Research #1 Priority Since Day One. Dr. Jerry Wilhm talks about the early days of research at the North Central Research Station.
Flavonol Polymer TechnologyTM Explained Dr. Chris Underwood explains Flavonol Polymer TechnologyTM using Pro-Germinator as an example.
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Permanent Plots | Phosphorus Stephanie Zelinko
New Research Website Angi Bunn
[INCREASE] Alfalfa Tonnage and Digestibility Immediately Daniel Peterson
Manage Nitrogen for Efficiency Tim Duckert
Flavonol Polymer Technology Dr. Chris Underwood
Research Has Always Been #1 Priority Dr. Jerry Wilhm
Ammonia Loss Dr. Zouheir Massri
The North Central Research Station focuses on harvesting and collecting data. The lastest in product development results, fertilizer trials in your area, and the full 2016 research report is available at 2
Since 1994, the North Central Research Station has been compiling crop nutrition research. In addition to the fieldwork conducted at the NCRS, AgroLiquid contracts research conducted throughout the country on numerous crops, and monitors Professional Field Experiences to provide regional data to our reports. Testing in all areas is conducted as comparisons against other fertility products, no fertilizer, or to determine a best management practice for using AgroLiquid products. The amount of research complied in more than 20 years is vast and varied. Historically, it has been
difficult to navigate these research results; until now. AgroLiquid has introduced a searchable page on their website for Crop Nutrient Research. There are a variety of search options, such as year, crop, state, nutrients, application method, product and more. This tool allows for easily searching and finding the crop nutrient research of interest.
Go to to explore the site.
Stephanie Zelinko Field Agronomy Research Manager With AgroLiquid’s unique product formulations and Flavonol Polymer Technology™, a lot of questions arise, especially with regards to the reduced rate structure. Two of the most common questions received are: ‘will AgroLiquid products really work at the “low rates” for many years,’ and, ‘can they do this without mining nutrients from the soil’. In an effort to answer those questions, the North Central Research Station (NCRS) has been proving AgroLiquid’s product performance for over 20 years. In the early days of research at the NCRS, a longterm study was developed to look at program comparisons to address these questions. This experiment, in a corn and soybean crop rotation, ran for 10 years. Upgrades to equipment did not allow for further testing at that time.
In 2011, a new long-term study was developed in a new location at the NCRS to further address these questions and prove AgroLiquid’s reduced rate recommendations and product performance. Similar to the first experiment, in this study researchers make yield comparison in the field along with monitor soil fertility levels over time. Three main fertilizer treatments are compared to a check in a corn and soybean crop rotation. Each treatment is placed in the field using GPS technology with Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) correction to ensure that the treatment is always placed in the same location. This allows for monitoring of long-term yield and soil changes based on the different fertilizer programs. The fertilizer programs were developed based on soil test recommendation for 175 bu/A corn and 50 bu/A soybeans.
168.1bu/a Corn Yield
10 Year Average | 1996-2005 North Central Research Station
163.5bu/a Corn Yield
159.4bu/a Corn Yield
43.9bu/a Soybean Yield
Soybean Yield
66ppm Bray P2
52ppm Bray P1
Bray P2
Soybean Yield
Bray P2
52ppm Bray P1
Bray P1
Conv. Liquid/Dry
Conv. Dry
Corn Program 3 gal Pro-Germinator (IF)
Corn Program 7.5 gal 10-34-0 (2x2)
Corn Program 65 lbs DAP (PPI)
(8 lbs actual Phosphorus)
(27.75 lbs actual Phosphorus)
(29.9 lbs actual Phosphorus)
5 gal Sure-K (IF) 2 qt Micro500 (IF) 47 gal 28% + eNhance (SD) Soybean Program 5 gal Sure-K (IF) 2 qt Micro 500 (IF)
200 lbs Potash (fall) 1 qt Mn (2x2) 1 qt Zn (2x2) 57 gal 28% (SD) Soybean Program Carryover Potash
200 lbs Potash (fall) 365 lbs Urea (PPI) 8 lbs Zn (PPI) Soybean Program Carryover Potash 5
6 Year Average | 2011-2016 North Central Research Station
Corn Yield
198.1bu/a Corn Yield
199.2bu/a Corn Yield
77.1bu/a Soybean Yield
73.2bu/a Soybean Yield
72.8bu/a Soybean Yield
48ppm Bray P2
Bray P1
Bray P2
Bray P1
Bray P2
Bray P1
Conv. Liquid/Dry
Conv. Dry
Corn Program 3 gal Pro-Germinator (IF)
Corn Program 7.5 gal 10-34-0 (2x2)
Corn Program 65 lbs DAP (PPI)
(8 lbs actual Phosphorus)
(27.75 lbs actual Phosphorus)
(29.9 lbs actual Phosphorus)
5 gal Sure-K (IF) 2 qt Micro500 (IF) 47 gal 28% + eNhance (SD) Soybean Program 5 gal Sure-K (IF) 2 qt Micro 500 (IF)
200 lbs Potash (fall) 1 qt Mn (2x2) 1 qt Zn (2x2) 57 gal 28% (SD) Soybean Program Carryover Potash
200 lbs Potash (fall) 365 lbs Urea (PPI) 8 lbs Zn (PPI) Soybean Program Carryover Potash
Conclusion The table shows yield results from the first longterm study and results to date of the second study. In both cases, the AgroLiquid program continue to provide yields slightly better than the two conventional fertilizer programs, even with lower rates of fertilizer being applied. Similarly there has been little to no change in soil test values, compared to the values at the start of
the experiment. Research at the North Central Research Station provides a building block for growers across the county, giving them confidence that AgroLiquid can work for them. That’s our main goal at the NCRS, proving AgroLiquid products work so we can help Prosper the Farmer!
