FERNANDO NEBOT - Architecture Portfolio

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fernando nebot

architecture portfolio



Nationality: Spanish Born August 19th, 1992. Valencia, Spain fn_198@hotmail.com +34 629828084 http://issuu.com/fernandonebot


relevant work experience 2016

July 2016 - September 2016







Internship Nebot Arquitectos. C/ San Vicente Martir, 16 - 5ª - 1ª 46002 Valencia, SPAIN T+ 96 113 33 93 nebot@nebotarquitectos.com http://nebotarquitectos.com •

Design and drafting phase of a 5 story, 26 apartment dwelling complex in Torrent, Valencia. Full design inlcuding plans, sections, elevations and 3d renderings.

Design and drafting phase of a refurbishment project for 45 apartments in the city centre of Valencia. Pre project phase, including plans and 3d views

Design and drafting phase of a 6 story multi dwelling complex of 63 apartments in Patraix, Valencia

2D drafting in Autocad

Photoshop and Indesign usage for the presentation of the planwork

3D drafting and design in SketchUp

Visual work and rendering


January 2015 - June 2015







Internship Estudio Alberto Burgos. Avenida Doctor Gadea 4 1 03001 Alicante, SPAIN T +34 671 898 191 estudio@albertoburgos.es http://www.albertoburgos.es/


6 month internship scholarship through the Banco Santander Program that enables high graded students to obtain an internship position in different companies

Worked in two different housing competition entries, won 1 of them

Design and drafting phase of a Modular housing system, including 2D and 3D drafting with ArchiCad and AutoCad

Main work centred on visual, competition work: rendering, Photoshop edition, presentation work…

Design of a printed catalogue of works for the company

education 2016

August 2015 - July 2016







Master’s degree in Architecture

Technical School of Architecture – Polytechnic University of Valencia (SPAIN) •

General average 9.3/10 (USA - GPA of 4.0)

PROMOE Scholarship to study as an exchange student at the Illinios School of Architecture - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Illinois, USA).

Focus on structural aspects of architectural design, taking a range of subjects in both the Architecture and Civil Engineering departments: structural design, earthquake design, structural software programs (SAP 2000, RAM structural design); holistic design, skyscraper structural and construction systems…

Final project: Museum of Iron at Coalbrookdale, UK. Industrial and historical architecture, refurbishment, steel and masonry structures, historic interventions.

Grade 9/10 in final Master’s project. 2016

2010 - 2015







Bachelor’s degree in the Fundamentals of Architecture

Technical School of Architecture – Polytechnic University of Valencia (SPAIN) •

Technical School of Architecture – Polytechnic University of Valencia (SPAIN)

General grade average of 9.4/10. Graduated with honors: Prize for the Best Academic record of the whole cohort

5 year program during which I received a varied and complete architectural education: architecture design, structural design, construction methods and techniques, art and architecture history, landscape and urban planning, architecture graphics, architecture software, physical modelling…

Large part of the studies was focused with a structural approach, electing many electives in this area: structural design and analysis, structural concepts, structural loading, structure software programs (Architrave, SAP 2000…)

Bachelor’s degree final project focused on the structural analysis of the Forum Building in Barcelona by Swiss architects, Herzog & de Meuron. Grade 8/10 2016

1994 - 2010







Primary and secondary education

Caxton College. British day and boarding school. (SPAIN) •

Graduated with honors: Best Academic record of the cohort


experience otherother experience Projects



Final projects of bachelor’s and master’s degrees: •

Structural analysis of the Forum Building in Barcelona (Herzog – de Meuron), Fernando Nebot. Valencia 2015 https://riunet.upv.es/handle/10251/54643

Museum of Iron in Coalbrookdale, UK. Fernando Nebot. Valencia 2015.

Urban drawing and sketching workshop (Valencia, March-June 2015)

Building with soil Workshop: Designing a school in Burkina Fasso. 1 week workshop on cooperation architecture, sustainable design, water control and usage, cooperative design. (Valencia, July 2014)

International workshop Spain - Argentina: “A sustainable home”. 1 month workshop program with students from Argentina. Concepts: sustainable design, minimal housing, cooperative design. (Valencia-Argentina, November 2013)

Prize for Best Academic record in 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 5th year of my studies, Bachelor’s degree on Fundamentals in Architecture (2010, 2011, 2012, 2014)

Prize for the Best Academic record of the whole cohort, Bachelor’s degree on Fundamentals in Architecture (2010-2015)



















Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Illustrator


Adobe InDesign


Microsoft Office

SAP 2000

RAM structural


PERSONAL INTERESTS personal interests














museum of iron

in Coalbrookdale, UK p10

sailing school

in Valencia, Spain

youth colony by the river Mijares



collective Dwellings and library

structural analysis of the Forum Building, Barcelona p52

in GandĂ­a, Spain p28

rural hotel

dwellings and winery

in Enguera, Valencia p56

in Requena, Spain p36



museum of iron in Coalbrookdale, UK

key words: industrial architecture, refurbishment, steel construction, museum


MUSEUM OF IRON in Coalbrookdale, UK

Located within a World Heritage Site, the purpose of the project is to refurbish the current Coalbrookdale Museum of Iron (Coalbrookdale, Shropshire, United Kingdom) and transform it into a new museum, research center and library. The site is full with 18th-20th century industrial buildings which are now site to different museums that show the industrial heritage of Coalbrookdale. The existing 19th century building, with brick masonry walls, wood trusses and steel columns is transformed with the creation of new, contemporary additions constructed in glass and steel. The purpose of these additions is to create new spaces that ensure the correct performance of the museum, improve the existing spatial relations, introduce natural light, and enhance ventilation within the existing building, These boxes allow for natural light to penetrate through the whole building. A new glass box is added at the north part of the builiding, a triple height space that acts as a central lobby for the new complex. New courtyards perforate the building at specific points enabling the entrance of natural light to the new basement level. 12






Terreno natural

Terreno natural

Terreno natural


Viga metálica existente

Viga metálica existente

Eliminación cimentación existente

Sistema de apeo vigas metálicas

Sistema de apeo vigas metálicas

Ejecución muros de sótano completos

Viga de apeo de hormigón

Excavación de terreno bajo cimentaciones existentes

Vigas centradoras

Terreno natural

Nuevos pilares metálicos

Losa de hormigón

Ejecución nueva losa hormigón

Nuevos pilares metálicos

Pavimento elevado planta baja

Forjado losa de hormigón

Nuevos pilares metálicos

Forjado chapa colaborante planta primera

detalle 4A 26 27 6 4 4 28

26 25 6 27

detalle 5A

28 86 31 32




detalle 4B 81 33

detalle 5B 32


27 6

24 27 6

3 29



7 4

4 5

5 85 84 65

65 37

38 37 83


detalle 4C 66 67 69 6 34 37

66 67 68 69 37 43 6 34

77 38

44 56 77

detalle 4D 72 73 77 23 43

44 77

detalle 5C

detalle 5D 73 73

43 23 44 77 56 45

78 78





youth colony by the river Mijares

key words: wood construction, nature, river, recicled architecture


youth colony by the river Mijares

Located next to the river Mijares, the project site is dominated by the presence of trees and a steep terrein. The presence of trees and nature produces a site that is always seen partially, through different filters, a site that never unveils itself completely. The project seeks to work with this idea of filter and the concept of roots to produce an architecture that relates to the surroundings. The result is a series of zig-zaging walls made out of wood columns, that act as filters of light and views. The walls, that go up and down according to the site contour lines, determine a series of open and closed spaces, which hold different parts of the program. The program seeks mainly to produce two main areas: the sleeping area, and the public spaces. These public spaces include a cafeteria, workshops spaces, an open air theater and a tourist info stop. The use of wood construction for the whole project, with its natural deterioration with time, enables that the project will fuse itself with the natural surroundings. 22







collective dwellings and library in GandĂ­a, Spain

key words: concrete construction, tower, urban planning, collective dwellings


collective dwellings and library in GandĂ­a, Spain

The site is part of a new building development area within the city of GandĂ­a, located next to the Serpis river. The whole area is developped to withold dwellings, retail, a public library, open green spaces, and new public plazas. The urban planning proposal seeks to create a series of new mixed building complexes and a riverfront destined to hold small retail shops and a pedestrian walkway. The geometry of the proposal follows the visual lines connecting the site to important points of the surrounding urban and rural landscape: the surrounding mountains or important buildings of the historic center. Within the urban plan, the design focuses on the most northern part of the proposal, where two mid-rise towers and the library are located. The two towers built with slender concrete walls rise 13 and 16 storeys above ground and are connected through a series of catwalks at different levels. The geometry of the towers enables different dwelling variations, with 1, 2, 3 and 4 bedroom dwellings. In the ground floor, a two story platform is created, holding public spaces, a cafeteria and the library, facing the riverfront. The parking spaces are also located in these platforms, with natural light and ventilation entering through a series of courtyards. 30




