Sophia Ferries-Rowe
Urban Planning Portfolio 2023

“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody”
- Jane Jacobs
“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody”
- Jane Jacobs | (317) 418-2597 | LinkedIn: Sophia Ferries-Rowe | Website: Planning Portfolio
Passionate and diligent student with experience in engaging communities, managing projects, analyzing and presenting data, and working collaboratively. Willing and excited to learn new skills in short time frames. Committed to producing exceptional work and improving quality of life for all.
University of Cincinnati College of Design, Architecture, Art, & Planning
Class of 2024 | Cincinnati, OH 4.0 GPA
Bachelor of Urban Planning and Minor in Spanish
Brebeuf Jesuit Preparatory School
Class of 2019 | Indianapolis, IN
4.37 GPA
» UC Thrift President (2022, 2023)
» DAAP Dean’s List (2019 - 2022)
» Thrive Program Mentor (2021, 2022)
» Student Diversity & Inclusion Council (2019)
» Cincinnatus Scholarship Recipient
» National Merit Scholar
Advanced ArcGIS Online, ArcGIS Pro, Microsoft Office, Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator
SketchUp, Spanish language
1. Achiever
2. Intellection
3. Learner
4. Harmony 5. Input
Supporting Homeownership through Community Learning Centers | Research Assistant
Jan. 2023 - Apr. 2023 | Cincinnati, OH
Research project with Dr. Hayden Shelby about how Community Learning Centers help low-income families achieve homeownership.
» Translate informed consent and interview documents into Spanish
» Research similar iniatives from community learning centers or other nonprofit organizations around the country
» Interview Community Learning Center Institute employees from Cincinnati Public Schools about program success and struggles
Rundell Ernstberger Associates | Planning Intern
May - Aug. 2022 | Indianapolis, IN
Award-winning urban planning and landscape architecture firm with a diverse and high-quality portfolio of projects
» Conducted precedent research for Innovation Districts
» Prepared boards, briefing booklets, and other materials to engage public
» Generated planning recommendations based on community input and best practices
» Assembled airport overlay district regulations for a Unified Development Code
» Conducted an indepent research project about community engagement processes for affordable housing development
Jan. - Dec. 2021, Jan. - Apr. 2023 | Cincinnati, OH
Award-winning planning consulting firm specializing in comprehensive plans, development services, and zoning codes
» Created graphics and conducted demographic research
» Analyzed case studies and best practices for shared-use paths, commercial corridors, growth management plans, and more
» Prepared materials for, attended, and synthesized results of community input from public engagement events
» Co-author reports with Greg Dale, FAICP including Ethics chapter for Ohio APA Guide to Planning
Center of Wellness for Urban Women | Intern
Jun. - Sep. 2019 | Indianapolis, IN
» Conducted and analyzed results of resident interviews to assess community transportation needs
» Met with community leaders to discuss partnership opportunities and program creation processes
» Outlined program policies and wrote legal language for usage contracts, waivers, and terms and conditions
I am driven by my beliefs that everyone has intrinsic dignity, the world can be a better place, and we all have the power to make it better for our fellow humans. Planning fulfills my desire to serve my neighbors and acknowledges the interconnectedness of politics, the ecosystem, the built environment, social justice, the economy, and much more. The world does not function when everyone works in silos, so an interdisciplinary approach is essential to the future success of our communities.
I have worked in a wide range of communities on a variety of projects. I am inspired by the passion people have for their homes. I look forward to expanding my horizons even further and using my knowledge and skills to improve the quality of life for everyone.
Estoy motivade por mis creencias en que cada persona tiene dignidad intrínseca, el mundo puede ser mejor, y todos nosotros tenemos el poder de mejorarlo para las próximas generaciones. La planificación urbana cumple mi deseo de ayudar a mis vecinos y también reconoce la interconexión de las políticas, el ecosistema, el ambiente construido, la justicia social, la economía, y mucho más. El mundo no funciona cuando cada persona trabaja en silos, entonces una estrategia interdisciplinaria es esencial para el éxito de nuestras comunidades en el futuro.
He trabajado en una gran variedad de comunidades en muchos proyectos diferentes. Mi inspira la pasión que tiene la gente por sus hogares. Ansio la expansión de mis horizantes y la oportunidad de usar mi conocimiento y mi talento para mejorar la calidad de vida de todos.
My core values are connection, equity, and open-mindnedness. These values are present in my best academic and professional works, which I highlight in this portfolio.
