Science and Technology 1

本展由行政院農業委員會邀集所屬各試驗改良場所及學術研究單位一同展出,以「農 科之光」為展示主軸,挑選出我國農業科技研發最好之新科技、新品種及新產品,做 系統性之展示。「農耀國際」、「森活萬象」、「漁顯神通」、「畜勢再發」及「領 航未來」等五個分區,分別展示農、林、漁、牧及生物科技等五大主題內容,呈現出 臺灣蔬果、花卉、糧食作物及其他農業研發優良成果。 The Council of Agriculture, Executive Yuan, invited its improvement stations along with academic and research institutions to participate in Flora Expo, focusing on the theme of “Glories of Agricultural Technology,” with the latest Taiwan-developed technologies,


species, and products being selected for arrangement in systematic displays. The displays were organized in five zones, “glory of agriculture” “prosperous of forestry”

1 水稻(臺梗 8 號 ) oryza sativa Paddy rice

2 甘藍

Brassica oleracea L. Capitata group Cabbage


“ magic power of fishery ” “ further development of livestock” and “native to the future” that presented Taiwan’s research achievements in fruits and vegetables, flowers, food crops, and other fields of agriculture.

3臺灣一葉蘭 Pleione formosana Taiwan Pleione

4 蝴蝶蘭(臺農1號小精靈) Phal. Tariflor Pixi Phalaenopsis

5 火鶴花(臺 農1號粉紅豹) 3


Anthurium andraeanum Linden Anthurium

5 EXPO Dome 041




2 1 琉球卷柏

Selaginella lutchuensis

2 臺灣紅豆杉

Taxus sumatrana (Miq.) de Laub Taiwan Yew

3 小垂枝石松

Lycopodium salvinioides




2 1彩色海芋

Zantedeschia spp. Zantedeschia


The world's first medium-sized fluorescent fish

3 複製羊 Cloning of sheep






《舒活、樂活》 2011/01/29 - 2011/02/20

微氣候科學特展 Slow Life, Quality Living

Exhibition on Microclimate Studies 本展以「樂活」為概念做延伸,利用香草植物、觀葉植物、 2



1 蘋果薄荷

Mentha suaveolens J. F. Ehrh. Apple mint

康,進而影響居住其內者身心條件,讓人輕易達到快樂生活 的理想。

2 洋繡 球

Hydrangea macrophylla (Thunb. ex A. Murr) Ser. subsp. macrophylla Big-left hydrangea

This exhibit featured an extension of the LOHAS concept, using herb plants, foliage plants, and ornamental plants to create a

3 百合竹

good home environment and readjust the home microclimate

Dracaena reflexa Lam. Dracaena reflexa

through design, the aim being to make the living environment

4 羽葉 福 祿 桐

Polyscias fruticosa (L.) Harms Ming Aralia



more healthy with the help of sunlight, air, and water. This kind of design allows dwellers to achieve the ideal of a happy life through its influence on their mental and physical conditions.




《年宵花特展》 2011/02/06 - 2011/02/13

農曆年節主題特展 Lunar New Year Celebration

Chinese Lunar New Year Exhibition 「年宵花特展」運用民眾熟悉的年節花卉植栽、如鳳梨花、銀柳、虎頭 蘭、櫻桃蘿蔔等,搭配東方人喜用的金、紅與黃色系象徵吉祥、歡樂跟 熱鬧的氣氛,搭配各種吉祥話諧音中的動物,產生多種的設計語彙意 象,於春節期間以凸顯傳統習俗為主題。 The Chinese Lunar New Year Exhibition made use of familiar New Year plants, such as the bromeliads, cat-tail willow, cymbidum orchid, and cherry radish, which were matched with the gold, red, and yellow colors that Oriental people favor as symbols of luck, happiness, and an exciting atmosphere, as well as auspicious animals, to produce a varied design vocabulary image. The exhibit highlighted traditional practices at the time of the Lunar New Year.








Ardisia crenata Sims. Coral ardisia

2 虎頭蘭(東亞蘭) Cymbidium East Asia Orchid

3麗格秋海棠 Begonia elatior Rieger begonia

4 觀賞鳳梨 Billbergia spp. Bromeliads





《華道池坊展》 2011/02/19 - 2011/02/27

東洋花藝大賞 Japan Ikenobo Judged Flora Art Competition

Japan Ikenobo Judged Flora Art Competition 日本華道池坊是日本最著名、歷史最悠久的花道流派,本次爭艷館「東洋花藝大賞」特邀池 坊名家,為此特展創作大型花藝作品。東洋花藝其特色在於使用少量的花卉素材,但所展現 出富含力與美的意境與勁道。火焰百合、一葉蘭、茶花等臺灣所生產的花材,搭配上高質感 花器,透過花藝老師的巧手,讓遊客體會日本花道的精髓。


Ikenobo is Japan’s most famous, and most ancient, school of flower arrangement. Famous Ikenobo masters were invited to enter their large flower arts works in the Japan Ikenobo Flora Art Competition in EXPO Dome. Japanese flower arrangement is materials to create works that are rich in strength and beauty. Taiwan-grown flowers such as the gloriosa lily, Formosa pleione, and camellia were


characterized by the use of small amounts of floral

matched with elegant flower vessels and, through the skilled handiwork of the masters, allowed visitors to experience the essence of Japanese flower arrangement.


《國際展示》 2011/02/26 - 2011/03/20

2011 臺北國際蘭展 International Exhibition

Taipei International Orchid Show 2011 本展以「蘭花源記」揭開序幕,邀請國內花卉園藝團體與設計業 者,各種蘭花元素交錯呈現完美蘭花姿態,從「現代到傳統、時尚 到古典」串連各景觀,讓人彷彿乘坐時光機,回溯臺灣各時代的面 貌,也讓民眾感受國際間不同的文化特色。而連續兩場的蘭花競 技,則邀集全臺蘭花育種者提供優質蘭花同場較勁,展出蘭花品種 達1,000種以上,可一窺臺灣特有之蘭花品種,了解其特色、品質及 優異栽培手法,並配合特色說明及專業解說,瞭解臺灣科技培育之 成果及蘭花產業傲視全球的實力。


With “The Orchid Utopia” as the curtain-raiser, domestic horticultural groups and designers were invited to use the interplay of all kinds of orchid elements to present the whole gamut of orchid expression in a complete array of landscapes from “modern to traditional, fashionable to classic,” making visitors feel that they were in a time machine that took them back through the different ages of Taiwan. The show also gave visitors a glimpse into the different cultural features of different countries. Two successive orchid competitions totaling more than 1,000 cultivars involved orchid breeders from all over Taiwan pitting their best orchids against each other, allowing visitors to observe the island’s endemic orchid species and learn about their unique characteristics, quality, and outstanding cultivation methods. Special explanations and professional interpretation provided an understanding of the achievements of Taiwan’s breeding techniques and their world-beating capabilities.











01 全場總冠軍 Grand Champion of Individual Competition│Angcm Crestwood 'Tomorrow Star’│祥育蘭園 Hsiang Yu Orchids 02 全場總冠軍 Grand Champion of Individual Competition│Vanda Pure’s Magic ‘Yen. Lin’ │邱萬忠 Chiu, Wan-Chung 03 嘉德麗雅蘭屬及其聯屬分組冠軍 Group Champion-A Group - Cattleya Alliance│Epicattleya Rene Marques 'Flame Thrower'│林朝任 04 仙履蘭屬及其聯屬分組冠軍 Group Champion-B Group - Paphiopedilum, include Phragmipedium & Cypripedium│Paphiopedilum Shin-Yi Fireball ‘Chouyi#1’│

好生蘭園 Goodwill Orchids 05 蝴蝶蘭屬及其聯屬分組冠軍 Group Champion-C Group - Phalaenopsis, Doritis & Doritaenopsis│Phalaenopsis Sogo Yukidian ‘V3-FRC1’│ 農試所花卉研究中心 Floriculture Research Center , Agricultural Research Institute COA 06 其他蘭屬分組冠軍 Group Champion -D Group - Other Genus│Trichoglottis ionosma ‘Mei Chuan’│美全蘭園 Mei Chuan Orchids











07 珍奇總冠軍 Grand Champion of Precious Orchids│Trichocentrum teres ‘Show’ │吉祥蘭坊 Chi Hsiang Orchids 08 珍奇總冠軍 Grand Champion of Precious Orchids│Dendrobium Specio-Kingianum‘HO’ │東昇蘭園 09 珍奇競賽冠軍花朵最多 First Prize - the most flowers│Dendrobium cobbianum ‘Jin Guan No1’ │景觀蘭園 Ching Kuan Orchids 10 珍奇競賽冠軍花朵最小 First Prize - the smallest flower│Oberonia setigera ‘Galaxy Star’│怡蘭園 Yi Land Yuan


《花藝競賽》 2011/03/19 - 2011/03/27

2011 洲際盃花藝競賽 Flower Design Competition

Intercontinental Cup Flower Design Competition 「洲際盃花藝競賽」為國際花藝界三大賽事之一,為亞洲水準 最高、影響最廣和最具權威性的一項重要花藝盛會,共有13個 國家,22個城市,25個機構的國際級花藝頂尖好手齊聚臺北同 台競技。展覽期間可欣賞到亞洲各國花藝設計師大量使用多種 臺灣優質切花創作出令人耳目一新的花藝作品。並藉由「洲際 盃花藝競賽」活動的舉辦,推動亞洲與世界各地區花藝界的交 流與合作,促進臺灣花卉產業的蓬勃發展。


The International Cup Flower Design Competition is as one of the three main international floral arts contests and Asia’s higheststandard, most influential, and most authoritative floral arts event. It brought together top contestants from 25 organizations from 22 cities in 13 countries to compete in Taipei. During the event, visitors observed flower arts masters from all over Asia using large amounts of outstanding Taiwan cut flowers to create refreshingly different works of flower arrangement. The competition promoted interchange and cooperation among floral arts professionals from Asia and elsewhere in the world, and gave a strong boost to Taiwan’s own horticultural industry.