El proyecto urbano se plantea desde las visuales lejanas hacia elementos importantes de Gandía. El proyecto de vivienda en altura se plantea siguiendo estos mismos principios.

iglesia palacio ducal

Surgen así las dos inclinaciones que serán clave del proyecto, así como los límites que marcan la base de las dos torres: la gran plataforma

A partir de esas dos inclinaciones, el proyecto se basa en poder resolver ambas torres con una misma base geométrica para la célula, así surgen las divisiones interiores de las dos torres. Geométricamente existe una única célula base, que va girando (A y B), o que sufre pequeños cambios en la alineación de sus fachadas por la torre en que se encuentra (A y A').

B’ A’ A

B’ B A

Todo este desarrollo se produjo además bajo la idea de la presencia de unos grandes muros, que salen al exterior, con el objetivo principal de asegurar al exterior una imagen de esbeltez de unas torres que por sí solas no eran excesivamente esbeltas.




Bioclimatic aspects of construction and energy usage are important in the design of the building. The two towers are aligned with two different directions, following the general geometry of the urban plan. This also enables both towers to receive natural light throughout the day and independent views to the the ocean and the city. All dwellings have a facade on each side, which enables natural cross ventilation and therefore reduces the energy needs for the whole complex. The use of terraces and light control systems on each facade enables individual light regulation systems for every dwelling, also producing a changing dynamic on the general facade of the tower. The large continuous concrete walls act as thermal energy storage elements, receiving heat during the day and releasing it at night. The plan configuration is such that enables for the creation of duplex and simplex dwellings, as well as a large variety of dwelling sizes, ranging from 50m2 (1 bedroom) to 125m2 (4 bedrooms). This produces a variety of options for users, and ensures a changing facade for the whole tower. The dwellings are designed with flexible, moveable furniture and an open plan design, that enables for flexibility within the house. 34



dwellings and winery in Requena, Spain

key words: concrete construction, nature, river environment, temporary housing


dwellings and winery in Requena, Spain

The project objective is to build a full functioning winery in an agricultural site located next to a river. The winery will also contain a series of temporary dwellings destined for rural tourists interested in the production of wine. The site is dominated by a horizontal dry landscape, with a large concentration of trees located next to the river. The whole complex involves 3 main areas: the wine production; the social area (restaurant, common rooms, lobby...) ; and the temporary dwellings. All of them are designed as pure volumes covered in a series of concrete structural frames. The first two are designed as two longitudinal volumes adjacent to the main access road, with a series of open and green spaces between them. The temporary dwellings are designed in further detail, as a series of smaller volumes and courtyards in closer contact to the river.





The dwellings are designed in white concrete, as solid vertical volumes that advance towards the riverfront amongst a completely horizontal landscape. They are two story volumes with large terraces and a back courtyard that enables privacy from the public catwalk. The large concrete structural frames go over the different volumes, providing a certain sunlight protection and enabling privacy from the exterior. The use of white concrete and floor to floor glass openings enables the maximum introduction of natural light to the dwellings. POR UN PRODUCTO EDUCATIVO AUTODESK The interior is designed around a central doublePRODUCIDO height living room space, with direct DE views to the exterior and linked to a wide covered terrace. Each dwelling has a stripe where all the non-living areas are located: bathroom, storage, and interior and exterior kitchen. This allows for an open space plan and a central double height flexible space. Bioclimatic factors are taken into account through the use of passive energy reduction methods: fixed and movable light control systems, natural cross ventilation, thermal energy storage...





sailing school in Valencia, Spain

key words: refurbishment, industrial architecture, recicled architecture, steel construction


sailing school in Valencia, Spain

Located within the new Valencian port, the project seeks to refurbish and adapt an existing industrial building. The building currently holds a sailing company’s headquarters, and the objective of the design is to transform it into a sailing school. The idea is to mantain the original vertical structure and most of the original floor slabs. Over the existing steel structure, a new series of boxes are added, steel boxes that adapt to the existing geometry of the structure. These boxes will contain the enclosed areas of the sailing school, leaving open air common spaces for public relations. The ground floor is left as a partially public space, with a restaurant and cafeteria, public restrooms, a tourist info stop and a theater. The school has straight access to the sea in an enclosed private part. The first floor is left for private school uses: classrooms, gymnasium, teachers lounge and interior cafeteria for students. The second floor is dedicated to the student bedrooms and two library reading rooms. 46






viga principal IPE-240 vigas de arriostramiento IPE-200 forjado de chapa colaborante relleno de hormigón pavimento de hormigón liso pilar metálico 30cmx30cm





axonometría constructiva











8 9 10 11 12

perfil principal IPE-200 formando una caja c/5m ancladas al pilar vigas de arriostramiento IPE-80 vigas de remate IPE-180 chapa de zinc e=2mm formato 1,00 x 2,00 m2 aislante térmico XPS 4cm formato 1,20 x 2,00 m2 pavimento de madera