[INCREASE] Alfalfa Tonnage and Digestibility Immediately Daniel Peterson, CCA, SSp Field Agronomy Manager Many 2017 alfalfa fertilization programs have already been decided. As the order for the potash, phosphate, sulfur, and micronutrients is submitted, what are the reasons, or goals, for applying that fertilizer? Why fertilize alfalfa? Some reasons would likely include increasing or maintaining yield or avoiding “mining” the soil. There is another reason that AgroLiquid customers are discovering, and it ties in with the industry’s understanding that the digestibility of a ration’s forage component has a large impact on a cow’s milk production. That is why cut timing is carefully managed, weather conditions are closely monitored, weeds and insects are controlled, and the bunks are filled and packed quickly. Recently the dairy industry is also paying more attention to alfalfa fiber digestibility. For several years dairy customers have been saying that AgroLiquid fertilizers were doing something to their forages that went beyond more tons. They were getting more tons and more milk/ cow/day when the AgroLiquid treated alfalfa was fed compared to their conventionally fertilized alfalfa. Then, last year, these personal accounts were put to the test when Poplar Farms Sales and Service near Manitowoc, WI, in cooperation with their Dairyland Seeds representative, decided to split north/south an alfalfa variety plot which was planted east/west. The field split compared conventional dry potash top-dressed against AgroLiquid’s Sure-K applied foliar at 6”. They tested each variety on each treatment for quality
and digestibility in addition to dry matter yield. The results were significant, with markedly better Neutral Detergent Fiber Digestibility (NDFD), protein, Relative Feed Quality (RFQ), milk/ton and milk/acre on the Sure-K side. AgroLiquid Field Agronomy Manager for the upper Midwest, Dan Peterson, took note of these results and conducted an additional 11 alfalfa field and test plot trials across Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota during 2016. He discovered the results were indeed repeatable, with all 11 trials showing positive results for the AgroLiquid treatments versus the conventional fertilizer treatments. This level of repeatability is unusual in agronomic testing, and provides strong evidence that AgroLiquid foliar products are doing something unique in the plant, something that other liquid foliar and dry fertilizers are not doing. The 11 field splits and test plots were across several different conventional dry and foliar treatments and were compared side-by-side to various AgroLiquid foliar treatments. The average of the results across all fields and cuttings showed remarkable results from the AgroLiquid treatments: • 37.3% more dry matter/acre. • 2.6 more lbs of milk/cow/day (per NDFD). • Over 20% faster digestion rate (per the Dynamic NDF kd). • 5% more protein. • 40.5% more milk/acre.