冠軍 Champion│Bart Joseph Hassam


第二名 The Second Place│歐怡伶 Ou,I Ling

第三名 The Third Place│周盟貿 Chou,Mong Mao 057

《植物夢工廠》 2011/03/26 - 2011/04/05

園藝發展之未來性、 科技性及概念性特展 The Future of Horticulture

Exhibition on Horticultural Development and the Application of New Technology 「植物夢工廠」帶著遊客暢遊與水共生、與光共舞、與自然共處,充滿想像的未來植 物世界!延伸綠牆概念採垂直種植的有機生菜、利用水管種植植栽而組成天然的綠色 空調、以及利用書櫃中的LED燈就可以栽種的花卉蔬菜等,這些以天馬行空的想像力 融合減水栽培、LED栽培技術、綠能發電等臺灣園藝創新植栽方法,開啟遊客對未來 園藝的新視野! “ The Future of Horticulture ” took visitors on a trip through a richly imaginative future world of plants characterized by symbiosis with water, dancing with light, and co-existence with nature. In an extension of the “green wall” concept, the vertical planting of organic vegetables and water-pipe cultivation were used to create natural green air conditioning, and LED lights were used to grow flowers and vegetables on bookshelves. Unconstrained imagination coupled with water-conserving cultivation, LED cultivation techniques, greenenergy electric power, and other innovative gardening methods developed in Taiwan brought visitors a new vision of the future of garden arts.




《花舞未來》 2011/04/02 - 2011/04/10

國內新興花卉特展 Floral Creations

Showcase on Future Flora Stars 本次登場的是臺灣花卉界最具競爭力的 12 大花卉,包括百合花、香 草植物、粗肋草、孤挺花、文心蘭、洋桔梗、星辰花、多花菊、非洲 菊、火鶴、蝴蝶蘭和仙履蘭。近年來由臺灣頂尖花卉培育技術力捧的 新興花卉,因應國內外廣大消費市場需求,產量以月計算不斷增加, 外銷金額亦逐年成長,這些熱門花卉,在臺灣花藝景觀好手巧思包裝 下各領風騷,競艷全場。 This exhibit saw 12 of the most competitive products of Taiwan’s horticultural industry take the stage, including the lily, herb plants, Chinese evergreen, amaryllis, dancing lady orchid, statice, spray mum, gerbera, anthurium, butterfly orchid, and lady’s-slipper orchid. The production volume of new types of flowers cultivated with Taiwan’s stateof-the-art breeding techniques has been growing by the month in recent years in order to meet booming demand in the domestic and overseas markets. With clever packaging by Taiwan’s horticultural professionals, these popular plants have taken the market by storm.











9 1 香水百合

5 文心蘭


2 羅勒

6 洋桔梗


3 銀王粗肋草

7 星辰花

11 蝴 蝶 蘭

4 孤挺花

8 麥桿菊

1 2 維納斯仙履蘭

Lilium spp. Oriental Lily

Ocimum basilicum L. Basil

Aglaonema‘Silver King’ Silver king

Hippeastrum hybridum. Amaryllis

Oncidium Oncidium

Eustoma grandiflorum Lisianthus

Limonium sinuatum (L.) Mill. Statice

Helichrysum bracteatum (Vent.) Andr. Strawflower



Gerbera hybrida Gerbera

Anthurium andraeanum Lindl. Anthurium

Phalaenopsis Phalaenopsis

Paphiopedilum. venustum Venus Paph.



《國際展示》 2011/04/11 - 2011/04/25

2011 臺北花卉展 International Exhibition

2011 Taiwan Flower Show 本展以「臺灣花卉之星~百變秀」為主軸,嚴選臺灣近年來主力 內外銷的優勢花種,以文心蘭、多花菊、幸運竹等組合成大型造 景,盡賞臺灣花卉的傲人成果。而各農業改良場精心栽培的焦點 花卉,是「魅麗花鄉」的佈展主角,結合臺灣原鄉原味的佈景, 呈現臺灣新興技術與實力;「花之盛宴」則邀請國內花藝高手, 以婚禮、母親節、情人節及生日等不同主題,創作宴會佈置,展 出臺灣精緻花卉之應用。


This exhibit centered on “Taiwan’s Horticultural Stars, “ with carefully selected flowers that have dominated sales on the domestic and export markets in recent years—the dancing lady orchid, spray mum, lucky bamboo, and others—being arranged in large-scale landscapes that fully expressed Taiwan’s worldbeating floral achievements. Plants meticulously bred by Taiwan’s agricultural improvement stations were the stars of “Flower Country Allure,” which used down-home Taiwanese design to present the island’s new technological and industrial power. “Feast of Flowers” featured floral banquet arrangements, created by top domestic flower arts professionals for celebratory occasions such as weddings, Mother’s Day, Valentine’s Day, and birthdays, that exhibited the exquisite application of ornamental plants in Taiwan.



立體植栽花牆 MAP-D5

立體植栽花牆 Vertical Plant Wall

圓山公園區入口廣場佇立著全國最大的獨立式立體植栽牆, 6 米高的綠牆運用 了垂直綠化技術,突破植栽平面的表現,牆身兩面植滿了馬纓丹、炮竹紅、紫 錦草、絨葉鳳梨及紅莧等各種色彩豐富鮮豔的觀花及觀葉植物,提供了視覺不 同層次綠美化。另牆面圖案與夜間照明燈光是此入口景觀綠牆設計特色之一, 其上佈有LED燈具,除了植栽牆照明之外,還配合夜間展覽,設計多種不同的 燈光變化,製造出效果十足的燈光秀,為花博圓山公園最佳入口意象。

In the entrance plaza of the Yuanshan Park Area was the largest independently standing vertical green wall in Taiwan. This 6-meter-tall green wall utilized vertical planting technology to fill both sides with richly colored flowers and foliage plants, including the common lantana, coral plant, purple heart, earth star, red calico plant, and others, providing visual green beautification on an entirely different level. The designs and night-time lighting were other unique design features of the wall, with LED lamps that not only lighted up the wall but changed in coordination with night exhibits, providing a rich variety of lighting effects.


Vertical Plant Wall

1黃花馬纓丹 Lantana camara cv. Flava Common lantana




2炮竹紅(花丁子) Russelia equisetiformis Schlecht. & Cham. Coral plant

3紫錦草 Setcreasea purpurea Boom Purple heart

4蔓榕 Ficus tannoensis Hay. Tano fig

5紅莧 Alternanthera paronychioi des St. Hil.‘Picta’ Calico plant

6銀紋沿階草 4



Ophiopogon intermedius D. Don cv.Argenteo-marginatus Striped mondo grass


七道彩虹區 MAP-B4


Flora Rainbows

1 小百日草

Zinnia haageana Regel. Mexican zinnia

2千日紅 Gomphrena globosa L. Bachelor's Button

3粉萼鼠尾草 Salvia farinacea Benth. Mealy Blue Sage

4孔雀草 Tagetes patula L. French marigold

5彩葉草 Coleusblumei-hybr. Coleus

側看台區,利用原始看台座椅高低差階層的變化,以百日草、粉萼鼠尾草、千日 紅、彩葉草等植栽顏色與質感上的多元化,分四期搭配出不同的色彩景觀,每期21 萬多株,累計使用86萬株花卉,展現出色彩變化上的廣度和多樣性,呈現有如彩虹 光譜般的景象。 Outside the EXPO Dome, visitors saw a Flora Rainbows area that was originally a section of seating in the Zhongshan Stadium. Zinnias, mealy sage, globe amaranths, coleus, and others were planted along the different levels of the seats to produce a diversity of color and texture. Different plants were arranged for four separate periods, with more than 210,000 plants for each period making a total of 860,000 plants that

6綠莧 Alternanthera paronychioides St. Hil Smooth joyweed




illustrated the vastness and diversity of different tints in a rainbow-like color spectrum.






Flora Rainbows



Flora Rainbows

「七道彩虹」不僅面積廣大,花卉植栽數量眾多,換植所需的人工 龐大,也因看台區的步道空間有限,更增添種植施工的困難性。換 展期間,必須靠長臂吊車準確地將預備更換的植栽吊於要換植的區 域,再由人工一盆一盆處理放置。如此浩大費力的工程,只為提供 遊客在爭艷館休憩區時,可以享受這般繽紛的美麗景致。 The difficulty of this kind of planting was intensified by the manpower needed to change the plants and the limited space for walkways on the stadium seats. When it came time to change the exhibits, cranes with long booms were used to lift the plants accurately to where they were needed, and then human workers meticulously placed the pots, one at a time, in their proper location. This laborious work allowed visitors to enjoy beautifully colorful floral landscapes in the EXPO Dome area.





Flower Wall

1 百日草 Zinnia elegans Jacq. Common zinnia


2 夏堇

2 至 3 米高之立體植栽牆迷宮,採特殊波浪造型,主體以弧形鋼架鑲上一片片已種

Torenia fournieri Lindl. Torenia


3 洋桔梗

Eustoma grandiflorum Lisianthus

「繽紛」、「漣漪」、「爭艷」、「草原」、及「花園」等不同主題的牆面圖案。 當遊客穿梭其中,猶入百花花叢一般。除了白天鮮花燦爛奪目,夜間搭配上 LED 燈 光變化,風情更是不同,花朵鑲在光牆中,彷彿是個大型裝置藝術品,不單運用多 項植栽牆的專業技術,重新詮釋植栽立面的組合搭配,亦是一種景觀藝術的表現。 Entering the Yuanshan Park Area it was hard not to notice the brilliant colors of the 1

Flower Wall. A two- to three-meter tall wall presented a three-dimensional maze of vegetation in a special wavy form. Rows of planted trellises were attached to a curving steel frame so that both sides of the wall could show waves of flowers with brightly contrasting colors. Different theme designs were produced for different flowering seasons: “Rich Brilliance,” “Ripples,” “Beauty Contest,” “Prairie,” and “Flower Garden.” Passing visitors felt like they were in a floral jungle. In addition to the eye-catching daytime display, at changing patterns of LED lamps were used to produce an entirely different sensation. Flowers seemed to be inlaid in a wall of light, giving the appearance


of a large piece of installation art that used professional vertical greening horticultural techniques to give a new interpretation of flower and foliage plant arrangement—also a kind of landscape art.



