I well remember the day I joined my grandmother for a walk down the sidewalk, when she tripped on a hole and fell to the floor. It was then I became interested in sidewalks, their holes, and also in the public spaces. This was the first release of my first research. By observing the number of holes in the villages I’ve lived I understood the lack of policies that exist , either from the private and the public enBty. Working iniBally with holes, by poinBng them or repairing them, aDerwards copy the vacumm and as a result returning to point them out with ironic intervenBons. Above from art, I was interested in what happened to the disabled, the elderly, mothers with their babies, and ciBzens. As we did in order to move from one place to another always having these obstacles. Traveling among different ciBes in LaBn America, I noBced that these holes were constant. This is why every Bme I travel and see a lot of gaps in a city, I make an intervenBon. It is a way of poinBng out this repeBBon, and at the same Bme it allows me to call aIenBon to other poliBcal and social problems that are happening in a certain context and moment. Observing, walking, studying, reading, researching, asking, drawing, experimenBng, playing and sharing helps me to plan and take acBon At the same Bme, I think that once I draw a proposal and I share it, it is no longer an idea but a fact. I have been working in different intervenBons and proposals, trying through signaling different social and poliBcal problems, I am interested in finding a way of proposal or a "soluBon"; this means creaBng a piece of work that intends to share knowledge and create consciuosness, with the resources i have. I strongly believe in art as an invaluable tesBmony that helps us and guides us in our travels, in our lives. Together with Lucila Gradin (argenBnean arBst), I am a founder member of A.L.A Project. A.L.A, (arBsts in LaBnamerica), we are a group of arBsts that join each year to explore outer and inner landscapes and cultural boundaries on a journey of exploraBon into the different territories, hoping to generate reflecBon and acBviBes around art and culture. Seeking to experiment, discuss, looking forward to generate meeBngs, knowledge, friendship and creaBon. Since 2008 to date, A.L.A. has been present in the ciBes of Buenos Aires, Montevideo, Rio de Janeiro, Valparaiso and Medellín. This year A.L.A. arrives in Bolivia.
UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Piece in which you can stand up and walk. Intervention. Santa Rita Street. Valparaiso. Chile. 2012 Wood, elastic bands, cloves Variable dimensions 2012 I have made several pair of shoes, this work have been shared with Valparaiso citizens. Chile, 2012. in Valparaiso Art Festival, 2012. Valparaiso, Chile. 2012
ILLUMINATIONS/ V´S PROJECT. 2012 Drawing in the sidewalk. Taking the light to the public space. Wool, paper, pencil and tape. Castillo Street, 940. Villa Crespo,neighboorhood, Buenos Aires, Argentina. 300 x 150 cms aprox. 2012
CULTURAL PRODUCTS. ideas to intervene in public space. Acrylic on paper. 20 x 30 cms e/o 2012 Exhibited at FAV. Selected Casa E, Humo Blanco./Pan BaDdo. Valparaiso. Chile 2013
“THE ORIGIN OF THE WIND”. Memories, Dreams, Thoughts, Feelings, Ideas And Sensations. These are some paintings about dreams that I had. Each day I paint a dream or an idea. The title have been taken from an interview that Richard Freeman makes to C. Jung. (acrylic on paper 30 x 22,75 cm e/o). Works selected by ITAU National Art Contest 2013. Buenos Aires, Argentina.
PIGEONS. Drawing with corns. IntervenDon and acDon in Torres de Bombona Square. Medellin, Colombia. 200x 250 cms. 2012
Summer in Bs.As City. Bs.As, Argentina. 2009
Trainings. AcBon and intervenBon. Valparaiso, Chile.2011
The Bath, Rua Monte Alegre, Riod de Janeiro, Brasil. 2010
Millionaire plant. Medellin. Colombia 2012 MARIA FERNANDA VILELLA
GULDOHJ STOOL The work proposed bellow is inspired in the Guldhoj Stool. I have noticed in some museums that students can take a stool and make sketches. So you can take one and study and draw. This time I wanted to think in an art work for the security guard. Trying to create a dialogue between the student/researcher and the guard. At the same time I want to express, this contradiction feeling I have when I go to a museum.
Guldhoj stool Acrylic and ink on paper. 40 x 50 cms e/o 2012 MARIA FERNANDA VILELLA
GULDHOJ STOOL Acrylic and ink on paper. 40 x 50 cms e/o 2012 MARIA FERNANDA VILELLA
TO WAIT OR NOT TO WAIT, THAT IS THE QUESTION. InstallaDon/ Drawings. Ink on paper 2011 50 x 35 cms Cerro Florida, Valparaiso, Chile. 2012
This bench have been installed In front of the liP which doesn´t work, I installed it thanks to the the authorizaDon and help of Florida´s Hill neighbors. . Valparaiso have 18 liPs that are the soul of the city, only three of them are working nowadays.
