Cfirgsa[is tlie fiterarg I art magazine of ;Ferrum Co[fege
1993-1994 Coverart 6y,
Erik Johnson
Contents Peopfe are '1300/(§ Page 6y 'Dana Seaman................................................... 4 51..Ligfit 6y 'Don X.,assennan............................................... 5 Pu6[ic !l(,llfi.o 6y James C. :Jv[i[[er III..........................................6 'Ifie 'Wecfcfing 6y 'Tammy Wood...................................................7 Co[fege :Freecfom 6y Ca[ '13a[cfwin .....................................................8 Micfiaef Part 'Two 6y Scot Cser. .......................................................... 9 :feea ng 'i{_apecf 6y James C. :Jv[i[[er III....................................... 10 'Ioucfiecf 6y :You 6y 'Tammy 'Wood. ............................................... 11 O[cf :frientfs 6y James C. :Jv[i[[er III....................................... 14 'R.pcinante 6y (jenna :fucfis................................................. 16 I�mem6er 6y Micfie[[e 'Weicfman........................................17 'Ifie '13rof@n 'Dream 6y Cfiristy 'Dunn................................................ 18 'Watcfiing a (jocfcfess '13atfie 6y Preston 19 'Irappecf '13efiincf a Mirror 6y 'Don X,_assennan............................................ 20 Pee[ 6y 'Eric '13af@r. ................................................... 21
'13a«. .................................................
Cfirysa[is 1994
'lJepresswn 6y Cfiristine 'U[[man................................................22 'Wave 6y 'Eric 'Ba/(;gr. ..........................................................24 Spirit 6y Cliristine 'LJ{[man................................................25 Listen to tfie 'Wincf 6y �"nstma ,y,• • Stump...................................................26 'Estfier 6y Cfiristine 'll[{man................................................27 'lqu[forcf at 3 a.m. 6y C[if.f 1(Jrli:.,........................................................•••28 Crusfi 6y 'Eric 'Ba/(;gr..........................................................29 Sa66atfi 6y Preston 'Ba«. ......................................................30 'Ifie 'Beautiful Peop[e 6y (jenna :Fucfis......................................................32 'Ifie 'Encl .iy Preston 'Ba«.......................................................33
Ylrt James 'WiWams..................................................... 12, 13, 23 'Erik., Jofinson....................................................................15 Jonatfian 'Bier................................................................... 31
page 3
Peopfe J' 'Boof<J
.9/. 6ook, a cover 'Ifie cover tef{s a story .9/. 6ook, pages 'Ifie pages te{( a story 'l{sit a(ways tfie same 'Time passes 'Ifie 6ook,ages 'Ifie spine wears Pages eme19e J'(utter to tfiegrouna 'Ifie trutn reveafea '1{p matter wnat is uncoverea 'Ifie events are t!ie same 'Ifie 6ack,cover is tnere 'Ifie ena encounterea 'Ifie 6ook,snuts.
.91. .91. {ig/it It's sliining .91. {ig/it of/iope .91. {iglit to some tliat mak.,es tliem fed insignificant .91. {ig/it to some tliat sliows infinite possi6iCities Otliers tliinl(it tlie windows of lieaven It saw tlie creation of every tliing .91. {ig/it tliat saw it's own creation .91. {ig/it tliat sees every singu tliing .91. {iglit tliat may see tlie end of a{{ it is not for ever 'Eternal, immorta{ inconstant Constant aimming '.Brig/it {ig/it .91.
'IJanaSeaman 'IJon X,asserman
Cnrysa(is 1994
page 5
'IJ-{'£ WE/IYJJI:J{.{j
PuG[ic '1{,adio 'vV/ien itgets fate at nigfit Ijust rfrinf(.