Flower wall

4矮牽牛 Petunia hybrida Petunia

5麗格秋海棠 Begonia elatior Rieger begonia




地景花海區 MAP-B3


Flower Landscape 圓山公園區「地景花海」佔地約 9,323 平方公尺,利用立體土丘緩坡,以層層相疊的波浪設計經由 簡單色彩的組合搭配,呈現簡約壯闊的花卉美景。「地景花海」共展出 6期,每期以 3種花色為主, 搭配不同的節慶及花卉,展現不同的花海質感。 12月份應景的聖誕紅花海和農曆年前後的水仙花海 1 聖誕紅 Euphorbia pulcherrima Willd. Poinsettia

2 中國 水 仙 Narcissus tazella L. var. orientalis (L.) Hort. Chinese sacred lily

3 喇叭 水 仙 Narcissus pseudonarcissus L. Dis Lily

4 千日 白

Gomphrena globosa L. cv. Alba Globe amaranth

等不同主題,都呈現同一地景不同色系等豐富的視覺景觀,是遊客來花博留記倩影的首要選擇。 The Flower Landscape in the Yuanshan Park Area covered 9,323 square meters, using hills and gentle slopes to present a landscape of simple magnificence through a layered wave design and simple color combinations. Six different periods were designed for the Flower Landscape; each period featured three main flower colors, and different festivals and flowers were matched to create a different “sea of flowers” feel. Poinsettias were used too match the Christmas season in December, and the traditional narcissus embellished the area at the time of the Chinese New Year. These different color series in the same landscape left visitors with indelible memories of Flora Expo.






Flower Landscape



1香菫 Viola cornuta L. Horned violet

2大理花 2


Dahlia × pinnata Pinnate dahlia

「地景花海」佔地廣闊,每期所需換植數量龐大。閉園之後,只見幾百名工作人員冒著 寒冷低溫與冬雨,靠著探照燈照明,熟練地把植栽拔除,然後像螞蟻雄兵,團隊合作將 移除的花傳運出來,分工翻土、施肥,再換上新的植栽,動作非常流暢。一夜之間就讓 大面積的花海換上不同的美麗風貌,在遊客面前精彩亮相。 The Flower Landscape occupied a vast area, and a huge number of flowers needed to be exchanged for each period. When Flora Expo closed for the night, hundreds of workers braved the cold weather and winter rain to pull up the old plants under the glare of searchlights and then, like an army of ants, work as a team to move the old flowers out, till the soil, apply fertilizer, and plant new flowers in a smooth execution of this complicated task. In a single night the Flower Landscape was given an entirely new face of beauty to present to visitors the next morning.

Flower Landscape 075

精緻花卉區 MAP-C3


Rare Flowers and Plants 地景花海旁的「精緻花卉區」,有別於地景花海簡單俐落的 3 色設計,此區色彩 總是繽紛,由中山北路望進來彷彿彩色花毯一般,吸引大批人潮駐足拍照。本區 主要規劃於不同展期,展出各類型花卉單一種類不同品種的多樣性,令各異其趣 之花卉展露獨有花姿。

The Rare Flowers and Plants Area, located beside the Flower Landscape, differed from the simple three-color “sea of flowers” concept of the latter in its brilliant array of different colors; observed from Zhongshan North Road, it looked like a floral carpet that made passers-by stop and take pictures. The design of this area centered on different exhibition periods that illustrated the diversity of different varieties of the same species, each variety manifesting its own unique floral features.


Rare Flowers and Plants


2 1風信子 Hyacinthus orientalis L. Common hyacinth

2 葡 萄 風 信子 Muscari botryoides (L.) P.Mill. Grape Hyacinth


1金毛菊 Thymophylla tenuiloba (DC) Small Golden fleece

2翠菊 Callistephus chinensis China aster

3 千 日 菊 ( 六神草) Spilanthes acmella (L.) Murr. Toothache Plant

1 4 孤挺花 Hippeastrum hybridum Amaryllis

5 大飛燕草 Delphinium hybridum Hybrid delphinium



精緻花卉區分 6 期展示,其中 12 月展出的聖誕紅特展,一 次展出 30 個品種,為臺灣第一次聖誕紅品種的完全展現, 除呈現聖誕紅的歡樂氣氛外,更使民眾可以見到許多已經 很少在臺灣市面流通的聖誕紅品種。而隔年 2 月展出的多 種風信子與各式不同百合及孤挺花所組成的球根花卉特 展,視覺畫面美不勝收,空氣中飄逸著風信子與百合的淡





Rare Flowers and Plants

The Rare Flowers and Plants Area went through six exhibition periods; in December there was a special exhibit of poinsettias, showing 30 different cultivars at the same time—the first time in Taiwan for such a complete display. Besides manifesting the joyous atmosphere produced by the poinsettias, this allowed visitors to view cultivars of poinsettias rarely seen in Taiwan’s markets. In February there were displays of various kinds of hyacinths, different sorts of lilies, and a special bulb-flowers exhibit made up of amaryllis, creating an atmosphere of indescribable beauty where the faint aromas of hyacinths and lilies wafted on the breeze.






果樹園區 MAP-B3


EXPO Orchard 圓山公園果樹園區係與行政院農業委員會農業試驗所合作,規劃展出3 期,展示近 40 種果樹,以凸顯臺灣代表性果樹與栽培技術為核心理念,如 11 月的木瓜曲株栽 培技術、 2 月的芒果嫩梢嫁接與紅龍果、蓮霧等果樹產期調節技術、葡萄一年三收 與高接梨技術等等,來呈現多品種(系)果樹及開花、結果至成熟等各階段果樹狀 態,使遊客可在繁忙的都市生活中體驗果園之樂。 1芒果 Mangifera indica L. Mango

2地湧金蓮 Musella lasiocarpa (Franch.) C.Y.Wu ex H.W.Li Golden Lotus Banana

3紅龍果(三角柱) Hylocereus undatus (Haw.) Britt. et Rose Dragon Fruit

4木瓜 Carica papaya Linn. Papaya

5巨峰葡萄 Vitis vinifera L. Grape


Vitaceae Vitis spp. Golden Muscat Grape





EXPO Orchard

EXPO Orchard in the Yuanshan Park Area, created in cooperation with the Agricultural Research Institute of the Council of Agriculture, exhibited almost 40 kinds of fruit trees during three display periods to highlight Taiwan’s representative fruit trees and cultivation technology. In November, for example, the feature was crooked-trunk papaya cultivation, in February it was mango, dragon fruit, adjustment of the production period for wax apples and other fruit, three grape harvests a year, and top-grafted pear techniques, showing off the flowering, fruit formation, and maturing stages of different species and varieties. This allowed visitors to experience the pleasures of the orchard in a big-city environment.


此外,還特別規劃隧道棚架展示瓜果類、豆類及香草植物等,營造出臺灣早期農業社會 中自家農園的氛圍,經由小孩與父母對眼前果樹的一問一答中,是遊客於花博會增進親 子互動的好所在。 In addition, a tunnel trellis was designed to display fruits, melons, pulses, and herb plants, exuding the atmosphere of Taiwan’s early agricultural society. The questions elicited by this display, and the answers to those questions, made this the perfect place for parent-child interaction. 1 蓮霧 Syzygium samarangense (Blume) Merr. & Perry Wax apple

2 高接 梨

Pyrus serotina Rehd. cv. Hengshan






Fragaria × ananassa Duchesne Strawberry

4 觀賞南瓜 4

Cucurbita pepo L. Ornamental Pumpkin

EXPO Orchard

3 草莓







特展區 MAP-B4/C4/C5


Special Exhibits Area

圓山公園輕食區旁有一處清幽小花園-「特展區」,此區主要以展出高質感與精緻花卉之理念, 利用不規則條狀與塊狀的區塊設計,共規劃 6 期不同主題系列的特有花卉,總計展出約 15 萬株, 分期種植國內較少見或較珍貴之溫帶花卉品種,展現不同的花卉風情。如喜冷涼氣候的愛密西、 大岩桐及白頭翁,各種色彩鮮豔的陸蓮花與報春花,另外還有臺灣罕見的虞美人及鬱金香等 20餘 種花卉種類都在此區爭艷,讓人目不暇給,驚歎不已。其中鬱金香特展展出品種高達 50種,難得 一見的黑色鬱金香品種「夜后」也於此特展驚豔亮相,成為吸睛的焦點。

1 愛密西 Nemesia strumosa Benth. Nemesia

2 大岩桐 Gloxinia x hybrida Hort. Gloxinia

3 虞美人 Papaver rhoeas L. Papaverrhoeas

4 陸蓮花 Ranunculus asiaticus L. Persian buttercup

5 荷包花

Calceolaria x herbeohybrida Voss. pocketbook plant

6 鬱金香 (Queen of Night) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip




Special Exhibits Area

The Special Exhibits area was a small, quiet garden beside the food court in the Yuanshan Park Area, which used irregular line and block design to display hightexture and rare flowers. Different themes centered on special plants were designed for six periods, during which a total of about 150,000 plants were displayed, all of them rare or precious temperate species rarely seen in Taiwan. These included the nemesia, gloxinia, and Chinese pulsatilla, which favor cool weather; all kinds of brightly colored Persian buttercup and fairy primrose; and the rarely seen (in Taiwan) flanders poppy and tulip—more than 20 species in all, vying for attention and bringing 7

joy to visitors. A special tulip exhibit featured 50 cultivars including the seldom seen black Queen of Night cultivar, which became a focus of attention.

7白頭翁 Anemone coronaria L. Poppy anemone

8報春花(西洋櫻草花) 8

Primula × polyantha Mill. Polyantha Primrose



1 鬱 金 香 (Golden Apeldoorn) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip

2 鬱 金 香 (Monsella) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip

3 鬱 金 香 (Verandi) 2



Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip



4 鬱金香 (Paul Scherer)

5 鬱金香 (Negrita) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip

6 鬱金香 (Abba) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip

7 鬱金香 (Inzell) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip

8 鬱金香 (Christmas Marvel) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip

Special Exhibits Area

Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip


9 鬱金香 (Fancy Frills) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip

1 0 鬱金香 (Spring Green) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip

11 鬱金香 (Estella Rijnveld) Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip








西安的院子 MAP-B4



Xi’an's Courtyard 1 柿子 Diospyros kaki L.f. Japanese Persimmon

由「 2011 西安世界園藝博覽會」主辦單位所打造的展園-「西安的院子」,以「牆」為設

2 石榴


Punica granatum L. pomegranate


3 巴西野牡丹 Tibouchina semidecandra Purple glory tree

代的交會。城牆內高大的西安鄉土樹種「柿子樹」與西安市市花「石榴」展現西安特色, 另巴西野牡丹、德國鳶尾、狼尾草、各色的玫瑰及扶桑花等等多種顏色鮮麗的花卉植栽,

4 玫瑰 Rosa × hybrida Hybrid rose


5 扶桑花


Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L. Chinese hibiscus

6 海芋

Zantedeschia aethiopica (L.) Spreng. Calla lily

7 睡蓮

Nymphaea tetragona Georgi Pygmy water lily







Xi’an's Courtyard

The organizer of the 2011 Xi'an International Horticultural Expo created the Xi'an's Courtyard based on the core design concept of the wall, with a carved “Wall of History,” a wall symbolizing the “Culture Wall” on the Qujiang River in Changan, and an “Eco-wall” with a flourishing array of green plants. These three walls combined to make visitors to the Xi'an Courtyard feel the confluence of historic and modern times. Within the walls was a tall native Xi'an species, the persimmon tree, and Xi'an's city flower, the pomegranate, exhibiting the special characteristics of Xi'an. Other brightly colored plants—the glory bush, bearded iris, Chinese pennisetum, roses of all colors, and Chinese hibiscus—were arranged as an explosioin of color in chessboard form in the garden. Calla lilies, alligator flags, and water lilies in the pond blossomed beautifully around the logo of the Xi'an International Horticultural Expo, symbolizing the succession of the Xi'an event following Taipei International Flora Expo.



