March Issue

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Fenton InPrint

March 25, 2014 | 3200 W. Shiawassee avenue | Fenton, MI 48430


ision IB Art Mural

IB Art students work on mural in main hallway; create a work of art that will last long after their graduation; represent their IB Art class By Torrey Christopher Editor-in-chief

Examining their progress, senior Ellie Pohlod and the nine other IB Art students continue to outline their mural in the main hallway. “I am happy with the way it looks,” substitute teacher Daryl Marshke said. “Suchowski is happy too, and as long as people continue to show up our goal is to begin painting next week.” The students in IB Art presented the idea of a mural and worked cooperatively with Marshke to make it a reality while their teacher Kristin McDowell was on maternity leave. “It was our sub’s idea; he presented it to us and we liked the idea so we decided to do it,” Pohlod said. “We are painting the mural in three sections, the juniors are doing two sections and the seniors are doing one section. I like that I got to put all the skills I learned from the past two years in IB Art to work and I got to make something that will be around for a long time that shows positive things about our school.” After Principal Mark Suchowski approved the idea, the artists began brainstorming ideas for the mural. “I love the idea of the mural,” Marshke said. “It is cool and represents the school really well. The student’s choices for the mural are good and I am looking forward to see them carry out the process.”

Once the students combined their ideas they decided to paint familiar places and faces around the school. Junior members of the class are painting silhouettes of people and objects in the school. The seniors are painting the middle section of the mural. “I am painting the football field and several of the photos,” Pohlod said. “We decided to paint familiar things around the school because then people will recognize them and have a better connection to the mural. Everyone’s individual part allows them to paint something that they are good at and enjoy doing. My favorite part is that I get to paint the football field in a really sweet perspective and I get to paint something that represents several sports and represents amazing memories” In addition to the painting, there will also be plastic slots for pictures. “Teachers will be able to put pictures in plastic slots in certain areas of the mural,” Marshke said. “They can change the pictures as things change in the school.” Each student will be graded based upon the work they do individually and their individual parts will be submitted as part of their IB assessment grade for potential college credit. “I am responsible for the crest in the center of the mural and some background pieces,” senior Mallory Turner said. “We are using acrylic paints and working on it during class, during some

SRTs, and after school. We are all happy with the parts we were assigned for the mural and I like how I’m doing such an iconic symbol of our school.” While the mural will take weeks to complete the final product will last long after graduation. “My favorite part is that we are leaving a part of us here for years to come,” Turner said. “It was a great way to bond and get closer with our class as well.” For the juniors, the experience provided a chance to expand their problem solving skills. “This helps us learn more about teamwork in other aspects rather than sports,” junior Becky McDermott said. “It helps us learn more about extensive processes and creation with learning to adjust or predict problems that may arise, as well as having everyone’s input included.” As time in high school begins to run out for the seniors and scheduling has begun for underclassmen, Turner recommends taking IB Art. “I took the class for fun; I’m not really planning on doing art in college, it is more of a hobby,” Turner said. “My favorite part of the class is that we have all became really close and like a family because we all share this common interest in art. It’s going to be very sad after we graduate and can’t see each other every other day. I’d recommend this class to anyone who likes art, art history, and the art of different cultures.”

Leaving her mark. Junior Lydia Wandmacher works on the outline of a student reading a book for the mural. Despite, numerous snow days delaying progress on the mural, the class continues to make progress and hope to be done before the seniors last day.

monica bradburn | photo editor

starting the project. Tracing a photographer’s silhouette, Junior Erica Simpson works on the mural during class. After the silhouettes are done the students will add the school motto and scenes from around the school.

monica bradburn | photo editor

2 NEWS | March 25, 2014

Web-enabled Wisdom

College Fair


Alternative internet courses offer students more ways to learn By Lauren Lenz writer

Take College Your Fair Pick As final decisions are released, students weigh options; plan futures Surrounded by bright brochures and staring at his acceptance letters, senior Ross Person silently debates which school he wants to attend for the next four years. “My decision was down to Kettering and U of M Flint,” Person said. “It was difficult because University of Michigan-Flint would be cheaper for me, but Kettering has the co-op program I want. Kettering allows me to earn money during college, which I can put toward my school payments.” On occasion, the choice between two schools is obvious: money, programs and the location of the school are often deciding factors. For some students, one school meets all of their criteria. The dream was all there ever was for senior Madison Kautman, who has had a close connection with her college of choice for years. “I chose MSU because I love the campus and the atmosphere,” Kautman said. “My sister is a senior there, so I’ve been able to shadow her over the years and that’s how I decided I wanted to go there. I’m also undecided on a major right now and because they have so many possible majors, I know I can figure out what I want to do without worrying about transferring somewhere else. I did consider Oakland as another option, but I pretty much always knew I was going to MSU.” Senior Gabrielle Kline changed her ideal school after some consideration on price and overall experience. “Initially, I wanted to attend Columbia- an art school in Chicago,” Kline said. “However, I ended up choosing to start at Bowling Green State University in Ohio and transfer to Columbia after two years. BGSU is closer to home, tuition is less than half the price of Columbia’s, and I will get more of the ‘college experience’ since it’s not just an art school.” For students not quite as far along in the college search, the Metro Detroit National College Fair is Monday, March 31, at the Suburban Collection Showplace in Novi, MI. Admissions officers from a selection of local and out-of-state colleges will be in attendance to provide information and answer questions to students beginning the college selection process. A complete list of colleges attending as well as registration is available online at

While many students head to their third hour class ready to hear another lecture, senior Corinne Beemer finds her way to the library and logs on to a computer to begin working on her online class, AP Calculus BC. “It counts as one of my eight classes at school,” Beemer said. “It’s important for me to continue with calculus because I’m going into engineering in college and I don’t want to take time off of calculus.” Some upperclassmen are running out of classes to take, looking for the next step in a certain criteria or looking to make up classes. Students like Beemer looking to progress to the next step or those trying to recover credits are turning to online classes Those students turn to online schooling to fill those gaps in their schedule. “Online schooling offers all classes that are available at school, plus some, like advanced classes or make up classes. One example is AP Calculus BC, we don’t offer that class here with a teacher so we have a group of kids who are taking it online,” counselor Elizabeth Elsesser said. “Some students also take credit recovery, if they fail a class they can make it up online for credit.” Online schooling is available 24/7 so students can work during weekends or at night without a teacher. “I like that I can work on my own timeline so I can spend more time on material I don’t understand or if I’m really busy with my other classes I can put off my online class,” Beemer said. “Sometimes the time management is difficult though because I don’t really have anyone checking in on me to make sure I’m doing my work. Sometimes I get a little behind and I have to play catch up.” There are drawbacks to taking online classes and it doesn’t work for all students. There are negatives such as staying motivated, sticking to due dates or not having a teacher to work with. However, most students find ways to get around the negatives. “I also don’t like not having a teacher to work with every day. I have to watch YouTube videos to learn the material or I just read my book,” Beemer said. “It’s hard when you don’t have a teacher to give you examples or help you when you don’t understand. It’s hard not having a class specifically with a teacher.” Approximately 30 students are scheduled with media center specialist Rachel Hodges during the day in the library. Hodges is like a mentor, so when students need help getting logged into classes or when they need passwords for different exams she can help.

Josh Dagg | PHoto Editor

In Focus. Senior Corinne Beemer works on her online course work for her AP Calculus BC class. This course was not offered in a classroom setting this year.

NEWS 3 | March 25, 2014 Social media

Pause Before You Jostens aims to stop cyber bullying by encouraging students to make smart decisions online

Daisy Prints are popping up all over this season!

Daisy Prints are popping up all over this season! Get Yours


then we wouldn’t have had a problem.” Not long after Fenton Confessions was dealt with, posters displaying the acronym ‘THINK’ as a set of questions for students to ask themselves before posting online were posted throughout the school halls. The posters were given to all Genesee County superintendents from the GISD, who then distributed them to their schools. “I hope that students are reminded to think

T - Is it true? H - Is it helpful? I - Is it inspiring? N - Is it necessary? K - Is it kind?