Sanity wasfiea Gy[iquid emotwn
anrffig/it witfi myself
scrawferf anrf scratcfierf riown
I [isten to music anrf tfiinf(. a6out women, literature, writing, rfiytfim anrirfrugs anrf long lost loves
6uilr1ing tfie peifect Geast. 'I1ie one fovea anrf lost tfie feast.
rrJ-f!I(O'U(jH'Y.912?._'DS Jllg{__'D 'Y.912?._'DS O'F 'WJ{J'1'£ 'F1(.9l.'.J'E'D S'EYl!MS
James C. Afi{fer III 'Tammy'Wooa
Cfirysafis 1994
page 7
:Micliae[Part II Coffege :Freetfom Co{(ege is tfi.e tli.ang for me. I'm now consiaeretf an atfu{t, 'Because my parentsmatfe a man of me. 51.ntf now I'm grown anti in co{(ege, It's on me to get a fitt{e6oo(K!}ow(etfge. :My tfatf a{ways says Ii.e's tfeatf6rof@, 'J{o money fi.ufi.? :Man's a6igjot@. I'tffigure, J'{[party tfi.en J'{[stutfy, {jet ajo6 tfi.en I'tf mat@ a {iu(e money. 'But now tfi.e picture's coming c(ear, I'm on my own now, ain't no parents Ii.ere. 'J{o one to say "'Boy tat@ out tfi.e trasfi.!," Or ''(jet up, son, 'Witfi. your {azy ass!" !Freetfom is I untferstantf, 'Because your own freetfom ma(es you your own man. Sogetmatf, {jet tougfi., {jet mean, ''s watcfi.a neetf on tfi.e co{(ege scene.
Ca[ 'Ba[rfwin Cfi. rysa{is 1994
'Ifi.e .ioy tfi.rougfi. winaow wok.ea 'Turnetf to tfi.e wa{[ staretf at message fdt tfi.e empty607<. 'Turnetf it in ump liantf 'Ifi.e wintfow tlirougli tfi.e6oy wok.ea 'Turnetf tfi.e sli.aae tfown .91. man tlirougfi. winaow saw a6oy 'Turnetf away liis sfi.atfe :His own way went a man 'Ifi.e .ioy turnetf to tfi.e wa{[
Scott Cser page 9
:PE'ELI'A{g '1(.9/PE/D I've written poems, sweat tearsfor at feast 21/2 years swalrowea ana gu{pecl 6eers, [ines, taos anclaealt witli a {ot of fears. JI.[[ in tlie name of Summer Sky. Longing, caring, feeling qui!ty foraosense ancl [ies ancl rost alwi.s a[[ in tlie name of little tears anclsoft liitUen cries innocent lives vicious sours [ife (ong wliores.
'Toucfied 6y :You You. tou.cfiet£ my fife ... You. openea my mini to tli.e wonders of R.,now(eage. You. awakgnerf in me a sense of my own se[f-wortft. You. astenerf witft your li.eart, wit!i. your eyes. You. fet me insiae tli.e sli.efter ofyoursouL %most, I cou.U wve you.. You. answerer£ sometliing insiae of me. I'm not sure w!, 'But now I R.,now I'm cli.angerf.
'Tammy Wood
fragile aestroyer. JJl.:M'ES C. 'MILL'E'l(III Cft.rysalis 1994
. , ��
!7 f:,
Cfi.rysalis 1994
page 13
ou:rrnnas I sit fiere
anawok., atfrmu(s drinfjng, eating ana dancing.
:Frnnas tliat
liave 6ecome lias-6eens .9IJU{ I reaCi.ze I am amongst tfie un{qwwing. 'Ifie ack.,now{ec{ged ignorant. 'Ifie inte{{igent ones. 'Ifie ones tliat (qiowtfiey donot {(now
.9IJU{ continuous{y
So tliey turn ana rejoice ana dance in tfieir ignorance. 'Becoming part of tfie trance. 'Ifie trance of tfie fiungry. .9IJU{ tfiey dance knowing. I dance anao6serve I
James C. %i[fer III Cfirysa{is 1994
page 15
1l.9cinante :its a cfiila I was liis Sancfio fa.ioring to .ie governor of tfie isfantf ofliis affections. 'But fiesaw past me tofig/it tfie dragons in fiis mint£ never disil{usionetf .iy tfie worU 's facf(offaitfi. :its a c/ii[tf., Isaw a Fiero, tlie cOUrllfJeous f(nigfit in armor antiga{{antsteed. 'But my worsfiip was not enougfi; fiefougfit on to gain tlie recognition of tfie worU tfiat was no more.