海韻上海展園 MAP-B4 1

海韻-上海展園 Shanghai Charm

位於流行館旁的海韻-上海展園,其中包含「弄裏春暉」、「探花渡月」 以及「蝶舞飛歌」三個區域。「海韻園」利用立體植栽仿造上海石庫門舊 巷里弄,進了石庫門可見到花壇圍繞古井,還有上海著名的「楓橋」等, 完全展現上海文化風情。庭園中花團錦簇,並包含了多種上海特色花卉, 如上海市市花-白玉蘭、上海特有的崇明水仙、上海市公園綠地常可見的 2 1玉蘭花 Michelia alba DC. White champak,

2茶花 Camellia japonica L. Camellia


山茶花、早中晚花色會有不同的醉芙蓉、以及利用產期調節技術可以四季 都開花的荷花等。此外,園中還種植了香花植物,如桂花、薔薇等,遊客 在欣賞時可以聞到迎風而來的幽幽清香,不時的水霧設計,讓欣賞的遊客 更能體會江南式庭園煙雨氤氳的氣氛。



5 3荷花

The Shanghai Charm was situated beside the Pavilion of New Fashion (FE EcoARK) and included three areas: Spring Scene in Shanghai Alley, Visiting Flower and Moon, and Dangcing Butterflys amid Songs. Shanghai Charm used three-dimensional planting to simulate the lanes and alleys at Shanghai’s Shiku Gate; when you went through the gate you saw an ancient well surrounded by flowers and other features that illustrated the cultural romance of Shanghai. The park area included many of the special flowers of Shanghai, including the city flower, the Yulan magnolia, the Shanghai endemic paperwhite narcissus, the camellia so often seen in

Nelumbo nucifera Gaertn. East indian lotus

4桂花 Osmanthus fragrans Sweet osmanthus

5緬梔 Plumeria rubra L.var. acutifolia (Poir & Lam.) Bailey. Temple tree

Shanghai’s parks, the Confederate rose that changes color through the day, and the water lily, which can blossom in all four seasons if flowering adjustment techniques are used. Shanghai Charm also contained perfume plants, such as the sweet osmanthus and multiflora rose, that produced welcoming scents carried to visitors on the breeze. Fogging equipment operated Shanghai Charm

intermittently to intensify the atmosphere of a Jiangnan garden.





Children's Playground 兒童樂園是許多人小時候的童年回憶,雖然本區以遊樂設施為主,但仍加入大面積色 彩鮮麗的花卉植栽,讓民眾能盡情玩樂之餘也能欣賞到美麗的花景。本區既以兒童親 子遊客為主,其草花設計大多以簡單的格子狀或圓型圖案種植,植栽種類選擇色彩鮮 豔以及易引起小朋友興趣的種類,例如:金魚草、天使花、粉萼鼠尾草、孔雀草等名 稱可愛之植栽,加深遊客之印象,讓大小朋友除了遊樂設施的焦點外,亦能獲得認識 植栽之成就感。



This area focused mainly on amusement rides, but when it reopened for Taipei International Flora Expo it featured large numbers of bright flowers so that visitors could enjoy the floral

Children’s Playground

The Children’s Playground is locked in the childhood memories of many Taipei residents.

landscape as they had fun on the rides. Since the Playground was designed mainly for family activities, most of the flowers and other plants were arranged in geometric or round designs, and the flowers were chosen for their bright colors or their ability to arouse the interest of children. They included the common snapdragon, summer snapdragon, mealy 2

sage, and French marigold, for instance, selected for their cute names as well as attractive appearance, deepening the impression on visitors and helping children to get to know horticultural plants.

1 麥桿菊 3

Helichrysum bracteatum (Vent.) Andr. Strawflower

2 紫羅蘭 Matthiola incana R.Br. Stock

3 金魚草 Antirrhinum majus L. Snapdragon

4 天使花 Angelonia angustifolia Angelonia



百藝廣場 MAP-L3


Folk Arts Plaza 原為兒童育樂中心「昨日世界」的閩南及粵東建築,於花博會改裝化身為呈現藝術作品及藝文表演的文 化館與百藝廣場,全期間數百場多元精彩的戲曲、舞蹈、陣頭及雜耍等等藝陣藝術表演每日在此上演, 呈現臺灣在地文化。而本區也設置了多個大型花缽盆栽區,分期展示多種扶桑花、盆菊、大菊、蘭花、 山茶花及迷你劍蘭等等具中華文化意象之傳統花卉與古代詩詞中常見花卉種類,映襯傳統建築感覺及搭 配節日展出,為表演活動增添熱鬧繽紛氣氛,讓遊客於等待表演活動開演之際,亦能欣賞美麗花卉。

1 醉 蝶花 Cleome spinosa Spiny spiderflower

2菊花 Dendranthema morifolium White chrysanthemum

3 瓜 葉菊 Senecio cruentus Cineraria





Folk Arts Plaza

The original southern Fujian- and eastern Guangdong-style buildings of the “World of Yesterday” in the Children’s Recreation Center were remodeled and transformed into the Pavilion of Culture and Folk Arts Plaza for the exhibition of artworks and cultural performances during Flora Expo. Several hundred exciting traditional operas, dances, parade formations, and acrobatics shows were performed during the period of the exposition, presenting the native culture of Taiwan. This area also had a large potted-plant area where, in separate periods, flowers 4

traditionally representative of Chinese culture and praised in ancient poems were displayed: Chinese hibiscus, chrysanthemum, orchid, camellia, and mini gladiolus, among others. These flowers complemented the traditional buildings and the performance schedule, adding more to the atmosphere of excitement and giving visitors beautiful sights to savor as they waited for activities to begin.

4東亞蘭 Cymbidium East Asia Orchid

5 5文心蘭(黃金紅貓) Colmanara. Wildcat Radcat Orchid

6迷你劍蘭 Gladiolus gandavensis Van Houtte Mini Gladiolus




美術公園區 Fine Arts Museum Area 寰宇庭園區

Global Garden Area


Taipei Story House










Fine Arts Museum Area







Fine Arts Museum Area The Fine Arts Park Area covered the smallest area of the four main Flora Expo areas, but it was filled with an atmosphere of culture and art. The Global Garden Area was an outdoor international-class gardening competition space designated by AIPH, and international gardening professionals from around the world were invited to participate; in total, 28 organizations from 26 cities in 22 countries joined in. The participating units did their utmost to show off their gardening skills and present planting and landscaping creations that embodied the unique characteristics of their own countries. The gardening competitions went on for a full six months.

Besides the Global Garden Area, in the northern corner of the Fine Arts Park Area was a unique British Tudor-style building, the Taipei Story House. This structure was itself a work of art, with an elegant appearance and an English-style rural courtyard. While not very big, the courtyard was filled with blooming flowers and a rich atmosphere of greenery that set off the Story House in an extraordinarily refined combination. Visitors strolling around the courtyard felt themselves in the midst of a fairy tale and enjoyed a rare tranquility in the middle of the bustling city.


Fine Arts Museum Area


寰宇庭園區 MAP-D4


Global Garden Area

「寰宇庭園區」融合歐洲特有的浪漫情懷、美洲自由不拘的風格、大洋洲陽光熱 灑的海島風情,與亞洲富含宗教與風俗文化之建築特色,橫跨四大洲的園藝景觀 庭園盡現其中。花卉與園藝植栽更是庭園中的主角,花壇植物、蘭花、觀葉植 物、仙人掌及多肉植物、蕨類與球根花卉等等跨溫帶、熱帶及亞熱帶氣候的奇花 異草,經由各國景觀造園師巧妙的空間運用安排,打造出一座座風情迥異的特色 庭園,徜徉其中,欣賞各國珍奇花卉植栽,細細咀嚼各國的歷史文化及藝術,一 趟下來,猶如環遊世界一周。

The Global Garden Area combined the unique European mood of romance, the free and easy style of America, the hot and steamy feel of the Pacific islands, and the richly religious and cultural characteristics of Asian structural art in a landscaped garden. Horticultural and garden arts took major roles, and the garden was filled with flowerbed plants, orchids, foliage plants, cacti, and succulents, along with ferns, bulb flowers, and other unusual plants that cut across the temperate, subtropical, and tropical zones. The clever arrangements by landscape and gardening masters from different countries created garden after garden with unique characteristics and wildly different moods. A leisurely stroll through the history, culture, and art of different countries here was like a tour of the world.


依照國際花博會規定「寰宇庭園區」採兩回合評分制,於 2010 年 11 月 5 日舉辦第 1 回合競賽評審,六個月後於 2011年4月22日辦理第2回合評審,兩次評審分數加總後,決定各項獎項得主,於2011年4月25日頒獎。全場最 大獎「2010臺北國際花卉博覽會首獎」由臺灣的「知『竹』常樂-臺灣園」力克群雄所奪得。金獎則由荷蘭庭園 「荷蘭花園:綠色城市.品質生活」所拿下;銀獎為日本「龍之庭~鯉躍龍門」及新加坡「鋼鐵城市優雅躍向世 界」;銅獎則是日本「四季園藝福祉華園」及匈牙利傳統庭園獲得評審青睞獲得銅獎。(詳細得獎名單如附表)

round of judging was held on Nov. 5, 1010 and the second round on Apr. 22, 2011. Scores from the two rounds were tallied up to produce the winners, and the prizes were awarded on Apr. 25, 2011. The biggest prize of all, the 2010 Taipei Int’l Flora Expo Grand Prize, was taken by “Taiwanese Garden – Bamboo.” The Gold Prize went to “Holland

Global Garden Area

Under the two-round evaluation system dictated by International Flora Expo for the Global Garden Area, the first

Garden: Green City, High Quality of Life”; Silver Prizes were won by Japan’s “Garden of the Dragon” and Singapore’s “Steel City Marches on Gracefully into New Horizon”; and Bronze Prizes were awarded by the judges to Japan’s “Four Seasons Blessing Garden” and Hungary’s “Hungarian Garden – the Garden of Tradition.” (For more details on winners, see the attached chart.)