Alyssa branoff | photo illustration

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As cyber bullying continues to occur among children and teens, programs are emerging in order to stop this problem. Jostens, the ring, announcement and yearbook company, is advocating its new program Pause Before You Post™ which teaches students, parents and educators about the consequences of posting online. “We worked with Jostens to create the Pause Before You Post campaign back in 2010 as a way to educate teens about using technology responsibly,” co-director of Cyber bullying Research Center Dr. Justin Patchin said. “The idea was to give students practical advice about issues to consider when posting information online.” The program is backed by research conducted by Patchin and Dr. Sameer Hinduja in their pursuit to stop cyber bullying. “Sameer Hinduja and I began studying cyber bullying and teen technology use in 2002 because I have always been interested in helping youth, and Sameer has always been interested in computers and technology,” Patchin said. “It was a perfect match for our areas of interest.” The first thing that Pause Before You Post asks is for students to consider their audience. They ask for students to think about the possibility of it being seen by anyone and how it could affect them in the future. “I think about future employers looking at my posts but I don’t worry about it,” senior Caitlin Wiley said. “I just try not to say things I’ll regret later.”

Confession pages much like Fenton Confessions seem to be appearing in many high schools across the country. According to Patchin, these types of pages are “an unfortunate abuse of technology” that is “used to harass, intimidate, or defame others.” “There was no point to Fenton Confessions,” senior Lexi Isaac said. “People didn’t realize that if we all just stopped sending things anonymously

Daisy Prints are popping up all over this season!

before they post anything online,” Principal Mark Suchowski said. “Students, as well as adults, always benefit from not acting rashly, from reflecting on the consequences of their actions.” FHS is not currently involved with the Pause Before You Post campaign. However, Suchowski said he would be interested in learning more about it to possibly bring it to Fenton. “People won’t take something like it seriously. They will laugh at it because it’s just another adult trying to tell us what to do,” sophomore Sam Gehm said. “I think a lot of stuff online is taken the wrong way. If you take things personally, just stay off.” The last presentation given to the student body about bullying was the theater’s production of “Bullycide.” “The reason ‘Bullycide’ was so effective is because it was kids talking to us,” sophomore Jana Stephenson said. “Authoritative figures don’t work; they didn’t grow up with all the stuff we do, they didn’t experience the same things we are.” While Patchin and Hinduja urge students that are possibly in a cyber bullying situation to take control of who they are talking to through social media, Pause Before You Post and the ‘THINK’ posters provide a guide for students to use to avoid troublesome situations all together. “The impact of [students’] posts may be greater/more severe than they might imagine,” Suchowski said. “Growing up and making good decisions is hard enough. Life does not need to be complicated further by posting rude or inappropriate comments about others.”




Get Yours

By Alexis Megdanoff

Students, as well as adults, always benefit from not acting rashly, from reflecting on the consequences of their actions.” - Principal Mark Suchowksi

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4 NEWS | March 25, 2014

Water Works By Allie Howell editor-in-chief

A group of about 30 FHS students grades 10 - 12 have participated in mission trips to Dorie’s Promise Orphanage in Guatemala. On the trips, the students play with the children and also do community service projects in Guatemala to help combat the abject poverty in the region. “The water there is the worst in the world,” junior Sarah Johnson said. “A good way to help the community besides loving on the children is to provide clean water. We bring water filters and sink-like structures which provide a place to store water. The biggest thing about the trip is the way your perspective changes. I like how there are students in so many grades involved so we can raise awareness in the school.” An approximately 70 student fundraising effort for this cause started with a cancelled movie. After a power outage cancelled a class field trip to the movie theater, sophomore Michael Fabatz asked his class to donate their $7 ticket money to buy water filters for Guatemala. Almost all of the class agreed and 12 filters were purchased with the funds. Fabatz later attended a mission trip to Guatemala and was able to see the effect of the repurposed ticket funds firsthand. “I went on the mission trip to Guatemala during winter break and it changed me,” Fabatz said. “I saw the need for clean water and the impact of this water poverty. I was able to hand out water filters and see the positive impact they had. This made me want to see what else we could do.” At Fabatz’s request, his Honors American Studies (AMS) class agreed to do more fundraising as an MYP community service project. The class broke into small groups to develop a logo, website and a fundraising strategy. “My group is called the One World Water Project,” Fabatz said. “We want the fundraisers to be more than just asking people for money. We want to get the student body involved in a fun way. My group’s fundraising idea is to have another Ambassadors concert to raise money.” The Honors American Studies class is also working with the Advanced Video Production class that produces “It’s Early in the Morning” to create a public service announcement (PSA) to advertise the fundraising project. Members of advanced video met with the class to discuss storyboards and a rough outline of how the videos will be created. “Each person in the group came up with a storyboard and then as a group we picked one storyboard,” Fabatz said. “We want the videos to be between 30 seconds and a minute and advertise the fundraiser to the student body.” The class gave presentations to a group of video students about their PSA and fundraising ideas. The AMS class voted to use Fabatz’s as a fundraiser, but the final decision by the Advanced Video class and Mrs. Rausch was not made at the time of press. The advanced video class has met with the group and looked at the different storyboards and has begun selecting a fundraising and PSA idea that will be easiest to execute. This project gave sophomore students the opportunity to do something different with their classroom time while raising money for a worthy cause. “This project is great because it is a worthy cause,” sophomore Mackenzie Mead said. “Also, it is fun to bounce ideas off of each other as a class and hear different people’s ideas.” Listen to announcements for information about the upcoming fundraiser and how to get involved.

Guatemala Fundraiser

Honors American Studies class raises money to combat water poverty in Guatemala

An orphan at Dorie’s Promise loved his chance to use a camera. “My sister, Olivia, has gone on the trip and really bonded with this boy Lester,” sophomore Michael Fabatz said. “Lester would call Olivia and her boyfriend, Christian, mommy and poppy and was really attached to them.”

A local church was located near a trash dump where many people would scavenge. “We played with kids at the church and gave them personal items such as a toothbrush,” junior Sarah Johnson said. “We played Duck Duck Goose in Spanish to get over the language barrier. Seeing how selfless the kids were really puts our lives in perspective.”


Junior Sarah Johnson works with children at the Linda Vista ghetto. “At the ghetto, some of us gave water filter to the families and then others played, with the children and did face painting,” Johnson said. “This little girl, Genesis, really loved me, so I hung out with her for an hour. It was hard to leave because she didn’t want to go back to her mom.”


1. Spending time with his favorite little boy, sophomore Michael Fabatz prepares Louis to play soccer at a park. “I brought a pair of little soccer cleats that a friend gave me,” Fabatz said. “I decided to give them to Louis because he was my favorite. He was so excited to have them, he wore them even when we weren’t playing soccer.” 2. Climbing the monkey bars, Louis enjoys a rare chance to leave the orphanage. “We took the kids to a playground,” sophomore Michael Fabatz said. “Louis would climb up on the monkey bars, jump down and I would catch him. The kids only get to leave the orphanage when groups come and take them on outings.”

All photos submitted by Michael fabatz

NEWS 5 | March 25, 2014

Florida Bound

By Lauren Davis Online Editor

After winning the State LifeSmarts Competition for the fourth year in a row in February, five students will be flying to Orlando, Florida on April 26 to compete in the Nation LifeSmarts Competition. “LifeSmarts is the ultimate consumer challenge,” business teacher and LifeSmarts advisor Bruce Burwitz said. “Students compete in five different categories: consumer rights and responsibilities, the environment, health and safety, personal finance and technology. It’s a contest to see who has everyday smarts.” The five Fenton High students with the most “everyday smarts” include seniors Ross Person, Alex Garant and Chris Koslowski with juniors Kalei Glozier and Jacob Goodman. To qualify for the national competition, the boys had to beat out

Having “Life Smarts” takes five students to Walt Disney World for national competition

the top seven Michigan teams from schools all over the state in the LifeSmarts State Competition at Oakland University in Rochester hosted by the Better Business Bureau. “It’s a buzzer competition with two teams of four (with one alternate member) competing against one another for the most points,” Burwitz said. “There is a judging panel to determine which team buzzed in first and whether or not the answer is correct.” In order to be a member on the FHS LifeSmarts team, students must be enrolled in one of the three business courses taught by Burwitz. Next, these students have to be one of the top scorers after taking a series of 20 question tests over the five key business categories. “We prepare for the qualifying tests and competition by taking quizzes with similar business questions as a warm up in Mr. Burwitz’s class,” Goodman said. “LifeSmarts is great because you don’t really get

to learn about personal finance in other classes. It’s useful for kids to learn because soon they will be using it in everyday life.” This year marks the fourth state championship win for FHS, though the team members have been different each year. Burwitz and his LifeSmarts teams competed in Hollywood, CA, Atlanta, GA, Philadelphia, PA, and now Orlando, FL where they will have some time set aside to enjoy the Disney Parks. “I have park passes for three days,” Burwitz said. “We will not be able to use them all day, but at different times between competition.” “I’m excited for the trip,” Goodman said. “I got to be a part of national team last year too and went to Atlanta. We toured the World of Coke which was pretty cool and got to see the largest indoor aquarium while we were there.”