Ejercicio 2 - Escuela de Vela

PR2- T2



structural analysis of the Forum Building, Barcelona

(Herzog & de Meuron, 2004) key words: forum building, herzog de meuron, structural analysis, metallic structure, truss grid


transmite a los núcleos rígidos y pilares, sin recibir cargas de otros elementos. Además, en los perímetros de esta emparrillado de celosías, aparecen una serie de elementos traccionados, [Img. 4] que sirven de zuncho de atado. Recogen parte de las cargas verticales del forjado E3, y la transmiten al emparrillado principal, del que cuelgan. Se trata tanto de las vigas-fachada, las vigas-pared del auditorio y los elementos de atado de los patios. Estos elementos aseguran una colaboración entre la estructura superior e inferior, ofreciendo puntos de apoyo en los extremos de forjado, de forma que no se comporte como un voladizo en el perímetro.

structural analysis 3.2.2 PROGRAMA

Img. 14: Edificio Fórum. Fachada norte.

Img. 15: Edificio Fórum. Esquina este.

Img. 16: Edificio Fórum. Esquina noroeste.

of the Forum Building, Barcelona. (Herzog & de Meuron, 2004)

En planta baja, quedan simplemente el acceso al edificio, varios núcleos de comunicación verThis project the FinalyDegree Projecto for my Bachelor’ s Degree in Fundamentals Architecture tical, y loswas pilares demás apoyos estructurales [Img. 19] [Img.of17a] . Desde(2015). esta planta se produce el acceso Todas las cargas finalmente llegan a los núcleos rígidos y pilares, que funcionan a compresión, tanto a la planta superior, como a los niveles inferiores, a través de una serie de vestíbulos y núcleos de transmitiendo lasMeuron, cargas la cimentación. de elementos hormigón Built in 2004 by swissElverticalmente architects Herzog & de thehasta Forum building is part la of apendiente large Se urbantrata regeneration of thede northern coastline ofarthe comunicación. propio suelo no es horizontal, sigue de todaproject la plataforma del Fórum, mado, que precisamente tienen un2004 muy buenForum comportamiento frente aaimlaiscompresión. city of Barcelona, promoted on the occasion of the Universal of Cultures. The building’ to create urban tissue by rising above que entra en suave ascensión en dirección hacia el mar. El techos main de la planta baja, formado por un the ground, leaving an open ground floor. The structure seeks to materialize this idea, by using a metallic orthogonal truss grid which rests on the El retocontinuo del edificio todas estas transmisiones delaesfuerzos [Img.contraste 5] entre elementos revestimiento deconsiste panelesendeque acero inoxidable que reflejan luz; es, en horizontal vertical elements of the structure, leaving a span between supports of up to 50 meters. se produzca de formaLos correcta asegurando las conexiones entreque elementos de laesta estructura, y continuo casiprimero, en su totalidad. apoyos estructurales son los únicos atraviesan planta, 14 conformando unde conjunto de toda estructura. Por otra parte, the se structural deberánlogic producir enThe total: 5 pilares hormigón 9 núcleos hormigón. main objectives will becomportamiento sought through theyuse of a computerde model of thelabuilding. These include understanding behind the Img. 4: Esquema general transmisión de cargas verticales. Elementos atirantados.

estas transmisiones de forma los toesfuerzos generados en elbetween interior de los elementos no producen building, and extracting conlusions that can que be applied other buildings with large spans supports. The analysis shows vertical loads as the solicitaciones excesivas que rompan las piezas (Estado Límite Último). Por último, deberán produmost comprimising loads. The structural concept of the building seeks the correct transmission of these loads from their application points to the cirse estas solicitaciones de forma que las deformaciones de las piezas queda dentro de unos márgenes ground, without causing excessive stress or strain of the structural elements. The building presents a coherent structural scheme and its analysis de aptitud servicio dehave Servicio). sheds light on theallimitations that(Estado these kind Límite of structures over the architectural project.