“Connection is why we’re here; it is what gives purpose and meaning to our lives.” -
Brene Brown, researcher and authorPhysical connections from neighborhoods to resources, as well as connections between community members, developers, social groups, and government officials.
“Cities have the capability of providing something for everybody, only because, and only when, they are created by everybody” -
Jane Jacobs, journalist and activistEnsuring that people from all backgrounds have access to educational, professional, and recreational opportunities through mindful development practices that focus on the needs and desires of historically disenfranchised communities.
“See how the world could be in spite of the way that it is”
- Anaïs Mitchell, writer of Hadestown
Using radical imagination to assess the environmental, political, social systems that have built our world today, and embracing changes to these systems to make the world better.
» Homeownership Research
» Rundell Ernstberger Associates
» McBride Dale Clarion
» Cincinnati Region Scenario Planning
» Mill Creek Access Plan 03
» English Woods Site Design 04
» Interactive Mapping
» Murals & Custom Coloring Books
» Center of Wellness for Urban Women
» Language Immersion in Chile
Dr. Hayden Shelby is a housing and community engagement expert from the University of Cincinnati school of planning. I am Dr. Shelby’s research assistant for the “Supporting Homeownership through Community Learning Centers” research project. This interview-driven project studies alternative pathways to homeownership for lowincome families.
» Translating interview documents from English to Spanish
» Finding case studies to inform research questions and identify potential best practices
» Attending, taking notes, and recording interviews with staff from the Community Learning Center Institute
» Creating a format for the final report
May - August 2022
Rundell Ernstberger Associates is an award-winning urban planning and landscape architecture firm with a diverse and high-quality portfolio of projects. During my four months with REA, my responsibilities included the following:
» Conduct precedent research for Innovation Districts
» Prepare boards to engage public at community meetings
» Design and develop briefing booklets for community focus groups
» Generate planning recommendations based on community input and best practices
» Collaborate with team members on large, complex projects
The primary project during my semester with REA was the SJC Comprehensive Plan. REA is engaging the community through eight working groups, one for each of the eight plan pillars. I designed the layout, researched key information, and created graphics for the briefing booklets that working group members will utilize to guide action items for their respective pillar.
I also created boards for the Comprehensive Plan Summit hosted, which allowed community members from all over the county to learn about the plan, provide input, and sign up to serve on working groups.
El proyecto en que trabajé más durante el semestre con REA era el Plan Integral del conado St. Joseph. REA involucra la comunidad con ocho grupos de trabajos, uno por cada pilar del plan. Diseñé la puesta en papel, investigué información clave, y creé unos gráficos para las libretas de información que utilizarán los grupos para guiar las acciones de los pilares.
También creé unas visualizaciones para la cumbre del Plan Integral que proveyó una oportunidad por miembros de la comunidad de cada parte del colado para aprender sobre el plan, hacer comentarios, y registrarse en los grupos de trabajo.
Everyone had different ideas about how to approach climate change, development pressure, and equity. It was a great opportunity to recognize the value of every person’s perspective and find common ground.
I worked on an application for the Community Collaboration for Health Equity Grant. The grant would fund a community health and resource fair for community members around Nora Elementary.
Nora is home to many immigrant families with diverse needs. The health & resource fair would provide an opportunity to access necessary health care, legal and financial services, and educational resources in a safe environment.
Trabajé en una solicitud para la beca que se llama La Collaboración Común de la Equidad Sanitaria. El programa era una feria de salud y recursos para los miembros de la comunidad cerca de la escuela Nora.
Nora es el hogar de muchas familias inmigrantes con necesidades diversas. La feria proveerá una oportunidad para acceder unas necesidades como asistencia médica, servicios legales y financiales, y recursos educativos en un ambiente seguro.
For this proposal, I learned about a disadvantaged community in my city and the challenges they face accessing necessary services.
As part of my intership with REA, I completed an independent research project on the development of subsidized housing and permanent supportive housing, with an emphasis on community engagement strategies.
Como parte de mi pasantía con REA, hice un proyecto de investigación independiente sobre el desarrollo del vivienda subvencionada y vivienda permanentes con servicios auxiliares, con un énfasis en las estrategias de involucrar a la comunidad.
“How can planners transform the development process of low-income or affordable housing projects to gain support from and create partnerships with local communities?”