Celebrates the Ruby Zima Student Film and Arts Festival Each year, students at all schools in the Fenton district have the opportunity to display their creativity in film, performance and visual arts at the annual Ruby Zima Student Film and Arts Festival. The most recent festival was March 15. The Fenton Area Public Schools Education Foundation is a proud sponsor of the vibrant art programs within the schools. Pictured clockwise: Brianna Miller who sang a duet with Emma Bayer and received 1st place. Jessica Kundrick whose artwork became the featured logo. Julie Siefker who won 2nd place for her monologue. Monica Bradburn who won the Sarah E. Warner Award for Leadership in the Arts.

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6 opinion | March 25, 2014 Staff ED


alyssa Trapp| photo editor

Double “O” Dawson

I Need to Know!

Social media creates a feeding frenzy for information in our society that distracts from the important things in our lives

A tiny, glass screen has been in the student’s face for hours, updating her brain constantly with information. Who’s doing what, where are they, why are they doing it. Oh wait, another person just updated. Let’s see what’s going on; oh, but first let’s like another person’s post. Fingers fly across the screen with as much practice as a professional pianist. And it’s not just one student; the people next to her are doing the same thing. Meanwhile, the teacher sits at the front of the room, scratching his head as to why the class average was a D+ on the last test. What an individual knows is just as important as what one does with it, if not more so. As I see more and more people learning about each other through social media, I have to stop and question the effectiveness of such a method. Through sites such as Twitter and Facebook, there are people who will post their entire day’s events, and after roughly 10 minutes of reading, I can know what they ate for breakfast, the number of cats they own, and how their child is doing in school at the time.

There simply is too much information around us. As a result, we have become a society that is obsessed with trivial knowledge. Through social media outlets, the floodgates have broken. We are driven to constantly check up on our friends and family, learning more and more about each other. What I fear the most about this rise in social media, is that as a people, we are becoming less and less active. I don’t mean going outside for exercise; rather than try to change our society and the world, we take on the role of observers, merely watching the world around us. As a result of all this watching, we no longer act in the world. It doesn’t matter how much this society talks on forums about new philosophies and creative ideas. We have to take action on these ideas. So much of the “information” we concern ourselves with our mere distractions from our lives. We don’t need to know each day’s Facebook status, nor do we need to post every bit of our lives on such an open source. While we are allowed to take a break from life for a while, there’s always been a difference between vacationer and beach bum. As a society, we have allowed ourselves to become distracted and the best time for a foe to strike is when their opponent is distracted. While we sit around talking about trivial facts, we forget about conflicts both in this country and outside it that we can have a dramatic effect on if we chose to do so. Rather than complain about our lives, the economy, or the conflict in Syria endlessly on the Internet, we should be taking action and facing the future head on. Rather than text endlessly about how your experience at the town park was ruined due to trash everywhere, get your friends together and clean the park. The same experience was true for our Founding Fathers, who realized that it didn’t matter how many nights they sat in a tavern and thought of a brighter future for this nation. They cast aside their cell phones and Facebook accounts, fought, and did something great. If we put down the phone and look in the mirror, how are we different?

Caitlin Heenan| Opinion editor Caitlin Heenan| opinion editor Caitlin Heenan| Opinion editor

With great power comes great responsibility. Today this even with a disability.” Coleman did not sign up to be a role line is accredited as the wise words of Peter Parker’s Uncle model. He trains and works to be an fullback; however, his Ben giving advice to a teenager with accidental superpowers. influence puts him in a great position to provide inspiration. However, it does not take a genetically engineered spider bite Stardom is not the only career path that comes with to give one power and influence. strings attached. Students and parents would be horrified if Celebrities posses their own power just by the nature of teachers acted in a disgraceful way. Teachers are expected their work. By starring on a hit TV show or as the lead role in to be role models to students and to set an example of the a blockbuster movie, actors and actresses find themselves in appropriate way to act. Teachers may only get paid to teach, a position of great power - and also great but are held to a higher standard of responsibility. behavior than many other profesSTAFF ED The staff selects a topic for Celebrities get paid to sing, dance, act sionals because of their influence each issue and votes to determine the direction the editorial will take. The majority and sometimes do absolutely nothing. over the children they teach. rules and the editorial is written from that Many claim that this job description does angle. Perhaps even more important not include being a role model. They bethan the positive power of celebrity ISSUE Should celebrities be expected lieve the responsibility of being admirable AT role models is the negative impact to be role models given society’s emphasis on entertainment? falls on those who personally know the that celebrities can have. In a study child. However, it is foolish to dismiss the conducted by criminology lecturer OUR VIEW Yes. Celebrities have a posipowerful effect of celebrity behavior. Dianne Taylor, women who see tion of influence and it should be used to Teenagers idolize the glitz and glamour become a role model for fans. raunchy music videos can suffer surrounding the celebrity image. They see from lower self esteem. The study success, beauty and wealth - things almost Disagree: 6 Agree: 16 Abstain: 1 concluded that the way women everyone dreams about. It is ridiculous are depicted in music videos by to believe that teenagers will not look up performers such as Miley Cyrus and to these successful people. No, celebrities do not sign up to Rihanna can affect a woman’s confidence, education and be role models, but their resounding influence over teenagers employment. makes being admirable a requirement. The importance of celebrity role models cannot be unConsider this, Seattle Seahawks fullback Derrick Coleman derestimated. Celebrities may have not asked for this task, is the first legally deaf offensive player in the NFL. Through but their resounding influence makes it foolish not to use the power of social media, his inspiration to two young deaf it wisely. The great power celebrities posses comes with the girls was publicized. In an interview with ABC News one of great responsibility of being an admirable human being that the girls stated that Coleman shows that “anything can be done can inspire teenagers.

Caitlin Heenan| Opinion editor

Celebrities are role models and should take advantage of the opportunity to impact their fans in a positive way

Who is, in your opinion, the most interesting teacher at the school?

Caitlin Heenan| Opinion editor

You’ve Got a Job to Do

On My Mind

“Mr. Kasak always has energy and tries to make learning fun. He is always moving around the classroom.” Rachel Fleming, 12

“Mr. Ashley has lots of interesting stories. He tells them to our class and lets us share ours, too.” Wyatt Wood, 11

“Ms. Stewart knows lots of weird science facts. Some of them are funny.” Danielle Rushton, 10

“Mr. Place has been all over the world and tells us about his travels. He’s even been kidnapped.” Richie Riggs, 9

“Mr. Mead is definitely my most interesting teacher. His stories could draw in anyone.” Paige Dean, 11

OPINION 7 | March 25, 2014 edward snowden

Hero or Villain?

In May of 2013, Edward Snowden, a government employee for the CIA, uncovered information regarding multiple global surveillance programs run by the National Security Agency. He leaked this information to journalists and was charged by the U.S. Justice Department for espionage. Currently, Snowden is in Russia and wanted by the U.S. If he returns, he could face 30 years in prison.

By Caitlin Heenan Opinon editor

Snowden should be seen as a national hero because he exposed the injustice of the American government


Refusing to give up her seat to a white person on a bus in 1955, Rosa Parks made history. She was arrested for what was considered civil disobedience. Years later, she is regarded as a national hero and an activist in the Civil Rights Movement that lead to greater equality for American citizens. Releasing classified information about Federal government surveillance programs last year, Edward Snowden is making history. He is looked upon with scorn by much of the country for the same reason Rosa Parks was, for exposing a great injustice forced upon American society. Times have changed since 1955, but injustice is still forced upon American people by their own government. Snowden should be credited for giving the American people the opportunity to see for themselves the true, ulterior motives behind the agenda of the federal government and its agencies like the National Security Agency. Snowden’s actions were intended to aid Americans. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, not the land of cowards and the home of the federally surveyed. Snowden should not be punished for keeping Americans informed and protecting their rights.

