VIRTUAL SOCIAL CENTRE GOES INTERNATIONAL Our intrepid Social Experience Coordinator, Kayla Meredith managed to squeeze in a European holiday earlier this year, prior to travel being restricted. In what we believe is the Virtual Social Centre’s (VSC) first international live tour, Kayla gave attendees a beautiful view from her apartment in Vienna, while having a relaxing chat about her adventures. This simple technology made it possible for attendees to feel connected to the wider world, and perhaps reminisce about their own youthful adventures. Kayla says a lot of her regular VSC attendees were excited in the lead up to the trip, so she wanted them to feel part of it while she was there. “The VSC is all about creating community, and helping people feel as involved as possible in what’s happening is a great way to do that.” For more information about the VSC visit
SENIORS, SAM & SUNRISE Our seniors have been spending isolation in style, with some of our regulars from the Virtual Social Centre even having a virtual catch up with Sam Armatyge on Sunrise. We love that we can help seniors connect and fight loneliness with the help of technology. They had a great chat with Sam and enjoyed their television debut!
FEROS VILLAGE RESIDENTS ARE TOP OF THE CLASS! Residents at Feros Village Byron Bay had the opportunity to relive their school days – complete with uniforms, tests and even detention! During the day the senior students attended class, sat for maths and geography tests and had their lunch delivered to their class in a brown paper bag. School Captains, a boy and a girl were chosen to represent the class, and students received merit awards. Feros Care Positive Living Team Leader, Bec Stephens says the day “Was such a laugh! Everyone loved it!” .