寰宇庭園區得獎名單 獎項名稱




2010 臺北國際花卉博覽會首獎




2010 臺北國際花卉博覽會特別 榮譽獎











荷蘭農業、自然暨食品品質部,及荷蘭國際 花卉球根中心、荷蘭花卉協會、荷蘭苗木宣 傳協會聯合推廣委員會



安藤龍二 & NPO 法人地域環境綠創造交流協會









EXHORTO Ltd.(in the name of Hungarian Ornamental Plant Association)






美國各州駐華辦事處協會、 美國在臺協會農業貿易辦事處



不丹王國與 中華山月國際特殊文化交流協會



Paisajismo Magia Del Sur Andino Limitada




寰宇庭園現場人氣獎 第一名




寰宇庭園現場人氣獎 第二名



安藤龍二 & NPO 法人地域環境綠創造交流協會

寰宇庭園現場人氣獎 第三名








Global Garden Area List of Awardees Award Title


2010 Taipei Int’l Flora Expo Grand Prize


2010 Taipei Int’l Flora Expo Special Honor Award


AIPH Award


Gold Medal


Bronze Medal Singapore

Japan Bronze Medal

Taiwanese Garden- Bamboo

The Peacefulness in Thailand's Magnificent Garden Taiwanese Garden- Bamboo Holland Garden: Green City, High Quality of Life Garden of the Dragon Steel City Marches on Gracefully into New Horizon Four Seasons Blessing Garden Hungarian Garden –

Hungary Japan

the Garden of Tradition Enshu Japanese GardenWhite Sand and Pine Trees

Name of Exhibitor Taiwan Floriculture Development Association

The Horticultural Science Society of Thailand

Taiwan Floriculture Development Association The Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, and The Promotion Councils of International Flower Bulb Centre, Flower Council of Holland, and Plant Publicity Holland Ryuji Ando & Green NPO, create Association of Regional Environment

Singapore Florist Association


Global Garden Area



EXHORTO Ltd.(in the name of Hungarian Ornamental Plant Association)

City of Hamamatsu ASOA-American State Offices Association in Taipei.

United States

Excellence Award

Bhutan Chile


Incorporating Nature with Culture

The Blessed Flower Kingdom of Bhutan

Chile Fantasia

The Garden of the Royal Horticultural Society

The Agricultural Trade Office of the American Institute in Taiwan. Royal Government of Bhutan & Sunya International Special-Culture Interchange Association Paisajismo Magia Del Sur Andino Limitada

Royal Horticultural Society

Kingdom Global Garden Area Field First Award Global Garden Area Field Second Award

Global Garden Area Field Third Award




Taiwanese Garden- Bamboo

Garden of the Dragon

The Peacefulness in Thailand's Magnificent Garden

Taiwan Floriculture Development Association

Ryuji Ando & Green NPO, create Association of Regional Environment

The Horticultural Science Society of Thailand


寰宇庭園區展位編號索引圖 Global Garden Area Index







5 99


4 10

寰宇庭園 Global Garden Area Index No.

11 17



18 13




24 25 26 30 28

29 31

33 34 32








1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17

代表國家 Country 印度 India 泰國 Thailand 菲律賓 Philippines 馬來西亞 Malaysia 新加坡 Singapore 匈牙利 Hungary 帛琉 Palau 香港 Hong Kong 新加坡 Singapore 美國 United States 中華民國 Republic of China 希臘 Greece 希臘 Greece 希臘 Greece 南韓 South Korea 英國 United Kingdom 荷蘭 Holland


18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

代表國家 Country 荷蘭 Holland 荷蘭 Holland 西班牙 Spain 西班牙 Spain 阿曼王國 Oman 加拿大 Canada 越南 Vietnam 泰國 Thailand 泰國 Thailand 印尼 Indonesia 美國 United States 美國 United States 日本 Japan 不丹 Bhutan 智利 Chile 日本 Japan 日本 Japan


印度India/展位unit No. 01

1 斑葉尤加 Yucca elephantipes 'Variegata' Yucca

印度生命精神的庭園 Spiritual Garden in India 印度庭園的迎賓玫瑰淡淡綻放,珍珠柏旁一湍清水緩緩流下石砌階 梯,泉水於園中央汨汨冒出,九重葛及一串紅綻放著鮮麗花瓣,水

要表達的是宇宙天地之間的各個元素交互作用,以成就平衡穩定的 世界。

Malpighia glabra L. Acerola

The Spiritual Garden in India welcomed visitors with pale rose blossoms, with water slowly spilling down stone steps beside potted Chinese junipers as a spring bubbled up in the middle of the garden. Bougainvillea and scarlet sage flourished with brilliant petals as a Sakyamuni Buddha sat in tranquil repose under a tree. This was meant to express the idea that all things in the universe act together to achieve a stable and balanced world. 參展機構 Exhibitors│Indian Association for Gardening & Landscaping

Global Garden Area


2 西印度櫻桃 2


泰國Thailand/展位unit No. 02

泰皇式休閒庭園 Leisure Garden in Thailand 木造泰皇式涼亭既靜謐又莊嚴,亭下池塘中,睡蓮圍繞著佛像綻放,小徑 旁草地上淘氣的小象石雕讓人不禁莞爾。猶如小山般的巨大朽木躺臥,自 然腐蛀的洞孔裡種植蘭花、山蘇及蕨類等植物,鮮豔草花烘托映襯,構成 一幅祥和美麗畫面。 1

A wooden Thai-style royal pavilion presented a tranquil and dignified aspect, while in the pool below blooming pygmy waterlilies surrounded an image of the Buddha. A playful little stone elephant in the grass beside the path brought smiles to the faces of passers-by. Plants grew from holes that had rotted in a tree trunk lying there—orchids, bird’s-nest ferns, other ferns—and the whole area was embellished by brightly colored plants, forming a picture of auspicious beauty.

1 臺灣山蘇 Asplenium nidus L. Nest Fern

2 蒙特登慈菇 2 參展機構 Exhibitors│BIZ International Trading Co., Ltd


Sagittaria montevidensis Giant Arrowhead

菲律賓Philippines/展位Unit No. 03

馬尼拉圍城-Intramuros The Fortress of Intramuros, Manila-Intramuros 「圍城」,是菲律賓在西班牙殖民時期所留下的特別地標,用 來阻隔海盜和不合作的原住民進入當時西班牙駐留的城鎮中心 「Intramuros」(意即「在牆壁裡面」)。菲律賓庭園即以此為設計 主題,搭建出近三層樓高的教堂,教堂上遍植積水鳳梨與長春藤, 並以蕨類、觀葉植物及蘭花等多種熱帶植物搭配菲律賓嘉年華代表 性的面具等象徵,賦與堅強守禦的「圍城」嶄新的生命及柔情之

Intramuros (meaning “inside the walls”) is a Manila landmark left from the days of Spanish colonial occupation, built to keep pirates and natives from entering what was then the center of colonial administration. The Philippine garden was designed around this theme, with a church nearly three stories tall on which were planted vrieseas and ivy. Ferns, foliage plants, orchids, and other tropical plants were matched with Philippine carnival masks and other symbols, giving new life and a touch of softness to the power of Intramuros.

Global Garden Area


參展機構 Exhibitors│Philippine Orchid Society


1 積水鳳梨 Neoregelia cacharodon Bromeliad


2 石斛蘭 Dendrobium phalaenopsis Fitzg. Dendrobium


1烏毛蕨 Blechnum orientale L. Qriental blechnum

2 佛 朗 明 哥朱槿 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis L.



參展機構 Exhibitors│華美藝術工程(馬)有限公司 Kejuruteraan Kesenian Hua may(M) SDN. BHD

馬來西亞Malaysia/展位Unit No. 04

馬來西亞生活庭園 Garden of Life, Malaysia 馬來西亞以當地的生活庭園作為此次花博會寰宇庭園的 展示主題,外型斜面雙起翹屋頂的建築,利用竹子為構 材,建築內涼爽通風。戶外以枯木、山蘇、蘭花、樹蕨 及姑婆芋等植栽佈置,代表馬來西亞的熱帶雨林,並以 天堂鳥等熱帶植栽做景,充分展現馬來西亞的生活。 Malaysia used its native gardens as the theme of its display in the Global Garden Area, its pavilion with sloping sides and a soaring roof made of bamboo to create a cool and airy interior. The surroundings were decorated with dead trees, bird’s-nest ferns, orchids, sala tree ferns, and giant elephant’s ears, representing Malaysia’s tropical rain forests. The grounds were decorated by birds of paradise and other tropical plants illustrating life in Malaysia.


新加坡Singapore/展位Unit No. 05

鋼鐵城市優雅躍向新世界 Steel City Marches on Gracefully into New Horizon

Global Garden Area

參展機構 Exhibitors│新加坡花商協會 Singapore Florist Association

新加坡花商公會以精緻的植物環繞著鋼構的城市意象,象徵城市與森林的 共生關係。園內以採用翠綠龍舌蘭、五彩千年木、蘇鐵、桔梗蘭等旱地及 熱帶地區植栽為主,四季秋海棠與矮牽牛等鮮艷草花,與鋼鐵四方框意象 結合,形成大膽對比卻不衝突的視覺,也表達出此庭園想傳遞「城市綠


洲」的概念與信念。 The Singapore Florist Association surrounded its image of a steel city with exquisite plants to symbolize the symbiotic relationship between city and forest. The grounds were decorated primarily with emerald-green century plants, dragon trees, sago palms, campanula orchids, and other dryland and tropical plants, together with brightly colored wax begonias and common petunias that combined with the steel-square image to form a boldly contrasting, but not conflicting, expression of the idea of the “urban oasis.”