Editors-In-Chief: Torrey Christopher, Ellie Cowger, Allie Howell News Editors: Shealyn Mandle, Hudson Villeneuve Opinion Editor: Caitlin Heenan Sports Editor: Cassidy Rourke Features Editor: Bailey Gauss Online Editor: Lauren Davis Photo Editors: Monica Bradburn, Julie Pearson, Alyssa Trapp Business Staff: Rachel Bellinger, Sammie Schneider Adviser: Pamela Bunka

Supporters of punishment for Snowden argue there were better ways to release the information about spying programs to the public than through the media, possibly using political influences in Congress to help. These members of Congress had the opportunity to expose the federal government and their spying, but chose to keep Americans in the dark, neglecting the right to privacy. Snowden should be welcomed to America as a hero and those turning their heads from justice to protect a fancy capitol hill job should be exiled as villains. Those against Edward Snowden’s actions might also claim he put Americans at risk as the information he released could be used by terrorists. However, in this situation, Snowden has only exposed that Americans should fear the government and their willingness to invade the privacy of citizens and the privacy of other allied nations. A hero like Snowdenshould not be exiled to Russia, but recorded in history as aiding Americans in a time when injustice occurred. One day, like Rosa Parks and the many other creators of change and justice of the past, Snowden will be able to return to America as the national hero his actions deserve and given a place in history.


Edward Snowden is guilty as charged for putting America in potential danger A hero is a leader, someone who does the right thing because it’s the right thing to do and because he or she believes in the cause. Heroes do not do good deeds to get attention and when they have a problem with someone or something, they certainly don’t take the coward’s way out; they go directly to the person and fight for change. Edward Snowden does not fit this description. He is not a hero, he demanded change, but he also liked the attention

Mackenzie Figueroa | Artist

Mackenzie Figueroa, Lauren Lenz, Alexis Megdonoff, Carly Riggs, Sam Smith, Kaylee Vasbinder, Amanda West, Riley Wilson

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” First amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Photographers: Lydia Berkey, Alyssa Branoff, Nathan Brown, MaKenzie Cool, Hope Dagenais, Madison Dagenais, Josh Dagg, Asa Green, Alexis Kelly, Erica Kolanowski, Ty Reish Artist: Mackenzie Figueroa

Writers: Brad Dawson, Ymani Ethridge, Fenton Senior High School 3200 W. Shiawassee Avenue Fenton, MI 48430

By Torrey Christopher

that bringing out the truth gave him. While the information Snowden leaked to reporters regarding federal surveillance videos may have been intended to inform Americans and change the overprotective government, he could have caused a serious problem with terrorists taking advantage of that information to be used against America because of the manner in which he did it. Showing signs of weakness in our government to other countries puts the American people at risk. According to an article on CNN, terrorists have now changed the way they communicate. A U.S. Intelligence Official confirmed that these changes to communication are based on the information terrorists gained about our surveillance programs. Some people say Snowden is being punished because he demanded change and the government did not like that. However, change was not the only thing he was seeking. The professional way would have been to seek out help from members of Congress that were elected to represent the people and their concerns. It is questionable how much Snowden believed in what he was doing making him even more of a traitor than a hero. If he truly believed in shedding light on an important issue, he should accept his punishment like a man and hope Americans will see his good and pardon him. Sacrificing one’s self for the greater good of the people is what makes a man a hero not cowardly flying off to Hong Kong and then Moscow to avoid being punished. Snowden should be in jail; he is not a hero, however I am not saying there does not need to be a change in our government. The NSA is going to such extremes to keep Americans safe that we are beginning to lose our basic freedoms, like privacy. For the sake of safety from terrorists, Edward Snowden deserves to be punished. His punishment will serve as an example for the next time someone discovers information about our government they do not agree with. Instead of publishing it with journalists, people should place this information with the people we elect to represent us.

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About InPrint The InPrint is a student-led newspaper published every four weeks by the Advanced Journalism class at Fenton High School. We are open forum. Editorials Editorials are staff editorials on which the entire class votes to decide the stance taken. Opinions expressed in editorials are not necessarily those of the administration. Columns Columns represent the opinion of the individual writer and do not reflect those of the administration. Student Polls Polls represent a random sampling of 120 students of the 1,190 students attending the school.

Letters to the Editor The staff encourages students, staff and administrators to submit guest columns or letters to the editor. Letters and guest columns may be emailed to or deposited in the boxes in the main office or the media center. All letters must be signed and include a phone number to verify information. Letters are subject to editing for space. Anonymous letters and those that are photocopied or addressed to a third person will not be considered. Photography Pictures considered offensive will not be run without written consent from the persons pictured and, if necessary, his/her legal guardian. All photography

not labeled as a photo illustration has not been digitally altered in any way to change the content of the original. Corrections If the paper prints incorrect information, any necessary corrections will be made in the next issue. Advertising InPrint reserves the right to edit any advertisement that is considered to be in poor taste for a high school publication, or one that in any way suggests a violation of federal, state or local laws. Through a voting process, the editorial board makes the final decision whether an advertisement should be published.


College Bound | December | March 25, 6, 2013 2014

Their s

Ellie Cowger | Softball

Goi Plac

Torrey Christopher Track/XC

University of Minnesota | D1 | Big Ten “I told myself that if I ever had the opportunity to play softball at the University of Minnesota, I would take it,” Cowger said. “I ran into a couple barriers of doubt where I wasn’t sure if I would make it, but I just had to keep working past them. Having the chance to play for my dream school and be a part of one of the top business schools in the nation was something I couldn’t pass up.” While Cowger pitches for the high school team, she was recruited by the Gophers as an infielder and outfielder. Along with softball, Cowger also chose the University of Minnesota for academics and the fact that the school is close to the majority of her extended family.

Tailer Pryzybylowicz | Golf Davenport University | NAIA | WHAC It was not until she tore her ACL in the summer of 2012 and could not play any other sport that Pryzybylowicz chose to get serious about golf. Her parents encouraged her to focus on something that could get her college paid for and that is exactly what Pryzybylowicz did. While Pryzybylowicz played golf her entire life, she would not have taken up the sport if it were not for her grandparents. “My grandparents started me with golf when I was four years old,” Pryzybylowicz said. “They always took me to tournaments and came to all of my matches. When they moved to Florida, it was a big deal for me because they came to everything they could. It was weird not to have them there to see their smiling faces after I took a good shot.”

Adrian College | D3 | MIAA Dedicating her athletic focus to basketball her entire life, Christopher never thought she would be a collegiate athlete, let alone a collegiate runner. All of that changed junior year when she was cut from the varsity basketball team and decided to shift her focus to running. “At the time, I was really upset about getting cut from the basketball team,” Christopher said. “Now I am very thankful it happened because I would never be where I am with my running if it didn’t. It goes to show that everything happens for a reason.” As her times continued to drop, her collegiate running opportunities began to rise. A few months after visiting campus and meeting with the distance running coaches, Christopher made her decision to run for the Bulldogs. “I didn’t think I would like Adrian because I had always dreamed of going to a bigger school,” Christopher said. “When I visited, I really liked the small campus size and the coach at Adrian. I feel that I will receive one on one attention from professors that will give me a leg up when I go to grad school.”

Fourteen commit the nex their lives to athletics; parti signing event By Ellie


Justin Hang | Football

Luke Idoni | Football

Kalamazoo College | D3 | MIAA

Central Michigan University | D1 | MAC

Not realizing he wanted to play or had the opportunity to play college football until coaches began to contact him, Hang eventually made the decision to attend Kalamazoo College. While Kalamazoo offered the academic and networking opportunities he was looking for, Hang also wanted to take advantage of the opportunities that not many of his family members had before him. “Having the opportunity to go to college, let alone play a sport in college is something that isn’t common in the Hmong culture,” Hang said. “The Hmong culture as a whole does not have these opportunities. It gives you a sense of pride and self accomplishment to say that you are a first. I don’t want that feeling of regret knowing that I had the opportunity but didn’t take it.”