The trials were from new seeding through 4th year stands, across different cuttings, soil types, soil fertility levels, and geographies. The AgroLiquid treatments were compared to conventional dry fertilizers, top-dress manure, and competing foliar products. Although the results varied, in every trial the AgroLiquid treatment resulted in a large ROI over the other treatments. In addition, in every trial the AgroLiquid treated side reached maturity between cuttings three to five days quicker than the conventional fertilizer or manure side of the fields. This may allow an additional cutting for the season. Dairy producers who participated in these trials noted not only the faster regrowth but more and larger leaves and less of the typical leaf yellowing below the canopy. The question is how do AgroLiquid’s plant nutrient products achieve these remarkable tonnage and digestibility improvements in alfalfa? The answer is likely their unique Flavonol Polymer TechnologyTM. The flavonol organic polymer facilitates better nutrient uptake and utilization within the plants with less metabolic energy expended. Review the individual alfalfa trials at research. For more information, contact an AgroLiquid agronomist or sales representative, or go to
Manage Nitrogen for Efficiency
Tim Duckert Field Agronomy Research Manager
One of the major players impacting corn yield is nitrogen. The source of nitrogen being used, the placement of the nitrogen, what time it is applied and the environmental conditions of the growing season all have a direct effect on the efficiency and utilization of each pound of nitrogen applied. When grain prices are low and margins are tight, growers should look for efficient means to improve nitrogen utilization. A look at how the plant uses nitrogen can help to find ways for improving nitrogen efficiency. The nitrogen needs of the crop are small early in the growing season and increase rapidly after the V-8 growth stage. This growth stage begins a rapid development of new plant tissue, which requires large amounts of nitrogen for the process. Following the vegetative growth stage is the reproductive stage, which can also use high amounts of nitrogen. This stage, however, will use some nitrogen from the plant and some from the soil.
Research from DuPont Pioneer, conducted from 2009-20131, has shown that nitrogen needed for grain development originates from both remobilized N in the plant and uptake from the soil; and that newer hybrids take up additional nitrogen post flowering compared to older hybrids. AgroLiquid has always advocated for choosing the right products, timing, rate and placement to maximize the crop’s growing potential. Choosing a product like High NRG-NTM, with a slow release curve, can lengthen the availability of nitrogen and ensure that the crop has ample supplies during reproductive stages. Of course the timing of application can have an impact on how long it is available to the crop. Research at the North Central Research Station suggests that a sidedress application of High NRG-N near V5 provides efficient, season-long available nitrogen. New sidedress methods of applying in tall corn such as the Hagie NTB coulter injection or 360 Yield Y-Drops can put additional nitrogen on during
Application Method
Pre Emergence CI at V5 1/3 Pre; 2/3 CI V5 1/3 Pre; 2/3 YD V5 1/3 Pre; 2/3 CI V5; CI V10 1/3 Pre; 2/3 YD V5; YD V10
125.3 133.7 128.5 141.4 128.8 130.7
136.0 148.2 141.4 154.9 148.7 133.8
130.7 141.0 135.0 148.2 138.8 132.3
the late vegetative and *(CI) Coulter Inject *(YD) Y-Drops reproductive stages. These methods allow later growth stage applications to continue feeding newer hybrids in the reproductive stages and would suggest a quicker acting nitrogen such as PRIMAGRO N™ or a UAN product with eNhance™ to be a better source. Split applications of nitrogen also show excellent utilization of the nutrient. The chart is a comparison of two consecutive years of different methods of placement and timing of nitrogen applications. All treatments used High NRG-N™ as a nitrogen source. Convenience is often the reason for many pre-emergence applications of nitrogen. However, there is high risk of nitrogen loss from this convenience. Potentially better options are a sidedress application at V5, which puts the nitrogen closer to the greatest uptake period of
growth or split applications which include two or more trips of smaller amounts to reach the needed rate of nitrogen. As seen in the chart, split applications can achieve greater yields from the same amount of applied nitrogen. The highest two-year yield average was a split of 1/3 High NRG-N applied pre-emergence and 2/3 applied with Y-Drop at V5. Both years that appear on the chart represent challenging growing conditions. Excess moisture was prevalent in 2015 and may have caused early season nitrogen loss, while 2016 had drought like conditions for late June, July and early August. Yields are lower than normally expected for these experiment areas. Source: DuPont Pioneer > High Yield Production > Corn Nitrogen Management > Nitrogen Management on Corn 1
Dr. Chris Underwood Chemist For over 30 years, AgroLiquid has used the same plant-derived polymer in our Flavonol Polymer Technology for a number of uses. We use this plant-derived technology to slowly release nitrogen to the crop, encapsulate polyphosphate to prevent tie-up, and chelate nutrients to allow for better crop uptake. This molecule had remained unchanged‌until now. AgroLiquid has now developed Targeted Molecular Expression, which gives us the ability to perform chemistries on this polymer to create a new generation of products. By targeting a part of the molecule and expressing it with new structural features, we can change the release rate of nitrogen, improve the storability of