Maria Fernanda Vilella 28/09/1981 born: Buenos Aires, Capital Federal NaDonality: ArgenDna CV Exhibi&ons 2013 Humo Blanco. Pan BaDdo and Casa E. FAV. Valparaiso, Chile (selected) 2012-‐2013 Gender Equity. Centro Cultural Borges.Fundacion Avon.(this exhibiDon will go around ArgenDna) (selected) 2012 Pigeons. Drawing with corns. Urban intervenDon.Torres de Bombona. Medellin, Colombia 2012 Meridion AC. Perfomance exhibiDon. Buenos Aires, ArgenDna. 2012 OCIO FECUNDO. A.L.A. Sotomayor Square. FAV. Valparaiso, Chile. 2012 Under ConstrucDon, Ferrari St. FAV. Valparaiso, Chile 2011 To wait or not to wait, that is the quesDon. Urban IntervenDon. Valparaiso, Chile. 2010 El Sindicato. Arte BA. invited by Ambientate and Potencialidades ONG. Bs.As, ArgenDna 2010 Cuaresma. A.L.A . Barrancao Maravilha, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. 2010 El sindicato open studio. Move drip and splash. El sindicato. San Telmo.Bs.As, ArgenDna. 2009 Entropia. (Invited) ExpotrasDendas 2009. 2009 MARACANAZO. A.L.A. Centro Municipal de exposiciones SUBTE. Montevideo, Uruguay. 2009 I LOVE LATINOAMERICA.A.L.A. TINAG. Buenos Aires, ArgenDna. 2008 Group exhibiDon. G-‐ Sho Contemporary art Tokio. JAPON (g) 2008 Limbo. Fernanda Vilella. Insight arte. BsAs. ARGENTINA (I) 2008 Artatagnes. Feria de arte contemporaneo. Tokio. JAPON. 2008 Montecucco – Fernanda Vilella. CAMPOBRAVO (G).Bs 2008 Volumen II Special guest. G-‐ Sho Contemporary Art. Tokio. JAPON (G) 2007 Debut. Insight Arte Gallery, Buenos Aires ArgenDna.(I) 2007 Present. Fernanda Vilella – Lucila Gradin. ESABAC. Cusco, Perú.(G) 2007 (G) G-‐Sho Contemporary Art. Tokyo. Japan. Director Masa Takahashi. 2007 (G) Arte – BA. Internacional Art Fair. Buenos Aires ArgenDna. 2006 Proyecto Baches. Performance: sidewalk intervenDons in Colegiales district. 2004 Bring the body you have, take the one you want. Performance at Nacional InsDtut of Arts. (IUNA).
Grants 2013 The origin of the wind. Selected works, ITAU naDonal visual arts, Buenos Aires, ArgenDna 2013 Selected Humo Blanco/Pan BaDdo/ Casa e. Curators Gonzalo Pedraza and Ana Maria Briede.FAV 2010 NaDonal Art Contest. Honarble MenDon. Fundacion Avon, Buenos Aires. ArgenDna. 2008 Proyecto A.(selected) Curators Claudio Gollombeck and Patricia Rizzo. 2009 NaDonal Visual Art Funds (FNA) for group projects. A.L.A created by Lucila Gradin and Fernanda Vilella 2009 A.L.A this project have been selected by SUBTE Municipal exhibiDon centre. Montevideo, Uruguay. Workshops and Residencies 2012 Vicente Vargas Studio.Valparaiso. Chile. A.L.A 2012 Medellin net public Libraries. Medellin, Colombia 2012 Workshop A.L.A. UCC./ CENTEX Valparaiso, Chile 2009 Workshop. Salvador Univesity. Bs As.ArgenDna Educa&on 2000-‐2006 Master Degree in Fine Arts, at the NaDonal InsDtute of Fine Arts, IUNA. Workshops 2012 Document and Photography. Valeria Gonzalez. Centro Cultural Haroldo ConD. 2012 Audiovisual Territories Jorge La Ferla. Centro Cultural Haroldo ConD. 2008 Clinica de obra. Esteban Alvarez, arDst and curator. Prilidiano Pueyrredon. Bs As. ArgenDna 2006 Clinica de obra. Gabriel Baggio. bsAs. ArgenDna 2005 Clinica de obra arDsta y isico Mariano Sardón. 2002 -‐ 2004 Taller de dibujo y pintura. Patricio Larrambebere 2007 LaDn American Contemporary art history, in charge of Marcelo Gutman. 2006 Contemporary art Site specific projects, Gabriel Baggio.