» Conduct key person interviews
» Research successful projects nationwide & respective engagement processes
» Analyzed two current case studies in downtown Indianapolis
» Early and active engagement from city and developers
» Use community engagement specialists
» Education about affordable and supportive housing to dispel fear
» Build community engagement into zoning codes
» Presume good will of community members and developers
This project introduced me to different actors in affordable housing in Indianapolis, including developers and HOA presidents.
This project is tied to equitable access of safe, affordable, secure housing for the most vulnerable urban populations.
I heard many different perspectives regarding the challenges and stigmas surrounding affordable housing.
McBride Dale Clarion is a private consulting firm in Cincinnati. During my year with the company, I had many responsibilities including the following.
» Creating graphics for comprehensive plans and public engagement
» Summarizing survey data to identify key planning issues
» Writing reports on various topics
» Working directly with clients to coordinate efforts during the planning process
I created graphics for Fairfield, OH and Franklin, OH to clearly display zoning requirements such that they could be easily understood by developers, planning staff, and citizens. For Franklin, OH specifically, I created handouts that staff could use to help answer frequently asked questions.
Creé unos gráficos para Fairfield, OH y Franklin, OH para exhibir claramente los requisitos de zonificación para que constructores, empleados del gobierno, y miembros de la comunidad puedan entenderlos. Para Franklin, OH específicamente, creé folletos que los empleados de la ciudad puedan usar para contestar Preguntas frequentes.
These graphics bridge the gap between planners and residents by cutting jargon and only including the most important information.
For the City of Loveland Comprehensive Master Plan, I worked on maps and wrote sections for the plan. The primary section I worked on was the Loveland-Madeira Corridor. The goal for the corridor was to increase walkability and better connect it to Downtown Loveland. The plan recommendations for this corridor include:
Para el Plan Integral de Loveland, creé unos mapas y escribí unas secciones del plan. La sección en la que trabajé más fue el plan para el corredor Loveland-Madeira. La meta para el corredor es aumentar el nivel de transitabilidad a pie y hacer una
The Loveland-Madeira Corridor streetscape redesign symbolically and physically connects this commercial stretch to the charming downtown district.
This group work from Spring 2022 envisions the future of the Mill Creek Corridor and greater Cincinnati region as influenced by the major drivers of development today: climate change, technology, equity, and declining populations in environmentally-sensitive areas. By studying the impacts of these drivers on key systems, we outline development strategies to ensure a collaborative and equitable future for the region.
My primary role in the group was ideation and ensuring that proposed development strategies and plans worked toward the overarching mission of creating a more sustainable and equitable future for the Mill Creek Corridor.
Scenario planning is a strategy that envisions various futures for a study area based on key social and economic drivers. This process is more forward-thinking and progressive than typical planning processes and allows for more creativity and innovation.
The way development occurs in the future is influenced by present-day pressures, which we refer to as drivers. In the next 20 years, we imagine the Mill Creek region will be shaped by increasing equity concerns, a rapidly changing climate, advancing technology, and a decreasing population along the Mill Creek corridor due to flooding.
La manera en que desarrollo occurirá en el futuro está influida por presiones actuales que llamamos “claves.” En los próximos 20 años, imaginamos que la región del Mill Creek será formado por aumentando problemas de equidad, un clima que está cambiando rápidamente, tecnología avanzada, y una población decreciente a lo largo del Mill Creek a causa de más inundaciones.
Each driver will impact four major systems to varying degrees: Social/Cultural, Envrionment, Education, and Transportation. The table identifies potential specific impacts, which in turn informs the impact chart.
Cada clave tendría impactos en cuatro sistemas principales a varios grados: social/cultural, medioambiental, educativa, y transportación. La tabla muestra unos efectos potenciales e informa el gráfico que muestra el nivel de impacto en los sistemas por las claves.
Based on the analysis of these impacts, we identified opportunities and three guiding principles for development: Self-Sustaining Communities, Sustainable Infrastructure, and Localization
Various strategies were identified for every principle. They are all interconnected because the systems within cities collaborate and help one another. The strategies with stars were explored more in depth during this project.
Basado en un análisis de estos impactos, identificamos oportunidades y tres principios para el desarrollo: Comunidades Autosostenibles, Infraestructura Sostenible, y Localización
Varias estrategias fueron identificadas por cada principio. Todas están interconectadas porque los sistemas de las ciudades se colaboran y apoyan. Aquellas con una estrella fueron exploradas más profundamente en este proyecto.
