The exhibition Archive 17 occurred in the Museum of Image and Sound of Campinas (SP), it brought over 310 visitors from more than eight cities of the state of São Paulo, as well as special invitees from other states (from Santa Catarina, the researcher, editor, and curator, Regina Melim, and, from Pará, the photographer, researcher, artist, and curator, Mariano Klautau); a chat with the historians (Christina Lopreato and Samantha Colhado), specialists in the image field (Fernando de Tacca) and activists (Idilio Cândido Neto); guided visits for invitees and for the EJA (Youth and Adult Education).
Archive 17 intended to be seen as a spacial, exhibitive, and discursive apparatus. The researcher is the artist herself in action, but who summons it all is the constructed narrator. The Woman in the Left Corner of the Frame.