KS2 - Year 6

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Key Stage 2 Year 6

A Fertile Heart Receiving & Giving Creative Love

Love is creative. To have a fertile heart is to love, grow and make a positive difference.





Foreword His Grace George Stack, Archbishop of Cardiff Feast of Our Lady of Mount Carmel “The Glory of God is humanity fully alive”. Thus wrote St. Irenaeus in the 3rd century. His words remain true to this day. They mean that God is the creator of the gift of life. In that gift, each human person receives a share in His own creative love. His revelation in life and love, as well as through creation, is pure gift. This is the ‘grace’ of which we speak, in order that “we may have life and have it to the full” (Gospel of St. John 10:10). This truth lies at the heart of the Gospel. It is what it means to be truly human. The gift of life is bestowed by God in order that we may flourish and thrive. We do this in the first place simply by living with gratitude. We do it by responding to His love in a life of joyful communion with Him. We express it by actively engaging in the good of others so that mutual ‘flourishing’ may take place. The more we give, the more we receive. The ‘Gospel of Life’ outlined above is, indeed, ‘Good News’. It is revealed in every aspect of human nature and creation itself. This is the life-giving teaching we seek to hand on to our children who are “the messages we send to tomorrow”. The Rite of Baptism reminds us that parents are the first and best teachers of their children. The Catholic school exists primarily to educate children to receive and respond to God’s love for each one of them and for all. Our schools are designed to help parents fulfil their God given task of caring for their children in the school of love. The Catholic school is not just a place for professional education – existing for improvement in learning - important though that is. It is a place of formation, a place in which ‘lessons for life’ are imparted, received and shared. The whole school community teaches and learns these lessons in a truly Catholic environment. Human relationships are obviously at the heart of life and flourishing. We are made to relate to each other, body, mind and spirit. The physical, emotional and spiritual reality of our being are part and parcel of the ‘holy trinity’ of each one of us. Thus affective sexuality education is a crucial part of human formation. A Fertile Heart is the culmination of several years work of dedicated individuals [teachers, theologians, education advisers and parents] from within the dioceses of Birmingham, Cardiff, Clifton, Arundel and Brighton and Shrewsbury. They have worked tirelessly to create a resource which puts the human person and the flourishing of our pupils at the heart of the Catholic school. It is offered as an important aid to pupils, parents, teachers, governors and clergy to remind us all that “We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to live the good life as from the beginning God had meant us to live it” (Ephesians 2:10).


Contents: Year 6 In Y6 we explore what it means to be a person and what it means to share human nature; we see how all of creation reflects the Trinity as initiator and receiver and responder in love; we look again at the rational knowledge of God’s existence; understand the importance of being; take a further look at tolerance and reflect on who we allow to influence us. We finish with mini-series of faith and science - because understanding the complementarity of faith and reason is vital to mature growth. Module 6a: God-given Nature, Freedom and Consent To understand more the given-ness of human nature. To get the most out of my potential, I need to, firstly, understand and accept my given-ness and then cooperate with it. Module 6b: Person and Nature To communicate we need something in common and something unique about us: our nature and my unique personhood respectively. We explore these and the idea of objective and subjective. Module 6c: Life is Fractal! We have seen how our relationship with God reflects the Trinity itself: initiator and receiver & responder united in love. However, all creation, and every part of creation, and every part of every part of creation reflects the relationship of the Trinity. We really are made in the image of God! Module 6d: Intellect, Order and Beauty All of creation reflects the Creator. Reflecting on the order and beauty of creation helps us see this. Module 6e: Being and Doing It is more important to be aware of my being, than my doing. Keeping Sunday holy, and prayer, are the best ways of peacefully getting in touch with my being, my relationship with God and what is important in life. Module 6f: Tolerance of what others think and do We learnt in 5f and 5g about tolerance, focused on God-given differences. This is now complemented by thinking how we should be tolerant of what others think, say and do - differences due to their choices. Module 6g: Formed in their image We are made in the image of God, but we also reflect who we admire. We explore how the part of me that is formed by my thoughts and actions is deeply affected by my choice of whom I most admire. Module 6h: Safe but not Scared We see that trust is never blind: and that it doesn’t hurt to share a concern with an adult. We help the children get better in touch with their inner ‘alarm bells’, so as to be as safe as possible. Module 6i: Faith and Science: the Beginning Faith and Science can truly enrich our lives. Questions about the beginning of the Universe and its purpose are deep within us. Physics tries to help us understand what happened; theology, why: the search for both truths is important and helps us understand ourselves. Module 6j: Faith and Evolution Similar to the last module, we see that the evolution of life is in harmony with the Christian faith. What we know from God and from reason helps us understand the mystery of evolution - both the ‘how’ and the ‘why’. Module 6k: Science and Christianity History shows that science has uniquely come alive in the Christian culture. Reason reveals why. Believing in a lawful God who made us, soul and body, in his image, to discover his truth, and who calls us to journey into the fullness of that truth, is exactly what we need for science to ignite.

