Cultural Development Policy

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Working for our future – today

Cultural Development Policy and Strategy

Cultural Development Policy Objectives This policy demonstrates Council’s commitment to cultural development as a process that enhances the quality of life of residents, and improves cultural experiences for residents and visitors, through fostering of the arts, community participation in creative activities, and providing opportunities to appreciate local history and Indigenous culture. The policy provides a framework for a cultural development program that promotes participation and access, engages with the Gold Coast’s multicultural and Indigenous communities, advocates the value of history and heritage, recognises the contribution of contemporary arts and cultural workers, and enhances economic development. Gold Coast City Council’s Corporate Plan 2005-09 states: Strategic Priority 5 - Cultural Development Outcomes

Key Performance Measures


The city values and celebrates its cultural diversity and heritage


Cultural development is considered in planning the city’s future


Signature cultural activities and events are sustained


Local art and culture enterprises are promoted and sustained


Collaboration and coordination between community arts and cultural groups is facilitated


Places of cultural or Indigenous significance are acknowledged and protected


Percentage of awareness and participation in events, festivals and activities celebrating cultural diversity, identity and heritage,


Percentage of awareness and participation in professional development for arts workers


Eligible Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) projects receiving funding as a percentage of total eligible RADF applications made


Percentage of awareness of Indigenous and non-Indigenous heritage

Strategic Priority 10 - Diversify and Strengthen the Economy Outcomes

10.1.1 Growth in the industry sectors targeted by the Economic Development Strategy: * Creative Industries… 10.2.1 Business numbers by industry

Key Performance Measures

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10.2.1 Business numbers by industry

Policy Statement


The Gold Coast will be recognised as a place with a distinctly diverse cultural identity in which new ideas for cultural expression will be readily generated, supported and developed, resulting in an enhanced quality of life and expanded opportunities for involvement in cultural activities for residents and visitors.

Culture Within the context of the Gold Coast Cultural Development Policy, the term ’culture’ refers to those aspects of the Gold Coast way of life that provide local opportunities for creative expression and participation in creative activities. This recognises the role that culture plays in personal and social development as well as its role in the development of a sense of place and local identity.

Gold Coast City Council will provide a stimulating cultural development program that: ■

engages with the Gold Coast’s rich diversity of cultural groups, and multicultural and Indigenous communities

advocates the value of history and heritage, and protects the Gold Coast’s existing cultural heritage

advocates for cultural development to be considered across all aspects of city planning and policy development

promotes participation and access for people of all ages and interests who wish to experience a wide range of arts practice and events

develops partnerships that support the growth and sustainability of a vibrant cultural and arts sector which reflects the aspirations of Gold Coast’s creative residents and workers

supports the availability of appropriate and sustainable facilities, and significant cultural events that reflect the Gold Coast’s unique cultures contributes to economic development of the creative sector and encourages cultural philanthropy

In the context of the Gold Coast with its rich diversity of cultures and environments, this policy is a tool for developing a creative environment that will assist the community to express imagination, to pursue ambitions and to realise ’dreams’. This creative environment is based on the Gold Coast’s rich Indigenous and European histories, and on the range of natural and built environments found across the Gold Coast. Further, it provides a wide range of opportunities for community participation. The policy is structured around a matrix of cultural policy aspirations outlined in the Gold Coast Cultural Development Strategy.

Scope This policy guides the work of cultural development staff, and all councillors and Council officers involved in projects, initiatives and activities that engage with the arts, cultural and creative sectors.

Cultural development The Gold Coast City Council defines cultural development as the coordinated and planned utilisation of the arts and other creative activities to improve local quality of life, community wellbeing and community engagement. A well-managed cultural development program offers all members of the community the opportunity for creative expression, enhanced social networks and a sense of inclusion. These outcomes promote improvements in such areas as education, employment participation rates and healthy lifestyles. The Australia Council for the Arts identifies cultural development as: a process which fosters creativity, inclusiveness, empowerment and trust in communities – all elements of social capital. The practice of community cultural development promotes the arts not only as a creative activity in its own right, but also as a vehicle for uniting and enabling communities. Planning for the future: issues, trends and opportunities for the arts in Australia, 2001. Sydney: Australia Council for the Arts.