'Witfi me tfie armorgrew tamisfietf, tfiesteed fame. Losing faitfi in tfie paradise isfantf, Isaw only wintfmi{[s. I fost tfie faitfi. 'Too fate, I reafise I never toU liim; I see inside tfie tamisfied .iattfe-worn armor tfiesou[ of a man wfio wouU not affow tfie [J[intfed worU to o.iscure liis vision. Jfe is sti1{ my Fiero.
(jenna ![ucfis
I�mem6er I remem.ier: tfie way fiis eyessparf(fed and em.iraced mysou[ wfien fie foo�d into my own, as tfie coo[ ocean crasfietf against tfie fiot sand. 'Ilie way fiis kiss and toucfi made mefee[ as tfiesparR§ ignited in tfiesfy. 'Iliejoyfdt as we fie{tf fiantfs wa{KJ,ng afo ng tlie sfiore. :My fieart .ieatfaster, .ireatfiing sfowetf, and tearsstreamed down myface as I fieartf our song pfayetffor tfie fast time.
Micfie{{e 'Weiaman
Cfirysa[is 1994
page 17
'Watching a < 'Bathe
'Ifie '13roRg,n 'Dream Once upon a aream YI. aream was tfestroyea !Rjppea to sfireatfs [ili;g it was notfiing Just tfirown to tfie grouna ana fejt to rot YI. piece of paper 'Tfirown into a fiery grave Yl.nd a{{ tfiat is fejt is asfies YI. crysta{ g{ass Sitting on a firep{ace Soon to 6e carefess[y aroppea Sfiattering tfie sweet essence insitfe. 'Wfiat ao you ao wfien a aream is tfestroyea? 'lJo you {oof(for tfie remains ana try to put it 6acf(togetfier? 'lJo you give up on tfie aream tfiat was meant to 6e? :May6e areams are on{y for areamers wfio 6di.eve.
Yl.s sfie stantfs witfi one feg outstretcfiea toHer siae Sfie reacfies into tfie sprink{ing mist cups Her fianagatfiers water Sfie takes tfie water into Her sfiirt onto Her 6oÂŁy ana rn6s sww{y rfe{i6erate{y tenaing Her soft areas anai watcfi Jfgain Sfie reacfies into tfie mist ana rn6sHer 6oay Her 6{ack,skjn now g{istens witfi fiunaretfs of {iquia diamontfs
Summer 'Wasfiington 'lJ.C. I stanain tfie sfiatfow of tfie ivory o6e{isk, rfemocaracy's pfia{{us I stana watcfiing a fiomefess woman 6atfie in a {awn sprink,fer I want to tum away as do so many otfiers 6ut I stanaana watcfi i wi{{ not wok.away i cannot wok.away from tfie (joarfess un6roks,n sfiaming tfiose wfio fiave raped fier
Cfiristg 'Dunn
Preston 'Ba[{ Cfirysa{is 1994
page 19
Pee{ 'Irappetf 6eliintf a mirror '.Banisfietffrom tfie fight 'l'rappetf 6ehin tf a mirror 1(ept in pfain sight :For a[[ who come by to see tfiemse[ves 'What is pristine is tanisfietf 'What is smooth on one side is cracl@tf on tfie otfier 'What attracts re.pefs .91. bright C¥fht in a tfar!( a6yss 'Ifie sifverframe is a arrountf our nee!( 'E,ach engravetf tfesign is a painful memory scornetf into our sou[ 'E,ach imbetftfetf gem is a thorn in our sitfe 'E,ach ounce of sifver puffs us tfown .91.·mirror we harnessetf .91. shie[tf turnetf cage .91. pricefess treasure that is an imitation 'Who wil[bre.a!(tfie mirrorfirst?