Even as a third grader, Idoni’s coach knew he was going to be something special. His youth football coach and best friend’s dad, Terry Grimes, father of former FHS student and fellow CMU commit Trent Grimes, saw potential in the young athlete and so he put eight year old Idoni at center. Ten years later, Idoni has a spot on Central Michigan University’s football team as a long snapper. “Mr. Mandle, my JV coach at the time, mentioned I could go to college to play,” Idoni said. “He made me realize my potential and made me want to pursue it. Mr. Grimes and my dad were the ones who pushed me to train at long snapping. I never would have taken it seriously until all of them made me realize where I could go.” Not only will Idoni be playing with his best friend at CMU, but he also will be a part of the academic programs he wanted in order to become a physicians assistant.

Johvi Reynolds | Football

John Smith | Football

Ave Maria University | NAIA | Sun Conference Oberlin College | D3 | NCAC From the time Reynolds began thinking about college, he knew he wanted to be somewhere warmer than Michigan. Throughout the recruiting process, he only looked at schools down south, mostly in North Carolina. Reynolds did not come across Ave Maria until he received an email from their recruiting coach following his senior football season. “I went on a visit to Ave Maria and I loved it,” Reynolds said. “I like how it is centered around the Catholic church, that everything there is less than four years old and there is a water park on campus. It will be nice to always be outside training and running. My mom is always supporting me 100 percent. Even when I wanted to give up, she was always there when no one else was.”

Torrey Tailer Christopher Pryzybylowicz

Luke Idoni

In the final game of his sophomore football season, Smith’s lifelong dream of playing college football seemed shattered when he tore his PCL and LCL, ligaments in the knee that are more difficult to repair that the ACL. “When I injured my knee, I had to think about if I ever wanted to play football again and if I was willing to commit myself,” Smith said. “After my rehabilitation appointment, I knew I wanted to play college football. They put me through a quicker but more painful recovery. My physical therapist pushed me and really sped up my recovery.” Smith was drawn to Oberlin College when they showed a lot of interest in him at the end of his junior year. “I liked Oberlin because it is really a diverse place,” Smith said. “The coaches gave me a chance to play early on in college. I liked that and the whole system they have set up. The education is on par to that of an Ivy League school and the student to teacher ratio is low.”

Emily Bemis

Gabbi Haaraoja

Madison Brown

Hannah Evo

Johvi Re

College Bound | March 25, 2014



ing ces

n athletes xt four years of o collegiate icipate in FHS t on March 7

Gabbi Haaraoja Swimming

Samantha Moss | Golf

University of Toledo | D1 | MAC

While she had many D1 opportunities, Moss’ ultimate decision came down to the school environment and academic programs. Grand Valley State University offered Moss a spot on their golf team along with a scholarship that included everything aside from room and board. “Florida State, Cleveland State and Central Michigan all offered me spots on their team, but I chose GVSU,” Moss said. “I really liked how the coach cared; the team was drama free and the west side of the state is beautiful. It’s D2 but it’s pushing D1. GVSU has had many national championships and I am very excited to be a part of good competition.”

Grand Valley State University | D2 | GLIAC

From the beginning, Haaraoja never thought swimming D1 was an option. In ninth grade, Haaraoja looked a D3 schools because she did not think she would have the opportunities that she has now after moving from Grand Rapids to Fenton at the start of eighth grade. Her recruiting journey began when Haaraoja’s teammate, Haley Shaw, was being recruited by Toledo. The Toledo coach was at Fenton’s swim practice watching Shaw swim when they spotted Haaraoja’s potential. Haaraoja eventually committed to the Rockets in the middle of her junior year. “I really think everything happens for a reason and that if it weren’t for the hardships I faced when moving to Fenton, I would have never had the door opened to swim at Toledo,” Haaraoja said. “All the connections that I developed here brought me to my dream. If I had not moved here, I would not be the athlete I am today or be swimming at all in college.”



Emily Bemis | Cross Country Mott Community College | JC | MCCA Going into her fourth and what looked like her final year of cross country, Bemis faced a stress fracture in her leg that kept her from running until late September. It was not until her first race back, the second Flint Metro League Jamboree, that Bemis realized the potential she had. Bemis took 15th place overall and helped her team to its highest league finish since she had been in high school. “I was very motivated to run in college after my senior year of cross country because after not running for most of the season, I came back and was still able to be successful and was much stronger than I expected to be,” Bemis said. “I chose to run in college because it’s something I really enjoy doing. I like racing and pushing my own limits so being able to run competitively in college is an opportunity I am excited to take.”

Hannah Evo | Basketball

Madison Brown | Golf

Ferris State University | D2 | GLIAC

Olivet Nazarene University | NAIA | CCAC

Following a knee injury at the end of her junior year soccer season, Evo was not sure if collegiate basketball was still in her future. “After I got hurt, a lot of my D2 options had become limited because coaches couldn’t see me play during the AAU season that summer,” Evo said. “ I wasn’t talking to Ferris before my injury, but it was always a school I wanted to go to, I just never thought I would have the opportunity to play there. I realized everything would fall into place when I began to recover and I started being recruited by Ferris.” Evo spent the summer rehabilitating her knee and came back for her final high school basketball season in November. Two weeks after the Ferris State coaches watched her play at a weekend tournament, they offered her a spot on the team.

When her dream college offered her a scholarship to play golf, it was something that Brown could not pass up without a little thought. While she had been golfing eight years prior, Brown did not fully commit herself to the sport until senior year when she played on the varsity team and traveled to tournaments. “Tailer [Pryzybylowicz] really put it into a different perspective for me,” Brown said. “She told me that I might as well try college golf because she knew how much I enjoyed my senior season. I always loved the atmosphere at Olivet. Everyone makes me feel welcome when I go there and the first time I stepped on campus, I knew that was where I wanted to be.”

Ashley Bearden | Volleyball

Sara Wujciak | Swimming

Mott Community College | JC | MCCA

Johns Hopkins University | D3 | Centennial

Volleyball is in Bearden’s blood. If it were not for the influence of her parents, she believes she may not even have chosen the sport at all. Bearden first picked up a volleyball in second grade when her mom took her to camps and leagues. She first played organized volleyball in fifth grade for Southern Lakes Parks and Recreation. Her career escalated from there, as she was the only sophomore on the FHS varsity volleyball team in 2011. She now plays on the National Legacy where she travels as far as Las Vegas, Baltimore and Orlando for tournaments. “With my mom playing in college, she was a big role model for me,” Bearden said. “I always wanted to be like her. She used to take me to volleyball camps with her and play with me in the backyard. My mom was a huge influence on me and always pushed me to be my best.”

For Wujciak, becoming a collegiate athlete became a reality when she began the recruiting process sophomore year. While she gave up all other sports and committed to swimming in eighth grade, academics has always been a main priority for Wujciak. “I wanted to swim in college, but I was more focused on academics,” Wujciak said. “Johns Hopkins was the best of both worlds, academically and athletically. My teammates and family have encouraged me and gotten me to where I am today.”


All Photos by Monica Bradburn | Photo Editor Photo Illustrations by Alyssa Trapp & Monica Bradburn | Photo Editors

Ellie Cowger

Sara Wujciak

Justin Hang

Ashley Bearden

John Smith

Samantha Moss

10 SPORTS | March 25, 2014

A View From the Golden Gopher


By Ellie Cowger

Total Domination


Josh Dagg | photographer

The Importance of Sportsmanship in Educational Athletics

The Michigan High School Athletic Association partnered with Farm Bureau Insurance for the 25th year to host the MHSAA Scholar-Athlete Award program. Placing emphasis on well roundedness and academic excellence, the MHSAA awarded 32 student-athletes out of over 1,700 applicants in the state of Michigan with a $1000 scholarship. I am fortunate to become the third student-athlete in FHS history to be chosen for this award. I am beyond humbled and honored to have been considered and ultimately chosen to be awarded at the Breslin Center on March 22 at the boys Class C state championship basketball game. I am proud to represent my school and community with this opportunity. With this honor, I join great company. Previously chosen for this award from FHS was Miranda Olds in 2004 and Alex Ralston in 2007. This year, Ryan Fischer, a Grandville hockey player, 4.0 student and future U.S. Military Academy attendee, was also selected to receive this honor. However, he passed away from a heart condition only two weeks before we were to be recognized. While I am honored to be a part of such a prestigious and well deserving group, there is no way I would have had this opportunity without the support of my family, my coaches and my teammates. They are the ones who shaped me into the student athlete I have become and I am not only lucky, but grateful to have been influenced and taught great sportsmanship by them, especially by my cross country team, who was the focus of my essay. Below is an excerpt from my work that is property of the MHSAA as a part of the MHSAA Scholar Athlete Award program.