Arts Queensland describes cultural development activity as: affirming the community and its members as the creators and owners of their cultural practices. In collaboration with professional artists and cultural workers, communities can express their inherent creativity, celebrate their unique culture and generate activities with social and economic benefits. Arts Queensland Grants Handbook, September 2001, Brisbane: Arts Queensland.

Cultural planning “Cultural planning is a purposeful, strategic approach to cultural development” (Better Places, Better Communities, 1997, Sydney: Australia Council for the Arts) which provides Council with opportunities to take a leadership and coordinating role in cultural development to consolidate and enhance the quality of life, the economic well being and the social quality of the entire community. Related Policies/Legislation Gold Coast City Council Cultural Development Strategy (Attachment A) Gold Coast City Council – Corporate Plan 05-09 Gold Coast City Council – Public Art Policy

“Council will be establishing, implementing and reviewing an arts and cultural development policy” Queensland Government, Arts Queensland – Guidelines for Operating the Regional Arts Development Fund Program (2000) p24

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â€œâ€Śthe Gold Coast is not a city of limits; it is a city of the imagination,


VE Cultural Development Strategy Preamble The Gold Coast is a rapidly growing and vibrant city with a dynamic combination of coastal and hinterland environments. It is a relaxed and distinctive place to live and an exciting and diverse place to visit. The Gold Coast not only boasts an iconic beach culture but also a growing diversity of urban, suburban and rural cultures and artform offerings consistent with a large and cosmopolitan modern city.

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of aspirations, of ambitions…” Brendan Shanahan “The Secret Life of the Gold Coast”, Penguin Viking Books 2004, p.9



The Strategy The Cultural Development Strategy is structured around the matrix of cultural policy aspirations that form the basis of the Gold Coast Cultural Development Policy: Leader - This aspiration is for Gold Coast City Council to position itself as a leader in cultural development and focuses on those strategies where Council has the ability to conceive and deliver policy initiatives. Partner - This aspiration recognises that Gold Coast City’s cultural development program plays a significant role in the region as a partner with the local community organisations, the private sector, other SEQ councils and the State and Federal Governments.

Advocate - This aspiration acknowledges that while Council has a central role in cultural development there are many other players who can make an important contribution, and therefore Council’s role is to advocate and encourage the growth of independent and sustainable cultural activities, events and industries. Caretaker - This aspiration relates to Council’s important responsibility as one of the custodians of the city’s cultural heritage and the ongoing sustainability of programs, venues and the public realm. Reviewer - This aspiration relates to the importance of staying abreast of current trends and maintaining an appropriate level of regular performance reviewing. The Cultural Development Strategy consists of five strategic drivers. These strategic drivers will inform the annual Cultural Development Unit Business Plan.

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Strategic Driver ONE The Gold Coast City’s unique, diverse and vibrant culture is celebrated, and both its heritage and its contemporary aspirations are promoted.

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Leader Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to providing leadership initiatives such as: ■

developing cultural programs that are relevant to the Gold Coast’s diversity of cultures so as to celebrate and sustain the internationally recognised beach culture while supporting the development of a sophisticated range of cultural activities that meet the needs of suburban, urban and rural communities

recognising and promoting the benefits of the Gold Coast’s high level of cultural and linguistic diversity through multicultural, cross cultural and intergenerational programs and events

establishing protocols that acknowledge and preserve culture and heritage and liaising with relevant representatives in relation to issues that impact on cultural heritage

Partner Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to partnering initiatives such as: ■

developing active partnerships with both the private and public sector to ensure the continuation of the city’s culturally rich lifestyle

developing an Artistic Exchange Program with our international sister cities to showcase the artistic works of the community

continuing to build a positive and fruitful partnership with Arts Queensland including continued participation in the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) or similar

