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Fernanda Chemale

Porto Alegre, Brazil

Fernanda Chemale has authored a previous book, “Tempo de Rock e Luz”, and “ElefanteCidadeSerpente”. As photographer and visual artist, she has worked with both authorial and documentary photography and video, she teaches photography, both in universities and in other courses. She coordinated workshops for the (Culture Decentralization Project of the City Agency of Culture in Porto Alegre). She has curated exhibitions for Olho Nu Photography Gallery; for Porto Alegre em Cena Drama Festival’s homage ceremonies, for curatorship and historical and iconographical research for a book celebrating the 150th anniversary of Porto Alegre’s Theatro São Pedro. She exhibits her work regularly. Her images were acquired by the Pirelli-MASP permanent photography collection at Museu de Arte de São Paulo; by Fundación de Foto Y Cine Latinoaméricano in Paris; and by Museu dos Descobrimentos in Portugal. Currently, she is working has been taking part in many festivals, both in Brazil and abroad.