Year 6 Module h


Safe but not Scared

Learning Objectives To see that trust is never blind: it doesn’t hurt to share a concern with an adult. To understand that the better in touch I get with my inner ‘alarm bells’, the safer I will be. Step 1 Watch: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZpYMr-Ed0Q God speaking to Moses from the Burning Bush (4:09). How did Moses feel when God spoke to him in the burning bush? Scared! God asked Moses to do something he wasn’t happy about. Moses must have felt two very strong emotions: awe and panic - this is God!- but he is asking me to do something I don’t want to do! Argh! However, God is loving. He understood that Moses needed reassuring. So, he reminded him of his faithfulness, and suggested he took Aaron with him. This is really important. God doesn’t believe in blind trust! Not even of him. Read Eph. 2:10. God has created us for amazing things - we are his masterpiece! He teaches us to be open, but not careless. He gave us a brain to use, not to bypass! So, he always answers our genuine concerns. I can trust Jesus completely, but he still helps me in my genuine confusion. Step 2 This is important for all our relationships. Trust should never be blind. If we didn’t trust anyone, we would never grow; if we trusted everything then we would soon get hurt. A kind person won’t be insulted if you are confused that what they are saying or asking doesn’t seem right. It is never wrong to politely ask them why, or even to wait and then ask an adult you do know you can trust. It might be that, like Moses, you can be reassured that it is okay. But, just sometimes, it might be that something isn’t quite right.

“We are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God has called us to do.” Ephesians 2:10

Success Criteria 1. I can understand that I have spiritual and physical places that people shouldn’t ‘enter’ without permission. 2. I can see how understanding my inner alarm system, and not being afraid to communicate my concerns, keeps me safe without being scared.

We do have something within us that helps - we have ‘alarm bells’ that go off inside us if something doesn’t feel right. When does the fire alarm go off in school? What do we do when it does? What would happen if we always assumed it was a false alarm? Explain: Don’t be scared to raise any concerns with an adult you can trust: they can help you see if it is a ‘real fire’ - small or large - or a false alarm. In this lesson, we are going to test your ‘fire alarm’! Ask: If an adult you don’t know talks to you, what do you do? Go through different scenarios: visitor with the headteacher; visitor I welcomed into class; stranger in school; stranger on street. Explain: People should never try and win your trust by offering you nice things. If you have a concern, they should answer the concern, not try and distract you from it. Always tell an adult you trust about anyone unexpectedly talking to you. That keeps us safe but not scared. Step 3 Explain: We are all special! When Moses approached the burning bush, God told him to show respect because he was on holy ground. You are holy ground! God lives in you. You are a child of God. So everyone should treat you with dignity and respect - and you them. There are lots of things you know about yourself! (Activity 1.) Some are public knowledge; some are ‘private space’. When you are in a safe conversation, it is okay 96

A Fertile Heart | Receiving & Giving Creative Love

Moses is uncertain.

Key Point There is a difference between keeping something personal and keeping something secret. If someone talks to you about something private to you, and then tells you to keep the conversation a secret, your alarm bells should ring loudly. And please, please remember that sharing a concern will not lead to you being told it was your fault. Don’t let your fears or anyone else tell you otherwise.

“For I know the plans I have for you, plans for peace and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

to answer such questions regarding ‘public knowledge’. But some things are more private space - maybe concerning things that have hurt or confused you in the past, or made you sad, like a relative dying. I might ask you sensitively about this, but if someone else did, you might be confused why they were asking. Alarm bells would start off inside you. It might be that you just aren’t comfortable about talking about that subject. But it might be that they shouldn’t be asking. You never have to answer about private subjects if you feel those alarm bells. If someone gets annoyed with you for not answering, then more alarm bells should go off. There can be other times when you can feel that your inner private space is being invaded: if someone tries to bully you; or dares you to do something you shouldn’t; or you see something on the internet that makes you feel uncomfortable. Listen to your alarm bells. Remember, I’m not trying to scare you, I’m trying to keep you safe. We have had a fire alarm system in school every day of your life here - how often are you afraid of a fire? You’re not! Because we have the alarm system, and you know what to do when the alarm goes off. This is the same. By learning about our inner ‘alarm bells’ and understanding how to respond to them you can feel safe, but not scared.

Fire alarms keep us safe.

Public knowledge and private space.


A Fertile Heart Receiving & Giving Creative Love

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