Advocate Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to advocating for initiatives such as: ■ supporting a vibrant range of sustainable cultural activities by providing timely and accurate advice to community groups, organisations and individual arts workers ■

encouraging cultural groups, event organisers and local media to regularly and widely publicise events to ensure the Gold Coast community is kept informed regarding the wide diversity of cultural offerings

Caretaker Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to caretaker initiatives such as: ■

encouraging, as appropriate, the sustainability of signature cultural activities and events

continuing the delivery of funding through the Regional Arts Development Fund (or similar) and the Cultural Development Rapid Response Fund

managing ongoing development of the Cultural Development section (Cultural On-line) of the Council website as an info hub for community groups regarding media, funding and more

Reviewer Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to reviewing and learning through initiatives such as: ■

organising an annual Gold Coast Cultural Development Forum to provide Council with an opportunity to: ■ ■

inform the community of the previous year’s activities and outcomes allow the community to consider and comment on the proposed program for the forthcoming year GCCC Cultural Development Policy 07 7

Strategic Driver TWO Cultural development is positioned at the forefront of Council’s thinking and planning, and cultural development is integrated across Council’s economic, social and environmental programs.

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Leader Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to providing leadership initiatives such as: ■

implementing the 10 year Cultural Development Strategy to ensure cultural development and artistic expression is considered in planning the city’s future

developing procedures for the implementation of the Public Art Policy so as to provide an avenue for cultural and artistic development activities such as the commissioning of art workers to enhance new developments or revitalise existing ones

Partner Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to partnering initiatives such as: ■

ensuring ongoing consultation and collaboration across Council directorates to assist in: ■ ■ ■ ■ ■

incorporating cultural development into Council strategic planning building a strong cultural/creative industry sector through economic development initiatives supporting social planning benefits through community cultural development raising cultural development issues in Council planning, urban design and landscape projects, and through the planning approval processes identifying opportunities for a broad range of artistic expression to be integrated into Council’s activities and events

Advocate Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to advocating for initiatives such as: ■

maintaining good internal networks and relationships across the directorates to ensure that cultural development information is distributed, and that staff are aware of the policy and opportunities for cross directorate collaboration on cultural issues and programs

Caretaker Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to caretaker initiatives such as: ■

promoting the Cultural Development Policy and integrating the Strategy into Council’s Corporate and Operational Plans

Reviewer Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to reviewing and learning through initiatives such as: ■

continuing on-going liaison with staff from across Council directorates to review existing cross directorate activity, and to identify new opportunities and priorities

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Strategic Driver THREE The Gold Coast’s Indigenous heritage is acknowledged and celebrated, and the development of contemporary Indigenous cultural life is supported.

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Leader Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to providing leadership initiatives such as: ■

developing, supporting and celebrating Indigenous art and design to increase commercial opportunities for local Indigenous artists, and showcase the work of those artists to the wider community

Partner Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to partnering initiatives such as: ■

building and nurturing relations with the Indigenous community

liaising with National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance Committee (NAIDOC) to ensure the development and sustainability of NAIDOC Week

Advocate Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to advocating for initiatives such as: ■

raising community awareness, understanding and access to information related to the Gold Coast’s Indigenous culture

raising awareness throughout Council of the Indigenous welcoming protocol and promote its use at civic functions

Caretaker Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to caretaker initiatives such as: ■

continuing to collaborate with other areas in Council in developing and/or delivering programs and activities

Reviewer Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to reviewing and learning through initiatives such as: ■

holding a biennial Indigenous Cultural Forum to review previous Cultural Development activities and consider future programming

on-going evaluation of the biennial Gold Coast Indigenous Art & Design Award

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Strategic Driver FOUR Local artworkers and creative enterprises on the Gold Coast are promoted and assisted to be successful and economically sustainable so that the Gold Coast is recognised locally, nationally and internationally as an important centre for quality, creativity and a unique contemporary culture.

