Final Professional Architecture Project Report

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Dementia Living Village An integrated development for people with dementia in Singapore Khoo Seah Fern 060971 UTAS Master of Architecture KDA 772 PP2 2014

Executive Summary Site and Urban Context MicroMacro Client and Users Summary of Functional Brief Theoretical Approach + Impetus Methodology #1 Progmatic Approach #2 Architectural Approach #3 Environmental Approach Social + Environmental Sustainability Report Technical Report Key Drawing Master Plan Typical Floor Plan Typical Section + Detail 090807060504030201 161514131211109875432organisationFormmaterialssstrategiesideasoverview+ystems++contents



Kampung Lorong Buangkok, North-east of Singapore Island. Singapore Ministry of National Development (MND) incorporate with Alzheimer’s Disease Association

01 Pragmatic approach • access and movement • functional zoning • sectional strategy 02 Architectural approach • wandering in familiar spaces • identify life between corridor of current public housing • security vs. autonomy 03 Environmental approach • Building form vs. climate responsive design • Site response / landscape approach • Materiarity that promotes the


01 Executive Summary CSiteLient

spaces as

as to respond to surrounding landscape The outcome






This programme is to rework against the conventional institutional nursing home and mono-functional housing development in Singapore which have been deteriorating the condition of people with dementia. Rather than designing a mock-up 50's or 60's built environment for people with dementia, this project attempts to focus on the spatial experiences of people that use the spaces / buildings, to create a strong sense of community, familiarity and identity. A domestic environment is developed with a series of familiar daily routine activities to promote independence and confidence of people with dementia to evoke their memory and slow down the progress of dementia. notion as well of this project is to develop a built that supports continuation living people dementia, which a range community outdoor healing roof.

of home


environment and housing under one

02 Site and Urban Context | Macro Singapore SINGAPORE Proposed KampungSiteLorong Buangkok Melbournelatitudes1° 22' N E48'103°longitudes The project lays on 12,000m2 forested land and bounded by private housing and high-rise residential, public transport, mental health hospital and a 60's traditional village. Opportunities • natural forest provides therapeutic environment • quiet and low pace • existing river provides a natural 'fencing' at boundary Constraint • no access road to plot of land. • building height (max. 25m) • site terrain : 1 to 7m • 3m(w) brook drain accross site 20 min walkingd istance High rise residential (10-15 storeys) PROPOSED SITE low rise residential (2-3 storeys) community (3 storey) industrial (2-3 storey) commercialmainroadproposed entrance road 03

02 Site and Urban Context | Micro Pieces of memory in Kampung Lorong Buangkok 3m width brook drain accross site with walkway on both sides 1. Forested site Hospital Hospital 2. River as boundary 3. Small brooke across site 123 04

03 Client + Users It is part of the mega project under Master Plan Singapore 2013. The mission of Draft Master Plan 2013 is focusing on integrated development to create a city for all ages where people, young and old, across the generations can work, play, learn, grow and be cared for in an integrated manner. Funding and Return on Investment The funding partners: • Singapore government authorities (MND and URA) • Non-government organisation (ADA) This scheme will be mixed tenure with 6075% affordable rental or shared ownership, the balance will be private-sale to raise the revenue for groundSecondaryprimarymaintenance. What is dementia ? Dementia is an umbrella term of mental processing disorder that include memory impairment and confusion, personality changes and difficulty in performing daily tasks. It is NOT a part of aging, but a progressive disease which gradually worsens over the time. Dementia is irreversible and require an ongoing treatment. Dementia TODAY Dementia TOMORROW There are 22,000 people living with dementia in Singapore, 2010. 50% cared by domestic maid at 25%homechoose to stay in nursing homes / old folk centres 75% choose to stay at home alone or with family members In 2030, 1 in every 10 people will be suffering with dementia. Who will be their carers in this future shrinking population? 05

Key issues

Challenge of Care

03 Client + Users

1. The planning aims to provide a continuity of domestic neighbourhood living for dementia residents while sustain interaction with the exisitng.

2. 24-hr onsite staffs / carers are required to take care of mid and late stage residents and prepare for emergency.

1. Isolation for different level of care to prevent people in early stage will feel depressed to stay with the late stage when witnessing their gradually no-cure progress.

Stage 1 EARLY MID LATE Stage 2 Stage 3

Dementia Spaces for activitiessocial Healing gardenConsultation &QuietTherapyzone for family retreat Family Community OccupantionalTherapist 06

3. Interaction between exiting village community and dementia people to promote continuity living of previous daily routines.