2 1 翠綠龍舌蘭 Agave attenuata. Spineless agave

2 五彩千年木 Dracaena marginata Lam. cv. 'Tricolor'. Dragon Tree

3 蘇鐵 Cycas revoluta Thunb. Sago palm



匈牙利Hungary/展位Unit No. 06


匈牙利傳統庭園 Hungarian Garden – the Garden of Tradition 「Puszta」為匈牙利獨特的庭院設計,以植有觀葉植物的弧形花架 1 冷 水花 Pilea notata C. H.Wright Aluminum Plant

2 美 女櫻 2

Verbena hybrida Garden verbena

象徵北方丘陵山地。在庭園的中央,牧羊人正引導著羊群飲水,佇 立在庭園中的汲水器稱為「Gémeskút」,是「Puszta」庭園中古典 的水源型式,而羊群三三兩兩散落在園中,將鄉村裡自然的田園生 活完全融入於庭園景觀。另外,以彩葉草與一串紅等栽植成花圃形 式,呈現匈牙利經典刺繡圖形,使遊客細細品味到「Puszta」自然 奔放之美。 “Puszta” is a uniquely Hungarian type of garden design, with foliage plants growing on arc-shaped trellises representing the mountainous country to the north. In the middle of the garden a shepherd led his sheep to water, a water bucket representing the traditional method of supplying water to gardens. The herd of sheep scattered about the garden brought natural farm life into the garden landscape. Flowerbeds of coleus and scarlet sage illustrated classic Hungarian embroidery patterns, giving visitors a taste of the natural beauty of “Puszta.”

參展機構 Exhibitors│EXHORTO Ltd.(in the name of Hungarian Ornamental Plant Association)


Global Garden Area

參展機構 Exhibitors│帛琉共和國總統府國家經濟顧問雷均臺北辦公室 Palau National Economic Advisor Mr. Alex Lei's Office in Taipei, Republic of Palau

帛琉Palau/展位Unit No. 07

珊瑚花園 Coral Garden 彩紅的故鄉-帛琉,利用水瀑、藍色潟湖、白色沙灘、木造獨 木舟、椰子樹、巨大礁石以及熱帶植栽等組合成色彩鮮明的景 色,將帛琉代表性的海洋生態融入造景之中,並展出經由帛琉 總統簽名許可出口,重達 100 多公斤、貝齡估算達 125 年的硨


渠貝(又稱巨人蚌),帶給民眾帛琉原色原味的生命力。 The land of rainbows—Palau—used a waterfall, blue lagoon, white beach, wooden canoe, coconut tree, huge coral rocks, and tropical plants to compose a brightly colored scene integrating that island country’s iconic marine ecology. The display also included a giant clam, estimated to be 125 years old, a symbol of the native Palauan life force that required the signature of Palau’s president himself to export. 1可可椰子 Cocos nucifera L. Coconut

2旅人蕉 2

Ravenala madagascariensis Sonn. Traveller's palm


香港Hong Kong/展位Unit No. 08

香港-亞洲國際都會 Hong Kong - Asian Cosmopolitan


香港參展庭園以維多利亞港兩旁別具特色的建築物和生長於香 港水域的中華白海豚為主要設計。象徵香港文化中心的流線型 綠牆,由黃帝菊、非洲鳳仙花及鳥尾花等草花與海豚綠雕噴泉 相互搭配帶出「香港-亞洲國際都會」的主題信息。

2 1 細 葉龍船花 ( 白 龍船花) Clerodendrum paniculatum L. f. albiflorum (Hemsl.) Hsieh White glorybower

The design of Hong Kong’s garden display focused on landmark buildings on both sides of Victoria Harbor as well as the Chinese white dolphin that inhabits surrounding waters. A laminar-flow green wall symbolizing the Hong Kong Cultural Centre was decorated with butter daisies, busy Lizzies, and firecracker flowers, matched with a dolphin fountain, to portray the theme of “Hong Kong – Asian Cosmopolitan City.”

2 豔 紫荊 Bauhinia × blakeana Dunn. Hong kong orchid tree

3 鳥 尾花 3

Crossandra infundibuliformis Firecracker flower

3 參展機構 Exhibitors│香港康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department, Hong Kong, China


參展機構 Exhibitors│新加坡花卉協會 & 經典景觀工程有限公司 Singapore Florist Association Global Garden Area

1 象牙木 Diospyros ferrea Ivory Wood

2 酒瓶椰子 Hyophorbe lagenicaulis Bottle palm

新加坡Singapore/展位Unit No. 09


花苑園景 The Flower Garden 「新加坡花卉協會」為營造新加坡「花園城市」的景色,選用羅漢松、棕櫚樹、 象牙樹等較高大植栽作為視覺主要落點,並以石塊及草花修飾稜角線條,呈現井 然卻不死板的造景景觀。新加坡明瞭都市化過程中,生態環境必受影響,故大力 推廣環境綠化,讓城市的主體縮小,放大花園的綠化概念,有益提升民眾心靈。 To create a “garden city” landscape, the Singapore Florist Association choose relatively large plants, including the Yew podocarp, palm, and ivorywood, as the visual focus, with stones and grasses embellishing squared lines in a presentation of a scene that was methodical but by no means rigid. Singapore fully understands that the environment cannot avoid being affected by the process of urbanization, and so vigorously promotes environmental greening under the green concept of shrinking the main body of the city while expanding its gardens so as to uplift the spirits of urban residents.



參展機構 Exhibitors│美國夏威夷州政府駐臺北辦事處 State of Hawaii Office in Taipei 1 白天堂鳥 Strelitzia reginae Aiton Parrots Heliconia

2 金邊龍舌蘭 Agave americana Centnry plant


美國United States/展位Unit No. 10

夏威夷的熱帶天堂 Hawaii's Tropical Paradise 夏威夷四季和煦,極適合熱帶植物生長,以來自世界各地的珍奇植物,融合成獨樹 一格的「植物園庭園」,使得奇花異卉成了夏威夷景觀設計的靈魂。多棵近10米高 的大型棕櫚植物、龍舌蘭、雞蛋花、天堂鳥及代表夏威夷的扶桑花,搭配巨石高低 栽植,叢林般的景象就在眼前,讓人不動起渡假之心也難! Hawaii enjoys pleasant weather all year round, making it ideal for the growth of tropical plants. These plants were combined with other rare plants from throughout the world to produce a unique “plant garden” in which strange and unusual flowers presented the soul of Hawaiian landscape design. Palm trees nearly 10 meters tall, dragon-tree agaves, plumeria trees, birds of paradise, and the hibiscus that is so representative of Hawaii, matched with boulders of different sizes, formed a jungle-like landscape that encouraged visitors to take a vacation in Hawaii straight away!



中華民國Republic of China /展位Unit No. 11

知「竹」常樂-臺灣園 Taiwanese Garden - Bamboo

人氣獎 Popularity


Grand Prize


臺灣庭園外圍的茶樹及檳榔是臺灣山區常見的景觀組合。茶,不只 可以當作飲料,也是一種感情上的傳遞,藉此以表達臺灣人熱情好 客的精神。庭園入口處利用貨櫃中展示調控溫濕度及光線的蝴蝶蘭 外銷花期調整技術。而庭園主題設計是大量運用臺灣盛產的竹子為 素材,以編織方式創造出穀倉造型,抬頭一望可以感受到由外面透 進來的光線,猶如天幕一般,象徵臺灣人敬天畏地的精神。

1 1 臺茶 12 號

Camellia sinensis (L.) O. Kuntze Tea


Global Garden Area

The tea bushes and betel nut trees around the Taiwanese Garden presented a tableau that is commonly seen in Taiwan’s mountain areas. Tea not only serves as a drink but can also act as a conveyor of affection, thus representing the warm hospitality of the Taiwanese people. A freight container at the entrance to the garden was used to display the temperature, humidity, and light conditioning techniques used during the export period for the butterfly orchid (Phalaenopsis). The main theme of the garden was a granary woven of the bamboo which Taiwan produces in such abundance; looking up inside the granary, you could see the rays of sunlight penetrating from the outside, as if from the canopy of heaven, and feel the spirit of the Taiwanese respect for nature. 2 檳榔樹 Arecae catechu L. Betel Nut

參展機構 Exhibitors│臺灣區花卉發展協會 Taiwan Floriculture Development Association


希臘Greece/展位Unit No. 12.13.14

希臘庭園: 一條綻放到新視界的河流 Greek Garden : A River that Introduces New Horizon 希臘為歷史悠久的文化古國,壯觀的仿古希臘建築旁展示希臘自然農耕 田園景色,包含當地常食用的蔬菜,如馬鈴薯、胡蘿蔔、高麗菜、薄荷 等。於藍白相間地中海風格建築後方是奧林匹克象徵五大洲的圓環圖 形,這些代表團結與競爭的圓環以「綠色」呈現,用以傳達鼓勵種植植 栽來挽救環境和氣候的主要理念。

1 1 芹菜

Apium graveolens L. var. dulce (Mill.) DC. Celery

2 2馬鈴薯

參展機構 Exhibitors│City of Mytilene


Solanum tuberosum L. Potato

Greece is a country with an ancient culture, and in the Greek Garden a natural farming scene was placed beside a structure in the classical style. The plants growing there included local vegetables such as potatoes, carrots, cabbage, and mint. Behind the blue-and-white Mediterranean-style structure was the Olympic symbol of circles representing the five continents. The circle representing unity and competition was presented in green to promote the cultivation of plants as a means of saving the environment and the climate.

1 1 臺灣肖楠

南韓South Korea/展位Unit No. 15

Calocedrus macrolepis Kurz var. formosana (Florin) Cheng & L K Fu Formosan Calocedrus

Global Garden Area

參展機構 Exhibitors│Korea Flower Production Farming Association

2 2 胡椒木

Zanthoxylum piperitum (L.) DC Pepper tree

大長今庭院 Jang Geum Garden

韓國傳統的庭院文化結合了蒙皇帝賜建的紅箭門、供農忙休憩的 茅草亭、加工穀物的水車房以及醬缸台等庭院布局,皆展現了韓 國人祖先們的日常生活。庭園周圍以羅漢松、仙丹為綠籬,水池 邊斜倚著黑松與扁柏,大波斯菊、日日春、扶桑花點綴其中。並 豎立著大長今的人物形象,因此庭院取名爲「大長今庭院」。

The Jang Geum Garden combined traditional Korean garden culture with a sacred gate, a thatched pavilion for farmers to rest in, a mill for processing grain, and a pickling jar platform in a display of elements from the ancestors of the Korean people. The garden was surrounded by a hedge of Yew podocarp and Chinese ixora; Japanese black pine and falsecypress stood beside a pool, interspersed with Mexican asters, Madagascar periwinkles, and Chinese hibiscus. The tableau was completed by the installation of human figures.