'IJon 'E. 'l(asserman
Ch rysa[is 1994
s/r:j,n stretcfietf out {ify, humitf whose tra1UJ_uifswe{[s kft fuaves bent back§ .irea/?:j,ng in tfie prismetfgfaze spreaa thin fiR:!cofors clashing tfie white coo{ be{{y anti tan-tfrencft.etf thighs {im6s stiffen cfunch anti cfose ourffesh against tfiesun spfitopen consuming space antisfy {ying crushetf in broR:!n b{atfes tfiese bones ofgrass untfone
'Eric 'Bakf,r page 21
'I>epression I {u in tlie tfewygrass, untfer coUgray stone, out I am not tfiere. I five in a constant wfiirl in a constant souna, out I cannot fiear. I speafi:. insitfe my fieaa of some Rina of Conging, out I cannot care. I cry a tfiousana tears insitfe my urge to escape tfiisfear. I oreatfi. I sigfi. I cry. I ei(jst. 'But am I afive? I cannot teCL I am not tfecu{, tfiat s not my wiCL I reacfi for a fiana, out tfie air is stiff. I am asCeep against my wiCL
Cliristine 'll{{man
�· �
CfirysaCis 1994
page 23
'fv'ave at tlu. f(nees ofCovers s[uiiu p[ace tlu. fiut e1116race ofsf(in ta�pface tlu. 601ie.s enve(ope anaj(esfi enfoUs tlu.warm Hooaswming its patterns fiurfing iu a figfitgone stiff anacurung in tlu. nunneut arg as sta,ie tlu. seuses cruslu.a aCone au e;q;Cosw,, in tlu. eyes compfete tlu. tender tfiresfioU creeps aiscreete aiscovers sti[{ness lu.Uat 6ay witfiiu tfiis mb(ture stiffas day a[[ woras suspetufea in a mute cfefay tfteir 6ri[{iauce 6anis/u.a anapassea away. 'Eric '13a{(gr
Cfirysafis 1994
I watcfi as tfi.e woman steaaie.s fiersdf up fr011t tfi.e park.,6encfi, ane fuuu£ pressing tfi.e sma£[ 6ack,. tfi.e caressing tfi.egrowing (ife wliicfi is so o6vious 6eneatfi lier smoct Sfi.e wafkJ (ik? a tluck,. tlistrwuting weiglit as sfi.e (ifts une Ceg, tfien sfiifting tfi.e I sigli a,u{ liesitate, to seat mysdf un a park.,6encfi, efter reafi.zing tfiat my (ife 't require as mucfi effort as's aces rig/it now. (juiftfi([s my tfwugfits. I acn 't aeseroe as mucli re,st as slie aces. .f/lfter a((, wfiat fiave I acne to mafy tfiis worU tfie 6est pfacefor a cliiU (ik? Fiers to 6e wefc011tetl to? I watcli as tfi.e woman gazes into tfi.e witul'ow of a maft sfiop. 'Ilie 6a6y k.,ickJ insufe lier. I couU see tlie itttpre.ssion of a foot moving tfi.e materiaf oflier smoct It tfiink.,it's fiungry. Sfie craves sa,ne cliocofate mu£ a ii££pick.,fe. 'Ilie U1Jfe pr011tpts lier to pus/i. tfie gfass acor a,u{ waff(in. sfie never use/ to crave footl in 'I:l-llS c011t6ination! 'Everyune wouU lqww tfiat 's not fiow an �(j� woman eats. 'But, s011tefiow, a cliiU yet un6orn craves for ezyerience. It acesn 't {(now a maftfr011t a picf(fe, 6ut it craves tliemjust tlie sante. 'But sfie fiears lier cliiU's reque,st, antl answers pr011tpt{y. SudaenJy, I notice a f eeling of ezyectancy not e;r.act{y quite (ik? lier's, 6ut mucfi tlie sante. Sometliing te«s 11te to feave tlie parf(antl 'lJO S(]9r{'£'1'.J{J'l{fj. 'Before tliis 6a6y arrives in tliis worU. 