2. Spending enough time in nature and outdoor exercises can slow down the progress of deteriotation, improve health and cognition for people with dementia, henceforth reduce the annual medical cost.

04 Summary of Functional Brief Public S P ace beyondVehicle-freethis zone Controlled access for community and daily staffsResidentsusers.andonly S emi - Public S Pace Private S P ace entranceStreetfrom AccommodationApartmentAssited3-storeyStaff's PlaygroundSensoryGarden GardenFruit Landscape to provide : path, node, edge, district, Landmark (Kevin Lynch) &ConsultationEducational research Reception and Staff's Office Day CareChildCare High ApartmentCare3-storey CommonFacilities Low (IndependentCareLiving)3-storey communalbuilding 2-storey Shareresidentswith Fire access and emergency only 07

05 Theoretical approaches + impetus 1. Connection with 6.communityRaisedplanter box 8. Visual control (to avoid seeing other residents leaving) 10. Strong connection between indoor & outdoor spaces 2. Security and freedom / independence7.Clearvisual cues and legible navigation 3. Single loaded corridor for better ventilation and view from external building. 4. Design for casual meeting 5. Large private unit window (± 25m2 / room) with shades. 9. Provide family private spaces Wandering in Familiar Spaces A series of pattern languages derived from Alexander, Ishikawa and Silverstein 'A Pattern Language', as well as with the inspiration from Kevin Lynch's city cognitive mapping based on his five elements: path, edges, districts, nodes and landmarks to develop the design priorities for people with dementia to encourage independence and confidence to navigate within the spaces 08

06 Methodology #1 | Progmatic Approach 1. Function zoning 2. Access & movement 3. Sectional Strategy SocialSpaces Indepemdent living Assistedapartmentliving apartment High care apartment Staff Residentsunits spacescommunityandsocialCommunalbuilding3-StoreyResidentialAparmentbuilding responds to the building height of the semi-detached houses opposite river. independent Living apartment - Walking distance from centre assisted Living apartment - Attached with Staff Apartment and club house high Care apartment - Close to all social spaces yet retain privacy from club house Covered walkway Vehicle route Vertical Servicescirculation Entrance From site entrance to buildings' circulation Spatial hierarchy of a traditional village houses on site. PublicSemi-publicPrivate Public Semi public Semi private Shared space Private Question the notion of public vs private, inside vs outside: • change-of-level to replace physical barrier • infill with shared spaces • passive surveillance • visual continuationSequencesofnoise-tolerant activities 09

A flat rather than just a bedroom Ideally to design small and domestic spaces within spaces rather than large spaces. Visitors can sit with residents at living room like home instead of bedside like hospital. Those days before they forget It is not about designing a 50's or 60's dementia village, instead, the approach of this project allows residents to develop a continuation of daily routines and create their collective of ownerships to the building.


ApartmentStaffNurse station at every lift core at ground floor

Taichi Playground Morning tea

Sequences of outdoor spaces/activities as wayfinding referencing points to identify locations. Facilitate wayfinding and stimulate remaining congnitive abilities

A physical barrier is necessary to provide maximum security within the living village in order to prevent residents from wandering beyond the boundary without infringing residents’ liberty and dignity.

InstitutionalPersonalHomedining Room Room Room Room Room Big diningCommunalareaDiningforbiggroup

10 06 Methodology #2 | Architectural Approach 2. Life between corridors 3. Security vs. autonomy1. Notion of home

Home-like Good opportunity to wandering like own home, between inside and outside around building with passive surveillance.

Institutional Safe environment = everyone in one locked space and watched by a nurse.

"...people with dementia tend to do better when living in a housing where there are mixed of young and old residents".

11 06 Methodology #3 | Environmental2.ApproachSiteresponse / landscape approach 3. Materiality 1. Building form vs. climatic responsive design 12 hrs NE 33 °C 25 °C Corridor as heat buffer Prevent direct exposure sunlight intoLargebuildingoverhangDoubleskin House on Stilts Social spaces on ground to maximise opening on ground - create 'raisedup' effect Orientation East-west orientation to minimize area expose to solar radiation. Integration builtding with community and landscape External wall External floor Colour strategy for wayfinding Paving with traditional 'peranakan' tile, a derivative of Dutch Delft tiles which can be found in traditional chinese shop houses in Singapore.Landscape as 'invisible' buffer and provides 'segmented memory' along walkway The priority and focus of selected material is to facilitate wayfinding, also respond to Singapore tropical weather and respect the existing forest topography and adjacent traditional village. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1. Mini golf 2. Fruit garden + fish pond 3. Taichi / outdoor exercise 4. Sensory garden 5. Brook river seating 6. Vege farm 7. Fitness trail ApartmentResidentSocialSpaces

2. The building is raised to allow at ground ventilation across the site and reduce the impact on existing forest.

The project aims to provide a familiar domestic neighbourhood living where there are friends, children and pets.