Img. 5: Esquema general transmisión de cargas verticales.

Img. 1: Perspectiva modelo. Alzado noreste.

Img. 2: Perspectiva modelo. Alzado sureste.

Img. 3: Perspectiva modelo. Esquina norte.

The project goes on further on the structural analysis of the Modelo estructural-35 building, run through a structural analysis program and 3d simulator (Architrave (c) http://www.architrave.es).

TRABAJO FINAL DE GRADO - Fernando Nebot Gรณmez

Link to the full project:


Img. 4: Perspectiva modelo. Despiece vertical de los componentes estructurales.



rural hotel in Enguera, Valencia

key words: restoration, conservation, stone masonry walls, wood structure, rural landscape


Rural hotel

Planta situación. Planta cubiertas

Villa Toñuna está situada en una zona de viñedos a cinco kilómetros de la localidad de Enguera, cuyo término municipal es el segundo mayor de la Comunidad Valenciana. Se implanta en un punto elevado, de altitud 420 metros, con una vista privilegiada del valle. El edificio estaba compuesto por dos volúmenes enfrentados de una altura y uno ‘puente’ que los unía, de dos alturas. Los dos primeros corresponden principalmente a estancias de almacenaje y el tercero a las zonas de residencia del caserío, situándose los dormitorios en la tangencia entre cuerpos.[1]

in Engera, Valencia

En la actualidad, el edificio se encuentra en un avanzado estado de deterioro, habiendo desaparecido el volumen oeste y estando el este en ruina. El tercer volumen se conserva en mejor estado, pero aun así sus muros interiores se encuentran puntualmente derruidos y la estabilidad del primer forjado muy comprometida, teniendo incluso huecos en los que se ha desprendido material de las bovedillas. En cuanto a la cubierta, ha sido sustituida recientemente en varias zonas por su estado de deterioro, pero todavía quedan muchas zonas dónde sería necesaria su reparación o sustitución ya que pudimos observar incluso viguetas caídas.

This project was developped during 2014 as a group project for the subject Conservation and Restoration, within the Bachelor of Fundamentals in Architecture. The group was formed by the following students: Patricia Alemany, Yolanda Algarra, Maria Cruz Gómez, Alba M Constructivamente, prácticamente todos los cerramientos corresponden a la tipología de muro de mampostería y hay forjados de diferentes tipos: de rollizos de madera y tablero de cañas, de viguetas de madera y revoltones de yeso, viMonfort, Fernando Nebot, Miguel Pérez. guetas de madera y revoltones cerámicos y, las zonas sustituidas, de viguetas de hormigón y tablero de rasillas. Cabe mencionar el valor histórico de la zona, ya que en el valle se han encontrado restos de antiguas ocupaciones hu-

manasofdelanNeolítico, la Edad in delthe Bronce, ibero-romanas que parecewell-functioning la base de una torre medieval The project seeks the restoration and refurbishment old ruralde house countryside intoy alo modern rural hotelcuadrada. Este valor histórico se evidencia por haberse descubierto en las cercanías objetos arqueológicos recogidos en la exposición del Museoof Arqueológico de Enguera, como se cita: ‘La parte más de laThe exposición corresponde a and restaurant. The landscape is dominated by the presence large extensions of talvineyards surrounding thellamativa property. new rural los materiales de época ibérica (s. VI a III a. C.) procedente de la singular ciudadela ibérica de Cerro Lucena, con un grandes vasos decorados,room; así como de la necrópolis de los hotel, with 6 rooms, a fully functioning restaurant,conjunto exteriorde terraces andcerámicos a wine-tasting willpiezas servesingulares as a connection with theCampos naturalde Gimeno y del yacimiento ibérico de Toñuna.’[2] landscape within a historic building. Se trata de un valle muy fértil, explotado agrícolamente con viñedos de ‘Bodegas Enguera’, cuyo propietario es también dueño de la villa. La propiedad histórica se mantuvo íntegra hasta el siglo XVIII, cuando los censos a pagar por los señores correspondían a los Condes del Cerbellón. [1][2]

The building, made of masonry walls, wood slabs and roof tiles over a wood structure, is in a deteriorated state. The project seeks first to establish a clear state of the actual conditions of the building, including fully detailed elevations, a study of its pathologies, structural problemas and other challenges. The intervention seeks to change the least of the exterior elevations, mainly intervening in the interior rooms and creating new exterior terraces. 58

current state


design proposal





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