“We encountered the same problem against the Holly High School cross country team the last three seasons. They had talent, they worked at it, and they were good. We never once overcame that. It was the second of our three league cross country meets. Going into the race, I was our seventh runner. I wouldn’t call myself a runner, but I am an athlete. I can hang with the pack but never make a major difference in our team’s standings. One of my fellow senior teammates had been out with an injury all season. When at full strength, she was fast. It killed me to see her stand on the edge of the course every meet because running was her life. She ran in the rain and the snow, and she would probably even run in a tornado if our coach would have let her. That Wednesday afternoon, our coach was going to have me continue to run in the varsity race. Emily, my fellow senior, was about to run in the JV meet for her first race back after being injured. Knowing that Emily’s worst race would surmount my best race, I took my coach aside and asked to be pulled from the race so she could run in my spot. I knew that was the only chance we had to defeat Holly. We had nothing to lose, and in the end, we didn’t. Emily placed 15th overall, 4th for our team, and we passed Holly in the league for the first time since we had been in high school… ...The importance of sportsmanship in educational athletics is insurmountable. The value of sportsmanship encompasses much more than just a handshake at the end of a contest. It includes the sacrifices you make for your teammates and the examples you serve to those who look up to you.”

Victory. After finishing the 50-yard Freestyle at counties, senior Brant Cassidy throws his fist up into the air. In this race, he swam a 21.74, placing first and beating a Grand Blanc opponent by .37 seconds. Julie Pearson | Photo Editor

The Tigers lap their competition in talent and dedication, breaking league records and placing overall in the top 16 for four events at state finals By Lauren Davis Online Editor

If it is -25 degrees outside at 5:30 a.m. and Superintendent Timothy Jalkanen has not sent out an instant alert cancelling school, the boys are making their way to the pool deck. As the rest of FHS turns off their alarm clocks, the swimmers prepare themselves for two more hours worth of practice. This dedication is a clear reflection of the success the boys swim and dive team has had this year, breaking a total of five school and league records while placing in the top 16 at the DII State Finals. For the Tigers it was senior captains Brant Cassidy, Landon Mikulenas and Mike Banner who stepped up to the plate for their team, leading them to a third straight Flint Metro League title in late February and on to states early in March. “Leadership can make or break a team,” junior Austin Landis said. “I think the team’s mindset has changed from hoping to win to expecting to win. I think we have also changed how we practice. It used to be about working to make it back to the second day of Metros and now it’s making it back for state finals.”

Although the boys swim team has some catching up to do before it can achieve as many Flint Metro League championship wins as the girls team, they still dominated the league this winter, beating second place Ortonville Brandon by nearly 300 points, placing first in all but two events. “Finishing first (at Metros) is a huge accomplishment,” Landis said. “We worked all season for that and to see all of the pieces come together was great.” Not only did they rack up major points at Metros, but the Tigers also set league meet records in a total of four events, some of which had not been broken since the 70s. “It’s nice to have finished the season with a record,” senior Mike Banner said. “I came into the season to get the (500-yard Freestyle) pool record but that didn’t happen so I guess a league record is half decent.” Half decent, indeed; however the team’s success did not stop there. On March 7 and 8 the six state qualifiers traveled to Eastern Michigan University for the MHSAA Boys Division II Swim and Dive State Championship meet where sophomore Zach Miceli served as

the Tigers only newcomer to the heightened level of competition. “States was a different, more exciting meet than any we had all year,” Miceli said. “ We got to swim against other teams that were at our level and it was good to get pumped up for the more challenging competition.” Miceli swam in two relays for the Tigers; butterfly in the 200-yard Medley Relay and teamed up with Cassidy, Zahne Macklin and Brent Nakkula in the 200-yard Freestyle Relay which earned them a spot on the varsity record board and an 11th place state championship medal. Cassidy also found success individually at states, placing seventh overall in the 50-yard Freestyle and ninth in the 100-yard Freestyle. He currently holds the league and varsity school records for both of these events. “Breaking five school records was really exciting,” Cassidy said. “It’s what we had been aiming to do since the end of last year and swimming at state finals was our main goal all season. We finished up how we wanted to which is really exciting.”

Final State Rankings and Times 50-yard. Freestyle: 21.59 (7th Overall) Senior Brant Cassidy

100-yard. Freestyle: 47.26 (9th Overall) Senior Brant Cassidy

200-yard. Relay: 1:30.11 (11th Overall) Seniors Brant Cassidy, Zahn Macklin and Brent Nakkula Sophomore Zach Miceli

400-yard. Relay: 3:18.20 (14th Overall) Seniors Brant Cassidy, Zahn Macklin and Brent Nakkula Junior Austin Landis

Photo Submitted by Brad Jones

SPORTS 11 | March 25, 2014

The 6th Man

Welcome to the Jungle The student section gains recognition through unique sideline themes, outfits and acts By Shealyn Mandle Writer

Making his way to the front of the student section at the end of half time, senior Alex Fulton, dressed as Moses, prepares to “part the red sea.” He hits the floor with his plastic staff and the crowd splits in half, making a path up the bleachers for him to run through. The second he comes back down, the student section jumps and shouts in excitement, prepared to cheer on the basketball players for the rest of the game. From the outfit themes to the chants, the student section at the Tuesday and Friday night basketball games brought in a bigger and more excited crowd. “Our themes make us more involved in the games and I like feeling like I’m a part of something,” sophomore Macie Keller said. “My favorite theme was definitely ‘Opposite Gender Night’ because it was fun to dress up and act like the opposite gender and see guys wearing dresses.” The themes varied from Beach Night to Thug Night to Hick Nation. There were also different “acts” that were preformed like “Silent Night,” where the student section sat down and remained quiet until the fifth point was scored, then they jumped up and yelled or when they held up newspapers as the opposing team’s names were being

announced at the beginning of the game. “To get ideas we would look around online and look at what other schools have done in the past,” senior Michael Conroy said. “Then we would add our own twist to make them work for us.” The student section’s acts and chants made a difference in how some of the basketball players performed. “The student section had a huge impact on how well we played,” junior Mitchell Koch said. “When we had a huge student section and everyone was cheering, that would get the team pumped up and it gave us a lot of energy to play good.” In the past, the student sections wore “6th Man” t-shirts as well as “Tall Tee Nation”, where the student section wore tall tees. “I look forward to continuing to work with the student body to come up more themes in the future and to continue what was started this year,” Athletic Director Michael Bakker said. “Hopefully in the future we can integrate this into other sports as well and really get out and support all of our programs.”

1. Cheering for the underclassmen during halftime at the boys basketball game against Lapeer East on Jan. 24, Athletic Director Michael Bakker joins in on the stands. “I have really enjoyed the rejuvenated effort and support of our student section this year,” Bakker said. “The seniors that have taken ownership of the student section have done a real nice job of working as a liaison between the administration and student body to really promote school spirit and pride which is key to having a successful program.”

1 Alexis Kelly | Photographer

2. Laying on the gym floor, senior Michael Conroy and fellow student section members pretend to sleep while the names of the Swartz Creek players were being announced at the boys’ Feb. 10 game. “This was just another act we came up with,” Conroy said. Other acts the student section has performed at games included “Silent Night,” and the Parting of the Red Sea.