Strategies 1. The Landscape and public toilets (at residential apartment and communal building) will be using the harvested rain water. Water collection tanks are located at the end of both building for rain water collection.

Social EnvironmentalSustainabilitySustainability

07 Social + Environmental Sustainability Report

Project Impetus To retain the remaining cognitive skills and promote independency of people with dementia in future, variety of social activities to provide opportunities of interaction with exisitng community and neighbourhood like: gardening, planting fruit and vegetable, playing chess, cooking class, or music and dance, pet feeding, or "shopping" at grocery shop...... just like those times before they forget.

Residential block Communal buildingPublicbehindtoilet


08 Technical Report Building Class : mixed development of Class 3d (residential) and 9a (healthcare).

1 3

The additional structural system 3 are lightweight steel frame attached to conrete frame work with timber floor plank for link bridge (as shown above) and the open deck. 2

The Secondary structural system 2 respond to the landscape can provide a continuity surface. The facade skin and internal wall will be single skin brickwork with additional 'timber skin' and corridor to buffer the heat and noise. The operable timber lourve allow residents to practice their daily skills and adjust view or daylight personally.


The Primary structural system 1 for the scheme is concrete skeletal frame and concrete slab, to maximize ground floor open spaces and flexibility of spaces re-configuration for social activities.

Type of construction : Type A, Concrete Frame Structure with lighweight timber skin.

12 3 4 56 7 independent Living apartment Communal Building Parking entranceand Loading unloading/ Proposed 2-way vehicle access with pedestrian walkway by brookeDayrivercare open deck lounge/outdoor verandahEvening Open deck - non ambulant residents can observe ground floor activities from andGuardtophouseSub-stationHigh Care Nursing Home assisted Living apartment (Staff unit at ground floor to provide passive suivellance) Circular Outdoor Activities 1. Mini golf with continous fitness track 2. Zen garden 3. Fish pond ( changing path material to prevent resident wandering beyond boundary) 4. Scent garden with raised planter box 5. Sensory garden with children playground 6. Vege garden with morning tea verandah 7. Fitness track with pegola 09 Key Drawing | Master plan 14

09 Key Drawings | Typical Floor Plans 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 livingbridgeCovered89linktoassitedapartment To library Snoezelanandroom Fire staircase link to staff units and fruit garden 2345 Communal Building 1. LiftLobby 2. Nurse Station 3. Courtyard 4. Theater room 5. Mahjong roomPart assisted Living apartment 1st Floor Plan assisted living apartment (Sequence from social spaces, group home shared area to personal spaces) 1. Courtyard with built-in seating 2. Scooter parking lot 3. Varenda and common corridor 4. Lounge and dining 5. Kitchen 6. Laundry 7. Hidden storage 8. Quiet corner / family retreat 9. Bedroom with attached bathroom and personal balcony UNIT 1 UNIT 2 15

• To develop a therapeutic living environment based on the notion of home, which provide people with dementia a continuity of life in a familiar environment.

09 Key Drawings | Sections & Details Design Detail Approach The detail aspiration aim to achieve these three primary outcome as below :

Railing Detail section of verandah at apartment Building

• To respond to the surrounding landscape, the green continue from existing forest, develops various outdoor spaces, continue into the living spaces, personal courtyard and

balcony.Privatebalcony walkwayCovered


• To promote independency for people with dementia and retain their remain cognitive skills as long as they could. such as operate swing windows and do their own laundry work.

Do not ask me to remember Don’t try to make me understand Let me rest and know you’re with me

Do not scold nor curse nor cry. I can’t help the way I’m acting, Can’t be different though I try.

Kiss my cheek and hold my hand. I’m confused beyond your concept I am sad and sick and lost. All I know is that I need you to be with me at any cost. Do not lose your patience with me

Just remember that I need you. That the best of me is gone. Please don’t fail to stand beside me, Love me ‘till my life is done. - author unknownThis poem was found posted on the door of someone who suffered from Alzheimer’s disease in a nursing home, posted by Jill Sadowsky.

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