Youthworks Bible Studies - Job

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e l p sam o n ly

Introducing Job


e l p sam o n ly First published November 2004 Anglican Youthworks PO Box A287, Sydney South NSW 1235 Tel: 61 2 8268 3344 Copyright Š Anglican Youthworks 2004 This book is copyright. Apart from fair dealing for the purposes of private study, research, criticism or review, as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without written permission. Inquiries should be addressed to the publishers. Scripture quotations taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version, copyright Š 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. ISBN 978-1-876960-26-1 Written by Ken Moser

Introducing Job Get ready to go on an amazing adventure. Job is one of the most exciting and unusual books in the whole Bible. Read what these people in the past have said about this book: ‘This book is magnificent and sublime (awesome) as no other book of scripture.’ MARTIN LUTHER

‘The greatest poem of ancient or modern times.’ ALFRED, LORD TENNYSON

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‘The Old Testament book about Job is one of the supreme offerings of the human mind to the loving God and one of the best gifts of God to men.’ FRANCIS ANDERSON

The book of Job is a book filled with marvellous imagery and lots of surprises. In fact it has almost everything you could want from a great story. Job is a rich man and a keen believer in God who loses everything, including his family, his life’s savings and his health. There is a great ‘contest’ between God and Satan as to whether Job will remain faithful to God even if he loses all that he has. Job has four clumsy friends who, although they love Job, keep giving him bad advice and depressing him further instead of helping. The story concludes with God appearing to Job out of a storm and giving back everything that had been taken away. Job is the story of a faithful man being tested to the edge.

Issues you will face in the book of Job 1. The problem of innocent people suffering The problem of suffering (why people suffer) has troubled people for countless years. Is God weak? Doesn’t he care? Why doesn’t he do something? While the book of Job doesn’t answer all these questions it does provide some helpful guidelines for thinking through this issue. 2. The existence of Satan – our evil enemy The book of Job shows us that we have an enemy who seeks to destroy our trust in God and devour us. While he is nowhere near as powerful as God, he will use any power that he has to destroy our faith. Introducing Job


3. Trusting the sovereignty of God (sovereignty = power and control) The book of Job reveals that God is in control of everything. Everything! God is in control even when everything points to the opposite conclusion. This book encourages us to trust God through any difficulty. By the way, his name is pronounced Jobe (not like something you do to earn money)! Enjoy this fantastic book. Ken Moser

e l p sam o n ly


YOUTHWORKS Bible study series


Job’s first test

JOB 1:1–22 :: SHARE Have you ever lost (or had stolen) something valuable? What was it? How did you feel? Were you angry at anyone about it? OR What is something that would make you very upset if you lost it?

e l p sam o n ly :: INTRODUCING JOB

Read Job 1:1–5

Try to give a description of what you think Job’s lifestyle would be like if he were living today. (For example: What would his family life be like? What would his house be like? What car do you think he would drive? How rich would he be?

What kind of person is Job? (Describe his character.)

Job’s first test



Read Job 1:6–12

What does this story teach us about Satan?

Why does God allow Satan to take everything away from Job?

What do you think about God versus Satan? Tick one of the boxes below then discuss your answers.

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Two equals fighting

Good versus evil

A huge giant versus a tiny ant

Does Job 1:6–12 teach us anything about the limitations of Satan’s power?

: : E V E R Y T H I N G I S T A K E N F R O M J O B Read Job 1:13–19 List everything that was taken away from Job Verses 14–15

Verse 16

Verse 17

Verse 18–19


YOUTHWORKS Bible study series

If everything had been taken away from you, which of the following statements would you say? Choose one and discuss your answers. ‘My life is over.’ ‘God is in control.’ ‘How can I get it all back?’ ‘Who did this?’ ‘I’m gonna get them.’ (Anything else?)______________ : : J O B ’ S FA I T H F U L R E S P O N S E

Read Job 1:20–22

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What is Job’s response? How is his response different from how you would have responded?

Have you ever been angry towards God because things didn’t go well? (What did you say to God at the time?)

How have you responded to suffering in your life so far?

Job’s first test


:: MEMORY VERSE ‘Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked I will depart. The Lord gave and the Lord has taken away; may the name of the Lord be praised.’ Job 1:21 : : P R AY That you will trust God even when things get tough. :: NOTES

e l p sam o n ly


YOUTHWORKS Bible study series

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