參展機構 Exhibitors│英國皇家園藝學會 Royal Horticultural Society 1 香茅 Cymbopogon nardus Citronella grass

2 藍星花

Evolvulus nuttallianus Roem. & Schult. Blue daze

3 羽葉薰衣草 Lavandula pinnata Fernleaf lavender




英國United Kingdom/展位Unit No. 16

英國皇家園藝學會庭園 The Garden of the Royal Horticultural Society 本庭園的重點特色在於周圍的英式混搭綠籬,並以圓球流水裝置藝術為中 心,且精心選用適應臺灣亞熱帶氣候生長的植物種類。紫嬌花於入口處盛 開,羅望子、巴西野牡丹、藍星花、南天竹等各式灌木及草花,細膩地表現 出自然庭園的手法。當然,英式庭園不可少的香草植物,如薰衣草、迷迭 香、香茅草等,亦在不同的角落釋放著迷人香氣。 The focal features of this garden were the English-style hedge that surrounded it and the spherical flowing-water installation at its center, as well as the plants that were chosen to match Taiwan’s tropical climate. Nodding catchflies bloomed in profusion at the entrance, while tamarinds, princess flowers, and Blue daze were carefully arranged to express the methods of natural gardening. An English garden could not be without its herbs, of course; and they were here, giving off their enchanting aromas from different corners of the garden: lavender, rosemary, and lemongrass. 120

荷蘭Holland/展位Unit No. 17.18.19

荷蘭花園- 綠色城市.品質生活

Holland Garden: Green City, High Quality of Life 歐洲花卉大國-荷蘭,佈展內容主要想表達的是「城市花園」的概 念。展區中搭建的方格框架建築,象徵高度發展的都市,再搭植臺 灣少見的大葉品種長春藤「Woerner」佈置外觀的牆面,象徵「綠 城市」。以鼠尾草、迷迭香、繁星花等多種草花,搭配鬱金香、風 信子等球根花卉,並加入了荷蘭傳統木鞋等特色元素,充分展現荷 蘭風情。


2 1 金容常春藤 Hedera helix L.‘Schester’ Hedera

2 鬱金香 Tulipa gesneriana L. Tulip

Global Garden Area

Holland is the horticultural center of Europe, and its contribution was designed around the “garden city” concept. A square-framework structure in the garden symbolized a highly developed city, surrounded by a wall face made up of the big-leafed ivy variety “Woerner,” symbolic of the “green city.” Garden sage, rosemary, Egyptian star clusters, and other plants were accompanied by bulb plants such as tulips and common hyacinths and embellished with other elements such as the traditional Dutch wooden shoes, giving the whole display an atmosphere of Dutch romance.

參展機構 Exhibitors│The Netherlands Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality, and The Promotion Councils of International Flower Bulb Centre, Flower Council of Holland, and Plant Publicity Holland


西班牙Spain/展位Unit No. 20.21

紀錄的蛹 White Cocoon 西班牙展園是「寰宇庭園區」中最特別的一個庭園,園中沒有 其他植栽,巨大的白色蝶蛹意象,靜躺在鋪滿碎白石的基地 上。此作品主要是想表現一個可穿越的空間,宛如蝶蛹浮出地 表的絲綢庭園,在白色棚頂的展示館裡,提供了一個被自然環 繞的內在空間。反射出人、人心中的烏托邦、人和自然的關係 以及人最終建造的生活環境彼此之間的聯繫。 參展機構 Exhibitors│Studio. Patricia Menese


The Spanish garden was one of the most unique attractions in the Global Garden Area, with no plants to accompany a huge white cocoon sculpture lying on a bed of white gravel. The idea was to express the image of transcending space, like a cocoon hatching out in a garden of silk, and the white-topped pavilion provided an interior space surrounded by nature. The whole display reflected the linkage between man, the Utopia in the mind of man, the relationship between man and nature, and the living environment that man has ultimately built for himself.

阿曼王國Oman/展位Unit No. 22

Global Garden Area

參展機構 Exhibitors│Commercial Office of the Sultanate of Oman-Taiwan

瑰麗阿曼 The Magnificent Oman 阿曼王國有著五千年歷史,蘊藏豐富的世界文化遺產,擁有五百 多座城堡,其中的巴赫拉城堡有著七公里長的城牆,於西元 一九八七年被 UNESCO 列入文化遺產。佈展單位特別將等比縮 小的阿曼城堡呈現於此,白色的城堡與細砂,並以阿曼的國花- 「玫瑰花」與阿曼人生活息息相關的椰棗樹裝飾,將中東風味庭 園重現花博會場。 Oman has a history of 5,000 years and a rich cultural heritage, with more than 500 forts. One of these, Bahla Fort, has walls stretching seven kilometers and was listed as a heritage site by UNESCO in 1987. A scale model of Bahla Fort was presented at Flora Expo, with white walls and fine sand; it was embellished by Oman’s national flower, the rose, and the date palms that are so closely associated with the lives of Oman’s people, bringing the flavor of the Middle East to Taiwan.


2 1 玫瑰 Rosa × hybrida Hybrid rose

2 銀海棗

Phoenix sylvestris (L.) Roxb. Silver date palm


加拿大Canada/展位Unit No. 23



以超越極限的園林藝術與 科技拯救都市叢林

1萵苣 Lactuca sativa L Lettuce

2 裂 葉萵苣 2

Lactuca indica L. forma indivisa (Maxim.) Hara

EXPONICS - Saving the concrete jungle with groundbreaking landscape art and technology 鮭魚為加拿大代表性的象徵,所以加拿大庭園以顯眼的鮭魚造型建 築作為庭園的主架構。加拿大庭園的主題重點為植物無土栽培,建 築外側展示許多利用水耕栽培的蔬菜與花卉,並以未來室內庭園的 方式表達在都市拓展的同時,生態平衡的重要以及減輕對地球土地 傷害的概念。 The salmon is a representative symbol of Canada, so Canada’s garden was designed around the framework of an eye-catching salmon-shaped structure. The theme of the exhibit here was soilless plant cultivation, and hydroponically grown vegetables and flowers were on display at the outer edge the building. In addition, indoor gardening methods of the future were used to express the importance of ecological balance and the need to reduce damage to the world in the process of urban expansion.

參展機構 Exhibitors│Mainly Publications Inc.


參展機構 Exhibitors│Ho Chi Minh City Greenery Parks Company Limited (HGPA CO. LTD.)

Global Garden Area



越南Vietnam/展位Unit No. 24

越南庭園 Vietnamese Garden

越南庭園中,傳統的農家景致映入眼簾。越南南部特有的 BaGian房屋內展示著越南 傳統的鄉村生活文化。池畔木船,竹製小橋,伴著池中綻放著優美姿態的睡蓮及布袋 蓮,正是越南著名的水鄉風情。園內展示了以熱帶植物,竹子、香蕉、檳榔樹、蓮花 等,並以石斛蘭及迷你蘭花搭配盆栽造景等佈置庭園,呈現越南當地的氣候條件及生 活特色。 3 1 桂葉 黃 梅

Ochna kirkii Olive Ochna serrulata Mickey mouse plant

2 睡蓮 Nymphaea tetragona Georgi Pygmy water lily

3 芭蕉

Traditional farming scenes met the eye in the Vietnamese Garden. A southern Vietnamese-style house held displays of traditional rural life and culture, and a wooden boat beside a pond and a bamboo bridge accompanied luxuriantly blooming pygmy water lilies in the water, presenting the romance of Vietnam’s famous water country. The garden featured tropical plants such as bamboo, banana, betel-nut trees, and lotus, accompanied by the embellishment of potted dendrobium orchids and mini orchids that reflected the climatic conditions and characteristics of life in Vietnam.

Musa × paradisiaca L. Japanese Banana


泰國Thailand/展位Unit No. 25.26 人氣獎 Popularity

特別榮譽獎 Special Honor

泰國綺麗庭園中的祥和 The Peacefulness in Thailand's Magnificent Garden

由泰國本地技師及工作團隊,將各種具有泰國代表性的元素及其農 業文化納入庭園中。庭園從入口處的金色迎賓門墩、象徵泰國國教 的立佛綠雕、代表泰國民族熱情的大象綠雕、搭配金色圖騰的皇船 綠雕、傳統泰式木屋亭以及庭園燈等,搭配上月桃、火炬薑、蘭花 等亞熱帶植栽,每一處角落都表現出和平的信念,可謂名符其實的 「綺麗庭園」。 A team of technicians and workers from Thailand built a garden filled with elements representing that country and its farming culture. From the gold-colored welcoming gate pillars at the entrance to a greensculpture image of a standing Buddha representing the Thai religion, a green sculpture of an elephant representing the friendliness of the Thai people, a green sculpture of the king’s boat with its golden totems, a traditional Thai wooden pavilion, and garden lights, along with the embellishment of subtropical plants such as the shell ginger, torch ginger, and orchid, all of the elements blended together to give the garden an atmosphere of tranquility. 參展機構 Exhibitors│泰國農業部園藝發展協會 The Horticultural Science Society of Thailand


1 1 月桃

Alpinia zerumbet (Pers.) B.L. Burtt& R.M.Sm. Shell flower,


印尼Indonesia/展位Unit No. 27

環保的峇里風庭園 Eco-Friendly Bali Garden 峇里島是印尼在國際上的表徵,也是世界著名的觀光景點。庭 園中似 Villa 式的涼亭,實是奉祀神衹的多層塔,展現當地人日 常生活與精神哲學間的緊密關係。庭園資材選取於自然界的 「綠」概念,以竹子以及茅草搭建而成的小亭,佈植觀音棕 竹、蔓綠絨、山蘇等熱帶植栽。讓人能在自然和諧的氛圍下放 鬆心情,此為峇里島最吸引人的魅力所在。

Global Garden Area

參展機構 Exhibitors│Indonesian Flower Association (ASBINDO)

2 1 觀音棕竹

Rhapis excelsa (Thnub.) Rebd. Rhapis

2 羽葉蔓綠絨 Philodendron pittieri Engl. Arisaema heterophyllum

The island is a symbol of Indonesia to the outside world, and a top international tourist destination. In this garden a villa-like pavilion—a multi-story pagoda for worshipping the gods—illustrated the intimate relationship between the daily lives of Bali’s people and their spiritual philosophy. The materials for the garden were selected according to the concept of green nature, with a pavilion constructed of bamboo and grass accompanied by such tropical plants as the broad-leafed lady palm, philodendron, and bird’s-nest fern, giving visitors a harmonious atmosphere in which they could relax and enjoy a rest—the very atmosphere that is Bali’s strongest attraction.