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Leader Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to providing leadership initiatives such as: ■

identifying and maintaining connections between cultural and economic development plans

planning and conducting the biennial Gold Coast Art and Design Award

Partner Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to partnering initiatives such as: ■

identifying opportunities for the development of flexible workshops and studio space for artists

continuing to explore options for professional development activities with state and federal agencies

continuing partnerships with federal and state governments and other areas of Council that support emerging artists and arts workers, such as the A-Venue Youth Music Initiative

supporting the ongoing auditing of the creative industry sector by Economic Development and Major Projects

Advocate Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to advocating for initiatives such as: ■

encouraging and facilitating the development of local creative industries and enterprises that feature local arts and culture

encouraging cultural philanthropy within the Gold Coast business and development community

continuing to support an arts and cultural industries networking and training program such as Creative Juices

continuing support and liaison with various arts and creative industries peak bodies such as the Gold Coast Music Industry Association

Caretaker Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to caretaker initiatives such as: ■

continuing the effective administration of the RADF grants program

Reviewer Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to reviewing and learning through initiatives such as: ■

reviewing previous RADF project outcomes to identify and quantify the benefits of the funding to the Gold Coast’s arts community

on-going evaluation of the biennial Art and Design Award

on-going evaluation of Creative Juices

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Strategic Driver FIVE The development of Gold Coast culture is supported through the identification and promotion of appropriate, diverse, accessible and equitable venues and environments where people can experience and participate in cultural activities and events.

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Leader Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to providing leadership initiatives such as: ■

conducting an audit of existing and potential cultural venues including an: ■ assessment of community buildings including their usage, capacity and pricing policies ■ assessment of community centres, halls, libraries and other civic infrastructure to determine their suitability to function as district level community cultural resources ■ assessment of parks, gardens, canals, rivers, beaches and other civic open spaces for performances and other cultural activities

Partner Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to partnering initiatives such as: ■

establishing cooperative agreements with the education sector and other potential owners of community facilities to support the sharing of venues

identifying opportunities to develop flexible workshop and studio spaces in partnership with universities, schools, property developers and other external stakeholders

Advocate Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to advocating for initiatives such as: ■

providing public access through Council’s online cultural data base to current information on venues and facilities suitable for community cultural development activities

Caretaker Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to caretaker initiatives such as: ■ liaising with appropriate Council Officers identify emerging opportunities in relation to the use of all Council owned facilities by arts and cultural groups and arts workers

Reviewer Gold Coast City Council, through its Cultural Development program, is committed to reviewing and learning through initiatives such as: ■

reviewing outcomes of cultural resource audits and establish the required actions to ensure sustainable community cultural development activities can be supported within available human and financial resources

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Credits Cover

Lisa Sorbie Martin, Generations (detail)

Page 4

Megan Cope, Gathering of the Tribes (detail) Marek Coowatch, Gold Coast Dawn (detail) Ammber Doyle, The Golden Days (detail)

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Mylinda McClelland, Blue Train Mural (detail) Lisa Sorbie Martin, Generations (detail) Megan Cope, Quandamooka (Sea Dreams) (detail) Jenny Fraser, Once in a Blue Moon (detail)

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Marek Coowatch, Gold Coast Dawn (detail)

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Ria Willering, Surfers Paradise (detail) A Secret Death Schukin Entertainment, In Zoom Jenny Fraser, Once in a Blue Moon (detail)

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Laurindo De Abreu Soto, Millennium Toy (detail) Mylinda McClelland, Blue Train Mural (detail) Woodford Theatre Company

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Lisa Sorbie Martin, Generations (detail)

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Narelle Urquhart, Wuundeela Lisa Sorbie Martin Megan Cope, Gathering of the Tribes (detail)

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Dr Octopus

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Ammber Doyle, The Golden Days Robina Community Art Gallery David Laidley, Genuine Qld Crab Sandwiches

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Philip Hayes, Valley Dawn (detail)

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Muninjali Dance Troupe, Gold Coast Indigenous Art and Design Award opening Trix Circus Steven Hall, Floating


Gold Coast City Council Cultural Development Unit PO Box 5042 Gold Coast MC Qld 9729 Australia Email: Web:

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