Achieving this vision will require the coordination of many governmental, community, private, and environmental organizations. Without intervention, the region will continue on a path to isolation, inequity, and environmental ruin. With this cooperation, however, we can create a better future for everyone, including the Earth.
Logrando esta visión requerirá la coordinación de muchas organizaciones gubernatorias, comunes, privadas, y medioambientales. Sin intervación, la región seguirá en un camino al aislamiento, desigualdad, y ruina del medio ambiente. Con esta cooperación, podemos crear un futuro mejor para todos, incluyendo la Tierra.
Co-housing communities in this case are characterized by collaboration between neighbors. People share more of the everyday labor and responsibilities, which promotes socialization.
Comunidades de conviviencia son caracterizadas por la colaboración entre vecinos. La gente comparte más aspectos y responsabilidades de la vida cotidiana, que promueve la socialización.
Deprioritizing highways and restructuring land use distribution will promote equal access to resources such as healthy food, recreation, etc. for all. This neighborhood model also encourages interaction between people of diverse backgrounds and provides more local opportunies for work and recreation.
The impact of transportation a key concern. Bike prioritized in roadway for both transportation
El impacto de transporte interés clave. La infraestructura fue priorizada en el diseño azules” fueron creados
Geen and blue trails allow enjoy the Mill Creek and interact communities’ resources, and natural environment.
Placing bike lanes in the center of the street symbolizes its position at the top of the road hierarchy.
Access to the Mill Creek ensures that everyone can enjoy this historic and beautiful natural amenity.
Sections created by group member
transportation on the environment was Bike and pedestrian infrastructure were roadway design. Blue trails were created transportation and recreation.
transporte en el medio ambiente era un infraestructura peatona y de las bicicletas diseño de las calles. Además, “caminos creados para el transporte y la recreación.
To promote localization and reduce environmental impacts, systems will be created for neighborhood clusters that integrate the inputs and outputs of households, industry, and agriculture.
Para promover localización y disminuir los impactos medioambientales, sistemas serán creados por cada grupo de comunidades que integren las entradas y salidas de los hogares, la industria, y la agricultura.
residents of all neighborhoods to interact with other people, access other and form greater connections with the
Reimagining the many systems at work on city and neighborhood scales would reduce the environmental impact of modern lifestyles.
Multiple access points in each neighborhood and each cluster of neighborhoods enhances connectivity.
This work explores what access along the Mill Creek in Cincinnati could look like and how increased access would help make this waterway a greater asset for the surrounding neighborhoods, the city, and the region.
Though access is typically an idea rooted in physical spaces, our approach for this project encompasses both the physical elements and the perceptual aspects that make something feel more inviting.
Aunque acceso típicamente es una idea basado en los espacios físicos, nuestra estrategia abarca los elementos físicos y de percepción que hacen que algo se sienta más tentador.
This project imagines how the Mill Creek can become a regional amenity and create connections between the historic creek and both local and outside residents.
Five tenets of access were identified, and each tenet had an objective. If these objectives were met, then the Mill Creek Access Plan would meet the overarching goal of providing a safe, unique, high-quality asset for the region. Cinco principos de acceso fueron identificados, y cada principio tuvo un objetivo. Si estos objetivos fueran logrados, el Plan de Acceso al Mill Creek conseguiría el gol dominante de provenir un recurso seguro, único, y de calidad alta para la región.
Provide access to necessary amenities and develop plan to clean and maintain the Mill Creek.
Create destinations that reflect the neighborhoods and engage visitors.
Ensure universal access and encourage alternative forms of transportation along the Mill Creek.
Create a singular, cohesive path that is adjacent to the water
Increase visibility of the Mill Creek and highlight the urban environment
Action items and metrics of success were identified for each tenet. Below is the spatial distribution of three action items for Amenities/Maintenance tenet.
Acciones y medidas de éxito fueron identificados por cada principio. El mapa muestra la distribución espacial de tres acciones del principio Comodidades/Mantenemiento.
Action Items:
1 2 3
Provide bike amenities along the path
Bike Amenities
Success Metrics:
» Bathrooms every half mile
» No visible dumping sites or litter
» 10 volunteers a month for maintenance opportunities
Place essential amenities (restrooms, trash cans, etc.)
Equitable access to the creek, parks, information, and amenities was a key priority because many communities along the corridor are lowerincome neighborhoods.