美國United States/展位Unit No. 28.29

自然與人文生活的融合 Incorporating Nature with Culture 美國庭園植栽種類豐富,庭園外側近二十種多肉植物佈置成美國西南 部的沙漠風情。筆筒樹、姑婆芋點綴於生態池畔,而鹿角蕨、觀賞鳳 梨及火鶴等佈滿漂流木植生牆,則營造出雨林風格景致。建築館內展 示各種美國農產、在各角落出現芳蹤的各州州花,在庭園的出入口種 植的美國國花-玫瑰,都象徵著美國誠摯歡迎來參觀欣賞的民眾。 The U.S. garden featured a wide variety of plants, its outer edge delineated by 20 species of succulent to evoke the desert romance of the American Southwest. Common tree ferns and giant elephant’s ear graced the edges of an eco-pond, while a green wall made of deadwood sported stag’s horn ferns, bromeliads, and anthuriums, creating a rainforest scene. An indoor display included all kinds of American farm products, with the state flowers of the different American states scattered about and the American national flower—the rose—growing at the entrance to welcome visitors. 1 1 彩苞( 鶯 歌 ) 鳳 梨 Vriesea carinata Vriesea

2 2田代氏石斑木 Rhaphiolepis indica Lindl. var. tashiroi Hayata. ex Matsum. &Hayata. Rhaphiolepis indica tas

參展機構 Exhibitors│美國各州駐華辦事處協會‧美國在臺協會農業貿易辦事處‧美國工程木材協會 American State Offices, Association Agricultural Trade Office, AIT


日本Japan/展位Unit No. 30


Global Garden Area

參展機構 Exhibitors│日本濱松市 City of Hamamatsu

Enshu Japanese Garden-White Sand and Pine Trees 日本靜岡縣濱松市為「2004濱名湖國際園藝博覽會」的主辦城市,此次 以「白沙與杉木景觀」及「龍安寺寺廟庭園」兩個特色所設計的「遠州之 1 日 本鳶尾 Iris japonica Thunb. White Fringed Iris

庭-白砂青松」庭園參與本次花博盛會。「遠州」即今日的日本靜岡縣, 滿鋪著白砂及日本黑松防風林的海灘是遠州地區著名的景觀;而龍安寺庭 園則是以枯山水庭園聞名的代表作,用這兩個主題巧妙地勾勒出遠州地區


Prunus mume (Sieb.) Sieb. et Zucc. Japanese apricot


特有的在地風貌,將當地最美的景色呈現給臺北花博會。 Hamamatsu City in Japan’s Shizuoka Prefecture was the host city for the 2004 International Garden and Horticulture Exhibition. The Enshu Japanese Garden at Taipei Flora Expo was designed around two themes: “White Sand and Pine Trees,” and “Ryoanji Temple Garden.” “Enshu” is an old name for Shizuoka Prefecture, which is famous for its white-sand beaches with windbreaks of Japanese black pine. Ryoanji Temple is known for its sand and stone garden. The use of these two elements together cleverly evoked the local scenery of Shizuoka and brought its landscapes to Taipei Flora Expo.



參展機構 Exhibitors│不丹王國與中華山月國際特殊文化交流協會 Royal Government of Bhutan



不丹Bhutan/展位Unit No. 31

不丹幸福花園 3 1 蜀葵 Alcea rosea L. Hollyhock

2 貼梗 海 棠

Chaenomeles speciosa (Sweet) Nakai Beautiful Flowerin gquince

3 靈芝 Ganoderma SP. Ganoderma

4 刺五 加

Eleutherococcus senticosus (Ruper.& Maxim.) Ereuterokoku



The Blessed Flower Kingdom of Bhutan 信奉藏傳佛教的不丹,藥草為藏醫學不可或缺的元素,「不丹庭園」中 以「藥師佛」作為主題設計。藥草園造景環繞佛亭,毛地黃、明日葉、 白鶴靈芝、刺五加與七葉蘭等等上百種的藥用植物佈滿園中。讓人們體 悟:幸福來自於自覺的心靈,並祈求安康長壽的幸福人生。 The religion of Bhutan is Tibetan Buddhism, medicinal herbs are indispensable ingredients in Bhutanese medicine, and the Buthan garden was designed around the theme of its Medicine Buddha. A medicinal herb garden surrounding the Buddha pavilion was planted in more than 100 species of herbs used in medicine, including the common foxglove, ashitaba, white crane flower, manyprickle acanthopanax root, and fragrant pandan.


智利Chile/展位Unit No. 32


1 蘇鐵 Cycas revoluta Thunb. Sago palm

2 2 圓葉刺軸櫚 Licuala grandis (Bull.) H. A. Wendl.ex Linden Grand Licuala palm

3 3 霸王三角鞭 Euphorbia trigona Haw. African milk

Chile Fantasia 智利展園以竹子、黑扁石、卵石、切片木樁以及噴水池等設計 描繪出智利雄偉的安地斯山、阿塔卡瑪沙漠及燦爛的湖泊河流 的意象畫面。而園內植栽以大擎天鳳梨、蘇鐵、龍舌蘭以及圓


參展機構 Exhibitors│Paisajismo Magia Del Sur Andino Limitada

Global Garden Area


The Chilean garden used bamboo, flat black stones, pebbles, and cut wooden pilings to depict a tableau of that country’s majestic Andes Mountains, Atacama Desert, and splendid lakes and rivers. Plants of different heights growing in the garden— Ornamental bromeliads, sago palms, century plants, and ruffled fan palms, among others—created a scene of volcanic plantation and a landscape filled with exotic romance.


日本Japan/展位Unit No. 33 人氣獎 Popularity

龍之庭-鯉躍龍門 Garden of the Dragon

「龍之庭-鯉躍龍門」,是安藤龍二先生以日本的枯山水造園技術來創 作,表達「禪」世界的精神空間,參展庭園中三棵大黑松,每一個枝條 的角度都是精心調整出來的,創造出視覺上的協調,及空間上的變化。 1

而由入口處的神社看進庭園,白砂鋪排的漣漪圖案,象徵的是大海,中 央的山茶花上浮現著觀音木雕,正是大海中的觀音保佑著云云大眾之 意。砂、石、木獨成一天地,以方寸見無限,即日式庭園最大特色。

2 1 黑松 Pinus thunbergii Parl. Japanese Black Pine

The Garden of the Dragon was designed by Ryuji Ando, who used Japanese rock-garden techniques to create a spiritual world of Zen. Three large black pines stood in the garden, the angle of each of their limbs carefully arranged to produce visual harmony along with spatial change. Looking into the garden from the Shinto shrine at its entrance, visitors saw a rippling pattern in sand, symbolizing the sea, with a wooden sculpture of the goddess Guanyin floating on camellias in the center to evoke the idea of the Buddha in the sea protecting multitudinous mankind. The most interesting feature of the garden was its depiction, in a tiny space, of an infinite world of sand, stone, and trees.

2山茶花 Camellia japonica L. Camellia

參展機構 Exhibitors│安藤龍二 & NPO法人地域環境綠創造交流協會 Ryuji Ando & Green NPO, create Association of Regional Environment, Japan


Global Garden Area

參展機構 Exhibitors│日本遠東亞太交流中心

1 木槿 Hibiscus syriacus L. Shrubby Althaea

2 紫光茄 Solanum galeatum

3 綠珊瑚 1



Euphorbia tirucalli L. Milk bush

日本Japan/展位Unit No. 34

四季園藝福祉華園 Four Seasons Blessing Garden

「四季園藝福祉華園」表現出「休憩」、「遊樂」、「期待」、 「安心」、「學習」五種喜樂的感覺。各式草花、酒瓶椰子、變 葉木、水生植物、金桔及茄子等多樣性的植栽希望讓民眾體驗生 活中的綠色文化、感受自然與環境共存之恩賜。由草皮的精細鋪 貼程度、絲毫不差的鋪石收邊,到日本技師手工逐枝擺設調整的 竹編廊道,處處可見日式庭園細緻的手法風格。

The Four Seasons Blessing Garden was designed to evoke feelings of five kinds of happiness: relaxation, recreation, expectation, contentment, and learning. Flowers and other plants of many kinds, including bottle palms, garden crotons, aquatic plants, kumquats, and eggplant, were displayed to provide the public with an experience of green culture and a feeling of coexistence with nature and the environment. From its carefully laid turf exquisitely edged in stone to the woven-bamboo corridor hand-made by Japanese craftsmen, the Four Seasons Blessing Garden exuded the refined style of the Japanese garden.


故事館 英式鄉村庭園 MAP-D2


Taipei Story House

故事館,舊名「圓山別莊」,位於美術公園區北隅,極像英式童話中的建築,是花博會園 區內的三級古蹟,更是臺灣現存古蹟中唯一的英國都鐸式建築。故事館外有著耗時 7年用 心打造的英式鄉村庭園,結實纍纍的楊桃樹於入口處彎垂著枝條歡迎民眾的到來,數十種 各式不同風情的花草植物圍繞著中央水池綻放美麗姿態,銅錢草、大萍、輪傘草等在水波 裡展現綠意。磚造矮牆邊的桂花與茉莉花散發淡淡幽香,步道旁有迷你薔薇點綴其中,薜 荔藤蔓攀牆圍,鳶尾形如蝴蝶飛,造就如詩畫般的英式花園。 The Taipei Story House, once known as “Yuanshan Villa,” was located in the northern corner of the Fine Arts Park Area, looking just like an English fairytale house. A third-grade historic site, it is the only Tudor-style English house left in Taiwan. Outside the house was an English-style rural garden meticulously created over a period of seven years, and visitors were welcomed at the entrance by starfruit trees, their fruit-laden limbs drooping heavily toward the ground. A central pond was surrounded by dozens of different kinds of plants bearing a luxuriance of blooms, while whorled umbrella plants, water cabbage, and umbrella grass embellished the ripples with splashes of green. Faint aromas wafted from the sweet osmanthus and jasmine along a low brick wall, embellished by miniature roses beside a walkway; and creeping fig vines climbing on the wall, their iris shape evoking the sight of flying butterflies, created a highly poetic image of an English garden.


1 楊桃 Averrhoa carambola L. Star fruit

2 銅錢草(圓幣草) 1


Hydrocotyle verticillata Thunb. Whorled Umbrella Plant

3 鳶尾(愛麗絲) Iris × hollandica Hort. ex Todd. Iris

4 薜荔 Ficus pumila L. Climbingfig

5 輪傘莎草 3



Cyperus alternifolius L. subsp. flabelliformis (Rottb.)Kukenthal Umbrella grass

Taipei Story House 135

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