liquid phosphorus, and improve the chelation of nutrients in more extreme soil pH, among other feats. Phosphorus is a nutrient that is critical for early plant development in a crop as well as in the reproductive stages. AgroLiquid commits considerable resources to providing answers on managing this nutrient. We apply phosphorus fertilizer products to a wide variety of crops and in just about every method imaginable. The mismanagement of phosphorus has come under scrutiny in recent years. Phosphorus can travel with any soil that is moved via wind or water. AgroLiquid’s philosophy on sustainable
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Expressing a Target
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Flavonol Polymer Technology H2SO4
: : SO3H
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SO3H :
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agriculture is to generate the maximum crop response from minimum applications of fertilizer. Phosphorus, once applied to the soil, can suffer many fates other than plant uptake. There are many elements in the soil, such as iron, calcium, and aluminum, which can combine with phosphorus and prevent it from reaching its intended destination of being transported into the plant. Recent studies have also shown that phosphate is mobile in soil water, allowing for movement through leaching or drainage. AgroLiquid’s Flavonol Polymer Technology encapsulates the polyphosphate in our phosphorus products, allowing this nutrient to be protected until the plant is ready to absorb it. Since the polymer is plant-derived, it can be broken down
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by soil microbes to slowly release phosphate units from the long-chain polyphosphate, minimizing soil tie-up and leaching. This results in very high efficiency of use at low rates. For example, many years of field studies show that Pro-Germinator (9-24-3) has the performance of 10-13 lbs. of phosphorus per gallon, while it has 2.69 lbs. of actual phosphorus per gallon. Our technology allows the plant to receive needed nutrition more efficiently than conventional dry and liquid fertilizers. As the nutrient reaches the intended destination in the plant, the phosphorus isn’t subject to movement from the cropping environment through erosion or leaching.
PRIMAGRO™ N PRIMAGRO™ N is a fast-acting 30% nitrogen fertilizer containing sulfur. PRIMAGRO™ N is stabilized through proprietary flavonol polymer technology that protects the nitrogen while reducing losses from nitrate leaching and ammoniacal or urea volatility. PRIMAGRO N contains a proprietary formulation of nitrogenfixing bacteria and BioActivitesTM that further enhance the sequestration of atmospheric nitrogen in the root zone.
PRIMAGRO™ P Enriched with colonizing populations of phosphorus oxidizing microbes and a proprietary blend of organically derived BioActivitesTM, PRIMAGRO™ P delivers both ortho and carbon protected polymer phosphate, providing available phosphorus throughout the growing season. PRIMAGRO™ Technology allows poor soils to more effectively hold applied nutrients. In better soils, the technology stimulates fungal and bacterial decomposition that releases phosphorus held within organic matter.
PRIMAGRO™ K PRIMAGRO™ K is an advanced, high-efficiency potassium solution containing sulfur with a near perfect pH for the effective delivery of organically derived biological components. The PRIMAGRO™ technology in K deploys targeted microbe populations that decompose organic matter in the root zone releasing potassium while strengthening the potassium absorption mechanisms within the plant. PRIMAGRO™ K is Chloride and Hydroxide free.
PRIMAGRO™ C-TECH PRIMAGRO™ C-TECH contains organic matter, live strains of beneficial fungi, bacteria, and soil-activated chelates that help better hold nutrients in poor soil types, potentially improve seed application safety, release nutrients within soil solution, promote biological activity and help increase overall plant health. PRIMAGRO™ C-TECH may be used as an additive to other fertilizer products*, or as a standalone application. C-TECH is OMRI listed for organic use. *Always test compatibility when using PRIMAGRO™ C-TECH with any non-AgroLiquid product.
Think Beyond Fertilizers. Most fertilizers, when responsibly applied, will produce an acceptable yield. But, all fertilizer products currently available have limitations, forcing farmers to make concessions when trying to find economical solutions that will optimize yield, strengthen soil biology and provide application efficiency. Biologicals are expensive. Humates and PGRs are messy. Tank mixing multiple products with unknown compatibility is a pain. All obstacles that make integrating these components impractical. PRIMAGROTM allows farmers to realize the synergistic benefit biologicals, humates and PGRs provide, simply and economically. Through Targeted Molecular Expression, AgroLiquid formulates specific microbes and BioActivitesTM into balanced plant nutrients. This produces easy-to-use, precision solutions designed to supply season-long nutrition and optimize yields while creating a robust, biologically-active soil. Soil –14 Efficiency – Yield. PRIMAGROTM Technology delivers it all.
