1 minute read


Fershtater G.B. “Petrology of major intrusive associations”.- Moskow; Nauka, 1987.

This book deals with the characteristics features of common broad types of intrusive cotectic rocks (granites, gabbros, olivine clinopiroxenites) and associated rocks: Much attention is given to the análisis of pressure influence on the rock composition. Base on it, two groups of intrusive Rocks: Plutonic and Volcanno-intrusive have been distinguished. Rock series are classified on barophobic and barophilic types which corresponds as a first approximation to the Tholeitic and Calc-alkaline series, respectively. Long evolutionary series of the magmatic formations all confined to a single structural zone of a Mobile Belt are described.


Petrologists are being faced with the problems such as an order of crystallisation of equigranular Rocks, interpretation of different inclusions, geochemical specialization of rocks and series and others.

For Petrologists and geologists.

75 figures, 25 tables and 149 references.

Reviewers: D.S. Shteinberg, I.A. Malakhov.

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