Surfs Up. Crowd surfing through

By Cassidy Rourke Sports Editor

Fenton graduate returns to head coach boys golf team and lead the program to more success

ef CHi in or d it |E e ll


the temperature starts to rise, Szczepanski says he is looking forward to leaving the lunchroom and starting the practices on the greens. “I’m looking forward to being out on the golf course this spring with the guys to work on their games,” Szczepanski said. “I also want to help provide an extremely positive experience for everyone involved in the program.”


basketball, Szczepanski led his eighth grade team to a 4-5 record and his seventh grade team to a 7-2 record. He hopes to have as much success as he had with the two teams with the boys golf team. “I’m happy to have the opportunity to continue to move the golf program in a positive direction,” Szczepanski said. “As a recent alumni who played golf here, I hope I can give back not only to the golf program but to Fenton athletics as a whole.” Szczepanski was a 2010 graduate of FHS. While in high school, he played basketball and golfed all four years and soccer for two years. “I think the athletes will like Ty,” Bakker said. “He is strong in the area of building good relationships with athletes, and that’s a bonus he will definitely bring to the team.” When the snow finally melts off the courses and


Swinging Ahead

While the girls soccer team deals with playing on the gym floors and the track team runs through the halls, the boys golf will not only have to endure the indoors like other teams, but they will also be under the instruction of a new coach: Fenton alumnus Ty Szczepanski. While he volunteers with the high school basketball programs, Szczepanski was given an opportunity to be the full time boys varsity golf coach after the former coach Steve White resigned. “Ty has done a nice job in other coaching areas, like at the AGS,” Athletic Director Michael Bakker said. “He also volunteers in the basketball program and he played golf here when he was in high school. He earned this opportunity and I believe he will continue to build upon the success of the program.” In his third year of coaching middle school boys

Alexis Kelly | Photographer



Nathan Brown | Photographer

the senior side of the student section during halftime of the boys basketball game against Lapeer East on Jan. 24, senior Alex Fulton is carried upward over the crowd. “I started crowd surfing over the seniors because we had to show up the juniors,” Fulton said. “The theme that night was beach night and this game was the most fun because of the huge crowd we had.”

12 ARTS | March 25, 2014

The Votes Are In

Fenton Area Public Schools Education Foundation hands out $1200 in prize money to eight young artists and film makers at the fifth annual Ruby Zima Student Film and Arts Festival By Ellie Cowger Editor-In-Chief

Award Winners

With her piece chosen to represent the Ruby Zima Student Film and Arts Festival, junior Jessi Kundrick poses with her artwork. “Originally I entered the contest for fun, but thought if I tried hard enough, I might be able to win,” Kundrick said. “I used colored pencil and a little marker to create my piece. I added the guitar, masquerade mask, paint drips and film strip to represent the festival.”

Visual Arts

1st | Jazmin Brown 2nd | Macie Villarreal 3rd | Mackenzie Figueroa


1st | Emma Bayer & Brianna Miller 2nd | Julie Siefker 3rd | Kelsie Lane


1 Alexis Kelly | Photographer

1st | Andrew Olszewski 2nd | Garrett Mercord 1st place received $250, 2nd place received $100 and 3rd place received $50



1st | Jon-Claude Howd 2nd | Amber Bailey 3rd | Gabrielle Farren

Alexis Kelly | Photographer

Drawing and Painting 1st | Jazmin Brown 2nd | Macie Villarreal 3rd | Mackenzie Figueroa

Alexis Kelly | Photographer

Prize Winners

1st | Logan Landis 2nd | Makenzie Cool 3rd | Hope Dagenais

Alexis Kelly | Photographer

Pam Bunka | Adviser

Design and Photo


1. Senior Monica Bradburn is awarded the Sarah E. Warner Leadership in the Arts Award. “I was really surprised to receive the award,” Bradburn said. “I have been on staff for three years and it’s nice to see all of my hard work and dedication pay off.”

2. Performing to ‘Slow Dancing in a Burning Room,’ by John Mayer, freshman Brianna Miller along with sophomore Emma Bayer, took first place in the performance category. “Honestly, I didn’t think we would win,” Miller said. “We didn’t react at first when they called our names, but we were really excited.”

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3. Placing second in performance, senior Julie Siefker does a monologue about an agoraphobic woman. “I thought the concept was cool and emotional and I liked performing something not a lot of people know about,” Siefker said. “I am glad people liked my performance as much as I like performing.”

4. Sophomore Kelsie Lane sings ‘Sampson,’ by Regina Spektor at the fifth annual Ruby Zima Student Film and Arts Festival. “I chose the song because I love the singer and it is my favorite song of hers,” Lane said. “I was surprised and excited to win because the singing competition is tough.”

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13 ARTS | March 25, 2014

Don’t ‘let it go’ just because ‘Frozen’ is out of theaters By Ymani Ethridge WRITER

Said to be one of the best Disney movies of all time, “Frozen” is definitely a must-see. Even though some people may not have liked it because they thought it was too much of a “musical,” I absolutely loved it. Going into “Frozen,” with my mom, I was expecting just another adventurous Disney movie where the girl gets the guy and they run into the sunset together, but it really was nothing like that. The two main characters, Anna and Elsa, really set the stage for struggling Disney princesses. By struggling, I mean struggling to find themselves. Elsa has the power to magically manipulate snow and ice while Anna is just an ordinary princess. All Anna wants is to find out why her sister has been isolating herself from her and the world. At Arendell, a ball is thrown from Elsa in honor of her coronation (transformation from a princess to a queen). When Anna confronts Elsa about why she has been so distant, Anna takes one of Elsa’s gloves and refuses to give it back. Elsa runs away and when Anna chases after her, Elsa gets so mad she creates an ice barrier between herself and Anna, showing the whole country of Arendell and others, that she has magical powers. Elsa runs away and creates her own kingdom of ice and was not heard from until the end of the movie. With her magical powers, Elsa creates a snowman named Olaf that she and Anna (her

sister) made up when they were little. Not realizing that her powers were much more powerful than she thought, Olaf comes to life. Olaf is nothing but a blessing to everyone in this movie. Leaving the theatre, I was crying. I was even crying in the theatre and a little boy asked his mom why I was crying. The movie is just cute, too cute and I loved every second of it. The action, the adventure, the love, just really made my day. “Frozen” is an example of Disney’s old-school charm with a modern twist. Many teenagers can relate to most of the characters. Anna being overzealous, enthusiastic and awkward. Elsa being full of self-doubt, anxiety, and self-isolation. Kristoff being the strong “know it all,” and Olaf being the carefree, innocent and child-like snowman he is. These characters all end up being great assets of one another balancing each other out nicely, especially since there were two princesses. Even though “Frozen” is a fairy tale about true love, the true love portrayed this movie is the love between sisters. Honestly, every time Anna talked about finding her sister, gave me chills. This movie left tears rolling down the faces of viewers with the amount of love shown in this movie. “Frozen” is a courageous and heart-warming adventure. When people quote movies, that’s all they say for months and then they stop saying

All Art by Mackenzie figuEroa | artist


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it. Now everyone says it all the time. Vines are made about it, and the line “Do you want to build a snowman?” is used frequently. Although there are other Disney princess movies with the same concept, it was not hard for director Chris Wedge to think outside of the box. Wedge is known for his other animated movies such as all of the “Ice Age” movies, “Robots,” and “Epic.” Not only was the director was recognized for making great movies, but he is also recognized for making great soundtracks. Watching the Oscars, I was so looking forward to Idina Menzel, voice of Elsa, performance of “Let It Go,” which ended up being absolutely amazing. When she belted the song on stage, other singers such as Demi Lovato, got inspired and made their own little remix to the song. If you’re looking for an animated movie filled with love, adventure, and Disney spirit, then “Frozen” is definitely the way to go. Falling in love with all of the characters, I would absolutely go see it again. Frozen was released on Blu-Ray and DVD on March 18.

14 ARTS | March 25, 2014 The Ambassadors

Singing a Different Tune

Ambassadors prepare for the final show in May along with a competition in Washington D.C. at the end of April By Bailey Gauss Feature editor

solo Act. Senior Stephanie Lyskawa sings her featured part at the Ambassador’s Back By Popular Demand show.