Install signage
Essential Amenities Signage
2 3
2 3
2 3
The strategic plan shows the ideal route of a multi-modal path along the Mill Creek. It follows the water as closely as possible and takes visitors through the distinctly urban land uses along the creek.
El plan estratégico muestra la ruta ideal de un camindo multimodal a lo largo del Mill Creek. Sigue el agua lo más cerca posible y toma visitantes por los distintas áreas urbanas en el Mill Creek.
Existing Bridge
Proposed Bridge
Long Term Trail Plan
Floating Boardwalk
Alternative Plan
Red Bike
Existing Parks Sites
Commercial Districts
The work plan displays the order in which actions would be taken, predicted duration, and level of impact. The larger dots around the label signify that the action will have profound impacts.
El plan de trabajo exhibe el orden en que las acciones serían tomados, las duraciones previstas, y los niveles de impacto. Los puntos más grandes alrededor de las etiquetas indican que la acción tendrá impactos profundos.
This map shows the order in which different sections would be installed, how long the sections would be, and the areas through which they would pass.
Este mapa muestra el orden en que las secciones serían instaladas, los largos de las secciones, y las áreas por que pasarían.
The Mill Creek Path is designed to connect residents from within and visitors from outside the Mill Creek watershed to this great resource. In addition to the trail along the water, walk-bike trails branch off into community business districts to promote economic development in local neighborhoods.
Estimated Total Cost $22,310,438
+ + + =
Based on Shared Use Path Cost memorandum from Toole Design
The Carthage Neighborhood Business District would be greatly enhanced by increased foot traffic in the area. This is an analysis of the area, a proposed path for the trail, and a phasing plan for small-scale implementation.
El centro comercial de la comunidad Carthage sería mejorado mucho por el aumento del tráfico peatonal. Ésto es un análisis de la área, un camino propuesto, y un plan para las etapas de implementación.
Public Service
Strength Opportunity
English Woods is a neighborhood on the west side of Cincinnati that once housed many middle income families in CMHA homes. The 1950s homes were removed in 2009 and the neighborhood was left alone and neglected. This work from Fall 2020 explores how the site could be revitalized to become a thriving community with a variety of uses.
The site’s steep slopes on all sides isolate it from the city. Large forested areas are currently inaccessible to residents. Future development seeks to connect the site with the rest of the city and create more opportunities for residents to interact with the natural environment.
Las laderas de todos los lados del sitio lo aislan de la ciudad. Áreas grandes y boscosas no son accesibles por los residentes. Desarrollo en el futuro debe conectar el sitio con el resto de la ciudad y crear más oportunidades para los residentes de interactuar con el medio ambiente.
Possible Heat Dome
Southwest Winds
Tree Canopy
Off-Site Noise
On-Site Noise
The final site design for English Woods provides diverse housing options, unique recreational opportunities, and a range of commercial and institutional uses that bring the community together.
El diseño final para English Woods provee diversas opciones de hogar, oportunidades únicas para recrearse, y una variedad de usos comerciales e institucionales que unen la comunidad.
Commercial: 0.48 Acres
Mixed Use: 10.6 Acres (including mixed institutional uses)
With this project, I was able to explore many development ideas. On this almost entirely blank canvas, I designed a variety of housing and recreation options connected by an intricate trail network. I also created a senior housing facility better-suited for the current residents of Marquette Manor.
Apartments: 8.3 Acres
Duplexes: 2.2 Acres
Single-Family: 1.5 Acres
These thumbnails display the variety of uses on the site. Housing diversity, access to the natural environment, and community-building were the driving factors behind the site plan.
Estas miniaturas muestran la variedad de usos en el sitio. Una diversidad de las viviendas, accesso al medio ambiente, y el desarollo de la comunidad eran los factores claves del plan para el sitio.
Duplex & Single Family
Large Single Family
Residential, Offices, Open Space & Commercial
Grocery & Parking Garage
Community Center & Commercial
Community Center & Greenspace
An internet connection has become essential to life in America. However, the most vulnerable populations in urban areas typically cannot afford it, and are therefore at a further disadvantage.
Link to web map
Una conexión al internet se ha convertido en un elemento esencial para la vida en los Estados Unidos. Sin embargo, las poblaciones más vulnerables en áreas urbanas típicamente no lo pueden pagar. Como resultado, están más desamparadas.
As part of an honors seminar, I created a digital inventory of one of the only historic Black cemeteries in Cincinnati - United American Cemetery - to help people find and honor their ancestors.
