Discipleship Training Series - Book 5

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e l p sam o n ly Discipleship Training Book 5 My personal obedience Tim Hawkins

Published by Christian Education Publications January 2004 Copyright Š Tim Hawkins 2004 Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version. Copyright Š 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Apart from any fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review as permitted under the Copyright Act, no part of this book may be reproduced by any process without the written permission of the publisher. Christian Education Publications, PO Box A287, Sydney South, NSW 1235 National Library of Australia ISBN 978-1-876960-40-7 Editor: Mamie Long Design/Illustration: Anthony Wallace Printed in Australia



DISCIPLESHIP TRAINING Understand your new life

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Book 1 My new life

God has called you to an exciting new life following him. This book will show you what God has already done to ensure that you will keep growing as his precious child. Ten studies that cover the fundamentals of being both a disciple and a disciple-maker.

Deepen your relationship

These books will help you to understand and love our magnificent God, and show you how to deepen your relationship with him through prayer around his word. Book 2 My awesome God

Book 3 My intimate relationship

Nine studies exploring the character of this marvellous God who calls us to relate to him. We investigate the enormity of God as Father, Son and Spirit.

Ten studies designed to ground the growing disciple in the immense blessings of being immersed in a life of soaking in God’s Word, and in prayer.

Live as a faithful disciple Now you are ready to put it all into action in your personal walk with God, and in your active ministry to others. Book 4 My mission from God These nine studies explore the tasks that God has given us here on planet Earth. We look at being a witness, an ambassador, and a faithful manager of God’s gifts and blessings.

Book 5 My personal obedience These eleven studies focus on areas of personal obedience, and challenge the disciple to ‘put on’ the new life that is theirs in Christ Jesus. 1




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Discipleship is not just a series of Bible studies. It is a lifetime of learning how to be totally committed to Jesus in every area of your life. Discipleship Training isn’t just a matter of ‘going through a course’. Your main training as a disciple will be through the learning relationship that you have with your trainer. Everything in this course will need to be put into practice in your life. The aim of this training is to help you grow as a disciple so that you will be better equipped to ‘go and make disciples’.


Book 5 My personal obedience



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1 How to treat Jesus as Lord


2 How to really trust God


3 How to live a new life


4 How to make godly decisions


5 My speech


6 My submission (including parents!) 25 7 Study


8 Alcohol


9 Being in love


10 Sex


11 Instant replay


My time with God chart Sermon notes

46 48


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Book 5 My personal obedience



How to treat Jesus as Lord

Descipleship means growing in your relationship with God, and making changes in your life. Now let’s think about whether Jesus is Lord of every area of our lives.

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1 What do these verses teach you about what it means for Jesus to be the ‘Lord’?

a) Colossians 1:15-20 b) Hebrews 1:1-3

c) Philippians 2:6-11 d) Romans 14:7-9

e) Revelation 19:11-16 f) John 13:12-15

2 How does Jesus – the Lord – want me to respond to him – as Lord? a) Luke 6:46-49 b) Romans 6:11-14 c) Colossians 3:23-24 d) Matthew 28:18-20


Jesus IS Lord, and if you’ve become a Christian you have made a decision to treat him as Lord. You must then allow his lordship to penetrate EVERY area of your life. Consider the following table and add any other areas of your life that are missing.

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Book 5 My personal obedience


I must submit every area of my life to his lordship My thoughts

My friends

How I spend my free time

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My attitude to school or work

The things I own

My education

How I treat my family

My attitude to school or work

My sexuality

My attitude to teachers, bosses

My church involvement

My career

How I spend my money

My speech 7

3 Think carefully about your life and see how effectively you are

submitting all areas of your life to the control and lordship of Jesus.

a) What are some areas of your life where you have already made a decision to submit to Jesus’ lordship?

b) What areas are there where you are not fully submitting to Jesus’ lordship?

c) What changes can you make so that you submit the WHOLE of your life to Jesus’ lordship?

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This is the first half of a great passage that shows how mighty Jesus really is.

Memory Verse

The Lordship of Christ Colossians 1:15-17 He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For by him all things were created: things in heaven and on earth, visible and invisible, whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities; all things were created by him and for him. He is before all things and in him all things hold together. The My 3 friends space below is for you to write the names of friends you are praying will come to know Jesus and to continue praying for them.

My 3 friends...


Book 5 My personal obedience

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