As one show ends, sophomore Sam Strickhouser and the rest of the Ambassadors start the preparation for the next concert. Learning more songs, singing solos, and hours of practice all come with being a part of the Ambassadors. “I love all of the songs but if I had to choose a favorite song this year it would be between ‘Save the World’ or ‘Let it Go’,” Strickhouser said. “They are both very fun to sing and are some of our best.” The first show starts very laid back, with minimal lighting and not much choreography. This is all to reduce the stress on the new Ambassadors. The first show to have light cues and danc-


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ing is the Back By Popular Demand show in February. Competition is the next step for the show choir, where most of their songs are mixed together into one long flowing medley. “Last year we did really well in competition,” senior Stephanie Lyskawa said. “We won Gold in both Show Choir and Vocal Jazz, four maestro awards (Awards given to

Soloists), Outstanding Choral Group, Adjudicator award, and the Sweepstake Award (the choir with the highest points).” This year the Ambassadors are headed to Washington D.C. for their annual competition. It will be held at the Calvary Baptist Church. “I am excited for D.C. as it’s another place I haven’t been,” senior Michael Vancamp said. “Even though I’m not a huge history person, I’m sure I will still enjoy my time there with the group.” While the Ambassadors are in the capitol, they are planning to take several trips to various historical locations, including stopping at Gettysburg and doing several tours while they are there. “I can’t wait to go to D.C,” Strickhouser said. “Not only are we learning new material for competition but I hear the trip is just an absolute blast and a great bonding experience.” When they get back from D.C, their two week time frame for preparation begins for the May

“I always sit front row so I can see the show in full detail,” senior Rachel Anderson said. “It is best during the medley because you can see them and know they can see you, which makes it even more entertaining. I try to go to every show because they are all a little different and I love going to support my friends, they always do an amazing job.” This is the last show for many of the performers, and while some are sad to go they learned music skills they can use for the rest of their lives. “It’s been a great four years and I’m sad that it’s coming to an end,” Vancamp said. “I’m glad though that I’ve been able to spend all four years of high school in the group learning the tricks of the trade and also developing close friendships with several people that I wouldn’t have even known otherwise.” The May finale takes place on May 8, 9 and 10 in the Ruby Zima Auditorium at 7:30 p.m. Tickets will be sold for $5 in advance and $7 at the door.

“It has been a great four years and I am sad that it is coming to an end,” Vancamp said. “I am glad though that I have been able to spend all four years of high school in the group learning the tricks of the trade and also developing close friendships with several people that I wouldn’t have even known otherwise.” finale. This is when the Ambassadors show their most polished work which includes singing, dancing, and acting. Included in the show will be the mixed medley from competition. Although their idea for this year’s medley will remain a secret until the concert, many people are certain they will attend the show.

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Julie Pearson | Photo Editor

Feeling the music. Freshman Chase Raymond gets into the music during the Ambassador concert on the weekend of Feb 21. The show choir is now preparing for their trip to Washington D.C. in April and their spring concert in May.

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FEATURES | March 25, 2014

Spring Break

Spring Break Staycation

Opportunities in Michigan for those staying home for spring break By Carly Riggs writer

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With the break just around the corner and no sign of sunny days and clear skies ahead, there are opportunities to stay inside and enjoy some music. Michigan has many indoor concert halls all around the state, including The Palace or Fox Theater.

“For spring break a couple of friends and I are going to the Miley Cyrus concert; Iconic Pop and Skylar Garfield are also going to be performing.” sophomore Callah Sullivan said. “I think it is possible to have fun in Michigan for Spring Break, you just have to get out and make it happen.”

Can you be my Hero, Baby?

Celebrities can provide both positive and negative influences for teenagers By Allie Howell Editor-in-chief

In a 2013 poll that surveyed parents across the country, Miley Cyrus and Chris Brown were voted the worst celebrity role models for teenagers. Also making the list were Kim Kardashian, Lindsay Lohan, Kanye West and Justin Bieber. Struggling to find the direction the rest of their lives will take, many teenagers look for guidance from role models. Some look up to a relative or close family friend, while others admire those whose fame has made their actions public knowledge. “My role model is Miranda Lambert because she saves animals, she is super nice, an awesome singer and is married to Blake Shelton,” junior Julia Teatro said. “Those are the kind of characteristics I think are important in a person and that is why I look up to her.” Lambert’s MuttNation Foundation has donated thousands of dollars to animal shelters across the country. As a volunteer at Adopt-a-Pet and in fostering stay animals, Teatro finds comfort in a celebrity sharing her passion. “I spend my life saving animals and she is a celebrity who has that in common with me,” Teatro said. “It makes me feel like saving animals is worth my time because someone famous supports it, too.”


Role models also have an influence over athletes. Freshman wrestler Shae Parson finds inspiration in Olympic wrestler Jordan Burrows. “My role model is Jordan Burrows, a U.S. Olympic wrestler,” Parson said. “As a wrestler, he encourages me to get to the Olympics. He was one of the best college wrestlers and he is a really good guy. He gives back to his fans and actually cares about them.” Sophomore Travis Morris shares a similar story. As a mountain biker, Morris looks up to Brandon Semenuke. Semenuke is a professional mountain biker and is well known on Youtube for his mountain biking videos. “I look up to Brandon Semenute, a famous mountain biker,” Morris said. “I look up to him because I like mountain biking and I want to become a professional mountain biker too. He pushes me to do harder things on my bike.” Role models can also have a negative impact on teenagers. Senior Gabrielle Farren believes celebrities like Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Charlie Sheen can cause teenagers to participate in inappropriate behavior. “When celebrities are seen doing something negative, it makes people think that doing inappropriate things is okay because their role model does them,” Farren said. “It causes people to act in a socially unacceptable way that they may regret later.”

Alyssa Trapp | Photo Editor

Worst Celebrity Role Models Determined By Parents Female: Male: 1. Miley Cyrus 1. Chris Brown 2. Lindsay Lohan

2. Kanye West

3. Kim Kardashian

3. Justin Bieber Source: Huffington Post

Do you have a celebrity role model?


of students say they have a celebrity role model

of students say they do not have a celebrity role model


*120 students surveyed

16 Picture Perfect | March 25, 2014

Escaping Cabin Fever To avoid the winter blues, students participated in school activities ranging from playing Powdertuff to landing the lead role in the IB Theater play. Winter provided many opportunities for students to show their skills. By Torrey Christopher

Sword pointed at her face, senior Julie Siefker surrenders during IB theater’s performance of Twelfth Night. “I enjoyed growing as an actress,” Siefker said. “The most difficult part of playing the part of a man was picking up on boy’s mannerisms.” Monica Bradburn | Photo Editor


Face in his hands, senior Ben Bissell laughs after Justin Hang served the volleyball into teammate Mazzen Saab’s head. The seniors faced off the juniors in the powdertuff game. “We lost every game because we only had four players,” Bissell said. “It was fun to mess around and hang out with friends.” Alexis kelly | Photographer

Glowstick around his neck and face painted, senior Matt Callaghan gives a thumbs-up at the Sadie’s dance. “Everyone was actually dancing and not standing around; there was a lot of energy,” Callaghan said. “It was fun to wear neon and I painted my face before the dance and got glowsticks with my friends.”

1 julie pearson | Photographer

Makenzie cool | Photographer


1. With scuba diving gear on, senior Thomas McWilliams prepares to explore the bottom of FHS pool. “It was cool to scuba dive at the Business Expo,” McWilliams said. “I had always wanted to do it.”


2. Performing a routine at a home competition, senior Mallory Lockwood stretches her arms out straight to make an impact on the judges. “We were fifth in the Metro League the past two years,” Lockwood said. “I have done cheer for a long time and I am really going to miss all the girls I cheered with.” 3. Snare drum around his body, freshman Dom Dimambro performs at the halftime show of a basketball game on Feb 27. “I love performing,” Dimambro said. “There is something about performing and practicing as a group that brings us together. My favorite song to perform was ‘Dream On’ by Aerosmith.” Alyssa Trapp | Photo Editor

julie pearson | Photographer


Ty Reish | Photographer

Alyssa Trapp | Photo Editor


4. During a game to promote yearbook sales, sophomore Alexis Brissette holds a basket for fellow sophomore Morgan Schollhammer to draw a number. “The game was the cake walk,” Brissette said. “Whoever was standing on the number drawn won a cupcake and got to be entered in our raffle.” 5. Volunteering at the Fenton Business Expo, junior Caitlin Heenan boosts a kid up the inflatable climbing wall. “I worked the Expo for NHS,” Heenan said. “They had us work in the children play area and we helped the kids who couldn’t make it up the wall. We encouraged them and told them they only had a little way to go. I enjoyed seeing the kids come back around and have a good time.”

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