Link to web map
Como parte de una clase de honores, creé un inventario digital de uno de los únicos cementarios históricamente negros de Cincinnati, United American Cemetery, para que la gente pueda econtrar y honrar a sus ancestros.
Apart from school projects, I enjoy exploring other artistic mediums such as murals, coloring books, collaging, and more.
Aparte de los proyectos académicos, me gusta explorar otras técnicas como murals, libros para colorear, collages, y más.
LaTasha Sandidge, doula and owner of sā·cred birthright, commissioned a coloring book for expectant parents, especially Black mothers. Black women often experience medical trauma and discrimination, so this book was made to promote a positive and wholesome pregnancy experience.
In the Summer of 2019, I worked with the Center of Wellness for Urban Women on the creation of a bike share program for residents called “Let’s Ride.” This program would improve access within the city and contribute to the implementation of the Great Places Strategic Plan for the primarily Black and low-income neighborhood of King Commons, Indianapolis.
Through this experience, I gained firsthand knowledge of program creation and witnessed other grassroots efforts in progress in my city. I have remained connected to the incredible projects within King Commons including Flanner Farms and Cleo’s Bodega.
En el verano de 2019, trabajé con el Centro de Salud para las Mujeres Urbanas en la creación de un programa de bicicletas compartidas para los residentes que se llamaba “Let’s Ride.” El programa mejoraría el accesso en la ciudad y contribuiría a la implementación del Plan Estratégico “Great Places” para la comunidad principalmente negros y de pocos recursos King Commons, Indianápolis.
Por esta experiencia, gané un conocimiento de primera mano de la creación de un programa y observé otras esfuerzos comúnes en progreso en mi ciudad. He quedado conectade a los proyectos increíbles en King Commons como Flanner Farms y Cleo’s Bodega.
» Meet with neighborhood organizations (Groundwork Indy and Freewheelin’) to learn from their programs and discuss partnership opportunities
» Survey community members
» Locate resources such as parks, bus stops, and bike racks to identify possible trails and ride routes
» Write legal documents like the liability waiver and rider applications
» Create the Let’s Bike web page
The Let’s Bike program was designed to expand transportation options for the low-income residents of King Commons to increase job and recreation opportunities.
In the Summer of 2018, I participated in the Indiana University Honors Program of Foreign Languages, which allowed me to spend six weeks in Viña del Mar, Chile with a host family. This intensive language immersion program involved speaking, listening to, and reading exclusively in Spanish.
I learned about Chilean culture and history, explored the neighborhood of my host family and visited nearby cities, and became proficient in Spanish.
I am pursing a Spanish minor because I believe it is incredibly important that all community members feel involved and welcome in planning processes. I hope that by becoming more fluent, I will be able to help Spanish-speaking residents become active in planning for the future of their communities.
This opportunity opened my mind to new perspectives, lifestyles, cultural values, and more. Keeping an open mind allowed me to embrace all the lessons of the experience, and influenced my decision to pursue urban planning.
El verano de 2018, participé en un programa por la Universidad de Indiana que me dio la oportunidad de pasar seis semanas en Viña del Mar, Chile con una familia anfitriona. Este programa de inmersión intensiva incluía hablar, escuchar, y leer exclusivamente en español.
Aprendí sobre la cultura e historia chilena, exploraba la comunidad de mi familia anfitriona, visité cuidades cercanas, y gané una competencia en español.
Hago la carrera de planificación urbana porque creo que es muy importante que todos miembros de una comunidad sientan involucrados y bienvenidos al proceso de planear. Espero que, con una habilidad para hablar español con más fluidez, tendré la capacidad de ayudar a que los residentes hispanohablantes sean más activos en la planificación del futuro de sus comunidades.
Cities are places of great inspiration, passion, and culture. However, not everyone has equal access to these incredible resources. As an urban planner, I hope to help communities that have been historically ignored and harmed by past and present policies and planing practices to realize their full potential and execute their visions for the future of their neighborhoods and cities.
Urban planning has the power to shape cities that embrace all people and allow them to thrive. The interdisciplinary nature of the field makes it uniquely suited to bridging the gap between economic development, social equity, and environmental sustainability. I am grateful for the rewarding and humbling experience of planning. I enjoy constantly learning in an academic context, through first-hand experiences, and from spoken and unspoken interactions with communities and individuals on a daily basis.