Research Has Always Been #1 Priority Dr. Jerry Wilhm Senior Research Manager Sometimes to better understand where you are, it’s good to look back to where you’ve been. At AgroLiquid, we have always believed that when you have unique nutrient formulations, it’s up to you to prove that they work. That was the task when I joined what was then Agro-Culture Liquid Fertilizers back in 1992. I recall setting up some plots on growers’ fields as had been done since Doug Cook and Troy Bancroft started the company nearly a decade before. But AgroLiquid was poised for growth, and the best way to nurture that growth was to establish a company-owned research farm. Thus in the fall of 1993, the North Central Research Station (NCRS) was established on 30 acres of ground owned by Cook and Bancroft. The first order of business was weed control and the biggest culprit was the dreaded perennial
Quackgrass. A lot of people farming today have never even seen Quackgrass. Oddly enough, that was the subject of my Ph.D. research at Michigan State University. I guess I could take credit for its control and virtual elimination, but RoundupReady crops probably helped some too. However, that year we had to do it the old way by spraying Roundup in the spring. This was my first job at the NCRS. The equipment was a little simpler then. Many people from across North American have attended summer events at the NCRS. They have evolved from Field Days to Professional Liquid Fertilizer Programs (PLFPs) to Research Field Days to AgroExpo. But, in 1994 it was a small Field Day where area growers and AgroLiquid personnel were invited to see what we had started. It has grown each year, so that we now welcome growers from many states and several countries.
Quackgrass control was the first priority at the NCRS in the spring of 1994.
Planting plots with our three-row toolbar planter.
Young Nick Bancroft and his Grandfather, Doug Cook, go see how harvest is progressing.
Yield results that first year showed us how a reduced rate of Sure-K through the planter would produce better soybean yields than that of a higher rate of broadcast potash. In addition to field plots, we established smaller, side-by-side test plots to measure product performance. This looks odd now, but at the time it gave us a good look at AgroLiquid nutrition vs.
the conventionals. We had a variety of crops here like corn, soybeans, sweet corn, tomatoes, Navy beans and more. One thing that we proved in the early days of the NCRS is the ability of foliar applications to enhance yield. This is common practice now, but much less common in the early ‘90s. There was an area that was deficient in manganese that became apparent
on soybeans. We used backpack sprayers more then, and I sprayed some rows with MicroLink Manganese, and the results were obvious. This led to further testing with nutrients like Sure-K. Today foliar applications of Sure-K and other nutrients like manganese are common in soybeans.
and is now nearly 1,000 acres, utilizing large and modern equipment and a professional staff of researchers. However, despite the different scale and size, the mission of the NCRS remains the same: to Prosper The Farmer.
Then, as now, the purpose of all of this research is to support our products with knowledge to be shared. The NCRS has grown in the past 20 years,
AgroLiquid N Formulations Enable Reduced Ammonia Volatility Loss Dr. Zouheir Massri Soil Fertility and Crop Research Specialist
Ammonium (NH4+) is an active form of usable nitrogen in soil. Flavonol Polymer Technology is utilized in several of AgroLiquid’s nitrogen fertilizers to enable ammonium release into the soil from a protected form to extend usability during the growing season. Extended nitrogen release and resulting ammonia loss reduction is one of the reasons for the proven history of producing excellent yields During the summer of 2016, experiments were conducted to measure ammonia loss from several liquid nitrogen formulations
Pounds of N per acre lost to volatilization
10 Cumulative loss of ammonia expressed in pounds of ammonium collected after 48 days
using a closed-static method known as “passive sampler”. This closed system used a container containing 20 ml of a dilute sample (0.05 M) of sulfuric acid to capture ammonia as it volatilized from the broadcast surface applications of 100 lb/A of nitrogen. The treatments were: 1) 28% UAN; 2) 28% 28% UAN +Agrotain stabilizer; 3) 28% UAN+ eNhance; 4) NB-15 (the nutritional component used in PRIMAGRO N); 4) High NRG-N (27% N); and 5) no nitrogen (control). Measurements were collected for 48 days to compare the cumulative loss of ammonia. 28% UAN 28% UAN/ Agrotain 28% UAN/ eNhance NB-15 (experimental 30% N) High NRG-N
6 (Temperature)
2 60°
6/28/16 18
28% UAN ce 28%/eNhan
G -N High NR
n tai o r Ag
All treatments applied 100 lb/A of nitrogen from the various formulations. Results showed the highest ammonia loss from 28% UAN, with only minor reduction from the addition of Agrotain. The addition of eNhance further reduced ammonia loss. However, both NB-15 and High NRG-N reduced ammonia loss by over twenty percent. This is one of the reasons for comparable yield production with the reduced rate of application that is seen with High NRG-N and NB-15. Interestingly, there was measurable ammonia collected from the Control (no N application). Future evaluations will include other formulations such as urea.