'Io mafy itfee( a fittfe more werc011te a,u{ a fittfe more secure. I tliinf(Ifee( a f(insfiip witli its motlier. .f/l£( tfiefuture tfiat yet to arrive is cravingfor a worU tfiat's safe an/secure. I acn't tfiinf(tfiey &ow it yet. 'But, sti!I, I Ii.ear tfie ca((, a,u{ answer tfie smai( voice wliic/i. w/i.ispers to 11te in request. I tliinf(I fieartl liim 6efore-in tlie peacefa(sanctuary, sur rouncfetl 6y stainetlgfass wa«s antl a majestic ceifing. wliere I pray antl confess every now antl tfien. 'But I ten/ to carry fiittt outsufe witfi me, wfiere ever I go. 'M:Y Ca.J{sCI'E'J{CE. Just (ify tfie 6a6y insufe tlie woman's w011t6. It gives 11te even wouU Ii.ave tfiougfit new cravings I never wouU Ii.ave /i.aa un my own. unappetizing or intlif.ferent to it, tlie past. I waff( to tfie near6y cliurcli a,u{ step insufe. 'Ilie aisfe is Cong, antl I travd to tfie entl of it. Loof(ing up, I catcfi a maacnna smifing acwn at 11te as sfie cradles an image of 'lia6y Jesus in lier arms. I smife 6act !/'{p'W I uncferstantl. may6e 'Mary is reassure/. 'Wfierever slie is.
page 25
Listen to tlie 'Wina Listen to tfie wina.
Sfie fain in lier 6ea. Sfie 's starecf at tfie ceifing1 voices fiummecffrom tfie catfioie ray tu6e. Sfie's fain in lier 6ea. Sfie 's starecf at tfie ceifing. sfi.e 's ta[KS,c[ offaiec[ cfays. Sfie 's fain in lier 6etf.-sometimes turning1 sometimes sti[l ana watcfiec[ tfie Fi.andsgrace tlie num6ers so s[ow. Sfie 's fain in 6ea. :For a minute1 an /iouTj a cfay1 a yeaTi a cfecacfe. Sfie 's waitecffor tfie cfay wfien tfiey '[[ taKS, lier fiome. '!lases off[owers fean on tlie ta6fe. Petafs cfrop one 6y one. Moisture's tears ro[[ across petafs1 sfip anas [i c[ e ana kiss tfie Fi.arc[ suiface offate.
Once, we were as many as tfie waves on a tree out tfiere are no trees in tfiis wastefana Once, our warriors counted: coup, only toudiing tfie enemy scaCping, orougfit oy anotfier, made us savage Once, as fiunters we followed: tfie ouffaCo now tfiere are no ouffaCo Once, we roamed: tfie forests witfi tfie aeer ana tfie oear now tfiere is 011ÂŁy aust a1uÂŁfences Once, tfiere were no treaties wortfs spok?n were fionorea
Cliristine 'll{{man
Once, we fiaa a cfioice now tfiere is only tfie treaty Once, we cekoratea tfie oU ones now we oury our aeaa Once, we rejoiced:wfiere tfie grass grew ana tfie waterfom;ea out fiere tfie grass grows orOW/1 ana tfie waterfom;sfar away Once, we were a nation, a peopk now we are out spirits on tfie wina. Listen to tfie wina.
Cfirysafis 1994
1(ristina Stump page
Clirysa[is Staff 'Eaitors: James C. !Mi(Cer III--!Managing 'Eaitor Cfiristine 'll{{man--Proauction 'Eaitor Literarary 'Eaitors: 'Eric 'Ba/q,r 'Don 1(.asserman Scott Cser 'Design Committee: Cfiristy 'Dunn 'Don 1(.asserman Cliristine 'll{(man !Micfie{[e 'Weiaman Jlaviser:
'Dan (jri66in
Specia{ tfiankยง to: 'Betty 'BuckJ,ngfiam Jane Peters :freaa :N],cfiofs 'Dr. Jolin 1-(arat
Printea on 50% recyfcea paper containing at feast 15-50% post-consumer waste